Dear “Patriot” send money!

by Al Benson Jr.

I got another of those “Dear Patriot, please send us more money” letters in the mail this morning and I guess it sort of ticked me off, as here I am writing about it. These letters have been coming with increasing intensity of late. Most of them come from people in Congress who want your money for–whatever!

Oh, they always include some “survey” or questionnaire for you to fill out so you feel like you’re making a contribution to the national input, but the end result is, they want money from you. That’s always the bottom line no matter how they try to sugarcoat it. And it’s always for this or that “worthwhile” project. I’ve been tempted to wonder if they even bother to read the responses from those who don’t include a hefty check with them.

For what they get for salaries, you’d think they should have enough to do their jobs without having to pander to the public always for more money. Maybe if they spent as much time doing their jobs as they do begging for money, we might get better legislation (but then I delude myself with such a thought).

Legislators from both parties have become adept at putting the bite on their constituents on an almost daily basis. I’ve gotten these “Dear Patriot” letters from people in both parties, though as far as the Demonrats are concerned, I wouldn’t give them the lint off my shorts! There are a handful of Republicans I’d consider helping–but only a handful–if I had any extra money. Over the long haul, if you had anything extra, you’d be better off giving it to your church than to these political parasites.

I noticed that the House couldn’t even come up with enough votes to do away with that intrusive FISA bill. There were 19 Republicans that voted to do away with it, to their credit. The rest couldn’t be bothered trying to preserve the Fourth Amendment rights of their constituents. And yet they have the gall to ask us for more money!

I checked out the voting records of the 19 Republicans who voted to do away with FISA. Of the 19, 17 of them had ratings of 90-100 on the Conservative Index, which means they voted the right way, in favor of their constituents, most of the time. One had a rating of 70%, which is close to lukewarm, and the other one had no rating at all for some reason. Unfortunately, you don’t have all that many Republicans who vote that way consistently, and almost no Demonrats!

What you have, in both parties, is a batch of political parasites who will vote with special interest groups, many of which are on the Far, Far left, and against the interests of their constituents, who are at the absolute bottom of their to do list. After all, their constituents are only there to put the bite on when they need cash and for no other reason! Protecting the rights of those who put them into office? Who needs that? No money in doing that!

I’ve been particularly disappointed in the actions of House Speaker Mike Johnson from my home state of Louisiana. I had high hopes for him when he started out and he seemed to give a Christian testimony at the beginning and I felt encouraged. Should have known better

Most of Johnson’s faith seems to be aimed at “being nice” to Demonrats who would love to feed him to the lions if they could get away with it. No stern Christian resolve here, just capitulation to the left–and I’m sorry, folks, but caving in constantly to the leftists ain’t Christian! Let alone the Constitutional issues involved!

You can probably tell by my comments here that most of our Congress critters are not real high on my list, but then, they don’t deserve to be. Lots of them are doing just about everything else but their jobs! Voting in the interests of their constituents is a low priority for them. Begging for money is a high priority. I’d be willing to bet that most of us they want fat-cat contributions from are not as well off as they are. I’m sure not!

But, hey, what do I know. My opinion and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee–although with inflation and the glories of Bidenomics the coffee might now cost $2.00 per cup!

5 thoughts on “Dear “Patriot” send money!

  1. Pingback: Dear “Patriot” send money! – Dixie Drudge – Southern Nation News

  2. I get the same letters.

    As a friend said, “Democrats* and Republicans* are two wings of the same bird flying the wrong way.”

    *I use Demonrats and Republicrites.

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