The Biden/UN plan to deep six America

by Al Benson Jr.

It should be obvious by now to anyone with half a brain that the Biden regime’s plan for America is one that calls for the destruction of America as we know it. With all that has gone on in this country since Biden “won” the 2020 election this should hardly be news.

There was an informative article in the April 29th issue of The New American magazine by William F. Jasper that dealt with how the Biden regime and the United Nations are working together to ensure the cultural and political destruction of this country. If you haven’t read this, you need to.

Mr. Jasper says, in part, “The invasion is not stopping; it is accelerating. Our borders are being overrun and it is no accident. We are witnessing a methodically planned and orchestrated scheme by the Biden administration and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is a continuation of President Obama’s migration plans for ‘fundamentally transforming the United states of America,’ and Biden and the UN have no intention of letting up. They have already brought millions of migrants into the country illegally, and plan to bring in millions more. In fact, they are now in the process of greenlighting the admission of a continuing tsunami from virtually every country on earth. Haiti is the next hellhole country set to contribute a new migrant horde….They are using migrants as a political tool to destroy America so that we can be absorbed into their planned New World Order. The Biden State Department and the UN’s IOM, manned by Obama retreads, are ramrodding this treachery, but you and I, the American taxpayers, are footing the bill–.”

Mr. Jasper also observes that “The UN’s 2024 Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan calls for handing out $1.59 billion in 17 Latin American countries to facilitate migration…Tens of thousands of unvetted illegal migrants have been flown into the interior of the United States and released…Thousands of Chinese, Russian, Syrian, Iranian, and Iraqi males of military age have joined the migrant caravans in Mexico and are crossing into the United States…” They are hardly here for Summer vacations and may, at some future time, be drafted into our armed forces to ride herd on Americans who are not overly fond of seeing the Biden regime selling out their country.

There are some in Congress who are trying to act to halt this immigrant invasion. Chip Roy from Texas and Mike Lee from Utah, respectively, are sponsoring HR 6645 and S 3428, which is called “Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, to fully withdraw the United States from the UN and to end all funding of the UN and its One World agenda. Most of our congress critters will hesitate to vote for these–unless enough informed Americans who know what goes on in Washington make them feel the heat in an election year. Whether we are able to do that or not may depend on how well the current regime is able to abscond with the 2024 election.

2 thoughts on “The Biden/UN plan to deep six America

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