“The Deep Rig”

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Recently, a friend at church gave me a copy of a book by Patrick Byrne called The Deep Rig. It looks like it was privately published. I checked around as to the availability of this book and found that hard copies of it seem hard to come by at this point. The printing has, so it seems, been sold out, which I hope is the case, or it has been suppressed by those mavens of political correctness aka leftists who do not want the public reading this bombshell of a book. However, an electronic version of the book is available at https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-deep-rig-patrick-m-bryne and I believe there is one on Amazon–if they have not removed it by now.

I read another brief article dealing with this on https://www.newswars.com/massive-foreign-domestic-illegal-ballot-printing just yesterday. It seems that Mr. Byrne has had a film made about what the book deals with and the news wars site had the trailer for that film, which I watched. It is supposed to be out sometime in June as I understand and if you can find out about it, I would recommend getting it and passing it around to your friends at work, at church, wherever you can.

Mr. Byrne’s book, and the film, are about that verboten subject–2020 election fraud. If you are among those many millions who accurately believes your vote was negated last November by the Biden “landslide” you either need to read the book or get the film when you can. Mr. Byrne presents a compelling case for the fact of vote fraud last November and his case has been made even more compelling due to the fact that at least five states have decided to conduct an audit of the votes in that questionable election, plus the fact that Democrats in those states, plus some anti-Trump RINO’s, are trying to move heaven and earth to suppress or prevent that audit from talking place. You’d think that if this were the honest election they so loudly claim it was that they would welcome an audit because the results would vindicate their claims of an honest election. However that is not the case for them. They don’t want an audit, are trying to prevent it from taking place at all. Now wy do you suppose they have taken that position? Want three guesses?

Mr. Byrne noted, in chapter two: “Ask your local political science professor to explain why it is the case that to steal the national election one does not need widespread fraud, it only takes deep fraud in six cities to flip the swing states they are in, to thereby flip the electoral college, and to thereby steal the national election. Those cities are Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, and Las Vegas. And what do you know? On November 3, election night, vote counting in precisely those six cities took unprecedented turns. As James Woods put t elegantly, ‘Since when do they stop counting votes on election day in America? Yet counting was interrupted for three hours in various ways across each of those six cities…’ Mr. Byrne also observed that “In one location multiple cameras caught workers pulling suitcases out of hiding and feeding them into machines while counting was officially stopped and all others had been shooed from the area.” If there was a reason for shooing everyone out of the area, then why didn’t those pulling ballots from those suitcases go too? Oh, I forgot, we are not supposed to ask that question. Just forget I mentioned it.

Byrne also told us “Some of these cities saw goons muscle observers away from counting centers on gobbledygook reasons to block poll observers from observing.” I saw some of the videos where this stuff was actually happening. They were up on the internet. I imagine by now they are long gone.

In another place Byrne noted that: “Meanwhile a Georgia election worker named Ruby freeman made a video boasting of committing massive criminal fraud in her election work. Ruby is the mother of the woman videoed yanking large amounts of ballots out of hiding and scanning them multiple times in a Georgia voting station that was ‘shut down’ and had allthe observers removed on the false claim of a pipe bursting. In Ruby’s social media posting, she takes credit for committing precisely the election fraud that we were claiming occurred…A technologist and inventor named Jovan Pulitzer went public about his technologically-oriented investigations into the Georgia election. Jovan’s approach was to look past all the different theories as to how the election had been scrambled, and simply do a forensic audit on the ballots, determining which had actually been folded and mailed.’ A mail-in ballot would have to have been folded to be mailed in. “Mail-in ballots” that were unfolded would be a major problem. And there were lots of those.

And then, Mr. Trump had some problems with some in his own administration who wanted him gone and their efforts in his behalf were on the feeble side. He made the comment to one of those “All you tell me is what I can’t do” but not what should be done. I am not going to mention names here. You need to get either the book or the video when it comes out.

I realize all the naysayers will say all this should be forgotten, or, more appropriately, swept under the rug. If it had been Biden this happened to they would never want it forgotten, only if it’s Trump. Does it occur to anyone that if this recent faux-election is allowed to pass uncontested this will serve as the pattern for all future elections in this country and we will become just a northern “banana republic” with a climate too cold to grow bananas? Think about it.

Critical Race Theory and The Local Public School

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

In March of 2021 writer Christopher F. Rufo did an article for Hillsdale Colleges’ publication Imprimis in which he dealt with Critical Race Theory and its origins. I can’t deal with it all here. It is long and informative and you may be able to find it on the internet–if it hasn’t been censored off by now. For my purposes here I will give you a brief quote. Mr. Rufo noted that: “Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s, built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Relegated for many years to universities and obscure academic journals, over the past decade it has increasingly become the default ideology in our public institutions.” One of those public institutions is the public school system and Critical Race Theory is, regardless of what some try to tell us, alive and unfortunately well in our public school systems in America.

I read an article for May 24th on https://www.thegatewaypundit.com which observed: “In Cherokee County, Georgia there was a grassroots victory at the school board level as concerned parents convinced their elected school board members, on the spot, to prohibit the implementation of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project based on their concerns. .According to (a) reader, interest in the topic of CRT and the 1619 project was intense and concerned citizens overfilled the building where the school board meeting was held and many had to be out in the parking lot:..The school board voted 4-1, with two abstentions to approve a resolution to prohibit implementation of critical race theory and the 1619 Project..from being taught in Cherokee schools. Groups of concerned parents , teachers, students, and other concerned citizens around the country are organizing similar resistance to the Marxist teaching style and learning aids called CRT, with lobbying efforts at their school board and local government levels, seeking similar resolutions to have it banned from public schools.”

Now, let me ask a question here–have any of you older folks ever seen a situation similar to this? To some of us who have lived in West Virginia, this is a carbon copy of the beginning of the Kanawha County Textbook Protest that took place in that county in West Virginia during the mid-to-late 1970s. The Kanawha County school board, with the exception of the one honest lady on it, Alice Moore, tried to foist off a set of really raunchy textbooks on the students in that county. The parents in Kanawha County protested, picketed the schools, marched, and contacted their political leadership at the state and local levels–and no one could, or would, help them. And there was no help forthcoming at the federal level because it is the federal level that is responsible for what your kids are spoon-fed at the local level. Anyone trying to tell you different is either naive or a liar. Everything in public schools is filtered through the grid of the federal Department of Education, except maybe the times the kids are allowed to have recess. Local control of public education is a vaunted myth that should have died out after the feds put down the textbook revolt in West Virginia , using whatever methods they needed to.

So I will say this to the good folks in Cherokee County, Georgia. You have put off the implementation of Critical Race Theory in your public schools–for now! However, if you don’t keep your eye on your local school board, and think you have won this fight for good and all, then somewhere down the road, this “educational” Marxist construct will resurface once the parents quit watching out for it. It may come back with a different name to throw parents off track but it will be back–just as sure as the turning of the earth!

In order to prevent your kids from again facing the probability of being subjected to this Marxist drivel posing as education you would be better advised to remove your kids, if at all possible, from the public school system and either find a good Christian school or teach them at home. For those willing to make the sacrifice this can be done. It means learning to accept the responsibility for your own kids’ education rather than leaving the job up to local school educrats who may or may not have your kids’ best interest at heart. This is not a blanket indictment of all who teach or have taught in public school. We have a niece who teaches in one. Rather it is a warming to be alert because there are many in the educational bureaucracy at all levels who view your kids as cannon fodder to the leftist propaganda they intend to shove down their throats as part of the destruction of your culture and history.

Christian parents especially need to hear this, but I fear not many of them will listen. A lot I know never did and they were anxious to even avoid this discussion. Being forewarned, however, is to work toward being forearmed. To all but leftist parents–understand this-the public school system ain’t your friend–it is the culture destroyer of your heritage.

Critical Race Theory and “Woke” Evangelicals

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I can recall, back in the 1980s, which seems like ancient history now, that one of the evangelical authors that got lots of attention was Os Guinness. Evangelicals raved about his work. At that point I had not read much of what he wrote. At that point he seemed rather apolitical to me and that seemed to be what evangelicals back then liked–someone that was either apolitical or leaned slightly to the left. It was considered in some evangelical circles to be rather avant-garde to lean to the left politically. What many evangelicals did not seem to realize was that all politics is, at root, theological and that politics is only someone’s outworking of his theology. Therefore, if your politics leaned to the left, so did your theology.

Many evangelicals, even today, still have not figured this out.

I have wondered if the evangelicals who loved Os Guinness back in the 80s would still love him today, but I have doubts about that due to a column on https://www.wnd.com/2021/05/evil-critical-race.theory written by Art Moore. Mr. Moore says: “One year ago, few Americans outside of higher education had heard of Critical Race Theory, which contends the concept of race is not biological but rather a culturally invented category designed by white people to oppress people of color. Now, having leaked from its academic lab, CRT is spreading exponentially to school boards, corporate offices the military and governmental agencies…But it’s urgent that citizens of this nation realize that CRT is not merely ‘erroneous teaching’ and that the ‘leak’ was no accident, warns Os Guinness, an Oxford-educated scholar with an unusual cultural and political vantage point. Born to Christian medical missionaries in China where he was a witness of Mao’s communist revolution, Guinness contents that CRT is part of an intentional, systematic, revolutionary movement in America stretching back to the 1930s that intends to replace this unique experiment in ordered liberty with a system responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million people in the 20th century…The so-called ‘cancel culture’ and Critical Race Theory are ‘the fruit’ of what has been described as the ‘long march through the institutions’ and ‘the triumph of cultural Marxism, or neo-Marxism,’ Guinness said in an interview with Eric Metaxas.”

And Moore observed that “Guinness noted that the term ‘long march through the institutions’ was coined by communist student activist Rudi Dutschke in the 1960s. It was popularized by German-American Marxist scholar Herbert Marcuse of the so-called Frankfurt school of critical theory in his 1972 book Counterrevolution and Revolt.”

So this entire thing we have been fed is a communist construct. Moore noted that “The sexual revolution and cultural Marxism, Guinness told Metaxas, are ‘the heirs of the French Revolution.” And Guinness tells us “The tragedy is today we’re switching from the American Revolution to the heirs of the French Revolution, and that switch is disastrous.” Guinness is right on the money here.

Moore noted: “Guinness, a British citizen who has lived in the United States since 1968, said that many evangelical leaders are ‘incredibly naive’ about what is happening today because they don’t see the big picture. He recalled the many Zoom calls with evangelical pastors in which he has participated amid the cultural upheaval following the death of George Floyd. Many of these pastors speak of ‘social justice’ Guinness said, without understanding they have ‘drunk the kool aid’ of cultural Marxism.”

Guinness tells us that “The way of the cultural Marxist, the radical left, is only power, and it makes the problem worse, not better.” Those that understand Marxism know that this is intentional. not coincidental.

As I worked over this article, the thought came to me–where were the Christians when all this has been happening? Sad to say, they were probably out to lunch–a long, prolonged lunch, which is probably where they drank the kool aid of cultural Marxism!

Unless evangelical pastors start waking up to what’s going on and warning their congregations about all this the future of the church in our day is bleak indeed. I know the Lord will win the victory in the end, but I think he wants to use His people to help win that victory. If His people have been put to sleep with cultural Marxist kool aid that victory may take longer than it otherwise would have.

How About Secession From Oregon To Idaho?

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Think the question of secession is dead? Think again. Contrary to the fond wishes of most leftists and even many who tell us they are “conservatives” this question is not going away anytime soon. I was laughed at back in the 1990s for writing about secession back then. Many so-called “conservatives” I knew snickered behind my back about what I wrote. I wonder if they are still doing that. I don’t hear from any of them anymore–not that I miss the lack of contact.

But, whether they still laugh or not, the secession question still continues to arise. Just yesterday, 5/19, I read an article on https://www.theepochtimes.com by Jack Phillips entitled Oregon Counties Vote to Secede Into Idaho.

Mr. Phillips observed that: “Several counties in Oregon on May 18 voted to consider joining the state of Idaho, which is part of a long-shot movement to break away from the state that has long been dominated by politicians in Portland. Voters in Malheur, Sherman, Grant, Baker, and Lake counties approved various measures that require county officials to take steps to look into moving the Idaho border west to incorporate the counties. The grassroots group Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater Idaho is aiming to have the eastern counties–which are mostly rural–join Idaho because they believe they would be better off with Idaho’s more conservative political leadership.”

It’s no secret that the leftist leadership in Portland has little use for the ranching and farming industry and culture in their state. When BLM and Antifa were torching their city back last year, what did they do to prevent that? From what I understand, not all that much. So who is naive enough to think they give a tinker’s damn about the ranchers and farmers in Oregon?

One of the petitioners in this effort is Mike McCarter and he said: “This election proves that rural Oregon wants out of Oregon. If Oregon really believes in liberal values such as self-determination, the legislature won’t hold our counties captive against our will…” McCarter noted last year that this bid to join Idaho is more of a “lifestyle values judgment” that accentuates the differences between rural and urban populations

Phillips noted in his article that “Oregon’s Jefferson and Union counties already approved measures last year to promote a move to Idaho.” With the Democratic controlled legislature in Oregon this appears to be a long-shot, as their ideas of “self-determination” only seem to operate when they favor the left. Phillips did note that there were precedents for this move but they were earlier in our history–such as Kentucky being created out of Virginia and Maine being created out of Massachusetts. So this is not unheard of in our history–although the way “history” is taught in our public schools today it is all but unknown.

Whether this move from Oregon to Idaho is successful or not, this sort of situation will continue to arise and at some point it will be dealt with in the way it should be because secession was not, and is not, treason as so many today continue to howl about. The day will come–and maybe we should pray for that, that it might be done peacefully this time.

How About Some “Woke” Frosted Flakes With Your Synthetic Beef?

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Many folks mistakenly think that big business and big communism are at odds with each other. In real life nothing could be further from the truth. Often, big business types use communism in some form to promote their agenda. I have mentioned some of this from the book The Strawberry Statement–Notes of a College Revolutionary in a recent article as well as several times before. Another place this has been noted is in the informative book The Rockefeller File by the late Gary Allen, which I believe you can now find on the internet and read for nothing. Both of these sources demonstrate the affinity big business often has for the political left–almost “kissin’ cousins” as it were.

So it should come as no great surprise that the Kellogg company has now introduces a new “Woke transgender cereal” for your kids to be propagandized by as the consume it. Suffice it to say that I consider doing this to kids to be some form of SICK! There are several articles on the internet about this. Seems that Kellogg started trying to do this sort of thing back in 2019. I don’t know if that effort bombed or not, but either way, they are back with it again this year.

The article I noted this on was on https://storywarrant.com for May 15th of this year and the writer was Warner Todd Huston. Mr. Huston wrote: “The newest corporation to indulge wokeism is (the) cereal company Kellogg’s which has just launched a cereal to push transgenderism on kids. The new flavor is an amalgam of several of their cereal brands all in the same box called ‘All Together.’ Not only does this push the woke LGBTQ agenda, but it also gives kids a spot to write their own ‘pronouns’ on the box.” And Huston also notes “According to gay website Advocate: Retailing for $4, Together With Pride will be on supermarket shelves in May, just prior to the month of LGBTQ+festivities. For every purchase Kellogg’s will donate $3 too GLAAD. For the donation to occur, patrons must upload a copy of their receipt to KelloggsFamilyRewards.com What a wonderful way for you to help subsidize the destruction of your family! And there will be parents that actually go along with this leftist insanity! And you wonder why this country is in trouble.

Huston observes, in closing, that “There is nothing new here, at least for Kellogg’s. This company has spent billions funding hardcore left-wing causes for decades. And they do this limited-edition gay cereal dealio just about every year.”

I didn’t realize that but then, I don’t pay lots of attention to breakfast cereals. A friend at church told me about this and I checked it out on the internet. Shows you that you are never too old to learn. And the political and theological left is always looking for ways to tear down and destroy the family. That is one of their main agendas, going all the way back to Marx–and before. That they do this should surprise no one–and that big business is so willing to aid them in this endeavor should surprise no one. Time to wake up and smell the coffee!

For those who wonder what they can do about this, for one thing you can start refusing to buy any Kellogg’s products at all. Do not subsidize the ruination of your family by supporting Kellogg’s left-wing agenda. Boycott their products and let your friends know what they are doing so they can begin to boycott their products. A company that is willing to push this kind of tripe on kids does not deserve the support of families–most particularly Christian families.

If Kellogg’s had to depend for its sustenance on the sodomite community it would probably wither on the vine. It depends on ordinary people who have no idea what Kellogg’s is trying to do to their families with this stuff. Let’s work to deprive Kellogg’s of the support of good, God-fearing folks who should not subsidize this leftist hogwash.

You Don’t Need Meat–Unless It’s Synthetic

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I am glad I do not live in the state of Oregon. It is beginning to sound more and more like the state on the East Coast that my family and I managed to escape from decades ago now. The political climate there was so far to the left you could cut it with a knife. That’s not to say there were not good people there. There were, and are. But the good folks there that were patriotic and had genuine concerns about the direction their state was headed in were a minority.

It seems that Oregon is headed the same way. Though I’ve been there, I never lived there so I can’t comment on that aspect of it.

But I read an interesting article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on https://articles.mercola.com that I felt was worth commenting on. Dr. Mercola’s article observes: “Bill Gates, who co-funded the startup of the imitation meat company Impossible Foods, now insists synthetic beef is a necessary strategy to address climate change. Gates wants Americans and other Western nations to switch to a diet of 100% synthetic beef. Coincidentally, Oregon is now proposing a ballot initiative for the 2022 general election that would effectively ban most meat sales and consumption in the state.” This initiative is called Initiative Petition 13. If passed, this initiative will turn Oregon into a “sanctuary state for animals/”

Dr. Mercola’s article observes this would be done by “…removing exemptions for good animal husbandry practices, criminalizing the raising and slaughtering of food animals and reclassifying traditional animal husbandry practices such as artificial insemination as ‘sexual assault…Forcing people to cut or eliminate beef consumption is part of the climate agenda.” It would seem that it is also good for Bill Gates imitation meat company. Cattle ranching has been one of the mainstays of the economy in Eastern Oregon. If this horrendous initiative is passed what will that do to the ranchers in Eastern Oregon? Has anyone even bothered to ask that question? I sincerely hope the people in Oregon have a concern for the ranching community in their state because once that is lost it will never return .But, then, that may be the real name of the game–pretending to be a concern over “climate change.”

Dr. Mercola notes that: “As you may have heard, Bill Gates has been buying up farmland across 18 U.S. states through various subsidiary companies. In all, he now owns about 242,000 acres of farmland. He’s also a longtime promoter of GMOs and recently started calling for a complete transition from meat to lab-grown meat and other fake and unnatural food sources, such as a protein-rich microbe found in a Yellowstone geyser. Seeing how Gates always promotes solutions and industries that he has financial investments in it’s not surprising that Gates insists synthetic beef is a necessary strategy to address climate change..”

And Gates doesn’t want Those in America and other countries to just cut down their intake of natural beef. He wants natural beef gone altogether and replaces with a synthetic substitute. You have to remember that this is the guy who had a project going to try to cut the amount of sunlight the earth received to aid in “climate change” and this during one of the coolest Spring seasons my part of the country has ever had. I can’t speak for the rest of the country but it has been cool this Spring in North Louisiana. We don’t need less sun here this year, we need more! Thankfully, this one Gates project seems to have been cancelled–for now. I think this man has a god complex. He is unable to create the world in six days like the Lord did in the beginning so he is going to try to recreate it in his own image in six years or less.

And the ranching and farming industries in Oregon and the rest of the country are in his crosshairs so they need to be aware and concerned with his far out agendas because they will affect them, and not for the good. Cattlemen’s and farmers associations need to be aware of Bill Gates’ plans for their way of life because he aims to change that whether they like it or not.

Your Supper Menu And The World Economic Forum (Bugs Unlimited)

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors Confederate Society of America

There are “self-anointed global elitists” that want to dictate to you what you can have for supper tonight in order to (so they tell us) fight “climate change”.

An article on https://rairfoundation.com for March 28th of this year goes into some detail on this. The article notes: “The WEF is at the forefront of the so-called ‘Great Reset,’ or the idea that the global economy needs to be completely transformed in the post-pandemic world…Earlier this month TIME magazine published an op-ed complaining that humans need to switch to eating bugs to fight climate change. A report from the United Nations examines ‘the multiple dimensions of insect gathering and rearing as a viable option for alleviating food insecurity.'”

The article mentions other articles on the WEF site such as “How to get people to eat bugs and drink sewage” and “This London insect farm is changing the way we eat.”

A brief article on http://www.lewrockwell.com just this morning noted: ‘The lefties keep insisting it’s fictional, tin-foil-hat conspiracy. For years the WEF has been pushing bugs as a protein replacement, and now the global climate change despots are promising to reduce meat consumption by 90%.” It seems that the proponents of insect consumption for us peons (you can bet they will continue to eat their T-bone steaks) are now trying to get people to forego cattle ranching and take up insect ranching. Wonder who we will get to ride herd on the locusts and worms when they stampede. Will cowboys be replaced by “wormboys?” Gag me with a spoon!

Admittedly these comments are tongue-in-cheek, but you get a picture of where these World Government elitists are trying to take us and where they are trying to take us is the very place we should resist going to. You can bet they won’t live the same lifestyle they advocate for the rest of us. They are above all that–the same way they will avoid justice when they do something illegal that the rest of us would be put in the slammer for. Our two-tiered system of justice in this country is notorious. They want our two-tiered menu system to be the same–steaks for them and worms for us. That’s the bottom line of this “Great Reset.”

In an article on the New American website for December 3, 2020 James Murphy observed that “World Economic Forum officials–proponents of the ‘Great Reset’–are busily thinking of ways to reduce greenhouse-gases in order to save the planet from the catastrophic global warming they are forecasting. Among their ideas is conditioning the world’s population to begin eating and enjoying what they refer to as ‘alternative food sources.’ WEF Agenda Contributor Douglas Broom lays out the case for eating weeds in an article on te globalist organization’s website.” He claims that farming animals for meat “generates 14.5 of total global greenhouse emissions” and he tells us that “Weeds are the future of food” and can be “nutritious and healthy if we know which ones to pick.”

And Murphy notes that “…it’s not just weeds, but other items that we currently consider disgusting that will feed us in the future. Another article on the official WEF website suggests that humans can be conditioned to eat and even enjoy such things as insects and grubs.” Want some ketchup with your grubs? While the elites have ketchup on their steaks maybe you can get lucky and have a little on your grubs. Sounds delicious doesn’t it?

The question should arise here for cattlemen and farmers–if all this comes to pass–what will happen to your way of making a living, to your way of life, your culture, your way of thinking? This is something you need to consider and not leave it to the politicians because they will sell you out in a New York minute if they see some benefit for themselves.

The good folks who live and work on the land have got to realize what is happening and they have got to find ways to resist this Great Reset because it will destroy their way of life–and that is a big part of the reason for it.

Let Them Eat Grasshoppers!

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors Confederate Society of America

Recently on the internet I saw an article stating that people should get to the point where they started eating grasshoppers and other insects. The proponents of our learning to consume creeping wildlife seemed to feel this would be good for us and for the planet. The article was so far out I did not even save it.. The idea of trudging into my back yard in search of various creepy crawlers for breakfast did not appeal to me and I doubt it will appeal to any sane person.

But, thinking in this direction seems to be something indirectly being considered by the more wild and frenzied among the climate change crowd. And the Harris/Biden Regime is catering, again, indirectly, to this mindset.

An article on the New American website for April 28th by James Murphy notes the following: “The climate-alarmist war against meat continues. Although Joe Biden hasn’t come out yet and said it, climate hysterics are pushing the narrative that, in order to meet the president’s ambitious emission-reduction goals–Americans will have to radically change their meat-based diets, and quickly. Brent Kim, a program officer for the Center for a Livable Future Production and Public Health Program at Johns Hopkins University told the Daily Mail that Americans will need to ‘dramatically reduce’ their meat and dairy intake in order to avoid the worst climate-change scenarios…Kim may not be talking about ‘banning’ certain foods, but it sure sounds like he would like to make foods such as meat and dairy more difficult to obtain…Thus far, Biden has remained mum on his specific climate plans for the agricultural sector but the farmers and ranchers and the states most affected would like some answers as to what the president plans for their industry. Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, a Republican, wants answers for one of the key industries in his state–beef production.” Ricketts has noted that “Green New Deal activists have put meat production and consumption in their crosshairs.” Comrade Kamala has already stated that she’d gladly support changing dietary guidelines “to reduce red meat specifically.”

Murphy closes his article with this question–“When is Joe Biden going to tell Americans something similar? And how does he plan on accomplishing such a reduction? How many farmers and ranchers does the Biden administration plan on shutting down to meet such meaningless climate goals?”

I can answer that one. He will shut down as many as he can get away with. At root, that is a big part of what this is all about–the decimation of the ranching and farming culture of the West and the South. Destroy those good folks and you destroy some of the last bastions of independent culture and thought in this country. And in the process you become more dependent on the feds to tell you what you can eat, if you can eat, and when and how you can eat. They may even be generous and let you remove your mask while you eat–but don’t bet the farm on that! In fact, when the feds get through you will probably not have the farm anymore–but they may let you scrounge around in your backyard for insects–provided you don’t eat too many grasshoppers and upset the local ecological system.

The destruction of the independent local ranching and farming culture is the real name of this game–that and teaching the obedient proles to learn to love Big Brother.

No Wonder We Have Problems When Church Pastors Speak Out Against Anti-Abortion Bills

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Many wonder why we have some of the problems we have in this country. They feel that a country like ours that has a mostly Christian background should not be beset with the situation we seem to find ourselves in. Yet we are, and part of the problem seems to stem from the fact that many who claim to speak for the Lord are actually promoting ideas that have no warrant whatever from the Holy Scriptures.

Researcher Kit Daniels recently had and article on http://www.infowars.com in which he stated that: “A group of pro-choice church pastors are protesting pro-life bills expected to pass in Texas. One Presbyterian pastor in particular claimed Texas Senate Bill 8 could expose pastors to legal liability if they recommend abortions…Senate Bill 8 and its companion bill, HB 1515, would ban abortions when a heartbeat is detected, which can occur as early as four to six weeks in a pregnancy.”

Another pastor, this one a woman, said “We will never give up our individual consciences, and religious freedom or our God-given right to choose.” Look at what this “pastor” is saying here–God gives women the “right” to kill their unborn babies if they decide that is what is convenient for them. The House version of this bill already passed by a 81-63 vote (and that was too close). Wonder if it was a party-line vote.

If pastors are promoting this convoluted thinking to their congregations do you wonder why the country is in deep trouble? Churches and their pastors should be promoting the preservation of life–not the taking of it. It is interesting to note how many “Christians” in this country stand in defiance of the death penalty but have no problem with aborting preborn babies. And please don’t tell me that a preborn baby has no soul and therefore is only a “fetus” because Psalm 139 gives the lie to that kind of thinking.

In relation to this, in our current pandemic situation, how many of those that say a woman can do what she wants with her own body advocate forcing people to be vaccinated to combat this Chinese Virus? See any contradictions here? Their rationale seems to be that we should do whatever Big Brother in Washington tells us to do but we are free to ignore Holy Writ when we feel like it. They have it exactly backwards. That seems to be a big problem for the Christian church in our day and because of that, a bigger problem for the country.

Whenever Christians are more willing to obey Harris and Biden than they are the Lord it is always going to be a major problem for the country. And part of this problem is also neutralized Christians that are “so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.” The church needs to be out there confronting the anti-Christ culture and not pretending it doesn’t exist or backpedaling away from it because they don’t want to get involved.

Until this problem gets resolved things will only get worse. It seems today we have too many Christians apologizing to the Devil’s minions for offending them rather than resisting and exposing them for the evil they do.

Deceive The Parents Just Like You’ve Always Done

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

For decades I have been telling people to remove their kids from the public school system because it is a corrupt institution that indoctrinates kids rather than educating them. The material I will deal with here proves that contention.

Someone sent me a copy of an article on https://dawsoncountyjournal.com that dealt with this. The story was written by Art Moore. I will quote some of what he had to say here. He said: “Amid complaints from parents that their children are being ‘indoctrinated’ a Missouri school district is advising English teachers to create a fake curriculum and keep the real one hidden. The real one is focused on ‘antiracist’ activism and issues of ‘white privilege,’ the Daily Wire reported. The author of the memo is Natalie Fallert, the literacy speech coordinator for grades 6-12 in the Rockwood School District, serving several towns west of St. Louis that are overwhelmingly white. She told middle and high school teachers in the district that parents had been complaining ‘we are pushing an agenda, we are pushing Critical Race Theory…we are teaching kids to be social activists.'”

Part of this curriculum consists of a video, “Intersectionality 101” a video produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Any school anywhere using this outfit’s material, public or private, ought to be separated from immediately if not sooner. If anything will propagandize kids it is material put out by the SPLC. This is the outfit that has sought to label all legitimate Southern Heritage Groups as “hate groups.” That tell you anything about them?

Interestingly enough the complaints have originated due to protocols caused by the Chinese virus that let parents see the real classroom instruction for the first time. Art Moore observes: “The (classroom) assignments are now visible to at-home learners in a tool called Canvas. So Fallert has a solution: This doesn’t mean throw out the lesson and find a new one. Just pull the resource off Canvas so parents cannot see it…Keep teaching! Just don’t make everything visible on Canvas. This is not being deceitful. This is just doing what you have done for years. Prior to the pandemic you didn’t send everything home or have it available. You taught in your classroom and things were peachy keen. We are going old-school…”

Do you realize what she is saying here? Stop and reflect on it. She is telling teachers to keep on pushing the radical leftist indoctrination in her public school district–just make sure you don’t let the parents in on your dirty little secret. Continue to withhold information from the parents–just like you always did before the pandemic came along! This should be a revelation to parents all across the country. Do you think if this is going on in a school district in Missouri that it ain’t going on in the public school your kids attend? As the man says “Dream on Alice!”

Naturally the school district that employs Ms. Fallert has issued a statement that is an attempt at damage control–telling parents that the school district really views them as “allies” in the education of “our children.” Forgive me folks, but that statement is ranker than a pile of Texas cow chips in the middle of August. The school district there regards the parents as “allies” if they are willing to submit their children to leftist indoctrination. Should they not be willing to do that, the school district will consider them troublemakers to be dealt with accordingly.

This situation sounds so very much like what went on during the Textbook Protest in Kanawha County, West Virginia during the mid-1970s that it is almost like history repeating itself. And the statement about not being deceitful to parents by withholding information from them is ludicrous. Whenever you intentionally withhold information from parents about what their kids are being taught it is a major deceit! But the public schools have done this for so long their minions do not consider it deceitful–withholding information from parents has become standard operating procedure.

Mr. Moore also notes that “The Biden administration, has submitted a new rule that would fund critical race theory in public schools.” Beginning to get the picture yet? Your school districts will continue to push far-left programs like Critical Race Theory and the feds will gladly pay them for it. So much for the public school system as the parent’s “ally.” Anyone believing that hogwash hasn’t been paying attention.

What is going on in Missouri should be a wakeup call to parents to begin taking their kids out of the public school system and checking out other alternatives. And Christians should especially heed this. Unfortunately, I am afraid most of them won’t.