The First Cultural Marxist Commandment–Thou Shalt Not Speak of Hillary’s Russian Connections (ever)

by Al Benson Jr.

We have been treated to an ongoing litany of mainstream media drivel about Donald Trump’s “Russian connections” until they are coming out of our ears. The prostitute press’ ongoing commentary about Trump’s love-fest with Putin and the Russians lhas been pushed beyond verbose. The one place it comes up short, however, is in the evidence department. But then, cultural Marxists don’t much care about that. Their job is to repeat the accusations ad nauseam . The scarcity of evidence is all the more reason for avoiding that touchy subject.

Recently, President Trump asked why the House Intelligence Committee isn’t looking into “the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia.” Now there’s a question the mainstream media isn’t exactly straining at the bit to answer. In fact they’d rather that question was ignored. A recent article on  stated that: “In terms of the ‘big Uranium’ remark, Trump appears to be referring to Uranium One, a Canadian company whose investors donated millions to the Clinton Foundation. According to Breitbart, Hillary Clinton’s State Department would later approve a sale of a majority stake in Uranium One to Rosatom, Russia’s state energy company.” You probably missed that on the daily evening “newscast.” The Conservative Tribune article also observed that “The New York Times also reported in 2015 that right after Rosatom announced its intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, former President Bill Clinton was given $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow from a Kremlin-linked Russian investment bank. That bank was also promoting Uranium One stock.” The article speculated that the reason none of this has been investigated is that any government committee is not all that interested in those that lost the last election. The article pointed out that “…while we look at Trump’s Russia ties with a fine-tooth comb, almost no investigation has been done on the Clinton Russian ties.” Needless to say, the Clintons love to have it so. That should change! Will it???

In a brief article on writer Shepard Ambellas wrote on March 29, 2017 that: “On January 23, 2016, I exposed Hillary Clinton’s ties to the Russian State in an article titled, Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russians along with one-fifth of our uranium ore,”

This article was originally published on  back in January of 2016 and is 13 pages long, so I obviously cannot reproduce all of it here. However it is still on the Internet and I would encourage people to go to Intellihub and read the article in its entirety.  This is information that I am afraid no congressional committee will ever get around to dealing with because the agenda is to make Trump look bad and totally ignore all the really egregious things Hillary has done as though they did not exist. In other words–“down the memory hole” 101!

However, I will pick out a couple goodies from Mr. Ambellas’ article to comment on because they also have to do with other things I have written about in the past couple years. For instance, Mr. Ambellas declared: “As it turns out there’s a lot more to the story behind the Malheur Wildlife Refuge–a whole lot more–and this article is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  As you may or may not know, on Jan 4 Intellihub reported that the Hammond’s Ranch and other ranchlands surrounding the refuge sit atop a vast swath of precious metals, minerals, and uranium that’s heavily desired by not only the federal government but foreign entities as well…Now, after further investigation, more pieces of the puzzle have been put in place and you’re not going to believe what characters are involved.” Well, on the other hand, if you know how the political scene works in the Swamp known as Sodom on the Potomac, you can figure some of this out. And remember, the situation at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge was what got Arizona rancher Lavoy  Finicum killed because he, supposedly, pulled a gun on federal agents. That pseudo-act got him shot nine times.

Mr. Ambellas continued: “…one of them is currently being investigated by the FBI and is also running on the Democratic ticket in hopes of becoming the next President of the United States. That’s right, you guessed it–none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton of the notorious Clinton crime family. Hillary and her foundation are implicated in the dastardly scheme along with the Russian State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Rosatom, and a few dubious Canadian elite…Rosatom is ranked #2 globally in uranium reserves and #1 globally for annual uranium extraction…You see, Rosatom wanted to expand their operations into America and needed a way in. So, in 2013, Rosatom acquired a Canadian company named Uranium One as part of a sinister side deal which involved multiple parties. Ultimately the deal opened a typically secure and closed-door, thus allowing the Russians to salt their way into the continental United States as part of a vast and extensive plan to mine Uranium out of states like Wyoming and Oregon. The deal was essentially brokered by Hillary and was run through the Clinton Foundation using Canadian-backed contributions as a cover. With one flourish of a pen, just like that, the bitch sold out the American people and one-fifth of America’s uranium resources to the Russians.”  There was even an article reported for the New York Times in April of 2015 which explained how this worked. Probably written in such a way that the average person remained totally clueless!

And Mr. Ambellas observed that “Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee compsed of representatives  from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton…And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One,  Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.” Almost sounds like a “sell-out by committee.”

But just remember, as hopefully you will go and read the Intellihub article, that we really don’t have to be concerned about any of this. After all, Congress isn’t. What Hillary and Husband did to make big bucks and give our adversaries a major uranium boost over this country really shouldn’t be any big concern to us because it surely is not a big concern to any congressional committee. Were it suddenly to become a concern of some congressional investigative committee, then that committee would be forced to break the first cultural Marxist commandment–Thou shalt not speak of Hillary’s Russian Connections.  You are only permitted to speak, at length, of the alleged Russian connections of Donald Trump and all his friends and family going back for at least five generations. The lack of evidence for these allegations is totally irrelevant.  This is the only “textus receptus” that will be allowed. Maybe we should start contacting our Congress persons that claim to represent us in Washington and asking them why this is.

Ryan Pushed “Obamacare Lite” and it Flopped!

by Al Benson Jr.

After John Boehner left as Speaker of the House the Republicans were, supposedly, going to replace him with a real “conservative” who would be truly concerned with the will of the people. After lots of backroom dealing, we got Paul Ryan instead. He was touted as a “conservative” but that was a pile of West Texas cow chips, as he turned out to be little more than a water carrier for Comrade Obama.

Comrade Ryan, oh, pardon me, I meant Speaker Ryan, has long been a part of the Ruling Establishment, concerned with preserving the status quo (stiffing the public), which is one reason he never supported Donald Trump in his presidential bid. Trump just wasn’t one of the “good old boys” and if, by some fluke, he won, Ryan was going to do nothing whatever to help him along because he took his orders from the Ruling Establishment of which he is a part. And their plan has long been to derail Trump by whatever means possible, be it by far-out Russian conspiracy theories about Trump cavorting around with every Russian despot back to the Czar, or whatever. And I have to be honest, it’s the “whatever” that bothers me.

Trump had promised before the election that he would repeal and replace Obamacare, and up to this point, it seems as though Trump has been trying to fulfill the promises he made to the American people–something I have never seen any candidate  do in my lifetime. But when it came to replacing Obamacare,  Trump seemed to lean on Paul Ryan to handle this and it seems that Ryan already had a plan that he said would do the trick. Well, guess what? It didn’t. I have not read any of the ins and outs of Ryan’s “replacement” bill, but from comments I have seen from others who did, it seemed like he was replacing as little of Obamacare as possible and retaining, in some form, as much of it as he could. This would have been so typical for the “conservative” Ryan that anyone who has watched him should have expected it. A major part of Ryan’s chore as Speaker of the House has been to preserve as much of the status quo as possible while giving the appearance of helping to dismantle it. A thorny chore, but so far he’s been up to it.

However, he health care “replacement” bill did not fool too many people. Of course the Democrats were expected to vote against anything that might even minimally weaken the health care diktat of their cherished Barack. But then, the Democrats today are, to all intents and purposes, further to the Left now than the Communist Party dared to be forty years ago, so what else is new?

However, there were some Republicans, some of them in what they call “the Freedom Caucus” that could see through this Obamacare remake and they were not going to vote for it–thank heaven! As much as I want to see Obamacare repealed, and as much as Mr. Trump seems to want to see it repealed and replaced, this bill of Paul Ryan’s was not the vehicle that would have done that. It preserved more than it replaced–and I’m sure that was the intent.

There have been calls now for Ryan to step down as Speaker of the House, and, given his conservatively insipid performance since he’s been up there, I think that’s a capital idea. Only if he does, this time the Republicans need to do a lot better than just picking another RINO like they did the last time!

If Mr. Trump is really serious about “draining the swamp” he is going to find out that many of the major contributors to the perpetuation of the swamp are in his own party and they are trying to deep six his efforts every bit as much as Hillary, Soros, and the rest of the Lefties are, because, in the final analysis, they all work for the same people, and the party labels are superfluous.  We should pray for wisdom and  discernment for the President. He will need all he can get, lest the Judas goats overwhelm him!

Just Another Day in Public School in Maryland

by Al Benson Jr.

And they wonder why people want to get their kids out of these public schools!

According to an article on The Horn News for March 23rd: “An innocent 14-year old girl was brutally raped in a Maryland school bathroom by two illegal immigrants last week–and the mainstream media has completely ignored it.” Well, that comes as no surprise, I mean, come on now. Had she been raped by two white American kids it would have been world news for days, but because it is, allegedly, two illegal immigrants that did it, this is hardly a newsworthy event, and the scumbag media will make sure it stays that way if they can. The two who “allegedly” committed this rape were here, illegally from someplace in Central America.

Parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, especially in the town of Rockville, where this happened are really ticked, as they should be. They turn their kids over to these intellectual meat grinders we call public schools and this is what they get back–and they’ve paid for it all with their property taxes! One parent, anonymously, (possibly for fear of retaliation) told Fox News “I know that if this country enforced the laws that are already on the books these two young men would not have been here and this rape…would not have occurred.” You can thank our former president (who is busy trying to tear down the administration of our current president) for this mess regarding illegal immigration. He wanted them all here (hopefully to, at some point, replace Americans).

Another member of the community was very critical of the school’s response, (which we will get to in a minute).  She said: “You have young adult males that really do not have our culture and you are putting them in the same classroom as our 14-year old girls and they are saying ‘There’s nothing we can do about that–sorry’.” Well maybe the public school can’t, or won’t, do anything, but the parents can. They can start removing their kids from this horrendous system. Would to God some of them would get that message. There are several alternatives to public schools and not all of them are that expensive.

Of course then the Rockville School Superintendent  will probably label them as “racists.”  And, in an article for March 23rd on  written by Katie Pavlich, that’s exactly what happened.  According to the Town Hall article: “Montgomery County Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith is accusing parents of racism and xenophobia. He also claims threats are being made against students and schools…While many have chosen to engage civilly in the conversation,  far too many have crossed the line with racist, xenophobic calls and emails. MCPS is working with law enforcement to identify those who are making threats toward our students and schools.  This behavior will not be tolerated in our community.” Which students are being threatened? Sounds almost as if Dr. Smith is more concerned about parental reaction to this rape than he is about anything else. After all, bad publicity for the public school system doesn’t help to encourage record attendance does it? It also seems that some parents have been protesting outside of Smith’s office recently. One man said he took his daughter out of school last year because of an “unsafe environment.” It sounds like, with comments such as that, this has not been the first problem of this sort in the public schools in Rockville and surrounding environs.

Even the Governor of Maryland is looking for some answers about this situation. The governor asked: “Why is an 18-year old man in a class with 13 or 14-year old girls? Why was his status not known to those folks? Why was he allowed to enter the country after he was picked up for illegally crossing the border–both of them? So there are a lot of questions…” And the governor does not seem to feel that the school board in Montgomery County has been all that forthcoming in answering those questions. He said, flat out, “Not only have they refused to provide any information to us, but they’ve refused to provide information to the state Board of Education, which specifically requested more information.”

Just another typical day in the public schools in Maryland–and how many other places around the country? How much of this sort of thing goes on in public schools across the country that we never hear about and that the media will never cover outside of bare minimum local coverage that is forced upon them?

If you’d like to get some idea of the real public school situation, and the history of that situation,  get hold of a book called Crimes of the Educators by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman, published by WND (World Net Daily) Books in 2014. After you have read that you should be seriously ready to consider taking your kids out of public schools–forever!

I have never forgotten the phone conversation I had with a public school teacher in New York when I worked for a home school organization in the Midwest. She called us wanting information on how to home school her daughter. She told me: “I’m in this school everyday so I know what goes on–no way is my daughter going to school here.”

The Cultural Marxist Mystique

by Al Benson Jr.

Way back in those antediluvian days we refer to as 1960, Dr. Fred Schwartz, founder of the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, wrote an informative book called You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists).  It must have been really good in its day. It went through eleven printings that I know of and, amazingly, it is still available on Amazon. I’d recommend getting a copy.  It was a book that delved into the Communist mindset, or worldview, and it explained why they do what they do (and they’re still doing it) and why they think the way they think. Their mindset is still alive and well among the Leftist “social justice warriors” we are currently hearing about.

Over the years I have read countless articles that have pointed out many Communist activities and atrocities, and the people that wrote most of them seemed, somehow, amazed that the Communists could, supposedly, “speak out of both sides of their mouths” at the same time and be such hypocrites for doing it. As sincere at these folks were, they did not understand Communism. The Communists, by their lights, and in their  own eyes, were not hypocrites but were perfectly honest and sincere. Like our cultural Marxists today, they had their own view of what words meant–and their meaning was not our meaning. Words didn’t (and don’t) mean to them what they do to us. The word “peace” is a glowing example. To us (normal people) the word “peace” means everyone getting along with one another, live and let live. Dr. Schwartz explained how the Communists viewed “peace.”

He observed: “The Communists believe they are at war. They desire “peace” with all their hearts. But to them, peace is that golden consummation  when the progressive force of Communism totally overwhelms American imperialism and climaxes in Communist world conquest. By definition, ‘peace’ is Communist world conquest.” And the Communist will never be at “peace”  until that objective is accomplished. If that is the case with this one word, can you begin to imagine what they do with words like “justice,” “love,” “honor,” “integrity?” Even though they and we use the same words we, literally, do not speak the same language they do.

With the cultural Marxist of today it is no different. Whatever else he may be, he is still a Marxist and he thinks like a Marxist. Most people today who write about cultural Marxists do not understand them any better than their grandfathers understood Communism.  And because we have not learned in the past several generations, we continue to make the same mistake today. Many think they can just compromise with the cultural Marxists, a little give and take, and everyone will be happy. Not so! There is no compromise with “those people”–it has to be “their way or the highway.” Talk to someone in the Sons of Confederate Veterans  who has tried to dialogue with someone in the NAACP. They will tell you–and we have to learn that. We don’t seem to have yet.

For the cultural Marxists it is totally permissible for for them to do what they openly condemn us for doing because they honestly believe they are doing it for a “righteous” cause and that makes all the difference. In their eyes, if you have a “righteous” cause you are allowed to do anything whatever, no matter how underhanded, sneaky or dishonest, because “the end justifies the means.”

So when the “presstitutes”  in the “news” media (who are cultural Marxists) put out their fake news, and then accuse others of what they themselves do, that’s okay, because their fake news is being used toward a good and noble cause–the destruction of what is left of the Christian West and the Free Enterprise System and those who support it. That, in their eyes, justifies their doing whatever they have to do to promote their agenda.

So they are not hypocrites–they are cultural Marxists, which means, in their thinking, that they are allowed to do all the rotten stuff that is forbidden to us because, after all, they are doing it for all the “right” reasons.  Believe it or not, they really think this way. They really believe this.

So we err in calling them hypocrites, because they are 100% sincere in what they think and do, just as their Communist grandfathers were 50-100 years ago. This may not make sense to normal people, but it is the way they think! This is what most on our side fail to grasp. We are not dealing with mere hypocrites–we are dealing with committed ideologues. Rather than just labeling them hypocrites we should be exposing their mindset and explaining to people how it works.

I will note one example that should be obvious to all of us, especially those of us that live in the South. Try to grasp what this means here in the South in regard to Confederate flags and monuments, school names, street names or whatever. Most naive people seem to be under the delusion that if we just remove a few flags, or even take down some monument, our opposition will see our sincerity and leave us alone. As the man says “Dream on Alice!” It will never work out that way and our side had better start  realizing that now. You can’t just “be nice” to those people and try to meet them halfway. When you attempt to do that they sense victory and will go for your throat!

They are at war with your total culture and history and they will not quit  until they have utterly destroyed both–and left your children and grandchildren with Nothing!  At that point, they may decide they are at peace with you–if you can no longer resist, but don’t count on it. The minute they discover some Confederate or Southern symbol they missed on the first go-round, the war is on again.

Only when they have totally destroyed your Christian faith, culture, and history, and left wreckage in their place, will they be at “peace” with you because they you have nothing  left to fight back with. The total destruction of your faith and culture is their “peace.” Folks, we have got to get this through our heads. The only thing “those people” understand is resistance!

If we are not ready to give their agenda for us total resistance, then they will defeat us and remove our children’s and grandchildren’s faith and heritage. And total resistance encompasses much more than just the flags and monuments.

Taken from the First Quarter 2017 issue of The Copperhead Chronicle.

Please check out the latest article on for March 27th where Trump questions why the House Intelligence Committee has no questions whatever about Hillary’s deal with the Russians to sell them 20% of our Uranium. This is the question that is not supposed to be asked and will  probably never be answered.

Church Sign is Politically Incorrect–But True

by Al Benson Jr.

We’ve all seen those newsy little sayings on church signs around the country. Although some of them are cute, they often don’t say an awful lot. Unfortunately, this has become a characteristic of many churches in our day–they don’t say an awful lot. We get lots of “be nice and don’t offend anyone” balderdash, the sort of thing our Lord Jesus gave the lie to when He chased the money changers out of the temple, where they had set up shop in the Court of the Gentiles.

Recently, I read an article on  about a church in Hood River, Oregon that seems to be giving the local Muslims fits. Hood River is a small town between Portland and The Dalles (but closer to The Dalles). The article was from February 27th of this year. The Missionary Baptist Church in Hood River has a sign out front that says: Wake up Christians. Allah is not our God. Muhammad is not greater than Jesus.  The sign also says Only the Bible is God’s word. holy book Qur’an is just another book.

In checking back, I found that this sign has been in front of this church since sometime in the Spring of 2016, so this is not a new development. What’s new, (and refreshing) is that the pastor of this church, Michael Harrington,  does not profess to be politically correct (culturally Marxist). Pastor Harrington has said he has never claimed to be a devotee of the politically correct mindset. He said “I think I’m Biblically correct, and that’s what matters to me.” What’s more, Pastor Harrington has not taken the sign down and it has been there now for probably a year now. This seems to have bothered some of the locals whose spiritual roots might be open to question.

Given the apostate age we live in, there are many who continue to be “offended” at what Pastor Harrington put up and has left up on his church sign. A local resident on a bike ride noticed the sign and commented that it “profoundly offended” him. If telling the truth on a church sign “profoundly offends” him, then I guess you can tell where he is at. And even the local mayor has not seemed to believe in the pastor’s First Amendment rights. He has called the sign “a solid case of ugly.” Kind of makes you wonder what they have for town government in Hood River. Almost makes me wonder if the mayor has, at some point, converted to Islam. I wonder, would the mayor have made such a fuss if there were a sign in front of the local mosque that said that Allah was God and not Jesus? I’d be willing to bet that wouldn’t have bothered him. Since Pastor Harrington has, up to this point, refused to take the sign down, I guess the local population will just have to struggle through life seeing a sign proclaiming Jesus as God at Pastor Harrington’s church. I really hope they can manage. Coping is so hard when you deny the truth.

I wonder, how many churches around the country would have scrambled to take the sign down posthaste if it offended anyone except Christians. It seems that it’s okay to offend Christians. It’s always open season on them and they are always in the cross hairs. I have known Christians around the country who don’t want to “offend” anyone and so they take great strides (backwards) to get away from anything that might proclaim Christian truth, lest that truth “offend” some unbeliever somewhere. Quite frankly, their passiveness in regard to those who willingly assault their faith offends me!

Jesus Christ offended lots of people during His earthly ministry, chief among them being the religious leaders of Israel who were more into the Talmud than they were God’s Law.If you think Jesus came to earth to be “Mr. Nice Guy” take a look at Matthew 10:34, or the entire 23rd chapter of Matthew. Then begin to realize, and let it sink in, that it was the spiritual leaders of Israel that plotted to put Him to death. Oh, they got the Romans to do the deed, but the idea was their baby, not Rome’s.

Christian truth will always offend those who don’t want to believe it. That’s just the way it is. The pastor at our church says that if you are not offending someone then you are  probably not doing anything. He’s right. That doesn’t mean that we go out of our way to be offensive but I think we need to be more concerned about speaking the truth in love than about offending those who will not believe, no matter who they are.

Deep State Cultural Marxists Won’t Quit Until Trump Is Gone

by Al Benson Jr.

One thing Donald Trump had better realize is the truth of the headline for this article. If he really grasps that it may help him to resist what they are trying to do to him. And he will need to resist because they will continue trying to have him for lunch if he does not.

An article on  for March 14th noted: “According to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange , Hillary has been busy behind the scenes plotting an impeachment. The former secretary of state is conspiring with the intelligence community to impeach President Donald Trump, Assange says, and wants Vice President Mike Pence to take over the White House. According to Assange, Pence is preferred by Hillary and her cronies because he’s more ‘predicable’–and can therefore be more easily defeated.” Assange claimed he got this from two people in the intelligence community who passed it along to him. If true, it confirms the fact that Hillary indeed plans to run again in 2020 and she’d rather run against Pence than Trump because she thinks she can pretty well figure out what Pence will do in advance. The people who told Assange this said that Pence was “aware” of the plot. At this point I would not want  to accuse him of that, so we will just have to watch and see how it all goes down.

Now if you are like me you have to be getting sick and tired of all the anti-Russian fake news the prostitute press has been throwing at us for months now. If you were to accept it you would think that Donald Trump can’t blow his nose without asking Putin’s permission. I don’t doubt that 99% of it is of a very high grade of that stuff you find out in a West Texas cow pasture. I have no love for Putin, who has been part of the KGB in an earlier life, nor am I a Russia-lover who thinks Russia can do no wrong. The history of communism there is enough to give the lie to that foolishness. However, I  have noticed  that the people in Washington who claim to be so horrified by what Russia is doing now seemed to have no problem with what Russia, as part of the Soviet Union, did under communism. That didn’t seem to bother them, but a Russia, supposedly without communism seems to annoy them no end. Is there a lesson in that fact for us?

An article on for March 10, authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via observed: “If Trump doesn’t adopt the Cold War 2 approach of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and is forced out of his own administration in the same manner as (Michael) Flynn, it will become clear why once we learn who would replace him: Mike Pence. As the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin observed: ‘Pence is seen by many in Washington as a figure who might stand up for the traditionally hawkish views he espoused while in Congress, a proxy of sorts for the GOP national security establishment…according to Rogin, behind the scenes, Pence will ultimately help shape Trump’s foreign policy into the traditional style witnessed under Obama:” In other words, Pence, one way or another, will be used to shift Trump’s foreign policy to one that turns out to be anti-Russian. That will make the arms manufacturers and the military industrial complex deliriously happy. I’m not saying we should not strengthen our national defenses–we should. But let’s don’t go looking for a fight!

And as most intelligent folks realize, some of Trump’s worse enemies are not in Russia, they are a mere two miles down the road from the White House in Obama’s new mansion where he has set up a command post for the purpose of tearing down Trump’s administration. An article on March 12th on states that “Even since Trump got into office, Barack Hussein Obama has been completely consumed  with taking our new president down. As information continues to emerge about his shadow government and his illegal spying on Trump throughout the presidential election, now an insider close to ol’ Barry is revealing one of Obama”s daily routines…it shows just how truly demented and obsessed Obama has become since Trump’s January 20th inauguration ceremony…Rather than resorting to his favorite hobby of playing golf, Obama spends all of his waking hours literally  obsessing over the man who succeeded him in office…Obama leads daily conference calls with Democratic politicians, where they plot vile new strategies for how to completely obliterate Trump and his administration.”

Now we are told that Valerie Jarrett has move into Obama’s command post (mansion) to help “mount the insurgency” against Trump. According to an article by Dr. Susan Berry which appeared on Blabber-Buzz  for March 3rd: “…Jarrett, Obama’s former special advisor in the White House, has moved into the home with former lady Michelle Obama. I’ll bet that’s a cozy arrangement! When Obama was in office there were some who claimed that Jarrett was the real brains in the White House and kept the Obama (Soros) agenda focused. Could it be that this is the reason she is now moving in with the Obamas–to keep Barry “focused” on the real reason he is there so that he doesn’t wander off and spend too much time at the golf club or waste his time “obsessing” over the man who succeeded him?

However this hodge-podge works out, Mr. Trump has to realize he has many, many enemies, both inside and out of his administration and, more than ever, he needs prayers for wisdom, guidance, and discernment, because there are many in Washington and other places that do not wish to see him or the American people do well or succeed.

The Spying Federal Pigeon

by Al Benson Jr.

Just about every day, when we drive across the bridge over the bayou, there is a whole group of pigeons  perched on one of the telephone wires that parallel the bridge. Most people don’t even think about them and just drive by without noticing them. But, if you take the trouble to find a place to stop and look, with field glasses, you will see that one of them looks a little different than the rest. That’s because it’s not a real pigeon–it’s a pretend pigeon, with a hi-tech camera hidden underneath its pretend feathers–and it’s busily taking pictures of every car that goes over the bridge and recording the license tag numbers. That way, the federal spymasters know who goes over the bridge and how often.  If you cross too often you may one day get a visit from a federal snoop from an agency with such a long name you can’t even remember it, and he’ll want to know why you cross the bridge so often and ask you if you are on your way to any clandestine, anti-government meetings with all those crossings.

Now admittedly, the little story in the previous paragraph is a bit of a farce, but the idea came to me when I saw a photo of a batch of cameras all lined up and fastened to a pipe. I have no idea where the photo was taken, but it reminded me of those pigeons we often see when driving on that bridge over the bayou. And we are so spied on as a society anymore, and our right to privacy has been so completely compromised, that the pigeon story almost has credibility.

I just read a short story on for March 9th which started out with: “Former Representative Dennis Kucinich  warned the Vault 7 data dump by WickiLeaks  demonstrates the United States is sliding down a slippery slope towards totalitarianism.” And the former Congressman said the “wholesale gathering of the nation’s ‘haystack’ of information by the government’has eroded the concept of a’right to privacy’.” Kucinich has never been one of my favorite politicians, but he has a valid point here.

The article also noted: “Kucinich argued the Vault 7 revelations, as well as legislation like the Patriot Act,  have created a constitutional crisis, and called on the American people to demand the government end its mass surveillance.”

And, there was another article, also on Infowars, for March 7th, by Paul Joseph Watson, that stated: “According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, the intelligence community is petrified of a congressional investigation into claims that Barack Obama spied on Donald Trump because it would expose the fact that every American is under mass surveillance and that their conversations are all being digitally recorded by the NSA” (Emphasis mine).

According to some articles I have read (and I have a batch of them sitting here) the Vault 7 documents show how the CIA hacked telephones, TVs and computers. From the WickiLeaks we find out that “CIA has an espionage division more powerful than NSA with no checks and balances…CIA turns smart TVs, iPhones, gaming consoles and many gadgets into open mics…CIA can spy on you through your smart TV…CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in the world into listening devices.” There’s lots more, but this gives you a basic idea of what they have been doing to us (all for our own good naturally). Comforting thought isn’t it? If you and your wife are in the same room and you happen to have either your computer or your smart TV on, then whatever you say to one another is being monitored (for your own good naturally). The feds are making sure you stay “safe” (and controlled) tonight.

I don’t doubt for a New York minute that everything I do on my PC is being monitored–incoming and outgoing, whether it’s research, email, or articles for my blog spots–they already know it all, even before the people I am sending it to do. And if they are doing it to me, you can bet the farm they are doing it to you.

Just a little something to meditate on.

The Real Civil War is Now!

by Al Benson Jr.

In all of my growing up years the (fake) history books informed us that from 1861-65 we fought a “Civil War.” Needless to say, that was inaccurate. A civil war is when two opposing forces fight for control of the same government. What happened in the 1860s hardly fits that description. The Confederate States were not fighting to overthrow the government in Washington. All they wanted was to be free of it, but the Regime in Washington wasn’t having any of that because, as it turned out, the Southern states paid most of the tariffs in the country and to let them go would have cost the North and the government in Washington big bucks and so the South had to be kept in the Union so it could, as the man in the old John Wayne movie said “remit the extortion money.”

When the shooting part of that war was over, the government in Washington then resorted to that old Karl Marx favorite “reconstruction.” That was a charitable term for stealing anything of value left in the South after the shooting was over. But, whatever you want to call it–the War of Northern Aggression (an accurate title) or the War for Southern Independence (also accurate), it was not a civil war. The two sides were not fighting for control of the federal government in Sodom on the Potomac (yes folks, it was that, even back then).

However, what you see going on in Washington nowadays could more properly be called a civil war, because you have the legitimately elected administration of Donald Trump fighting against a shadow government that is trying to force it out of office and much of that effort is being controlled by the former president, who is, no matter what they say of him, a Marxist. And for help he has the lady Trump labeled as “Lying Hillary” and then there is George Soros, whose very deep pockets are paying for much of this effort. Soros, a former collaborator with the Nazis in his younger days, spends his money now fomenting revolutions around the world–and in the United States. To say he is to the left of Ho Chi Minh would be charitable.

Lots of folks reading this will be tempted to say “Oh, that’s only Benson’s opinion, what does he know?” And while I might not know a lot, there are other knowledgeable people that do.

One of them is Joachim Hagopian, a West Point graduate and former U.S. Army officer. On March 6, 2017, and article he wrote appeared on

Mr.Hagopian made several penetrating comments in this article and I cannot cover all of them here but I will try to hit a few of the pertinent ones germane to the current situation. He observed: “The United States federal government in Washington is under attack today. Our nation’s capital is presently under siege, not from military bombs or rockets fired by any foreign enemy but from powerful enemies within…With Obama-Hillary-Soros forces ostensibly maneuvering outside official government channels, against America’s legitimately elected President Trump, and their loyalist foot soldiers–the neocons…loyalists within the CIA/NSA/FBI still operating inside deep state, … with Mainstream Media, this sinister alliance is also organizing legions  of clueless young leftist protesters to be at the ready for deployment in the streets to wreak havoc violently rioting as paid insurgents. What we have here is an American Spring uprising, an insurgent regime change operation taking place right here in our own country, currently bent on overthrowing America’s existing ‘democratically elected’ government.” You could call it a coup if you want, and it is probably at least that, but I contend that, where you have a legitimately elected government which is being assaulted by an illegitimate “shadow government” that wants to assume control, then you have a civil war.

Never have we had a situation such as the one that presently exists in this country now where the legitimately elected new government is under constant (and I really mean constant) attack by the losers on the Left, to the point where they are using all manner of political slight of hand and outright lying to assume control that they were incapable of gaining via the ballot box. These people are truly cultural Marxists, to the point where they honestly believe they have the right to wield the power in this country and to hell with what the electorate wants! And they are, as I write this, attempting to seize it anyway they can.

So, whether we recognize it or not, we are in a civil war–against the Leftists who are working to usurp power they are not entitled to, but want anyway. And they mean to have it! Our citizenry had better wake up and realize what those people are all about. If they manage to oust Trump from office, where do you think you Second Amendment rights will be then–down the commode, that’s where. For starters, we better pray about all of this and ask the Lord’s guidance as to how we should respond–and it ain’t by letting them put their combat boots on our necks. And we better pray for the president, too, and pray against those who are trying to tear the country down.

Fake News and Fake History


by Al Benson Jr.

We hear much about “fake news” today and, in all honesty, most of what we get from the Mainstream Media is fake news. They may get the weather report and the ball scores right because there usually isn’t a political agenda apparent in those two items, but their accuracy doesn’t go much beyond that. But, then, they are in the propaganda business, not the accuracy business.

Though it might come as a shock to many today, this is nothing new. They have been in the propaganda business since before the War of Northern Aggression. All you need to do is to see some of the “news” accounts in Northern papers of what terrorist John Brown did in the 1850s and you will begin to get the picture. Not only is what is presented, in many cases, rank propaganda, but there are significant things left out that reporters and “historians” really would rather we didn’t know about. We can’t ask the questions that need to be asked if we have no information.

The Kennedy Brothers, in their recent book Punished with Poverty published by Shotwell Publishing   have noted some “omissions” from the historical record. For instance: “A Mississippi Unionist stated during Reconstruction that 50% of the blacks in Mississippi died during the war. Taken at face value the prior estimate would seem unreasonable. But when viewed in  light of the events in  the ‘Devil’s Punchbowl’ at Natchez, Mississippi, it becomes believable. The ‘Devil’s Punchbowl’  was the name given to a contraband, actually concentration, camp established by the Union army after it occurpied Natchez. Over 20,000 ‘freed’ slaves died in the Union army’s concentration camp in the year following the Union army’s occupation of Natchez. The camp was walled off by the Union army to prevent escape.” Remember, these were “freed” slaves and they were now tasting their first gulp of Yankee/Marxist “freedom.” Somehow, I don’t think it was quite what they expected from “Father Abraham.” Funny, but I don’t recall reading about this in any of my “history” books. It would appear that Fake History includes not only Yankee/Marxist propaganda that is false, but also, much accurate information is simply just omitted, because, after all, students don’t really need to know all this. It might color their perception of what the “change agent” who is supposed to be a teacher is passing along to them. For those wanting to, you can check the “Devil’s Punchbowl” out on the Internet, and you will find that the Kennedys have it right.

And the Kennedys note how this is done: “National historians who act as propagandists advancing or defending the Federal Empire’s narrative about the ‘Civil War’ are quick to dismiss examples of the Federal Empire’s military using extreme measures against Southern civilians. They do this primarily by ignoring the Empire’s atrocities; if they do mention civilian deaths they dismiss it as a natural part of war– with the implicit assumption that the ‘Civil War’ was a just war made necessary by an evil South that attacked the North at Fort Sumter, South Carolina. Occasionally the Empire’s propagandists (also known as national historians)  will acknowledge a ‘few’ atrocities but insist that they were only isolated events not worthy of scholarly notice” (unless Southerners did them). Some of this information is in Punished with Poverty on pages 70-75.

Also noted and naturally left out of our “history” books, was the propensity of Yankee/Marxist generals toward a policy of extermination for Southern folks. That caring and compassionate legislator from Pennsylvania, Thaddeus Stevens, said at one point “(Treat the South) as conquered provinces and settle them with new men and exterminate or drive out the present rebels as exiles.” So where were the “present rebels” supposed to go when you had driven them off their land and out of their homes? Being a truly magnanimous Yankee, Stephens doesn’t worry about that. And another merciful Marxist type, Brig. General James H. Lane, said of the War “We believe in a war of extermination.” Some of you all should remember General Lane. I have written about him and his particular breed of vermin from abolitionist Kansas before.

In speaking of Lincoln and the Leftist radicals in Congress, the Kennedy Brothers observed: “Their goal was to exterminate enough of the native Southern population to allow the Southern part of the United States to be ‘repopulated’ with Northerners who would then support the expanding Federal empire.” Almost sounds like what modern Washington politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, have been doing to the South with the illegal immigrant situation. Of course you all understand that any similarities between the two situations are purely coincidental.

Folks really need to read Punished with Poverty to begin to get a grasp of the plan that Yankee/Marxist politicians had and still have for the South. Those people really hanker for the death of your culture, faith, and history and they are far from bashful about promoting those ends. We have got to start learning not to be bashful about resisting them.