April 19, 1775

by Al Benson Jr.

On this day 249 years ago 77 patriots stood on the field at Lexington Green and defied the armed might of the British Empire. Some of them died and they were not able to make much of a dent in British armor. The British had come to Concord to capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams, as well as to capture and destroy the patriot’s arms and ammunition. Gun control in 1775. It’s one reason we have the Second Amendment in the Constitution–you know, that amendment the Biden regime wants to remove–except for guns for illegal aliens, which Biden is okay with. And the illegals have to be armed as Biden probably plans to have them disarm American citizens who may not want to give up their Second Amendment rights without a struggle.

Did you ever think you’d live to see the day where our own government is willing to make war on its own citizens in favor of illegal immigrants? Most people still can’t grasp this idea. They’d better learn quick because that’s where we are at.

We have a leftist regime in power in Washington–the most far left regime ever, run by a host of ex-Obama Philes and no far left regime ever surrenders power gracefully or willingly. When they gain power, they fully intend to keep it, however they have to. Why do you think there’s such a flurry of activity to keep Trump off the campaign trail? If that doesn’t work and they can’t keep him in jail so Biden’s little helpers can steal yet another election, then I guess they will probably attempt the “ultimate solution” to dispense with Trump.

What would our patriotic ancestors in 1775 think of the “government” we put up with today? For less cause than we have they picked up their muskets and marched out on Lexington green. Makes you wonder what’s wrong with us! They used to call April 19th Patriot’s Day. They don’t call it that anymore. Some other day has inherited that title and Lexington and Concord and what happened there are all but forgotten.

I read an article earlier today, written by a Christian man who noted rightly that the Lord is King over all, including this world–yet right now, it seems that the devil’s kinfolks are the ones running everything. You have to ask–why is that? It seems that the Church has mostly lost its way. It seems much more interested in getting people “raptured” so they don’t have to worry about this mess we have here rather than doing anything to deal with the mess. We’ve truly become “so heavenly-minded that we are no earthly good.” We’ve been led astray with “rapture” theology and I’m not altogether sure that hasn’t been on purpose.

Jesus’ words “Occupy until I come” seem to have been changed to “get out of here before I come.” You never heard anything about all this “Rapture” stuff until around the 1830s, and the whole era of the 1800s was noted for rampant apostasy. You got evolution in the 1800s, along with “higher criticism” regarding Scripture. Many of your cults arose during the 1800s. And government in this country took a turn for the worse with the advent of the War of Northern Aggression

You have to wonder how many of these problems might have been avoided if the Church had been doing its job and occupying as the Lord told us to instead of pursuing “rapture fever,” We’ve followed a devious path since 1775, one that, in many cases, the Lord would rather not have seen us on. I’m not sure as to whether it’s too late to turn around and go back or not.

8 thoughts on “April 19, 1775

  1. They did indeed–fifty years ago this year–with an event that changed our lives. I pray we never forget nor downplay what they did, but rather that we might learn from it and carry on.

  2. Keep preaching it, Al. You are doing your part. Pray that the Lord will recompense the evildoers. Let those who dig a pit fall into it themselves.

  3. Pingback: April 19, 1775 – Dixie Drudge – Southern Nation News

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