Leftists And Hate Crime Hoaxes–They go hand in hand

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am getting tired of hearing about how “Jussie” Justin Smollett has been the victim of mean, nasty Trump supporters in Chicago. Stop and think about it–how many Trump supporters are there really in Chicago? Maybe half a dozen, and we are supposed to believe that two of those went out of their way to commit a “hate crime” against Mr. Smollett. And anyone that thinks Chicago is “MAGA country” ought to have his head  examined. This is the city of Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama. Come on, give me a break!

It’s so far out that even the Chicago Police can’t buy it. Walter Williams, in an article that appeared on http://www.lewrockwell.com for February 27th noted: “…Chicago police say it was a hoax. This type of hoax is part and parcel of the left’s broad agenda of victimology, fraudulence and gimmickry, plus gross media  gullibility, incompetence and political attention seeking…Racial hoaxes  have been a major part of the leftist agenda going back decades…Most of the nation’s racial hoaxes take place on college campuses. Recall the 2006 lacrosse rape case, in which three affluent white male Duke students were falsely accused  of raping  a black female stripper. Police exposed Bowling Green State University student Eleesha Long as a liar after she complained about being attacked by Trump supporters the day after his election.”

So, fake hate crimes are a favorite tactic of the Left, and probably those who fund the Left also. They give our fake news media a golden chance to shout, scream, and froth at the mouth in “righteous indignation” about the amazing amount of “white racism” in this country. What about the black racism in the country? Sshhh! Don’t talk about that–don’t you realize that is a non-subject, something to be treated as if it never existed.

An article on https://townhall.com for February 18th of this year spelled this out quite succinctly.  It stated: “Liberals must love hate crimes. Why else would they fabricate so many of them? It could be that few events do more to both foster the liberal narrative and further the liberal political agenda than an old-fashioned skoal-chomping, meth-snorting, beer-can chucking hate crime committed by some racist, toothless wife-beater-clad redneck. And if there’s a Confederate flag flying somewhere, so much the better.” The article went on to note “…that caricature is becoming increasingly rare these days…” So how to compensate for this rarity? Well, how about a slew of fake hate crimes for a start?

It’s interesting to note that the Left has no authentic way to promote its agenda and so it must resort to fake hate crimes against those on the right to make itself look good and virtuous. That fact, alone, should tell you something about where the Left really is. Their entire “compassionate” agenda is really nothing more than a fake grab for power–and they’ll take it any way they can get it, no matter who they have to lie about or demonize. For the Left, the end truly justifies the means.

In my internet ramblings I just ran across an article by Michelle Malkin for February 20th on http://www.michellemalkin.com that I thought was good. I don’t always read Malkin because there are some issues she has that I disagree with, but this particular article was good. It had to do with the history of “fake nooses.” She went into a brief history of how nooses have been used as fake hate symbols in recent years. Any of you who have read about the debacle over nooses in Genna, Louisiana a few years back will remember what I am talking about.

Anyway, Malkin writes: “Columbia University, 2007. Remember black psychology professor Madonna Constantine?  She made the rounds on none other than ABC’s Good Morning America, claiming she found a ‘degrading’ noose (made of hand-tied twine) hanging from her office door. Constantine led fist-waving protests, decried ‘systematic racism,’ and prompted a nation-wide uproar, as I reported at the time in the New York Post. Things didn’t add up when Columbia initially blocked investigators from obtaining 56 hours of surveillance video. No culprits could be found on the militantly progressive campus obsessed with diversity and multiculturalism. It turned out that Constantine was desperately trying to distract from a brewing internal probe of her serial plagiarism, for which she was eventually fired. The hate crime probe hit a dead end and Constantine faced no criminal charges over the Fake Noose incident.” Read this paragraph again. It tells you something about the caliber of those that instruct your kids in college, not all of them, but at least some. Over the years I have known some honest college professors, but I have also known about some of the other kind, and some of them have most assuredly had Leftist agendas they tried to  force on the students committed to their tutelage.

There were other blatant examples amongst the material I dug up, but, again, you can’t possibly use all of it or you’d have a book, and sadly, most today have no interest in books. You can hardly get some to read six paragraphs without complaining that the articles are too long.

So, out of all of this, take a few salient thoughts. The Leftists and their financiers love fake hate crimes, and the more faked they are the more mileage they can get out of them. And fake hate crimes can often be used to detract readers from some of what is really going on. Another favorite tactic of the Left. Colleges are great places for fake hate crimes to be perpetrated and some colleges seem quite reluctant to see fake hate crimes exposed. That should tell you something about such colleges. Are they places you want your kids “educated” in?

The entire educational scene today, from K-12 through college is something that parents need to start looking into and researching and checking out. The days of letting “educators” bowl you over with pious platitudes are over. Parents need to start doing the homework about what their kids might be learning. I can guarantee you that once you start doing this, you will never be the same again, but, if you do it, your kids and grandkids will be better off for it.

Public Schools Are Little More Than Promoters Of The Leftist Agenda (So what else is new?)

by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

You would think by this late date that most thinking parents would long ago have realized what the public school system in this country is really doing to their children. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case. People continue to feed their kids into these mis-education monsters and then can’t figure out why their kids come home with severe emotional problelms.

If there were only a small handful of us writing about this stuff I could figure out why so few listen but there are literally hundreds of articles out there on the internet about what goes on in public schools, so many I can’t begin to mention them all. In any given article the best you can do is quote a few sources and hope that moves some people to start researching on their own. Those who are not willing to at least try to find out what their kids are being spoon fed are probably hopeless–and their kids will end up being even more so.

How many of you know anything about Drag Queen story hours in public schools? Haven’t heard about that yet? Don’t worry–you will, probably not too far down the road, when it shows up at a public school near you. Checking this subject out, I found page upon page of internet articles about it.

I pulled one off of https://freedomoutpost.com by Tim Brown, from about seven months ago, according to the article. The title of Tim’s article was Drag Queen Story Hour: The Latest From Public Indoctrination Centers You Send Your Kids To. Very appropriate title. I don’t know if Tim Brown picked it out or not, but if so, he couldn’t have done any better.

Tim’s article began with: “I truly am wondering when parents are going to have enough and pull their kids out of the public indoctrination centers we call public schools and stop subjecting their children to this depravity and insanity. The latest attempt to indoctrinate America’s children into the bizarre and mental and sexual derangement comes by way of the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH). That’s right, men dressed up as women will be providing stories to America’s children.”

He continued: “The story hours start for kids as young as preschool, targeting ages 3-8, and is being referred to as ‘social and emotional learning.’ Let’s be clear, this is nothing more than non-education. It is indoctrination. It is setting in children’s minds that it is perfectly normal for men to dress and act like women and vice versa, which then further indoctrination will add that it’s perfectly normal for men to be with men and women with women.” Tim is prescient enough to see where this is all going, and he notes near the end of his article that: “Schools are the ones supporting and promoting this…” This sort of perversion makes the budding Leftists in this country deliriously happy. If some of you recall, one of the main objects of some of the communists in Europe that supported the Frankfurt School was the breaking down of sexual morality among the young to prepare them to be youthful victims of the Left. This sort of thing goes right along with that agenda.

Another article in this vein I noted was on https://hotair.com posted on August 5, 2018 by Jazz Shaw. This one observed: “K-12 schools are bringing drag queens into the classroom to teach gender ideology, a Thursday video revealed. Teachers are praising ‘Drag Queen Story Hour,’ according to a clip (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCtsnAYHTaA&feature=youtu.be) released by videographer Sean Fitzgerald and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The program captures (https://www.dragqueenstoryhour.org/#about) the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

And the article works toward conclusion with: “Just in case this has been flying under your radar, it’s not a new program. It’s been going on in several cities for a couple years now.” Some school teachers just love this stuff.

You may not enjoy looking at some of this stuff. I didn’t check out the videos so I don’t know how graphic they might be, but you need to be aware of these growing trends in those indoctrination centers we naively continue to think are educating our kids. I don’t enjoy writing about some of this stuff. Doing my historical research is much more pleasant, but somehow, people need to get a grasp of what is really going on in these Leftist propaganda palaces we blithely assume are centers of public learning.

For Christians, public schools need to be separated from. It’s that simple. The founders of public education in this country, the Unitarians and the socialists, set the tone for public schools in this country from the beginning and the only thing that has ever changed in these schools since that beginning has been the amount of Leftist dogma that could be gotten away with. Unless more parents vote with their feet and get their kids out of these schools the next generation may be almost totally lost.

If the Public School Can’t Totally Dumb Them Down the State Legislature Will Be Glad to Help

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I just read an interesting article on the Lew Rockwell Blog this morning (2/22) by Michael S. Rozeff. It’s about a bill introduced into the Oregon legislature–Senate Bill 456.

According to Mr. Rozeff: “This Bill ‘Prohibits State Board of Education, school district or public charter school from requiring student to pass test to demonstrate proficiency in Essential Learning Skills in order to receive diploma. Directs school district or public charter school that did not award person diploma because person did not pass test to demonstrate proficiency in Essential Learning Skills to award diploma to person upon request of person. Declares emergency, effective on passage.’  If this is made law, the legislature commands schools that they may not require passing an exit test as a requirement to receive a diploma; and if a student has already failed such a test, he need only request his diploma and it must be granted.”

What this amounts to is that a kid can basically skate through his high school years, do just enough to get from grade to grade and then, when he can’t pass a final exam to get his diploma they have to give it to him anyway. If the public school can’t dumb the kids down enough so they are, to all intents and purposes, functional illiterates, then the state’s political charlatans will be glad to step in and help them out.

If Oregon passes this foolishness then how long will it be before other states rush to do the same? If the public schools can’t totally cleanse the brains of their captive audiences the state’s politicians will be glad to pick up where they left off. Either way, the kids end up getting shortchanged and being less and less able to deal with the real world. If I had a suspicious mind, I’d be tempted to think that might be the real agenda. Uneducated kids don’t know enough to be asking the questions they should be asking and if they don’t know what to ask about then schools and legislatures never have to answer any critical questions.

The late Rev. Rousas  J. Rushdoony, in his book Intellectual Schizophrenia has observed that: “Modern education thus is statist education, and the state is made the all-embracing institution of which all other institutions are but facets…But the child of the state, being a man without faith, has no vital principle of resistance and thus even in his rebellion is statist.” In other words, if the state controls the educational process it can even direct rebellion against itself into those parameters that it can live with and that will do it no real harm. That’s where all these Leftist student “revolts” have really fit in over the years. They were designed to make it look like students rebelling against the state when in actuality they were vehicles that promoted the power of the state. And they fooled most people! That’s why so many discerning people have called these protesters “useful idiots.” With no historical background to guide them (they learned their “history” from the state) they know almost nothing of real history, hence they are easy marks when it comes to being conned into something that seems to oppose the state but in reality further empowers the state.

As if to prove this point, I received the following from a friend on my mailing list. He observed: “As Marxist thugs go about the Southland vandalizing statues and monuments, it now seems that these ‘college educated’ illiterates can’t even tell the difference between Robert E. Lee and William C. Lee–or between the War Between the States and World War 2 even. General William C. Lee, whose statue sets outside the Airborne Museum in his hometown of Dunn, North Carolina is considered an ‘international hero of World War 2.’ Police say someone doused the statue in some kind of flammable liquid and set it on fire. They suspect that the vandals did so thinking it was a statue of Robert E. Lee. Besides sharing the same last name, General Robert E. Lee and General William C. Lee have nothing in common and are not related.” They didn’t even fight in the same war!

That fact seems to make no difference to the historical ignoramuses that committed this act. They both had Lee as their last name and most college whiz kids today just know for a fact that anyone with the last name of Lee had to be a slave owner and a racist–they just know it!

This is the sad state of affairs in public education in our day, and in truth, it has never been any different. The only difference has been in degrees of ignorance.

The good folks in Oregon had best write their legislators and tell them to vote against this monstrous testimony to planned ignorance in their state. Christians who have their kids in public schools, in Oregon or anywhere else, had best realize that if they don’t get their kids out of these public brain laundries their kids will end up not knowing the difference between Robert E. Lee and some general in World War 2.

I wonder how many kids in public schools today can even tell you what century the War of Northern Aggression was fought in.

Home Schooling Is Not As Difficult As Some Want You To Think It Is

by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I can remember, back in the late 1980s when my wife and I made the decision that we needed to home school our children. The people in the church we attended were mostly aghast at that prospect. Most of them, (and I say most because there were a couple exceptions, but only a couple) felt that rather than us home schooling our kids we should immediately repair to the local public school and implore them to please take our kids in and give them a proper education. They realized, as time went on, that such was not going to happen.

Outside of them being thoroughly conditioned to believe that public schools were the only way to go, I’m not sure why they reacted so to our decision to home school. They may have felt we are just too ignorant to teach our own kids, I don’t know. Maybe we didn’t have a string of college degrees in back of our names. That probably had something to do with it. Their premise seemed to be that no one without a college degree of some sort is capable of teaching anyone anything. My wife and I were both mere high school graduates and so we were considered not fit to teach our kids anything except how to find their way to the local public school.

When my wife and I came to this particular church we were just finished with a two year stint in West Virginia during the Kanawha County Textbook Protest. What we saw and heard there in our two short years had convinced us that our kids were never  going to attend a public school anywhere at anytime. I could almost wish that some of the folks in that church had been able to spend some time in West Virginia with us to see what went on and how the public school establishment and the government treated textbook protesters. But, then, they might not have believed it if they had seen it. They couldn’t grasp why we felt the way we did about the public education establishment because they had never experienced what we had, and they had been, as I said, conditioned to feel public school was the only way to go. They could, with some reservations, accept Christian schools, but home schooling, especially by my wife and I, was simply beyond the pale.

Well, beyond the pale or not, we did it anyway Obviously, we were not going to be able to school our kids in the classics, but we were able to give them, with the Lord’s help (and that’s the only way we could do anything) a decent basic education. My wife and I were both readers and we had instilled that into the kids so they were readers.

My wife and I started going around to home school fairs wherever we could find them and one thing I always checked out, the first thing, was what different home school programs had for history and theology. Mostly is was pretty disappointing. Some of the history books seemed like little more than rehashes of public school texts with a few Bible verses sprinkled over the top. Now remember, I’m talking about back in the late 1980s. Granted today there may be lots more worthwhile stuff our there, but in the late 80s, it was kind of slim.

I finally found some decent historical material, but it wasn’t from any of the home school history programs we checked out. I found a good five-volume U S history set by Clarence Carson from the Conservative Book Club for our son and a book called  Quest of a Hemisphere  from the John Birch Society for our daughter. Nowadays the John Birch Society has its own home school program, as does Ron Paul’s organization. So, today, there are some good options out there.

For our first year we used a program from Alpha Omega but we didn’t use either their history or their Bible studies. The second year we used material from Christian Liberty Academy  for our daughter. Our son was done at that point.

One thing we discovered, you do not have to be a rocket scientist to home school your kids. You do have to know the material you are using and you have to be comfortable teaching it. That’s not a big deal. Most parents can work at that and get to where they are comfortable teaching their kids and if they are willing to work at it the kids will actually learn something. You do not have to be a professor emeritus at some big college to home school your kids. That’s what the public school establishment would like you to believe–that you are too stupid to teach your kids anything and in most cases it’s just not so. Or look at it this way, if you were educated in their public school system and you are too dumb to teach your kids anything, what does that say about the system that “educated” you?

Today there are all kinds of home school programs and all kinds of home schooling organizations where parents get together and team-teach a whole bunch of kids, one parent taking a subject they are good at and teaching it to kids from a whole bunch of families. When we home schooled no such thing existed to our knowledge.

Another thing to consider–if you start teaching your kids right from the beginning and never put them in a public school, then the public school authorities have less of a hold over your family than if you had been in their system because you were never part of their system. I doubt that the public schools in our area knew we existed because we had never been part of that system anywhere.

That’s not to say home schooling is a snap. Like anything worth doing, you have to work at it, but for those willing to work at it, in most cases, you can do it and this is what the public school establishment hopes you never realize–that you can do what they are failing to do. Once you have that figured out you don’t need them and they realize that. Not only that, with what goes on in public schools nowadays your kids are better off without them.

One thing public schools will never do is to impart a Christian worldview to your kids, but they will impart a humanistic, socialist worldview to them because, at root, that’s what they exist for. That being the case, your kids don’t need them, nor will your grandchildren!

Was Public Education Really Necessary?

by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

One of those who receives my blog articles is a good friend in Illinois, Tom Parent, who has been a political observer and writer over the years.

He recently commented on one of my article on public education in this country. Tom wrote: “The Socialists and Communists peddle the lie that, before public education, only the rich could afford a proper education for their children. Hence the need for public education. Christians have fallen for this lie hook, line and sinker. Thus believing this, they’re erroneously led to believe that they have to reform the public schools instead of seeing the real need for Bible-based Christian education. Until this illusion regarding public education is revealed for the lie it really is,we will gullibly continue to support the idea for the need of public schools.”

I have to admit that Tom has a valid point. Christians have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to public education and, unfortunately, the vast majority of them have just not bothered to do any homework on the subject at all. Someone peddles to them the old line about the crying need for public schools and it never occurs to them to ask any questions. They blindly accept what they’re told or what they have always seen and the thought of asking “why” never enters their minds. Harmless as doves they are–wise as serpents they ain’t! As Tom says, most of what they have been told in this area is a bald-faced lie.

Back in the early 1980s author Sam Blumenfeld (now deceased) wrote an informative book called Is Public Education Necessary? Mr. Blumenfeld contended it wasn’t. Lest you wonder who Sam Blumenfeld was, he was an education expert and author of several books on education, among which were How To Start Your Own Private School–And Why You Need One and Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers.

In the preface for Is Public Education Necessary? Blumenfeld noted: “Out of this labor came some fascinating discoveries: that American intellectual history is inseparable from its religious history; that public education was never needed, and that literacy in America was higher before compulsory public education than it is today; that socialists, who were very active in the public school movement, began operating covertly in secret cells in America as early as 1829, before the word socialism was even invented.”

Blumenfeld also went into the influence of Unitarianism on public education. Observing the Unitarian push for government schools he noted, on page 57: “The distance between subsidized common schools locally controlled by those who voluntarily established them and a national compulsory system of education run by a hierarchal elite as practiced in Prussia was considerable. It would take at least thirty years to bridge the gap, and the Harvard-Unitarian elite would be the principal builders of that bridge…Clearly, by 1823, the American people had about as much public education as they needed. In Massachusetts they had had too much, and the trend outside of Boston was away from the public school on the secondary level to the private academy. However, the Harvard-Unitarian elite, moved by their exalted vision of human perfectibility, had only begun to do their work.” In other words, the people of Massachusetts (and by extension, other states as well) were going to get public schools–whether they wanted them or not!

The Unitarians were undeterred and Blumenfeld noted: “The perfect man had yet to be created, but the Unitarians would not get the chance to create him if the people of Massachusetts kept whittling away at public education. It is interesting that the only thing the Unitarians liked about the Calvinist commonwealth was its education laws, which compelled communities to establish public schools. Time and again, in their drive to revive and expand public education, the Unitarians would piously quote these laws and bemoan their erosion and disuse.”

A survey done in 1817 in Boston showed the shocking lack of need for any public schools. At that time, there was a Latin school, an African school for black children, and “a school in the Almshouse for the children of paupers.” The city had eight public schools, 154 private schools and eight “charity free schools” The survey noted that “there were 283 children aged seven and under who attended no schools. Thus, an astonishing 96 percent of the town’s children were attending school, and the 4 percent who did not, had charity schools to attend if their parents wanted them to. Thus there was no justification at all for the creation of a system of public primary schools,…”

Of course the Massachusetts Unitarians kept rather quiet about the fact that they had gotten some of their ideas about early childhood education from socialist Robert Owen, who advocated that children be removed from the influence of their parents as early as possible so their “educators” could mold their thinking free of any parental involvement.

So today, when you hear all these educators’ plead for having the kiddies start school as early as three years old, you will know where those ideas originated. It was and is a socialist concept, and the idea of kindergartens is right along those same lines.

Christians need desperately to be aware of all this and most are not. Your children are being stolen from you in a broad daylight child highway robbery scenario guaranteed to let the educrats cleanse their brains of anything you parents have taught them about their place in history, their heritage and their culture. By the time the “educators” get through with your kids you will have little left of them but a rowdy batch of “social justice warriors” under the control of their teachers and professors. As Christians, you need to ask yourselves if that’s what you really want. If it isn’t, then you better get the kids out of the public school system.

The Communist Take On Public Education–It’s not all that different from the Socialist one

by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Years ago I had a friend and mentor, the Rev. Ennio Cugini, who as a pastor, felt it was important that Christians be aware of Communist inflitration and its methods in this country. Pastor Cugini has gone to be with the Lord now, but while he was here I learned much from him that helped to shape my worldview regarding the Marxists and their evil designs for this country. In much of what he did he was ahead of his time. More Christians should have listened to what he said. The country would have been better off if they had.

Pastor Cugini learned much about the Communist agenda for this country and the world because he followed what the Communists did by analyzing their own material and reading their publications. If he ever found an ex-Communist who had broken with the party and was trying to expose it he tried to talk to that person if possible.

One ex-Communist he did get to talk to was Louis F. Budenz, the former managing editor of the Communist newspaper Daily Worker. In 1945 Budenz broke with the Party and came back to the Roman Catholic Church. After that point he started testifying about others who had been part of the Communist apparatus and in 1947 he wrote his autobiography called This Is My Story.

As to whether there were Communists in our public school system, I recall an instance back when I was in my early 20s. A man who went to our church was some kind of officer in the Air Force Reserve, and at a meeting I was at one evening he was talking about a high school English teacher that he did not want his son in school to sit under for instruction. He had some kind of information about her that led him to believe she was a Communist. Now at that time, I did not know much of anything about anything. My epiphany about communism had not come yet, but I always remembered this particular instance since I had had the same lady he was concerned about as a teacher when I was in high school. I really didn’t remember an awful lot about her except she spent an inordinate amount of time guiding us through Charles Dickens’ book A Tale Of Two Cities  which had to do with the French Revolution, a favorite period for Communists. I wish now I had had the presence of mind to ask the man in our church what he knew about her and where he got his information, but I wasn’t smart enough at that point to do that.

But, getting back to Louis Budenz, I happened to run across something he had written that was on http://www.biblebelievers.org It went all the way back to 1954 and dealt with the Communist attitude toward public education in America. Budenz said: “In undermining a nation such as the United States, the infiltration of the educational process is of prime importance. The Communists have accordingly made the invasion of schools and colleges one of the major considerations in their psychological warfare designed to control the American mind…As early as 1924, in lectures delivered at the Sverdlov University in Moscow, Stalin specified ‘cultural and educational organizations’ as valuable allies in the Communist battle for world dictatorship…”

Budenz continued: “In the classroom, the Communist teacher or professor very rarely, if ever, teaches Marxism-Leninism openly. There are hundreds of indirect ways of reaching the same end. Books by Howard Fast, the author who has refused to state whether or not he would fight against Communists if drafted, are proposed as suggested or recommended readings…The Red instructor has many other ‘non-Communist’ sources to draw on-those leading figures in public life who always follow the Communist line…The influence of the teacher who is commited to Marxism-Leninism goes far beyond these contacts into parent-teacher associations (often working behind the scenes with Communists in those groups), in the preparation of books, the presentation of lectures, the voicing of opinions…” And then he mentioned some well-known figures of that day that some of you who are older may remember. He noted “Dr. Harry F. Ward, Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary, is reported to be a member of sixty Communist fronts. The late Dr. Walter Rautenstrauch, well-known professor of engineering at Columbia University, is reported to be affiliated with fifty Communist fronts. Dr. Henry Pratt Fairchild of New York University has been associated with forty of such organizations…”

And he noted further: “The Communists have had a number of advantages in the penetration of schools and colleges. Outstanding among these is the philosophy of pragmatism, as enunciated by Dr. John Dewey, which dominates the present educational process. Pragmatism is not a Communist philosophy, but it serves as a convenient cover under which the Reds may operate and also under which they may win many allies in the educational field.” There’s a familiar name. Anyone remember John Dewey, the socialist/atheist?

Interestingly enough, Budenz observed: “The Soviet dictatorship would not permit progressive education within any of its schools or colleges…But in the United States, the Soviet fifth column favors this ‘new education’ because of the general confusion, chaos, and breakdown in morale…” So the Communists would never educate their kids the way they wanted our kids educated because they saw the pitfalls. Unfortunately, we didn’t.

So ask yourselves, how different was what the Communists in the 1950s wanted for our public schools and colleges from what the “progressive” educators and socialists in our day want for them? I might be a bit dense, but I don’t see all that much difference. What Budenz probably didn’t recognize was that what the Communists wanted for our public schools was almost exactly what the socialists since the days of Robert Owen, and later John Dewey, wanted for them. The Communists were and are radical socialists.

Let me reiterate again that all I have presented in regard to public schools is not a call to clean them up and/or reform them. It is a call to separate from them, to get your kids out of them and either into good Christian schools or good home schooling programs. The public school system will never be reformed! It is doing today what it was created to do–indoctrinate rather than educate.

A final question–how many good-sized Christian churches sit mostly empty all week while their parishioners send their kids to the public brain laundries we call schools? How many of those churches could open up their facilities to Christian schooling during the week if only their people could begin to catch the vision of Christians educating their own children rather than feeding them to the socialist meat grinders in public schools?

I realize it’s lots easier for Christians to sluff off the responsibility of educating their own kids. So much easier to let them get brainwashed and just sit and complain about the results–never do anything–just complain. But I will tell you something. If we don’t rescue more of our Christian kids from what they are being subjected to in public schools, in one more generation, we may well not have a country–we may have what they’ve got in Venezuela or Cuba. You need to think about that and the results of that for your grandchildren.

Socialists Running Public Schools–Part Three

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

If you think that socialists and others on the far left have no interest in public schools in America then you are dreaming. They realize that public schools give them a big opportunity to influence the future direction of this country–if they can be a major force in those schools. Histoy has shown that they have been there since the beginning. What Christian parents have got to realize is that they are in an ongoing culture war with the socialists and their Deep State friends and that the socialists do not intend to lose this war.

They intend to have their way with our children–one way or the other–any way they have to or can. It is up to us to protect our children from this and you cannot do that by leaving them in the public schools.

According to an article on https://www.campusreform.org for August 23, 2018: “The Young Democratic Socialists of America organization is urging socialists to ‘take jobs as teachers’ in order to exploit the ‘political, economic, and social potential the industry holds.’…’Why Socialists Should Become Teachers,’ an 11-page pamphlet crafted jointly by YDS, and the Democratic Socialist Labor Commission, contends that education is ‘a strategic industry to organize,’ and offers prospective socialist educators ‘a basic roadmap for how to get a job in education’.”

Author Alex Newman, writing for Freedom Project Media https://freedomproject.com has noted that “Socialists Urge Infiltration of Government Schools.” Newman wrote, on August 27, 2018 that: “America’s most prominent socialist organization is urging socialists to infiltrate government schools so they can brainwash impressionable young children, sparking national alarm over the totalitarian ideologues’ tactics and agenda. But despite the rantings of the dangerous organization, it is at least a century late to the party, with the government ‘education’ sector having been dominated by socialists for generations.” Newman is saying exactly what many of us have been saying for decades now. Newman knows the score. If you run across any of his commentary on the educational situation in this country–read it!

As Newman says, socialist infiltration of government schools is hardly a new thing. Way back in 1974 it was noticeable in the Kanawha County textbook protest. Back in 2010, former public school teachers Karl C. Priest wrote about that in Protester Voices–The 1974 Textbook Tea Party. Mr. Priest wrote: “Coupling that with my observations of the dumbing down movement of public education confirms that classroom teachers are encumbered so heavily that there is no hope to improve the pitiful academic situation in public schools. Even worse, the public schools are controlled by the American Civil Liberties Union, teacher unions, and other left-wing extremists who make public schools detrimental, even dangerous, to all children–especially Christian children. Actually, the textbook protesters proved all of this in 1974.”

Mr. Priest has noted, on page 209 of his book that: “What happened in Kanawha County was a battle in the cultural war. It is a war that will never end…Unfortunately, many parents do not understand that the philosophy behind what is creating all this turmoil in our country is coming from our own government run public school system. We are paying with our taxes for the support of our own destruction. As parents, we are teaching our children about God and His Word on Sunday and sending them to school five days a week to learn that nothing we have taught them is true.” How often have I said exactly the same thing! And I sometimes have wondered–is anyone listening? Does anyone give a hoot?

Almost no one seems to grasp the central fact that socialists and other apostates have had control of the public schools since day one! They and the Unitarians are responsible for the founding of this institution. It was founded to combat the influence of Christian education in the churches. Unfortunately, with the help of Christians who should have known better and didn’t (and still don’t) it has almost succeeded.

If you would like to know where the Communist Party in the US stands with all this, please check out the next installment.

Are Socialists Running “our” Public Schools–Part Two

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

There was an interesting article on https://townhall.com by Justin Haskins for 1/28/19. Mr. Haskins analyzed the content of what passes for education in institutions of “higher learning” but also in K-12 public schools too.

He wrote: “The real question isn’t whether these socialist tendencies exist, but rather why they exist.” He then goes into some of the reasons why they exist. He observes (and I think he’s right on the money here) that: “As important as bias on college campuses is, it’s only one piece of the puzzle. Much of the problem goes back much further, to K-12 schools where only 27 percent of teachers identify as Republicans, according to a national survey by the Education Week Research Center. Not only are K-12 teachers more likely to vote for Democrats and favor left-wing causes, socialist ideas permeate nearly every aspect of government-run schools. From their earliest days, young students are taught by modern state curriculum standards to be cogs in the societal wheel rather than independent thinkers.”

So socialism “permeates” nearly every aspect of government-run K-12 schools. Why do you suppose that is? You have to begin to wonder just what would-be teachers are taught in teachers’ colleges today. Is that where the socialism comes from? This is something that is never addressed.

Haskins further observed that “…many high schoolers spend little time enrolled in civics or history courses compared to classes that focus on mathematics, science, or technology. And when they are in history classrooms, they are often bombarded with left-wing historical revisionism that turns American heroes like George Washington into racist moral monsters. And these examples are just the subtle forms for educational socialism. In many public schools, teachers are outright hostile to conservative ideas and openly embrace radical left-wing positions like single-payer health care. Given the state of the current educational system, it’s not surprising that many young people identify with the collectivist principles of the far left and not with the rugged individualism that has been the foundation of American life for centuries.” Again, do these ideas originate in the teachers’ colleges? And if so, what does that say about socialist control of those colleges?

It surely sounds as if the socialist worldview and its adherents have firm control in most public schools–and if that is the case, why, in heavens name, would any Christian parent in his or her right mind want to subject their youngsters to that? Yet that is what, when we were going to home school our kids, we were advised by well-meaning people in the church we attended at the time, to subject our kids to. They honestly thought socialist-influenced public education was preferable to home schooling. After all, they all had their kids in the public schools and apparently the socialism their kids brought home didn’t bother them all that much–if they even realized that’s what it was.

Maybe that’s part of our problem. We, as a people, have for decades been so influenced by socialism that we don’t even recognize it for what it is. We just accept it as the norm and don’t think about it. What does that say about the public schools we, or our parents and their parents attended? How far back does this aberration go? Well, I have some bad news for you–it goes back to the first day that public schools were started in this country–that’s right the first day!

Socialism is what the public schools have always been all about. And it’s about time that Christians came to grips with that fact. Until we do, we will forever be trying to “fix” the problems with public schools, to fine tune them, to tweak them so as to eliminate some of the problems–and all that sort of thing is an exercise in futility. People have been trying all that for decades. Are the public schools any better for all that? No! If anything, they are worse! The only thing that will work for Christians is to get their kids out of those schools and keep them out!

Look at it this way. The public school educrats don’t mind you trying to tinker with the system to improve it. They know that’s never going to happen no matter how hard you try. They know your efforts will be fruitless because the schools don’t belong to you or your community–they belong to the federal government. When the textbook protest in West Virginia was literally beaten into submission it was on orders from someone in Washington not in Charleston. Washington wanted the protest shut down because it was giving their public school system a black eye nationally and that had to cease.
To be continued.

Are Socialists Running “our” Public Schools?

by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

The title of this article is a rhetorical question. Sort of like asking “will the sun rise in the east tomorrow?” The material I have presented in the last few articles should have answered that question. When you look at the involvement in and promotion of public education by people like Horace Mann, Robert Owen, and John Dewey you have to realize that there has been socialist promotion of public education literally since day one. To deny that is to deny history.

That being the case, what should the response of Christian parents be? Should they just go along with the “system” and hope it doesn’t totally ruin their kids? Should they try to reform it and get it back to the “good old days” when it was only less socialistic by degrees? Should they study to find out what really makes this system tick and then expose it and the people that run it? At the risk of sounding extreme, I would vote for the third question in this little series–to which I would add–when you find out what really makes the public school tick and who really winds that clock every day–then get your kids out of it, like the lady I am going to write about below.

Material about the corruption of the public school system abounds on the internet and other places as well. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to find this stuff.
Just recently I ran across an article by Terresa Monroe Hamilton from 3/14/13 on https://www.trevorloudon.com where Ms. Hamilton made some interesting points. She wrote about the Common Core curriculum, which many parents have grown to hate once they’ve looked into it. Hamilton said: “Common Core is Marxism for children. It is state run propaganda and is meant to dumb down and control our little ones. It is evil and it has been a long time coming. Obama pushed it through slyly and quickly after coming into office, but I can tell you, this has been brewing since at least the 1990s.”

Hamilton gave us a little background. She noted: “When my children were in school in the 1990s, my husband and I requested to see the school curriculum for their school in Las Vegas, Nevada. We were refused and basically told we were too dumb to understand what the teachers were instructing our son and daughter in. The last straw came when they wanted to put my daughter in the second grade on Ritalin instead of disciplining her. I was pulled in front of four teachers and accused of not raising my daughter correctly, as well as basically being an abusive and stupid parent. I promptly told these teachers they could pound sand, and pulled our children…out of school that very same day. I left the Fortune 500 and home schooled both of them until high school and in retrospect, should have kept them out even then.” She noted that her son went on to be a “gifted software developer.”

I wonder, how many parents out there have gone to public schools and asked to see the curriculum their kids were being taught from–only to be refused and informed they probably were not bright enough to understand it? Wish I had a dollar for every one. I’ve talked to some folks here in Louisiana who have told me that all their kids ever bring home are worksheets they need to do homework on–never any textbooks. Now why is that?  I asked one parent about that and he gave me a very perceptive answer. He said “because they don’t want us to see the textbooks.” Bingo!!!

If I recall correctly, they had this same problem during the textbook protest in Kanawha Country, West Virginia in the mid-1970s. And when you saw what was in some of those textbooks you can fully understand why the public schools were a bit reluctant to let parents see too much of what was in the textbooks. Some of it was downright pornographic! But parents did get to see at least some of it and that was one thing that started the protest.

I never forgot about one school board meeting there where one concerned mother stood up and started to read from her daughter’s 8th grade literature book. Before she had gone very  far, one of the board members told her that she could not read that kind of thing in a public meeting. I give the mother credit–she thought fast on her feet and replied “If I can’t read this stuff in a public meeting then why are you teaching it to my 8th grade daughter in her lit class?” I doubt she got a satisfactory answer.

When parents request to see the curriculum their kids are being taught from and are refused because they are “too stupid” to understand it, or for any other reason, right there, that should set warning bells off!  If I am too stupid to understand it then my kids probably are better off not learning whatever it is. Every parent that gets that kind of reply from public authorities needs to collect their kids and secede from the public school system forever that same day.

Of course the public school in your area would rather you didn’t do that, as there are then that many less kids to douse with brain detergent, and besides, if your kids leave the system then the local school district doesn’t get anymore federal money for them. So they have a vested interest in keeping your kids there–just like you have a more important  vested spiritual interest in getting them out.

To be continued.

Socialist Education in America

by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

That America’s public education system is rooted and grounded in socialism has become more and more evident in recent years.

Commentator Charles Morse noted this on http://www.enterstageright.com back on March 25, 2002 in an article. He stated: “That the prevailing philosophies and methodologies of American public education are leftist is not up for debate. Leftists have dominated the federal Department of Education, most state Departments of Education, the teachers’ unions, many teachers colleges, and education foundations for several decades. Many rank and file teachers know this, and have observed the catastrophic results, yet the situation is so rotten that they dare not speak out…On December 5, 1928 The New Republic published an article written by self-described socialist John Dewey, the revered father of so-called progressive education, in which he revealed the true nature of the leftist education agenda. In the article, Dewey spoke of “the marvelous development of progressive educational ideas and practices under the fostering care of the Bolshevist government.” That’s where Mr. Dewey sought to take public education in this country and where his spiritual descendants have indeed taken it.

Morse also accurately observed that “Dewey expressed his hatred for the autonomous sovereign family and his conviction that the family was the prime obstacle to the creation of his ‘communal life.’ To create this ‘communal life’ the communists, with the tacit support of fellow travelers such as Dewey, would murder over 100 million people.” Or, as the communists themselves would say “If you want to make an omlette then you have to break some eggs.”

In an article on American Thinker  https://www.americanthinker.com for May 22, 2013, writer Daren Jonescu observed: “Joseph Stalin had been General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party for six years in 1928, when John Dewey, ‘the father of modern education’ toured Russia with a group of educators. Later that year, The New Republic  published Dewey’s Impressions of Soviet Russia and the Revolutionary World. This polemic stands as a remarkable testament to progressivism’s disdain for mankind, reason, and truth. It is also Dewey’s most honest and concise primer on the principles of his progressive education method. Anyone prepared to defend the idea of government-controlled schooling after reading this work is perhaps beyond the reach of rational argument. Dewey’s general assessment of the Stalinist Russia he claims to have encountered is unabashedly positive, not to say romantic.”

After quoting one positively gushing passage of Dewey’s hagiography of Stalin’s Russia, Jonescu noted: “This passage, and indeed the entire document, written by a sixty-nine- year old eminent intellectual, reads like the silly postcard effusions of a ten-year-old girl on her first trip to Disneyland…Thus far we have established only that the mature Dewey loved communism, and was prepared to say anything, no matter how vile or absurd, to defend the post-revolutionary Russia by which he so unconvincingly claims to have been delightfully surprised.”

And his comments on the public schools of Soviet Russia? Well, he said, among many other major chunks of drivel, “I have never seen anywhere in the world such a large proportion of intelligent, happy, and intelligently occupied children.” Yeah, right! And he also piled it higher and deeper when he added: “For while a revival of interest in artistic production, literary, musical, plastic, is characteristic of progressive schools all across the world, there is no country, unless it be possibly Mexico, where the esthetic aim and quality so dominates all things educational as in Russia today.” Note here he mentions Mexico. He, naturally, does not bother to mention that, at that time, Mexico was also undergoing Marxist revolution.

Back in October, 2010 https://www.academia.org/john-dewey-soviet-progressives published an article by Malcolm A. Kline about a speech given by historian Paul Kengor. Kengor has written a book, one among several, entitled How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century. Kengor stated, and this should cause some concern in this country, though it probably won’t, that “In 1918, only three years after it was published in the United States, Dewey’s Schools of Tomorrow was published in Moscow. Given what was happening in Russia at the time, this is staggering.” And Kline noted “To wit: the Soviets, broke, were fighting a bloody civil war.”

Kengor further said: “Only a year after Schools of Tomorrow  was published came a Russian translation of Dewey’s How We Think  and then, in 1920, The School and Society.” You have to wonder, with a civil war going on in Russia and the country being broke, who was paying for all these books of Dewey’s to be published there? Obviously it was someone who understood Dewey’s leftist revolutionary potential lots more than the average American did–or ever would.

And then, Kengor made a statement that should shock any thinking American. He said: “Dewey’s ideas were apparently judged as crucial to the revolution as any weapon in the arsenal of the Red Army.” Read that one again and let it sink in. The potential for that statement is every bit as true in this country as it was in Russia. You see that revolution being worked out in the public school classrooms of America every day that school is in session. It may be working slower than it did in Russia–but it is working.

This is one reason it is so crucial that Christians get their kids out of the public schools as quickly as they can, lest they end up supporting and undertaking the leftist revolution that is beginning to sweep through this country even with Trump in office. How many of these socialist congress-persons you see infesting the halls of Congress were educated in public schools and how many of their parents were? Do you begin to see where this is all taking us, and has been for decades while ignorant Christian parents have fed little Johnny and Mary to the leftist Leviathan of public education so they would “witness” to their teachers and classmates?

In all honesty, just who is “witnessing” to who, and about what? With all the evidence out there about what public schools are really all about, I think the answer to that is quite obvious–it’s just one most Christians would rather not deal with and so they ignore it and hope it will go away. It won’t!