Has “Civil Rights” Like “Racism” Become Just Another Code Word For Anti-White Discrimination?

by Al Benson Jr.

After observing (and commenting) on this trend for several years now, I have  been forced to draw the conclusion that what has loosely been described as “Civil Rights” has become nothing more than a Marxist vehicle for blatant discrimination against white folks. It is particularly insidious on college campuses, which many of our conservative and patriotic people spend big bucks sending their kids to–so they can be thoroughly indoctrinated in various leftist “isms” that they have spent much of their lives fighting against. We spend treasure and blood fighting against that which we realize is totally evil and then willingly hand our kids over to it for “educational” purposes and then we are shocked at the results. I would like to think that, at some point, our patriotic folks would start to “get it” but, increasingly, I am beginning to wonder if and when that will happen.

I read a brief but interesting article on http://www.truthandaction.org about a black professor who has said we need to “dismantle and demolish whitness.” The article noted that: “The leftist bias of America’s university system is a well documented problem but people often overlook our country’s community colleges when critiquing the stranglehold liberalism has on higher education.” The article raises a point we need to consider.I have talked for years on and off to folks who sent their kids to community colleges because, often not only were they less expensive, but the kids came home at night instead of existing in a dormitory situation, so parents got at least some inkling of what went on. It seems that even that possibility is becoming out of date now.

The article observed that often, professors who can’t get or hold a job at regular four-year colleges end up at community colleges. The article stated: “If you thought liberal propaganda at universities was bad, at community colleges it’s even worse-if you can believe it. Take, for instance, Portland Community College’s James Harrison who is teaching our students that whites are somehow to blame for the sky-high crime rates committed by blacks. This is delusional anti-white bigotry at its finest, and it’s being taught at American schools as fact.” Are you even mildly surprised? Parents really need to start looking at where they send their kids to be “educated.” You need to do some homework regarding the faculty and where they are at and what courses they teach. That would be the shock of a lifetime for lots of folks.

So how does the black college professor plan to “dismantle and demolish” whiteness? I’m sure he has an agenda guaranteed to radicalize the students that are forced to sit under his leftist propaganda without their parents’ knowledge. Further, will he dismantle and cease using all the white inventions that help him in the preparation of his anti-white diatribes every day? Will he quit driving an automobile because it was invented by whites, or will he quit flying  because Wilbur and Orville Wright were not black? What about the appliances in his home–his electric stove, his microwave oven, his television, his DVD player and all that other stuff invented by nasty white folks? In order to be consistent with his plan to “demolish” whiteness he really should quit using all this stuff and go back to what his illustrious ancestors used–right? Actually it doesn’t seem to quite work out that way. I know lots of black folks that constantly bemuse themselves with cell phones, phones that let them take “selfies” of themselves, and all manner of electronic  bric-a-brac, all invented by white folks or oriental folks–none of it invented by black folks. I supposed that’s “whitey’s fault” too, along with those high black crime rates. In actuality, what these folks, most of them leftists, unintentionally or otherwise, really want is all the good things whites have invented and produced–if they could just get rid of us whites in the process!

I have often wondered, who do they think will invent, or repair all this good stuff when we are gone? Ive watched countries like Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia). When they had a white government the country had surplus food to export. Admittedly the white government wasn’t perfect. No government run by sinful humans of any color is. But are the people there better off now? Since Zimbabwe became a black dictatorship (and let’s don’t kid ourselves, that’s what it is) it, they have chased just about all the white farmers out and “redistributed” the land in classic Marxist fashion, to Mugabe’s good buddies, who don’t bother farming. The country is going hungry and they can’t figure out what the problem is. I submit it shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out, but then, why bother? Lots easier to just blame the white folks for all your problems and if you can’t, or won’t work at feeding yourselves, why it has to be “whiteys’ fault” even if blacks control all the farmland, right?

Same situation starting to occur in this country in cities like Baltimore and Ferguson. How many of the places we have had riots in recently that it’s claimed are due to “white privilege” have black governments, mayors and police chiefs? How do you blame whites for the mess that is now Detroit when they have had a black government for years? Well, all you have to do is to parrot that anti-white drivel to the complaint lapdog media and they will pick it up and run with it.

When we lived up in the abolitionist paradise that was New England years ago there was one city near us that practiced what they called “urban renewal.” They condemned a whole batch of property and took it over and put up all new housing for “the poor.” It was really nice looking when they got finished with it, but unfortunately, “the poor” totally trashed it within five years and it was back to being nothing more than a more modern version of the slum they had torn down to put it up. All “whitey’s” fault I’m sure!

I can see that it will take another article to finish this–there’s just too much material to deal with in one article, but you get the picture. White folks have invented most of the modern conveniences  blacks can’t live without anymore but all their problems are are white mens faults.

It seems that most blacks have unknowingly bought into the Marxist class struggle agenda big time, at least since the start of the “Civil Rights” Movement. There is such a thing as personal responsibility and most haven’t seemed to learn that yet. There are black folks that do work hard and make a go of it and make a place for themselves in the world as Booker T. Washington advocated.  I’m not talking about them. My concern is the ones who continue to play the “Civil Rights” blame game and have, in recent years, taken it to new heights, and my concern also is with white folks who are gullible enough to buy into this Marxist twaddle. You’ve had a black Marxist president for two terms now. How much better off is the country? Please don’t all answer at once–the silence would be deafening!

“Civil Rights” Morphs Into Anti-White Discrimination And “Transgender” Rights–Part Two

by Al Benson Jr.

As previously stated the “Civil Rights Movement” was mostly not the noble crusade it has been painted as by a compliant “news” media. If anything it was an exercise in class struggle and a vehicle to feather certain political nests over on the far left. In his book It’s Very Simple–The True Story of Civil Rights author and investigative reporter Alan Stang noted, on page 97, that: “…There are in the United States two kinds of ‘Negro Leaders’: the violents and the ”. non-violents. The violents want to destroy the United States and set up their own nation on part of it. All the non-violents want is integration. Americans of all colors are going to get one or the other, they are told,  so they’d better take the integration. If they don’t, they’ll get the self-determination, and that’s bound to be unpleasant. In other words, if the violents make a riot, and the non-violent Rev. Galamison doesn’t get what he wants,  the violents will probably make a bigger riot. If you wanted to define it in one word you’d pick the word ‘entortion’.” That’s what a lot of the “Civil Rights” Movement was built on. This is not new. The same principle was used in the labor union movement. So most people, in an attempt to do the right and peaceful thing, picked integration. Has that choice solved the race problem?  Hardly! It wasn’t intended to. So we got the integration and the riots right along with it–and now blatant anti-white discrimination and the perverted “transgender” movement have become new “civil rights.”

So exactly what are the “civil rights” of the white majority? Why they have the “civil right” to put up with all this, and to pay for all the cleanup from all the riots they got along with the “peaceful” integration!

Opportunistic liberal (socialist) white politicians played the “Civil Rights” game for all it was worth, and now black “Civil Rights” pimps are playing the same game. Roger Stone, in his book The Man Who Killed Kennedy–the Case Against LBJ  noted, on page 8 that: “The Kennedy civil rights record is also a myth. JFK mined for black votes in 1960. His bold call to Dr. King’s wife when King was jailed in Selma…brought the important endorsement of Dr. Martin Luther King Sr. and a major swing of black voters against Nixon…Yet JFK would drag his feet on civil rights…The open housing and voting rights acts promised by JFK were late in coming and stalled in Congress when he was killed.” And LBJ was not averse to playing the “Civil Rights” game for his own advantage.  On page 33 of Mr. Stone’s book he observes: “Kessler shared some of LBJ’s jaw-dropping racial slurs in a book called Inside the White House.  An Air Force One crew member stated that the President had his own opinions about the Civil Rights Movement ones that were the complete opposite of his public actions to make America a ‘Great Society,’ and he blatantly shared them with anyone within earshot…In a meeting aboard Air Force One, shortly after signing the Civil Rights Act, he was pleased to promise two governors: ‘I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years’.” So it seems that black leaders were willing to use white liberal (socialist) politicians to get what they wanted and the white liberals were doing the same thing to them to further their own ends. Everybody used everybody. When you stop and think about it, this kind of reduces the “nobility” of the “Civil Rights” Movement to something slightly less than altruistic.

Now however people in the 1960s used the Civil Rights Movement for class struggle and for their own advantages, you have to admit that this movement, as it is interpreted in our day, has come a long long way, baby. Now it’s being used as the   reason to promote all manner of sexual perversion from sodomy to “transgender” rights.

When the State of North Carolina passed a common sense statute to keep “transgender” men out of women’s public restrooms it received a stinging rebuke from our current Marxist-in-Chief and his :”Just Us Department” as presently administered by Comrade Holder’s successor, Commissar Lynch. A World Net Daily  article for 5/5/16 stated: “In North Carolina, lawmakers adopted a law in March requiring people to use gender-designated public facilities that correspond to the gender listed on their driver’s license. The aim was to protect women from being confronted by a naked man. But the U.S. Department of Justice this week threatened the state with financial penalties, claiming the law violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That argument presumes Congress, in 1964, wanted men to be allowed to use womens’ restrooms and locker rooms and vice versa, which is ridiculous, contends Kellie Fiedorek, a legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which specializes in civil and religious rights.” But all that doesn’t matter. Our current ruler is absolutely fixated on making sure “transgender” men get to use women’s bathrooms and the only thing that seems to concern him more is that he has not yet been able to find a way to disarm honest citizens and gut the Second Amendment. But don’t worry, he’s working on that one, too. In case you might, in your wildest fantasy, be tempted to ask about the “civil rights” of honest gun owners, please don’t bother. Their “civil rights” in the area of the Second Amendment will be abridged as soon as he can manage to find some way to do  it that sounds even quasi-legal.

And his co-dependent that heads up the :”Just Us Department” is working overtime to push whatever he says and to threaten those that do not agree. You have to understand that those who disagree with the edicts of the federal government, legal or not, their “civil rights” are automatically suspect, and if Commissar Lynch can find a way to suspend them she will. The one “civil right” you have is to comply with everything the federal government expects of you. Anything beyond that is “open to negotiation” depending on how compliant you are willing to be.

So just stay tuned, folks.  You will be surprised what the 1964 Civil Rights Act allows before you are done. And while those that rammed it through would probably be surprised at where it has gone and how it is now being used, I’m sure most of them would not disagree. They would probably, from their seats in the hottest of all possible places in hell, say, “Why didn’t we think of that?”

“Civil Rights” Morphing Into Anti-White Discrimination And Transgender Rights–Part One

by Al Benson Jr.

Not quite everyone sees the “Civil Rights” movement as the noble crusade to give blacks equal rights as the “news media” has been trying to tell us for decades now. There was and is a lot more involved here than “equal rights” but you are not supposed to realize that. There are cultural differences between the races that never get discussed.

In fact, there was one black man, Albert Burton, who wrote a book about the developing “culture conflict” between whites and blacks. His book, when it was published (1964) bore the rather startling title Whole Nigger or None.  Referring to Burton’s book, the author of The Bondage of the Free, Kent Steffgen, said: “It is Burton’s opinion that gross errors about the characteristics of Negro life have led the North astray from any possible hope of an understanding. As a Negro he holds that the real villain of the ‘rights’ movement is the Northern humanitarian, who has actually brought on the problem by creating a market for it through his almost total ignorance of the colored makeup. To Burton, the Negro is the victim, not the beneficiary, of northern altruism.  He has been bought off for the all-important Negro bloc vote,  bribed into becoming a slum dweller, then blamed for being there…While the Negro desires many of the same things as other people, he sees himself as a consumer, not a producer, and does not believe he should have to work for things the white man thinks he ought to have…Minus all the agitation, the Negro would be content to sit back and take life easy, enjoying the prolonged, idle  hours of welfarism without a care…For this he will go to the polls and vote for the welfare state until eternity.” Now as you all read this, just remember that it was a black man that wrote it, not me or some other white guy. This was his opinion of his own race, or at least most of them. He did differentiate between the folks he described here and the black businessmen who were hustling and trying to make a go of it.

Whatever you may think of his commentary, he does have a point. Quite often you have to live in the South for awhile to grasp it. Northern folks coming down here trying to tell the South how to handle its “race” problems don’t even begin to get it. Let them live down here for five or ten years and see if their attitude is the same then as when they first came.

Now, although I have a major problem with much of the “Civil Rights”: movement, I don’t doubt that there are some sincere people that have got caught up in it. They are not all socialists and Marxists–but a considerable number are–and that’s a major part of the problem. What’s worse is that most of the folks that get caught up in all this do not have the first clue about the history down here. If you really want to begin to  understand the history and what led to most of the problems between the races get Claude Bowers’ book The Tragic Era.  It was written back in 1929 and so most of the current “historians” will pooh-pooh it as being hopelessly out of date. But, in all honesty, some of the current “historians” are Marxists.  I don’t take many of them seriously because I know their agenda–and that is to use “civil rights” as a tool to divide the races and to promote their class struggle program. And you have to admit they have done a great job in the past decades in places like Watts, Detroit, Baltimore and Ferguson. They are continually busy fanning the flames of “racism” to the point where they are almost out of control. Of course they get encouragement from Washington. That’s a given!

And Steffgen noted that, according to Albert Burton, the blacks “natural instincts under these circumstances is to destroy the white class system and bring the white man to heel as and end it itself.  Although such a pursuit is destructive and negative, he will derive infinite pleasure from it by the mere thought that the white man is coming down. His motivation in school, business or social surroundings, therefore, is often not so much to match the white man in achievement, but to compromise him…The desire to debase the white man has become the main driving force behind the entire Civil Rights Movement.” Wonder now why the NAACP is so hot to get your flags and monuments down? For them, “black lives matter” and only black lives! Admittedly, for them, it’s also a theological matter, but it’s also a racial matter.

Think about that for a minute. Any of these anti-white groups have this one objective as a major part of their agenda. I recently took an article from the Internet that was pn http://www.capsweb.org the title of which was “Leftists co-opt MLK, Civil Rights Movement to Push Amnesty.” I somewhat disagree with the premise of the title. Actually they have not “co-opted” the Civil Rights Movement–they have just taken it to a different level.

The article, originally written in 2013 by Matthew Boyle, stated: “While many establishment Republicans sit on the fence deciding which way they are going to go on immigration, the institutional left is out in full force invoking the cause of civil rights to drive an amnesty for illegal aliens agenda.”Boyle duly noted the National Council of LaRaza (the race) and their program of giving citizenship to millions that are here illegally. To their convoluted leftist way of thinking they should all be treated as well or better than American citizens and given all the privileges of citizenship even if they broke the law to get here. No they shouldn’t, I’m sorry. That’s bovine fertilizer. Of course it’s a brand of that sort of fertilizer that is profusely peddled by the current Regime in power. That’s one reason they are all so death against Donald Trump. At this point he doesn’t seem to be buying this particular brand of fertilizer and that’s driving the Establishment up the wall.

To be continued.

Can You Begin To See Where “Civil Rights” Is Taking Us?

by Al Benson Jr.

Decades ago now we were told by some in government and in the “news”media that we needed civil rights for blacks to end segregation in the South and so that blacks could begin to be able to vote. So, after multitudinous marches, demonstrations, sit-ins and other media-driven events blacks finally achieved some of those “civil rights” everyone was told they needed. If, at this point, you are going to ask me if I have a problem sitting next to a black family in a restaurant, I don’t. I have no problem with folks all being treated equally. Problem is, that some folks have gotten to the point where they feel they are entitled to be treated more equally than the rest of us, and, as usual, the ruling Marxist Regime in Washington totally agrees with them.

In fact, let’s be rather blunt.  When it comes to equal treatment in this Kountry anymore, white Southern Christians are at the absolute bottom of the totem pole and everyone else is supposed to denigrate them and their accomplishments with equal abandon as history is erased, reconstituted, and historical memory  is obliterated, to be replaced with–well, you don’t want to know with what. That will spoil your supper.

Several months ago, per request, I did an article that appeared in The Free Magnolia, a newspaper put out by the League of the South. The title of the article was The Marxist Side of Civil Rights. For those who have bothered to do any research on the “Civil Rights Movement” they will realize that it had (and has) a Marxist side. The “news” media just doesn’t bother to tell you about that because they and their bosses feel their agenda is better off if you are not aware of that. If you want some good background on this see if you can find Alan Stang’s old book It’s Very Simple–The True Story of Civil Rights.  should be able to locate it on Amazon.com I found it and there are old, used copies for sale. Mr. Stang was a truly investigative researcher and reporter and he researched where media “angels” had been told never to tread.

In our day we have finally reached the point (probably predetermined years ago) where the cultural Marxists have so absorbed and controlled the Civil Rights Movement that it is little more than a living memorial to their efforts to change our society from its Christian base to one that could only be loved by the Sodomite and Transsexual Movements. In fact the Sodomite, Lesbian and Transgender Movements have become the new civil rights! You have to start beginning to realize  that these people now possess all the “civil rights”  and you don’t really have any anymore. What you now have is the “right” to give in to their demands or face government prosecution (persecution) and that’s the only “right” you have left. If that’s too rich for you, then just take a good look at what’s going on around you. People are losing their jobs and their businesses because they refuse to cater to the whims of these people. So, tell me, where are the “civil rights” of those that do not, for Scriptural reasons, choose to go along with all of this? Such rights no longer exist. Somehow, the vaunted Constitution is not protecting us from all this. But, then, does that really surprise you? In spite of all the “conservative” bloviation Congress spreads out there, they, somehow, always manage to go along with whatever perversion the current administration comes up with.

I recently read an article by a New York Times columnist which said that “Christian churches ‘must be made’ to affirm homosexuality.” So who will be entrusted with that sacred mission? Exactly who is slated to make  Christian churches “affirm homosexuality”? Will the federal government do that?  And if so, exactly where are the “civil rights” of those in those churches that refuse to go along with what Scripture clearly condemns? Exactly who is going to force us? I’d like a detailed answer to this one. The Times article noted: “Bruni quoted furniture tycoon Mitchell Gold, who has used millions to found a liberal pressure group Faith in America, writing that Gold believes Christian churches ‘must be made’ to take homosexuality off the sin list.” Such statements from Gold lead me to inquire just where Mr. Gold is regarding religion.

In all honesty, you know who is going to pursue this agenda–the federal government, and they will pressure their minions in many state capitols to push the same agenda.  They will probably start with “suggestions” to the churches about this in their respective areas, then maybe a little subtle pressure, and finally, if some churches refuse to play this game the feds will seek to remove their 501c3 non-tax status until such time as they decide to comply with the federal program. For those that refuse flat out to do this, well, there is always prison–for violating the “civil rights” of the sexual perversion crowd–because, after all, they have “civil rights” and you don’t! Get used to it, folks, this IS the future–unless a goodly number of Christians and churches wake up and resist–and with what I have seen in churches in the last four decades, I really don’t expect that to happen. Oh, some will resist, to their credit, but not enough, and either jail of the FEMA Camp awaits those that do resist.

This is where the “Civil Rights Movement” has taken you folks. Do you like it? While you’ve been sitting in your churches on Sunday listen to your preacher tell you how close the “rapture” is, that it could happen any minute, or that “revival is just around the corner” (I heard that one thirty years ago, and it seems like it’s a long way to the corner) the “Civil Rights” crowd has been slipping the noose around your necks and you haven’t started to feel it until just recently.  They plan to make sure you feel it more before it’s all over.

It seems like it’s about time for a thorough re-evaluation of the “Civil Rights Movement” and just where it has been taking us.