Is Biden Regime complicit in the border invasion? Well of course they are!

by Al Benson Jr.

Paul Craig Roberts had an interesting article on yesterday in which he asked some interesting questions. In part, Mr. Roberts said: “Israel can evict Palestinians from the Palestinian villages in Palestine. Tiny Latvia can deport Russian ethnics born in Latvia for not learning to speak Latvian, but mighty America cannot prevent millions of immigrant invaders from illegally entering the United States each year and remaining. How can that be? Clearly the United States government is in a conspiracy with the NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) that are recruiting and funding the invasion in order to replace the white American population. Why is the U.S. government cooperating with anti-American NGO’s to steal America from Americans?” Good questions. The answers should be rather obvious to anyone who bothers to think.

The current regime in power hates white Americans if the truth be known. They want to do away with white Americans wherever possible, except for those that are on the far left fringe of society, and those they will tolerate until they outlive their usefulness. At which point they will dispense with them. Ever notice how few normal white Americans get appointed to governmental positions in this regime? Most political appointees are black, brown, or yellow and are either sodomites, lesbians or transexuals. The Biden/Obama Regime wants to make sure (without openly saying it) that no normal white folks hold any positions of authority. This is consistent with Obama’s plot to “fundamentally transform the United States.”

Then Mr. Roberts asks “Why do the majority of American women vote for the Democrats who are aiding and abetting the theft of Amerca?” And he asks “Why do Americans sit on their butts and permit their country to be stolen?” More good questions. And part of the answer lies in the public school educations most Americans had to put up with–education that was not truly education but was, instead, socialist indoctrination posing as education.

You have leftist teachers unions teaching your kids all the wrong things about our history and heritage, and yet parents continue to funnel their kids into a public school system that teaches error at best and is anti-Christ at worst. And we wonder why our kids grow up to hate America! They grow up that way because it’s what they’ve been taught in school. I have never forgotten the comment of one teacher awhile ago that said: “I have 180 days (a public school year) to make revolutionaries out of them.”

Is that what you send your kids to school for–to allow socialist teachers to make leftist revolutionaries out of them? If not, then you better get your kids OUT of public schools and find Christian schools or teach them at home. Otherwise all you are doing with them is feeding them into the socialist meat grinder!

I noticed on the news the other night the story about the illegal aliens beating up on police officers in New York City and how they were turned loose with no bail after being arrested. The DA in New York is another Biden Democrat who doesn’t believe illegal aliens should suffer much in the way of penalties for breaking the law. If these guys had been white Americans their bail would never have been ignored, but because they are illegal Hispanics they automatically get a free pass. And the Biden Regime is okay with that. This is the same New York DA that wants to lock up Trump and throw the key away! Maybe if Trump were a black illegal immigrant and a Democrat, he’d get a free pass too.

We currently have a two-tiered system if (in)justice that is the envy of banana republics around the world. To claim that the Biden/Obama Regime is complicit in our terrible border situation is but to state the obvious. American citizens of all races who care about this country are in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama Regime–and have been marked for eventual extinction by a cabal that wants to replace them with illegal foreigners who will never dare to question the evil intents of their socialist masters, lest they end up losing the freebies paid for by American citizens.

I just watched China Joe Biden’s pathetic excuse for a speech on Fox News, where he blamed Trump and the Republicans for the border Crisis. China Joe, that’s high-grade horse manure and you know it! Trump and the Republicans didn’t force you to open wide the border on your first day in office and you know it! Like so many leftists, of which you are one, you continue to blame your adversaries for those things you, yourself, have done. Biden will take no action on the border. He claims this new bill in the Senate will halt the border crisis and he supports it. If it would really help the border crisis he would never support it because he and Obama WANT what’s going on at the border now. It’s a major part of their game plan to change America. It’s time we, as a country, woke up and figured that out–in spite of our public school “educations.”

3 thoughts on “Is Biden Regime complicit in the border invasion? Well of course they are!

  1. Pingback: Is Biden Regime complicit in the border invasion? Well of course they are! – Dixie Drudge – Southern Nation News

  2. The Left understands where the Culture War frontline is located!

    The battle front is for the hearts and minds of our children. 

    Please see the Exodus Mandate’s “Call to Dunkirk” on YouTube.

  3. The left understands what many on the right have yet to grasp–if they ever will. The public school system has been bad since day one–way back in the 1830s and it will never get better.

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