The Tucson Ring–Cheating The Apaches For Fun And Profit (Mostly Profit)

by Al Benson Jr.

The other night I watched the 1993 movie Geronimo: An American Legend. Ive seen it a couple times before and always enjoyed it. The rugged Southwestern scenery in it is something I enjoy seeing, a remembrance of my time in that part of the country, but also a reminder that I will never get to go back there. For a movie it was amazingly accurate as far as it went.

Although the movie did not deal with it, the background for much of the Apache trouble in Arizona was the infamous Tucson Ring. Odie B. Faulk, in his book The Geronimo Campaign dealt with the infamous Tucson Ring, as well as the machinations of some of the crooked Indian agents, which displayed many of the problems with the reservation system–one of America’s early problems with socialism.

Faulk noted, in part, “Then in the early 1880s, as the Chiricahuas were forced back on this reservation (San Carlos), functionaries in the Indian Bureau decreed that these proud warriors become farmers, despite the recommendations of such knowledgeable officers as Crawford, Davis and Gatewood that they be encouraged in pastoral pursuits…” That didn’t work. And anyone knowing anything about the Apaches could have told them it wouldn’t work, but trying to tell a government bureaucrat anything about what they mismanage is an exercise in utter futility.

Faulk observed that: “But it was black humor, for thereby the proud Apaches were reduced to living on rations provided for them through the Indian Office through the resident agent at each reservation–a system inviting graft, one allowing the Tucson Ring to get rich through connivance. One of (General) Crook’s aides, Captain John G. Bourke, later wrote, ‘The Tucson Ring was determined that no Apache should be put to the embarrassment of working for his own living; once let the Apaches become self-supporting, and what would become of ‘the boys?’ The Indians were aware of this system, too, knowing that rations intended for their consumption were being openly sold in neighboring towns, that they were being shorted on their allotments. The principal items of issue to them were flour and beef, but their week’s ration of flour would barely suffice for a day. The cattle sent them were held without water by the contractor until they crossed the river just before being weighed; The Government was paying a pretty stiff price for half a barrel of Gila River water delivered with each beef,’ wrote Britton Davis of this practice. In addition, the scales used were incorrect in favor of the contractors, And ‘there was not enough fat on the animals to fry a jackrabbit, many of them being mere skin and bones’ Davis asserted. He once accused the herders of actually carrying some of the cattle to the Agency on horseback, but the herders swore that all had walked.”

Faulk also noted: “The Tucson Ring likewise profited when the Apaches left the reservation. Lucrative contracts could be had for supplying grain, hay, and provisions for soldiers sent to quell uprisings. Sometimes they even wanted to benefit both from the Indians on the reservation and from more soldiers, the ‘boys’ would generate an Indian scare through their newspapers, then bombard Washington with requests for ‘protection.’ As Captain Bourke phrased it, ‘They had only to report by telegraph that the Apaches were ‘uneasy. refused to obey the orders of the agent, and a lot more stuff ofthe same kind and the Great Father would send in ten regiments to carry out the schemes of the ring, but he would never send one honest, truthful man to inquire whether the Apaches had a story or not.”

The “Great Father” in Washington had learned from what he had done to white Southerners during what was euphemistically labeled as “reconstruction” after the War of Northern Aggression that if he could get away with what he did during “reconstruction” then he could surely get away with what he did to the Indians afterward and who would dare question his great wisdom? What Washington did during “reconstruction” and to the Indians later on was an early example of a government declaring war on its own people–something this government has continued to do up to and including our own day!

Those Government Indoctrination Centers We Refer To As Schools

by Al Benson Jr.

One government indoctrination center in Vermont has decided to eliminate the words male and female from the 5th grade curriculum. Students can’t use the words boy and girl in school because, after all, this school is in the process of becoming woke, and using such antiquated terms as boy and girl omits the other 126 sexes some flaky scientists and politicians have only recently informed us are now in existence. How many other public schools are like this one nationwide? More than you’d like to think about. But you’d better start thinking about it because the Theology of Woke will be coming to a public school near you if it’s not already there.

In the April 10th issue of the New American magazine a homeschooling dad commented on what he learned about public schools after he removed his son from one. He observed: “I’ve learned a lot since my son first attended kindergarten. The crux of it is that government schools are causing harm to our children, and they’re designed in a way that quashes the genius all children are born with. The architects of government schools, people such as Horace Mann and John Dewey, were socialists who sought to create little socialists who would grow up into big, adult socialists and turn America into one, big, happy socialist utopia.”

The dad continued: “Government schools have wasted generations of American genius and are a leading reason for the chaos and national self-hate destroying our society today. Government schools are a major reason the United States is no longer on the promising path it once was…The good news is that more than 1.2 million have been pulled out of American government schools just in the last two years, which has the regime propaganda outlets, such as the New York Times, freaking out…Schools pushing racist ideologies such as Critical Race Theory and sexually perverted books have also made it easier for parents to justify saving their children…So, yes, enrollment is plunging. But not fast enough. In perfect world, the schools would be emptied out tomorrow, and the U.S. Department of Education shuttered for good.”

The article noted that not all patriotic and conservative parents are convinced that public schools are the lost cause they really are. Many still believe they can reform or “take back” the public schools and that those schools were different when they attended them. Well, they were somewhat different, but that difference is only relative. They weren’t as openly radical years ago because they didn’t dare to be. Doing that would have given the game away, the way it did in Kanawha County, West Virginia in 1974. When parents there at that time saw what the schools were doing to their kids they revolted and managed to keep the schools shut down for a month. Eventually their protest was beaten to death, literally. A testimony to what happens to those who openly oppose Big Brother’s government education system!

I imagine if such happened today the parents would just be jailed as domestic terrorists and the omnipotent state would seize their kids and raise them as compliant little socialists, as was the vision of Mann and Dewey. It never occurs to that many parents to do some homework and find out that public schools have been getting progressively worse since at least the 1850s. Those who are willing to do the homework after defending public schools are in for quite a rude awakening. Unfortunately, Christian parents seem most derelict in this area. And I speak from experience here after talking with many of them. They are not willing to do the homework. All they want to do is defend the government schools no matter what–and tell me what wonderful sports or music programs those schools have–to which I reply–“You’re willing to trade your kid’s souls for a good sports program?” That usually ends the conversation, because whether they answer or not, their reply is yes, without even thinking about it! If we lose our country, which is a real possibility right now, it will be because we let the Lord’s enemies educate our children, and when we were told about it we did nothing to change it.

Too Much Truth For The Establishment (The Deep State)

by Al Benson Jr.

I used to watch Tucker Carlson on Fox News every night before his bosses got too politically correct and decided Tucker was taking his audience of about 4 million a night to places they did not want exposed. Despite all the hype about his toxic work environment and anti-semitism (two of the last refuges of scoundrels) the fact remains that Tucker was giving his growing audience doses of truth they weren’t getting anyplace else–so much so that he had to go.

There were times I didn’t always agree with Tucker. A couple years or so ago he did a segment on the Confederate flag I thoroughly disagreed with. So much so that I did an article on this blog about it called Tucker Carlson And Some Bad History. Tucker had apparently bought into some of the blatant anti-Confederate “history” about the flag and I pointed that out.

But, for all that, I probably agreed with what Tucker said about 90% of the time. He went where many others were afraid to tread, hence he gave us info in some areas the Establishment–both democrat and republican–would rather we did not have access to. What has happened to Tucker shows us in living color that there really is a Deep State and it is very concerned that we not be given the truth about what it is doing to us and our children.

I read an article on just this morning that said if Chuck Schumer told Rupert Murdoch to fire Tucker he’d do it because they basically both belong to the same class, go to the same clubs, etc.

So it will be interesting from here on out to watch Fox News to see if they begin to move, ever so slowly, so their audience doesn’t realize it for some time, in the same leftist direction that CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and others have gone in. When that happens you will know that Fox News has been coopted and has joined the usual coterie of left-leaning members of the “news” (and I use that term loosely) media.

Most of what passes for news anymore is little more than leftist propaganda, like much of what you get in our government (public) schools anymore. It is getting harder and harder to get much truth at any age level anymore. The kids are getting propagandized in school so they will be conditioned to accept the leftist lies the “news” media will peddle to them when they grow up.

Tucker told us lots of truth about the Covid vaccine fraud, the supposed Jan 6, 2021 “insurrection” that really wasn’t and the people who were involved in that psy-op project. It will remain to be seen if he can land somewhere where he will be able to reach a sizable audience–not as big as he had on Fox, but still sizable. What happened to Tucker puts on full display the Establishment’s regard for truth, or its total lack in that area. The last thing the Deep State and its willing puppets wants is for the American public to wake up and grasp what is being done to them in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Should that happen, there really might be an insurrection–or better yet–a secession!

For those interested in the article I did on Tucker Carlson and the Confederacy please check out that article on this blog for 6/14/2020. Tucker Carlson and some Bad History. This is one of the few times I disagreed with Tucker, altho I understand he did one on capital punishment I also would not probably have agreed with. He was opposed to it. I’m not.


Is It Back To The Basement For China Joe?

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, China Joe, Beijing’s favorite U S president, has made the announcement that he will run for president in 2024, breaking his word that he would only run for one term. But, then, politicians have been known to lie before and China Joe is certainly no exception to that. After all, didn’t he tell us he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings? That fable is among his biggest windies.

So now, the question arises–will he return to the basement for the 2024 election and let his surrogates repeat what they did in 2020? Biden bumbled his way through a speech telling us of the “good news” of his candidacy for next year, a speech that was videotaped instead of live because China Joe couldn’t be trusted, with his mental state, to do a live speech without major goof-ups. On videotape the gaffes were more minor than major.

You can see that China Joe has slowed down mentally, but he is still sharp enough to realize his obligation to the Chinese Communist Party. China has been one of the major donors in sending fat checks to a dozen members of the Biden family, at latest count.

A former acting CIA director who was involved in Hunter Biden’s laptop coverup once called Donald Trump a Russian asset back in 2016. Journalist John Solomon noted this on the Tuckerless Fox Newscast last evening. I wonder if you could say the same for China Joe in 2023 in regard to Communist China? Certainly everything he does as far as our economy and business helps China and hurts us.

One of the most informative things I have read about China Joe is Arthur R. Thompson’s book Benedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World Order. This can be obtained from the John Birch Society, 770 Westhill Blvd., Appleton, Wisconsin 54914. Amazon had it listed for $5.00 plus shipping and you can’t beat that price. It is well worth the read.

The Great Unanswered Question

by Al Benson Jr.

I and others have asked this question for years now and have yet to even have that acknowledged. Many of us will continued to ask it until we get some sort of answer from the politically correct minions of the viewpoint that the War of Northern Aggression was fought to end slavery. If the War was fought to end slavery then why did the North not start by abolishing slavery in those states that ended up remaining in the Union, some through no fault of their own.

There were four slave states that ended up in the Union–Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and Delaware–and when West Virginia seceded from Virginia and ended up back in the Union it did so as a slave state. So that would have been five states in the Union where slavery could have been abolished if that had been the real reason for the War. Yet that didn’t happen. So we have to conclude that because it didn’t happen the real reason for the war was not freeing the slaves but something else.

The tariff question naturally comes to mind, due to the fact that the South paid over 80% of the tariffs for the entire country while the North got most of the benefit from that. The North would have been in pretty sad financial shape without the South to foot most of the bill for all the internal improvements made up north. But the politically correct don’t even want to discuss this. The tariff issue is a “dead letter” to them, meaning they can’t get any traction from that issue to promote their racist agenda to blame the South for slavery. So tariffs are ignored and the slavery issue played up to inflame the passions of black folks who are much better off in this country than they would be had their ancestors remained in Africa. It’s a classic “divide and conquer strategy” to separate the races and prevent them having an honest dialogue with one another. Were they to get together and talk, they would soon discover that the Deep State is screwing everybody in this country and the Establishment can’t have that.

Gene Kizer Jr. in his authoritative book Slavery Was Not the Cause of the War Between the States has observed that: “Clearly the North did not instigate a war to end slavery. The focus on slavery as the primary cause of the War Between the States–even indirectly–is a fraud of biblical proportions and it prevents real understanding of American history. Pulitzer Prize winning historian and Lincoln scholar David H. Donald, back in the 1960s, was concerned about the overemphasis of slavery asthe cause of the war. He said the Civil Rights Movement seems to have been the reason for stressing slavery as the cause of the war.”

Given the origins of the Civil Rights Movement that would not be surprising. Years ago now, journalist Alan Stang wrote a book called It’s Very Simple–The True Story of Civil Rights. In that book Mr. Stang delved into the leftist credentials of many in the Civil Rights Movement. Some have concluded that Lincoln didn’t have the authority to free any slaves in the Union states which is probably true. Well if he had no authority to free slaves in the Union, where in heaven’s name did he get the “authority” to free them in the Confederate States??? Lots of questions that need to be answered here and yet the politically correct and minions of Wokeism continue to ignore them because they realize they have no answers that make any kind of sense. So they continue to rant and rail about the War being fought to “end slavery” when they know all that is so much bovine fertilizer. Their fondest hope is that you don’t realize the fertilizer content of their absurdities.

The Faith (or Lack Thereof) of Abraham Lincoln

by Al Benson Jr.

I’ve written about this subject before, but not recently, and people nowadays seem to have a tendency to forget much of what they once learned. Our attention span as a people seems to be about seven minutes–the time between commercials on most television stations. What went on beyond the last commercial we often don’t remember too well. And for something we learned yesterday, forget it. It’s long gone!

What made me think of this was something I saw on the internet while looking for something else. I came across a site that said of Abraham Lincoln that he was the first “republican, Christian president.” Knowing what I know about Lincoln that almost made me choke!

Lincoln was supposedly raised in a strict Baptist family. There has even been some question in some circles about his ancestry. Some have claimed he was born in North Carolina where his mother was a servant of the Enloe family. I saw a short booklet about that once. Don’t know if that’s still among my research material or not.

Be that as it may, Lincoln never joined any church. As a young man he was noted as a skeptic and even noted for ridiculing Christian preachers and revivalists. Many who knew him for years like William Herndon and Ward Lamon rejected the idea that he was a believing Christian. Even his wife also said, at one point, that “Mr. Lincoln was not a technical Christian.”

James Adams 1783-1843, called Lincoln a deist. Lincoln was reported to have authored a manuscript that challenged orthodox Christianity and was taken from the ideas of unbeliever Thomas Paine. Some writers have pooh-poohed this but I have read enough about it to think it may well be true. Supposedly a friend after reading it, took it and threw it into the stove, telling Lincoln it would ruin his political ambitions–and in his day it would have. Today, in our apostate age, he might have gotten by with it, but not back then.

According to they say of Lincoln: “Well, the truth of the matter is that he was not. He was exposed to Christian influences all his life. He worked with Christian people…but Lincoln never joined a church, never was actively involved in any kind of Christian organization, in fact, had only most minimal religious profile in his own day.” When someone asked his law partner, William Herndon, about Lincoln’s religious faith, Herndon replied to the man “The less said about that the better.”

Donnie Kennedy and I had a chapter in our book Lincolns Marxists about how a freethinker viewed Lincoln. The freethinker was Col. Robert Ingersoll. This freethinker led the charge in defending Lincoln against the charge of being a Christian and instead argued that he was a freethinker. Freethinkers include atheists and agnostics. Christians they are not. I even read one place, and I did an article on this, where Lincoln was reported to be a Rosicrucian. But, then too, some evangelicals have claimed him. All the research I have done over the years has led me to the conclusion that Lincoln was far removed from the orthodox Christian faith.

“Earth Day” is Really ‘Birthday’ Lenin’s That is

by Al Benson Jr.

I couldn’t let April 22 slip by without some mention of Earth Day and its origins. Many folks are totally unaware of those origins and how far to the left they really are.

I found an interesting article about this on for April 22, 2021.Mr. Sussman observed: “On April 22, 1970, a trio of radical dreamers rolled out the first Earth Day. Their hope was that the well-planned nationwide event would effectively assault capitalism, free markets, and mankind,.”

Part of our problem today with wacky environmentalists and climate change oddballs is a result of what these people dredged up for us on the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth–and the timing was no accident.

Mr. Sussman’s article continued: “The initial concept was conceived by Sen. Gaylord Nelson D-Wis. Nelson was Congress’ first environmentalist activist. He was also the mastermind behind the radical public school ‘teach ins’ that were (in) vogue throughout the 60s and 70s. During the teach ins, mutinous public school teachers would scrap the day’s assigned curriculum, pressure their students to sit cross-legged on the floor, ‘rap’ about how America was an imperial nation, and converse about why communism really wasn’t such a bad form of government…” If you can find it, and I didn’t have any trouble, read is whole article. Quite informative.

Note that all this was taking place in public schools over 50 years ago–a glaring example of why the “good old days” people think they remember from when they went to public school never really existed! I went to public high school in the 1950s and I can remember having an English teacher who a man in my church did not want teaching his son because she was supposedly an identified Communist. I can’t say if she was or not, but this man, who was in the Air Force Reserve, I think, had some info on this teacher.

Anyway, the first official Earth Day coincided wit the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth. Amazing “coincidence” wasn’t it? And a Wikipedia article also noted that Lenin’s father was “a Russian figure in the field of public education” another amazing coincidence wouldn’t you say?

The Destruction Of A Southern Town For Expediency And “Progress”

by Al Benson Jr.

When my wife and I moved south in 2002 we ended up in a small, semirural town in North Louisiana. It was the kind of small town we wanted. Our intent was to avoid cities as much as possible. We had both grown up in small towns in the North and were not city people. The town we ended up in had one main street and about five side streets and it had a distinct small town Southern atmosphere. There was a gas station, a couple churches, a bank, market, and a couple restaurants and a hardware store on the main street.

One of the restaurants was sort of a local hangout, the kind of place you could visit on a warm afternoon, buy a glass of sweet tea or coke and just sit and visit with some of the local folks. They also served a pretty good (and .inexpensive) fried catfish dinner in the evening. My wife and I often stopped there for supper on Saturday evening. It was all ideal–for awhile.

But then came the scions of “progress and change” and nothing was ever the same again. They told us the town needed a bigger and better bridge across the river–and they were correct about that. The old bridge across the river that was there had been built in the early 1930s. It needed replacing. But the replacement we ended up with took out about a third of the town’s main street. The result was that one of the churches, the hardware store, and the two restaurants all had to go. And the local chemical company (a division of Dow Chemicals) bought from the town all the land that the church and restaurants and hardware store had previously occupied and nothing was to be built on that land. The chemical company wanted all of it to remain open space. That pretty well killed the town’s main street as far as business went and it erased the unique Southern atmosphere the town had previously had.

The mayor at that time had some grandiose plans to put all businesses out on the main highway–about five miles from where they had previously been. I’m not sure anyone ever figured out completely what he was trying to do, but he worked at it anyway–and the town completely lost its unique Southern character and became just one more shopping stop on the main highway. There were those in town that protested, but not enough of them.

My wife and I now no longer live in the town, in the house we lived in. Our health will not permit that any longer. When we still lived in that town, I ran for the town council one year, on a platform of less government and more personal responsibility. And though I didn’t win, I got a respectable number of votes for someone who had not lived their life there.

The mayor with all the big plans extended the town’s debt so much the town almost ended up bankrupt. The mayor after him was a conservative and loyal American who had served in the marines, but by the time he got elected the town was so far in debt there was little he could do and I understand the current mayor is quite liberal, so we can kiss the unique Southern atmosphere of the town goodbye. It’s doubtful if it will ever return. It reminded me of the West Texas towns in some of Elmer Kelton’s novels about Texas. They were on the point of losing their unique Western identity because of what some “progressive” people wanted to do to and with them. Unfortunately, such situations are not unique to fiction. They exist in real life and we have seen them acted out.

Right now, the South and its culture and identity are under constant attack. Southern monuments, symbols, and flags are almost everywhere denigrated where once they were honored and revered. If the South loses its identity it will never get it back and it will end up being just another nonentity among the other nonentities in Wokedom. That seems to be where we are headed. I have talked with other Southern patriots who said they never thought they’d live to see what’s going on now, and I did not think I would either, but I have–and it gives me no pleasure. I could weep for my adopted country!

All that has made her unique is being flushed down the sewer in a headlong rush to be like the rest of the country–something we should not want nor want to be partakers in. Both the South and the Far West have a unique heritage–something that should be preserved, not tossed aside. They are the only unique American cultures remaining and they must be preserved. We discard them to our own hurt and the hurt of our children!

The Left Continues To Peddle A Guilt Trip About Slavery

by Al Benson Jr.

Those on the political and theological left continue to try to decimate Southern culture with the slavery issue. They insist the War of Northern Aggression was fought to free the slaves (a specious lie, but they don’t care. They blame the South for slavery in this country, forgetting that there were slaves in all the 13 original colonies–a fact they hope you never check out.

But now there has been a new chip thrown into the pot, one the left didn’t figure on–blacks admitting that their ancestors were part and parcel of the African slave trade. I recently came across a site that was most informative, which observed: “Incomplete depictions of the Atlantic slave trade are, in fact, quite common. My 2003 study of 49 state U.S. history standards revealed that not one of these guides to classroom content even mentioned the key role of Africans in supplying the Atlantic slave trade. In Africa itself, however, the slave trade is remembered quite differently. Nigerians, for example, explicitly teach about their own role in the trade…In Ghana, politician and educator Samuel Sulemana Fuscini has acknowledged that his Asanti ancestors accumulated their great wealth by abducting, capturing, and kidnapping Africans and selling them as slaves.” Wonder how that statement would go over in classrooms run by leftist teachers.

The article continued: “Ghanian diplomat Kofi Anoonor has written: ‘I believe there is a great psychic shadow over Africa, and it has much to do with our guilt and denial of our role in the slave trade. We too are blameworthy in what was essentially one of the most heinous crimes in human history…All the tribes were involved–no exemptions.” Another African American stated: ‘So we really can’t blame the Europeans, we sold our own. It takes two.” The article also observed: “The white man did not introduce slavery to Africa…And by the fifteenth century men with dark skins had become quite comfortable with the concept of man as property…”

Yet another article, this one on noted this: “African societies practiced human bondage long before the Atlantic slave trade began…Furthermore, prisoners of war between different African societies oftentimes became enslaved.” That was where the Europeans got many of the slaves they brought to America, from African tribes who sold off some of their POW’s.

And an interesting article was on that observed comments written by another African who said: “My great grandfather, Nwaubani Ogogo Oriaku, was what I prefer to call a businessman, from the Igbo ethnic group of Southern Nigeria. He dealt in a number of goods including tobacco and palm produce. He also sold human beings.” And this lady lived in relatively modern times. She also added: “He had agents who captured slaves from different places and brought them to him” my father told me.”

Sandra E. Greene noted on that “Slavery in the U.S. ended in 1865, but in West Africa it was not legally ended until 1875, and then it stretched on unofficially until almost World War 1.”

So most of this politically correct baloney that blames all whites, and particularly Southern whites for slavery is just that–leftist baloney–for want of a better term. It is nothing but anti-white propaganda! The Africans would have continued to engage in slavery had they never sold a single slave to white American slave traders who were all from the North anyway, and many were Jews as well as Christians and agnostics.

Whites have purposely been taken on ahuge guilt trip over something that has been a practice of every race on earth! It is long past time to quit feeling guilty and to take a long look at the slavery practiced by other races every bit as much as white folks did.

Beware Of Wolves (One Worlders) Dressed In Sheep’s (Republicans) Clothing

by Al Benson Jr.

According to for September 20, 2022 “Glenn Youngkin attended Klaus Schwab’s annual World Economic Forum (WEF) summits in Davos, Switzerland in 2019 and 2020, the years immediately preceding his run for governor of Virginia.” I must admit, this was something I had been unaware of until I read the National File article. But, as I have noted previously, the Deep State has its swamp creatures firmly embedded in both political parties.

The National File article continued: “According to a Chinese language webpage, at the 2019 Davos meeting, Youngkin, then a CEO of the Carlyle Investment Group, sat on a WEF panel along side high-ranking CCP member Fang Xinghai…In 2020 Youngkin joined the WEF again at Davos where he touted the Carlyle Group’s adoption of woke capitol ESG ideology under his watch. Short for ‘environmental, social, and corporate governance’ ESG has been described as a massive ‘left-wing power grab’…At that same 2020 gathering, Youngkin said on stage that he hopes to see ‘a real thawing of relationships’ between the U.S. and Communist China so that the financial sector can maximize its profits’.”

The article also observed: “According to top WEF advisor Yuval Harari, under WEF plans, humans worldwide will wear ‘biometric sensors’ so that their every move can be ‘constantly monitored’ by the Chinese government and big tech corporations like Google and Facebook…”

The article also noted that “In the early stages of Virginia’s 2021 GOP nominating process many in the party’s grassroots brought up concerns about Youngkin and his ties to globalism. In addition to the WEF, Youngkin has been a member of the neo-con Council on Foreign Relations and has donated to the far left Southern Poverty Law Center.”

So it would indeed seem that “conservative Republican Glenn Youngkin” is indeed what the Bible describes as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” posing as something he is not, nor ever has been, because so doing enables him to get elected to positions where he can promote socialist globalism. Apparently, those grassroots activists in the GOP who raised questions about Youngkin’s conservative bona fides had to be silenced so Youngkin could continue to move up the ladder. Who do you suppose silenced them? It sure wasn’t the Democrats! That means there were those in the Republican Party that wanted Youngkin’s critics silenced so he could pose as something he never was–a real conservative! The people of Virginia who were conned into voting for him for governor were sold a bill of goods. It was yet another case of the voters having no real choice between two leftist candidates. How often does this occur and the voters don’t realize it? More than we like to think about!!!