Stealing the 2024 election

by Al Benson Jr.

Well. it seems the steal of the 2024 election is in. So I guess my small article will be dwarfed by all those articles out there now claiming that Trump plans to steal the next election. These articles are probably already out there so no one will notice the fact that this is exactly what the Democrats are working on, and may already have perfected by now. So as usual, it will be “blame Trump for what we are doing ourselves.” That’s a favorite leftist tactic.

In researching for this material this morning, I came across an article on for December 26, 2023, written by B. D. Hobbs. The article was quite revelatory. Hobbs wrote: “With less than a year to go now until next year’s critical election, the looming question is, what are the Democrats going to try to do this time to steal the election? Most believe it’s not a question of–if–it’s just a question of how? ‘There’s no question they’re going to do it, the issue is there’s no set of circumstances where Trump can be allowed to win’ said election expert Jay Valentine, ‘so the Democrats are going to do everything they can, and a lot of those things they’ve never done before to stop Trump from winning. One of those ‘things’ they are expected to add next year, is piling on new votes from some of the millions of illegals they have purposely allowed into this country.”

This writer has noted the same thing I have regarding the millions of illegals we now have here. I’m glad others have seen through this future election scam. Makes me feel like I have some company.

Hobbs seems to be an astute writer. The article observed that what isn’t happening is much Republican resistance in favor of election integrity and cleaning up the voter rolls. Does this really surprise anyone who follows political trends?

Actually, the Republican Establishment doesn’t want Trump to win anymore than the Democrat Establishment does. The movers and shakers in both parties are part and parcel of the Deep State apparatus that seek to take this country down the road to abject socialism and One World Government.

The only people that want Trump to win are ordinary American citizens, patriotic and God-fearing people, and the Ruling Elites in both parties have long worked to denigrate any influence ordinary folks might have on elections–or anything else! The last thing they are concerned about is honest elections. The first thing they are concerned with is hanging onto power–anyway they have to–up to and including massive election fraud and political assassination–going all the way back to Lincoln–whatever it takes to maintain control. They can’t afford to let ordinary folks control their own destiny via honest elections. There’s nothing for them to gain and everything for them to lose by doing that, so it’s not eve a consideration for them.

I’ve seen something on the internet about Biden stepping aside as a candidate around the middle of June, after all his delegates have been won, so whoever has been assigned to take his place will just have those delegates assigned to him (or her) and this new “mystery candidate” is supposed to go on and defeat Trump. Though if they go ahead and give the illegals the vote, he or she might not have to try too hard. The Republicans seem almost oblivious to this, as if they really don’t care. It’s like–if they get a share of the power and perks–they don’t care who sits in the White House. Right now it’s Biden, and anyone with a brain realizes he doesn’t run anything! He’s told what to do and what to say and if he messes up or can’t find his way off the stage after a speech, his press secretary just lies for him.

In my opinion the Democrats will steal the upcoming election and the Republicans will help them by doing nothing about it, same as they did in 2020. For all his money, Trump as not been part of the Establishment and therefore the Establishment will not let him win. Again, I’m not telling people not to go vote. You should go vote, more millions than before–that way you will appreciate what has been stolen from you!

“Jesus Christ is King!”

by Al Benson Jr.

Today being Maundy Thursday, the day before the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, I felt it was a good time for this article. Andrew Torba, the CEO of, seems to have committed the “unpardonable (antisemitic) sin” because he has written “Jesus Christ is King” and he continues to do so. You just can’t have Christians running around stating obvious truths like that that rob the state of Israel of its desired grandeur. So what to do? Label such truths as “antisemitic.” That should shut those Christians up!

I did an article not too long ago noting that not all who have embraced the religion of Judaism are semitic by birth. In fact, most today are not. Their ancestors came mostly from Western Russia and Eastern Europe and they have no more claim to being Semitic than the man in the moon! In fact, many of those they claim to be antisemitic are really Semites racially, while most Jews today are not.

Christians should have no problem proclaiming that Jesus Christ is King. Unfortunately, whether some Christians realize it or not, they are really busy stating that “the state of Israel is king–and don’t you forget it.” Looking at some Scripture on this Maundy Thursday, the Scripture is quite clear regarding the actions of Israel’s religious leaders during the Lord’s time on earth.

In Luke’s Gospel, chapter 22, it states: Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover. And the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him, for they feared the people.” Mark’ Gospel, chapter 15, states of Pontius Pilate, “For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him (Jesus) for envy.” The Jewish religious leaders then persuaded the crowd to ask that Barabbas be released from prison and that Jesus be crucified. Barabbas was an insurrectionist, the same crime they are trying to pin on Donald Trump in our day, only Barabbas was the genuine article.

In John’s Gospel, chapter 19, Pilate said unto the people, “Shall I crucify your king?” And the chief priests answered him “We have no king but Caesar.” And when Pilate put a writing on Jesus’ cross that stated: “Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews” the chief priests balked because their religious establishment did not want to acknowledge the Lord Jesus for who He really is. Unfortunately, some Christians in our day and in the past 175 years have been conned into playing this game, unconsciously putting the state of Israel (the same state that denies Jesus’ divinity) first, and the Lord Jesus somewhere beneath that.

The Scofield “Bible” notes have had a lot to do with that. They’ve been around since 1909, so I don’t expect any change in this area real soon. The people that have bought into this are mostly known as Christian Zionists and the state of Israel (not Jesus Christ) is their real pride and joy. Some of them have told me that it is a Christian duty to support the state of Israel unconditionally, no matter what that state does. I’m afraid I have a hard time agreeing with that. Israel today is an apostate country that officially refuses the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, whose religious leaders lied about His resurrection. You’ll have to pardon me if I don’t sign on to that.

Are the pornographic textbook chickens finally coming home to roost in Kanawha County?

by Al Benson Jr

The headline for the article on that I took this material from read: “Kanawha County schools faces budget shortfall and jobs loss due to enrollment decline” It seems as if it has taken quite awhile, decades in fact, since the Textbook Protest in Kanawha County, West Virginia in the mid-1970s over what can only be called pornographic textbooks, for this to happen. But even delayed justice is better than no justice at all.

The article stated, in part: “Over the past decade the school system has lost around 5,000 students, leading to a funding loss for 72 positions. As a result, the West Virginia Board of Education has approved the closure of three elementary schools, which will be consolidated into nearby schools at the start of the 2024-25 school year…”

At 5,000 students gone in ten years, that means the public school system in Kanawha County is losing around 500 students every year. Of course we don’t know where they all went. Some families may just have moved to a different county or state–but not that many! So it seems quite probable, with that much of an attendance loss over a decade, many, if not most of these families have opted to educate their children by other means than public education. All I can say is “good for them!” And who can blame them? With the galloping crud that passes for public education today, who in their right mind would opt for public schools if they could manage to do something else?

People forward to me articles from all over the country about what goes on in public schools today. I’ve written about several of these in the past. You wouldn’t believe some of it if you were not aware of what public schools were doing to, not for, kids. Everything from “trans-closets” right on down to trumped-up “history” studies, like the 1619 Project, with sodomite and lesbian reading material in textbooks and school libraries! And I’m just telling you the mild part. If I described some of it graphically, this blog would be shut down!

I will never forget the account I read about a lady who went to a school board meeting and stood up to read some of what was in her daughter’s textbook. She didn’t get far when the man who was running the meeting told her “You can’t read that kind of thing in a public meeting.” To which the mom replied “If I can’t read this in a public meeting, why is it in my daughter’s textbook?” No reply was forthcoming to answer her question, which was a good one. So typical of the public school system in our day–and for a long, long time before! If you want to save your kids’ souls, get the out of the public school system. In this day and age you have a multiple number of other educational options–Christan and classical schools among them. Do some homework and find out what is out there for your children.

Biden’s replacement theology

by Al Benson Jr.

Like all good apostates, China Joe Biden has a fake theology (agenda) all in place to promote his horrendous program for the future of America. He informs us his agenda and vision for America is everything any normal person could ever hope for.

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but China Joe has lied to us (on multiple occasions about many things). If you are an astute person you already know this. I’m not telling you anything new. However, there are things China Joe won’t tell you, but his plans for the future betray his silence in some areas.

I just got the following quote from an article for 3/22 on You should still be able to find the article. It states, in part, “President Biden’s disastrous open border policies have endangered the lives of American troops and citizens, just so Democrats can cheat in the next elections and flood mail-in ballots with votes from i8llegals. No other nation in the world, not even Europe’s socialists, is willing to tolerate an invasion of this magnitude that has flooded the U.S. with ten million illegals under Biden, who reversed multiple border-crossing policies initiated by Trump on his first day in office.”

But, you see, he had to do that if he was going to begin the program of replacing American citizens with foreign nationals. This is the heart of Biden’s replacement agenda–the replacing of American citizens and the handing to them rights that should only belong to American citizens. American citizens will gradually we winnowed down and their rights handed to those immigrants who have no concept of the unique founding of this country, nor any concept of inalienable rights under God. They will look to government to guarantee their “rights” and government will only do that as long as it’s in government’s interest to do so. After that, those “rights” will disappear.

You will remember I noted in yesterday’s article how a judge (in Illinois) has now said the Second Amendment replies to illegal aliens too. They are trying constantly to enact new gun control laws that will restrict American citizens’ rights to certain kinds of guns, certain kinds of ammunition, and on and on it goes. There are places in this country where American citizens will be in trouble with the law if they walk down the street carrying a rifle or wearing a sidearm–but it will be alright for illegals to carry them. In Biden’s Amerika Illegals have more rights than citizens! Illegals are the new “in group” here to do away with the outmoded concept of citizenship.

And lest anyone think we are not being subject to an invasion, you should look at the video that was on Fox News this morning (I don’t know if it made the other :nitworks or not) showing a horde of illegals near El Paso rushing the border and tearing down the fence and razor wire and coming through into Texas. The National guard was unable to stop them But that seems to be okay with China Joe. Maybe he can get them signed up to vote next November!

His miserable excuse for an Attorney General is already trying to do away with laws that make people show ID’s to be able to vote. The idea is to let anyone who is here be able to vote, citizen, non-citizen, foreign terrorist, Chinese Communist, whatever. As long as they’re here they can vote! This is where we are headed unless something changes. And with China Joe’s regime in power being handled by former Obama appointees, that’s not likely to happen.

So don’t look for a regime change in November. All the election results will quite probably show Biden winning with the biggest landslide ever. It won’t be honest by any means, but hey, for the Democrats to hang onto power, any means is justified! Now I’m not suggesting people not go vote in November. Everyone who can should go. Only if you vote will you begin to realize how much has been stolen in the 2020 election and since. That election woke me up in that area. I actually thought Trump had a chance. Under normal circumstances he would have won in a landslide–but we do not live in normal times anymore. We live in a time where a conspiratorial group has seized the reins of power and they have no plans to relinquish them. God will deal with these people–and whatever means He uses will be up to Him.

What will they do when the goodies are gone?

by Al Benson Jr.

We’ve had problems with illegal immigration on our Southern border for decades. This problem is not new, but it is surely different and worse now than it ever was before. For a lot of years we had immigrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America, coming across the border to find work, mostly because their own countries couldn’t, or wouldn’t, give them enough work to support their families.

When they got here and somehow managed to find work they worked hard. When their children were born here they were citizens and many of them contributed to the country. They worked, joined the military, their children got an education that enabled them to contribute to society. This is not a picture of many of the current illegal immigrants this country is being inundated with thanks to China Joe Biden.

To be sure, some of these current illegals do want to find jobs and work. However many of them, from all over the world are here for the freebies our government gives them, freebies that are denied to ordinary American citizens–free housing, free education, free medical care, etc.

They are now being handed all this free stuff because the Biden/Obama regime wants them here so they can find a way to use them as voters in the next election. Most of them will be expected to vote for Biden and give him the edge he needs in those critical states he has to win to stay in the White House. You say “Well, non-citizens can’t vote.” Right now they can’t, but who knows what may happen by election time with China Joe in office? I notice that the courts in some places are now saying illegal immigrants now have Second Amendment protections–They are trying to pass more laws to prevent American citizens from having firearms–yet it will now be okay for illegals to carry them! Does that tell you anything?

If they can come up with a way to have illegal immigrants able to vote, by getting some of them in the military or whatever, they may be able to swing this next election and get the country to the point where it votes itself into socialism–a much worse socialism that we suffer right now and what we have to put up with right now is bad enough.

So many of these illegal aliens will help to vote us into socialism because, in their ignorance, they think if they do that all those freebies they are now getting will just go on forever. People, I hate to burst your collectivist bubble, but that ain’t gonna happen. Once the Biden/Obama regime manages to hold onto the White House, your freebies will disappear forever. They were just the “pig in the poke” to get you here so they could use you to “fundamentally change the United States” into another socialist hellhole where no one has any freedom–or freebies–unless you work for the government. So they’re playing you all for suckers so you can help them stay in power. You ought to think about that. But you probably won’t. The socialist democrats will just tell you that, somehow, it’s all Trump’s fault, and you’ll probably believe it! So you’re not really going to have what you think you will–so read this and weep!

Making illegals “legal”

by Al Benson Jr.

An article on a couple days ago was one of those “you can’t make this stuff up” stories. It turns out that Alejandro Mayorkas and the Biden regime have now hit upon a plan to “combat illegal immigration.”

What they plan to do is to allow as many as 30,000 immigrants a month to be flown directly into this country. That amounts to 360,000 immigrants flown here in a years time. They have the gall to tell us doing this will an “integral part” of the regime’s plan to better manage the inflow of immigrants. So, instead of them crossing our Souther border illegally, they are now going to start flying them in “legally.” As I said previously, you can’t make this stuff up!

And the article tells us that “According to the DHS Secretary, the immigrants will include individuals and families from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Qualified immigrants will be allowed to fly into the U.S. as long as they do not enter the country illegally…” You notice that many of these immigrants come from countries that hate our country.

This has been labeled as a “humanitarian parole” and twenty states have sued the federal government over it. A Trump-appointed judge ruled in favor of the feds being able to do this. I guess the idea behind this charade is that now the illegals, instead of coming in illegally will dutifully line up and wait to be flown in legally. Then they won’t be illegal anymore. How much you want to bet it doesn’t work out that way? Then, you will have the illegals still crossing the border, plus the 30,000 a month they fly in ‘legally.”

Everything this regime does is aimed at changing the voting demographics in this country and replacing American voters with voters who have no concept of our country’s foundations as a Constitutional Republic and so will vote however the Democrats want them to and will vote for whoever will promise them the most goodies. Make no mistake about it–the Biden/Obama regime intends to destroy this country and its foundation. Obama told us as much when ignorant voters put him in the White House. With Biden now in the White House that’s still the game plan.

No one with a brain actually believes that braindead China Joe Biden is actually running the country He’s doing what his Obama-trained handlers tell him to do. He’s not and never was his own person. He’s bought and paid for by any foreign government with enough cash to pay him and his family. His handlers decide what he does and when. How many times have you heard him say at the end of a gaffe-ridden speech, “I’ll be in trouble if I take any questions.” In trouble with who? That’s the question and it’s one that should be asked. Not that we will get any truthful answers!

“How the Democrats plan to steal the election”

by Al Benson Jr.

I had another article planned for this morning, but when I saw the lead article on for March 18th, I realized it was more important than what I had planned for today.

Many of us, perhaps in the millions, felt the 2020 election was stolen from honest voters. I’ve seen nothing in the intervening time to change my mind. What bothers me is that I feel the same thing is going to happen this year. Now that the Democrats have perfected the art of election theft, no election going forward will be either safe nor honest.

So I would urge all my readers to read the lead article for 3/18 on and pass it along to your friends and all those on your mailing lists. It’s a long article but it’s worth taking the time to read. Lew outlines what has happened and what he feels will happen and I cannot argue with his assessment.

What will the job of the American military be–riding herd on American citizens

by Al Benson Jr.

How many have noticed of late that they seem to be calling out the National Guard more and more often? A prime example of this is the National Guard being used in New York City to keep the subway safe. Perhaps if the city of New York worked a little harder at combatting crime it would not have come to this–but it has. Defunding the police and the growing number of soft-on-crime district attorneys, many of them George Soros wannabees, is somehow not solving the crime problem in America. It was never intended to. It was intended to make the problem worse–and it has.

In the same way, the situation at the border was intentional. The Biden regime wants these illegal aliens (and I will continue to call them that) here because it has certain purposes for them to fulfil, which will become more obvious as time passes. Awhile back Donald Trump made a statement which was probably even more accurate than he realized at the time.

He said of the Biden regime “They are really after you (American citizens) I’m just in the way.” I think he was right on the money there. This regime really is after American citizens. It hates them. Nothing could have made that more obvious than China Joe’s hopped-up excuse for a State of the Union (division) Address. You could sense Biden’s vitriol toward average Americans in his juiced-up commentary.

And it seems his regime may have a plan for loosing that vitriol upon us. Jon Rappoport had a thought provoking article on his substack page recently. You can check his page and find it. I will quote just a small part of it here, where he says “Right now in America, there are efforts underway to recruit illegal aliens into the army, as a legal pathway to citizenship. So one day, the normal soldiers you see will include these aliens–never brought up as children with any sense of inalienable rights–never loyal to the United States. Simply trained to do their job. And what is their job? You.” Think about that a little bit.

These illegals in the army will be trained to ride herd on recalcitrant Americans who may not be in love with what the current regime plans on doing to them. They may even dare to protest–and so we need to have an alien army present to “persuade” them to do better, to persuade them to learn to accept the “fundamental transformation of the United States” into a One World Government hellhole. That’s what they are here for–that and padding the Democrat vote in the upcoming election.

We’ve got to begin to grasp the truth that the current regime bodes ill for ordinary Americans. It’s here to do them in, one way or another. That’s its sole purpose, regardless of all the shmoozey statements it makes about wanting to make things better for us, which are all bovine excrement–and not even high grade excrement. So wake up Americans, especially Christian Americans–because this fake “rapture” which you’ve been conned into buying ain’t happening!

Where are the 322,000?

by Al Benson Jr.

This won’t be a long article but it will ask a couple questions.

I’ve seen several reports now about the Biden regime (actually Obama’s third term) having flown around 322,000 immigrants from their home countries, mostly in Latin America, to over 40 different airports around this country. I expect the bidenistas would deny this but there has been just enough flak about it on the internet to make people curious. And besides, almost anything the Biden regime denies doing is usually something they are knee-deep in the middle of doing. So if they deny it, or even ignore it, you’ll have to pardon me if I disbelieve what they might say. They have flat-out lied to us so much in the past three years that they lack any credibility whatever, from China Joe himself on down.

So the question naturally arises–why are they going to this expense (paid for by the taxpayers) of bringing all these immigrants in here via what has to amount to some kind of an airlift? The question also arises–who are these people? Have they been specifically chosen for whatever they are to do here or what?

Are they being flown into key swing states or states Biden only “won” by a hair in 2020? Are they going to be allowed to vote wherever they are, citizenship or not? Or will they be granted citizenship so they can vote? To put it bluntly, does the Biden regime plan to use these people, as well as the ten million illegal aliens already here, to appropriate this year’s election?

It would be nice if we could get some honest answers to these questions instead of the usual spin about how Biden does more work in an hour than most normal people do all day. Also, from what I read, his so-called State of the Union address was little more than an uppercut to the jaw of 70% of the normal American people. His contempt for normal Americans grows more and more obvious. He must hate us as much as his boss Obama does. Could that be why everything he does hurts this country rather than helping it–or is it just that the money for hurting us is better?

Are we already witnessing the demise of America and the birth of Amerika?

by Al Benson Jr.

According to one news report this morning political operative Merrick Garland, who heads our Department of (in)Justice plans to challenge all restrictions on mail-in voting, use of drop boxes, and anything that looks to him to be the restriction of voters who don’t have proper ID’s. It would seem, as I’ve been saying all along, that the plan is to allow non-citizen, illegal alien voters to vote in this year’s election–and you can’t have them showing up in most states without proper ID’s–so you have to eliminate that requirement so that anyone showing up at a polling place can automatically vote whether they have proper identification or not.

This move is nothing less than a war on American citizens and their displacement by non-citizens who should have no voting rights. Garland seeks to give voting rights to those non-citizens who should not have them. If you look at it, this is how the democrats plan to steal this year’s elections. It’s much easier than running around to key locations stuffing ballot boxes or delivering boxes of supposed ballots after midnight on election night.

Do you wonder now why Biden has allowed 10 million illegal aliens into the country in three yeas? It should be obvious. Do you wonder why the Biden/Obama Regime has flown over 300,000 illegal aliens to undisclosed destinations around the country? Again, it shoul be obvious.

The 2024 election steal has been in progress almost since Biden took office. This is a large part of what Obama meant when he said he planned to “fundamentally transform the United States.” He was referring to political action (and possible military action) against American citizens. Obama is a dedicated Marxist. If you don’t think so, you need to read Stanley Kurtz’s book Radical-in-Chief. To any watchful person this should all be clear by now, yet even most conservative pundits don’t seem to be getting it. And let’s face it–the Republican Establishment is okay with this!

You have to wonder–have we been so dumbed down that we can’t even begin to see the plain plan for our own destruction? Or has this gone so far that our destruction as a country is already assured? Many in this country have been spitting in God’s face for decades. It may be time for those apostate chickens to come home to roost–and if they do, then this country is gone! End of conversation!