More Apostasy Funded by George Soros

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Today I received a newsletter from an evangelical organization which contained the following: “Faithful America bills itself as a Christian organization, but the pro-LGBT organization got its start as an offshoot of the far-Left National Council of Churches. Two groups funded by atheist George Soros have served as ”fiscal sponsors’ of FA, funneling money to the activist group.” Many evangelical groups are not this frank and open, so this was a bit refreshing.

I can remember, years ago now, the John Birch Society published an informative booklet called Apostasy and the National Council of Churches. It went into a great deal of information as to many in the NCC that were in bed with the Communists and who were actual Communists themselves.

With that in mind, I decided to check out Faithful America to see what leftist goodies it offered the party faithful as well as the gullible. I was not disappointed.

I came across some far-left tidbits on which tells us that “Faithful America is the nation’s largest online community of progressive Christians working to fight back against the religious right’s hateful political agenda and renew the church’s prophetic role in building a more free and just society.” You have to read through and discern the aesopian language to know what this means and not be fooled by the “lovey-dovey” rhetoric. What they are telling you with the word “progressive” is that real Christianity is their enemy. and anyone to the right of Lenin is to be attacked without letup. For them this is not just a minor difference of opinion–it is a war and the true followers of Christ have targets painted on their backs.

The idealist article continues: “In this moment of political and theological crisis for American Christianity, there is an opportunity to mobilize the Faithful America community as a powerful tool in confronting emergent threats to the church’s prophetic vocation, especially white nationalism and misogyny.” Did you get that? The real enemy of the church is not over on the left–it’s white extremism! Sounds like the line the Harris/Biden Regime has been peddling doesn’t it? That alone should tell you where “Faithful America” is really at.

I came across another article of interest on which listed a ton of groups that have been funded by George Soros. This list originally came from Discover the Networks and sure enough, way down on the list, #74 to be exact, was Faithful America. Now anyone who is even remotely aware of where George Soros is coming from has to realize that, if globalist George Soros funds something it ain’t Christian!

Yet another article, posted 1/3/21 on notes that those who have problems with Faithful America say it uses faith “as a cover to silence conservatives.” From what I have seen of it so far, I don’t doubt that in the least. This article continues: “Scott Walter, the head of Influence Watch which tracks the activity and funding of groups like Faithful America, describes them as ‘Just another half-fake, left-wing nest of operatives. They get taken much more seriously than they deserve’.”

You have to wonder how many gullible Christians such groups deceive because they responded to the rhetoric without doing any homework. And the left dearly loves to gull unsuspecting Christians into supporting leftist agendas. They laugh all the way to the bank while Christians contribute to those that are trying to destroy their faith. This is Holy Week–a good time for Christians to begin to learn to discern who they should support and who they should expose as anti-Christs.

Why Do Parents Put Up With This Crap?

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I just read an article by a Nebojsa Malic on Russia Today for March 27th. I find it interesting that we seem to get more real news from foreign outlets than we do from the so-called “news” media in this country anymore. I have never been a big fan of Russia Today, in the past or now, so when I see more real news on that outlet than we get from what passes for the news media presently it only illustrates the total degeneracy and political corruption of the mainstream media in this country.

Anyone depending on our mainstream media for anything except leftist propaganda has to have a generous dose of mush between their ears.

Anyway, Malic’s article had some interesting observations contained in it. Thoughts to make American parents think, however many of them may still be capable of rational thought anymore. Malic noted: “Of course, the devil is in the details, such as making elementary school children (in California) invoke Aztec gods to empower them as ‘warriors’ for social justice. Among them is the ‘revolutionary spirit’ Huitzilopochtli, the deity of war and sun–and recipient of thousands of human sacrifices. Modern woke narratives paint the Aztecs as oppressed ‘people of color’ who fell victim to ‘white oppressors’ in the form of Spanish conquistadors, papering over inconvenient facts such as that the Aztecs slaughtered other Mesoamerican peoples…” And this is true. I have read some of the history, having some interest in American Indians over the years. The Aztecs were by no means Mesoamerican innocents. They got to where they were by killing off their opposition, some in battle, but many by bloody human sacrifice. And, in California, public school children are now supposed to be chanting to these pagan “gods.” Anything wrong with this picture?

If a public school teacher mentions the name of Jesus Christ in a positive way in a classroom that teacher could lose his or her job. But, hey, chanting to Aztec gods is okay, right? No problem there at all!

The the writer of this Russia Today article makes an astounding observation–astounding because it seems to be all true. He says “It’s not that Americans are less religious, as the polling suggests, but less Christian–the old religion getting replaced by politics, wokeness, and whatever the worship of Huitzilopochtli is supposed to be called.”

So I wonder, at this point, how many Christians in California have their children in public schools? Any number is too many! What do the Christians in California think of this new religious trend in “their” public schools? I have read nothing at all in this regard. So unless I hear something different, I have to assume that most Christians in that state have no problem with their kids being taught to chant to Aztec gods. If you have heard something different please let me know. I’d hate to think that California’s Christians have no problem with this.

Every Christian parent with a kid in public school in California should be yanking that kid out of public school as we speak.

Unfortunately, California is a bell-weather of what the rest of the country can eventually expect to be subjected to. So if the anti-Christs in that state get by with this then you can soon expect some of the more “progressive” aka leftist states in other areas to try to pull something similar. Christians need to be constantly reminded that the public school system does not belong to them. It is the Unitarian/socialist brainchild of the leftist Education Establishment in this country. It has been promoting anti-Christianity in one form or another since the 1800s. And Christians still haven’t figured that out! I begin to wonder if they ever will!

Too many Christians have been sold a bill of goods that tells them their little Johnny or Mary can be a “witness” to their degenerate public school system and help turn things around. Folks, that’s a croc and those that peddled that fable to you know it. It’s nothing more than their way of keeping your kids in the public brain laundry so they can be propagandized beyond your ability to reverse that action.

It’s about time Christians woke up before they lose their kids–and their country! If you can’t find a good Christian school for the kids then teach them at home. That will still be better than leaving them in public school to be subject to whatever whims the current “gods” in the public education establishment want to do to them.

“Immigration Fraud on the Border”

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Many of us with suspicious minds have suspected that the current mess at our Southern border is not accidental or coincidental, or even Trump’s fault, as the lying leftists that have the gall to call themselves the “news media” have been telling us. In fact, in our day, if the “news media” tells you something you would be well served to believe the exact opposite. How many times have they been caught lying to us in the last four years? Don’t you wish you had a ten dollar bill for every time? I do. I could take my wife out to the fanciest eating place in North Louisiana every night for a week and still have a bundle left.

Tom Homan, one of the former high officials in the Border Patrol during the Trump years was recently interviewed on the Mark Levin show which was noted in a recent article on Now I have my problems with Mark Levin in some areas, most notably his version of the reasons for the War of Northern Aggression. His version of that conflict and the reasons for it is about 180 degrees away from mine. Having said that, though, I have to admit he doesn’t get every topic he deals with wrong. His interview with Tom Homan was quite revelatory, as were Mr. Homan’s comments.

Homan observed: “The Biden administration is still trying to blame President Trump for what’s going on at the border right now. They’re ignoring the fact that–I don’t care if you love President Trump or hate him–you cannot deny the fact that he gave us the most secure border in my career, which is almost thirty-five years…I spent my entire career on border enforcement, immigration enforcement, and President Trump got it right. He had unprecedented success on the border.” He mentioned the data on the Department of Justice website in this regard and said anyone can check it out. He noted that the vast majority of Central Americans that came to the border to claim asylum did not really qualify for that. Not that the “news media” will ever mention that. Many, if not most of them, came for the freebies, paid for by U.S. citizens. But they couldn’t admit that. They had to have a more noble-sounding reason to expound, so they claimed it was asylum from oppression, though I doubt they were ever asked to detail that oppression.

And Homan then said “I doubt if President Biden has looked at it (the DOJ data) or DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has looked at it, because if they did, then they’re facilitating immigration fraud on the border.” Homan then had one parting shot, and it was right on the money. He said: “This isn’t incompetence. This is by design. This is an open borders agenda that we all knew was coming.”

An article by R. Cort Kirkwood on The New American website for March 19th complemented Homan’s assessment when Kirkwood stated that: “The leftist Cuban immigrant who runs President Biden’s Homeland Security Department has admitted releasing illegal aliens into the heartland before they were tested for the China Virus. The confession from Alejandro Mayorkas backed recent news reports that Biden is releasing ‘migrants’–leftist code for illegals–without testing, only to be found virus-positive by local authorities. the illegals then board buses to travel anywhere they wish. Who will be responsible for any deaths the illegals cause if they spread the potentially fatal Asiatic germ is unknown.” The leftists have a simple answer to that–it’s all Trump’s fault! Everything from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden up to the present day is Trump’s fault! Remember that–because it is one of the key assertions on the Left’s “confession of faith.”

The Establishment wants Americans to wear double masks for a least two years, if not longer, and they want to keep your states shut down for as long as they think you will put up with it, but for the illegals, hey–don’t bother testing them, just put them on buses to go where they want to and forget it. Apparently illegal aliens have more rights than American citizens anymore. Are you beginning to realize there is something wrong with this picture. If not, then maybe you deserve what you are willing to put up with–like that “security” you want along with your “freedom.” If that is the case then don’t be surprised if you end up with neither!

The Problems With Immigration

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Back in 1986 I read a book by Sol Sanders called Mexico: Chaos on Our Doorstep. It went into many of the problems this country has had with Mexico over the decades. There was one particular chapter that dealt with the immigration problems with Mexico, chapter 7, entitled Mexicans for Export. This dealt with population problems in Mexico and why so many Mexicans end up in this country, although the problem back then pales into insignificance compared to what we deal with today on our Southern border.

Also, back in that day, we did not have politicians inviting illegal immigrants to come on into the country so the radical leftists could enlist them to vote in our elections whether they were citizens or not. After all, every vote counts don’t you know–whether it is legal or not. And whether the “voter” brings the Chinese virus into the country with him or not.

An article by Samuel Allegri on for March 17th tells us: “As concerns over the surge of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border grows, the National Sheriffs Association is calling on the Biden administration to secure the border and protect Americans.” I realize the Sheriffs Association has to be on record as having done this, but in light of the Harris/Biden position on illegal immigration, they must realize that this is a totally ludicrous exercise in futility.

The article continues: “Among the dangers that come along with the thousands of illegal border crossings that occur every month, which include human trafficking, drug smuggling, potential terrorism, death at the hands of coyotes, bandits, and harsh weather, significantly complicating the challenges border patrol and law enforcement face is the COVID-19 pandemic, the association said in a draft border security resolution set for a vote at a meeting in Arizona in June, according to The Washington Examiner. Up to 50 percent of illegal immigrants are testing positive for COVID-19, the disease the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) causes, the sheriffs association wrote.” Wonder if the Harris/Biden Regime makes the illegals wear masks and practice social distancing or if that is only for us American plebs. The sheriffs association said: “We now face a serious potential public health crisis along the border.” Yet Biden’s initial invitation to the illegals to come to the border is what has resonated among the illegal community–although lately Biden (or his handlers) have been forced to backpedal and ask them not to come. But that’s sort of like locking the barn door after the horse escapes.

An article on for March 16th said “The Biden administration’s catastrophic open-borders policy has been a boon for predatory human smugglers and a scourge for struggling Americans who live in border states. Emily Lord King is a rancher in South Texas who said smugglers are crashing the fences on her property and using her land as a dumping ground for illegal aliens. She told Fox News host Harris Faulkner Monday that her ranch is under siege by migrants who are being dropped off by smugglers while Border Patrol officials are woefully unprepared to deal with the daily barrage…King said the situation on her ranch has ‘changed overnight’ ever since Biden was installed in the White House two months ago.”

King said: “During the tenure of former President Donald Trump, she had one incident of migrants barraging her land. Now, her ranch is besieged on a weekly basis by caravans of illegal aliens being dumped there by human smugglers.” She said “We had one incident in the last four years, and we’ve had one a week since the middle of January.”

“King echoed the experiences of other ranchers and residents in border states. the situation has gotten exponentially worse because Biden halted construction of the border wall New Mexico rancher Russell Johnson said he and his family are terrified because there’s a three-quarters-of-a-mile hole in his ranch where wall construction was abruptly stopped. ‘this gap is right south of my house, so all of this stuff is coming right by my house and my family is exposed to it on a daily basis.’ Johnson said he has been forced to patrol his property with a gun to protect his family because illegal aliens are ‘terrorizing our ranch in between in the three-mile stretch’.”

Johnson better be careful. It might soon be illegal for him to protect his own property with a firearm. Look what happened to the McCloskey’s in St. Louis last year. It is no secret that the Harris/Biden Regime wants to disarm Americans so they can no longer protect their own property or their families. It is one of their prime goals just like the destruction of Trump’s wall and border security is.

The goal of the current Regime is to tear this country down and replace it with a leftist nightmare that no sane person would want to live in–except those in power–the same as in all Communist countries. It’s about time we as a nation woke up and figured this out. Once you have voted your way into communism there is no peaceful way out.

Viva Biden!

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

When Donald Trump was President this country was able to exercise some control over who came across our Southern border. Now that Mr. Trump has had the presidency stolen from him the border with Mexico has again become a sieve, full of Biden/Harris intentional holes, the object of which is to totally change the culture of this country to something akin to the Third World.

Illegal immigrants seeking to enter this country seem to believe that they have been promised refuge here by good old “Viva Joe” and that all they have to do is to show up at the border and they will be let in to partake of many of the freebies that are denied to ordinary citizens in this country that are being called on to pay for this sheer insanity.

The faux-president and Comrade Kamala want the illegals here, want to give them the right to vote in our elections, whether they are citizens or not, because they realize that the vast majority of them will vote for Democrats.

In an article in the New York Times some illegals who were stopped and detained at the border near El Paso, Texas said that Biden had encouraged them to come here. One lady said “Biden promised us that everything was going to change. He hasn’t done it yet, but he is going to be a good president for migrants.”

I have noted several photos on the internet of illegal immigrants showing up at the border wearing tee shirts that say “Biden let us in.” You have to wonder where those tee-shirts came from and who originated them. Wonder if they were made in Red China. That would not surprise me, and I have to wonder, with all these illegals showing up at the border almost immediately after Biden slithered into the White House, how many of them might be agents of Red China, here to do the bidding of their masters in Beijing. Obviously not all the immigrants are Chinese agents but it only takes a few who get in undetected to do lots of damage in this country. Look at what these Confucius Institutes are doing in some of the schools and colleges in this country. Communist propaganda is being disseminated and most people do not even realize it.

In an article by Adam Salazar it was noted that: “In order to accommodate the surge, border enforcement is accepting unaccompanied minors, but sending back adults, according to the New York Post. Photos obtained by Fox News show a huge group of migrants sleeping on the ground with mylar blankets underneath the international bridge in Mission, Texas.” I saw the photos. Lots of people sleeping under that bridge! They are using a convention center in Dallas to house about 3,000 of these minors. That is supposed to handle this situation for the next 90 days. What happens after the 90 days are up? Will these minors just be turned loose somewhere in Texas?

If Trump was in office there would be a big fuss over all this. But, with “Viva Joe” in office, who cares? Certainly not the mainstream media. As long as these minors all grow up and vote Democrat that’s all that really matters here. One has to wonder how many of these illegal immigrants are infected with the Chinese virus. Will they all wear masks and practice social distancing? Probably not. That’s only for U.S. citizens. The illegals will probably be exempt.

Yankees & Marxists–Birds of a Feather

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Years ago Dr. Clyde Wilson wrote a series of excellent articles which he titled The Yankee Problem in America. I don’t remember if he ever made this into a book or not, but if he didn’t it would be a good book. You may still be able to locate copies of some of the articles on the internet–if they haven’t been removed under the guise of being politically incorrect, which they thankfully are.

Let me say at the outset, when I refer to Yankees I am not and I repeat, not, talking about everyone born and raised in the North. There are lots of good folks in the North who would not ever qualify as Yankees, nor would most of them want to.

Yankee is not your geographical location on the map. Yankee is a mindset. Let that thought sink in a bit. Some of the most stalwart Southern patriots I have known were born and raised in the North. Those that are still there are good Copperheads. But you have Yankees in the South too. They speak with Southern accents and they eat fried chicken and okra. We refer to them as scalawags because they have sold out their heritage in order to gain some advantage from the Yankee types who control most of the federal government.

I can recall once trying to explain who was a Yankee to a lady from Illinois. When I got through, she said “You are talking about a control freak.” She was right. That’s what a Yankee is. He, or she, wants to totally control what you think, how you live, what you are allowed to believe, what you are supposed to not believe, what you can or can’t do with your own property, etc. You get the message, I hope. If not you just ain’t been paying attention.

During this Chinese-induced pandemic we have suffered through we had one governor in a Northern state that issued “mandates” (which really have no force as laws) that prevented people from going out and planting gardens in their own backyards. Not planting a garden in the backyard was, somehow, supposed to help combat the pandemic. It was never explained quite how that worked, but then the governor never had to. She did it because she felt she could, and for no other reason. I think the Supreme Court in her state eventually said her mandates were too draconian and overturned most of them. But that took awhile and lots of citizens in her state marched and protested before it happened. Had they not it probably never would have happened. The old saying “People deserve what they permit” is probably all too true.

So now you have some idea of how Yankees want to totally run your life. What about the Marxists? What do they really want, in spite of the “news” media telling us how really wonderful they are?

Well, the Marxists, (and there are lots of them in Washington and in your state capitols) have their version of what is best for you (and ultimately for them). They want to totally control what you do. They want to control what you are allowed to see and not see, what you are allowed to believe and what you should not believe, what you can and can’t do with your own property and so on. In other words they want to totally control your entire life. So the question arises–what is the difference between the Yankee and the Marxist? If you look at what they both want there really is not much difference. In fact some Yankees have ended up becoming Marxists because the transition from one to the other causes them no pain or inconvenience at all. Both want government control of your entire existence. They are, in a sense, interchangeable with one another. They want to decide how your children should be educated–what they should learn and what they are not allowed to learn. Public “education” in this country (something advocated by Karl Marx) gives them much of that ability. Private Christian schools are anathema to both the Marxist and the Yankee. They don’t think they should be allowed to exist and if they do then they need to be strongly regulated so all the kids who attend them won’t grow up to be “white supremacists” or Christian patriots. Such must be avoided at all costs if the Yankee/Marxists are to be able to retain their power to run our lives.

The Yankee/Marxist recognizes the Christian faith as his main adversary. Unfortunately, most Christians in our day fail to recognize the Yankee/Marxist as one of their main adversaries because their faith has been neutralized to the point where discernment has been replaced with “feel good” theology. Who do you suppose is responsible for that? When churches post Black Lives Matter banners outside their churches then you have to realize that the faith in that church has been severely compromised. It has become, in effect, an outpost for Marxist revolution. Christians should avoid such churches like the plague because they are a plague on the Christian faith.

Our ability to recognize our adversaries has been watered down. We had better wake up and start to reverse that trend while we still have some ability to do that, lest the day come upon us when that ability is gone.

Faith vs. Unbelief…Liberty vs. Bondage

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

General Michael Flynn recently had some informative commentary posted on for March 8th of this year. General Flynn talked about truth and his comments were insightful.

He said: “When fighting for truth, the most important place to start is to be well-grounded in the Truth itself. I am referring to Truth with a capital T, as in “I am the way, the truth, and the life’.” General Flynn knows where to go for truth and Who to go to, the One who is the foundation of all truth. (John 14:6).

General Flynn then makes some sound observations. He states: “Faith in God is an essential part of the fight to restore American greatness. Our personal faith is inextricably linked to our personal liberties. Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French author of the groundbreaking work Democracy in America wrote ‘Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention…The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other.’ De Tocqueville is exactly right. Prior to America’s founding no document in the world had directly linked the individual rights of citizens to their unique value and autonomy before an omnipotent Creator…Faith and freedom can never be separated from one another. If you wish to have boldness in the fight for America like our Founding Fathers did, have faith in Almighty God. Trust in His power as your sword and your shield…Make faith an essential part of your battle strategy today…”

It would seem that General Flynn has made some salient points in how we need to fight to get our country back. Unfortunately, in our day, most Christians seem to have forgotten much of the wisdom he has imparted. Many of them have no interest as Christians in fighting to preserve those liberties we have that are God-given. Many Christians do not deem God-given liberty worth fighting for. It seems to me that if God gave it then it is worth fighting for, lest we end up spurning what the Lord was gracious enough to bestow upon us.

But many of our brethren today seem to have had their faith neutralized to the point that all they want to do is wait for “the rapture” to take them out of this mess so they don’t have to be involved. Then there are those who say “Don’t sweat all this stuff. The Lord is in control.” If the Lord is in control that’s their rationale for not doing anything. The Lord will do it all and they can just come along for the spiritual joyride. I hate to burst your spiritual bubble, but it doesn’t quite work that way. Truly the Lord is in control. No sensible person would argue with that. But often the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, chooses to use His people to exercise some of that control. Unfortunately in our day, many Christians ain’t having any of that. That’s not part of their game plan. Their agenda is to get themselves to Heaven–end of conversation!!!

How often, in the Scriptures, do we see the Lord working by using His people to accomplish certain things? How about Moses, or Elijah, or even Jonah? God accomplished miracles through these men, and through Jesus’ apostles–but he used these people to do it. Faith in their Lord resulted in action from these men, not their just sitting around waiting for the Lord todo it all with no involvement on their part. That’s where we seem to be today. Many of our brethren seem possessed of “couch potato faith.” They will sit blithely on their couches, in front of the boob tube, watching CNN and then tell others not to worry because the Lord is in control and He won’t let anything happen to them or their country. True faith has been replaced by spiritual frivolity.

Preserving your liberty requires, as General Flynn noted, a sound grounding in the Truth and the One is the giver of all truth. It then requires action, sweat, effort, and a reliance on the Lord to show you how to use the truth He gives you to preserve what He has given you. Just sitting around waiting for the Lord to do it all doesn’t cut the mustard. Ultimately the Lord does it all, but He is pleased to use us in that process–and that is something we need to begin to think about.

Quit praying for a “rapture” and start asking the Lord to show you what He wants you to do to preserve the liberty He has given you. I realize lots of folks don’t want to hear this but the church as a whole needs to hear it and to rethink our exercises in spiritual lethargy. If we will not strive to preserve what the Lord has given use He will find others who will–and they will get the benefits and not us.

“Cultural Genocide 1861-2020”

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

The Kennedy Brothers, in the third edition of The South Was Right! Shotwell Publishing, Columbia, South Carolina dealt with the ongoing problem of cultural genocide in chapter 17.

They observe, in the opening comments of this chapter that: “While updating the third edition of this book we found this chapter to be saddest chapter in the entire book. It is sad because had Southern Heritage organizations and leadership took our advice back in 1994 when we issued the second edition, we would not be witnessing the massive slandering and destruction of our Southern society we see all around us today (2020). In 1994 we pointed out that it will require bold political action to halt the Yankee Empire’s genocidal attack on the South. Our call for bold action was met with slanderous accusations of treason to the good ole U.S.A. and charges that the Kennedy Twins were radical and extremist–such slanderous accusations did not come from anti-South neo-Marxists but from leaders in Southern heritage organizations. One national leader told us, ‘We have more important things to do,’ while another told us we were ‘too confrontational.’ Pacified Southerners preferred to ignore the approaching neo-Marxist apocalypse while quietly meeting, eating, and retreating. Their timid, pathetic, non-defense of the South consisted of nothing more than pinning ‘I attended the convention’ medals on their chest or diligently researching their genealogy to justify the wearing of one more ancestor medal on their heritage ribbon. Such Southerners have no room to mock Nero for fiddling while Rome burned!”

I have run into people like that and I am willing to bet some of you have also. These are the folks who seek to live on the laurels of their ancestors without really trying to defend the cause for which their ancestors fought. Most of them probably attended public schools where they were taught really faulty “history” about their ancestors and the righteous cause for which they fought (and it wasn’t slavery) and whether they realize it or not, they have absorbed much of that fake history.

It is lots easier to subdue a people that has been taught bad history about their foundations. We see this happening today in government schools all across the land where Marxist programs like Critical Race Theory and similar programs like the 1619 Project are being used in colleges and K-12 government schools to give our young folks a terribly false and disjointed view of our history while at the same time portraying communism as something to be grasped for and sought after.

And what is our response? Mostly ambivalence. Even here in the South it is so much easier to just “go with the flow” and not bother to stand up and speak out for your history and your heritage. After all, they might call you a “racist” and that’s the last thing most folks want. Easier to just “sit down and shut up” and most folks in our day, even Southerners, have been taught to avoid any controversy that might draw the wrong attention to themselves.

Problem is, as the Kennedy Brothers tell us, this has been going on since at least 1861 and it shows no signs whatever of abating in our day. The Kennedys observe, accurately, that “The Southern political scalawags and their fellow travelers are the keys to maintaining Northern liberal political domination of our Southern homeland.” They liken those people to the French traitors who helped the Nazis in World War 2. The Kennedys tell us “Southern scalawags have led the fight to destroy our precious Southern heritage. The reason? Because they owe their allegiance, not to the people of the South, not to the principles of Constitutional liberty, but to the establishment, the power brokers who control the supreme federal government.”

The Kennedys noted, on page 399, that “Our Southern society has a heritage rich in cultural diversity. The study of the various cultures that comprise this heritage is certainly relevant and laudable. The problem is that the liberal education establishment has assumed unto itself the right to decide which cultures are relevant and which ones must be ignored. It has assumed unto itself the right to teach cultural diversity in a manner that will best support its left-of-center liberal bias. By ignoring and or falsifying our Southern heritage the liberal establishment is engaging in a deliberate campaign of cultural genocide.”

There is much more in chapter 17 than I can ever go into here. You really need to read this third edition of The South Was Right! and look at where we are in our day through the lens of what the Kennedys tell us. I know both of these men. They have done the homework–and where Southerners have failed to live up to their birthright, they don’t hesitate to tell us.

One thing we need to do that would be a step in the right direction is to start checking out educational alternatives to our present government education system. In spite of the occasional good teacher, that system will never give us the truth about our history and heritage and if we don’t learn that truth we will be forever reinventing the wheel in every generation and wondering why the wheel is square!

Lincoln & the Forty-Eighters

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Yesterday, March 2nd, I did an interview with Cliff Kincaid for one of his you tube presentations. It was mostly on Donnie Kennedy’s and my book Lincoln’s Marxists. Hopefully I was able to give Cliff my take on the communist influence in this country in the years both before and after 1848. I don’t do a lot of these interviews so I am always concerned that I do not do well enough on them. Cliff had read our book and so was mostly in agreement with the history of socialism in this country that we presented.

However, in doing some preliminary research for this interview, I read an article by a man who claimed that Marx’s influence on Lincoln was pretty minimal and he took to task a writer who dared to disagree with that. He claimed that Lincoln just reading Karl Marx’s articles in utopian socialist Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune would not have been enough to reinforce Lincoln’s views on socialism. While I don’t totally agree with that, I got the impression he was trying to soft-pedal Lincoln’s socialist worldview–something Lincoln-lovers dearly want to hide.

In doing more research on this I came across an article by a John Nichols published in the International Socialist Review that was quite informative. The socialists do not hesitate to identify with Lincoln as he was, in a sense, one of them. Mr. Nichols noted, in part, that Greeley’s Tribune was one of the papers delivered to Lincoln’s law office in Springfield and that Lincoln was “Keenly aware of the rising tide of liberal, radical, and socialist reform movements in Europe, a tide that would peak–at least for a time–in the ‘revolutionary wave’ of 1848 and its aftermath, the young congressman joined other American Whigs in following the development of that year’s ‘Springtime of the Peoples’ which saw uprisings against monarchy and entrenched economic, social and political power in Germany, France, Hungary, Denmark and other European nations. For Lincoln, however, this was not a new interest.” That was an interesting comment there at the end. It indicated that Lincoln was familiar with the socialist upheaval going on in Europe.

Nichols continued: “Long before 1848, German radicals had begun to arrive in Illinois, where they quickly entered into the legal and political circles in which Lincoln traveled. One of them, Gustav Korner, was a student revolutionary at the University of Munich, who had been imprisoned by German authorities in the early 1830s for organizing illegal demonstrations.” Korner ended up in Illinois where “Within a decade he would pass the Illinois bar, win election to the legislature and be appointed to the state Supreme Court. Korner and Lincoln formed an alliance that would become so close that the student revolutionary from Frankfurt would eventually be one of seven personal delegates-at-large named by Lincoln to serve at the critical Republican State Convention in May 1860, which propelled the Springfield lawyer into that year’s presidential race. Through Korner, Lincoln met and befriended many of the German radicals who, after the failure of the 1848 revolution, fled to Illinois and neighboring Wisconsin. Along with Korner on Lincoln’s list of personal delegates-at-large to the 1860 convention was Friedrich Karl Franz Hecker…” He gets prominent mention in Lincoln’s Marxists.

And Nichols also noted: “The failure of the 1848 revolts, and the brutal crackdowns that followed, ;led many leading European radicals to take refuge in the United States, and Lincoln’s circle of supporters would eventually include some of Karl Max’s closest associates and intellectual sparring partners, including Joseph Weydemeyer and August Willich…Lincoln did not merely invite the 48ers to join his campaigns, he became highly engaged with their causes.”

So what do Nichols’ comments here tell you about where Lincoln was really at? It would appear that the 48er influence on Mr. Lincoln, due to his socialist proclivities, was much stronger than most writers would have us believe. When theologian James Henley Thornwell referred to “Red Republicans” back in the 1850s it would seem he knew what he was talking about. Wonder how much he knew about “Honest Abe.”