Exercises In Futility

by Al Benson Jr.

Almost half a century ago now, when the textbook protest in Kanawha County was going on, at one of the school board meetings there, one of the school board members was caught in a blatant lie in some of his remarks and someone attending the meeting called him on it. The school board member, caught in the act, just laughed and continued on with his remarks. He was not there to shine the light of truth on anything. He was there to lie to the parents about what the public schools in Kanawha County were doing to their kids. At that point, the Kanawha County School Board had one honest member on it–Alice Moore–who tried to do what was right for both parents and children. The rest of the school board wasn’t, to put it bluntly, worth spit!

Today we have all manner of problems with the far-left agenda being pushed in public schools that they have the gall to call “education” everything from Critical Race Theory to pushing transgender agendas on the kids, all without any parental consent or knowledge. This is all rank indoctrination that the school system calls “education.”

When parents attempt to look for ways around all this educational offal, they are often given bogus advice designed to either neutralize their efforts or keep them quiet, or both. Many parents are told to join the PTA to take care of their concerns. Sorry folks, but the PTA can do nothing to change the leftist agenda in public schools. Joining the PTA to combat this is an exercise in futility, as many are finding out. The PTA is ill-equipped to combat organized leftism, which is exactly what is being promoted in the schools. Just because your school may not have been affected yet doesn’t mean it won’t be at some point. If they haven’t gotten around to you yet, be thankful, because somewhere down the road, they will be coming for your kids.

Others are told to go to their local school boards and voice their complaints. Depending on the makeup of the local school board, this could be the last thing you want to do. I am reminded of the school board in Northern Virginia where a father went to complain about his daughter being raped by a boy, claiming to be a girl, who used the girls locker room. This actually happened–and the school board tried to sweep it under the rug and shipped the boy off to another school–where he did the same thing. Then the father of the girl was treated like a domestic terrorist. In fact, parents going to school board meetings to legitimately complain about what happened in schools to their children we’re often branded as “domestic terrorists.” There was a not-so-subtle message for parents there–if you don’t want to face serious jail time, just keep your mouths shut!

In 99 cases out of 100, you will get no relief from the public school system. It’s almost an impossibility for parents to combat leftist teachers unions and leftist school boards. These people have an agenda and they march together in lockstep to accomplish it and. their agenda is to make compliant little Marxists out of your kids. I remember last year reading a comment from a public school teacher where he said, referring to his students, “I’ve got 180 days to make revolutionaries out of them,” If this is what you want for your kids, then by all means, let the public school do its evil deed. But if you want something better, more decent, more God-honoring, then run, don’t walk, to your kids public school and take him or her out as quickly as possible.

Don’t join the PTA and don’t go complain to the local school board. Just go and take your kid out of the public school. Homeschool them if you have to, and if you do that, then check out joining the Home School Legal Defense Fund.

Facts You Need To Fight Mandates 2.0

brief comments by Al Benson Jr.

Well. guess what folks, they are going to try to pull the same Covid crapola on us again that they did before–mask mandates (that don’t really work) and a whole round of new shots that probably won’t work either. They must think we really have short memories, especially if we’ve been indoctrinated in their public brain laundries they still refer to as schools. Who, with a brain, could forget the mountain of medical offal Saint Fauci tried to pour down our throats that was 90% bovine fertilizer? Well, they are back for a repeat performance and they will try to push the same medical dog and pony show in us and hope we will be dumb enough to fall for it a second time, What’s the old saying–“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

Read what the Front Line Doctors have to say about Facts you need to fight mandates 2.0


Also check out


Check the section that has to do with masks.

China Joe Loves The Middle Class To Death–Its Death

by Al Benson Jr.

I noted just this morning how Biden’s excuse for a press secretary talked about how he had turned the economy around so it now benefits the middle class. My first thought was–what a ton of bovine fertilizer that is. And in typical Marxist fashion–that is the exact opposite of what has really happened. But then, Biden’s press secretary wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her on the rump!

There was an article on https://nypost.com for May 26, 2022 by Glenn H. Reynolds about how the Biden Regime may be grinding down the middle class on purpose. Reynolds noted: “Team Biden took an already bloated federal budget and supersized it with spending last year, printing money hand-over-fist to fund a massive array of pork-filled programs, many if not most of which guided billions of dollars into the pockets of Democratic Party supporters…and it was a double whammy. Inflation comes when you have too much money chasing too few goods. The spending part provided the excess money, but the Biden team was right there helping to ensure fewer goods too. Gas prices going up…but at the same time Biden policies were reducing the amount of gasoline, diesel and heating oil those dollars could buy. Biden went wild cancelling pipelines, ending gas and oil leases, imposing stricter environmental rules and–in cooperation with big international investors–choking off the finances of people trying to produces new fuel supplies…So does the Biden administration want to see middle-class Americans reduced to poverty and privation? Or is it just too stupid to foresee the obvious consequences of its own actions?” Mr. Reynolds doesn’t answer that question, which is a good one, but I will. It’s sort of like asking will the sun rise in the east tomorrow.

Jenna Stocker said it all in an article on https://thefederalist.com for 8/10/22. She said: “Joe Biden isn’t for the middle class. If anything, he wants to punish us. He shows the same disdain for middle class families that he showed to a union worker in Michigan prior to the 2020 election when he was confronted about his stance on the Second Amendment. Biden’s unhinged reaction was simply a preview of what we see now. This is the real Joe Biden.” When the worker accused Biden of trying to take away our Second Amendment rights, which he is in fact working at, Biden’s slightly less than courteous reply was “You’re full of sh..” Biden the went on to note his ringing support for the Second Amendment, which was just as big a lie as his comments about having nothing to do with son Hunter’s business dealings, plus his recent comment that the Second Amendment is “not absolute” which means he feels he can just work around it when he feels he can get away with it. This man is a thorough-going liar, as are those in his regime that try to sugarcoat what he does. He spits in our faces and they tell us all it is is dew!

Ms. Stocker’s article continues: “Despite having a front-row seat to the supply chain disruption occurring prior to taking power, the Biden administration did nothing ro address the imminent shortage of baby formula. Instead they shut down one of only a few domestic suppliers of baby formula with absolutely no plan for making up the inevitable shortage,” After all, most of those kid’s nasty parents probably voted for Trump–so let ’em go without. It will serve them right! So typical of Biden!

Jenna Stocker concluded her article by noting that Biden complained how the middle class has been “crushed” under Trump (it wasn’t) but now that he’s in office “Biden is doing everything possible to destroy what remains of the American middle class.” That has been the plan all along. Like all rabid socialists, of which Biden is one right along with Obama, he hates the middle class because that’s where the resistance to socialism and communism usually comes from and part of his task is to destroy that resistance–while falsely claiming he loves it. The poor won’t resist. They’ll take everything they can get. The superrich won’t resist because, at heart, they are closet socialists themselves. The middle class will resist, so they have to be put down. And China Joe, when he is not off on vacation, is working on that. His task is to destroy that resistance so we can be comfortably merged into the New World Order–and we are complete fools if we let him get away with that without resisting.

“Consummate Pharisees”

by Al Benson Jr.

Years ago the late theologian, R. J. Rushdoony, wrote a book called The American Indian. Rev. Rushdoony was well qualified to write such a book because he had been a missionary to the Shoshone and Paiute Indians many years ago. He had talked much with old Indians who had been alive before Indian reservation days and he noted that much of the “information” that has been peddled to us about the Indians is, to put it politely, stuff and nonsense.

He had an interesting chapter in the book, chapter 20, which he titled “Improving the morals of the past.” Rev. Rushdoony observed: “The imaginary Indian of many Americans’ thinking is an environmentalist, a natural philosopher, and a worshipper of the ‘Great Spirit.’ All of this is nonsense. I remember in the 1940s, seeing some younger Indians spouting these ideas cruelly mocked as fools by their elders. But well before that time, more than a few people were ‘writing down’ the tales of elderly Indians and making them sound like superb environmentalists and gentle souls.” And all that was balderdash from old Indians who often told gullible whites, especially from the East, what they wanted to hear.

But then, Rev. Rushdoony brought up and interesting point, one that is relevant in our day. He noted that “Many white champions of the Indians will speak in detail of the white man’s sins against the Indians–that is, the crimes of his ancestors. People who are prone to confessing the sins of their forebears rather than their own are consummate Pharisees and hypocrites.”

How much of such hypocrisy do we see today? We do have some that rail about the wrongs we’ve done to the Indians–and such wrongs do need to be noted for an accurate history of that period. Thing is, those wrongs have already been committed. You can’t go back and change them, so note them, resolve to try to do better in our day, and then move on

Same thing with the slavery issue with blacks . What’s been done that was wrong has been done. You can’t go back and change it. Sure there was cruelty and injustice in some cases, but not in all, so note that for the historical record and, again, move on. We can learn from the history, but we can’t change it. And all this hollering about millions in reparations for blacks is a vain attempt to make up for history we can’t change. The blacks in this country have had lots more opportunities to get ahead than the Indians on their reservations have had, yet you don’t hear most of them screaming for reparations money.

Actually, the whole reparations issue is really nothing more than a vote-buying scam by ambitious and greedy politicians to try to buy the black vote, and there’s lots more blacks here than there are Indians, so the reparations scammers don’t waste their time with the Indians. And the Indians are just as well off for that. The concept of reparations just fosters a dependency attitude among blacks, many of whom did not have ancestors who were slaves and whose families came here long after the days of slavery were over and done with. As I said, it’s a vote-buying game. The state of California (Commiefornia) wants to give each black person in that state $2.5 million dollars just because they are black, and may have ancestors that were slaves. Who do they think is going to pay for that horrendous financial outlay? White and Hispanic Californians are not exactly going to embrace that idea when it will probably result in a huge tax increase for the rest of their natural lives, and neither will Oriental Californians! You want to put the races at odds with one another then just enact a program of reparations for blacks.

Most of these supposed programs to “help” minorities do more to help those that sponsor them than they do for the minorities they are supposed to “help.” The Indians on reservations are already too dependent on the federal government, which should be helping them to become independent and productive. Rev. Rushdoony noted that the socialist reservation system was the death knell for any independence for the Indians because it robs them of their ability to take care of themselves and has destroyed the Indian character. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is another federal bureaucracy where fat salaries abound and which must be protected and preserved. If you see something wrong with this picture you are not alone.

Socialism Is Compulsion

by Al Benson Jr.

Socialism, in many varied forms, is presented to us as the panacea for all the world’s problems. Actually, it is the solution for none of them and a major contributor to most of them, but the socialists hope you never figure that out. If you did, you might be tempted to repudiate socialism, which they want you to embrace.

A major component of socialism in this country is the public school system. Those who have read Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto will recall that #10 of the list of planks Marx listed as part of the agenda for taking over a country was Free Education for all children in public (government) schools. Now admittedly, the content of the Manifesto was not original with Marx. He was hired to write the Manifesto for the League of the Just (Illuminati) so you can probably figure the ten points Marx listed in the Manifesto were Illuminist goals.

But the socialist intent of public schools in this country is not limited to commentary by Marx. Horace Mann and the Unitarians, as well as socialist Robert Owen of New Harmony, Indiana fame, were all strong persuaders of and adherents to the concept of state run schools aka government schools.

To properly “educate” (indoctrinate) generations of students as part of your agenda you had to force compulsory school attendance on them and their descendants so no one would believe it had ever been otherwise. They did this in the South after the War of Northern Aggression aka the “Civil War.” When the Southern states were brought back into the Union–the one Lincoln claimed they’d never been out of, they had to adopt new constitutions. One of the provisions in those new constitutions was that every Southern state would henceforth have a state-run public school system–a government school system. The South had never had this until “Reconstruction” but they do now. One more reason that I stress that “reconstruction is ongoing.”

Of course the Northern states, starting with Massachusetts and spreading to the Middle Atlantic and then Midwestern states, have had government schools since the 1830s. They never bother to tell you that those government schools were started as a reaction to the church schools of that era. That being the case, the supporters of government controlled “education” are the real reactionaries they accuse the rest of us of being because we don’t want their socialist doctrine shoved down our throats. That’s why their education agenda is compulsory. They don’t want people to be able to resist. They want to force you to comply. Like the Yankee soldier told the ex-slave–basically you’re free to do what we want you to do but not what you might choose to do on your own.

Thankfully, in our day, some parents are beginning to find ways around the government’s compulsory education agenda through homeschooling and church and other private schools whose founders have a vision for something other than Karl Marx’s “free education for all children in public schools” and some even realize that Marx lied to them, because with what they pay in property taxes, one can hardly call the public schools “free.” And besides, what’s going on in many public schools today can, only in the wildest of imaginations, be classified as “education.”

Many public schools spend more time promoting the transsexual agenda and teaching that being born white makes you inherently racist, while those of all other races never have that problem and so cannot possibly be racist. Teaching the 3 r’s is now racist. Math is racist and so the public school system is in the process of “educating” an entire generation of brilliant buffoons! These kids are in the process of asking all the wrong questions and getting lies back for answers and they are so well “educated” they can’t tell the difference. All they have to do is make sure they change into the right clothes from the trans-closets at school so their parents won’t know what sex they really are!

This is not an indictment of everyone who works or has worked in public schools, but it is an indictment of that system and the socialist values that spawned it, values this country could have done better without. Socialism is, indeed, compulsion and it and its minions will ever continue to look for ways to compel us and our children to comply. We need to practice cultural secession–and part of that cultural secession is taking our kids out of the public school system.

So Who Will Be Running Next Year If The Left Decides It Won’t Be Biden?

by Al Benson Jr.

A friend sent me the link to an article on the American Thinker that I felt was worth passing along. The American Thinker is usually a pretty solid site with good commentary so I am going to pass the link along. I’ve often said that Biden’s “presidency” was Obama’s unofficial third term. The info in this article will show you why he may (unofficially) be hoping for a fourth, and possibly a fifth term, which would give him the time to complete his “fundamental transformation of the United States” into a Marxist satrapy. The question we should always ask here is–who is giving Obama his marching orders? The article was published on August 17th.

Anyway, the link is:


Check that one out, and while you are at it, also check out:


I’ve read about some of this stuff for years but this guy seems to have a balanced outlook on it. At any rate check it out and make up your own mind.

A Look At An Old Historical Article I Did

by Al Benson Jr.

I don’t recall what I was looking for, but in the process of whatever it was, I came across this article I did back in December of 2014 and I thought, as a historical piece, it might be worth reposting. We don’t get a lot of accurate history about the “Civil War” aka the War of Northern Aggression and this information about Jesse James is worth reminding people of as to the why those like him existed.

Please check out the link on

A Trip To Northfield

Monitoring And Changing Election Results–What About 2020?

by Al Benson Jr.

There is no way I can give readers all the info in this article on my own. I lack the computer knowledge to do that so I am going to give you the link to the article and you can check it out on your own. This is a kind of follow-up to the article on stolen elections I did last week, so read and enjoy (well, you probably won’t enjoy it, especially if you voted for Trump). However it will give you some idea of why Trump will probably “lose” in 2024 even if he really wins.

The link is:


Fauci And Friends Rake In Big Bucks

by Al Benson Jr.

Recently a friend sent me the link to an article and a video that is a prime example of how our “above reproach” oligarchy in Washington really operates–to their benefit and our detriment. This isn’t “new” news, but it’s a glaring example of how the “establishment” aka the Deep State, continues to stick it to us. It amply displays their attitude toward ordinary people. We are sheep to be shorn and that’s all we are to them!

There was an article by Sarah Arnold on https://townhall.com on 8/13 that showed that Fraudulent Fauci was really into the Chinese Virus, not to help or give sound medical advice to the public, but he was into it for the cash incentives, baby! Lots of dinery to be made off planned pandemics if you know how to go about it!

Arnold wrote: “While the entire United States was under authoritarian mandates, the top so-called Covid 19 ‘experts’ were making hundreds of millions of dollars on the pandemic that caused lifelong hurdles for many Americans. According to records, the former NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, and former NIAD Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made huge profits from royalty checks during the Chinese Virus-fueled pandemic. At the same time, thousands of people struggled to put food on the table…The records show Collins and Fauci got 58 royalty payments for allowing companies to use their Covid-19 vaccines, which on return was developed with funding from U.S. taxpayers by private pharmaceutical firms. So, in other words, the Covid pandemic waas one big ploy for the government to get massively wealthy. Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 56,000 transactions were recorded, totaling over $325 million banked by the ‘experts.'”

The article continued: “The NIH continues to refuse to voluntarily divulge the names of scientists who receive royalties and from which companies over the period of time from 2010 to 2016, 27,000 royalty payments were paid to 1800 NIH employees’ Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said ‘We know that. Not because you told us, but because we forced you to tell us through the Freedom of Information Act’…Records show that Fauci, the highest paid federal worker with a salary of $480,000, failed to donate his royalties to charity as promised.” Almost reminds me of the old Western movie I saw when I was a kid where the bandit was not willing to share the loot with others. He said “I want it all–I’m a pig!”

An article on https://nypost.com for 8/9 observed: “National Institutes of Health scientists raked in more than $325 million in royalties from Chinese and Russian entities–as well as pharmaceutical companies–over more than a decade, according to a new report…several of these royalties came from companies that in turn received federal contracts and grants, prompting concerns about conflicts of interest.”

Gee, you don’t think–naw, our government is way too honest to indulge in something like that, right? Right??? Come on folks–I don’t hear any shouts of agreement. As the man said “If you can’t trust your government, who can you trust?” There are comments out there (I’m sure they will all be labeled as “false and or misleading information”) that say the Covid pandemic was planned, for several reasons, one of them to undo the progress made in Trump’s presidency. Others say the idea was to condition the public to accept lockdowns, school closings, constant wearing of masks, many of which are totally ineffective to prevent the spread of Covid, and a never-ending regimen of vaccinations which, though ineffective, and sometimes harmful, will make the drug companies rich. All these things, when implemented (as they undoubtedly will in the future again, lead to two inevitable things–power and control over peoples lives. They claim all this stuff will be good–but good for who?

A Southerner Who Helped To Destroy Christian Education

by Al Benson Jr.

Back in the early 2000s, author and playwright John Chodes from New York, wrote a book called Destroying the Republic: Jabez Curry and the Re-education of the Old South. This was published by Algora Publishing in 2005. Believe it or not, this book is still available on Amazon and it is worth getting to see how pivotal a role the issue of education played in what people mistakenly think was the rebuilding of the South after the War of Northern Aggression. Actually, what Chodes is writing about is the introduction of the public school system into the South, to the detriment of Christian and private education there.

E. Ray Moore, the head of Exodus Mandate (look that up) did a review of Chodes’ book for the old Southern Partisan magazine, which I don’t think is even being published anymore, but it was a good review, with some info you don’t usually get about “reconstruction” which was Karl Marx’s favorite term for what happened in the South after the War.

Jabez Curry fought for the South during the War, rode with Bedford Forrest. He was also a lawyer, Baptist minister, author, and president of a Baptist college in Virginia. You would have thought he would have had a clear worldview in all areas, but when it came to education he was out to lunch! “Moore observed: “Chapter 8 (of Chodes book) ‘Reconstruction as Re-education’ reveals a post-war ‘reconstruction’ that overtook the South socially, culturally, and religiously, as violent as Marxist revolution in the modern era. Society today has either forgotten or does not appreciate the enormity of this change. Most history ignores this era or only describes the period in terms of the experiences of and changes for former Southern slaves.” And such omissions are not always accidental, but rather intended to redirect our thinking into certain preconceived areas and away from others.

And Moore also notes, in chapter 11, entitled “Jabez Curry and the Peabody Education Fund” that it “exposes Curry as a catalyst in the conversion of the Southern private and religious school system into tax-funded state and federally controlled public schools.” So some Southerners aided and abetted the Yankees who came down here to make sure our benighted Southern kids were educated to “respect federal authority.” The Peabody Fund was supposed to be helping the defeated South recover–and they did so by “…setting up state-sponsored schools while converting the dominant Southern system of private and religious schools into state schools, adopting the Northern Unitarian education model. Jabez Curry became the second General Agent in 1881 following the tenure of Barnas Sears, who successfully assured that no Confederate state could re-enter the Union without a clause in the new state constitution demanding state-controlled, tax-supported schools…As General Agents of the Peabody Fund, both Sears and Curry carried forward the Horace Mann strategy to create state-controlled teacher training Normal Schools.” This was what the socialist Unitarians did in the North–and now they came down here to do it–aided by some Southerners.

In his thinking about education, Curry turned his back on his Southern heritage and his Christian teaching about parents being responsible for their childrens’ education and he embraced the tenets of socialist Unitarianism. Moore tells us of Chodes book that “Chapters 14 and 15 explain the pivotal and critical impact of educational philosophy on the nationalization of Southern education. Chapter 14 shows the influence of Commissioner John Eaton and the Bureau of Education, which eventually evolved into the large federal agency of Health and Human Services and Education and Welfare…Eaton and Curry worked as allies in the process of nationalizing Southern schools.”

There’s lots more here and I would urge concerned parents and grandparents to get a copy of this book while you still can.. You can see from Rev. Moore’s comments and book review how even some Southerners were persuaded to sell out our history and heritage for a mess of statist pottage. You can also see something I have said for a long time–“reconstruction” was not what we were taught to think of it as–it was a program to force statism, via public schools, on the South and to transform the South into an appendage of the federal empire–albeit an appendage the empire could look down on and criticize as they sought to blanche all the “Southern-ness” out of us. Marx said reconstruction was “the reconstruction of a social world” and he told us the truth there–for once. But he forgot to tell us the public school system he advocated would be the tool used to eviscerate our heritage and history. We have yet to learn that lesson. Had we learned it, the public school system down here would be but a shadow of what it currently is! But, either way, you need to get your kids out of it. Secede from it for their own good and for the good of their children later.