This is why they call him China Joe Biden

by Al Benson Jr.

Two short years ago author and researcher Peter Schweizer wrote a book called Red Handed which I have referred to in previous articles. The book was an expose of “How American elites get rich helping China win.” Some of those elites were and are China Joe Biden and his family. They care not a flip if China defeats the United States or not as long as the money keeps rolling in!

Schweizer noted in some detail how this works. A man named Di Dongsheng gave a speech about that in Shanghai, which I heard has been scrubbed from the internet. Schweizer observed that: “Di is more than a random academic: As an associate dean at Renmin University, an elite institute in Beijing that boasts prominent alumni high in the Communist Party and government including politburo members…he sits near the center of power. Di noted that Beijing had ‘old friends…inside America’s core circle of power, mentioning Wall Street in particular as a strong ally…the fact that he referenced Chinese commercial dealings with the Biden family was particularly surprising…The answer to Di’s question is that financiers with close ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence helped Hunter Biden build or join several global companies. There are important reasons for Beijing to want their commercial ties with the Biden family to remain obscured…Other Biden family members have happily pursued financial relationships too, eager to cash in with lucrative deals…In short, the new evidence makes clear that the Biden family received some $31 million from Chinese businessmen with very close ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence during and after Joe Biden’s tenure as vice-president.”

Schweizer continued: “Indeed, as of this writing, some of those financial relationships remain intact. One is struck by the extraordinary concentration of intelligence ties by the businesspeople making these deals with the Bidens. These ties reach the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, including the former head of the Ministry of State Security, the head of foreign intelligence recruitment for Chinese intelligence, and a cluster of United Front organizations used for intelligence operations in the West. The new sources of information also provide even more evidence that this is a story about not just Hunter Biden, but also Joe himself. To some degree for the period our research covers, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden had intertwined finances.”

I don’t know how many people have read Schweizer’s book. Quite a few, I hope. I wonder if any of those folks on the committees investigating Hunter Biden have read it. If not, they need to because it is right up the alley of what they are investigating. It should be no secret that the Biden families first loyalty is to their Chinese paymasters and not to the United States. This needs to be obvious to the American public at large.

This information may also account for why we have so many Chinese nationals of military age showing up at our Southern border. If those that have supported (and paid) Biden are in the upper echelons of Chinese intelligence then they must have a pretty good idea of where this country is military-wise–a lot better idea than the average American does. So why are these military age Chinese crossing our Southern border–something like 26,000 of them? Are they suppose to destabilize this country in some way–and if they do, does Biden really care? I doubt it. He has already amply displayed his utter contempt for the average American. He loves people of color–so long as they are sodomites, lesbians, or trans-sexual. Patriotic blacks or hispanics he has no more use for than white folks. In other words, if you are a normal person, Biden has no use for you. you have to be sexually deviant to gain his acceptance. What does that tell you about Biden and his regime. It tells you what many already know about the Obama regime.

These people gained the power (illegally or however) in the 2020 election and they do not intend to turn loose of it in 2024. They will do anything, and I mean anything to keep that power. Election interference–no problem. Stuffing the ballot boxes in crucial states–no problem. Assassination if all else fails–no problem! This is where we are at. Americas had better get used to that idea.

Americans Last! (If at all)

by Al Benson Jr.

The Biden Regime is now hinting that it may use executive orders to stem the tide of illegal immigrants flowing across our Southern border. After three years of China Joe’s “secure and closed” border, we have to ask “why now?” Biden could have just kept Trump’s border policies in place and the flood of illegals would have been cut down significantly. But he chose not to do that (probably on orders from his boss, Obama, who most realize is the real power behind Biden’s dementia-tinged throne).

So, why now? Well, you have to remember, this is an election year and China Joe’s administration wants to create the utterly false impression that Biden is concerned about the welfare of American citizens. In truth, neither he nor his administration, largely made up of ex-Obama appointees, cares a flip about the welfare of American citizens.

It almost appears as if China Joe is in a quandary to explain to American citizens how ten million illegal aliens managed to sneak across his “closed and secure” border. Wait, let me guess–somehow it was all Trump’s fault–like everything else that had gone wrong in the world since the fall of man in the garden! His regime lies to us so much that you can’t take anything it tells us seriously, but then, so did the Obama regime. I wonder if their lies to us are Trump’s fault too! Undoubtedly they would claim so.

I found it interesting that the suspect in this tragic killing of a student at the University of Georgia in Athens is a Venezuelan illegal immigrant that somehow made it across our “”closed” border. I noted also, on yesterday’s television news that some conservative members of the House of Representatives in Washington are now noting that Biden’s “China first and America last” policy is what is really going on. Some of us on the internet have been saying exactly that for months now! I guess we should be grateful that at least part of Congress has finally gotten the message! And it only took them three years! Better late than never I guess!

It really should come as no surprise that the Biden/Obama Regime has more loyalty to China and Iran than it does to American citizens. Aiding China has been at the top of Biden’s to do list. Helping American citizens is at the BOTTOM of that list–if it even makes it to the list at all!

This country has a thoroughly co-opted and corrupt president in China Joe. If we haven’t figured that out by now, then God help us–we ae beyond reasoning with! Biden even had the consummate gall to insist that, after Trump, he got the country back on its feet again. Statements such as that are nothing more than political horse manure. And Biden’s Regime seems to think the public is too stupid to figure that out!

Biden mostly shut down our oil and gas industry, which has not helped the South and West at all. It was never intended to. How much does that help Communist China? You can bet it must do China some good and hurt America or Biden wouldn’t have bothered. His whole “green agenda” the promotion of all totally electric vehicles and all, benefits China and makes us dependent on China, which I think is China Joe’s ultimate goal. It’s the part he is supposed to play in Obama’s “fundamental transformation of the United States.”

I also noticed that the Board of Elections in San Francisco has a new member who is a non-citizen and an “immigrant rights activist.” She’s Chinese and came here from Hong Kong. Her name is Kelly Wong. So now you have a non-citizen on a city election board. What do you think she’s going to say about non-citizens getting the vote? I and others have long said that the agenda of the Washington Swamp is to give illegals and non-citizens the vote here and to eventually replace patriotic Americans with these people. The way things are now going, I see nothing to disagree with that viewpoint.

Chinese Marxists in our military?

by Al Benson Jr.

Just this morning I read an article someone sent me from which stated: “Reports suggest that Chinese illegals are spending up to $35,000 to be smuggled through South America up to the border…Even more noteworthy is that those coming from China have accessed online guides for navigating the dangerous journey to the Southern border. It almost seems as if social media has become a digital coyote of sorts, providing step-by-step instructions for illegals and asylum seekers.”

The article continued: “Of course the Biden administration remains woefully inept when it comes to addressing the rise in illegal immigrants and asylum seekers from multiple countries…The surge in Chinese nationals sneaking over the border presents another dimension to the problem, especially when it comes to national security.”

While this was not a bad article, I would disagree with one point made in it. The Biden regime is not “woefully inept” at failing to deal with this situation. The Biden regime wants all these illegals here. When you look at the way they’ve dealt with this, you can reach no other rational conclusion. The illegal immigrant debacle has been on purpose because the Biden regime wants these people here for specific purposes, which they dare not reveal to the American public! That’s especially true with the 20,000 plus Chinese we now have here.

If these thousands of Chinese illegals, many of which we must assume have Communist connections, spent $35,000 each to get here, where did all that money come from? Your average Chinese doesn’t have that kind of cash, so someone has got to be footing a tremendous bill to get them here. Anyone come to mind? If it isn’t the drug cartels then it has to be the Chinese Communist Party or some subsidiary thereof. Three guesses as to why they want thousands of military-age men over here! It ain’t so they can view the beautiful Southwestern scenery and send postcards to their girlfriends back in Beijing!

But it might possibly be so they can raise particular hell in this country in the event of a war–kind of a guerilla action. Or it might be that the Biden regime plans to make citizens out of them so they can put them into our military to dispense with patriotic Americans, who, for some strange reason, detest the idea of Marxists in our military. However, it wouldn’t be the first time Marxists had been in our military. If you want to read about the first time that happened, contact Shotwell Publishing in Columbia, South Carolina and order the book Lincoln, Marx, and the GOP.

I noted one Fox News reporter talking to illegals coming from Mexico into California. He commented that he could speak Spanish, so he was used to talking to illegals from Central and South America. However, he was having a difficult time trying to talk to the many illegals from China. He didn’t know the language, and there were so many of them! If thousands of them end up in the US military, I wonder how they will communicate with their commanding officers. Or will the Biden regime just send for a group of Chinese Communist military people to command them? Given China Joe Biden’s cozy relationship with China, somehow that wouldn’t surprise me.

More fun and games by the sellouts!

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, the impeachment attempt against Biden henchman Mayorkas failed in the House because a handful of Republican sellouts decided to vote with the Democrats to foil the impeachment attempt. That should tell you where some of the Republicans stand–right alongside the socialist Democrats in endorsing the mess at the border. Border security is a farce at this point except for the efforts of the state of Texas and you have political vultures in both parties that will gladly sell out America for a mess of socialist pottage. The One World Government crowd are not all Democrats!

There was an article yesterday on which observed, regarding the new and highly touted “Border Security bill” in the Senate that “After the text of the long-awaited ‘border security bill’ was released Sunday, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy took to X to reassure his far left open border constituents that the legislation does not in fact close the border. ‘The border never closes,’ Murphy revealed. He then boasted about American taxpayers footing the bill for illegal immigrant attorneys…” He seemed quite pleased with that development–one more opportunity to stick it to the American public, which is one thing the One World Government crowd lives for.

And in New York City, the government will now spend $53 million to obtain prepaid credit cards for the illegals. Another boondoggle the lucky American taxpayer gets to foot the bill for! Our political leaders are continually looking for new and innovative ways that American taxpayers can be conned into supporting illegal aliens with. Government wouldn’t do half this stuff for American citizens, but they will gladly do it for illegal aliens, many of whom are here to aid in the destruction of the America we love to replace it with something that is completely repugnant to sensible Americans. And the current regime in power, which is really run by Obama appointees, loves to have it so! I am going to quit here because I have another article I hope to put up later in the day about a revolting development in the state of Alabama.

Is Biden Regime complicit in the border invasion? Well of course they are!

by Al Benson Jr.

Paul Craig Roberts had an interesting article on yesterday in which he asked some interesting questions. In part, Mr. Roberts said: “Israel can evict Palestinians from the Palestinian villages in Palestine. Tiny Latvia can deport Russian ethnics born in Latvia for not learning to speak Latvian, but mighty America cannot prevent millions of immigrant invaders from illegally entering the United States each year and remaining. How can that be? Clearly the United States government is in a conspiracy with the NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) that are recruiting and funding the invasion in order to replace the white American population. Why is the U.S. government cooperating with anti-American NGO’s to steal America from Americans?” Good questions. The answers should be rather obvious to anyone who bothers to think.

The current regime in power hates white Americans if the truth be known. They want to do away with white Americans wherever possible, except for those that are on the far left fringe of society, and those they will tolerate until they outlive their usefulness. At which point they will dispense with them. Ever notice how few normal white Americans get appointed to governmental positions in this regime? Most political appointees are black, brown, or yellow and are either sodomites, lesbians or transexuals. The Biden/Obama Regime wants to make sure (without openly saying it) that no normal white folks hold any positions of authority. This is consistent with Obama’s plot to “fundamentally transform the United States.”

Then Mr. Roberts asks “Why do the majority of American women vote for the Democrats who are aiding and abetting the theft of Amerca?” And he asks “Why do Americans sit on their butts and permit their country to be stolen?” More good questions. And part of the answer lies in the public school educations most Americans had to put up with–education that was not truly education but was, instead, socialist indoctrination posing as education.

You have leftist teachers unions teaching your kids all the wrong things about our history and heritage, and yet parents continue to funnel their kids into a public school system that teaches error at best and is anti-Christ at worst. And we wonder why our kids grow up to hate America! They grow up that way because it’s what they’ve been taught in school. I have never forgotten the comment of one teacher awhile ago that said: “I have 180 days (a public school year) to make revolutionaries out of them.”

Is that what you send your kids to school for–to allow socialist teachers to make leftist revolutionaries out of them? If not, then you better get your kids OUT of public schools and find Christian schools or teach them at home. Otherwise all you are doing with them is feeding them into the socialist meat grinder!

I noticed on the news the other night the story about the illegal aliens beating up on police officers in New York City and how they were turned loose with no bail after being arrested. The DA in New York is another Biden Democrat who doesn’t believe illegal aliens should suffer much in the way of penalties for breaking the law. If these guys had been white Americans their bail would never have been ignored, but because they are illegal Hispanics they automatically get a free pass. And the Biden Regime is okay with that. This is the same New York DA that wants to lock up Trump and throw the key away! Maybe if Trump were a black illegal immigrant and a Democrat, he’d get a free pass too.

We currently have a two-tiered system if (in)justice that is the envy of banana republics around the world. To claim that the Biden/Obama Regime is complicit in our terrible border situation is but to state the obvious. American citizens of all races who care about this country are in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama Regime–and have been marked for eventual extinction by a cabal that wants to replace them with illegal foreigners who will never dare to question the evil intents of their socialist masters, lest they end up losing the freebies paid for by American citizens.

I just watched China Joe Biden’s pathetic excuse for a speech on Fox News, where he blamed Trump and the Republicans for the border Crisis. China Joe, that’s high-grade horse manure and you know it! Trump and the Republicans didn’t force you to open wide the border on your first day in office and you know it! Like so many leftists, of which you are one, you continue to blame your adversaries for those things you, yourself, have done. Biden will take no action on the border. He claims this new bill in the Senate will halt the border crisis and he supports it. If it would really help the border crisis he would never support it because he and Obama WANT what’s going on at the border now. It’s a major part of their game plan to change America. It’s time we, as a country, woke up and figured that out–in spite of our public school “educations.”

Praying that Texas doesn’t blink

by Al Benson Jr.

I saw a part of this article on LewRockwell this morning and checked out its source. It was good enough that I felt my readers should have access to the entire article so I am including the original link here in the hopes that many will read the whole article. The writer’s comments about secession are worth considering,

The link is:

Let’s Pray That Texas Doesn’t Blink

Biden Regime at work to destroy America

by Al Benson Jr.

Ten million plus illegal immigrants have entered this country illegally since the dubious advent of the Biden Regime and Texas is being forced to defend its border security against the machinations of Biden’s administration.

It seems that articles of impeachment have now (finally) been issued against Mayorkas, Biden’s stooge who is the head of Homeland Security. The articles note Mayorkas’ willful attempt to refuse to comply with the law. Mayorkas just doesn’t care. Like Biden, he is an ideologue of the left and feels he can refuse to obey the law. After all, we do have a two-tiered system of justice in this country now–one for the socialist Democrats and another for us ordinary mortals.

Texas Lieutenant Governor has finally got it right when he says that Biden’s agenda is to put millions of illegals in this country and turn them into voters. I’ve been saying that for months now, and those who follow my articles know that. It’s nice to see the Lt. Governor in Texas recognize what Biden is trying to do. Hopefully others will get the message. Texas has the right, contrary to Biden, to defend its citizens from what is really an invasion–despite Biden’s blatant lies about the border being “secure.” It may be secure–but for who? Not ordinary Americans that’s for sure!

An article I saw on ZeroHedge for 1/28 carried comments from the Border Patrol that said, in part, “While this plays out in the courts, the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS and TMD (Texas Military Department) remains strong…On the ground, we continue to work alongside these valuable partners in that endeavor. Bottom line, Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border.”

The Border Patrol also issued a statement saying that they “will not interfere with Texas National Guard members carrying out lawful operations.” It seems that the Border Patrol remembers what the Biden Regime did to them awhile back, when they were trying to keep a batch of illegal Haitians from crossing into Texas. The Biden Regime claimed they were whipping the Haitians (a blatant lie) but our socialist “news” media picked it up and smeared the Border Patrol with it–and the Biden Regime never bothered to retract that lie. So why should the Border Patrol do ANYTHING for Biden when he made them a national scapegoat over something that never happened?

The Texas Lieutenant Governor has got it right. Biden WANTS these illegal immigrants here so he can turn them into voters (potential Democrat voters). It seems that, so far, ten states have deployed National Guard troops to Texas to help Texas to keep the illegals out. The Governor of Oklahoma said last Friday that :we have the right to defend our country against invasion.” However, the Biden Regime doesn’t agree–especially when they are at work to orchestrate that invasion!

The US Senate supposedly wants to introduce legislation that will cap the number of illegals coming into the country at 5,000 per day. That’s still 35,000 per week if they pass such foolishness. The House should absolutely refuse to go along with this “limited invasion.” It’s still an invasion. All the Senate is trying to do is make it look like they are doing something to stem the invasion. As usual, they are a day late and a dollar short. They should have thought of all this before we were invaded by ten million illegal foreigners. They want to make a big show of locking the barn door long after the horse has escaped! They think we are too stupid to know the difference. It’s all gloried horse manure, so don’t fall for it–and contact your representatives and tell them not to fall for it either!

Biden trying to “remake” America

by Al Benson Jr.

The Governor of South Dakota recently made a statement that I have to totally agree with. She said that China Joe Biden, with his border policy, is “remaking America”. It’s an accurate assessment and I can’t argue with it. That’s exactly what he and those Obama operatives that guide his administration are attempting to do–“fundamentally transform” or remake this country in the image of himself and Obama!

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 people on the terror watch list have already been arrested at the border in fiscal year 2024. One has to wonder how many got in that didn’t get caught. All those “gotaways” that run rather than surrendering have to have something to hide or they wouldn’t run.

There is now talk of Florida possibly deploying national guard troops to the Texas border, as 25 different states give moral support to Texas’ efforts to stem the hemorrhage of illegals invading the border. When Biden took office he purposely undid everything Trump did at the border. Any why? Because he wanted the mess at the border we now have. It’s all by design!

The Border Patrol, at this point, won’t even try to cut the razor wire that Texas put up to keep illegals out, because the Border Patrol knows what Biden’s real game is and they realize that Biden has taken them away from their true purpose of keeping the border safe and is using them as paper pushers to process illegals and let them in so they can go all over the country to do whatever it is they are here to do.

The Biden machine loves to prattle about the constitutional crisis at the border–except for the part of it they created there–and then they lie to us–telling us the border is “secure.” Let’s wake up and face facts. The crisis at the border is a national security threat and Biden knows that. He just doesn’t give a flip! Apparently, he thinks the American people are too stupid to figure that out, and so he can get by lying about it–like he does with most other issues.

It should be elementary knowledge that states have a sovereign duty to defend their borders from invasion. Plus, it is against the law to enter Texas illegally–something Biden has promoted since day one of his regime. But he feels that is okay since he has been tasked with the ethnic cleansing of American citizens and the replacing, or diluting them with foreigners who will help him to “remake” America into kind of a socialist nightmare. That’s Biden’s REAL chore–and he loves every minute of it when he is lucid.

The border situation–purposeful mayhem

by Al Benson Jr

It has been reported on conservative news sites that over 20,000 Chinese have illegally crossed our Southern border into this country, having no problems getting in, even with China Joe Biden’s “secure” border. It is a known fact that Chinese citizens are not allowed to just go anywhere they want in the world. Therefore, these 20,000 plus Chinese are here for a reason. I doubt that reason is a “better life” for them!

Maybe the question should be asked–are they the leading edge of Xi Jinping’s invasion force? Or are they the major group that will comprise terrorist cells in this country? Either way, China Joe just loves having them here. Their presence probably gives him the warm fuzzies–considering where his true loyalties lie.

We’ve been told that 24 Republican governors have sided with Texas in her resistance to th illegals–one of them being Louisiana. Of course the socialist “news” media has put a little different spin on it. They’re telling people that Texas’ resistance to this illegal alien invasion is comparable to the South resisting integration in the 1960s. What rubbish! Some Republican governors are even willing to send national guard troops to help Texas-but they better be careful or Biden will nationalize their guard units and use them to usher in even more illegals.

Biden’s agenda is destroying the country. And make no mistake–that is on purpose. It’s being reported that Biden has cut a deal with the cartels where they bring people right to the border. So the Biden Regime, with its legion of Obama flunkies, is happily participating in this illegal invasion. After all, you can’t “fundamentally transform the United States” unless you can begin to transform the population by bringing in foreigners you plan to have vote.

Lew Rockwell’s site, for 1/26 carried an article by Brandon Smith, who wrote: “There is absolutely no doubt–elements of our own government are deliberately encouraging the acceleration of illegal immigrants across our Southern border and they are actively sabotaging any attempts to stop the madness.” Check out Lew Rockwell’s site today and read this entire article.

One World Government Crowd Wants Nikki Haley As Republican Nominee

by Al Benson Jr.

Tucker Carlson, in a recent video, noted that “Donald Trump’s triumph in Iowa wasn’t just decisive, it was historic. His thirty point margin of victory was more than double the previous record. Despite this, Democrats and the media are still holding out hope that Trump’s support will somehow evaporate…and they have a plan if it does: replace Trump with Nikki Haley.”

Considering that a lot of Haley’s financial support has been coming from Democrats with big bucks, this should not be surprising. We have in this country what amounts to a Uni-Party, made up of some Republicans, many Democrats, various socialists and communists, all with a One World Government worldview. These people recognize Nikki Haley as one of their own.

So, if for some reason China Joe Biden can’t pull off another election steal, they’ll be satisfied with Nikki Haley because they realize they will get the same results, just with different names. It wouldn’t be the first time the Uni-Parth controlled both candidates. When that happens, they win either way, and the public loses either way. That’s what they’d love to engineer with the 2024 election. They already know Trump won’t play that game, but Nikki Haley is politically ambitious, so she will.

Her removal of the Confederate flag in South Carolina in 2015 demonstrated that. She had no interest in protecting or preserving the heritage of many in her state if selling out their heritage would advance her political career. After all, her heritage wasn’t their heritage. I’ve heard where lately, she’s tried to backpedal on that somewhat. Don’t buy it! She’s looking for the votes.

Being one of Klaus Schwab’s “disciples” (something she obviously doesn’t talk about) I would assume she has the same One World Government viewpoint that Schwab has. Obviously that wouldn’t sell well on the campaign trail so it gets ignored.

Tucker Carlson also observed that “A Nikki Haley presidency is a lot like a war with Iran. It’s a terrible idea. No normal person wants it. But because a small well-funded group of extremely enthusiastic activists are determined to have it anyway, we are perpetually on the verge of getting it anyway.”

So, potential voters ought to ask, where does her money come from? Who is working to promote her as THE alternative to China Joe Biden? What connections does she still have to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum? One potential voter in New Hampshire, when interviewed said that he couldn’t support her because “she is really liberal in 4 or 5 areas.” He didn’t list those areas, but from his brief comments you could tell he had done some research on her.

If the One World Government cabal can succeed in replacing Trump with her, then they will have sewn up America’s future for good/ And their plans for our future are not what most of us would agree with.