“Cump” Sherman–A Yankee/Marxist Prototype of the cultural Marxist

by Al Benson Jr.

Anyone who has read any amount of the material I have written, either in my newsletter The Copperhead Chronicle or in articles on the Internet,  knows that I have employed the term Yankee/Marxist on more than one occasion. One of my readers, one time, asked me if using the term Yankee/Marxist wasn’t redundant. He had a point. However, my use of the term, redundant though it may be, is to amplify in people’s minds the truth that the Yankee, for the most part, has a Marxist worldview. He mostly has no use for the God of the Bible, whose Son and Holy Spirit he would vociferously deny, and he has no use for the concept of private property (except his own) and his agenda during the War of Northern Aggression was always “steal all you can carry off and destroy the rest. I suppose it needs to be stated here that by the term “Yankee” I am not referring to all Northerners, of which, though I have a Confederate ancestor, I am one.

The Yankee/Marxist’s was to “free the slaves” was a noble-sounding rationale and cover for his rape and pillage of the South, on several different levels, and his main effort was to make sure that his “god” in Washington (the federal government)  was forever worshiped and bowed down to. His cultural Marxist progeny today will even admit this if you pay strict attention to what they say.  One of the more well-known among them, Newt Gingrich, recently made a statement on television in which he said: “We fought a civil war to establish one sovereignty, the U.S. government.” Well, so much for “freeing the slaves” right? That was a good cover story, but Mr. Gingrich slipped up when he told the truth here–and tell the truth he did!

The Yankee/Marxist simply could not abide freedom and liberty for anyone. Everyone needed to be totally regulated and constantly supervised–for his own good naturally. He had an overriding compulsion to control people’s lives and make them do what he felt was the right thing–even if they did not feel like doing what he thought was right and proper, why then, he’d work to pass a law that made people do what he wanted. After all, he knew best. His cultural Marxist children still do the same thing today. Obama Care is a prime example and firearms registration (and eventual confiscation) is yet another.

That William Tecumseh Sherman shared this worldview can be seen from many of his comments over the years. In his book Citizen Sherman Michael Fellman has duly noted Sherman’s propensity toward military dictatorship on pages 80, 87, 131, 147, and 184.

Presently, I am in the midst of reading an interesting book by Winston Groom called Vicksburg 1863 in which Mr. Groom details all that went on in the Yankee attempt(s) to capture Vicksburg during the War. It was quite an extensive operation that lasted over a year  and went into several attempts by various methods, to take the city (all of which failed) until the final siege of the city ended it all. Sherman figured prominently in some of these efforts.

In discussing Southerners and their resistance to Northern “benevolence” Sherman said: “This is a larger class than most men supposed and they are the most dangerous set of men this war has turned loose upon the world. They are splendid riders, first-rate shots, and utterly reckless. These men must all be killed or (imprisoned) by use before we can hope for peace.” A quote from page 34. You will note that Sherman’s “final solution” to dealing with anyone that did not conform to his will was extermination. He took the same tack with the Indians in the West after the War was over (if they don’t do what we want then kill ’em all). Ol’ Cump Sherman was a real humanitarian–in the same mode as Joseph Stalin–who may have learned some lessons from Sherman.

It bothered Sherman that, when the Yankees took Memphis, most folks there were not real happy at his arrival in their fair city. If they expressed that in any tangible way, he retaliated,  gentle soul that he was. Mr. Groom noted: “First he threatened to close any church–and this included virtually all of them–whose minister or priest refused to offer a Sunday prayer to the president of the United States, whom they reviled. Next he began expelling from their homes the wives and families of rebel soldiers and sympathizers in reprisal for Confederates shooting at Union gunboats operating on the Mississippi…On September 24th he ordered the town of Randolph, Tennessee burned to the ground in retaliation for people firing on U.S. vessels and also, for the same reason, commanded the immolation of all homes, farms and outbuildings for fifteen miles down the Arkansas side of the river opposite Memphis.” And Mr. Groom noted, in this context, “These seem to be the earliest of Sherman’s pyromaniacal  urges in connection with Southern civilians and their property, but by a long shot they were not his last.” This quote from page 182. It almost seems like an understatement!

After reading some of the other things Sherman did during the War, I seriously wonder if he wasn’t a closet pyromaniac and the War gave him an opportunity to flaunt his aberrant behavior that he had not had previously–and after all, it was only Southern private property, along with war material, that he destroyed, and only Southerners that he turned out to starve and freeze when his bummers burned everything they couldn’t carry away. No problem there, right?  Naturally the authors of what passes for our “history” books don’t feel anyone really needs to know all this, so they just leave most of it out, except for a vague reference here or there, the same way they leave out all the information about all the Marxists in Lincoln’s armies, and in the Republican Party. Nothing to see here folks, just move along, and don’t look too close!

So Sherman may not have been, technically speaking, a cultural Marxist.Most of those we refer to as cultural Marxists did not enter the picture until the early 1900s with the advent of the Frankfurt School, as we have noted in other articles, but Sherman was most definitely a Yankee/Marxist and they can rationally be considered as the 19th century prototype for the cultural Marxists that were to follow them.

The aim of the cultural Marxists is to water down and ultimately destroy Christianity and to rid the world of that horrible curse known as Western Civilization, which has its base in Christianity. This is one reason the cultural Marxists never quit. Their agenda calls for the destruction of the Christian faith and its Triune God and replacing the Trinity with their own “god,” a collectivist, centralized tyranny that they call the “revolution of the proletariat.”  And lest you think this is a new struggle within the past 100 years or so, or even back as far as the French Revolution, this struggle goes all the way back to Genesis 3 in the Holy Bible.

Reprinted from The Copperhead Chronicle,  fourth quarter, 2016

And The Leftists Retreat To Their Gun Free Crying Rooms!

by Al Benson Jr.

With great interest and amazement as to the amount of outright Leftist hypocrisy displayed, I have watched the paranoid political gyrations of the New World Order crowd as they mentally struggle to process the fact of a Trump presidency. For people that are supposed to be so completely assured and in control of their multi-cultural universe they are not handling this very well. In fact, they are grossly guilty of the political prevarication they would accuse us of had they won the day and enthroned Queen Hitlery in what has already, thanks to Comrade Obama, become known as the Red House instead of  the White House. And, truth be told, they would rather change it to the Red House because, after all, calling it the White House sounds oh so “racist.”

I have watched a couple videos of Trump’s inaugural speech, where he promotes the America First position and interspersed between his comments are remarks by Henry Kissinger, Al Gore, George Bush and others, all expressing support for the New World Order. This crowd realizes that, with Trump in office, their plan for a One World Government has suffered a severe setback and they are slightly less than enthralled. Poor babies! Doesn’t it just make your heart bleed? Can’t you “feel their pain?”

I just read an article where Madonna said she had thought about blowing up the White House (pardon me, I meant Red House).  Now if someone in the Tea Party had dared to make a statement like that they would have been hauled off to the slammer and locked up for 99 years and the key thrown away, but because some wannabe Leftist has-been singer made the statement, the fake news media will just ignore it. How typical of the fake news media!

One good thing to come out of all this myopic anti-Trump hysteria has been the fact that what has passed as the “news” media for decades now has been thoroughly exposed for the frauds they really are and few people trust them anymore. And why should they? Those people do not report the news. The news happens, and they are told what spin to put on it, and being the good little journalistic prostitutes they are, that’s exactly what they do. They have no more concern about real news than the Man in the Moon has over an extra helping of Green Cheese. Anyone labeling them the “fake news media is right on the money. Trump called it when he said, in his first news conference, to the “reporter” from CNN “I won’t give you a question. You are fake news.” Bullseye!

And he also called it in his inauguration speech, when he said that the country’s political elite, some of whom were sitting on the platform near him, had made sure they took care of themselves (and their cronies),  making sure they got the gold mine while the American people got the shaft.

The “news” commentators, after his speech, carried on about how Trump had not been very charitable toward his adversaries. Well, why should he be? They’ve been trying to cut his political (so far anyway) throat for two years now and have pulled every underhanded trick they could come up with, from “vote recounts” to “Russian hacking”  to try and stop him and, thanks be to God, none of it worked. So why should he “play nice” with them? They are his mortal adversaries, cultural Marxists all. You don’t “play nice” with cultural Marxists. They take that as a sign of weakness and try to exploit it. You play hardball with them because they will kill you if they can, and not just journalistically.

I talked with a Christian pastor this morning. He said the country didn’t realize how close to the end of  the road it came with Hillary.  He said if she had gotten in it would only have been a matter of time until many of us were arrested. He said that, now, with Trump having a different outlook, maybe some in the Church will start to stand up and defend what they should defend instead of just sitting silently in the corner in their churches and “praying for Obama.” That’s not to say we shouldn’t pray for Trump. We should–because he has an impressive array of adversaries out there and he needs our prayers–and God’s protection. The hard Left marionettes and their New World Order puppeteers will continue to go after him and his agenda with even greater vehemence now that they have lost the initial rounds.

The professional protesters that got paid to travel around the country and protest anything that Trump said or did can now repair to their crying rooms at various “little ivy-covered North Koreas” we are still foolish enough to call colleges, because the pay days are probably over. Who knows, maybe some of them might even be moved to go out and find honest work–but don’t expect that of too many of them. Most will sit back in awe of their Marxist professors and hope for more Trump protest ops.  However, it is a rare treat to watch the Left squirm, partly because it prevents them from looking down their long collectivist noses at the rest of us who don’t care to share in Marx’s vision of the “brave new world” they had planned for us. In fact, as time goes on, even more us us might learn to fight back and expose their insanity. And that will really give them a severe case of the warm fuzzies!

Public Schools Work For Bureaucrats–Not For Kids!

by Al Benson Jr.

On January 16th I read an article by James Ostrowski on http://www.lewrockwell.com about public schools in Buffalo, New York and why they are not making the grade (no pun intended).

Mr. Ostrowski is a trial and appellate lawyer in Buffalo, New York and also the author of a book called Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America. He also has a website. I have not had a chance to read his book here mentioned, but it sounds like it would be a good one.

Mr. Ostrowski, in the Lew Rockwell article, commented on the public schools in Buffalo, New York, and you can, by extention, multiply his commentary on public education in Buffalo because it would also apply to most other cities and towns across the country. The problems he discussed are not unique to this one city, but rather reflect the general trend nationwide.

He noted that: “…government schools are bureaucracies  and bureaucracies are organizations run primarily for the benefit of bureaucrats. This is rooted in the nature of bureaucracies as having unilateral power over others. Power tends to lead to unilaterally beneficial relationships as there is a lack of incentive to cooperate and accommodate the interests of those under the control of the bureaucracy, that is, the taxpayers, parents, and students.” In other words, the concerns of parents, taxpayers and students are the absolute last thing taken into consideration, if at all. Mr. Ostrowski does not think this problem can be fixed. He is right. I don’t either. He points out, and sadly, this is all too true, that those trying to make this failing system work are al too often conservative folks who lack a “coherent ideology.” In other words, they work at trying to make a bad system good–and seem willing to bear the unnecessary expense of trying to do so.

He made another interesting statement. Food for thought for you all. He said: “Third, school board elections are rigged and controlled by special interest groups…Unions and other special interest groups tend to control these elections and are aided by the very small turnout. This can’t be fixed…” Ask the folks in Kanawha County, West Virginia, during the mid-1970s Textbook Protest there how they were able to “fix” the problems they had with their school board. And believe me, their meetings were not sparsely attended! They had one honest member on the school board then, Alice Moore, and she stood up for the parents and kids and their rights. Needless to say she was outvoted by the rest of the board in most cases, and they had one board member, who, at a school board meeting, was actually caught in a bald-faced lie. He just laughed it off as though nothing had happened and continued on with what he was saying–and as far as the agenda he was pursuing, nothing had happened. The truth had briefly gotten in the way, but that was of no importance!

Mr. Ostrowski observed something that Christians and patriotic people need to stop and reflect on. He said: “Conservatives, like 90% of Americans, have been captured by the progressive ideology that has ruled the country for the past 100 years. That being the case, they are reluctant to draw the obvious conclusions: government schools are bad for your kids; they can’t be fixed; they can’t be reformed;  and the only solution is to pull your kids out now.” Again, he is right on the money.  How many of us have been saying the exact same thing for decades now, and almost no one wants to hear it, especially Christians, who, in many cases, have come to unwittingly accept public schools as some sort of secular deity. I have said this before, but it bears repeating. When my wife and I decided that we had to home school our children, back in the 1980s instead of enrolling them in the local public indoctrination center, we got more opposition from Christians than we did from anyone else. The local worldly folks couldn’t have cared less. The Christians that we knew, most of them, were simply aghast at the idea that we had spurned the local public brain laundry in favor of home schooling. That tells me that the educations they had received, probably in public schools, had indoctrinated them in progressive ideology, even if they didn’t realize it.

It was observed by Mr. Ostrowski that “Reformers have been trying to fix what ails the government schools for at least fifty years. They have failed.” They will always fail–because the public school system is not about to be reformed from its original agenda which is the obliteration of any Christian influence or worldview in this country. And when I say that I am not indicting everyone who has ever taught in a public school. However, I am indicting the system–because those that founded it and most that run it today are well aware of that agenda. There are lots of alternatives out there today for families, of which home schooling is one.

Public education, in the past, has had the glowing support of people like Karl Marx, Horace Mann, and John Dewey, to name a few. Do some homework and check out these sterling individuals on the Internet while you still can.But, first and foremost, get your kids out of these schools and most preferably into some sort of Christian educational alternative.

Is Donald Trump the New Joe McCarthy?

by Al Benson Jr.

Thanks to our faulty understanding of (and lack of knowledge) history in this country, the name Joseph McCarthy brings up all kinds of negative bugaboos about the late senator, mostly undeserved but all promoted by the Far Left and those that finance the Far Left.

McCarthy  had a genuine concern about the numerous Communists within our own government and military that were working to destabilize the country and he found, as he went along,  that there were many within our own government that wanted these Communists in place to do exactly what they were doing. When McCarthy tried to expose all this, especially in the army, they blackballed him and eventually, when they could stop his exposures no other way, they got him censured. In other words,  when McCarthy was seeking to expose the treason in his own government to the American people, the traitors in his own government opposed and eventually managed to shut down his efforts. After all, the American people didn’t need to realize they were being sold out and certain people in high places in government were going to make sure they didn’t. For those that might be interested in a little background on this I would recommend the book McCarthy written by Roy Cohn and published by Lancer Books in New York way back in 1968. Believe it or not, it is still available on Amazon and worth the read to see some of what is going on right now in regard to Donald Trump and how the Ruling Elite are trying to stop his efforts. Read and begin to connect the dots.

There is a concerted effort afoot right now to deny Trump the presidency he won legitimately, and those responsible are both Leftists and their willing cohorts in government–and please don’t try to tell me the Leftists have no friends in government. After over 40 years of political research, I know better. One of their biggest boosters in government at this point is the man who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington–a man hopefully soon to be gone.

The spiritual descendants  of those that got McCarthy censured are alive and well in Washington and are working to deny Trump the presidency because they know he will not play their game–unless they can so co-opt his administration by infiltration that he will have no choice.

The descendants of those people that spread vicious  lies about McCarthy are busy now doing the same thing about Trump.  McCarthy had to be discredited before the public and so does Trump. The Leftists and their good buddies in government and in the “news” media are all working mightily to make sure that happens–any way they can, any way they have to.

Even the intelligence community in this country seems to be against him. According to an article on http://www.teaparty.org for January 13th; “His (Trump’s) plan was to tell no one about a recent intelligence briefing he had. The information got out anyway, proving the leak was not on his end, but within our intelligence communities.” Trump said: “I think it’s pretty sad when intelligence reports get leaked out to the press. First of all, it’s illegal. These are classified and certified meetings and reports.” So the intelligence community is leaking Trump’s meetings with them to the “fake news” media who are, in turn, putting out there what they think will make Trump look bad.

It was interesting, regarding that 35 page dossier on all of Trump’s “indiscretions” that was put out. The fake news media eventually had to admit that it was, indeed, a fake. World Net Daily http://www.wnd.com published an article on 1/12 partly about a firm called Fusion GPS, that had hired Christopher Steele, the man who supposedly authored the dossier. The World Net Daily article stated that: “Steele, 52, was identified Wednesday by the Wall Street Journal as the author of the memo. The Times cited a source saying the money to hire him came from a wealthy Republican Donor who wanted to compile a dossier about Trump’s past scandals and weaknesses.” Didn’t make any difference if it was false or not as long as it worked to influence the public against him. The headline for the World Net Daily article was Firm Behind Trump Dossier Worked for Planned Parenthood. Does that really surprise anyone?

I hope, at this point, that Trump realizes all the forces arrayed against his presidency and how low they will stoop to make sure he doesn’t make it to the White House–again, any way they have to.

The question then arises–should these people be able to thwart the will of the millions that voted for Trump, what will the reaction of those millions be–when they realize they have been shafted yet one more time by their own government’s unelected rulers?  Many of them have watched the government stiff them and their families for decades now and Trump seemed to be a way to end all that. What happens then if he is denied the ability to do that? You had better believe that lots of these folks are really ticked at what government has been doing to them for most of their lifetimes. Will they just sit idly by and watch it happen all over again if the Ruling Establishment thrusts a fake Hillary or a fake Jeb Bush on them as their supposed “president?”

There was a time when I would have said “yet, they will–they’ve been getting stiffed for decades now and they have put up with it, so why not again?” Now I am not so sure. History does have a way of getting messy, and I am about half convinced that our history here, in the short term, is going to get real messy. McCarthy and Trump (connect the dots) have been treated the same way–only this time the American people just may not take it anymore. We will see what happens come January 20th.

Getting Tired of the “Fake News”Scenario Yet?

by Al Benson Jr.

We have heard so much of late about all the “fake news” that the alt-right organizations are supposed to be spreading hither and yon out there that it has almost become ludicrous.  If we believe the Ruling Establishment’s paranoid ranting we will accept as gospel truth everything that the Washington Post or the New York Times puts out there and we will automatically distrust everything that The Drudge Report, InfoWars, WorldNet Daily and a whole host of others publish. We might even be tempted to doubt what I am writing here! This is a classic Marxist tactic called “Condemn others and elevate yourself.” In other words you are doing the same thing you accuse others of doing but you did it first–and then complained about them doing it so you could seize the moral high ground and appear clean when actually you are dirtier than those you accuse.

Thanks to the fact that many people are finally starting to wake up and see what goes on it’s getting harder for the mainstream media to push this agenda, but push it they still do, because not enough people have laughed in their faces yet to convince them it isn’t working anymore. That day will come, and it won’t be a happy one for the prostitute press

The truth of the matter is that those who have been putting fake news out there for decades now (the mainstream media) are now accusing their competition of doing the same thing in an effort to shut them down because people have started paying attention to what the alt-right has to say. I’m not saying that the alt-right is perfect or that they even always get it all right, but you get scads more truth from them than you ever will from the mainstream media who have been bought and paid for literally for generations.

And there are serious questions out there as to what constitutes “fake news.” In fact, you could say that “fake news” is a concocted  reason for federal censorship and you wouldn’t be far off the mark, if at all. I recently read an article from http://www.christianpost.com by Samuel Smith, the title of which was Fake News: Is Religious Liberty at Stake?  The title of the article is a good question–and most who read this will already know the answer.

Mr. Smith writes, in part, “As the world’s largest web companies are being pressured to crack down on websites that produce ‘fake news,’ there are growing concerns that efforts to censor what is deemed to be fake news could have a negative impact on religious news websites that report from a conservative or biblical perspective.” That is a valid concern. Smith notes: “The term fake news has been circulated by the media and Hillary Clinton following her defeat to President-elect Donald Trump in the Nov.8 presidential election, with many accusing so-called pro-Trump fake news sites of having a decisive impact on the outcome of the election.” That gives you some idea of where the current use of the term originated–and that fact alone should tell you something. I mean, after all, it’s not as if Hillary Clinton never lied to the public! She has been promoting prolific windys   for years to further her career and, somehow, the “news” media just never seems to notice.

Ron Paul, who ran for president in 2012 and had the Republican Establishment basically steal votes from him in various states so they could promote that weak sister, Mitt Romney, who was supposed to lose to Obama, has also commented on this. In an article on http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org  for December 11, 2016, Mr. Paul observed: “The latest and potentially most dangerous threat to the First Amendment is the war on ‘fake news.’ Those leading the war are using a few ‘viral’ internet hoaxes to justify increasing government regulation–and even outright censorship–of Internet news sites.  Some popular websites such as Facebook, are not waiting for the government to force them to crack down on fake news.”  That’s because the agenda of some of these sites is identical to that of the government.

And Ron Paul further notes that: “The war on ‘fake news’ has taken a chilling turn with efforts to label news and opinion sites of alternative news sources as peddlers of Russian propaganda…There have also been calls for congressional investigations into Russian influence on the elections. Can anyone doubt that the goal of this is to discredit and silence those who question the mainstream media’s pro-welfare/warfare state propaganda?” Well no, Ron, no reasonable person can doubt that, but then we are talking about the federal government here–at this point under the control of a Marxist Regime that will do anything and say anything to make sure the New World Order crowd maintains control and stifles true liberty. That’s what the Obama Regime is all about. And if they can find some convoluted, quasi-legal stratagem to deny Trump the presidency they will do it in a New York heartbeat! That’s where we are at this point i time.

A brief article on http://www.infowars.com  recently stated that: “…indeed, the globalists are thinking of ways to keep Trump from getting in office 11 days from now. Jeh Johnson of DHS federalized all the elections in a letter sent out recently. They would only do that, knowing Trump will reverse it, to have the apparatus in place to prevent him from taking over. This is 21st century warfare, but the good news is that the public is not buying it.”

Paul Craig Roberts, writing about this same subject in a short article on http://www.lewrockwell.com on January 10, 2017  said: “The disturbing question is: Why do it now after Trump’s election? Could there be a plot to rescind Trump’s election on the basis of the ongoing lies that Trump was elected not by the voters but by Russian interference? Federalization can be used to remove the states from the picture and prevent the states from challenging an establishment coup against the voters.” Read that last statement over again.

So the entire “Russian hacking” story is being reported not only to discredit Trump, but so the feds can insert themselves into the election process in a way hitherto almost undreamed of by ordinary folks.

Think about this–every time you have a “terrorist attack” it gives the government more excuses to restrict our liberties. That’s what “terrorism” is all about today. It’s the old “pressure from above and pressure from below” game. I have written about that before some may recall.

We should all pray sincerely–and continually–that the Lord will be pleased to toss a few monkey wrenches into the machinations of the New World Order program–of which “fake news” is a large part at this time.

The Establishment Declares Guerilla Warfare Against Trump Administration

by Al Benson Jr.

The conclusion I reached regarding my heading for this brief article has more than been borne out in recent days. Usually when a sitting president hands over the reins of power to his successor the custom has been for him to quietly withdraw and go do something else, write his memoirs or dedicate his memorial library, or whatever “something else” might be.

But that is not to be the case with our current Marxist president. He has already informed us that he “isn’t going anywhere” but will stay in Washington to keep his finger on the pulse of current events. Which means he is going to be second guessing everything that Trump does, and he realizes that a compliant and prostituted “news” media will daily report his running commentary about how poorly Trump is doing things to the public. So Trump will be fighting on two fronts at all times.

I don’t doubt that Obama would have loved to have left Washington and gone somewhere where he could play golf 14 hours a day, eight days a week. But it would seem that his bosses in our Ruling Establishment plan to keep him chained to Sodom on the Potomac so he can do their bidding there.

And we also hear about some Democrats that are planning on starting up a “war room” to combat Trump at every possible opportunity and to start training a new cadre of young socialists to be prepared for when the Establishment manages to get rid of Trump. Honestly, folks, have you ever seen a post-election scenario like this one? I’ve been following the political scene for over 45 years now and this is a first for me. It is being admitted flat out that the losers are not going to accept their loss but are instead going to continue their blatant Leftist assault from the sidelines.Sort of makes you curious as to where some of George Soros’ money will be spent in the next four years.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Mr. Trump has many of these Establishment types in his own party and you can be sure they will work with the “Demoncrats” because when it comes to the Ruling Establishment, the Deep State, or whatever you care to call the CFR/Trilateral hacks that will be doing this dirty stuff, party labels make no difference. “Republicrats” or “Demoncrats”, they all belong to the same New World Order crowd.

One thing the American people need to realize is that when the New World Order people declare guerilla war on Trump and his administration they are also declaring it on us!

They realize the public at large knows they’ve been shafted by them and that’s why so many voted for Trump–because he promised them an administration that would cease sticking it to them. Only problem is “those people” don’t want to cease sticking it to us. They enjoy it! The cultural Marxist mentality is one the enjoys pulling the wings off flies and the legs off frogs. It gives them a power trip and they like how that feels–so they want to keep doing it to us, and besides, lots of their friends make money off of it one way or another.

They want us to know that they are the “god” in Washington and it really ticks them off when we fight back. So they’ve got to double down and stick it to us to show us who’s boss. When Hitlery called us all “deplorable” she was being honest for one of the few times in her life. That’s how they think of us. Am I advocating that we fear those people? NO! If anything we should oppose and expose them because “gods” they are not, except in their own minds!

So keep your eyes and ears open in the days to come because the New World Order boys (and girls) in Washington are really going to try to neutralize any and every good thing Trump tries to do and they are going to try to neutralize anything whatever that might give the ordinary man a shot at a little more liberty than he now has.Those people don’t like liberty–especially for us–they want us in bondage–and they will do whatever they have to in order to make sure we stay there. That’s the cultural Marxist mindset and we had better understand that. Whether you always agree with Alex Jones or not, he says one thing at the end of his broadcasts that we should think about–“You are the resistance.” He’s right.

For another article in this same vein check out “Give Me Land, Lotsa Land” on http://thecopperhead.blogspot.com

Why Do Southerners Continue to Finance the Destruction of Their Children and Culture?

by Al Benson Jr.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can continue to feed their progeny into those Marxist meatgrinders  we refer to as public schools and “institutions of higher learning” and then wonder why their kids come home spouting the lessons they have learned about Marx or Mao or Che and how wonderful the society they have planned for us will be.

People spend literally millions every year paying through the nose for “educations” for their children when, in most cases, all these “educations” are really all about is the planned destruction of their culture and faith. That may sound harsh to some, but having worked around and at colleges, I can attest to what those institutions do to kids’ faith and culture. While I am not indicting every teacher or professor  (there are some honest ones, though not nearly enough) I do indict the systems they work for that claim to be about “education” but are really about student indoctrination.

Confirmation of my viewpoint was driven home to me awhile back by a friend in Georgia who has been part of the Southern Movement and happened to have a Confederate flag in his garage. One day his grandson came over and asked him why he had that “racist” flag in his garage. The grandson attends the local public school. Realizing there was a definite problem with his grandson’s history education, Grandpa has taken it upon himself to work with his grandson to correct some of the gross errors  perpetrated by that school’s “history” or “social studies” teachers and, at last report, it seemed to be helping out. And that is good. But how many grandsons across the South and other places have this same historical bilge thrown at them where there is no help from concerned grandfathers or dads? Too many!  And our history and our culture are being systematically trashed–and we are willingly paying for it!

The same is true of colleges in the South. Many naive Southern folks think they can just avoid these problems by making sure their kids attend Southern colleges and don’t go north for their higher education. That could have been true 130 years ago or so–but no more. Southern colleges have been thoroughly infiltrated by the minions of cultural Marxism every bit as much as those in Yankeeland, and we had better wake up and smell the college coffee–and I can guarantee you won’t like the aroma–it has the smell of the far, far Left!

A case in point–Richard Meagher, a political science professor at Randolph Macon College in Ashland, Virginia. Professor Meagher just had an op-ed piece printed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch for January 1, 2017. The headline for his piece was A plea for the new year: No more Confederate nonsense, please.  Meagher admits he is a transplanted Northerner and that, therefore, he feels his opinion will be worthless to a good number of Virginia folks and other Southerners as well–yet here he is, teaching in the South, and spreading that opinion to lots of Southern young folks. I guess he figures if he can’t change their parents’  minds the least he can do is to indoctrinate the kids and change theirs. This was a classic “reconstruction” tactic after the War of Northern Aggression. Ignore the parents and indoctrinate the kids.

If what he says in his op-ed piece is a sample of what he promotes in his classes then those kids that sit in his classes are in trouble. Meagher states: “When I teach my politics courses, I remind students that the long history of American politics boils down to the repeated need to placate racist Southerners. Beginning with the three-fifths compromise in the Constitution, and continuing through decades of compromise to prevent a Civil War, Northern politicians did their best to tolerate a brutal apartheid   regime that was improbably nested within their developing democracy.” And he states later that: “To put it bluntly: The Confederates were the bad guys, as were their Jim Crow descendants.  They lost, and the country is immeasurably better for it.” Really? Someone should ask Mr. Meagher about the Jim Crow laws in Illinois sometime, though I doubt if he’d acknowledge the existence of them, but exist they did, whether he will admit it or not.

Meagher has no patience with Southern claims about states rights or that the War was about the principle of secession. He labels those claims as “preposterous.” You can tell from the running dog of his commentary that all his students will ever get out of his classes is that the War was fought over slavery. For him there is no other reason worthy of mention, and besides we all know–that the Confederates were the bad guys, right? You can bet your kids will know that after sitting at the feet of the “master.”

Mr. Meagher attended the City University of New York where he got his Ph. D. so I guess that is the line they preach there. Although you would have thought, with a Ph. D. he would have realized that is country was a Republic, not a “developing democracy,” but the difference between the two seems lost on him.

What it all boils down to is this–we have just got to cease celebrating all this “Confederate nonsense” and we “need to stop holding up the Confederacy as something to honor.” In other words, the Yankee/Marxists don’t like what we do here in the South and so we just need to stop doing it to keep them happy. And when we stop doing this or that they don’t like, why before long, they will appear with another demand to cease and desist from something else they don’t like. Do you begin to see where all this is headed?

As you can see, the systematic attack on Confederate history and heritage has already begun for 2017. Meagher fired the opening shot on New Year’s day–he didn’t even wait for the warm weather like the cultural Marxists did the last two years. And good Southern patriots better not wait for the warm weather to answer him either. The battle for your culture, faith, and heritage has already been joined for 2017. The only question is–how long will it take before us “bad guys” decide to fight back???