Biden trying to “remake” America

by Al Benson Jr.

The Governor of South Dakota recently made a statement that I have to totally agree with. She said that China Joe Biden, with his border policy, is “remaking America”. It’s an accurate assessment and I can’t argue with it. That’s exactly what he and those Obama operatives that guide his administration are attempting to do–“fundamentally transform” or remake this country in the image of himself and Obama!

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 people on the terror watch list have already been arrested at the border in fiscal year 2024. One has to wonder how many got in that didn’t get caught. All those “gotaways” that run rather than surrendering have to have something to hide or they wouldn’t run.

There is now talk of Florida possibly deploying national guard troops to the Texas border, as 25 different states give moral support to Texas’ efforts to stem the hemorrhage of illegals invading the border. When Biden took office he purposely undid everything Trump did at the border. Any why? Because he wanted the mess at the border we now have. It’s all by design!

The Border Patrol, at this point, won’t even try to cut the razor wire that Texas put up to keep illegals out, because the Border Patrol knows what Biden’s real game is and they realize that Biden has taken them away from their true purpose of keeping the border safe and is using them as paper pushers to process illegals and let them in so they can go all over the country to do whatever it is they are here to do.

The Biden machine loves to prattle about the constitutional crisis at the border–except for the part of it they created there–and then they lie to us–telling us the border is “secure.” Let’s wake up and face facts. The crisis at the border is a national security threat and Biden knows that. He just doesn’t give a flip! Apparently, he thinks the American people are too stupid to figure that out, and so he can get by lying about it–like he does with most other issues.

It should be elementary knowledge that states have a sovereign duty to defend their borders from invasion. Plus, it is against the law to enter Texas illegally–something Biden has promoted since day one of his regime. But he feels that is okay since he has been tasked with the ethnic cleansing of American citizens and the replacing, or diluting them with foreigners who will help him to “remake” America into kind of a socialist nightmare. That’s Biden’s REAL chore–and he loves every minute of it when he is lucid.

The Art Of The Steal

by Al Benson Jr.

It has been reported that China Joe Biden is in the process of penning a new book on the history of stolen elections–a subject he may be eminently qualified to address given his background in that area. Of course if such a book is ever written, it will have to be done by a ghost writer who signs China Joe’s name to it as he has yet to find his way off the stage from the last two-minute speech he gave. Besides, he is so busy deep-sixing any hopes that American citizens have for a decent future, which is his main project, that he will probably have to let any literary efforts slide for now–at least until he and his cohorts have managed to abscond with the 2024 election. After that it probably won’t make any difference.

On a more serious note, it has been reported that a government shutdown has been averted and that Chucky Schumer got everything he wanted in that deal while American citizens got the usual shaft. I notice, in this effort, our new House Speaker didn’t do all that much to alleviate the border situation. I suppose the message here is that we couldn’t stand a government shutdown so we had to cave into what the Democrats wanted while the Republicans got nothing. Some Republicans with decent voting records (there are a few) were less than enthralled.

I hope this is not going to be the trend in our new Speaker’s direction–caving into our socialist adversaries in Washington in order to “be nice.” If it is, then we might as well have kept McCarthy, because being “nice” to Democrat socialists only begets more socialism! Our new Speaker is supposed to be a Christian man and I pray he really is, and is not a milquetoast Christian who caves in continually when the going gets tough. In his job, we need some Christian muscle–not milquetoast! Weve got too much of that already!

Socialists and communists don’t respect milquetoasts. They walk all over them and wipe their feet on them. Whereas, with truly committed Christians, they should realize they have a fight on their hands! There can be no peace with socialists and communists except they repent of their evil ways and turn to the Lord. So I guess we’ll have to keep our eyes open and see how it goes, but I have to say, there are some who are getting tired of surrendering the high ground to Marxist thugs–in Congress or out–who want nothing more than to rub our noses in the dirt and steal our God-given liberties. The time will come when that won’t cut the mustard anymore.

As Much As Some Hate It, God Wins In The End

by Al Benson Jr.

There are those who will hate God’s victory and will fight against it in this world. But in the final analysis, they can do nothing about it. I woke up early this morning for some reason and as I lay there, some of the words from Martin Luther’s hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” came to mind which I will note here–“Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing. Were not the right man on our side, the man of God’s own choosing. Dost ask who that might be? Christ Jesus, it is he. Lord Sabaoth his name, from age to age the same. And He must win the battle.”

As powerful as Satan might seem, he is impotent against God. If we look at Christmas, we can see Christmas as war, a war that Satan was not even able to defeat the infant Jesus in. We can see Good Friday and the cross as God’s coming to save His own through Jesus’ blood and sacrifice and what Satan thought was a victory was turned into ashes for him on Easter morning with the resurrection of Jesus, as the tomb could not hold him. All this has been spiritual warfare. People don’t often look at it that way, but that’s what it is–spiritual warfare–in a war that’s been going on since the third chapter of Genesis in the Scriptures.

If you look at the world today you see a mess. Men, thinking they can solve all their problems without God’s guidance have really screwed things up big time and the more they try to fix things without God’s help the worse they make them. And too many of God’s people, influenced by bad theology, are doing little except sitting it out, waiting for some “secret rapture” to take them out of this mess so they don’t have to get involved in it and do anything. What they fail to realize is that the Lord WANTS them involved because He wants to use them to help clean up the mess they refuse to get involved in. When they figure that out then you might begin to see revival of some kind. Until they do, you probably won’t.

If some of the Lord’s people will just quit sitting it out and get to work you might begin to see some progress. It may not, probably will not, happen in our lifetime, but it will happen and we have to start somewhere. Some of the words of another hymn come to mind: “And though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.” Maybe the Lord’s people need to recognize that truth anew rather than hoping in some form or rapture escapism so they won’t have to get their spiritual hands dirty.

In a major part, God will use Abraham’s seed to clean up many of the current problems. And who is Abraham’s seed? The third chapter of Galatians tells us pretty plainly. Galatians 3:16 says: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” And he sums that up in Galatians 3:28-29 when he says: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” That means the promise was made to Christ, not to national Israel and that this promise was for those, both Jew and gentile, that believe in and trust the Lord Jesus. That means that Christians have got to quit sitting around waiting for the restoration of Israel, which has nothing to do with it, and get to work building God’s kingdom here instead of trying to escape. If we want God’s will to prevail here as it does in heaven then we need to do what the Lord enables us to do to make that happen instead of sitting it out as so many continue to do.

I realize what I am saying here will not be well received by many, but if we want the Lord’s will to be done here we need to get off our spiritual backsides and find out areas the Lord would use us in to make that happen. Satan only wins when we sit back and do nothing, and if the Lord can’t use us He may find someone else He can use and we will become as salt that has lost its savor and is, therefore, no good. Make no mistake–the Lord will win in the end, not Satan. It would be good if more of His people were around to enjoy that victory, whether here or in the next life.

Who Is a Semite?

by Al Benson Jr.

We usually hear the term “anti-Semite” applied to those who are opposed to Jewish people or the state of Israel. I’m not sure that term is quite correct. I checked an Oxford dictionary definition for the term and it said: “Semites–a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs. The name comes via Latin from Greek Sem ‘Shem’ son of Noah in the Bible from whom these people were traditionally supposed to be descended.” This is a somewhat expanded definition, because in our day, not everyone speaking a Semitic language is necessarily a Semite racially. It’s sort of like saying that everyone who speaks the Sioux Indian language is automatically a Sioux Indian.

Notice, however, the Semites include Arabs as well as Jews. That being the case, why do we not call those who also speak against Arabs anti-Semitic? That might be more correct in our day. Perhaps those who speak against Israel might be more correctly called anti-Zionists. That would seem to make sense to me.

It is a racial reality today that most of those who call themselves Jews are not descended from Shem or other Semites but rather are descendants of people originally from Eastern Europe and western parts of Russia, some of whom have been called Khazars. Their ancestors were converted to Judaism several centuries ago now and they have no racial connection to Semites.

In this vein, in a column he wrote on November 30th of this year, Pastor Chuck Baldwin wrote an open column to a group of pastors who were promoting support for Israel. He wrote: “News flash: Israel is not a Jewish state; it is a Zionist state. Judaism is NOT the old covenant religion of Jehovah; it is the anti-Christ religion of the Pharisees. The promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 is NOT fulfilled in the state of Israel, it was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:16)”

He also noted Galatians 3:28 and 29, Romans 2:28 and 29 and Romans 9:6 to prove his point. He also took us to 1 John 2:22 and he commented “Modern Jews are Talmudists who deny and mock the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. The apostle John calls such people anti-Christs–and there are lots of them around today, too. They don’t follow the Old Testament Torah, rather they follow the Talmud–one version of which they brought back from their Babylonian captivity.

I cannot give you Pastor Baldwin’s entire article here, but you can find it on the internet. He has a webpage where you can look up his articles and read them. I realize lots of folks won’t appreciate his comments, but I would urge folks to at least check some of them out before totally dismissing them without a fair hearing.

I don’t agree with what Hamas did on October 7th–and if that group is destroyed it will be no loss to the world.

I am more concerned that Christians get their view of the end times corrected because lots of Dispensationalist teaching about that is off the wall. Lots of Christians end up, due to terrible theology, substituting national Israel for the Lord Jesus Christ without realizing what they are doing. That Scofield “reference” Bible has done a real number on the Christian church, and we have yet to figure that out. If we ever do, it just might be a prelude to revival!

Treason For Thee But Not For Me!

by Al Benson Jr.

This is an old story, but it still raises questions. It was mentioned on and it dealt with General Milley reassuring Chinese Liberation Army General Li Zuocheng that he’d give “the communist country a heads up if President Donald Trump launched an attack in the final months of his presidency. He did so in a series of reported phone calls and reassured Li he would stand between Trump and an attack on Chinese assets…’Milley also summoned senior officers to review the procedures for launching nuclear weapons, saying the president alone could give the order–but, crucially, that he, Milley, had to be involved!…'”

That last statement was part of a quote from a book by Bob Woodward and some other man, so you do have to wonder. Some have criticized Bob Woodward’s credibility. Pavlich continued: “In other words, Milley instructed senior officers to obey his orders and to ignore those given by the president Trump, the duly elected commander-in-chief. The outrageous behavior has sparked additional calls for Milley to resign and even for his arrest.”

Of course Trump never did anything regarding the nuking of China. He was the one president that kept us out of wars so that none of our boys had to go fight in any foreign war in some godforsaken place o the other side of the world. And, certainly, Milley was never fired. More’s the pity! He would have been little loss and he remains yet today to pontificate on areas he’d be better off leaving alone.

I mention this now because, if it is accurate, then Milley should have been tried for treason–the exact same treason he accused our Confederate ancestors of committing (which they didn’t) when they seceded from the United States. And while Milley’s actions regarding Communist China, if true, constitute treason, the secession of Southern states from the Union was NOT treason. So secession was not treason, and even many higher-ups in the Deep State of 1865 had to admit it wasn’t.

That was one reason, among others, that they decided they couldn’t try Jefferson Davis for treason after they’d had him in prison for two years. If they had tried him for treason and he was found not guilty, as many feared he would be, where, then, would have been their justification for what they did, and were doing, to the South? There would have been no justification, and the Northern government would have had egg all over its Deep State face!

And, yet, in the unholy name of removing Confederate flags and monuments from any public display, Milley, who may have been guilty of treason himself, has labeled our Confederate ancestors as traitors! This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Or better yet–It’s treason for thee, but not for me!

If Milley had an ounce of decency, he’d back off from tarring our Confederate ancestors as traitors because they resisted Lincoln’s tyranny. But since he probably does not posses that lone ounce, I don’t expect him to do that. He’s probably another of those of the same caliber as Lincoln’s political generals like Beast Butler were!

Andrew McCarthy Nailed Biden

by Al Benson Jr.

Recently, Andrew McCarthy, on his podcast, really nailed what China Joe Biden actually is. There was an article about this on “National Review,” a publication I don’t always agree with because there are many things they could report but don’t mostly. This time, however, they got something right.

The National Review staff wrote: “On the latest of his podcase, ‘The McCarthy Report’ National Review Institute fellow Andy McCarthy reacted to the revelation that Joe Biden’s brother, James, wrote him a $40,000 check when a $400,000 payment from a Chinese concern came in. ‘It’s 10 percent for the big guy,’ he said.”

“I can’t see any other way of looking at this: he continued, “Except to say that Joe Biden, as it turns out, is what they accused Donald Trump of being: he is a clandestine agent who’s been well paid by a hostile foreign power.” McCarthy went on to explain his definition of this. he said, of a clandestine agent: “That you’re doing work for a foreign government and not disclosing what your status is or the fact that you’re doing it.”

According to James Comer’s House committee, the Chinese outfit the Bidens worked with, CEFC “It’s an arm of the Xi regime and the Chinese communist government. There’s no mystery about that.” A “Daily Caller” article also stated: “A House memo released in September found that the Biden family and its associates brought in more than $24 million from Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakstan between 2014 and 2019.” Sounds like its profitable work when you can get it. you have to wonder what they did for these countries for all that money.

As for the previously mentioned CEFC, “It’s a Shanghai-based energy conglomerate with which Joe Biden and his family joined forces, was China. To describe it as a ‘thinly veiled’ arm of Xi Jinping’s monstrous regime would exaggerate the camouflage’ according to an article on the “American Thinker” for November 5th by Monica Showalter. She describes Biden as “China’s little agent.”

This sterling individual is what we are told the American electorate voted overwhelmingly for in the 2020 election. If that sounds just a bit fishy to you all, all I can say is “welcome to the club.” It sounds more than a little fishy to millions of patriotic Americans who feel that election was stolen from them in order to put “Benedict Biden” into the presidency so his boss, Obama” could finish “fundamentally transforming the United States into a socialist “democracy.” Andy McCarthy has come as close as any public figure yet to calling a spade a spade.

There is a very insightful article by Thomas DiLorenzo on for 11/11 which would be well worth your while to read. I encourage you all to check it out.

College Campuses–Incubators For Radicals

by Al Benson Jr.

Many, if not most, college campuses in this country are incubators for leftist radicalism. If, by some miracle, your kids managed to avoid the overt leftist propaganda so prevalent in public schools nowadays and they go to college, that may well be where they succumb to leftist indoctrination. Colleges, so we are told, are arenas where free speech and independent thought can be practiced. That’s politically correct hogwash. Years ago, author William Lind described America’s colleges as “little ivy-covered North Koreas.” Mr. Lind was right on the money.

Free speech and thought do operate on our college campuses ONLY for leftist ideologues and their fellow travelers. Anyone daring to venture an opinion contradicting something leftist may find him or herself ostracized and censored, or worse–and nowadays the “worse” is multiplying.

For years it was anathema on campus to say anything against Jewish people. That was considered to be anti-Semitism, even though most Jewish folks today are not racially Semites. Now, the agenda seems to be changing somewhat and Jewish kids are being attacked for what Israel is doing in Gaza.

The “New American” magazine for November 13th noted this in an article about the Israeli-Hamas war when it said: “Yet despite the savagery on display against women, children, the elderly, foreigners, and even some Israeli Palestinians who happened to be in the area of the invasion on October 7, large numbers of woke minions–on U.S. campuses from Harvard to Berkeley, in the halls of Congress, and on the streets of our major cities–have turned out to demonstrate their full support for both Palestinians and Hamas. With the moral astigmatism characteristic of the Left, Hamas terrorists are portrayed as victims of a cruel and oppressive Israeli regime, and their mass murder of unarmed innocents on a religious holiday as just reprisal for past grievances.”

College students today are marching and protesting in favor of Hamas, just exactly as they protested and marched in favor of Communist North Vietnam during the Vietnamese War. I can remember those protests, especially after the Kent State affair. Students marched and rioted all across the country. I saw some of the pro-Communist literature delivered to a college campus in my area for the students to use in their protests. It was actually printed in North Vietnam. If the college students today are protesting Israel’s actions and they use printed material in those protests, I wonder which Muslim country that material has been printed in. It would be interesting to know if any of it comes from Iran–Biden’s favorite Middle Eastern country.

They are continually finding people on the terrorist watch list trying to get into this country via our very open Southern border. How many Middle Eastern terrorists have gotten into this country we don’t know about–and what will they do when they believe the time is right? Will many of our college students be eager to support them when they start killing Americans? Because that’s coming down the road. All these “gotaways” that the Border Patrol hasn’t been able to apprehend are hardly Sunday School teachers!

Reflections On “Reconstruction”

by Al Benson Jr.

In his book on Marxist “Reconstruction” in this country after the War of Northern Aggression “Twelve Years In Hell” Author Lochlainn Seabrook notes the comments of some whose families lived through what became one of the most shameful periods in U.S. history. Seabrook notes the commentary of an ex-Confederate soldier, Rev. James Hugh McNeilly, who authored an essay on “Reconstruction” in 1920. The essay is several pages long so I can only quote bits of it to give you all a feel for Rev. McNeilly’s viewpoint.

Rev. McNeilly said of “Reconstruction” that it “was the nightmare period of Southern history. A radical and fanatical majority in the United States Congress, moved and inspired by leaders who were themselves the embodiment of frenzied and malignant hatred of the South, trampled on and flouted the very foundation principles of liberty and exercised a despotism as brutal as the oppression of Turk or Russian.” He noted in this context, Thaddeus Stevens and John Sherman, the brother of William Tecumseh Sherman.

Further on, Rev. McNeilly noted: “It may be properly asked: ‘If it is all over and gone, why recall the story to a new generation which is free from its evils?’ There are two answers: First, the truth of history demands and justice requires that the character and deeds of the Southern people of that day be vindicated against the falsehoods by which Northern speakers and writers try to justify or excuse the wrongs then forced on the South; and, second, the present generation is not free from the evils brought on by Reconstruction. Its fruit largely remains…” And if that was true in 1920, and it was, then it is still true in our day.

The lies about the “evil” South are still being propagated in our day. All you need to do is check out current leftist commentary (and also some rightest) commentary about the South and what a horrible and prejudiced place it still is. The political swill spawned during “Reconstruction” is still alive and well. Certain vested interests have made sure it has ever been allowed to die, among which are the Southern Poverty Law Center. The fact that the North is every bit as prejudiced as the South (and maybe more so) is never mentioned. Better you shouldn’t be aware of that!

Rev. McNeilly made an interesting observation when he wrote: “Indeed, one of the inconsistencies of negro character I noticed during those days of Reconstruction was that, while they stood politically with the Yankees and were ready to do their bidding, yet when they wanted a favor of a real kind they applied to the Southern man; and while they admired the Yankee people in mass as their deliverers, they yet had a contempt for the Yankee as an individual and down in their hearts they had a greater genuine respect, even love, for the old master than they had for the Northern leader of their party (Lincoln).” It would seem that the blacks in that day realized that if there was anything they really had need of, then they had better ask a white Southerner for it and not a Yankee soldier or carpetbagger. To the carpetbaggers the blacks were nothing more than cannon fodder for their revolution.

I assume, from his comments that Rev. McNeilly was a Presbyterian, because his comments in that context were especially saddening. He observed: “One of the saddest things in the Reconstruction madness was that the church tried to give the sanction of religion to the efforts made to steal our property and to disenfranchise us in favor of the carpetbagger, the scalawag, and the negro. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church had been very bitter during the war denouncing the ‘rebellion,’ as they called it, nd in advising and encouraging the government in all its measures, however cruel and oppressive. In May, 1865, the Assembly met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and passed a series of resolutions practically suspending all Presbyterian ministers from the ministry until they had repented of the sin of rebellion; and as those in the South almost to a man were strong supporters of the Confederacy, this action declared every pulpit vacant and meant that the North had the right to take over all our Churches, with their property.” I suppose you might call this theological reapportionment. And under the circumstances, ministers from the North would have been sent down to fill those pulpits. Given the state of theology in the North at that time, with the inroads made by Unitarianism up there, that would have been the kiss of death for Southern Presbyterians, and probably the same could be said for other denominations as well.

There are lots of reasons why we need an accurate history of the offenses of “Reconstruction” in our day. Rev. McNeilly has given us some of them. If we don’t have accurate history, and most today don’t, then we will end up repeating the same gross errors we committed in earlier days–only we will give them different names in our ignorance.

“The Reconstruction Of A Social World”

by Al Benson Jr.

When Communist Karl Marx wrote in praise of Abraham Lincoln’s war of destruction against the South he said of Lincoln that he fought “for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world.” The first half of that statement was political bunk–the second half was true. You could almost say that the “reconstruction” forced upon the South after the War of Northern Aggression was the brainchild of Karl Marx, which it seems that “Honest Abe” zealously followed.

Lochlainn Seabrook writes books for Sea Raven Press in Cody, Wyoming. Sea Raven is one of those few publishers that still produces books that explain what the War of Northern Aggression aka the Civil War was really all about. In July of 2023 Sea Raven published the most recent of Seabrook’s works, a book of around 500 pages entitled “Twelve Years In Hell.” It is about the official time the North spent “reconstructing” the states of the old Confederacy. Of course, most who have studied Southern “reconstruction” realize that it extended, unofficially, way past that 12 year period, and it still exists in our day in various forms–one of the main forms being public school indoctrination. “Reconstruction” has also expanded geographically to now include the entire country.

Seabrook refers, on page 33 to what he refers to as ‘the Left-wing Yankee’s ultimate goal: “the complete economic, political, social, educational and military takeover of the South, including the seizing of her businesses, banks, schools, churches, farms, land, and natural resources by Union soldiers. In essence, the brazen plan called for the total Northernization of the South under threat of further death and destruction. The result of Reconstruction would be, as authentic history shows, the near ruination of Dixie, with millions of Southerners turned into bankrupt, starving, homeless refugees…”

And it is here that the plot thickens. Lochlainn then observes: “And here we arrive at the final and most damning piece of evidence of all, revealing the Left’s true motivation for inappropriately named ‘Reconstruction.’ According to Interior Department official T. J. Barnett, very early on, in 1862, during the second year of the War, he had a private conversation with President Lincoln. It was during this startling discussion that the megalomaniacal chief executive told Barnett that not only was he going to alter the purpose of the war to one of ‘subjugation’ but that ‘the South was to be destroyed and replaced with new propositions and ideas’–namely, Left-wing Yankee propositions and ideas. In other words, as Lincoln’s communist followers phrased it, the ‘misguided South would have to be drastically remade.’ Of course, this shocking admission by America’s Liberal 16th chief executive never made it into mainstream history books–and for obvious reasons.”

Lochlainn then continued: “Second, Lincoln’s statement to Barnett goes against the bogus, hate-filled narrative that the Left has foisted upon the public for the past century and a half, right into the current day: “Conservatives, whites, Christians, and Southerners in particular, are terrible people who do not deserve to be a part of America’s social. political, economic, or educational institutions.” According to its own warped version of America, only the Left was qualified. Here was more motivation for launching Reconstruction in postwar America.”

Seabrook then quoted from a book I have often quoted from, “The Tragic Era” by Claude Bowers, which was a detailed study of “Reconstruction” in the South. He noted: “If the negroes caused some uneasiness, many of the army of occupation were more disturbing. When the soldiers marched into a community, visions of rapine and rape terrorized the women. Unfounded as were these fears, there were instances where soldiers, unworthily officered, maliciously frightened women and children by pushing into houses and jeering at the faithful negroes, who stood by to protect them. But the meanest offenses were committed against the blacks who gathered about them in childish faith, to be worse maltreated than by former masters, who, in numerous instances, interfered to protect them from the cruelty of their ‘deliverers’. Even more cruel was the persistent effort of soldiers to instill into the negro’s mind a hatred of the men with whom he would have to live after the army should march away.”

So you can see that a huge part of “Reconstruction” was the instilling of race hatred into the minds of blacks–a hatred that has continued right down to our day. You’d have to say that, in this instance, “Reconstruction” has been a big success. Noting Bowers, Seabrook continued: “Other irritating features of the occupation there were in abundance such as the requisition of the finest private houses for the use of officers. And to this was added an unnecessary offensiveness toward the Southern whites taking the amnesty oath…Inevitably, under such conditions, conflicts between civil and military authorities were not rare. From every quarter protests poured into Wahington against the high-handed tyranny of some of the military commanders. Ordinary thieves were wrested from the civil authorities, to be tried, or released by military tribunals. Such incredible stupidity or tyranny as the release of a grafting treasury agent arrested for various crimes, on the grounds that the State courts had no authority over these petty officials, aroused the wrath of thousands.” The Yankee conquerors were going to show Southern folks who really ran the show and that, at best, those who resided in the defeated Southern states were, at best, second or third class citizens–especially if they were white.

It almost sounds like today with our weaponized Department of Justice. But then, who knows, has Merrick Garland been taking some of his cues from what the Yankees did to the South after the war? Have some of today’s political stooges gone back and studied what parts of “Reconstruction” really worked to the advantage of the Deep State in the late 1860s? It’s not without the realm of possibility.

History Repeating Itself–The Ongoing Battle Over Public School Books

by Al Benson Jr.

It seems like the public schools in Hillsborough County, Florida have been having problems similar to those experienced in Kanawha County, West Virginia public schools 49 years ago now. Considering the true agenda of the public education system in this country–indoctrination rather than education–should anyone really be surprised?

And it looks as if this has been going on for while. In an article published back in March of this year in the “Tampa Bay Times” it was noted that “This Book Is Gay” a non-fiction book that offers guidance to LGBTQ youth will no longer be available at any Hillsborough County middle school. With a 4-3 vote Tuesday the school board voted to ban the title as inappropriate for children as young as 11…The decision might have been unanimous had board members focused only on Pierce Middle School, which had been the subject of the initial complaint about the book.”

It seems as if a parent complained about the book, two school district panels went ahead and approved it. So much for parental rights and concerns! Ultimately, possibly over concern about a spreading protest over it, the school board did vote to ban it. There was a picture of the book with the article. While you can’t usually judge a book by its cover, I think this one might be an exception to that rule. It’s easy to see why the school board had to vote to ban it.

While this was an old story, possibly one most people would ignore at this point, I saw a story on Fox News for last evening, November 2nd, about a mother in Hillsborough County that was complaining about yet another book in the Hillsborough public schools. I tuned in late so didn’t get the name of the book, but apparently it contained graphic scenes of sexual activity. The mother had taken a picture of one of the book’s illustrations and had it enlarged, and at a school board meeting, she produced it for the audience to see. At that point a policeman conveniently arrived and took the enlarged photo away from her. It was way too graphic to be shown at a public meeting. Yet it was perfectly okay to have the book it was taken from in the county’s public schools for the kids to be able to read. Do you get the distinct feeling there’s something wrong with this picture. Is it possible that it’s what Yogi Berra described as “Deja Vu all over again”?

It was also interesting that the Fox News host that interviewed the mother stated, in her commentary that she’d not ever let her kids be enrolled in a government school where such trash was on display for the kids to see. She had her kids in a classical Catholic school and she wished the mother well in her crusade against this particular book. I hope neither her or the mother holds their breath until such books are removed from public schools! You get the impression that this kind of “education” had been going on in Hillsborough County for quite a spell.

I think what will eventually happen, though, is that the protests of this mother and others in that school system will be nullified by the public school officials there. Whether or not such happens, the message here should be clear: get your kids out of the public school system. This message should be clear to Mom’s and Dad’s who care about what their kids are exposed to that parades as “education.” The public school system, in spite of some of the decent folks that work in it, is an anti-Christ institution that Christian parents, and others, need to separate from–lest they lose their children forever!