Biden selling out white folks

by Al Benson Jr.

There was an interesting article on yesterday by Paul Craig Roberts which I will quote in part.

Mr. Roberts wrote: “The Main Goal of the Biden Regime is to Sell-out the Majority White American Population and to declare them a menace.” Based on other reports I’ve seen about commentary from China Joe, I have to agree with Roberts’ commentary here.

Roberts continued: “Tucker Carlson points out the president Biden, illegitimately in office due to the theft of the 2020 election, has as president of the United States defined America’s majority white population as the major cause of racism and a threat to national unity. Note: it is the majority that is the threat. yet, tens of millions of dumbs–t white Americans designated as America’s worst threat by Biden vote for him. What future can such a generation of morons have? A white heterosexual who votes for Biden is expressing a death wish.” He’s right on the money here!

I watched the Tucker Carlson video Roberts refers to here. Now that he is free from the tentacles of Fox’s owners Tucker says a lot of things he’d probably get canned for if he was still at Fox. But Fox’s loss is everybody else’s gain. Tucker calls it the way he sees it and usually I agree with him.

Tucker noted in the video the decades long struggle to get people to view and accept those of other races as equals. He felt that had been achieved–up until China Joe Biden came along and basically declared war on the white race.

Biden has spent his entire time in office doing everything he possibly could to denigrate white people. It has gotten to the point where I wonder if Biden is ashamed to have to admit he’s white. He can’t say anything good about whites. All he can do is berate their “racist” tendencies–as if other races never ever had any of those tendencies, which of course is bovine fertilizer. I suppose he thinks trying to drag whites through the political mud will endear him to darker-skinned people. News flash! It won’t.

Makes you wonder if that’s one of the reasons he wants all these illegal immigrants here. Most of them are not white–the racial color he apparently hates. Of course he figures if he can get enough non-whites here he can find a way to outvote the white majority. And if he can’t do it that way, there’s always election theft’ It wouldn’t be the first time!

He’s been selling this country out for Chinese cash since before he got “elected” (and I use that term loosely) in 2020. What can you say about China Joe? He’s for sale to the highest bidder–a situation that reflects his morality.

Usually I don’t deal with racial issues. There’s good and evil i all races, not just whites. But I’ve been watching China Joe ever since he assumed office and he’s done nothing but attack white folks as potential terrorists and insurrectionists and after awhile it all gets more than a little sickening. But even more revolting is the number of decent white folks that will vote for this political charlatan. He’s spitting down your backs while telling you it’s raining and you believe him! Who says people aren’t affected by a public school education?

China Joe Biden is a total sellout–racially, politically, and every other way. Even if folks wake up to that fact, I’m not sure we can prevent him and the Obama clones in his administration from stealing the 2024 election.

The leftists are funding the pro-Hamas riots on campuses–so what else is new?

by Al Benson Jr.

Just like the campus riots in the 1970s were funded by far left groups and individuals, the same is holding true today for these riots in support of Hamas going on at campuses all across the country.

There was an article on the New York Post website for April 26th bt Isabel Vincent , the headline of which was “George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests,”

Vincent’s article stated, in part, “George Soros and his hard left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country. The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide. Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkely in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia–all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)…”

One might wonder why Soros, who is Jewish, is doing something like this, unless, in his thinking, this in some way reflects his theological beliefs. Lots of Jewish folks have, over the years, been on the cutting edge of leftist thinking, so maybe that’s where Soros thinks he is. Another New York Post article also noted: “Encampments at Harvard, Yale, Berkely, Ohio State and Emory in Georgia were organized by branches of Students for Justice in Palestine which gets cash (some direct, some indirect) from the Soros family ‘charities’ as well as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and retired Wall Street banker Felice Gelman. Gelman and the Soroses also give to Jewish Voice for Peace and Within Our Lifetime, two more groups intimately involved in the protests.”

Undoubtedly there are others involved, but these are a few of the main players, none of which can ever be accused of being on the “hard right.” These people are dedicated leftists and their ultimate agenda is to take this country down, or, as Barack Obama has said, to “Fundamentally transform the United States.”

This is not a new process. It has been going on at least since the days of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln sought to change this country from a Constitutional Republic where the states had some say in what went on, into a nationalist “democracy” where Washington called all the shots and the states were mere vassals of the federal leviathan.

Lincoln didn’t get everything he wanted, but he got enough to start this country in the wrong direction, and we have yet to reverse the direction he took us in. And those Radical Republicans who managed to dispense with Lincoln even took us further to the left. Few people today realize it, but the Republicans were the real radicals of the mid-to-late 1800s. Nowadays, they claim to be “conservative” and some of them are–but not enough!

As far as these kids in college, they are being led to the political slaughter. What will they teach their children and grandchildren except what they have “learned” in college–God help them, and us! It should be apparent to anyone with normal thought processes that our educational system in this country has been takes over by leftists and they are not about to let concerned parents get in the way of their agenda. Parents need to begin to realize that they need to separate their kids from these indoctrination factories and find other ways to educate them–and part of that process needs to be the teaching of real history–not the fables we were all taught in school. We have a long, tough row to hoe and without God’s help it will be impossible.

Hey, amigo, when you get into the US vote for Biden

by Al Benson Jr.

Just last evening I ran across an article on for 4/17, written by Fred Lucas, in which he quoted a couple Republican congressmen. Given the overall tenor of the article, I felt it was worth noting.

The article noted: “Joe Biden has sacrificed our nation’s safety in his pursuit to get as many people here as possible. Why? Because he believes they are future Democrat voters.” This was a comment by Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas that appeared on the Daily Signal. I can’t disagree with Marshall’s assessment. This is exactly what Biden’s open border policy is all about. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana echoed the same sentiment in the Daily Signal article when he said: “Democrats want permanent power and they are willing to import a new electorate to get it.” This sentiment is right on target.

The article also observed that: “The endgame of the Biden border crisis is to disenfranchise American citizens by diluting their votes.” So you would have to say in all honesty, that the Biden border crisis is a manufactured crisis. It’s not accidental or coincidental. It was done on purpose. Rep. Banks also noted: “American elections ar for Americans and Congress should pass election integrity reforms to safeguard federal elections from foreign illegal votes.”

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen! At this point in time, if anything happens, it will probably be some form of bill that will let the illegals vote–because that’s where all this had been headed for at least the last three years. The Daily Signal article noted that there have been “Vote for President Biden” flyers found in a center for migrants in Mexico, in Matamoros, I think, and lawmakers have complained about such flyers posted in a migrant services center near Brownsville, Texas. The Brownsville flyers tell illegal aliens to “Remember to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States.” If they weren’t planning on giving the illegals the vote in some way, why would such flyers e posted anywhere?

The question has been put forward–can this be considered election interference? Probably it can, but do you think that bothers the Democrats? If you do you are prone to delusion. Today’s Democrats lack any moral scruples whatever. Anything, no matter how raunchy or outright crooked, that will put their people in office is totally acceptable and is encouraged. The Democrat Party of today is even further to the left than the Communist Party of 50 years ago was. In fact, today’s Communist Party might just as well fold its tents and steal away, as today’s Democrat Party is fulfilling the Communist agenda in spades!

And when I say that, I am not, by any means, exonerating leftist Republicans, of which there have been a considerable number since the earliest days of the Republican Party. If you want some information about early day Republican leftists check out my substack page at and check out the articles on the Lincoln assassination. It’s only about 194 days now until the Democrats will make a brazen attempt to steal the 2024 election–and part of that attempt will be to give illegal aliens the vote in some way.

Anything familiar about these campus protests?

by Al Benson Jr.

I’ve been observing these campus protests erupting at colleges all across the country. There is a stultifying similarity between them and the communist-instigated campus protests we witnessed across the country during the Viet Nam War. During the Viet Nam era I worked at a college on the East Coast and so got to witness those protests firsthand. I remember, during the Kent State riots, walking by college buildings where the professors were out front with their students demonstrating to their students the proper way to demonstrate and riot and using Mao’s Little Red Book as a guideline.

I remember going into some college dorms and finding boxes of printed propaganda material, much of it printed in North Viet Nam, that was being handed out to students. I took a big box of this stuff that had been thrown away, home to study. I remember talking to some of those kids and they were bragging about how they “wanted to be free” yet all they were doing was being influenced by Communist propaganda, but you couldn’t tell them that. They didn’t want to hear it. I wonder how many of them, at this point, have grandchildren who are out taking part in these current anti-Israel protests under the delusion that they are contributing to “freedom” in America! I’ve often wondered if any of them ever learned anything when they got out of college and grew up.

You learn a little something about protests after you’ve watched some of them over the decades. When you see widespread protests like we are seeing now, you learn they are anything but spontaneous. They are well planned, well thought out, and some entity behind the scenes somewhere you are not supposed to know about is paying for and aiding this entire process.

Most major protests in this country are organized and promoted by those on the far left, and the idea is to push those in government even further to the left than they already are by making them think this is the thing people want and so they better go along with it if they want to stay in office.

I recall reading a book by a college revolutionary years ago who had started to figure some of this out, even though I’m not sure he realized it. He wrote about how some of the radical student groups were paid “Rockefeller money” to get out there and act really radical so that some of the current leftists who were running for offices would appear moderate and people would then vote for them. Judging by some of what we have in Congress now, it was a plan that may have worked.

Then we have all these clowns who are out there protesting who are shouting “Death to America.” If you really feel that way, my advice to you is to leave America and go live in one of these hellhole countries you seem to love so much. Or is your real intent geared to destroying America and turning it into a hellhole country? If it is, then you should be deported–along with the millions of illegal aliens the Biden/Obama regime is bringing in here.

These protests are supposedly aimed at Israel, and at the US for supporting Israel. Anyone who has read my stuff over the years knows I have no love for Israel and the Zionists. The Zionists have done lots of things over the years I disagree with and on top of that, they are anti-Christ in their beliefs, and there’s no way I can or will support that. But for all of that, you don’t threaten the lives of Jewish kids on campuses. As much as I disagree with them, they have a right to their beliefs. If they can be threatened for their beliefs, so can you and I. As far as support for Hamas, it is a group that has enjoyed leftist support over the years. That tell you anything? College protesters out there shouting for support for Hamas is little different now than were college protesters in the 1970s who got out there and shouted for support for the Viet Cong. It seems that these college kids, in their supposed quest for “freedom” usually end up protesting in support of far left groups that will remove that freedom if and when given the chance. We can only hope some of them learn better when they grow up!

But, remembering the leftist protests from the 1970s and watching these students now protesting in support of Hamas, it seems that the same people and mindset are in back of both protests even though they are decades apart. Most, not all but most, young folks at age 20 think they know it all and everyone else is stupid. Looking back at myself when I was 20, I was probably a complete jackass. Usually wisdom comes with age.

Looking at all these colleges that have no problem with all these demonstrations, in lieu of the leftist trash they turn out that is supposed to pass as education, one comes away with the distinct impression that these schools are little more than propaganda mills for the far left and giant moral vacuums designed to turn the nation’s youth into intellectual idiots who call evil good and good evil. Those kids who can’t afford college are better off than they realize.

The Biden/UN plan to deep six America

by Al Benson Jr.

It should be obvious by now to anyone with half a brain that the Biden regime’s plan for America is one that calls for the destruction of America as we know it. With all that has gone on in this country since Biden “won” the 2020 election this should hardly be news.

There was an informative article in the April 29th issue of The New American magazine by William F. Jasper that dealt with how the Biden regime and the United Nations are working together to ensure the cultural and political destruction of this country. If you haven’t read this, you need to.

Mr. Jasper says, in part, “The invasion is not stopping; it is accelerating. Our borders are being overrun and it is no accident. We are witnessing a methodically planned and orchestrated scheme by the Biden administration and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is a continuation of President Obama’s migration plans for ‘fundamentally transforming the United states of America,’ and Biden and the UN have no intention of letting up. They have already brought millions of migrants into the country illegally, and plan to bring in millions more. In fact, they are now in the process of greenlighting the admission of a continuing tsunami from virtually every country on earth. Haiti is the next hellhole country set to contribute a new migrant horde….They are using migrants as a political tool to destroy America so that we can be absorbed into their planned New World Order. The Biden State Department and the UN’s IOM, manned by Obama retreads, are ramrodding this treachery, but you and I, the American taxpayers, are footing the bill–.”

Mr. Jasper also observes that “The UN’s 2024 Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan calls for handing out $1.59 billion in 17 Latin American countries to facilitate migration…Tens of thousands of unvetted illegal migrants have been flown into the interior of the United States and released…Thousands of Chinese, Russian, Syrian, Iranian, and Iraqi males of military age have joined the migrant caravans in Mexico and are crossing into the United States…” They are hardly here for Summer vacations and may, at some future time, be drafted into our armed forces to ride herd on Americans who are not overly fond of seeing the Biden regime selling out their country.

There are some in Congress who are trying to act to halt this immigrant invasion. Chip Roy from Texas and Mike Lee from Utah, respectively, are sponsoring HR 6645 and S 3428, which is called “Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, to fully withdraw the United States from the UN and to end all funding of the UN and its One World agenda. Most of our congress critters will hesitate to vote for these–unless enough informed Americans who know what goes on in Washington make them feel the heat in an election year. Whether we are able to do that or not may depend on how well the current regime is able to abscond with the 2024 election.

Louisiana’s Finally Getting It Right

by Al Benson Jr.

Now that Louisiana’s excuse for a democrat governor is gone, the state seems to be moving in the right direction. Let’s hope the Republicans in Louisiana will do a little better than they seem to be doing in the national arena where they seem to be, with a few exceptions, little more than apologists for the socialist Democrat agenda.

According to an article yesterday on “Taking a page out of Texas’ legislation, the republican-controlled Senate in Louisiana moved a measure this week that would give local and state police the authority to detain and imprison anybody in the state who entered the country illegally. At a time when Republican states and Democrat President Joe Biden are at odds about the responsibility for enforcing the U.S.-Mexico border, Louisiana’s legislature is the latest attempt to give states more power in this area.”

And the states really need to do something to protect themselves from this illegal alien invasion because all the Biden/Obama regime is doing is aiding and abetting the invasion. It’s no secret that Biden/Obama want these illegals here so they can give them the vote at some point and use them as replacements for American citizens, whose rights they will, at some point, seek to deny. This is probably the worst kept “secret” in our history–possibly because they feel American citizens are dumbed-down enough now that they wouldn’t think of even resisting such a blatant move. God hope that Biden/Obama are wrong.

The article continues: “Legislators who support the measure, including GOP state senator Valarie Hodges, argue that Louisiana should be able to protect the country. Hodges has joined other Republican national leaders in accusing the federal government of ignoring its duty to enforce immigration laws.”

Of course leftist opponents of such laws claim they won’t do any good. Time will tell. But having them on the books won’t do any harm either. We’re right next to Texas here so working to protect our border will do no harm–except to illegals that want to get in here. Republican legislatures around the country have been putting in stricter immigration laws. For instance, Oklahoma’s House passed a bill that prohibits state revenue from benefitting illegals. Good for Oklahoma! A step in the right direction. These ultraliberal blue states that are now starting to gripe about how much the illegals are costing their states should maybe take a page from Oklahoma’s book. Once your state won’t pay for their goodies anymore, how much you want to bet lots of these illegals will move on to greener pastures?

The article also notes: “Reports show Louisiana law also seeks to establish the crime of illegal entrance or re-entrance into the state by barring those previously refused admission, deported, or expelled from the United States…Another measure would arrange for money sent to the Louisiana National Guard to appear at the Texas/Mexico border,..Republican Governor Jeff Landry has started ordering state agencies to compile and release migrant statistics,…As part of Texas’s state-led border security initiatives the measure also gives Governor Landry the power to form an interstate agreement with other states.”

With Louisiana being right next to Texas it;s important that it become part of a chain of states that refuses to coddle illegal immigrants. I don’t know if this will help to stem Biden’s illegal immigration agenda or not, but it sure won’t help it.

April 19, 1775

by Al Benson Jr.

On this day 249 years ago 77 patriots stood on the field at Lexington Green and defied the armed might of the British Empire. Some of them died and they were not able to make much of a dent in British armor. The British had come to Concord to capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams, as well as to capture and destroy the patriot’s arms and ammunition. Gun control in 1775. It’s one reason we have the Second Amendment in the Constitution–you know, that amendment the Biden regime wants to remove–except for guns for illegal aliens, which Biden is okay with. And the illegals have to be armed as Biden probably plans to have them disarm American citizens who may not want to give up their Second Amendment rights without a struggle.

Did you ever think you’d live to see the day where our own government is willing to make war on its own citizens in favor of illegal immigrants? Most people still can’t grasp this idea. They’d better learn quick because that’s where we are at.

We have a leftist regime in power in Washington–the most far left regime ever, run by a host of ex-Obama Philes and no far left regime ever surrenders power gracefully or willingly. When they gain power, they fully intend to keep it, however they have to. Why do you think there’s such a flurry of activity to keep Trump off the campaign trail? If that doesn’t work and they can’t keep him in jail so Biden’s little helpers can steal yet another election, then I guess they will probably attempt the “ultimate solution” to dispense with Trump.

What would our patriotic ancestors in 1775 think of the “government” we put up with today? For less cause than we have they picked up their muskets and marched out on Lexington green. Makes you wonder what’s wrong with us! They used to call April 19th Patriot’s Day. They don’t call it that anymore. Some other day has inherited that title and Lexington and Concord and what happened there are all but forgotten.

I read an article earlier today, written by a Christian man who noted rightly that the Lord is King over all, including this world–yet right now, it seems that the devil’s kinfolks are the ones running everything. You have to ask–why is that? It seems that the Church has mostly lost its way. It seems much more interested in getting people “raptured” so they don’t have to worry about this mess we have here rather than doing anything to deal with the mess. We’ve truly become “so heavenly-minded that we are no earthly good.” We’ve been led astray with “rapture” theology and I’m not altogether sure that hasn’t been on purpose.

Jesus’ words “Occupy until I come” seem to have been changed to “get out of here before I come.” You never heard anything about all this “Rapture” stuff until around the 1830s, and the whole era of the 1800s was noted for rampant apostasy. You got evolution in the 1800s, along with “higher criticism” regarding Scripture. Many of your cults arose during the 1800s. And government in this country took a turn for the worse with the advent of the War of Northern Aggression

You have to wonder how many of these problems might have been avoided if the Church had been doing its job and occupying as the Lord told us to instead of pursuing “rapture fever,” We’ve followed a devious path since 1775, one that, in many cases, the Lord would rather not have seen us on. I’m not sure as to whether it’s too late to turn around and go back or not.

Dear “Patriot” send money!

by Al Benson Jr.

I got another of those “Dear Patriot, please send us more money” letters in the mail this morning and I guess it sort of ticked me off, as here I am writing about it. These letters have been coming with increasing intensity of late. Most of them come from people in Congress who want your money for–whatever!

Oh, they always include some “survey” or questionnaire for you to fill out so you feel like you’re making a contribution to the national input, but the end result is, they want money from you. That’s always the bottom line no matter how they try to sugarcoat it. And it’s always for this or that “worthwhile” project. I’ve been tempted to wonder if they even bother to read the responses from those who don’t include a hefty check with them.

For what they get for salaries, you’d think they should have enough to do their jobs without having to pander to the public always for more money. Maybe if they spent as much time doing their jobs as they do begging for money, we might get better legislation (but then I delude myself with such a thought).

Legislators from both parties have become adept at putting the bite on their constituents on an almost daily basis. I’ve gotten these “Dear Patriot” letters from people in both parties, though as far as the Demonrats are concerned, I wouldn’t give them the lint off my shorts! There are a handful of Republicans I’d consider helping–but only a handful–if I had any extra money. Over the long haul, if you had anything extra, you’d be better off giving it to your church than to these political parasites.

I noticed that the House couldn’t even come up with enough votes to do away with that intrusive FISA bill. There were 19 Republicans that voted to do away with it, to their credit. The rest couldn’t be bothered trying to preserve the Fourth Amendment rights of their constituents. And yet they have the gall to ask us for more money!

I checked out the voting records of the 19 Republicans who voted to do away with FISA. Of the 19, 17 of them had ratings of 90-100 on the Conservative Index, which means they voted the right way, in favor of their constituents, most of the time. One had a rating of 70%, which is close to lukewarm, and the other one had no rating at all for some reason. Unfortunately, you don’t have all that many Republicans who vote that way consistently, and almost no Demonrats!

What you have, in both parties, is a batch of political parasites who will vote with special interest groups, many of which are on the Far, Far left, and against the interests of their constituents, who are at the absolute bottom of their to do list. After all, their constituents are only there to put the bite on when they need cash and for no other reason! Protecting the rights of those who put them into office? Who needs that? No money in doing that!

I’ve been particularly disappointed in the actions of House Speaker Mike Johnson from my home state of Louisiana. I had high hopes for him when he started out and he seemed to give a Christian testimony at the beginning and I felt encouraged. Should have known better

Most of Johnson’s faith seems to be aimed at “being nice” to Demonrats who would love to feed him to the lions if they could get away with it. No stern Christian resolve here, just capitulation to the left–and I’m sorry, folks, but caving in constantly to the leftists ain’t Christian! Let alone the Constitutional issues involved!

You can probably tell by my comments here that most of our Congress critters are not real high on my list, but then, they don’t deserve to be. Lots of them are doing just about everything else but their jobs! Voting in the interests of their constituents is a low priority for them. Begging for money is a high priority. I’d be willing to bet that most of us they want fat-cat contributions from are not as well off as they are. I’m sure not!

But, hey, what do I know. My opinion and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee–although with inflation and the glories of Bidenomics the coffee might now cost $2.00 per cup!

Injustice in Amerika

by Al Benson Jr.

Donald Trump is now getting a full taste of what real “justice” in America is all about. There is a not-so-subtle warning for him here–anyone who dares to take on the Deep State will get ground into the dust because the Deep State brooks no interference in its agenda. This situation is not new. It goes all the way back to the 1860s at least.

When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, Edwin Stanton is reported to have said “Now he belongs to the ages.” Stanton could also have said, under his breath “Now he belongs to the ages, but this country belongs to me. ” With all the power he had accrued, it would have been easy for him to feel that way. Unfortunately for Stanton, the Lord didn’t give him all that much more time to enjoy his success, just a little over four years. He died in 1869.

We are often tempted to feel that the president is the most powerful person in the world.. That’s a false assumption. The people behind the president, those who run his programs and promote the party agenda are often more powerful than the president and can, and do, in some cases countermand what the president wants.

Just take a good look at China Joe Biden. Who in their right mind actually thinks this man runs the country? China Joe is told what to say, how to say it and when to say it–and most of the time he doesn’t mess up–too much. They feed him a ton of pills just before he makes a public appearance or gives a speech and that’s supposed to get him through whatever public event he attends. He doesn’t have smarts enough left to debate Trump, so the courts will work to keep Trump off the campaign trail for months so Biden can get out there and say what they tell him to say.

Anyone remember “Tricky Dick” Nixon? He got to thinking he was the real president too and when his ambition outgrew his capability the Establishment simply “Watergated” him and that was the end of Tricky Dick! I remember, years ago now, a man in Arkansas told a friend of mine “the people who really run this country are people you never heard of or heard very little of.” That man used to fly some of them around and so he knew who they were.

Even during Trump’s first term, he ended up picking people for certain posts who did nothing but try to deep six his agenda. Where do you suppose he got the names of such people–except from someone in his camp that knew what such people would do to his agenda and talked him into picking them anyway? I hope, if the Democrats don’t manage to steal this election off him like they did the last one, he’s learned a little more about how to pick people who share his vision for the country.

Right now, the Democrats have the power and they mean to keep it, anyway they can, anyway they have to. Election theft? Hey, no problem–all in a day’s work to keep power and screw ordinary Americans. Now you have a judge that tells Trump he can’t even attend his son’s school graduation. Talk about “freedom” in Amerika! “Freedom” to the far left is what they say it is–the ability of their people to shaft everyone else and make sure they can’t fight back. The Deep State doesn’t like opposition and they’re letting Trump know that right now in the courtroom. They want to do to the rest of us what they’re doing to Trump right now. They feel that if they can just steal one more election–it will give them the power to do that! If the Bidenistas steal yet another election, which is their plan, then it will be all over for this country. Only the Lord can prevent that. Most of us can do little about it. We really need to call on the Lord bigtime for help because we have really screwed up to this point.

When is hate speech not hate speech? When the left says it isn’t!

by Al Benson Jr.

There was some informative commentary about hate speech on for April 15, 2024. I can’t reproduce all of it here, but I’d urge folks to check it out.

Lew noted: “We like to think we have freedom of speech. Doesn’t the First Amendment guarantee this to us? But some states have ‘hate speech’ laws on he books. New York is considering a law already passed in California that requires social media companies to report ‘hate speech.’ This is the ‘Stop Hiding Hate Act, and has been passed by the State’s Assembly.”

Interestingly enough, this was done “under pressure” from the Anti-Defamation League and “other groups.” In other words, people who take these positions, whatever you may think of them, are to be denied their right to free expression and to have others see their commentary. Apparently, if you choose to read your Bible at a “gay pride” event, this now constitutes “hatred.”

With “laws” (and I use that term loosely) like these being passed, one has to wonder how long it will be before displaying a Confederate Flag anywhere will become a “hate crime.” Can you now begin to grasp the twisted “logic” behind the willful destruction of Confederate monument? Anything remotely Confederate will be construed as “hate” and, therefore, should be removed. There are leftists out there, waiting in the wings, to do exactly that.

In other words, the First Amendment protects only the “free speech” the political leftists claim it does. All it protects is what the leftists say it does and nothing else, because, to them, everything they disagree with is “hate speech.” Can you picture a country where only what the left believes is protected by a First Amendment” and anything opposing that is “hate speech?” Believe it or not, that is exactly where the Biden/Obama regime wants to take us.

Our Confederate monuments are being condemned as monuments to treason by people willing to sell this country out to the New World Order–and to oppose such a sellout is “treason.” So it all depends on whose definition of treason you choose to believe. Our Confederate ancestors were not traitor’s because secession was not treason. I can’t say as much for some of those currently running the country. When you take millions from Communist China, our most dedicated adversary, for political favors, to me, that’s a pretty fair country definition of treason. But, in our present political climate, pointing out the treasonous aspects of doing that might be considered “hate speech” by the far Left!