Are we already witnessing the demise of America and the birth of Amerika?

by Al Benson Jr.

According to one news report this morning political operative Merrick Garland, who heads our Department of (in)Justice plans to challenge all restrictions on mail-in voting, use of drop boxes, and anything that looks to him to be the restriction of voters who don’t have proper ID’s. It would seem, as I’ve been saying all along, that the plan is to allow non-citizen, illegal alien voters to vote in this year’s election–and you can’t have them showing up in most states without proper ID’s–so you have to eliminate that requirement so that anyone showing up at a polling place can automatically vote whether they have proper identification or not.

This move is nothing less than a war on American citizens and their displacement by non-citizens who should have no voting rights. Garland seeks to give voting rights to those non-citizens who should not have them. If you look at it, this is how the democrats plan to steal this year’s elections. It’s much easier than running around to key locations stuffing ballot boxes or delivering boxes of supposed ballots after midnight on election night.

Do you wonder now why Biden has allowed 10 million illegal aliens into the country in three yeas? It should be obvious. Do you wonder why the Biden/Obama Regime has flown over 300,000 illegal aliens to undisclosed destinations around the country? Again, it shoul be obvious.

The 2024 election steal has been in progress almost since Biden took office. This is a large part of what Obama meant when he said he planned to “fundamentally transform the United States.” He was referring to political action (and possible military action) against American citizens. Obama is a dedicated Marxist. If you don’t think so, you need to read Stanley Kurtz’s book Radical-in-Chief. To any watchful person this should all be clear by now, yet even most conservative pundits don’t seem to be getting it. And let’s face it–the Republican Establishment is okay with this!

You have to wonder–have we been so dumbed down that we can’t even begin to see the plain plan for our own destruction? Or has this gone so far that our destruction as a country is already assured? Many in this country have been spitting in God’s face for decades. It may be time for those apostate chickens to come home to roost–and if they do, then this country is gone! End of conversation!

America’s Second “Civil War” will really be our first!


By Al Benson  Jr.

Member, Board  of Directors, Confederate Society of America


There has been lots of stuff on the internet, both  videos and articles, lately about what they are calling “America’s Second Civil War.” Actually, that title  is based on a false assumption. The war that was fought from 1861-65 was not a civil war. It was a war of Northern aggression to prevent Southern independence, because Southern independence would have meant no more tariff money from the South for Lincoln and his friends to finance their pet projects in the North.

The North and South were not fighting over the same government. The South had no interest in capturing the Northern government—they just wanted out, but the North needed the tariff money and so they fought.  The slavery question we have all been taught to believe was the North’s  Holy Grail was, at best, peripheral.

So if we have “another” civil war, it will be our first one and it may well happen in some form because there are people and groups that want it to happen—people and groups that you can’t sit down and talk rationally with, because they have a vision for a “new Amerika” as part of a “New World Order” and they are not about to compromise on that. The fact that most Americans don’t want that matters not at all to them. They want it and that’s what’s important to them. In their minds all we get to do is pay for it.

In an article by Pat Buchanan that was on back in August of 2017 Buchanan noted that this country has changed since 1965. Before that, statues of our Southern heroes were venerated and honored, as were our flags. Buchanan said: “What his changed is America herself. She is not the same country. We have passed through a great social, cultural and moral revolution that has left us irretrievably divided on separate shores..” And he noted that, today, the names of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate heroes evoke “raw hatred and howls of ‘racist and traitor’.” In part,  our “institutions of higher learning” and the prostitute press are responsible for this—and they do it for a price.

Later on in his article, Buchanan notes President Trump’s question about this—“Where  does this all end?” And then he makes a chilling statement. He says “It doesn’t. Not until America’s histories and biographies are burned and new  texts written to Nazify Lee, Jackson, Davis and all the rest, will a newly indoctrinated generation of Americans accede to this demand to tear down and destroy what their fathers cherished.” As long as we continue to feed our next generation into these public education brain laundries, whether at the high school or college level, we are contributing to that destruction-and quite frankly, too many are too lazy to give a damn!

And Buchanan observes that, once the Left gets  through trashing the Confederates, they will push forward with the same agenda for whoever else is on their hit list. If you are naïve enough to think that “because I’m not a Confederate they won’t bother me” you had better learn to disabuse yourself of that fantasy right quick! If you are white, Christian, conservative, or patriotic you can bet the  farm you are on their list. You might not be as far up as the Confederates but you are there somewhere and when they get through destroying the cultures and heritage of those above you on the Leftist hit list, they will come for you!

In a column on for January 24, 2017 it was stated: “This Second Civil War, fortunately, differs in another critically important way. It has  thus far been largely nonviolent. But given increasing left-wing violence, such as riots, the taking over of college presidents’ offices and the illegal occupation of state capitols, nonviolence  is not guaranteed to be a permanent characteristic of the Second Civil War. The same article later states: “Unity was possible between the right and the liberals, but not between the right and the left.” There are reasons for that. The article continues: “Just as in Western Europe, the left in America seeks to erase America’s Judeo-Christian foundations…Without any important value held in common, how can there be unity between left and non-left? Obviously there cannot. There will be unity only when the left vanquishes the right or the right vanquishes the left…” In other words, if you think you can make common cause with the Left and preserve a little of  what you still have—you are whistling Yankee Doodle!

The cultural Marxists, the political and theological Left, the Deep State (they are all kissin’ cousins) have as their plan your destruction and the destruction of your family and your faith and your history. Their “second Civil War” will be a war of extermination, in every understanding of that word! Do you get that yet???

One of the main questions here is—Who finances the Left?  They don’t do all that they do to work for your destruction for nothing. Someone has to pay for all this, and what do they expect to get out it all? I know it’s a rough go, but maybe you better start thinking and praying about all this and what you can do about it. Doing nothing gets you nothing but the destruction of your history, heritage and progeny.

You May Deface Our Monuments But Southern Culture and Heritage Are Still Here

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

This is the weekend in January that all Southern history and heritage groups celebrate Lee-Jackson Day. All Southern culture/history/heritage groups across the whole country do this. Even in many places in the North. Lee-Jackson Day, named after two of our most well-known Christian/Confederate generals who both had their birthdays in January is being celebrated tonight with dinners and speakers all across this land. The media won’t tell you about this. You are supposed to believe that, after the tearing down of so many of our historical monuments last year, the Southern Heritage cause is almost no more.

I’m sorry to disappoint you folks over on the cultural Marxist Left, but it ain’t happening. You people have been trying to destroy us and our history for 150 years now and we are still here. And, as one old Southerner once said “We ain’t goin’ easy.”

The real history is, bit by bit, starting to come out. When you have a college professor, as in our last article, telling you that, basically, the socialists won the War of Northern Aggression, you have to realize that people are beginning to find out the truth.

I just reviewed a book by Gene Kizer Jr. entitled Slavery Was Not the Cause of the War Between the States.  Lots of Leftist/liberals will poo-poo that and scream about how it is in error. Don’t pay any attention to them. Get the book and read it yourself. You can get it on Amazon.

It’s long past time folks in the South and in other areas started doing the  homework and finding out what the War was really all about and today there is lots of really good stuff out there you can get hold of to find out. Fortunately, you are not bound anymore by the “history” books you had in government school. By the same token, folks wanting to find out what really goes on in this country are not bound anymore to check the same old prostitute news media outlets for their information. The alt.right media and the internet have opened up new avenues to get to the real truth. The monopoly the New York Times, the Washington Post and the regular television nitworks used to have on the news is gone and they are less than happy about it.

The same applies to the Southern/Confederate organizations. You’d be surprised at how many Southern patriots now have a grasp of what goes on in this country and how it affects them, their history, and the organizations they belong to. They are learning, and they are learning what they have to do to combat the mainstream media, which is, in its own way, just a dangerous as Soviet spies were during the Cold War (which never really ended by the way).

So, tonight, there are groups all across the country celebrating Lee-Jackson Day, from the Sons of Confederate Veterans to the Confederate Society of America and a whole bunch of others I know almost nothing about, but they are out there anyway–and by their very presence they are telling those Swamp Creatures on the Left as well as in Washington that they intend to persist in their righteous cause, that no matter how many of their monuments you take down, they will put more up and no matter how badly you try to besmirch their noble history, they are not about to quit resisting what you do and that when they see a chance, they will counterattack.

You can march in the streets and tell your Leftist lies about us all you want. When you all get through, we will still be there and we will still fight you with whatever means the Lord allows us. You cultural Marxists are noted for not quitting–neither will we!

Chicago Needs To Think Twice Before Begging For UN “Peacekeeping” Troops

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

So the One World Government crowd in Chicago thinks they are doing the right thing by requesting United Nations “peacekeeping” troops to patrol their streets to root out crime and dispense with firearms? If you only had a clue as to what you are asking for–well, maybe some of you do and the idea doesn’t bother you. You feel you are taking an important step into the corridors of potential One World government and if only you show the way, others may follow your shining example.

Though others may try to follow your example, they will curse you for it in the end, once they wake up and find out what you have unleashed in this country.

“Huntin’ and peckin” around on the internet, I found an article by Declan Walsh Nicola Byrne on from way back in the ancient days of December of 2002. It was quietly titled UN Peacekeepers Criticized. Byrne started off the article with: “An Irish soldier  serving as a United Nations peacekeeper in Eritrea has been caught making pornographic videos of local women and is now serving a jail sentence in Ireland…the Eritrean government has condemned the activities of the Irish defense force and questioned its continued presence  in the war-scarred state in the Horn of Africa… Yesterday a government spokesman said ‘these people call themselves peacekeepers, when in fact all they want is a long holiday and a chance to fool around with our women. They do not respect our country, our culture, or our people’.” Later in the same article, it was noted that: “United Nations peacekeeping troops have been involved in a catalogue of crimes and scandals across the globe. During the UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia, it was claimed Canadian, Belgian, and Italian soldiers were involved in torture and murder. An inquiry by the Canadian government of a young Somali man in 1993,  found that he had been murdered by its troops and that a senior officer had lied  in an attempt to cover up the atrocity. Two soldiers were jailed.” This is not the only article I have read about this sort of thing. Could it be that the UN’s version of “peacekeeping” is somewhat different than ours?

Several instances are mentioned in a book I called attention to in my recent article on the UN. Author William Norman Grigg observed in his book Freedom On The Alter–The UN’s Crusade Against God & Family, on page 2, that “Survivors and witnesses of the UN’s 1961 ‘peacekeeping’ massacre in Katanga, a province of the former Belgian Congo, regard the ‘Blue Berets’ as something less than heroic.  Religious scholar Thomas Molnar, who has ample firsthand experience with UN ‘peacekeeping’ activities testified: ‘I have often walked in the footsteps of United Nations troops intervening for peace and seen the pillage, rape, and injustice. In the ex-Belgian Congo, Indian UN soldiers were feared like the plague’.”

And on page 3, Mr. Grigg observed that: “In 1994, UN ‘peacekeeping’ troops in Mozambique purchased sexual favors from impoverished children. In 1988, the director of the Belgian UNICEF committee was convicted of participation in a child sex and prostitution ring; the organization’s Brussels office was used to manufacture child pornography, much of it involving children of North African descent…Somalians will recall that during the UN’s ‘Operation Restore Hope,’ civilians were massacred  indiscriminately by Pakistani ‘peacekeepers’.”

Now I have to admit that reading about some of this stuff is pretty gruesome. I don’t particularly enjoy writing about it. There are other subjects I’d much rather deal with, but, people need to be aware of some of what has gone on under UN auspices in the name of “peace.” The United Nations gives you the same kind of “peace” you get from the Communists!

So, with the politicians in Chicago pandering for UN participation in their city, we have to ask, is this something we really want in this country? Even in Chicago??? The city council in Chicago needs to realize what they are asking for–if some of them don’t know already. Years ago someone said to me, and I never forgot it “Be careful what you ask for–you may get it.” I recall one instance in my  life where this came true and it drove the point home.

The UN may have a record of “peacekeeping. But, is it the kind of “peace” we want, and at what cost, and to who? The last thing you want in this country is United Nations “peacekeepers.” The “peace” you get from them may be the “peace” of the grave!

Key Words For Confederate Monuments–“On Private Land”

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Usually, I seldom quote the New York Times as it is not one of my favorite publications, and I have accused it, over the years, of not printing “all the news that’s fit to print” but rather of printing all the news that fits (the agenda).

On August 30th I read a Times article by a Sabrina Tavernise, and although I did not agree with all her conclusions in this article, she did bring up some points worthy of comment.

To start her article she noted: “One of the proudest moments of Robert Eldreth’s life was erecting a Confederate monument on a patch of grass behind the Georgetown (Delaware) Historical Society in 2007. It was the first monument to Delawareans who had served the Confederacy, and the fact that it came 142 years after the end of the war hardly mattered. ‘It’s a lesson in history,’ said Mr. Eldreth, who led the group that put it up. ‘It’s about our roots and sacrifices that those citizens here in Delaware made. To me that’s so honorable’.”

Ms. Tavernise made an interesting comment, citing the damage the Charlottesville episode was intended to cause the cause of Southern history and heritage, when she said: “While old monuments erected in bygone eras are coming down, new ones continue to go up.” Most in the mainstream media would never admit this.

She mentioned other instances along this line. She observed: “In Crenshaw County, Alabama,  a new monument to ‘unknown Confederate soldiers’ was unveiled Sunday in a private park. In the small East Texas town of Orange, a giant concrete ring of 13 columns, representing the states the Confederacy claimed as its own, is going up on private land at the intersection of Interstate 10 and Martin Luther King Drive.”

A historian at the University of North Carolina has also stated “There has been a Civil War memorial boom going on over the last 20 years.” He noted that at least 36 monuments had gone up in North Carolina since 2000 and that was as many as were put up in all the years between 1940 and 1990.

At this point, Tavernise made a statement I somewhat had to disagree with. She did note that, while in former years, monuments and memorials were put up in “busy public squares” the monuments going up today are appearing in quieter areas, more away “from the bustle of daily life on plots of private land, or on battlefield sites,…” And while many Americans don’t want to see monuments taken down, she feels that new monuments are not finding the acceptance in “broader society” that they once did. I guess that depends on where the “broader society” is coming from. If you are talking about Northern Virginia, which has become infested with dwelling places for Washington bureaucrats, she might have a point. However, I don’t think that holds true for many other places in the South.

A Sons of Confederate Veterans commander in Alabama noted that more monuments will go up, but it will be on private property. That seems to be the trend now, and in light of all the cultural destruction and ethnic cleansing that has gone on in the South in recent years, that seems to me to be the way to go. We need to keep putting up our monuments, flags, and memorials, but do it on private property, where culturally Marxist city and town council members can’t get their grubby collectivist paws on them. Oh, they will wail and moan about the “injustice and racism” of it all because they don’t get their way. Tough, baby. Let them know this is how the cookie crumbles.

Not as many may get to see some of the monuments in more out of the way places, but those that really care and want their children to appreciate their culture and heritage will make the effort to visit these places. And their culture and history will be preserved–even if it is a little ways outside of town. In the long run, that doesn’t matter.

The key to putting up our monuments, flags, and memorials is to start doing it on private land! The folks mentioned in this article have shown that this can be done, and for the sake of our children and their children’s futures it needs to be done. Whatever the cultural Marxists manage to tear down, let us be replacing as much as we can on private land. Private land!!! Even the thought of that makes the cultural Marxists cringe!

About Those Slaves In The North–?

by Al Benson Jr.

We’ve been watching with bated breath for months now as those charming people in Antifa and Black Lives Matter have continued their Leftist crusade to smash and destroy all statues and monuments commemorating anyone in the South that might have been a slave owner–all the way back to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. These two Founders, they now claim, have to be “de-commemorated” because they owned slaves. Were Washington and Jefferson alive and on Facebook today they would automatically be “unfriended” for owning slaves and would never be allowed to post anything ever again.

As I have observed this continuing line of Leftist drivel, I have noted that slavery in the North has seldom been mentioned, nor have Northern slave owners been referred to. Of course that may come later as the ethnic cleansing progresses to the next level and the white race  is thoroughly purged–all except for the Marxist white professors that suggested the purging. Folks, welcome to “reconstruction” part two!

Leave it to Professor Tom DiLorenzo to come up with some interesting facts in most any area having to do with the War of Northern Aggression. This is the man that pinned Lincoln’s hide to the wall, so to speak. You really ought to read his books about Lincoln if you haven’t.

He had some interesting commentary on Lew Rockwell’s website the other day in reference to Ulysses S. Grant and James Longstreet and their friendship before the War. Professor DiLorenzo observed: “What few people know, however, is that Longstreet introduced his first cousin, Julia Dent, to Grant, and the two eventually married. Before the war, Grant lived with his in-laws and was the overseer (‘manager’ according to the National Park Service Website!) of the slaves on the family’s Missouri slave plantation. As stated in this National Park Service site…about the old plantation that was called White Haven, ‘the Dents, Grants, and an enslaved African-American workforce lived on the property.’  The slaves were not freed until they had to be after the Thirteenth Amendment became the law of the land in 1866.  How rich is it that Ulysses S. Grant’s slave plantation was called ‘White Haven’?!  So the man chosen by Lincoln to command the war ‘to end slavery’ was a former plantation overseer.” Well, does that mean that Grant’s picture should now be removed from the fifty dollar bill and replaced with, say, Denmark Vessey? If you don’t know who he was, look him up. And who will they come up with to put on the one dollar bill when Washington is forced to go the way of all slave owners? How about W. E. B. DuBois, the man who joined the Communist Party shortly before he died? That would be a logical choice for those Leftists among us who will hoot, scream, and howl about “white privilege” until they get their way, no matter how ludicrous their demands. I don’t know if they are even still making the two dollar bill. I haven’t seen one in over ten years, but Jefferson used to be on that one. Maybe if they are still printing them in some back office in the capital they could replace Jefferson with abolitionist/terrorist John Brown–with a picture of the armory at Harpers Ferry on the reverse side of the bill.

The Leftists are totally committed to destroying any remaining vestige of the memory of anyone in the South who owned slaves, or who even thought about it,  but strangely, up to this point, they have said nothing about Northern slave owners or slave traders, and a look at the history will show conclusively that the vast majority of slave traders came out of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York. However, the Far Left has been silent about that, at least up until now, right along with most of our “history” books. We have been propagandized into believing that slavery in this country was exclusively a Southern institution that all Southerners today should feel guilty about, and the Leftist take on all this is, shall we say, slightly less than accurate.

Even liberal Northern newspapers admit this much. An article in the Providence Journal for September 20, 2014 noted: “Among the report’s findings: Rhode Island’s  Colonial-era economy was heavily dependent on slave trading; a handful of wealthy Rhode Islanders, including members of the Brown family dominated the so-called ‘Triangle Trade’ in rum, slaves and molasses;  slave-owning was widespread in Rhode Island and other New England states during the 18th and early 19th centuries; and several of the universities early supporters, including its founder, the Rev. James Manning, and its first treasurer, John Brown, were slave owners.” They then go on to tell you that the man the university was named after was an abolitionist–as though that somehow cleanses the stain of those who were slave owners.

Now with all of the current Leftist hysteria going on about tearing down statues and monuments of people that were slave owners, I wonder, should that same game apply to Yankees who were slave owners? Should monuments (if any) and plaques that honor these men also be removed? It seems to me that what is sauce for the goose should be good for the duck also.  After all, slave owners were slave owners–North or South–right?

And, if monuments for men in the North who were slave owners need to be preserved, for whatever reasons, then so do monuments here in the South. Just a little something for us to chew on! I hope the Leftists don’t choke over their inconsistencies. Maybe we need to remind them of them before they stumble over them and hurt themselves!

The Second Battle of Gettysburg?

by Al Benson Jr.

Member Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

The original Battle of Gettysburg was fought back on July 1-3, 1863 both in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and was, for a number of reasons I won’t go into here (lest I end up writing a book) a Yankee/Marxist victory. After the battle Lee took his Army of Northern Virginia, battered and bruised, but not totally defeated by any means, back into Virginia, where they fought on for almost another two years. Meade, the Yankee general in command at the time, chose to not hastily pursue Lee. In fact it was awhile before he got his army going again. He seemed to be almost in shock over having won the battle, a position not shared by too many Yankee generals at the time.

The battlefield is today, and has been for decades, a major draw for tourists, historians, and many others with more than a passing interest. My family and I have been there three different times that I can recall and on some of those trips we also visited other battlefields that were not too distant. We have also visited Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, which is in the process of being turned into a shrine to honor abolitionist/terrorist John Brown.

I am told now that all the battlefields have posted information that the War of Northern Aggression was all about slavery and slavery alone. And so at national monuments history is being erased just the same as at state monuments. If this is the case, then I guess I won’t be visiting anymore “Civil War” battlefields. When I go to a historic place I go to learn and appreciate the real history, not to be propagandized with Leftist drivel.

We are now approaching the first part of July, and the 155th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. And, according to that group of extreme fascists that ludicrously call themselves “Antifa” (anti-fascist) is planning on holding a “rally” at the “Gettysburg National Battlefield on July1st in protest of President Trump and asks its members to ‘Bring and burn Confederate flags’.” The article also notes that “There are approximately 1,328 monuments, markers and memorials that stand in both the cemetery  and battlefield to commemorate the Union and Confederate troops who fought there.”  Most of these were put up and paid for by the states the various soldiers on both sides came from.

So why is Antifa making a connection between President Trump and Confederate flags? Or are they looking for one more brush to tar him with? The president and the Confederate flag is a long stretch even for them. So I wonder, what will happen if  enough of these Antifa thugs get their way paid to Gettysburg so that a sizable number shows up?  What about the monuments on the battlefield–especially the Confederate ones? These people have been known to deface and destroy Confederate monuments and grave markers all across the country. Suppose they decide to run amok where there are Confederate monuments? Will the National Park Police try to stop or prevent this?  Will local or country police be called in to prevent this–and can they even do anything on federal land?

During the first Battle of Gettysburg the Confederates at least had troops on the ground. There won’t be any there this time. Or will the prevailing opinion up there be that, since all these Confederate monuments in the South are supposed to represent  “racism, white oppression” and all the rest of the fertilizer that is thrown at them, that it’s alright to just let Antifa “do their thing”–as long as it’s only Confederate monuments that they destroy? That may seem like a foolish question to some, but with all the anti-Southern propaganda that has overflowed from the Swamp this year, I think it’s justified.

For over two years now we have been treated to the Leftist campaign of intimidation, smear, and desecration  regarding our flags and monuments. Most of those on the political and religious Left love to have it so. It makes them feel so “righteous.” And, if the truth were known, some who claim to be on the other side are not all that much bothered by it either.

The Left, and those who finance it, have paid for and carried on an unremitting campaign of ethnic cleansing against the faith and culture of the South, and, to their sick minds, they are justified in whatever they do to us and our culture because the agenda is to replace our faith and culture with their own faith and culture. How else can they propagandize our children and grandchildren  unless they wipe out any memory of our history and heritage? All except the slavery part! That they retain because it can be used to beat us over the head with.

The Leftists, for all their talk of “inclusion and compassion” are the world’s biggest hate-mongers. They have no positive agenda about anything. It’s all negative. All they want is our destruction and you cannot reason with them because their consciences are “seared with a hot iron” and they are beyond sanity or reason.

But if they have no real agenda, those who pay them to commit their destruction upon us do have an agenda–and it is an anti-Christian one. You need to realize that this is what this whole thing is really all about. The Leftists would never be able to do anything were it not for the Soros’ and Rockefellers and others of their ilk that slither around in the background and put up the money for them to do it. Start learning who your real adversaries are and begin to  oppose and expose them and what they do. Reflect on 1st Peter 5:8-9 for wisdom in this area.

Good News From Alabama After New Orleans’ Political Correctness

by Al Benson Jr.

Many of us have watched, almost dumbstruck, at the rampant cultural genocide being displayed in New Orleans. The cultural Marxists there, from the mayor on down, have simply run amuck, basically doing what they wanted the way they wanted. To label them as culture destroyers is almost too charitable. I am sure that, along with myself, many others would describe their activities and personalities in language that I would hesitate to have reproduced in this article.

Their execrable attempts at the total destruction of Southern and Confederate history and heritage almost border on the insane–but then, they are cultural Marxists, so I guess that is par for the course.

An article on for May 20th was quite perceptive. It noted: “The left has spent countless decades attempting to vilify the South by publicly shaming them for slavery that ’caused the Civil War’ when, in fact, the war itself was truly and unequivocally a result of northern lawmakers’ attempts to sabotage the sovereignty provided by states’ rights was the nation continued westward in Manifest Destiny.” The fact that all the original thirteen colonies, north and south, had slaves at one point is never mentioned, nor is the fact that some slave states remained in the Union while Lincoln supposedly “fought to free the slaves.” The Establishment, educational and otherwise, does not want us to dwell too much on such facts, and so, in this regard, in our day and age, most “history” books lie to us.

The Constitution article noted: “In this quest to keep Southerners under their thumb, and under the auspices of ‘political correctness’ liberals the nation over have begun demanding that statues, monuments, and celebrations with Confederate subject matter be swept under the rug or destroyed all together. It is the epitome of revisionist history, and it is a menace to our nation’s future.” And don’t think the cultural Marxists are not aware of that. They are, because such is their agenda. Those people want to destroy your culture and your children’s future, and what’s more, they want to enjoy themselves doing it!

So while they have “made hay while the moon shines” in New Orleans, they have not done quite so well in Alabama. The Constitution article tells us: “Alabama lawmakers on Friday approved sweeping protections for Confederate monuments, names and other historic memorials,…The measure ‘would prohibit the relocation, removal, alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of any architecturally significant building, memorial street, or monument that has stood on public property for 40 or more years,’ it reads.”

The article noted that “African-American lawmakers opposed the bill at every step of the legislative process,  saying it solidifies a shameful legacy of slavery.” This line of bull is one of the few weapons the political left has and they have used it so often for so long that the luster is beginning to wear off the sword. One of those opposed to this bill was Hank Sanders, a well-known leftist from Selma. he and his daughter, Rose,  were instrumental in trying to keep the Nathan Bedford Forrest bust on Confederate Circle in Selma from being put back up after someone had stolen it. They were unsuccessful with that effort, too, but it sure wasn’t for lack of trying. If, as the Constitution article said, “African-American lawmakers” opposed this bill, you have to wonder how many of the African-American lawmakers in Alabama are leftists. Maybe someone in Alabama can do some kind of study on that.

It should have occurred to most Southern folks by now that those trying to destroy our monuments and eventually our culture,  are leftists of one stripe or another–liberals who don’t have the guts to become outright communists, as well as socialists, fascists,  and those who are outright communists, along with all manner of “useful idiots” who, in their exalted brilliance, just don’t know the difference and are naive enough to still think, in spite of world history, that communism is actually an expression of “peace and freedom.” Then there are those trying to destroy our heritage who are actually being paid by certain Elitist groups to do it. I won’t mention any names here, but the head of one (or several) of these groups has a last name with only five letters in it and he worked for the Nazis during World War 2.

Folks, we have got to get it through our heads that these are not just ordinary people with a different viewpoint than ours, people you can sit down and dialogue with over your differences. These people have an agenda that calls for your destruction culturally, and eventually probably physically once they feel they have the power. Their agenda will never be dialogue with you–it will always be your ultimate destruction.

This new bill in Alabama is resistance to their program. They understand that. Resistance is one thing they do understand. Praise God that Alabama has done what she did in this instance. The rest of the Southern states, those not thoroughly co-opted by the left and the Deep State, need to start doing the same thing. If their watch-word is “destruction” then ours needs to be “resistance.”

The Constitution article also noted that the monuments in New Orleans are being removed “at the behest of left-leaning groups.” So you and your culture are basically under communist assault. This is not just a batch of local black folks that want equal treatment at the local level–this is a communist assault on our culture and we had better wake up and grasp that fact pretty soon!

At 1 a.m. in the Morning With Snipers on the Roof!

by Al Benson Jr.

Think your Southern culture, history, and heritage are not under attack, constant attack? If you don’t, then you really better wake up and smell the coffee.

Just take a look at what is going on in New Orleans right now in regard to Confederate and historical monuments. You are about to see a major exercise in cultural genocide. Hopefully you have been keeping an eye on what has been happening in New Orleans in the last year regarding Confederate monuments and other historical statues.

There has been a battle over these monuments–it’s been in the courts–and naturally the cultural Marxists won in the courts. With your culture under assault, did you actually think it would turn out any other way?

Recently a bill was introduced in the state legislature that would have protected all these historic monuments and statues of veterans that fought in all wars in this country. I think it ended up in some committee that decided they would study the situation for the next 99 years. In the meantime, the vaunted mayor of New Orleans made plans to get rid of statues of Lee, Beauregard, and Jeff Davis, as well as the Liberty Place Monument, which has been the first victim of this politically correct purge.

The city had a hard time finding someone willing to take these monuments down, but they finally did, under the cloak of anonymity, which included workers with black vests, yellow helmets, and cloth to cover their faces, and “snipers stationed on a nearby parking deck looking down on the scene.”  This all happened at 1 a.m. in the morning! I wonder what would have happened had some group come along to protest what was being done. Would the police snipers have shot them all?

The statues are being hauled down because they have been declared to be “…public nuisances as symbols of racism and white supremacy.” There’s that old “racist” bugaboo again. The cultural Marxists dearly love to slap that term on anyone that dares to disagree with them. If we refuse to get with the Marxist program then we are automatically all racists, sexists, homophones, Islamaphobes, you name it. And all those terms are meant to shut you up so no real dissent to the Marxist agenda is allowed.

Mayor Landrieu, brother of Obama-clone Mary Landrieu, who couldn’t support her Marxist-in-Chief, Obama enough while she was in office, has stated, in his exalted place as mayor that: “New Orleans celebrates our diversity, inclusion, and tolerance…Relocating these Confederate monuments is not about taking something away from someone else. This is not about politics, blame or retaliation…” The hell is isn’t! Mayor Landrieu has wormed his way into his position twice with his opposition to these monuments and by pandering to the cultural Marxist crowd.

So Landrieu celebrates diversity, inclusion and tolerance, but when it comes to those categories in New Orleans, no Southern Heritage folks need apply. All that diversity and inclusion doesn’t extend to them. All they are good for is to pay taxes to support the welfare crowd. Once they’ve ponied up their cash for that they can take their flags and monuments and go home!

There was an interesting comment by columnist Tim Morris on for April 25th where he said: “I’m not sure what kind of message the rest of the world receives in the images of monuments being dismantled in darkness by masked men. And many missed the chance to celebrate our diversity, inclusion, and tolerance at 2. a.m. We can only trust that our government officials are taking the appropriate steps because they have told us they are.” Mr. Morris, that’s pretty thin reassurance as far as I’m concerned.

Part of New Orleans past, part of her history, is being systematically removed–and that is not by accident–it is deliberate!

Writer Boyd Cathey, in an article on made a very telling observation as to what this is really all about. he wrote: “A people without a past, that is, a real and discernible history, is a people with no real future.”

And that is the cultural Marxist agenda for the South–destroy your history so that you have no future except what they choose to provide you with. And I have to tell you, I’ve seen what the cultural Marxists want to provide you and your children with, and I can tell you, you’re not going to like it! But in order to avoid it, you have got to learn to fight back. Sitting in front of the TV and watching the ball game won’t cut the mustard. Just like we are responsible for educating our kids, so we are also responsible for preserving our culture and their heritage–and if we refuse to do it, the day will come when our kids will curse us for it!

Do The Leftists Control Public Education In This Country? You’d Better Believe It!

by Al Benson Jr.

Just a couple days ago I read an excellent article by David Risselada, published by Western Free Press  on 1/24/17. Among other things, Mr. Risselada said: “Finally, after eight years of governance by a left wing radical intent on turning our nation upside down, a new President is at the helm. That’s a perfect description of what Comrade Obama did during his tenure in office. Mr. Risselada went on to comment briefly on some of Trump’s cabinet picks, both good and questionable, and then he came to Betsy DeVos, who is Mr. Trump’s choice to head the Department of Education–the department both us and our kids would be better off without.

In commenting on Mrs. DeVos he noted her endorsement of school choice (an interesting proposition that has two sides) and her opposition to Common Core. That opposition, at least, is a step in the right direction. But then he stated: “Truthfully, if something isn’t done about education it won’t matter who Trump nominates because the next generation will simply be brought up being taught that they are all racist, warmongering, sexist islamaphobes that don’t care about the planet.” And he further noted that: “…until someone acknowledges that our school systems have become a breeding ground for behavior based psychology and behavior modification techniques, which indoctrinate children into the tenets of progressivism, nothing will change.” Unfortunately, he is right on the money here, and most folks, even on school boards, just don’t have a clue.

He stated that if Betsy DeVos “…is serious about reforming our education system the first thing she would do is to eliminate the United States participation in UNESCO, which stands for The United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization.  The United States has been a member since 1946. Since this time the United Nations has dictated educational policy in the United States with the main goal being the elimination of patriotism, individualism, and any concept of what is right and wrong. This explains how the radical left has maintained such control over education, getting away with teaching  racially divisive concepts like ‘white privilege’ while at the same time raising generations of American students who have no understanding of the constitutional republic in which they freely live.”  So, it will be interesting to see what Mrs. DeVos does with UNESCO, if anything. And, if nothing, then you can rest assured that nothing will change in the area of public education save the educational rhetoric.

As if to buttress Mr. Risselada’s  emphasis on getting rid of UNESCO, there was a brief article in The New American for February 6, 2017, the headline for which was UN Demands More Globalist Propaganda in School Textbooks. This article noted that: “The goal of the Global Education Monitoring Report  released in December by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is fairly transparent: accelerate the indoctrination of impressionable children worldwide with textbook propaganda promoting ‘global citizenship,’ the discredited man-made global warming theory, homosexuality, transgenderism, and outright totalitarianism. And according to the report itself, school textbooks are the best way to do that.”

And to finish off this educational farce (because that’s what it really is) there was an article on for January 27th stating that Ohio State University will soon be offering a class on How to detect Microaggressions  and be ‘Self-Aware of White Privilege’.”  The Zero Hedge article observed that “Amazingly, American parents can get all this for the bargain basement price of just $44,784 per year. Just an amazing value.” I recently did an article for this blog spot about families in the South that willingly pay for their kids’ cultural destruction in these big colleges. Here is a prime example!

Frankly, I don’t pretend to know what Mrs. DeVos, if her nomination flies, will do about the leftist tilt of the Department of Education or UNESCO.  I know what she ought to do, but whether that will be too rich for her or not, I just don’t know. She ought to quit using any and all material from the United Nations in every public school in America. I also understand there is a bill currently in Congress to get the U.S., out of the U.N. This bill needs to be passed (though I doubt that it will) and we need to get this country out of the United Nations.

As far as “reforming” the public schools, I really have very serious doubts. I think that the best honest folks can do is to possibly slow down their leftist agenda somewhat, but this is a system you will never truly reform, because I think true reform for it is impossible. Remember, we are talking about a Humanist school system that was formed to get rid of Christian influences in education in this country.  So if that was the aim of its founders at its inception, what, pray tell, do you “reform” it back to? I have asked that question several times over the years and have yet to get anything even approaching an answer. So I have come to the conclusion that you don’t reform it–you separate from it, secede from it, whatever you want to call it. You get your kids out of it. There are educational options for those willing to look.