Move South and escape the insanity!

by Al Benson Jr.

Just yesterday, Gene Kizer had an article on his Charleston Athenaeum Press webpage that said, in part, “…people are moving into the South in droves to escape places where civilization is collapsing.” He’s right on target there. Civilization does seem to be collapsing in the so-called “Blue states” that are firmly in the grasp of the socialist Democrats, and that collapse seems to be part of the plan. When the socialists (communists) have managed to politically deep six the Blue states, then they will come for the Red states in the South and West, and the leadership in those states had better be ready to resist! They will either resist or they and their people will be swamped by the leftists who now occupy Washington, whose plan is still to “fundamentally transform the United States.”

In his article Gene noted: “In San Francisco, violent mobs created by liberal laws that encourage theft, ransack department stores and put employees at risk. Of course that can’t go on for long. No business can lose money and stay in business. They might squander their capital for awhile but they are screwing their shareholders and showing their customers how stupid, cowardly and immoral they are for allowing this barbarism.” And for those who are tempted to ask, Is California the “West” you are talking about? No it isn’t. California is not the real West–California is the left, or at least a major part of it.

Gene continued: “New York is the most corrupt place in American history where leftist politicians like AG Letitia James promise to use the law to ‘get Trump.’ ‘Too male, too pale, and too stale’ is her racist chant until she gets in front of patriotic New York firemen who boo her and shout ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’ The blatant destruction of blind justice makes New York a fascist tyranny with its mouthpiece, the racist NY Times and its fraudulent 1619 ‘history.’ The New York legal system is corrupt to the core as Alvin Bragg, NY County DA, shows us daily in his trumped-up case against President Donald Trump but New York Governor Kathy Hochul assures us We won’t be prosecuted for having the wrong politics. It is only Trump they are after, in the most obvious case of election interference in history, directed by Biden’s White House.”

Gene further says “If you can’t beat them in a fair election, invent a crime and prosecute them. Like Stalin said through his secret police ‘Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” And people don’t seem to realize, we’ve had a secret police in this country since the 1860s under Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln’s Secretary of War. If you doubt that read some of my articles on

Years ago I had a good friend who lived in California, who had a business there. Early on, he realized the direction California was headed in and he managed to extricate himself from the ongoing Marxist “paradise” and relocate in Missouri. He never regretted that move. I had another friend from New York who relocated in North Carolina, though he still had family in New York. My wife and I departed from Illinois in 2002 and relocated in Louisiana–and we’ve never been sorry. Given the current state of affairs in Illinois, we would never have considered moving back there. All these states are busily selling out their citizens while promoting Obama’s “fundamental transformation of the United States” into a Marxist hellhole. That’s what Obama and his puppet, Biden are all about.

Their agenda is to render the United States into an appendage fit for the New World Order (one world government). Once they’ve made totally sure the Blue states are ready for that, they will launch a full-scale offensive on the Red states of the South and West–and the South and West had better wake up and be ready to resist! We better begin to remember that Biden is at war with his own citizens. His continuing comments on “white supremacy” should amply demonstrate that.

We may not be able to secede at this point, but we should certainly should check out nullification for our states. More on this later.

The Biden/UN plan to deep six America

by Al Benson Jr.

It should be obvious by now to anyone with half a brain that the Biden regime’s plan for America is one that calls for the destruction of America as we know it. With all that has gone on in this country since Biden “won” the 2020 election this should hardly be news.

There was an informative article in the April 29th issue of The New American magazine by William F. Jasper that dealt with how the Biden regime and the United Nations are working together to ensure the cultural and political destruction of this country. If you haven’t read this, you need to.

Mr. Jasper says, in part, “The invasion is not stopping; it is accelerating. Our borders are being overrun and it is no accident. We are witnessing a methodically planned and orchestrated scheme by the Biden administration and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is a continuation of President Obama’s migration plans for ‘fundamentally transforming the United states of America,’ and Biden and the UN have no intention of letting up. They have already brought millions of migrants into the country illegally, and plan to bring in millions more. In fact, they are now in the process of greenlighting the admission of a continuing tsunami from virtually every country on earth. Haiti is the next hellhole country set to contribute a new migrant horde….They are using migrants as a political tool to destroy America so that we can be absorbed into their planned New World Order. The Biden State Department and the UN’s IOM, manned by Obama retreads, are ramrodding this treachery, but you and I, the American taxpayers, are footing the bill–.”

Mr. Jasper also observes that “The UN’s 2024 Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan calls for handing out $1.59 billion in 17 Latin American countries to facilitate migration…Tens of thousands of unvetted illegal migrants have been flown into the interior of the United States and released…Thousands of Chinese, Russian, Syrian, Iranian, and Iraqi males of military age have joined the migrant caravans in Mexico and are crossing into the United States…” They are hardly here for Summer vacations and may, at some future time, be drafted into our armed forces to ride herd on Americans who are not overly fond of seeing the Biden regime selling out their country.

There are some in Congress who are trying to act to halt this immigrant invasion. Chip Roy from Texas and Mike Lee from Utah, respectively, are sponsoring HR 6645 and S 3428, which is called “Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, to fully withdraw the United States from the UN and to end all funding of the UN and its One World agenda. Most of our congress critters will hesitate to vote for these–unless enough informed Americans who know what goes on in Washington make them feel the heat in an election year. Whether we are able to do that or not may depend on how well the current regime is able to abscond with the 2024 election.

Communist war on farmers and ranchers

by Al Benson Jr.

One of the main goals of communists listed in The Communist Manifesto is the abolition of private property. That communist goal is right up there along with another one “Free education for all children in public (government) schools.” The communists hate the concept of private property because it limits their control over people. They realize they have to control the property to control the people.

In this vein, author and researcher Arthur R. Thompson, author of To the Victors go the Myths and Monuments has written: “The communists have always attacked farmers and brought them under their control using a variety of methods. But in the end, they most always destroy the individual farms and those who own them. This is partially because the farmer has been probably the most independent and ‘off the grid’ type of individual. Such a condition is intolerable to the totalitarian state.”

Mr. Thompson, who I totally agree with here, has observed: “Until recently, farmers were nearly completely independent except for needing major equipment and a variety of personal needs. They grew their own food, raised their own animals, etc. They used the barter system with their neighbors. In other words, they transacted with others in a manner free from the watchful eyes of government controllers. They were a hard segment of society to control, since there was little the government could control them with–short of swooping in and taking control over the farms themselves…Since then, Marxists and globalists have found other means to slowly but surely take over rural areas, violating property rights to do so.”

The communists and their pals in big government hate the South and the West because they are the two regions that have been most resistant to their One World Government agenda. So if the Marxists and other socialists want to have their way with this country, farmers and ranchers have to go. I don’t know how many of you all remember the Bundy Ranch standoff back in 2014. If you don’t, check it out on the internet–but with discernment–because much of what you will be told is fake news and government propaganda.

That episode was a major campaign in the government’s war against Western ranchers and farmers, groups the government and its Marxist comrades wish to totally obliterate. Communist China is buying up ranch and farm land in this country like it is going out of style–or at least out of private ownership. And the fact that much of what they are buying is near some of our major military installations is something the government would no doubt tell us is nothing but benign coincidence. You seldom get the truth from a government influenced by the disciples of Marx.

It is vital to the preservation of this country that our farmers and ranchers be educated enough so that the recognize Marxist attempts, from the government or others, to restrict their use and development of their own property. That they be able to remain independent enough to produce the food this country needs is imperative. Those people like Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum who want us to be away with our cattle, sheep, pigs, and other things our farms and ranches produce, supposedly to enforce our compliance to their climate change charade need to be opposed and exposed for the total frauds they are. If we cave into their demands and do away with what our farmers and ranchers produce, we do so to our own hurt and the hurt of our country.

“We will have world government whether we want it or not”

by Al Benson Jr.

The title of this article is from one of the devotees of One World Government. I don’t recall if it was one of the Rockefellers or not that said it. It being the weekend, when readership is usually down, I had planned on painting today, but when I saw this article I knew it needed some commentary, even if it is Saturday.

I saw an article on about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin that exposed much of what the Biden/Obama Regime is really all about (the promotion of world government). I can’t quote the whole thing, but there were several relevant parts that are worth noting. Sansone did a good job bringing some of this out.

He observed: “The Russia Ukraine War appears destined to break America…Still, consider the conflict from the perspective of globalism. If the intention was to break the U.S., then that goal has been furthered. In fact, consider the possibility that the U.S. military since at least the Post Cold War has been a mercenary force for globalists to further the goal of world government, while simultaneously depleting America of its resources.”

Sansone continued: “This is necessary for the creation of a world government. An American dominated world interferes with the globalist designs.” He’s right on the money here. If you can’t have a global world government unless the U.S. falls, then it would appear that the fall of the U.S. is a prime objective of the current Biden/Obama Regime. That has ALWAYS been one of their prime objectives–from way back when Obama first took office as president. They have NEVER deviated from that objective.

It is a major part of why Obama was so hot to “fundamentally transform the United States.” Trump’s “Make America great again” agenda threw a monkey wrench into that, which is why the Biden administration is literally trying to move heaven and earth to keep Trump off the ballot this year. If they can just reinsert “Benedict Biden” or possibly Mike Obama back into the presidency (by any means necessary) then they will have four more years to put America down and work to install a one world government in place.

That’s really what “transformation” of the United States really means to both Biden and Obama. It’s why they were both put into office–to take this country as we know it, down for the count! If that happens, you can kiss your Bill of Rights a fond goodbye, because you will never see it again in your lifetime! One World Government advocates like the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and a host of others, will relegate your God-given rights to some United Nations committee that will decide what you can and cannot do. All you folks that have been conned into voting for Biden (and who should know better by now) need to realize that the Democrat Party and many Republicans, are willing and eager to make the U.S. part of a One World Government, where our God-given rights will simply evaporate!

Ahh, those Chinese “special operators” at our border

by Al Benson Jr.

The Gateway Pundit observed in an article sent to me last evening that: “Across the open Southern Border, a mass of humanity is flooding America. The new phenomenon is large groups of Chinese Nationals. Even legacy media is now acknowledging the Chinese invasion across the Southern Border.”

The article continued: “They land in Ecuador by air from China, then move on bus, foot, through the Darien Gap in Panama, and back onto buses after a quick stay at Department of Homeland Security camps in Panama. 5,000 a day total migrants equating more than 100 buses northbound daily…Watch for the younger-ish males with good teeth, flat stomachs, military haircuts and the avoidance of eye contact…Michael Yon, Former Special Forces Operator has documented the Chinese invasion at length…”

And the article also stated: “A few stay in Panama to build the capacity and capability of traditional Chinese enclaves, and take them over. Most Chinese continue north. Some stay in Mexico to oversee the production and distribution of Fentanyl, as an April 2023 Department of Justice indictment shows…In Reedleyville, California we now have a dangerous bio-lab run by illegal Chinese Nationals. Not far away is Lemoore Naval Air Station, where all the West Coast Navy Fighter Squadrons are located…”

It sounds like a fairly sophisticated operation on the part of the Chinese. So what is the Biden/Obama Regime doing about all of this? Why they are doing as little as possible and ignoring the whole thing wherever possible. We also have Chinese police stations operating in America. Most of these get little more than a big, fat yawn from the Biden/Obama Regime. They don’t care. Why? Because all of this is part of their plan for the “fundamental transformation of the United States.”

Who do you suppose set up all those Department of Homeland Security camps in Panama? It sure wasn’t the Salvation Army! We are daily being invaded by Chinese as well as others at the border and it’s all perfectly okay with the Biden/Obama Regime because it is part of their plan for America–the displacement of Americans, especially white Americans, with illegal foreign nationals who will be given the vote when the current regime decides the time is right.

And if Mike Obama does run for president in Biden’s stead and manages to “appropriate” the election as Biden did in 2020, then it will be all over for this country. We will continue to exist on paper as a political entity, as a Democratic democracy, but the real heart of America as a Constitutional Republic, will cease to exist! You who sit at home on your backsides and do nothing had better think about your existence and that of your children under the influence of a foreign power because that’s basically what you will have! We don’t call him “China Joe Biden” for nothing!

More fun and games by the sellouts!

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, the impeachment attempt against Biden henchman Mayorkas failed in the House because a handful of Republican sellouts decided to vote with the Democrats to foil the impeachment attempt. That should tell you where some of the Republicans stand–right alongside the socialist Democrats in endorsing the mess at the border. Border security is a farce at this point except for the efforts of the state of Texas and you have political vultures in both parties that will gladly sell out America for a mess of socialist pottage. The One World Government crowd are not all Democrats!

There was an article yesterday on which observed, regarding the new and highly touted “Border Security bill” in the Senate that “After the text of the long-awaited ‘border security bill’ was released Sunday, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy took to X to reassure his far left open border constituents that the legislation does not in fact close the border. ‘The border never closes,’ Murphy revealed. He then boasted about American taxpayers footing the bill for illegal immigrant attorneys…” He seemed quite pleased with that development–one more opportunity to stick it to the American public, which is one thing the One World Government crowd lives for.

And in New York City, the government will now spend $53 million to obtain prepaid credit cards for the illegals. Another boondoggle the lucky American taxpayer gets to foot the bill for! Our political leaders are continually looking for new and innovative ways that American taxpayers can be conned into supporting illegal aliens with. Government wouldn’t do half this stuff for American citizens, but they will gladly do it for illegal aliens, many of whom are here to aid in the destruction of the America we love to replace it with something that is completely repugnant to sensible Americans. And the current regime in power, which is really run by Obama appointees, loves to have it so! I am going to quit here because I have another article I hope to put up later in the day about a revolting development in the state of Alabama.

Is Biden Regime complicit in the border invasion? Well of course they are!

by Al Benson Jr.

Paul Craig Roberts had an interesting article on yesterday in which he asked some interesting questions. In part, Mr. Roberts said: “Israel can evict Palestinians from the Palestinian villages in Palestine. Tiny Latvia can deport Russian ethnics born in Latvia for not learning to speak Latvian, but mighty America cannot prevent millions of immigrant invaders from illegally entering the United States each year and remaining. How can that be? Clearly the United States government is in a conspiracy with the NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) that are recruiting and funding the invasion in order to replace the white American population. Why is the U.S. government cooperating with anti-American NGO’s to steal America from Americans?” Good questions. The answers should be rather obvious to anyone who bothers to think.

The current regime in power hates white Americans if the truth be known. They want to do away with white Americans wherever possible, except for those that are on the far left fringe of society, and those they will tolerate until they outlive their usefulness. At which point they will dispense with them. Ever notice how few normal white Americans get appointed to governmental positions in this regime? Most political appointees are black, brown, or yellow and are either sodomites, lesbians or transexuals. The Biden/Obama Regime wants to make sure (without openly saying it) that no normal white folks hold any positions of authority. This is consistent with Obama’s plot to “fundamentally transform the United States.”

Then Mr. Roberts asks “Why do the majority of American women vote for the Democrats who are aiding and abetting the theft of Amerca?” And he asks “Why do Americans sit on their butts and permit their country to be stolen?” More good questions. And part of the answer lies in the public school educations most Americans had to put up with–education that was not truly education but was, instead, socialist indoctrination posing as education.

You have leftist teachers unions teaching your kids all the wrong things about our history and heritage, and yet parents continue to funnel their kids into a public school system that teaches error at best and is anti-Christ at worst. And we wonder why our kids grow up to hate America! They grow up that way because it’s what they’ve been taught in school. I have never forgotten the comment of one teacher awhile ago that said: “I have 180 days (a public school year) to make revolutionaries out of them.”

Is that what you send your kids to school for–to allow socialist teachers to make leftist revolutionaries out of them? If not, then you better get your kids OUT of public schools and find Christian schools or teach them at home. Otherwise all you are doing with them is feeding them into the socialist meat grinder!

I noticed on the news the other night the story about the illegal aliens beating up on police officers in New York City and how they were turned loose with no bail after being arrested. The DA in New York is another Biden Democrat who doesn’t believe illegal aliens should suffer much in the way of penalties for breaking the law. If these guys had been white Americans their bail would never have been ignored, but because they are illegal Hispanics they automatically get a free pass. And the Biden Regime is okay with that. This is the same New York DA that wants to lock up Trump and throw the key away! Maybe if Trump were a black illegal immigrant and a Democrat, he’d get a free pass too.

We currently have a two-tiered system if (in)justice that is the envy of banana republics around the world. To claim that the Biden/Obama Regime is complicit in our terrible border situation is but to state the obvious. American citizens of all races who care about this country are in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama Regime–and have been marked for eventual extinction by a cabal that wants to replace them with illegal foreigners who will never dare to question the evil intents of their socialist masters, lest they end up losing the freebies paid for by American citizens.

I just watched China Joe Biden’s pathetic excuse for a speech on Fox News, where he blamed Trump and the Republicans for the border Crisis. China Joe, that’s high-grade horse manure and you know it! Trump and the Republicans didn’t force you to open wide the border on your first day in office and you know it! Like so many leftists, of which you are one, you continue to blame your adversaries for those things you, yourself, have done. Biden will take no action on the border. He claims this new bill in the Senate will halt the border crisis and he supports it. If it would really help the border crisis he would never support it because he and Obama WANT what’s going on at the border now. It’s a major part of their game plan to change America. It’s time we, as a country, woke up and figured that out–in spite of our public school “educations.”

Impeaching Mayorkas (the border is secure)

by Al Benson Jr.

The House Homeland Security Committee has now voted 18-15 to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alajandro Mayorkas because he has refused to enforce immigration laws and allowed the invasion of the U.S. by around ten million illegal aliens. Naturally, the vote was along party lines because socialist Democrats would never dream of impeaching anyone in the Biden Regime. Impeachment is reserved for Trump supporters.

The indictment noted that Mayorkas perpetuated a “scheme by which he refused to comply with the detention mandate” in the Immigration and Nationality Act. It requires “all applicants for admission who are ‘not clearly beyond a doubt entitled to be admitted…shall be detained for a (removal) proceeding.'”

Instead of complying with that requirement, the first article in the impeachment alleged that Mayorkas “implemented a catch and release scheme, whereby such aliens are unlawfully released, even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearances before the immigration courts for removal proceedings or to ensure removal in the case of aliens ordered removed.”

The article says that Mayorkas unilaterally rewrote immigration law in his “Guidelines for the enforcement of Civil Immigration Laws. In other words, if you don’t like the way the law is written, you just, on your own, rewrite the law so it satisfies your superiors (in this case, Biden). Don’t worry about Congress–you can get away with that if you just throw enough bovine fertilizer around to cover your tracks.

Biden already claims he’s done all he can with the border situation. He sure has. He has shut down everything that was working to keep illegals out of the country. His bosses in the One World Government cabal must be proud of his efforts to destroy the country. Otherwise they’d have dispensed with him by now.

It has to be apparent, even to Congress, that Biden WANTS these illegal immigrants here for a reason–and that he wants to give them the vote so they can help outvote American citizens in certain key areas of the country that will help the Democrats retain political control of the country. And there are some Republicans that have no problem with that either. Will Mayoras be impeached? The House might–and I say might–squeak out an impeachment, but the Senate will be on hand to make sure it never happens. And there will be Republicans on hand to help the Democrats make sure it never happens!

Treason by any other name is STILL treason!

by Al Benson Jr.

After ending all the measures Trump put in place to protect the border from an illegal immigrant invasion, Biden says he now needs “new legislation” to protect the border. What poppycock! And he continues to lie about Texas authorities and the Border Patrol being at odds with one another. They are not, but it is not beneath Biden to employ a little of the class struggle here if it confuses the issue. Texas and the Border Patrol are cooperating with one another, as the Border Patrol knows the real issues there.

Biden will do ANYTHING to keep the border open. Has it occurred to anyone that he is betraying this country by doing so? He is siding with the illegal immigrants against American citizens and that doesn’t bother him one bit! Biden has been a sellout to the One World Government crowd since he took office. Everything that kept the illegals out Biden has shut down.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that, in a war with illegal aliens, Biden would come squarely down on the side of the illegals as opposed to Americans. What’s that old saying–“If treason prospers, then none dare call it treason.” What do you all think? Does what Biden is doing constitute treason? Oh, I know there will be many in Congress that will faunch around with word games rather than label what Biden is doing as treasonous, but then Congress is good at playing these word games so they don’t have to call a spade a spade.

There was an article by Helena Glass on for today, 1/30. Glass said: “The border invasion brings with it a plethora of issues that the Democrats seemingly embrace, including; diseases, gang violence, child trafficking, chaos, murder, and a proposed Civil or Revolutionary War. It appears the FBI and military intend to use these men to fight and kill Americans–providing them with the means, guns–while decrying gun violence and calling for confiscation. And Texas is taking a stand.” The entire article is worth the read, so check it out.

Another article by Ryan McMaken for the same date states: “It’s Biden vs. Texas, and Texas is right.” Rep. Thomas Massie has stated–and here is more solid food for thought–“Congress can render the 5-4 Supreme Court decision against Texas IRREVELANT by simply refusing to fund Biden’s removal of border security measures.” Nullification, via the power of the purse, has been given to Congress, and it can be easily employed in this instance. But will Congress have the guts to do what is right? That’s the question.

The House is now drawing up articles of impeachment for Biden’s excuse for a Homeland Security chief. It would be good if the House could vote for these, but I don’t expect anything helpful from the Senate. After all, the Democrats–and some Republicans WANT this situation at the border because they feel it will help them transform America into a socialist entity, and that’s their real aim–do away with the Constitutional Republic and make us into a socialist “democracy.” And maybe, if we are foolish enough to let them get away with that, we deserve what we get!

“Give Me Money To Fix The Border”

by Al Benson Jr.

It was reported on Fox News this morning (1/3/24) that China Joe Biden said he’d fix the border situation if Congress would give him more money to do that. At the risk of sounding somewhat dubious, I rather doubt that assertion. How often has China Joe flat out lied to the public about almost any issue he has dealt with? If you had a ten dollar bill for every time, you’d be financially well off.

China Joe is a serial liar and I don’t know any “nice” way to state that obvious truth. He has no intention of doing ANYTHING that will alleviate the horrendous situation at the border. Truth to tell, in spite of his lame protestations, he wants the border situation to be exactly what it is now. This is all part of his and Obama’s game plan. The more illegals they can sandwich into this country, the more there will be here to try to give the vote to later this year! Having the illegals signed up to vote Democrat is a part of the game plan to destabilize those horrible white voters who will probably vote for Trump.

If China Joe was really serious about preventing illegal incursions into this country he would not have pressed Texas to cut the razor wire they strung along parts of the border to keep the illegals out. If, at this point, Congress is foolish enough to give him more money, with no stipulations attached, all he will do is hire more Border Patrol officers to process the paperwork to get even more illegals in here faster. The Border Patrol, at this point, is a thoroughly neutered organization, unable to do much of anything except process and turn illegals loose in the country, handing them a piece of paper that tells them to show up for a “hearing” in eight to ten years. This is Biden’s Border Patrol at full throttle!

Under Trump, the Border Patrol was able to do its job. Under China Joe that’s impossible. He refuses to let them do their job and has turned them into paper-pushers to get more illegals in here faster. China Joe and his Obama henchmen are at war with American citizens–trying to replace a many as possible with illegal aliens. It’s all part of “fundamentally transforming the United States” into a third-rate banana republic. That’s been the plan ever since Obama first assumed the political throne, with Biden as his current surrogate striving to implement it.

If you want to know what China Joe is really all about, you need to read Arthur Thompson’s book “Benedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World Order.” And it might not hurt also to read Stanley Kurtz’s book about Obama, “Radical-in-Chief.” These two books will give you a good grasp of where the Obama/Biden Regime is really planning on taking this country–if they can get away with it!

The border situation is one major part of that agenda. Also saw on the news this morning that there are people from Africa coming across the border with fake passport from Guinea and other places. Where do you suppose they got those?

In past years you had lots of illegal immigrants coming across our Southern border from Mexico and other Central American countries. Most of them came here because the countries of their origins could not provide them with any way to make a living in those countries.

Since the advent of the Biden/Obama Regime, all that has changed. We now have people from over 150 countries worldwide streaming across our borders, including around 26,000 Chinese as well as people from all those Middle Eastern countries that are our adversaries. Lots and lots of them are young men of military age who look extremely healthy and well-dressed. You don’t get the impression they are coming here because they are poverty stricken and need a job with a living wage. What their real reasons are, some of you can probably guess. In a recent article I called them “Biden’s invading army” a description I’m not sure is all that far off.

China Joe has sold his country out for profit for himself and his family. In a saner day that was known as treason. Nowadays they call it “financial remuneration.” China Joe has been corrupted and co-opted and as long as he and his family can rake in big bucks for that, he’s perfectly okay with that. You know what they say–“the family that preys together stays together.”