Juiced-up Joe and famine in Gaza

by Al Benson Jr.

According to an article on https://www.independent.co.uk the Biden/Obama regime bears much responsibility for the famine conditions in Gaza presently. The article observed: “President Joe Biden and his administration have been accused of being complicit in enabling a famine in Gaza by failing to sufficiently act on repeated warnings from their own experts and aid agencies. Interviews with current and former US Agency for International Development (USAID) and State Department officials, aid agencies working in Gaza and internal USAID documents reveal that the administration rejected or ignored pleas to use its leverage to persuade its ally Israel–the recipient of billions of dollars of US military support–to allow sufficient humanitarian aid into Gaza to stop the famine taking hold.”

This should surprise no one. The Biden/Obama regime is famous for ignoring situations it should do something about but just can’t be bothered with. For how long did they blithely inform us that “the border is closed, the border is secure” when they knew better. They knew the border was a sieve. They just didn’t want us to realize that. Juiced-up Joe wanted all these millions of illegals in here so he could give them the vote when the time is right so they can help him steal the 2024 election.

Part of Juiced-up Joe’s (not really his, but his administration’s) plan is to replace American citizens with millions of illegal aliens, who will be granted the “rights” American citizens will soon be denied–such as the right to carry firearms–a right he is trying to restrict for Americans! After all, you can’t have American citizens shooting back at armed illegals. The Americans might be better shots, so you’ve got to disarm the Americans while arming the illegals.

Obama’s (pardon me, I meant Biden’s), cackling vice-president was supposed to be the “border czar” but she could never stop giggling long enough to fulfil that august role so she just ignored it. No problem for Juiced-up Joe. He’s got all manner of more important things to do, like making sure he gets his daily dose of ice cream sometime around 3 p.m. in the afternoon just before he calls it a day. Now THAT’S the important stuff!

Millions of illegals invading the Southern border–no big deal–the border wide open–who cares? Illegal aliens committing all manner of crimes in this country–who cares except ordinary Americans and their concerns are absolutely LAST on Biden’s list. Biden despises them and shows that by all the actions his regime takes that harm their everyday existence.

Biden has no concern whatever for ordinary people, whether in this country or in Gaza. Ordinary people are such a pain, always wanting something the elites deem they shouldn’t be allowed to have, like their freedom and liberty. And don’t kid yourself. Biden is right up there among the elites with the Clintons, Bush’s and lots of the congress critters in both parties. It’s their job to make sure ordinary Americans don’t get too “uppity” so they have to keep us down, lest we finally figure out what a batch of political four-flushers they really are and how much they really hate us.

They’ve had us and our children in their government schools for generations now, teaching us “respect for national authority.” They haven’t bothered to tell us that respect has to be earned. They don’t dare! And they are starting to become afraid we’ll find that out–and they may be right. I just hope that when we do find it out, it’s not too late. They feel that if they can just steal this year’s election it will be all over but the shouting because they don’t really want to see the shooting. That’s why they want to arm the illegals and disarm us–and we can’t let them get away with it!

Say what you will about Trump, I think he cares about ordinary Americans and their country. That’s something Juiced-up Joe is totally incapable of. His main concerns are making sure the next check from China arrives and whether today’s ice cream cone gets there before his bedtime.

Juiced-up Joe and election theft

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, it seems that China Joe and Donald Trump will end up debating after all. Frankly, it’s hard for me to imagine China Joe doing real well in a debate with Trump, even though he claims he won the last two debates he had with Trump back in 2020, before he Democrats stole the election. China Joe is basically a serial liar, so anyone taking him seriously is in for a rude awakening. He continues to peddle the line that inflation was at 9% when he took office, when actually it was at about 1.4%. And he continues to tell that story about his uncle being eaten by cannibals when that has been proven false.

Of course, no matter what happens in the presidential debates the leftist “news” media will declare Biden the winner hands down. I honestly believe, in any honest debate, Trump will have Biden for breakfast. To even get Biden on the stage with Trump anytime past five in the afternoon they will have to juice him up with so many uppers that his head might explode. And they always run the risk of giving him too much and then he becomes combative. I don’t know if there is any chance of them using a look-alike stand in for Joe or not. I’ve heard that kind of things has been done in the past, but I don’t know.

All the polls I’ve seen so far show Trump with good leads in all the swing states except Wisconsin. Biden claims all those polls are wrong and he seems oddly complacent about polls that show him trailing Trump. I’ve wondered about his complacency in the face of the adverse publicity he seems to be getting.

I’ve come to one conclusion. Biden and the Obama surrogates running his administration are not concerned about the polls and how negative they are for Biden or what the poll numbers are because that information makes no difference to them. They are unaffected by all that for the simple reason that they plan to steal the 2024 election anyway and so whatever the poll numbers indicate is inconsequential. They, no doubt, have several different agendas going forward that they feel will enable them to do that. Giving the vote to illegal aliens is one of them.

There are over 27,000 Chinese nationals in this country at this point who are illegals and that’s not counting however many “gotaways” might be Chinese. I can imagine Biden’s regime giving them citizenship so they can then be inducted into the army so that Biden will have his own little military force to be used in going after anyone that dares to criticize him. These Chinese nationals are mostly here at the behest of their communist government, no matter what anyone tells you. That many Chinese would never be able to show up at our border unless China allowed them to so we have to assume they are here for some purpose that bodes ill for American citizens.

There’s just too much adverse publicity about Biden out there, publicity he nor his handlers seem to show any real concern about. And you have to wonder why. You’d think his administration would be almost panic-stricken in an election year with the public’s negative reaction to just about everything he’s done. Yet they seem strangely unconcerned. The only reason for that that I can see is that they know the public’s negative view of Biden won’t really make any difference, because, as they say “the fix is in.” The people who run Biden’s regime are not stupid. If they anticipated a real problem they’d be on it. The fact that they are unconcerned speaks volumes. So get ready for the attempted “big steal” of 2024 because it’s coming just as sure as the turning of the earth!

George Washington’s warning–one we’ve paid no attention to

by Al Benson Jr.

Brian McGlinchey had an interesting article on https://www.lewrockwell.com for 5/14 which I felt was worthy of comment. It dealt with the US “passionate attachment” to Israel, or to any other country for that matter. He noted that George Washington warned against “passionate attachments” to other countries–attachments that, he said, inevitably lead America “astray from its duty and its interest.”

He observed that Washington’s sentiments in this area were shared by others in his generation, notably Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams. He noted where Washington said: “The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest.”

He then went on to take note of this country’s habitual fondness for the state of Israel. McGlinchey observed, in regard to Israel, that “That habitual fondness is routinely manifested by pronouncements that would make Washington, Jefferson and Madison cringe. Drawing from a common well of fawning rhetoric, politicians frequently refer to a supposedly ‘unbreakable bond’ between America and Israel…Endorsing DC’s unconditional backing of Israel, and showing utter disregard for future contingencies, President Obama proclaimed that “our alliance is eternal, it is forever.” That statement from Obama, right there, ought to give Americans grave concern.

McGlinchey also noted: “For many–especially evangelical Christians–habitual fondness for Israel has a religious dynamic. Viewed through religious, rose colored glasses, the State of Israel is transformed from a modern, man-made political entity–led, like all governments, by manipulative, power-hungry politicians who pursue all manner of ungodly policies–into something sacred that supposedly represents and carries out God’s will.”

I understand McGlinchey’s concern here and I share it. I am a Reformed Christian and I agree with his take on this issue. I’ve talked to Christians who’ve told me that it is the Christian’s duty to support Israel no matter what they do or how bad it is. Their view is that whatever Israel does, no matter how underhanded it is, must be supported by all Christians just because Israel did it. I’m sorry, but I totally disagree with that. Israel in our day is no different than any other secular country. The Israel established in Palestine in 1948 is not, I repeat, NOT the Israel of biblical days! Nor is it some sort of reincarnation of biblical Israel.

McGlinchey also noted that “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has personally affirmed the idea that habitual fondness has made America ‘in some degree a slave’ to Israel. In a moment of candid conversation with West Bank settlers , Netanyahu was caught on video as he boasted ‘I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily.” In other words, Israel plays this country for a sap–and we fall right into the trap every time!

Christians in this country need to start to figure that out, but I won’t hold my breath until that happens. We have had over a hundred years of dispensational theology, via the Scofield Reference “Bible” shoved down our throats in this country and we have mostly yet to gag on it. If you want to read about the origins of Scofield’s “Bible” try to get a hold of Joe Canfield’s book The Incredible Scofield And His Book. It may still be available from Ross House Publishing in Vallecito, Cailfornia. Joe spent seven years traveling around the country gathering all the info he could on Scofield and his background and he concluded that Scofield had been a con man of the first water-and later an instrument for the political Zionists to use to promote their Israel first policy in this country.

Check out Lew Rockwell’s site today and read McGlinchey’s entire article. And while you are at it, check out Ross House Books site for Joe Canfield’s book about Scofield. You’ll most definitely learn something from both. Christians have been sold a bill of goods in this country about the State of Israel. And please, don’t quote Genesis 12:3 to me in this regard. It doesn’t mean what you think it does–and its meaning is not for the State of Israel in our day. The Pharisees in Jesus’ day were the ones that wanted Him crucified. Go back and read the Gospels–if they are still allowed after the new congressional “antisemitism act” and let what you read sink it!

Campus protests are about more than just Israel vs. Hamas

by Al Benson Jr.

There was an article on the Gateway Pundit site over the weekend that dealt with these so-called “spontaneous” campus riots. It noted: “We are witnessing the unification of the radical Islamic and Marxist movement in America. A recent investigation into the highly organized nationwide campus protests across America found that several leaders of the anti-Israel movement traveled to communist Cuba for ‘resistance training.’ The anti-Israel protesters were associated with Black Lives Matter activists who allegedly provided training techniques…to mobs who set up camps on numerous American college campuses.”

I’ve noticed also that graduation ceremonies at several campuses have been interrupted by demonstrations, walkouts, and what have you. I’ve said before that, at root, these demonstrations are not just about the Israel-Hamas situation. That issue is only the current excuse for campus protests, more of which will come as time passes. Some of these protests have also been involved with Muslim efforts at recruitment of new students into their ranks.

But these protests just recently have gotten to the point where they interfered more and more with normal life–street protests that have disrupted rush hour traffic in some cities, blocking off streets so people can’t get home from work at the end of the day. And there is no question that all these protests are highly orchestrated. There’s nothing spontaneous about any of them.

Those on the far left, the Soros’ and Rockefellers and other well-connected and well-heeled leftists are knee deep in all of this campus muck. These protests are a golden opportunity for the Marxists to display how much power they have accrued in this country since the Biden/Obama regime assumed control. Part of the intent of these riots is even to drive the Biden/ Obama regime even further to the left–if such is even possible–all the while making certain politicians over on the left appear to be centrists by comparison to the radicals in the streets. They pulled this same game during the Kent State riots. And it usually seems to work because some leftist political figures make a show of protesting the riots, thus coming across as moderates, which they are really not.

It’s all a political game to bemuse the public and create false impressions. And it’s often a game to get people to “choose” sides on certain issues, which divides ordinary folks even more. I’ve looked at the Israel-Hamas situation and concluded that, as they say here in the South, ” I don’t have a dog in this fight.” Both sides, as far as I am concerned, have major problems.

When Israel took over in Palestine in 1948 they really shafted the Palestinian people already living there. Then you have Hamas who is leftist in orientation. What you have is two bad guys fighting one another–and we are supposed to support the lesser of two evils! And please don’t howl about all the “antisemitic” stuff. Most Jews today are not and never have been Semites. They are not Semites, as they mostly hail from Western Russia and Eastern Europe. Rather they are Zionists, who have no more connection to the original 12 tribes of Israel than my housecat! Most people don’t seem to grasp the difference, what with all the antisemitism propaganda–and that’s on purpose.

So I’m afraid I can’t support either side–and I don’t think most Christian Americans should either. Rather what we should be doing–if we had enough spiritual discernment, which seems to be lacking today, is pointing out where both sides are way off base and pointing people to the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life.” You can bet those Zionists that so many Christians are gung ho to support ain’t ever going to do anything for the Christians except to denigrate our faith at every opportunity. And I’m sorry, but I’m not about to support them for doing that!

“Congress Criminalizes the New Testament”

by Al Benson Jr.

I just read an article on https://www.lewrockwell.com by Pastor Chuck Baldwin, who many dislike because he tells the truth about national Israel from a theological perspective. The article was dated today, May 10rh and I will quote a part of it.

Pastor Baldwin starts off by quoting Dr. Stephen Jones, who says: “Yesterday (May 2) Congress passed what is called the Anri-Semitic Awareness Act. It is a bill which criminalizes any criticism of the Israeli state or of Zionism. It also criminalizes any Bible passage (such as Acts 4:10) which states that the Jews crucified Jesus. And because the bill assumes that all Jews are Zionists, it confounds anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism. Many Christian congressmen voted for this bill. What will they do when the Bible is banned? No doubt they will claim that they never intended for this to happen, or that they voted for the bill without even reading it. Yet they should have known how unconstitutional this bill is, as it greatly restricts the right of free speech. This would not have been possible had it not been for the support of Christian Zionists such as Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who used to be a constitutional lawyer.”

So we have now reached the point where any criticism of the state of Israel is now considered “anti-Semitic” and therefore, a criminal offense. I’ve noted before that most present day Jews are not racially Semites, but have their racial origins in Western Russia and Eastern Europe. That being the case, calling this bill “anti-Semitic” is a complete misnomer. It is not anti-Semitic–it is really anti-Zionist But even for that, it is still a restriction on our First Amendment rights. And while those congresspersons who voted for this First Amendment restriction should have figured that out, it is a testament to their lack of discernment that they do not seem to have done so.

So now, any preacher in this country who dares to quote the wrong Bible verse regarding Christian Zionism in a sermon runs the risk of having committed an “anti-Semitic” crime because he dared to quote a Bible verse that laid part of the responsibility for Christ’s crucifixion on first century Zionists.

Maybe we should have been informed that our First Amendment rights do not include any criticism of the modern secular state Of Israel or of any actions of earlier day Zionists. I would also assume that any quotes from earlier day Bible scholars that are critical of any aspect of Zionism will now also be considered criminal activity. Therefore, any biblical criticism of the Scofield “Bible notes” which promote Christan Zionism, will now also be considered “criminal” activity.

Can you think of a better way to restrict the biblical views of Reformed theologians who have serious doctrinal issues with dispensational theology? I can’t. All of a sudden, with one congressional “bill” your right to level any justifiable criticism against anything remotely considered pro-Israel or pro-Zionist, is now non-existent! Congress might just as well have passed a bill restricting the right to criticize bank robbers! And maybe, given the mindset of some of our present district attorneys, a bill doing that isn’t too far down the road!

Can you imagine what a bill like this will do to sermons in Reformed churches? I shudder to think! Lots of Reformed churches will just cave in and make sure their Sunday morning sermons never reflect any anti-Zionist commentary–ever! A handful won’t! They’ll continue to preach the truth even if their pastors might be jailed for it because the truth is still the truth–even if Congress wants to shut part of it down!

You’d think Congress had enough to do dealing with political issues that they’d have sense enough to steer clear of theological issues. Such doesn’t seem to be the case when it comes to Israel.

China Joe trying to walk the political tightrope

by Al Benson Jr.

Pragmatic politicians who do not have the moral courage and convictions to come down on one side or the other usually end up trying to be all things to all men and really end up pleasing neither side on any given question. That’s China Joe Biden to a tee. His moral scruples consist of “what does it take me to get re-elected?” Nothing else matters to him except trashing white people whom he secretly hates.

If it were not so tragic it would almost be comical to watch him trying to appeal to both sides in this Israel-Hamas situation. He wants the Jewish vote, but he has to be careful that he doesn’t get his boss, Obama, who is really a closet Muslim Marxist, mad at him, so he has also to pander to the Muslims and Marxists. Besides, he wants those Muslim votes in key swing states like Minnesota and Michigan. Of course his political machine will try to steal those votes if he can’t win them honestly, but it would be easier if he can.

Just so you all will know where I’m coming from, I don’t think either side in this situation is worthy of support. People are being asked to choose between anti-Christ Jews, who are not really Semitic in origin and Muslim Marxists–and that’s one lousy choice! Some folks would say “a pox on both their houses” and I probably wouldn’t argue with that.

But it’s comical to watch China Joe try to balance himself on this political tightrope. He probably needs votes from both camps, which will be well-nigh impossible. But he dares not really choose one or the other, so he is forced to engage in the political charade of seeming to support both. If I had to guess where he will come down, I’d say he will probably come down on the Marxist Muslim side because that’s where his boss, Obama, is at, and he dare not antagonize Obama, who is the real power behind the throne in his administration.

Of course, we all realize China Joe doesn’t make any of these decisions on his own. He is told what to say and do, when to say and do it and those doing the telling only hope he doesn’t mess up big time when he speaks. It’s hard to believe that we have finally reached the point in this country where the president is nothing more than a sock puppet who mouths whatever he is told to say because he doesn’t have the ability anymore to think on his own.

And this is what the Democrats (and some Republicans) want to saddle us with another four years of?

The New United States–made in China

by Al Benson Jr.

I’ve commented on some of this before, but it is an issue that Americans need to continue to be aware of, considering the fact that China Joe Biden’s loyalty to China far outweighs any latent loyalty he may ever have had to this country. It’s no secret that China Joe loathes American citizens, especially white American citizens–all of whom he accuses of being “White domestic terrorists.”

There was an informative article on https://prudentpolitics.com just recently that noted: “The influx of Chinese nationals attempting to cross the US southern border illegally has continued to escalate, with over 24,200 apprehensions recorded in the first six months of fiscal year 2024.” Now the word apprehensions does not mean arrests. Indeed, most of these are supposedly vetted and then turned loose to wander about the country as they please.

The article also noted: “This staggering increase represents a 7,000% spike in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals since 2021, with projections indicating that the increase could reach 14,000% by the end of the fiscal year, according to Fox News. Compounding the issue, reports earlier this year revealed that the Biden administration has relaxed vetting requirements for Chinese nationals crossing the border illegally.”

It has already been noted that the vast majority of these Chinese nationals are of military age, which means that we now have a small army of Chinese nationals already in this country, with about an equal number more to come just this year! Does this seem to distress China Joe? Not in the least! He’d probably love to be able to find a way to deport some American citizens to make room for his Chinese brethren if only he could find some way to do that–but give him time. His administration may be working on that.

It may not be totally without the realm of possibility that he plans to find a way to get these Chinese inducted into our military as a pathway to citizenship. And how many of these Chinese have some connection to the Chinese Communist Party? Don’t you wish you had a dollar for everyone that does?

Honestly now, can you think of an easier way to get thousands of Chinese Communists ensconced into the US military than this? China Joe would have to be loving this if he can pull it off. Undoubtedly, the Communist dictator of China would love it too. But then he and China Joe are kissin’ cousins. No doubt China Joe would drool with anticipation if he had an “American” army that would really stick it to American citizens! They would be his pride and joy!

Never in our history have we had an administration (and we’ve had some pretty bad ones) that is so obviously at war with its own citizens. China Joe’s first loyalty is hardly to the United States. Whoever his “loyalty” is to, they must realize by now that, without significant financial remuneration they can’t trust him either. He’s obviously for sale to the highest bidder. And it’s only around 180 days before the Biden cabal plans to steal the 2024 election.

Even Small Colleges Fully Display Their Marxist Proclivities

by Al Benson Jr.

It should come as no surprise that colleges and universities, big and small, continue to have their leftist bent on full display. This should be a somber warning to those parents who are considering sending their kids to some of these schools for “higher education.” You’d be better off sending the kids to a vocational school to learn a trade of some kind. Most colleges and universities do not provide real education. They, like most K-12 public schools, provide leftist indoctrination, because the true intent is not to educate but to indoctrinate the kids in a leftist worldview, which they will pass on to their kids.

It was with some interest that I saw on the internet just this morning an article from WJAR tv in Providence, Rhode Island about a so-called “antisemitic” protest at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island. The article noted, in part, “Twenty-three Rhode Island School of Design students and one outside participant took over the second floor of the Washington Place Building Minday night. Students are asking university officials to divest from pro-Israel groups. Students for Justice in Palestine were livestreaming with a projector the students inside the building. Organizers say they are prepared to stay indefinitely until their demands are met…RISD officials sent NBC 10 a statement that read in part, ‘We have, and continue to affirm our students’ right to freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and peaceful assembly…”

Freedom of speech is fine, but when you go so far as to start occupying buildings, as has happened on some campuses and denying those that work in those buildings the ability to do their jobs then you have moved beyond “peaceful protest.” I have contended that these campus protests are not really about antisemitism, but are really about giving the far left an excuse to radicalize college students for whatever cause they are pushing at the moment. The whole “antisemitic” thing as a farce anyway, as most modern Jews are not Semites to begin with.

The Rhode Island School of Design, an art school, has a colorful history of leftist activity to begin with. Back in 1970, in January of that year, one of the professors there invited Carl Braden, billed as a “community organizer” (sound familiar? That’s what they told us Obama was) to come and spend about a month, supposedly helping students to “organize their lives.” I happened to see the flyer that was sent out about this at the time.

You might be tempted about now to say “well, so what?” Well, as it turns out, Carl Braden was an identified Communist Party Member who had done jail time for contempt of Congress. If you get a chance, look Comrade Braden up. You can still find him on the internet. He was also involved with Martin Luther King Jr. and the “civil rights” movement. When it was discovered what Carl Braden’s true background was, Pastor Ennio Cugini of the Clayville Church in Foster, RI called the School of Design and asked them flat out why they were bringing in Communists to lecture the students. He was told that the school wanted “to expose their students to all different perspectives. If that were really the case, then the school should also have invited someone to come in to speak that came from a rightist perspective, possibly someone from the John Birch Society. But of course that never happened. What the school really wanted was to expose the students to various shades of far left doctrine. I doubt such has changed in the last 50 years. The School of Design sits right next door to Brown University, another Northeastern bastion of liberal/left ideology.

When the Kent State riots erupted in the early 1970s, RISD students were right out there protesting with all the other campus radicals, their professors out there instructing their students out of Mao’s Little Red Book on how to riot and demonstrate. If you ask me how I know all this, I worked in Providence, Rhode Island at the time and saw it all firsthand. I can remember talking to the mother of a RISD student back then who was bemoaning the leftward trend she was seeing in her daughter. She remarked how her daughter now wasn’t the same person she’d originally sent off to college. She commented about how she’d considered sending her daughter to a “more conservative” school, though I doubted she’d be able to find such a school. Back then they mostly didn’t exist.

But I can remember telling her, “if you want your daughter back, you need to get her out of RISD otherwise you’ve lost her forever.” I don’t know what she ever did. We left that part of the country the following year and moved to the Midwest. But I agree with what writer William Lind said about colleges in this country–that they are “little ivy-covered North Koreas.” There may still be a mere handful of colleges in this country that still try to truly educate kids, but you’ve got to search long and hard for them. Most colleges and universities today, are like most K-12 public schools, nothing more than leftist indoctrination centers that exist only to revolutionize the next generation. They like the public schools, should be avoided like the plague!

Mike Johnson–the great disappointment

by Al Benson Jr.

I had great hopes for Mike Johnson when he first started out as House speaker. I live in Louisiana and he is from my home state, I watched his acceptance speech where he talked about what’s in the Bible and how that would be his guide to what he did. It was a good speech, better than his performance as House speaker has been. I’m not sure what version of the Bible he uses, but it must be different than the one I use.

I realize he has a razor thin majority to work with in the House, but still, he comes across as someone the Democrats love and can work with and support because he will go along with their agenda–which is far, far from a biblical one.

He has supported bills for aid to Ukraine and Israel that have nothing whatever to do with protecting our Southern border from Biden’s illegal immigrant invasion–which he should be concerned more with because Louisiana is right next to Texas and the fallout from illegal invaders will eventually affect Louisiana.

Well, it seems that someone finally woke Speaker Johnson up to the border crisis and the fact that, maybe, just maybe, he ought to say something about it.I just read an article on https://amgreatness.com for May 3rd about Johnson finally addressing the border crisis. The article stated, in part, that: “earlier this week, Johnson tweeted out a response to Dept. of Homeland Security data showing that the Biden administration is flying otherwise inadmissible immigrants into the U.S. That data was obtained by subpoena by the House Homeland Security Committee and provided exclusively to Fox News. According to House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) say the president’s humanitarian program allows immigrants who have no legal basis to be in the U.S. Fox News reports that another 1.6 million migrants are awaiting approval for the program.”

The article continues “Johnson’s objections to what he calls ‘reckless open border policies’ have sparked backlash among conservative voters who point out that the Speaker’s $95 billion in security aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan do nothing to secure the American border. Critics say Johnson failed to use his position to defund the president’s parole program which utilizes more than 50 airports nationwide to fly in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.” Needless to say, none of these countries has much use for the US. But that seems to be the kind of illegals that Biden favors. I wrote earlier about the more than 300,000 illegals Biden has flown into this country to over 40 airports around the country and noted that many of those airports were probably in swing states that Biden needs to win to capture the 2024 election.

The article also noted that: “It’s getting tougher for Speaker Johnson to convince struggling Americans that his concerns are genuine when he’s proven unwilling or unable to stop handing the Biden administration an open budget to fund illegals being flown into the U.S.” This is one reason the Democrats love him. He continues to allow the Biden/Obama regime the funds to basically sell this country out to the illegals that Biden loves as much as he hates American citizens!

Should a move be made to deprive Johnson of the House speakership, if a vote on that occurs the radical Democrats will rally to Johnson’s support, which tells you where Johnson is really at. Unfortunately, Johnson talks a better fight than he fights. Unfortunately, the conservatives in the House do not have enough votes to remove him, as their weak sisters in the Republican Party will always vote with the Democrats to retain him. The Democrats will all vote to keep him because he’s doing their work for them.

So now that he has voiced a just complaint about Biden’s open border policies, what’s he planning on doing to stop funding them? Don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer that that one. Johnson has figured out where his bread is buttered and he’s willing to support the side that butters it.


From campus protesters–no comment

by Al Benson Jr.

I watched the news last night and saw a lady reporter going around trying to talk to some of the campus protesters, at Columbia I think it was. She asked them why they were out there protesting, and what were they protesting. No responses from the protesters. Most of them just turned away and studiously ignored her.

These kids were not about to give her the time of day. I think the lady reporter was from Fox News, which may have had something to do with student non-response, I don’t know. Maybe those professionals that have been hired to help the kids protest have told them not to talk to Fox News. Again, I don’t know, but none of the kids she tried to talk to was having any.

Another question she tried to ask them was why were they all wearing masks, because most of them were. And I thought it was a good question. If you look at these student protesters on the news, 90% of them are wearing masks–same as they wanted everyone to wear during the COVID games. Again, no response from the kids.

You can reach a couple conclusions from this studied non-response. One is that most of these kids are not really sure why they are out there protesting, but they don’t want to admit that in front of their peers so they just clam up when asked. One reporter did get to talk to a couple kids a few days ago and they couldn’t tell the reporter with any real clarity why they were out protesting. Another conclusion is that maybe these kids have been instructed not to talk to reporters. If that’s the case, then who’s telling them that?

The media has finally had to admit that there are “outside influences” at work in these protests, which should come as no surprise to anyone that follows this kind of thing. There have been “outside influences” involved in all of these protests since the Viet Nam War era–most of them on the far left. Students seem especially prone to follow leftist agitators–probably due to the extreme leftist atmosphere on most college campuses. I’ve worked at a couple colleges over the years and believe me, the leftist influence is there! Some places it’s a bit more subtle, but some places, especially on the East Coast, it is overt!

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting a bit sick of seeing these Palestinian flags all over the place and the willingness to put up with them. If these were Confederate flags they’d have the army or someone out there hauling them down as quick as they got put up, but as long as they are flags representing Hamas, why that’s alright!

With the way these kids get out and demonstrate in favor of every leftist cause that comes down the pike, it must have occurred to at least some that a college campus should be the last place you want your kids to be. Most colleges have been under the thrall of the far left for over a hundred years and are, as writer William Lind said “little ivy-covered North Koreas.”

As far as these current protests, we know George Soros and the Rockefellers have been funding some of the groups involved–all of which are on the left. You’d wonder why George Soros, who is Jewish, would fund so-called antisemitic protests unless his affinity for the far left outshines his affinity for Judaism. All I can say is that, if these student protesters are an example of what our future holds, then I tremble for my country.