The “News” Media–Part Of The Ruling Class

by Al Benson Jr.

According to “Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all media outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations…” Now that would be an expose for Fox News to deal with, but don’t hold your breath waiting for it to happen. This may be forbidden territory to the vast percentage of our “news” media.

The article continues: “The CFR and its close to 5,000 elite members for decades have shaped US foreign policy…As a well-known Council member famously explained, they transformed the American republic into a global empire, albeit a benevolent one.” I’m afraid many would legitimately quibble about how “benevolent” the US “empire” has really been.

In a column entitled “Ruling Class Journalists” a former Washington Post senior editor, Richard Harwood, told his readers that the CFR and its members were “the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States.” That’s quite an admission. And the average person remains blissfully unaware–and that on purpose! Harwood continued: “The membership of these journalists in the Council …is an acknowledgement of their active and important role in public affairs and of their ascendency into the American ruling class,…They are part of that establishment whether they like it or not, sharing most of its values and world views.” And I imagine, from what I’ve seen of some “journalists” so called, they pretty much like it.

Important CFR members have included several presidents and vice-presidents, almost all secretaries of state, treasury, and defense, many influential members of Congress, and practically all CIA directors, U.N. ambassadors, chairpersons of the Federal Reserve, presidents of the World Bank…many prominent academics in areas such as economics and political science.” Truly a group of unelected rulers. Interestingly enough, the CFR had “key members of both the 9/11 Commission and the Warren Commission.

The article went on regarding CFR members who had been president when it said: “Thus in 1993 former CFR director George H. W. Bush was followed by CFR member Bill Clinton, who in turn was followed by CFR ‘family member’ George W. Bush. In 2008, CFR member John McCain lost against CFR candidate of choice, Barack Obama…It was not until 2016 that the Council failed to prevail.” Does that tell you a little about why the ruling establishment (the Deep State) has been so adamantly opposed to Donald Trump? He wasn’t “one of the boys” and so couldn’t be depended on to play the game according to CFR rules.

But when you look at all this, you have to begin to realize that we have indeed been the victims of unelected rulers. Understanding that the Council on Foreign Relations was originally formed back in the early 1900s to guide this country into a one world government, you have to ask–if in a presidential election–both candidates belong to the CFR, what choice does the electorate really have? You can vote for socialist candidate A or socialist candidate B. Some choice and you will get screwed either way!

I said at the beginning of this article it would be a good topic for an expose on Fox News. I don’t expect that to happen anytime soon, given the direction Fox seems to be headed in. I wonder if this topic would be important to Tucker Carlson if he grasped the implications of unelected rulers in America.

George Orwell And Controlling “History”

by Al Benson Jr.

George Orwell said “Who controls the past controls the future and who controls the present controls the past.” Someone named Bedaant Stivasten in commented on Orwell’s quote. He said, in part, “Those who control the way history is recorded and told, have the power to shape people’s understanding of the past and influence their decisions for the present. For example, governments and political leaders often attempt to control the way this history is taught in schools and presented to the public in order to shape public opinion and maintain their power.”

He also noted that media outlets have this same power. They decide what stories are told and how they are told. He also observed: “While the past cannot be completely controlled, those who seek to do so must be careful not to push their narratives too far, and risk undermining their efforts.” I don’t think those trying to control the past have heeded his advice. They may be sure at this point that their brainwashed audience will blindly accept most anything they say.

I don’t know anything about this man, other than he is involved in digital marketing and has a name I can’t pronounce. But wherever he is coming from, his commentary on this subject is pretty accurate. You could almost say, in this context, that the winners in any given struggle get to write the history books dealing with it.

It has also been said on that “When future historians write about the 20th century it would not surprise me to find it had been nicknamed ‘the century of spin’. Today more than ever we see that the battle for the minds of the people revolves around the manner in which events get interpreted, not necessarily the events themselves.” Thus wrote someone named Ed Newman, and he is also on target.

The comments of these two individuals can readily be applied to most of the “history” we have been taught in the last 150 years. We’ve been taught that the North fought the War of Northern Aggression to free the slaves. They didn’t. They fought it so Lincoln could keep his tariffs and collect his duties in Southern ports because the South was paying most of the expenses for the whole country and Lincoln didn’t want to lose that revenue. Ask almost any youngster (and I’ve done this) what that war was fought over and he will dutifully answer “slavery.” That’s what he/she was taught in school. Most adults will say the same thing because that’s what they were taught. This is a prime example of controlled (and inaccurate) history. And your future decisions about that war and its consequences will be made based on faulty history. That’s how this game works. This is how those in power today control your past–and future.

In the context of the 20th century, it might be an interesting exercise for someone to check out how many newspapers or television or radio programs are controlled or influenced by someone who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The website carried an article on 6/4/2018 about how the Council on Foreign Relations advocated that the U.S. government should propagandize its own people. So typical of an organization that promotes the concept of one world government! Another article about the CFR appeared on on 5/30/21 by William F. Jasper. This one is especially worth reading as it goes into China Joe Biden–the CFR’s man in the White House. And one final one from from 3/1/2018 by James Carey about how the CFR is pushing for a new cold war with Russia. Trump didn’t fall for this one but China Joe Biden is all in for it. But don’t expect the real story from our “news” media–only the establishment spin on the real story!

The entire intent of the CFR is to influence Americans to jettison their unique history, heritage, and culture and be willing to submerge themselves and their posterity into a socialist one world government. This is what the CFR plans for your future. And George Orwell nailed it. If people don’t understand their past and most today don’t then you can work to design your version of the future for them and they won’t realize how horrendous your plan for their future is.

“The Rockefeller File”

by Al Benson Jr.

Way back in 1976, author Gary Allen followed up his blockbuster expose of the Council on Foreign Relations None Dare Call It Conspiracy with one about a family that made major contributions to the furtherance of the CFR’s one world government agenda–the Rockefeller Clan.

Gary Allen wrote: “So great was public suspicion of the Rockefeller wealth that the family’s financial advisor, J. Richardson Dilworth, was invited to testify before the House Judiciary Committee. Dilworth became the Rockefeller’s key money manipulator in 1958. Prior to joining the Rockefellers he had been a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co. perhaps the most politically powerful international banking firm in the world. Kuhn, Loeb was, and still may be, a satellite of the immensely rich and powerful Rothschild family of Europe. Historically, the Kuhn, Loeb name has been synonymous with financial success and political intrigue, dating back to participation through senior partner Jacob Schiff in bankrolling the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. See None Dare Call It Conspiracy)…”

Allen continued: “In bygone days the rare individual with a manic desire for power seized a throne–or led conquering armies. Now all that is pass’e. Today, more worlds are conquered in board rooms, and as we shall see, what happens on battlefields is often the result of decisions made in board rooms…One subject on which the family is unanimous is furthering Nelson’s political ambitions, the Rockefellers have contributed a staggering $25 million to various campaigns promoting Nelson for the presidency…” Given our present rate of inflation, $25 million almost seems in our day like chump change!

But Allen continued: “Whether or not such megalomania is carried by genes we do not know. What can be shown is that it has existed for at least three generations in the Rockefeller family. Despite the protests of the Rockefellers and their hirelings that they are totally uninterested in controlling anything, a survey of the evidence will reveal an all-consuming passion for control over everything and everybody. The House of Rockefeller is not just a wealthy and successful family. Instead, itis an Empire. No other family has deliberately sought control over so many institutions which affect every facet of American life…Such total persuasiveness, influencing every important aspect of American life, cannot be happenstance. Everything about the Rockefellers seems to be controversial, even the family background. One story goes that the family descends from French Protestants…However, a geneology compiled by the distinguished scholar, Dr. Malcolm Stern, convincingly established the claims of many American Jews that the Rockefeller Clan originally was one of their own.”

The website carried comments by Adm. Chester Ward, who said: “The goal of the CFR is the submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all powerful one world government, and equally important is the CFR influence in our mass media. They control or own most major newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks…Admiral Ward knew whereof he spoke. At one point e had been a member of the CFR. Once he found out what they were all about, he quit!

The CFR, and its kissin’ cousin, the Trilateral Commission (founded by David Rockefeller) are both major vehicles for the promotion of one world government at the expense of American independence. As such they both need to be opposed and exposed.

Woodrow Wilson And The CFR–Our Invisible Government

by Al Benson Jr.

In September of 1916, Woodrow Wilson, urged on by Col. Edward M. House, appointed a bevy of intellectuals to put together “peace terms” and drew up a charter for world government. No one ever told Wilson he couldn’t do this–design a “world government” so he went ahead and did it With House in charge of them (who ever elected House to be in charge of anything in government?) these “pointy-headed intellectuals” 150 of them, consisting of college professors, graduate students, writers, lawyers and others, they set about changing the direction this country was headed in. Talk about the power of presumption–this was it in spades! Some of these people, believe it or not, were still familiar to Americans by 1960! There were among them, Walter Lippman, columnist; Norman Thomas, head of the American Socialist Party; Allen Dulles, later to become the chief honcho at the CIA; and his brother, John Foster Dulles, later to be the Secretary of State; and Christian Herter, also later to be Secretary of State.

Dan Smoot, in The Invisible Government said of this group: “These eager young intellectuals around Wilson, under the clear eyes of crafty Col. House, drew up their charter for world government (League of Nations Covenant) and prepared for the brave new socialist one-world to follow after WW 1. But things went sour at the Paris Peace Conference. They soured even more when constitutionalists in the U.S. Senate found out what was being planned and made it quite plain that the Senate would not authorize US membership in such a world federation.

Bitter with disappointment but ,not willing to give up, Col. House called together in Paris, France a group of his most dedicated intellectuals–among them John Foster and Allen Dulles, Christian A. Herter and Tasker H. Bliss–and arranged a dinner meeting with a group of like-minded Englishmen at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, on May 19, 1919. This group formally agreed to form an organization ‘for the study of international affairs.’ The American group came home from Paris and formed The Council on Foreign Relations, which was incorporated in 1921. The purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations was to create (and condition the American people to accept) what House called a ‘positive’ foreign policy for America–to replace the ‘negative’ foreign policy which had kept America out of the endless turmoil of old world politics and had permitted the American people to develop their great nation in freedom and independence from the rest of the world. The Council (CFR) did not amount to a great deal until 1927, when the Rockefeller Family (through the various Rockefeller Foundations and Funds) began to pour money into it. Before long the Carnegie Foundations (and later the Ford Foundation) began to finance the Council.

In 1929 the Council (largely with Rockefeller gifts) acquired its present headquarters property: The Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th St., New York City. In 1939 the Council began taking over the US State Department.” As they say, “The rest is history.” Just keep in mind, if you don’t recall all the minute details, that the intent of the CFR was to submerge the independence of the United States into simply one more cog in a socialist, one world government! Who gave them permission to do this with no input whatever from the American public? Nobody! They just usurped it because they felt they could. In our day the CFR has its minions in every presidential administration–no matter which party wins the White House. Even Trump had some of them–and the Biden regime is top heavy with them–most in unelected positions. Regardless of who wins the presidency–the CFR are our unelected, invisible government–and most Americans never heard of them! How insidious is that?

Has Fox News Become Part Of The “Controlled Opposition”?

by Al Benson Jr.

I watched one of the programs on Fox News last evening, 4/30. The program’s host asked a couple interesting questions. He asked if bureaucrats and staffers (unelected rulers) are really those responsible for running the Biden juggernaut. It was a good question but he didn’t take it far enough. Of course had he taken it further Fox might have pulled a Tucker Carlson on him and he’d have been gone too. Those on Fox that want to keep their jobs are in the process of learning just how far they can go before losing those jobs. Which means they are, indeed, the “controlled” opposition.

As far as unelected people running the Biden Regime–what about people who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations? The Fox host never mentioned the CFR and I wondered as I watched him–is he even aware of this group, and if so, why are they left out of the equation of who influences the Biden Regime? They shouldn’t be.

Arthur R. Thompson, in his 2021 book Benedict Biden: Water Carrier For The New World Order goes into some detail about the CFR and the influence they are having on the Biden Regime. Mr. Thompson observes: “However, there is a more dangerous group subtly filling slots in the Biden administration, from top to bottom–members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). It is not only what these members believe in, it is that they follow an agenda designed to bring to fruition a one-world government–regardless of any administration’s stated beliefs. Basically, the CFR was created to convince the American people to become part of a one-world government, the New World Order (their words, not ours)…Today this scheme of a one-world government is embodied in the United Nations. Most of the agencies of the UN are run by socialists and communists, and the Chinese communists hold more agency chairs than any other country.”..

Mr. Thompson continued: “..Keep in mind the power of each of these positions, and that the goal of the CFR is to take away American independence and transfer it to the UN.” Some of the CFR people in positions of power in the Biden regime are: “CIA Director William J. Burns; National Economic Advisor Cecilia E. Rouse; Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen; Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome H. Powell; Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo; Secretary of Defense Gen. Lloyd J. Austin, III; Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken; Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman…One could say that the CFR has effective control over the Biden administration, and that, by his appointments, Biden wanted it that way.” I have a hard time believing that no one at Fox News is aware of this, and if they are, then why is it never mentioned? Controlled opposition?

I am not going to go into detail here, but I would urge everyone reading this to check out Lew Rockwell’s article on for May 1st and see what he has to say regarding the reasons for Tucker Carlson’s dismissal from Fox News. Tucker skewered some very sacred cows recently, among them the Anti-Defamation League and Black Rock. Lew had lots of commentary on some of this. It’s a long article, but most definitely worth taking time to read–especially when you find out who some of the sacred cows are and the connections between some of them.

An Empire In Decline?

by Al Benson Jr.

Is the United States an empire in decline? Awhile back, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana made the comment that “This nation was founded by geniuses but it’s being run by idiots.” Unfortunately, many of those idiots belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, and their main idiotic idea is to make the US just another cog in the wheel of One World Government–under the control of the United Nations.

The Treasury Secretary, another CFR member, claims she will punish China. Yeah, right! Biden says he will support Ukraine in their war with Russia “as long as it takes.” To do what? Bankrupt America? I noticed the US just handed Zelensky another $10 billion. It is sheer lunacy, seeing how much we’ve spent on Ukraine–$112 billion plus! Americans could have benefitted from some of that, but none of it was meant for American peons. If some of it had stayed in this country maybe our folks in the army who can’t make ends meet wouldn’t have had to be told to apply for food stamps! Our debt is exploding and our idiot leaders do not seem to care. Maybe that’s part of their plan. And it doesn’t cost them a thing as they all sign their names on the back of their fat government checks.

And Republican leaders are supporting a war that may end up killing off a lot of their voters. Lindsey Graham never saw a war he didn’t love! The Deep State has swamp creatures in both parties. All that money spent on Ukraine would have helped Americans here–but the current Regime is busy showing us that Americans don’t really matter nearly as much as Ukrainians and illegal aliens After all, we are the population the deep State wants to be rid of. When they have managed to get rid of us, who do they think will pay the national bills? It won’t be Ukrainians or illegal immigrants!

So Biden’s excuse for a transportation secretary finally made his way to East Palestine, Ohio. Wonder if he needed an Indian guide to get there. He showed up wearing a hard hat–another white guy in a hardhat–a definite no-no! One local resident said they got no real answers from him about their problems there due to the chemical train wreck. And FEMA still hasn’t shown up. Maybe in the next decade or so they can make it–if they’re not too busy with their re-education camps! If East Palestine, Ohio were part of Ukraine they would be a top priority, but seeing it’s only a part of the US, the bureaucrats couldn’t care less!

Another sign of a decaying empire–the legitimizing of perversion. Race relations in this country were improving until the Biden Regime decided to start discriminating against istraight white people and openly favoring minorities and perverts. And such open favoritism is the main priority of the Biden Regime. With it Biden fans the flames of racial strife–and he loves it! He claims lynching is still a big problem in this country. How many people have you read about being lynched of late. If such were happening, our prostitute press would have been all over it–but if it is happening, they seem to have missed it.

Sean Hannity recently noted that Biden “doesn’t give a rip about the middle class, never did and never will.” So Mayor Pete made the obligatory trek to Ohio, but don’t look for him to go back anytime soon. Same with Biden’s three hour photo op at the border. Lots of hype–no action!

When people need help, government should be blind to how they voted. Sadly, the Biden Regime is not. Let’s face it–this is an anti-white regime, and proud of it! Some media personalities that continually attacked Trump have also attacked the residents of East Palestine, Ohio because many of them voted for Trump. That seems to be the new “unforgivable sin”–voting for Trump! Joy Behar feels this way. She thinks East Palestine residents deserved this train wreck because they voted for Trump! You have to take note of her amazing sense of charity and good will. But then, her sense of charity is so very typical of leftists and other socialists.

So take a good look at where we are headed with the current regime .If you can’t seethe signs of a decaying empire, with CFR idiots at the wheel, you ain’t looking too hard.

Biden’s SOTU Addres–A Gigantic Horse Laugh On All Americans

by Al Benson Jr.

What can you say about Biden’s charade of a speech last evening? It was like shovels full of bovine fertilizer thrown into the faces of all sincere Americans. Years ago Kruschev said of Americans “You spit in their faces and they call it dew.” Last night Comrade Biden threw political offal in our faces and we are supposed to believe it was really topsoil! To say Biden stretched the truth is being charitable. But, then, Comrade Joe is not noted for his veracity.

Biden rattled on about how great the economy is doing on his watch and how higher prices are now coming down. Anyone noticed any great reduction in food or gas prices lately? When Biden took office the price of gas was $2.39 a gallon. Now it is $3.46.Not much of a reduction there that I can see. And if he keeps selling off our strategic oil reserves to the Chinese Communists it will go even higher when we are forced to beg our enemies to sell us oil.

Biden talked about being committed to protecting our national sovereignty. That was one of his biggest horselaughs of the evening. He proved how “committed” he is to that by letting the Chinese spy balloon cross over our entire country before having it shot down reluctantly. I don’t now if the Chinese Communists have yet demanded the return of the wreckage, but dear old Comrade Joe will probably try to give it back to them if he can! The Chinese probably got all the data from it transmitted back to them before it was shot down. Once it was over water again it was no more use to them so Biden could then have it shot down without Beijing being too mad at him. Biden’s comments in his speech were soft on China. What else could you expect? Communist China is the Biden Family’s sugar daddy.

In the name of promoting “unity” Biden then trashed the Republicans, accusing the Trump supporters of “voter intimidation.” After all, January 6th was all about “white supremacy” don’t you know. Biden carefully played the part of the victim, blaming the Republicans for all his problems. His solution for promoting unity–“Be reasonable and do everything MY way!” The classic leftist canard they push when they don’t get their way. Fox News noted that Biden “lied his way through the SOTU address.” Biden’s speech was really divisive–so typical of the Marxist class struggle technique. One commentator noted that Biden seemed “angry and out of touch.”

His comments about our Southern border situation prompted one woman at the rear of the hall to stand up and holler “Liar” It’s pretty hard for Biden to stand up and claim success on the border when he has done nothing to solve the illegal immigrant situation except to invite the illegals to stream in so he can try to give them the vote next year. Another commentator said “If you like debt increases, Biden is not done yet.”

A good exercise might be to look at the people in Biden’s administration and check out how many of them are members of the Council on Foreign Relations–America’s premiere organization for promoting One World Government. We can start off with CIA Director William J. Burns, National Economic Advisor Cecelia E. Rouse, Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Defense General Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield. And this is not the whole list.

Author Arthur Thompson, whose book Benedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World Order has said of Biden that: “One could say that the CFR has effective control over the Biden administration and that, by his appointments, Biden wanted it that way. Biden is well known for speaking at CFR meetings and has done so for many years.” So, while the Biden regime may not yet be totally controlled by the Chinese Communists, it is definitely under the control of the Council on Foreign Relations. As for which is worse for the American people, the CFR or the Chinese Communist Party, I guess that’s a toss-up because both are headed in the same direction–to the far, far political left.

It’s Really One Socialist Party With Two Names

by Al Benson Jr.

We supposedly have two different major political parties in this country–Republicans and Democrats–and their views on most anything are purported to be widely divergent. That “fact” is supposed to insure that we have “democracy” in Amerika. This fable has been perpetuated for decades by the media and our “educational” establishments. Folks, I must admit that I firmly believe this fable is a farce to fool the gullible who naively think that if there are two political parties out there then they really have a choice when they vote. This charade has been cleverly played out in every election at least since the Spanish American War and probably a few before it.

The ruling One World Government Elite in this country long ago learned that as long as they continued to give the American voting public some form to go by then they could eat out the real substance of the system and no one would ever notice, or at least not enough would notice to make any tangible difference. And it has worked, in part because we have a governmental “education” system that does not and will not teach those committed to its care the ability to think critically. The current government school system teaches kids what to think rather than how to think and, I mean, after all, why would anyone even want to think anything that contradicts what Big Brother has told us is the “truth?” After all, how dare we!

In the last election the voting public expressed their utter dissatisfaction with Obama’s blatant socialist agenda by how they thought they voted. They didn’t realize that, in their repudiation of Obama’s socialism all they were really doing was voting for Republicans that would give them the same agenda while pretending it was different. It was quite evident from the Republican “leadership” in Congress after the election that very little was going to change except a few of the players’ names. It would all continue to be business as usual (corporate fascism) in Sodom on the Potomac. After all, when you finally grasp the truth that one “shadow party” really controls the reins of both major political parties, why should you expect anything different from Mitch McConnell than you got from Dirty Harry Reid? If you do you’re dreaming. It will not happen. Oh, there may well be a few cosmetic changes to fool those who don’t know how the game is played, and those will be sufficient because most voters have yet to figure out how the game is played–and, sad to say, Christian voters remain among the most gullible of all. They who should display the most discernment often seem to have the least–and are proud of that fact.

A good case in point to display how the two parties are really only one party was the vote for the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as the new Attorney General to replace “Fast and Furious” Holder. At the very best, all she will ever be is Eric Holder Lite, and she might even be worse. Like all of Obama’s choices for any post, she is fervently anti-Second Amendment and will look for ways to disarm Americans any way she thinks she can, any time she thinks she can find a way to get by with it. I trust her about as much as I trusted that sidewinder we saw slithering down that sand dune in West Texas several years ago. And I trust our present “conservative” Congress with about the same degree of confidence. I’m not saying they’d sell us out tomorrow–they might wait until the day after.

The Senate voted to confirm Comrade Lynch to replace Comrade Holder with the help (or collusion) of ten Senate Republicans. Without their crucial vote she probably would not have been able to cut the mustard and Obama would have had to hunt up yet another leftist to nominate. But “conservative” Senator McConnell and his “gang of 9” saved him the trouble. And I suspect that it was known well beforehand that they would.

An article that appeared on for April 23rd, written by Matthew Boyle, noted: “Senate Democrats still control the U.S, Senate, election results last November aside, an analysis of all the votes taken since Sen. Mitch McConnell took over as Majority Leader shows. In fact, with two minor exceptions, every single vote that has pass the U.S. Senate since the beginning of this Congress in January has passed with at least–usually more than–93 percent of support from Democrats.” Dirty Harry’s spokesman, Adam Jentleson, has stated that McConnell had done the right thing by pushing legislation that the Democrats can support. So if that’s the case, what really changed with the election last year? We are still being fed the same socialist legislative agenda that Comrade Obama is pushing, only now the Republicans are doing it instead of the Democrats!

That indicates to a lot of people, myself among them, that there is basically no real difference between the two political parties. They both promote the same socialist program. The only difference now is that the Republicans claim they are not doing this when the clearly are. So we have one party with two names but always one agenda a One World Government agenda–a Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission agenda.

There was a photo in the Breitbart article of both Dirty Harry and McConnell–with Dirty Harry looking jubilant and McConnell looking complacent–like the cat that had just swallowed the canary. And why not? He’s pulling down a fat congressional salary for selling out his constituents so he’s happy.

Folks, this will not change until the ignorant American voter, in sufficient numbers, begins to realize he’s being had and starts trying to do some homework to change that. There are all manner of places on the Internet where the disgruntled voter can look to see what’s going on. It’s not as if all this was totally “hidden beneath a bushel.” It just takes a little effort to begin to discern just how the public is being shafted by our One Party System posing as two parties. I have, in previous articles, mentioned all kinds of places where you can locate information as to what is going on. I’d only repeat myself by listing them all again–and is anyone really interested?

So you’ll get Hillary for president next year and we will do this same game all over again, and even if you get, by some rare fluke, one of the Republican contenders, as Hillary said about Benghazi, “What difference does it make now?”

Republicans (tweedle-dum) and Democrats (tweedle-dee)

by Al Benson Jr.
Back in 1968 when George Wallace ran for president on the American Independent Party ticket he made a statement that was so true it ought to be remembered. In commenting on the two major parties, Wallace said they were “Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee and there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two.” I have often wondered if Mr. Wallace knew just how right he really was.

There is no real, substantial difference between the two. Whatever differences there seem to be are shallow to say the least. Oh to be sure the rhetoric is different but it seems that no matter which party runs the federal government the agenda always seems to be the same and the results are the same—less liberty and less economic prosperity and the group presently at the helm shouts at us about how much better off we are with them than with the loyal opposition. It all sounds so canned anymore that I think both parties hire the same script writers, and they might as well, because both parties pursue the same agenda—forcing this country eventually to become part of a One World socialist government.

I watch some of this foolishness going on in both the regular “news” media and on the Internet. The polls abound—will Hillary beat Romney; will Rand Paul beat Hillary; will Huckabee do better than both of them? It’s all a charade, folks. It keeps you from doing any really serious thinking about what is happening to us and keeps you focused on the ephemeral stuff, the stuff that really makes no difference in the long run and so you never get to ask any serious questions about what really goes on—questions like “who really controls both political parties” and what is the agenda of those who control both political parties?

For instance, if I mentioned the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group, who among the public has ever even heard of these organizations? When was the last time your newspaper or the six o’clock news broadcast on the tube mentioned these groups and the influence they wield on both political parties? Can’t remember when? Neither can I. The fact is that these groups are our real “shadow government” in this country. These are the people that get to decide who runs for office and how the agenda is presented and what this country does in regard to our foreign affairs—the whole nine yards!

On July 18th of this year Pastor Chuck Baldwin had an article on entitled The CFR Has Controlled Both Major Parties In Washington For Decades. You might think that some up and coming young journalist would love to sink his teeth into doing an article like that, but don’t hold your breath. It will never happen. The media people know all of this and they will never tell. And since so many of them are part and parcel of this, they figure you are better off not knowing about it. “He who knows nothing questions nothing (at least nothing worthwhile).”

Admiral Chester Ward, a former CFR member until he realized what the game was and got out, has written: “The most powerful clique in these elitist groups (such as CFR, Trilateral Commission, et al) have one objective in common—they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States…The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all-powerful one world government.”

Pastor Baldwin’s article gave a fair-sized list of some of the prominent CFR and Trilateral Commission members—people you’ve all heard of before but you’ve never been told what they are really all about. Some of the names on the list, and you can check them out for yourself, are: George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, Sandra Day O’Connor, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Jesse Jackson, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, David Brinkley, Diane Sawyer, Barbara Walters, Cyrus Vance, Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, Dianne Feinstein, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Chuck Hagel, John McCain, Jay Rockefeller, Fred Thompson, Richard Nixon, Hubert H. Humphrey, George McGovern, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, John Kerry. This isn’t the whole list but it gives you and idea of the influence the CFR/Trilateral Commission cabal exerts on both political parties.

Pastor Baldwin has correctly noted that: “The globalists within the two major parties will do anything to make sure that a non-globalist is not elected President of the United States or given a too-powerful position of congressional leadership. Hence the GOP leadership is pouncing on Rand Paul early to try to kill any momentum he might garner going into the 2016 presidential race. Virtually everything the global elite plan to do hinges on America engaging in perpetual war. Perpetual war is the linchpin that holds the entire globalist agenda intact. Anyone who threatens that linchpin is declared an enemy by the establishment and is slated for political destruction.” This should be obvious. Look at what they did to Ron Paul in 2012 and if his son manages to have even half the perseverance in the direction of peace and truth that his dad did they will do the same to him in 2016, or thereafter if they have to. If he doesn’t realize that by now, it will dawn on him shortly. Any truly honest man need not apply for the position of President because if he does his own CFR-controlled party will make sure whoever runs in the “other party” gets the nod.

Back in 2006, Mordechai Zember did an article for the title of which was Council on Foreign Relations Is An Elite Cabal. Should you wonder why you have never heard of these folks, Mr. Zember explains: “Of course, the people know almost nothing about the Council on Foreign Relations because many propagandists, I mean journalists, themselves are members of this elite organization.” And then he went on to list some of the same people that Pastor Baldwin mentioned. And he also said: “In fact the CFR owns and controls the television stations, radio stations, and newspapers such as ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS, New York Times, Washington Post, Time, U.S.News & World Report, and Newsweek. Sadly, some of the Internet newssites ‘remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities’.” He did mention the John Birch Society being one group that has spent considerable effort trying to expose the CFR for what it really is, but many other “conservative” groups just seem to ignore it and what it does. Makes you wonder just how “conservative” some of them really are.

The global elite also has a vested interest in making sure we elect ignorant people to Congress, people that have no real grasp of what they should be doing or what to look out for. I recently talked to a man here in Louisiana that chanced to have lunch with a Congressman from here in Louisiana. He asked the Congressman what he knew about the United Nations Agenda 21 program and its implications for this country. The Congressman had never even heard of Agenda 21 and knew nothing about it. Suffice it to say he should have. Needless to say I will look elsewhere when I cast my vote in November. Seeing that congressmen take an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution then they should be aware of those that are out to subvert the Constitution so they can resist all such efforts. If they are not even aware of our adversaries how can they protect us from anything? But, then, when it comes right down to it I suppose for most, just getting re-elected and staying on the gravy train is what’s really important. What these politicians fail to realize is that if the CFR and the other one world government groups have their way Congress will probably no longer be needed and there may no longer be a gravy train for them unless they are willing to sell their souls to the Devil—but then, maybe a lot of them have already done that.

If you ever get to go to a town meeting it might not hurt to ask your congressman what he knows about the CFR. How he answers that question may well determine if he is worth voting for again or if you should work for some other candidate.

I posted an article on 9/15 on called “C’mon Joe, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” that could easily have been a companion piece to this article as they both deal with the same situation, and in that article there are several books mentioned that you can read online if you are willing to educate yourself as to what is really going on and has been going on for decades now.

Republicans Play the Weak Sister Scenario

by Al Benson Jr.

I don’t know if things will end up turning out this way or not, I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but, at this point, it wouldn’t surprise me. Watching the last two presidential elections in this country, I have come to the conclusion that the whole presidential election charade is just that, a charade to fool the general public into thinking that they have actually elected a president when all they have really done is to choose one of the two candidates picked for them by the major political parties–both of which are under the control of a clique of One World Government elitists, many of whom belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, or the Bilderberg Group, or to all three.

In 2008 the Republican Establishment picked John McCain to run against King Barack the First. McCain was probably the worst candidate they could have picked. Posing as a “conservative Republican”  he was actually a raving liberal and still is, especially when he loses his temper. His Vice-Presidential running mate would probably have done better than he did had she gotten the nomination, but that wasn’t supposed to happen and the Republican Establishment (identical to the Democratic Establishment in all but rhetoric) was supposed to make sure Obama had no real opposition or competition. He didn’t, and probably could not have stood up to it if he had, so the Republicans gave him McCain to run against, and after the Bush years that was a fait accompli.

Then along came the 2012 election and it was the same game all over again. Obama was supposed to get back in again and so, in Romney, the Republicans picked the weakest possible sister they could in a candidate. Not that any of the rest of them were all that great–except for Ron Paul–the one honest candidate in the entire presidential election. The fact that he was  honest, and popular, more popular than the “news” media ever let on, was a problem. So the Republican Establishment had to deep six him at all costs. The very last thing they wanted was an honest man in the White House, and besides, Ron might have given King Barack the First a real run for his money, even with the creative voting techniques employed in that election–and that couldn’t happen. Ron Paul had to go, and the Establishment made sure he went. One of the states they redistributed his votes to Romney in was Louisiana, where I live. The caucuses in Louisiana gave Ron Paul 80% of the vote. I was at one of them. And I knew people that went to the state convention in Shreveport, where Ron Paul had 80% of the delegates and the Republican Establishment ended up seating the 20% that Romney had and throwing out Ron Paul’s 80%. That’s Republican politics, not only in the South, but everywhere. The same game is being played right now in Mississippi, where Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniels ran against the Establishment candidate and it went into a run-off. McDaniels probably won legitimately, but they will make sure he doesn’t get it because his opponent is willing to play ball with the Establishment in both parties. And that’s what they really want–a brown-noser! At any rate, Romney was supposed to win at all costs, because the Establishment in both major parties already knew that Obama had been okayed for a second term and they knew Romney could be depended on to be the “loyal (losing) opposition.”

After the election Romney seemed almost relieved that he hadn’t won, but then he wasn’t supposed to and I think he knew that. He was just glad the charade was over so he could move on to other things. I think he was tired of playing the (intentional) loser.

Now, as 2016 approaches, and it appears that King Barack probably won’t be granted a third term as Dictator of the Proletariat by his handlers, which he’d dearly love (unless the Establishment changes its mind for some reason) the Republicans are again casting about for another weak sister to run against Hillary Clinton, or as some folks call her “St. Hillary” or “Hitlery.”

Months ago it was rumored that the Bilderberg Group  had already picked Hillary to be the next president. Again, if it were known, the Establishment and not the public really get to choose who runs. If it turns out that Hillary “runs” then she would be the logical choice of the Establishment to complete the work of entirely socializing the country that King Barack  was not able to complete (after all, those golfing holidays do slow down the process). At this point it may well be that the Establishment wants Hillary in there, but they can’t just appoint her in the same manner that Obama writes out executive orders, because that would give the game away, and so we are forced to participate in another sham election, the outcome of which has probably already been determined. 

So, when I began seeing subtle rumors on the Internet that Romney just might be “considering” another presidential run, I was not all that surprised. Although, if I was Romney, I’d probably be getting tired of being picked to lose to whatever Democratic candidate the Establishment has predetermined will be the next president. But, if nothing else, Romney is a team player, so if they tell him to run he will run, whether he wants to or not.

It has been reported that, in 2008, Hillary was told by the Establishment to stand down and Let King Barack “win” the election, and she ended up being appointed Secretary of State for her compliance. But playing second fiddle is not enough for Hillary. She wants all the marbles, and this time they may be ready to give them to her and to spring her on the country as the first woman president.  One has to wonder then, if we will all be told that we are “anti-feminist” if we don’t vote for Hillary. After all, if the race card worked for Obama, why not the Women’s Lib card for Hillary? And there is stuff out there on the Internet asking folks to work to draft Hillary for president, though if she has already been chosen by the Establishment, all that is just window dressing to make it look  like a “spontaneous” movement of the people.

And, if for some reason the game plan changes and it doesn’t work out that way and they decide to let the Republican nominee win this go-round, remember that you will still be getting the Establishment’s candidate, the “lesser of the two evils” as it were. Please don’t be gulled into believing that old saw about the Democrats being the liberals and the Republicans being the conservatives. That’s hogwash. They are both socialist–and both controlled by the same people–the CFR/Trilateral/Bilderberg triad.

If you are willing to read, which fewer and fewer seem to be anymore, check out None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen. It’s on the Internet, and I think his book The Rockefeller File is also. And if you want a little of the history of the “conservative” Republican Party, then check out Thomas DiLorenzo’s books The Real Lincoln and Lincoln Unmasked, and Donnie Kennedy’s and my book Lincoln’s Marxists.