Folks, it just ain’t that long ago

by Al Benson Jr.

Most young folks today think that everything that happened before they were born is ancient history, and therefore, totally irrelevant. Hopefully, as they grow in age and maturity they will shed this truncated worldview and grasp the fact that the past has a large influence on the future. I have noted, over the years, that if our view of the past is faulty, then our vision for the future will be also, Most historians today give our young people a faulty view of the past because it is one they were taught themselves.

This article will probably only be read by a handful of Old Timers like me, but I think it’s worth the reflection. Maybe it’s just that I’m feeling my age but I don’t think the past is really all that far away, at least not the more recent past. I have often thought about when the Old West really ended, and I’ve commented on that in the past.

Different people have different ideas about that. When I was a kid, I used to think it ended automatically on January 1, 1900, because the twentieth century was supposed to be “modern times.” Others have agreed with that, but I no longer do.

From what I have read over the years I feel that what we call the “Old West” didn’t finally peter out until sometime around 1917-18 or thereabouts. Arizona and New Mexico didn’t even become states until 1912 and Oklahoma didn’t become a state until 1907. That was two years after my dad was born. I was born in 1938. At that time, Arizona and New Mexico had only been states for twenty six years.

The last stagecoach robbery I ever read about took place somewhere in Nevada in December of 1916. The last stagecoach that I ever read about quit running in Arizona, in the 1920s, when the road to Young, Arizona was finally paved and the stagecoach was replaced with a Ford motor car.

Even some of the characters from the Old West lived down into my lifetime. Wyatt Earp died in 1929–eight years before I was born, That’s not a long time–and his last common-law wife didn’t die until 1944, when I was six years old. Doc Holiday’s girlfriend, Big Nose Kate Fisher, didn’t die until 1940, and Virgil Earp’s wife lived until 1947, when I was nine years old.

It’s almost like the man I heard once talking about Southern heritage when he said “The past is not really past.” In a sense he was right. As long as there are people alive today with a connection to that past, it is not really dead. When I lived in Oklahoma, I saw an old man who had, in his youth, been a train robber. That had to have been in the early 1900s, given his age. I feel like my generation was the last connecting link to what we consider the Old West because a handful of people from that era lived in my lifetime. When my generation is gone there will be no connection with that time.

The farming and ranching culture of the West is under assault today as never before. There are people who, for their own nefarious reasons, want to put our ranchers and farmers out of business and do away with an independent culture that has come down to us over the generations. We should resist that and expose it for the cultural destruction it is. They want us to learn to eat bugs and fake meat, supposedly to combat “climate change’, one of the biggest farces of our day, and they want us to get our meat, if we are allowed to get any, from foreign sources–preferably Communist China. We need to resist this insanity and its assault on our ranching and farming culture, which our adversaries are working to destroy. We need to have future generations of our own people working our ranches and farms and preserving a way of life those who hate this country want to destroy.

China Joe Biden’s Real Mission–help China and hurt US

by Al Benson Jr.

There were a few items on the morning news today that caught my attention regarding what China Joe is really doing in Washington. One item noted that Biden’s push for all electric vehicles was a big boon to Red China but did us no good whatever. Another item mentioned how the Green New Deal had the exact same effect–good for China but bad for us. And then there are all those Chinese men of military age swarming across our border along with people from other terrorist nations. The border situation is something Biden absolutely refuses to do anything about because, let’s face it, what’s happening at the border with the massive influx of illegals is exactly what he wants to happen. This is part of the plan for he and his handlers–most of whom are ex-Obama flunkies.

The state of Texas has recently started to show more backbone regarding the illegal immigrants, taking control of an island in the Rio Grande where the illegals swarmed and kicking both them and Biden’s Border Patrol out. Naturally Biden wants to illegals to swarm there and everyplace else, as he plans to give them the vote this year so they will, hopefully, water down the vote of American citizens and thereby help the Democrats retain their stolen power.

Some of the “news” media seem to have trouble grasping all this–not surprisingly. Or maybe they do grasp it and part of their job is to make sure you and I don’t. I’ve said this before, but just about every action the Biden cabal takes hurts the US and helps Communist China in some way. We have to start getting it through our heads that this is not an accident. It is done on purpose.

The Bidenista Regime hates American citizens, especially those citizens that display loyalty to their country. Face it folks, if you voted for Trump, then Biden hates your guts and he will do whatever he can to make life miserable for you. That’s his main aim as “president.” You, if you are a loyal American patriot, have to be put down, ridiculed as a “deplorable” and attacked by what passes for a “news” media as a domestic terrorist because you are an impediment to China Joe’s vision of a “New World Order.”

I hate to be blunt, but anyone that can look at China Joe Biden and honestly feel that what he’s doing is constructive and good for the country, has to have mush for brains. It should be evident to the dullest mentality that China Joe’s “vision” for the country is one that will cause it to self-destruct. As I said, that’s what he’s there for.

We were told, just before the 2020 election that Biden was “the adult’ in the room and that he would restore “normalcy” to the country. What a pile of horse buns that was. And as for those who were foolish enough to believe that political dung, how’s that been working out for you for the last three years, with more inflation, higher food and gas prices and more government attacks on your gas vehicles and gas stoves that Biden is trying to regulate out of existence?

Can some of you get it through your heads that everything Biden has done has hurt you and helped our adversaries and that when you have that kind of agenda it is not accidental–it is purposeful. And now we have Democrats with big bucks financing Nikki Haley’s campaign. Why is that? Has it occurred to anyone that, if these people can’t have a Biden victory, then they will be willing to have a Nikki Haley victory, because among the Uni-party class, Haley comes closer to Biden than anyone else? If Biden can’t cut the mustard and they can displace Trump with Haley, then they will get the same agenda only the names will be different, and it will still be a New World Order government all the way.

The New World Order crowd has adherents in both parties. They just don’t talk about it all that much as doing that would give the plans away. And, for us folks in the South, we have to realize that Joe Biden’s and Nikki Haley’s views of our Confederate flags and monuments are just about identical with each other. So maybe we need to chew on that awhile until we get it sorted out. We’ve been lied to so much from Washington, who can believe anything they tell us?

Some History Our “Historians” Forgot To Mention

by Al Benson Jr.

Most of us realize that our current crop of what passes for “historians” often have quite selective memories When it comes to topics they’d rather forget the whole truth about. One of those topics is the slavery issue. Contemporary “historians” have to make sure this particular topic is given the proper “spin” so that the slavery issue is portrayed in such a way as to paint the average white slaveowner in the South in the worst possible light. You have to admit, between the current “historians” and the “news media” they have done a pretty fair job of pushing that agenda. Don’t hold your breath waiting for much truth to come from either of these bunches of turkeys.

Back in 2015, author Lochlainn Seabrook wrote a book published by Sea Raven Press, now located in Cody, Wyoming. The title of the book is “Slavery 101: Amazing Facts You Never Knew About America’s ‘Peculiar Institution’.” Mr. Seabrook went into lots of material on the issue of slavery that most “historians” (and I use that term loosely) would prefer you never found out about, and so most of it gets ignored by them. However, Seabrook has a talent for picking out uncomfortable truth and shining a light on it.

Many, if not most, are prone to blaming white Southerners for the slave trade in America. All you have to do is o bring up the slavery issue and you will hear all kinds of stories about how brutal white Southern slave owners were. You are never told that there were blacks in the South that also owned slaves–and some of them owned quite a few–and didn’t treat them any better, or even as good, as whites did.

As for who originated African slavery, guess what, it was not white folks. Seabrook noted, on page 19 that: “What Yankee historians, New South professors, and the liberal media will not tell you is that Africans were never hunted down and captured directly by the white crews of foreign slave ships. They were captives who had already been taken during yearly intertribal raids and then enslaved by enterprising African kings, kinglets, chiefs and subchiefs, who quite eagerly traded them to non-African slavers for rum, guns, gunpowder, textiles, beads, iron and cloth…In other words, it was African chiefs who first enslaved other Africans, and it was African slave merchants–slave drivers known as .Slattees–who then forcibly marched them to the coast in chains and sold them to Arabs, Europeans, and eventually Yankees. This means that when it came to African slaves, all of the slave hunting, slave capturing, slave abusing, slave torturing, slave marching, slave marketing, slave dealing, and lave selling went on INSIDE Africa, perpetuated by Africans on other Africans on African land. This is why before 1820 no free blacks ever came to the U.S. from Africa. All were imported slaves–that is they were already in bondage in their native country.”

Seabrook observed: “In short, whites only ‘bought slaves after they had been captured’ and thus played no role in the actual enslaving process that took place in the interior, and had no idea what went on beyond the coastal areas. As one Yankee slave ship owner put it in the late 1700s: ‘It is true, I have brought these slaves from Africa; but I have only transported them from one master to another.” Seabrook noted that “Yes, African slavery was purely an African-on-African business.” So, what better way to shift the blame for the African slave trade from black Africans to white Southerners–especially since that is the preferred narrative in contemporary academia! Seabrook noted, on page 22 that “African slave owners treated their white and black slaves far worse than anything noted in America.”

And it was also noted by Seabrook. on page 27, that “Contrary to what we have been taught, America’s black slave trade was not born in the South. It was a product of the North. This is why the only slave ships to ever sail from the U.S. left from Northern ports, this is why all were commanded by Northern captains and funded by Northern businessmen, and it is why all of them operated under the auspices of the U.S. flag…Thus, while NO slave ship ever flew under the Confederate flag, it is this very flag that is today universally viewed as a ‘symbol of slavery’.”

Another fact seldom, if ever, reported is that the abolitionist movement was launched in the South, yet the only abolitionists you ever hear about were the radical, leftist Unitarian ones in the North of the stripe of terrorist John Brown and Charles Sumner–the professional South-haters of their day. You have their parallel in our day with the Trump Derangement Syndrome, of which a columnist on Lew Rockwell’s site said recently “These people are insane.” He was right.

Seabrook’s book has lots more in it that I can’t cover in one article, so I will try to do a few more on it in the near future. Suffice it to say that most “historians” in our day have been far less than honest with us about the history of the War of Northern Aggression and the real reasons for it, of which slavery was only one among several.

Another thing they have been somewhat less than candid about is Lincoln’s role as “The Great Emancipator.” Had Lincoln really had any concern about emancipation why did he not first free the slaves in those slave states that had remained in the Union instead of “freeing” those slaves in Confederate territory? The slaves in Union slave states remained in bondage until the enactment of the 13th Amendment, after Lincoln had passed to his “eternal reward” whatever that was. In truth, Lincoln never really freed a single slave and all the bilge pumped out telling us about his concern for the black race is so much historical hype designed to create a “historical” persona that never really existed

It was really “deconstruction”

by Al Benson Jr.

What the “history” books referred to as “reconstruction” after the War of Northern Aggression was really the complete destruction of what was left of the old South when the war ended. It was what Karl Marx glowingly referred to as “the reconstruction of a social world.” The Northern government, peopled at that time with a plethora of “South haters” much like today, planned on destroying the history and traditions of the old South and replacing them with Marxist monstrosities’ much like we see today. No Confederate flags were allowed to be displayed in the South and even the buttons on soldiers’ uniforms that said CSA had to be removed. Sound familiar?

Rev. James Hugh McNeilly wrote about this way back in 1920 and some of his commentary was reproduced in the book “Twelve Years in Hell” published by Sea Raven Press just this year. Rev. McNeilly said, in part, “To those who passed through the experiences of Reconstruction in the South after the War Between the States the memory of those evil days lies on heart and mind ‘with a weight heavy as frost and deep almost as life.’ They can never forget the cruel humiliations to which they were subjected, the stupendous iniquities perpetrated in the name of law, the pitiful and cowardly tyrannies inflicted on them by adventurers who followed in the wake of war and who were backed by all the powers of the (then leftwing Republican) government. It was the nightmare period of Southern history. A radical and fanatical (socialist and communist) majority in the United States Congress, moved and inspired by leaders who were themselves the embodiment of frenzied and malignant hatred of the South, trampled on and flouted the very foundation principles of liberty and exercised a despotism as brutal as the oppression of Turk or Russian…”

Rev. McNeilly continued: “It may be properly asked: ‘If it is all over and gone, why recall the story to a new generation which is free from its evils?’…First, the truth of history demands and justice requires that the character and deeds of the Southern people of that day be vindicated against the falsehoods by which Northern speakers and writers try to justify or excuse the wrongs then forced on the South; and, second, the present generation is not free from the evils brought on by Reconstruction. Its fruit largely remains, and a knowledge of the source of present ills may help toward correcting them.”

Only problem is that they haven’t really been corrected and the mindset that spawned them is still alive and well. All you have to do is look at the current comments and worldview of commentators on Fox News. They still rant and rave about how evil the old South was and how the “Great Emancipator Lincoln” straightened it all out with what he did. Their view of our history, especially the part to do with the War of Northern Aggression and the reasons for it comports admirably with the views of Lincoln’s leftist associates back in that day. If you doubt that, just listen to Mark Levin sometime when he touches on this subject and how bad Southern Democrats were back then. The fact that many in the Republican Establishment were socialists and/or communists of some stripe is totally ignored. You’re not supposed to know about that and Levin and his crowd ain’t about to let you in on that fact.

If you want to learn about the leftism so apparent in the early republican Party you need to check out books like “To the Victor go the Myths and Monuments” by Arthur R. Thompson which goes into some detail about the leftist proclivities of the early Republicans. Back in the 1860s the Republicans were the Democratic Socialists of that day. Believe it or not, the Democrats were the conservatives while the Republicans were the screaming leftists. Today the positions are somewhat reversed, though there are still Republicans that fit that mold. Can anyone say “Liz Cheney”?

Although “Reconstruction” only officially lasted 12 years, it continued for much longer than that and still lingers even today. Part of “Reconstruction” was the advent of the public school system in the South. Up until the War, education in the South had always been private and/or locally controlled. During “reconstruction” all that changed and the states were required to now have state controlled public education funded by taxation. If some of you all check out your property tax bills you can see how much of that money goes to public schools. That’s one reason, among others, why I support private education and homeschooling.

Reconstruction has never ceased in the South and the state is still trying to do away with any remembrances of the old South. They’re still removing your flags and monuments and telling you your ancestors were traitors, so what has changed really in the last 150 years? They don’t call it “Reconstruction” anymore so the names have changed. Now it’s “Critical Race Theory” or some other phony euphemism that basically denigrates any and all Southern history and tradition. This is why I still say so often that “Reconstruction is ongoing.”

You’ve Been Lied To About The Confederate Flag

by Al Benson Jr.

Anyone who watches the news has to realize that Confederate heritage and history has been and is under constant assault. We in the South have been told that our Confederate ancestors were all traitors and that our flags and our monuments are nothing more than testimonials to white racism. We are told the removal of our flags and monuments is really for the good of the country and that we better get used to that if we know what’s good for us. A slightly veiled threat to us by the Northern intelligentsia? I’d say so and not all that veiled anymore!

Only one problem with that. It is all bovine fertilizer, better known to the average person as BS. And it is high-grade BS because they’ve been perfecting it for a long time now. Lochlainn Seabrook, in his book ”The Great Yankee Coverup” points out the fallacy of some of this Washington-style tripe.

Seabrook observes: “From the very beginning Dixie has been a multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural society, as is obvious from the region’s military rolls, created during Lincoln’s War….every known race donned Rebel gray or butternut and proudly and bravely defended Dixie against the Yankee invaders.” I have to agree with him there. You had whites, blacks, American Indians and Mexicans that all fought to defend the Confederate States. What’s more, the Confederate armies were integrated long before the Yankee armies were–something your “history” books usually forget to mention

Seabrook further notes: “Some from the anti-Confederate Flag movement, like the race-bating, racially intolerant Northern-based NAACP, know full well the true meaning of what we in Dixie call the ‘Southern Cross.’ Unfortunately, such groups (which even other blacks, like Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, have labeled as hate groups’) have a vested financial interest in fanning the flames of racism, for without the racial divisiveness created by their fake ‘race war,’ the world’s race merchants would go bankrupt.” There’s big money in the race-bating game if you know how to do it and those people have been practicing it for a long time.

Of Lincoln, Seabrook says: “Our most racist liberal president, Abraham Lincoln, thought along similar lines. He, along with the Radicals (that is, abolitionists) in his party believed that by pitting whites and blacks against each other, the resulting tension, emotion, and fear would divide and weaken the South,,,” And they practiced this game during “Reconstruction” with their black militias in the Southern states.

Seabrook notes of the Confederate Battle Flag that it “turns out to be anything but a symbol of slavery or white supremacy. Those who created it never intended it to have these meanings, and those who fought under it never thought of it in this way either.” All the racial hatred with people carrying the flag started in the mid-20th century–and many of the groups using it gave the flag a bad name–and I’m not sure much of that wasn’t on purpose here was one group, and I won’t mention names, but it was estimated that a goodly number of its members were FBI operatives. So you are forced to wonder who was really behind all the anti-flag hysteria that permeated the country. As usual, we had another contrived situation to browbeat the South–a game the Washington Swamp will never tire of playing.

A Rude But Spiritual Awakening

by Al Benson Jr.

In July of 1969 I was “fat, dumb, and happy” like most Christians. I didn’t know much about anything but thought I knew most of it. I had just gotten married at the end of June and was just back from our honeymoon when the Lord grabbed my attention, after which He never let go–not that I’m complaining.

Anyway, I had a few days before I had to go back to work and so one morning my wife and I attended a Bible study at the Episcopal Church we attended. At that point in time lots of Episcopal priests were quite liberal, but the one in our church wasn’t. He was a true believer, conservative, and anti-Communist as well–an unusual combination in that time period–and since.

At any rate, during the Bible study he passed out to all who attended a copy of a book written by Lutheran pastor Richard Wurmbrand called “Tortured for Christ.” Little did I know that morning, but reading that book would change my life. It was the story of a pastor who spent 14 years in jail in Communist Romania simply for the “crime” of being a Christian and preaching the gospel as found in the Holy Bible. As in most Communist countries, many churches ended up preaching the propaganda the state wanted them to preach which was basically, a repudiation of Christian truth and some form of Communist dogma. You’ve got churches in this country doing the same thing today. Rev. Wurmbrand refused to play that game, hence his 14 years in prison, along with other pastors who also refused. He dealt with some detail what those brave souls suffered in his book.

I have to admit that as I started to read it I was shocked. I’d always felt Communism was bad, but never really knew that much about it. I’d thought it was just another kooky political position that sensible people didn’t agree much with. I was wrong. It began to dawn on me that any system that hated Christians that much had to be a theological system–in effect, an anti-Christ religious system. Though the Communists would never admit that–they claimed they were atheists. Yet, as I read and then began to start to do a little homework on my own, I found that Communists, more and more, fit the pattern that the Apostle John called our attention to in 1 John 2:22–they were anti-Christs at heart. And while they claimed to hate all religion, they saved most of their venom for Christians because I think, at root, they understood that the God of the Bible had to hate what they were doing and would one day punish them for it.

Reading Pastor Wurmbrand’s book was not fun. It bothered me to the extent that I had nights I couldn’t sleep for reading the horrible things Communists did to Christians just because they were Christians. When I’d finished the book, I prayed about it and said “Lord, you’ve given me all this terrible information, what do you ant me to do with it?” I couldn’t just sit on it and do nothing with it. Then, on one of those sleepless nights, I don’t recall if it was a dream or what, I saw the first page of a newsletter. I couldn’t tell what it said but I knew what it was, and I wasn’t familiar with newsletters at the time.

The next night I sat down and began to work on the first page of my first newsletter “A Voice in the Wilderness” and it took me until three o’clock the next morning to finish it. It was a brief expose of what I had learned about the anti-Christ nature of Communism from Pastor Wurmbrand’s book. After I’d finished that I was able to sleep, though I only had three hours to sleep before I had to get up for work. The next day after work, I stopped at a print shop and got either 25 or 50 copies of the newsletter printed, I can’t recall which just now. and the next Sunday, I asked our Episcopal pastor if I could put 25 of them in the church for our church members to take and he said to go ahead and do that. So as I was able to do more newsletters (by then I was starting to look for material on Communism) I started putting 25 copies of each successive issue in the church vestibule on the Sunday after I’d get them printed.

That was how I began over 54 years of trying to expose Communism and its One World Government sycophants. I continued to learn more about Communism and its adherents over the decades. At one point, I learned that Karl Marx, the supposed inventor of Communism wasn’t really. All Marx was was a hack writer that a group called the League of the Just (really the Illuminati ) hired to write down their anti-Christ agenda so it could be pedaled all over Europe, and then in America. The first edition of “The Communist Manifesto” didn’t even have Marx’s name as the author on it. That came with the second and following editions, as by then the Illuminists figured it was better to hide behind Marx’s name rather than exposing themselves and what they were really all about.

Communism in America made significant progress during the Lincoln administration with a good number of Lincoln’s generals being communists and socialists and you even had Charles A. Dana as Stanton’s assistant Secretary of War and Dana had been one of the 48er communists who spent time with Marx and took part in the communist and socialist revolts in Europe in 1848. So communism really came to America lots earlier than our current “historians” (and I use that term loosely) have admitted that it did. Makes you wonder where the historians loyalties really were.

And you had Communists in several important positions in government during FDR’s reign. Anyone remember Alger Hiss? If you don’t then look him up on the internet. He was a Communist in the State Department that helped set up the United Nations. You had lots of Communists in government positions under FDR and he had no problems with Communists anymore than Lincoln did. Everybody complained about Joe McCarthy, but he never went after anyone unless he had evidence that they were a Communist. The leftists complain about McCarthyism and all the damage it did–and it’s all political hogwash promoted by a “news” media that has been leftist since the days of Lincoln.

If communists ad other assorted leftists were only political you could oppose them only on a political level. However, many of the programs they promoted, and continue to promote under China Joe Biden, are aimed at neutralizing the Christian faith and rendering the church powerless to promote righteousness and holiness. Leftists in government today, along with such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations are busy promoting One World Government where there is no place for anything but a watered down version of Christianity that will be done away with when it is no longer useful to the leftists. To label these people as anti-Christs is but to state the obvious. Their evil designs must be exposed and they must be opposed–for if they are given the chance, they will wipe the Christian Church off the world map because, if the truth be known, they really serve their father, the Devil, the promoter of lies and the father of them. Communism is one of his main lies. It promises “equality” for all and delivers only bondage. Christians need to wake up and figure this out and learn to oppose it rather than sitting it out waiting for a “rapture” that will take them out of the fight!

As Much As Some Hate It, God Wins In The End

by Al Benson Jr.

There are those who will hate God’s victory and will fight against it in this world. But in the final analysis, they can do nothing about it. I woke up early this morning for some reason and as I lay there, some of the words from Martin Luther’s hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” came to mind which I will note here–“Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing. Were not the right man on our side, the man of God’s own choosing. Dost ask who that might be? Christ Jesus, it is he. Lord Sabaoth his name, from age to age the same. And He must win the battle.”

As powerful as Satan might seem, he is impotent against God. If we look at Christmas, we can see Christmas as war, a war that Satan was not even able to defeat the infant Jesus in. We can see Good Friday and the cross as God’s coming to save His own through Jesus’ blood and sacrifice and what Satan thought was a victory was turned into ashes for him on Easter morning with the resurrection of Jesus, as the tomb could not hold him. All this has been spiritual warfare. People don’t often look at it that way, but that’s what it is–spiritual warfare–in a war that’s been going on since the third chapter of Genesis in the Scriptures.

If you look at the world today you see a mess. Men, thinking they can solve all their problems without God’s guidance have really screwed things up big time and the more they try to fix things without God’s help the worse they make them. And too many of God’s people, influenced by bad theology, are doing little except sitting it out, waiting for some “secret rapture” to take them out of this mess so they don’t have to get involved in it and do anything. What they fail to realize is that the Lord WANTS them involved because He wants to use them to help clean up the mess they refuse to get involved in. When they figure that out then you might begin to see revival of some kind. Until they do, you probably won’t.

If some of the Lord’s people will just quit sitting it out and get to work you might begin to see some progress. It may not, probably will not, happen in our lifetime, but it will happen and we have to start somewhere. Some of the words of another hymn come to mind: “And though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.” Maybe the Lord’s people need to recognize that truth anew rather than hoping in some form or rapture escapism so they won’t have to get their spiritual hands dirty.

In a major part, God will use Abraham’s seed to clean up many of the current problems. And who is Abraham’s seed? The third chapter of Galatians tells us pretty plainly. Galatians 3:16 says: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” And he sums that up in Galatians 3:28-29 when he says: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” That means the promise was made to Christ, not to national Israel and that this promise was for those, both Jew and gentile, that believe in and trust the Lord Jesus. That means that Christians have got to quit sitting around waiting for the restoration of Israel, which has nothing to do with it, and get to work building God’s kingdom here instead of trying to escape. If we want God’s will to prevail here as it does in heaven then we need to do what the Lord enables us to do to make that happen instead of sitting it out as so many continue to do.

I realize what I am saying here will not be well received by many, but if we want the Lord’s will to be done here we need to get off our spiritual backsides and find out areas the Lord would use us in to make that happen. Satan only wins when we sit back and do nothing, and if the Lord can’t use us He may find someone else He can use and we will become as salt that has lost its savor and is, therefore, no good. Make no mistake–the Lord will win in the end, not Satan. It would be good if more of His people were around to enjoy that victory, whether here or in the next life.

The Current State Of “Freedom” In America

by Al Benson Jr.

For decades we have been fed the political spin that America is the freest country in the world. After 9/11 George Bush told us that the Muslims who are supposed to have perpetrated that heinous act “hate us because of our freedoms” and then the Bush regime proceeded to remove as many of those “freedoms” as they could get away with, starting with the infamous “Patriot Act.” Notice how they always manage to give noble-sounding titles to programs that eviscerate American liberty. For longer than most of us have been alive the Washington swamp has been telling us they work to preserve our liberties while in reality almost everything they do is geared to removing those liberties. And what they are doing with the public school system is working day and night to create students with educational lobotomies so they will never be capable of learning what has been stolen from them. That old saying “The brainwashed never wonder” takes on new meaning in our current day.

There have been many who have warned about this for decades and most have not listened to them, in large part because they suffered those educational lobotomies in public schools. They have been rendered incapable of independent thought and never taught how to think critically. Nowadays public schools spend much more effort promoting what can only be called pornography and almost no time teaching real history. Those teachers attempting to teach real history are being retired or replaced by those more than willing to teach “social(ist) studies” instead of real history.

We have become a country of sheep to be shorn, with those in government forever sharpening the shearing tools. And don’t think they don’t know what they are doing. The citizens of this country have been under assault at least since the War of Northern Aggression in 1861-65 and, if the truth be known this country has suffered with anti-Christ conspiracies literally since its founding. Over the years I have quoted from books that have documented this.

Now, not content with merely brainwashing several generations of Americans, the current regime in power is further attempting to marginalize them by importing millions of illegal immigrants into the country in an attempt to further neutralize American citizens. And they think they don’t have to appear to be doing that–all they have to do is open the border and, as the saying goes, “they will come.” And while they haven’t fooled everyone, they feel they have fooled enough to make their plans work. The question is–what are those who are able to see through the federal sheep-shearing scams doing about it? Obviously they have been doing something or we’d be in even worse shape than we are.

Sadly, many of those who have bought into the government’s One World Government agenda have been Christians whose faith has been tampered with due to the bad theology they have been fed via the Scofield Bible with its convoluted “study” notes which has acted as a great neutralizer for them.

I came across an article on Lew Rockwell’s site this morning that I felt was worth passing along to folks for some reflection. It is Mr. Bovard gives you some indication as to just how far removed we are in this country from any concept of true liberty–liberty in Christ or any other way. It’s a bit long and it’s far from fun reading, but it is a sobering analysis of where we are presently at. It’s something we need to realize, think about, and pray about because it ain’t pretty!

Southern Subjugation

by Al Benson Jr.

I am passing along an article by Gene Kizer regarding the Confederate Reunification Monument that the feds seem more than willing to tear down and destroy. They’ve taken our flags down and as many of our monuments as they could get away with destroying. They claim our flags and monuments are nothing more than testimonies to “white racism” as though there were never any white racists in the North. The fact is that they need to clean out their own closet before they start snooping in ours. But with Fedgov it never works that way and they’d rather accuse you of what they are guilty of to cover their own sins.

Anyway, Gene Kizer’s article on for 12/5 is one you should check out. The fact that the feds want to destroy this reunification monument in Arlington National Cemetary proves one thing to me. They don’t really want Southern reunification after the War of Northern Aggression. What they really want is eternal Southern subjugation. They want to be able to continually rub Southern noses in federal fertilizer, all the while they tell us it’s really perfume. They want Southern boys to go all over the world and fight their battles for them while telling us our ancestors were all guilty of treason–and we are supposed to thank them for that! Sorry, but I will have to pass on that, and I think some of you all will also. At any rate, check out Gene’s article and do what you can to help out.

You may also want to check out Gene’s book “Why Slavery Was Not The Cause Of The War Between The States.” It deals with that forbidden subject–tariffs, and poses the question I have been asking for years and still get no response to–If slavery was the real cause of the war then how come the North didn’t abolish it first in those slave states that, for one reason or another, remained in the Union? The silence in response to that question continues to be absolutely deafening.

“Lincoln The War Criminal”

by Al Benson Jr.

In checking my email this morning I came across a long, but excellent article on

For those who want some serious history about the War of Northern Aggression (because that’s what it really was) I have to recommend Lew’s article. Lots of “Civil War” aficionados won’t appreciate what Lew says here because they have never been taught the real history of what happened in that war and they have been content in their illusions. Hopefully this article will shatter some of those illusions and force them to take a more accurate view of what the Lincoln regime really did to the South in the name of “freeing the slaves.”

Lots of folks think this country was in great shape until sometime in the 20th century. That’s what our public school “history” books have promoted. It’s a monumental lie. This country’s problems started to be manifested openly with the advent of the Lincoln presidency, in part because of Lincoln’s affinity for socialism and his being more than comfortable in surrounding himself with socialists and communists. Our problems with communism in this country didn’t start under FDR as we’ve been told–they started under the so-called “great emancipator.” Read Lew’s article which I give the link to here–read it and weep!