Ranchers & Farmers–The United Nations Wants You Put Out Of Business

by Al Benson Jr.

According to https://thenewamerican.com/us/environment/meat-consumption-will-be-a-target the United Nations is taking steps to help the civilized world to do away with the climate crisis, so they tell us. The article on the New American website listed above tells us: “At the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) scheduled for Dubai at the end of this month, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will advise citizens of wealthy nations to eat less meat in order to help mitigate the climate crisis. Climate zealots claim that agriculture accounts for approximately one third of all greenhouse gas emissions on the planet.”

The article continues: “Livestock farming, in particular, is supposedly a major source methane, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. Nations such as the United States will be advised to eat far less meat, while developing nations will be instructed in ways to improve their agricultural systems to be more sustainable. Many in the climate zealot community see the FAO’s targeting of meat and agriculture as a very positive sign, as they are convinced that agriculture–which feeds us–is a significant problem when it comes to climate change…But even climate hysterics seem to realize that challenging the food intake of a nation is a somewhat sensitive issue. Nevertheless, the FAO and other such organizations intend to use COP28 to lecture us about how our hamburgers are spoiling the planet.”

I don’t know if some of you all remember, awhile back, how Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum ran a campaign about how we should all start to learn how to eat insects instead of regular meat. And then some outfits started trying to produce imitation meat so people could avoid eating the real thing. Haven’t heard much about that lately. Hopefully it hasn’t gone over real big. I’m afraid I’m just old fashioned enough to want real beef with my tacos and not a mix of cockroaches and crickets instead. So Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum want us to eat bugs instead of meat. Sounds like the United Nations and Comrade Schwab are pretty much on the same page with this.

And let us not forget that presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who rushed to take the Confederate flag down in South Carolina when she was governor there is a “disciple” of Klaus Schwab and has attended some of his World Economic Forum meetings. Presumably she is on the same page with their agenda, which is another reason we don’t need her as president.

Can you begin to imagine what this United Nations agenda will do to ranching and farming in this country? It will decimate ranching and farming in this country–which I’m sure is the actual intent of the whole thing. They are telling us these “greenhouse gases” are mostly caused by our cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. Frankly, it sounds like a big pile of bovine fertilizer to me. The cattle industry in this country is already suffering and ranchers are having a hard time making a go of it–and the UN’s solution to that–we need to eat less meat! Somehow, I don’t think the UN has much of an interest in solving the cattlemen’s problems!

I wonder, if in all this bovine fertilizer about reducing our meat intake, the UN has some idea of reducing the population of this country and the countries in Europe–you know–get rid of all those nasty white folks so the rest of the screaming horde can inherit the earth. After all, Biden and his Obama appointees are working 24/7 to change the demographics in this country by encouraging the illegal immigrants to show up at our “closed” border so the Border Patrol can let them in and give them a piece of paper telling them to show up for a hearing in seven or eight years.

I’d be willing to bet the farm that all these outside influences and interferences–the UN, the World Economic Forum and the Biden/Obama Regime are all working together in tandem to “fundamentally change the United States” into nothing more than another cog in a one world socialist order. I believe that’s the agenda and a major part of that agenda is the decimation of our agricultural industry in this country. An if they can campaign here to get gullible Americans to consume less meat then they will put our farmers and ranchers out of business, which i think is their intent.

Those bumper stickers you used to see on the rear fenders of vehicles that said “Eat more beef” or “Eat more pork” were right on the money. That’s good advice. The more meat you eat the more you help our ranchers and farmers to stay in business. And as for all this climate change business that is another huge pile of fertilizer we can do without.

Treason For Thee But Not For Me!

by Al Benson Jr.

This is an old story, but it still raises questions. It was mentioned on https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/09/14/new-reporting and it dealt with General Milley reassuring Chinese Liberation Army General Li Zuocheng that he’d give “the communist country a heads up if President Donald Trump launched an attack in the final months of his presidency. He did so in a series of reported phone calls and reassured Li he would stand between Trump and an attack on Chinese assets…’Milley also summoned senior officers to review the procedures for launching nuclear weapons, saying the president alone could give the order–but, crucially, that he, Milley, had to be involved!…'”

That last statement was part of a quote from a book by Bob Woodward and some other man, so you do have to wonder. Some have criticized Bob Woodward’s credibility. Pavlich continued: “In other words, Milley instructed senior officers to obey his orders and to ignore those given by the president Trump, the duly elected commander-in-chief. The outrageous behavior has sparked additional calls for Milley to resign and even for his arrest.”

Of course Trump never did anything regarding the nuking of China. He was the one president that kept us out of wars so that none of our boys had to go fight in any foreign war in some godforsaken place o the other side of the world. And, certainly, Milley was never fired. More’s the pity! He would have been little loss and he remains yet today to pontificate on areas he’d be better off leaving alone.

I mention this now because, if it is accurate, then Milley should have been tried for treason–the exact same treason he accused our Confederate ancestors of committing (which they didn’t) when they seceded from the United States. And while Milley’s actions regarding Communist China, if true, constitute treason, the secession of Southern states from the Union was NOT treason. So secession was not treason, and even many higher-ups in the Deep State of 1865 had to admit it wasn’t.

That was one reason, among others, that they decided they couldn’t try Jefferson Davis for treason after they’d had him in prison for two years. If they had tried him for treason and he was found not guilty, as many feared he would be, where, then, would have been their justification for what they did, and were doing, to the South? There would have been no justification, and the Northern government would have had egg all over its Deep State face!

And, yet, in the unholy name of removing Confederate flags and monuments from any public display, Milley, who may have been guilty of treason himself, has labeled our Confederate ancestors as traitors! This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Or better yet–It’s treason for thee, but not for me!

If Milley had an ounce of decency, he’d back off from tarring our Confederate ancestors as traitors because they resisted Lincoln’s tyranny. But since he probably does not posses that lone ounce, I don’t expect him to do that. He’s probably another of those of the same caliber as Lincoln’s political generals like Beast Butler were!

Not A Christian Hymn

by Al Benson Jr.

Many year ago now, when we lived in West Virginia, the church we attended used a hymnbook that contained “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” At the time I didn’t know much about that song (I won’t call it a Christian hymn because it isn’t) but when folks got to choose what hymns they wanted to hear in the Sunday evening service that song was often chosen. At that time the pastor in that church was from Georgia, and I can imagine he cringed every time that song was chosen in a service. I remember one time, one of the congregation said to him, in jest, “We can’t sing Dixie. It’s not in the hymnbook.” If the truth be known The Battle Hymn of the Republic should not have been in a Christian hymnal either, but unfortunately it is still in many.

I ran into the same situation years later in a church in Illinois. By that time, I knew the background of that song and I explained to the pastor there that Christians should not be singing this song and I ended up mailing him some information as to why they shouldn’t. He was completely in the dark about this song, as most Christians are. In fact, most Christians, and lots of others too, are completely in the dark about most of our history in general. What they are taught for “history” in most of our public schools by public school teachers, with a few exceptions, is verbal gobble-de-gook.

At any rate, The Battle Hymn of the Republic was written by a Unitarian and abolitionist, Julia Ward Howe. She and her husband, Samuel Gridley Howe were Transcendentalists (radical Unitarians). Julia’s husband was a supporter of abolitionist/terrorist John Brown. In fact, the tune for the “Battle hymn” was taken from the song “John Brown’s Body” which song sought to glorify John Brown’s efforts at terrorist abolitionism. For those who want an in-depth view of the Battle hymn, check out https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/understanding-the-battle-hymn-of-the-republic/

I would have thought that those who publish Christian hymnals would have done some homework as to checking out the backgrounds of some of the hymns they publish. If such is the case then they really blew it with this particular song. Anything written by Unitarians does not belong in an orthodox Christian hymnal. It might be fitting for something published by the National Council of Churches, an organization that was top-heavy with clergymen who were members of Communist front groups.

The National Council of Churches is also famous for the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. To get an idea of where that version is coming from check out its wording for Isaiah 7:14 where it substitutes “young woman” for “virgin.” There is no doubt that our faith in this country, and others as well, has been tampered with. Another glaring example of that has been the Scofield Reference Bible, originally published in 1909 with its strong emphasis on national Israel instead of on Jesus Christ. I’ve written about this before and so have others.

Most of our young folks today, even my generation, which cannot be called young by any means, have no grasp of our true history. I recently ran across a young lady who bought a couple of my Western paintings, who had attended a Christian school, and she knew about the Unitarians, so whatever school she attended must have taught her something, but I’m sure she’s an exception to the general rule of things. Most Christians today don’t know doodly-squat about who the Unitarians were and how they decimated the Christian faith in the North before the War of Northern Aggression. So much of our history has been either neglected or distorted that it’s hard for us to learn from history because we really know so little of it–and that’s not accidental by any means.

More JFK Assassination Bunny Trails And Some Truth

by Al Benson Jr.

It seems that much of interest on the 60th anniversary of JFK’s assassination did not appear until after 11/22. I posted my article on that date and hadn’t seen anything else pertaining to it when I did, although I later found out that the Federal Observer website https://federalobserver.com has had several articles posted on that event over a period of time. I came across a couple other articles that were posted on 11/24 and so will note them here.

One was on https://off-guardian.org/2023/11/22/jfk-60-years-on-inside-offgs-archieve/ and it noted, in part, that “alt-media channels were even subject to it, with on ‘red pill’ going around claiming ‘Oswald’s handler’ was an Israeli and Jack Ruby was Jewish, which means Israel killed Kennedy. Factless nonsense, seeking to both reinforce the lie that Oswald was the shooter and tar JFK truthers with the antisemitism brush.” Definitely a bunny trail!

The article continues: “Mainstream articles try to tie Oswald to Cuba or the USSR, securing the decades-old fallback that ‘the commies did it!’ and casting any US cover-up as an attempt to avoid a nuclear war…These are trifling attempts at propaganda, to be honest, listless and impotent…The late Graeme MacQueen wrote a fine article for the 55th anniversary detailing just three of myriad problems with the Warren Report’s ‘official explanation’.”

Jacob G. Hornberger, writing for the Future of Freedom Foundation, had an article that appeared on https://www.lewrockwell.com for November 24th in which he observed, in part: “There were two darkly brilliant and ingenious aspects of the national-security establishment’s. assassination of President John F. Kennedy sixty years ago today–November 22, 1963. The brilliant part was framing a ‘communist’ or, to be more accurate, a government agent whose job it was to appear as a communist.” So Mr. Hornberger recognizes who did it and the cover story they used to “cover their six.” He writes later on in his article: “Keep in mind that when Oswald returned to the United States after defecting to the Soviet Union and after declaring that he was going to give up U.S. military secrets to the communists, he was not indicted, subpoenaed, questioned or tortured. That too is consistent with his being an undercover agent posing as a communist, rather than a real communist.” I can’t quote all he said but this will give you some idea.

It’s almost the same situation you had with John Surratt after the Lincoln assassination. Surratt was listed as one of those responsible for Lincoln’s death, yet when he escaped to England, the US government knew where he was, yet made no attempt to extradite him. When he eventually found himself back in the US, he was put on trial, the civil trial they had denied his mother, who they hung. However, their efforts to punish him were far from the vengeance they had displayed to Booth and the other conspirators and when they could not convict him he got off and no one ever bothered him again. It was sure not the way they treat Donald Trump in our day. It seems as if once they silenced Mary Surratt, they were not fussy about silencing John. Makes you wonder what Mary knew that John didn’t.

I cite this to compare how John Surratt was handled by the government and how similar that was to how Lee Harvey Oswald was handled on his return from “defecting” to the Soviet Union. Hornberger continued: “The darkly ingenious part of this assassination was how the plotters achieved a rapid shutdown of the investigation, thereby ensuring that they would not be caught. How did they achieve that? By having shots fired from the front of the president while the person they were framing was situated in the rear of the president…The question naturally arises: If you’re going to frame a guy who is supposedly firing from the rear, wouldn’t you want all the shots coming from the rear? Answer: Not if you want to get the investigation shut down immediately. To achieve that, you’ve got to have shots fired from both the front and the rear. Here is the ingenious reasoning behind this par of the assassination: They had Oswald, the presumed communist firing from the rear. They also had shots fired from the front. That meant that Oswald had confederates who were helping him to kill the president.”

And Hornberger asks the question “Who were these confederates? They had to be Cubans or Soviet communists. Who else? Don’t forget Oswald’s trip to Mexico City shortly before the assassination, where he supposedly visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies. Thus, America’s beloved president was killed by the international communist conspiracy that was at the core of the national-security establishment’s Cold War racket. But we all knew what that would have meant–World War 111.” And they couldn’t have that–the time wasn’t right. Hornberger then noted that “That’s where Operation Mongoose came into play. That was the operation by the Kennedy brothers–John and Robert–to have the CIA engage in state-sponsored terrorism and sabotage inside Cuba for the purpose of effecting regime change in that country.”

So the argument would have been that since the Kennedys started all this the communists were just responding to what the Kennedy regime had started to begin with. Hornberger noted: “Better to simply hide the fact that shots were fired from the front from the American people and, therefore avoid a nuclear holocaust. At the same time, important insiders within the government were read into what actually happened so that they could bring about an abrupt end to the investigation and settle for pinning the crime solely on Oswald…That would also explain why Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover both sent out memos immediately after Oswald’s assassination effectively settling on pinning the crime solely on Oswald and shutting down the investigation. It would also explain why the Navy pathologists at Bethesda, where the president’s autopsy was being conducted, were charged with hiding the fact that shots were fired from the front.”

So shutting down the investigation became a priority, supposedly because of “national security” rather than for the real reason which was, basically regime change from Kennedy to Johnson–and the establishment could pretty well figure that LBJ would do what they wanted him to do. I’m sure, at that point, they had enough info on LBJ to hang him out to dry if he didn’t! Check out Lew Rockwell’s website for the whole article. Hopefully I’ve given you enough to make you curious.

I remember, thirty years ago talking with a man, now deceased, who said someone who claimed to be in the CIA had told him that there were a dozen men involved in the Kennedy assassination–six Americans and six Cubans and that after it was all over, it was his job to kill the six Cubans. I have no way of verifying this and so have never said anything to anyone about it. However, after reading Mr. Hornberger’s article, the possibility for such a scenario seems at least plausible. The possibility for Oswald having been the lone assassin, shooting from behind Kennedy is, at best, ludicrous!

Anniversary Of An Assassination

by Al Benson Jr.

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. Interestingly enough, I saw nothing on the internet this morning that even mentioned that. If there was something, I missed it. Maybe something will turn up later in the day, but as of 9:30 this morning I saw nothing. I was never a fan of JFK. In 1960 I voted for Nixon. Yet, for all that, I would not have wished that kind of death on him, or anyone else, for that matter.

Over the years I read two or three books dealing with his assassination, none of which agreed with the others. There have been so many books and articles written about it that it becomes impossible to pick out the truth from the fiction–and I’m not sure that is unintentional. I read Jim Garrison’s book on his efforts to bring some of the possible assassins to trial several years ago and felt Garrison might have been closer than some of the others, but then his investigation was shut down.

The “New American” magazine for November 27th devoted its entire issue to articles about Kennedy and the assassination. Gary Benoit, in that issue, wrote: “But the question of who killed the president is not limited to who actually pulled the trigger. Who planned the assassination? Who ordered it? Oswald famously said he was a ‘patsy’ before he was permanently silenced by his own assassination. But what was he, really? Was he nothing more than a scapegoat? Or was he a patsy in the sense that he was being thrown to the wolves by conspirators far higher up than he? The answer may well be in JFK assassination files that still have not been made public. There may even be important clues in the redacted parts of already-released documents. Certainly the withholding of evidence 60 years after the fact strongly suggests that the powers that be are hiding something they do not want the American people to know. It also suggests that what in our own times is called the ‘Deep State’ may be complicit in the assassination as well as the coverup.”

You have to wonder what, 60 years after the fact, this information has not been revealed. All the personalities involved must have passed from this life by now. So we are faced with the probability that some government agency or agencies still in existence had a part in the assassination. With all the people involved dead, what else can you conclude? Was it the CIA, the Pentagon, the Council on Foreign Relations? Who?

Gary Benoit asks the question “After all, how would releasing the files today endanger witnesses or jeopardize U.S. security? What possible explanation could there be for keeping the evidence under wraps other than the Deep State is trying to prevent its own involvement from becoming known?” Benoit also observed that RFK, Jr. believes that the CIA killed his uncle, and we know that JFK’s relationship with the CIA was hardly platonic. RFK, Jr. in an interview with the “Gateway Pundit” last May, said that Oswald was “a CIA asset.” He also noted that Oswald defected to the Soviet Union, but that it was a fake defection that the CIA ordered. No matter how you look at this, the CIA emerges as one of the chief suspects, but that’s not to say the only one.

Then, there was the Warren Commission Report, which was used to “explain” the assassination to a hopefully gullible American public. But the public wasn’t quite that gullible, and almost any person with rational thought processes dismissed it as political bilge designed to bilk the public. But the government had to put something out there to show they had looked into this, and so we got this colossal canard called the Warren Commission Report!. So, 60 years later, we really don’t know a whole lot more than we did the day after the assassination–and that’s by government design.

Way back in 1963 I watched the film of them taking Oswald out when Jack Ruby shot him. You could see the look on Oswald’s face when he saw Ruby approach him. He knew what Ruby was there for–to silence him, to prevent him from ever saying anything that would make the wrong people look bad. So there were more people involved than just the “lone assassin” Oswald, which indicates that the plot to assassinate JFK was, indeed, a conspiracy, one with a lot of people in high places involved. Do I think the government will ever release the evidence of what government agencies implemented the whole thing? Not in our lifetime it won’t. Maybe by the time our grandchildren are in their 80s–maybe!

“Shekels With Shackles” The United Nations Plan To Control Your Children’s Education

by Al Benson Jr.

Most of you didn’t notice that the United Nations has plans for how your children are educated, did you? Well, you are not supposed to realize this and if your kids are still in public school you will probably never discover this. Even if your kids are in a private school or being homeschooled, the United Nations, the world’s foremost busybody organization, has a consuming interest in how you educate your children. The fact that it’s none of their darn business is beside the point. They plan on making it their business.

Alex Newman has noted in “The Newman Report” for July 28, 2022 that: “The little-noticed report, released late last year and commissioned by UNESCO’s ‘Global Education Monitoring Report’ argues that there is a ‘need to establish appropriate governance and regulatory frameworks’ over private schools funded by government. This is supposedly to ensure that UN-backed goals such as ‘equity” are achieved.” Does this give you some idea of where the Biden regimes plan of “Diversity, equity, and inclusion” originated? It should if you are still capable of rational thought!

Newman continues: “The alleged ‘need’ to regulate private education providers is taken for granted. ‘Regulatory reforms must clearly define what public interest in education is and fix the rules under which private providers may participate,’ states the report, dubbed ‘Regulating Public-Private Partnerships, governing non-state schools: An Equity perspective.’ Even more alarming, the report starts with the outrageous premise that the government–not the parents–is primarily responsible for the education of children…the report claims that ‘the State remains the duty bearer of education as a public good.”

I submit that this political finding comes under the category of refined bovine fertilizer, for want of a more graphic term commonly used for such twaddle! How you educate your children is none, and I mean none, of the government’s business and most definitely none of the United Nations business!

Newman noted an article by Lisa Logan about the report commissioned by UNESCO https://lisalogan.substack.com/p/unescos-vision-for-school-choice which it should be worth checking out. Logan observed that “It will allow for the collection of all children’s social and emotional data to measure compliance for their future social credit system driven by ESGs , Don’t fall for it.” And Newman told us that, “Incredibly, parents are described variously in the report commissioned by UNESCO as ‘stakeholders’ and even ‘vested interests’ to be overcome by the government. Enter ‘Public-Private Partnerships, often known as PPPs. These PPPs represent a model in which profits can flow to private interests as long as those interests do what the government wants. Critics have regularly derided the approach–widely supported among global elites at the World Economic Forum–as state socialism, corporatism, and fascism. Think Nazi Germany: Companies could remain in private hands, as long as they served the state'”

And that’s what this is all about–you will be able to privately educate your kids, provided you are willing to teach them what the Feds and the UN want them to learn. If you refuse to do that you will be denied any federal “help.” At this point, if you want your kids to have any real shot at a truly Christian education and worldview you need to tell the Feds to take their alleged “help” and stuff it! When you reach out to take their supposed “help” the educational handcuffs go on and you become responsible to the state for what your kids are taught–the same exact reason you left the public school indoctrination center to begin with. If the Feds cant brainwash your kids in public school classrooms they will throw parents a few shekels to make sure they can do it in your living room or study. You need to be aware and stoutly refuse all government “help” when it comes to educating your kids. Federal or state “help” is the educational kiss of death for Christian and patriotic parents, so avoid it as you would the plague! You might also want to check out https://www.freedomproject.com/2022/07/28/newman-report-41/

Government Money Is A Trap!

by Al Benson Jr.

There was a very informative article by Alex Newman on http://www.thenewamerican.com back in April of this year detailing why parents should refuse any money coming from government when it comes to educating their children. As the old saying goes, “He who pays the piper calls the tune” and that is ever more apparent when it comes to taking government money to help “educate” your children.

Mr. Newman noted, in his article that: “The money should follow the child, they said in the early 1990s. That way, they said, parents will have ‘school choice.’ Fund students, not systems, went the common refrain. This will introduce more competition in the quasi-monopoly education sector, they said. And it will give parents the ability to choose the education that best aligns with their priorities. it all sounded so great that parties from across the political spectrum agreed to give it a try. Even conservative-leaning American think tanks such as Heritage were impressed, trumpeting the policy as a model. But then, in an instant, all genuine choice was abolished with one ‘education reform’ law fewer than two decades after ‘school choice’ was approved.”

Newman continued: “Suddenly, private schools taking government money were ordered to teach the radical government curriculum, including the gender-bending extremism. All had to participate in national testing, too, ensuring that all schools taught what the government wanted taught. With public money there must be ‘accountability’ they said…In short, all genuine and meaningful ‘choice’ was abolished in one fell swoop–all under the seductive guise of ‘choice.’ Somewhat ironically, perhaps, the alleged effort to offer alternatives to government schools ended up turning all schools into government schools.” I’m not sure that wasn’t the idea all along.

Newman observed that this particular occurrence happened in Sweden, not this country, but then he went on to note that similar situations had happened in Australia, South Africa, and Canada. The question we need to ask is, if this happened in these other countries regarding the government’s education agenda, are we naive enough to believe such can’t happen here–given our government’s proclivities, especially with the Biden/Obama regime’s desire to completely control all areas of our lives? You have a regime in power that wants to control what kind of cars you drive, what kind of refrigerator or stove you use, on and on ad nauseum. Do we think such a government won’t stick its nose into how we educate our kids, always with an eye out to make sure we are teaching the kids what they want them to learn as opposed to what we want them to learn?

Just look at the political and sexual garbage the public schools are dishing up for our kids and they even have the gall to call it “education” rather than the leftist indoctrination it really is! Newman tells us “Just think of the ‘free’ government money as the cheese in the mousetrap. It works because the free cheese is appealing and the mouse does not understand that the decision to take the bait will have serious negative repercussions'” The “free” money is the government’s foot in the door to controlling your childrens’ private education and making sure you are in compliance with all federal education mandates, whether you agree with them or not!

When we homeschooled our children we made it a point not to take a thin dime from the government for anything–and we were far from well off financially. But we realized early on that government money meant government control and if we’d wanted government control we could have just put the kids in public school and we’d have had government control right along with the government propaganda in the schools. Too many people today still see the offer of “free” government money as manna from Heaven when it is really offal from hell!

Lieutenant Colonel E. Ray Moore (USAR Ret.) and the founder of Exodus Mandate http://www.ExodusMandate.org has observed that “–if conservatives can prevent a takeover of all education via government funding ‘We could see the demise of Marxist state sponsored K-12 public education in the next decade if we stay true and continue to drain the K-12 public education swamp and grow new K-12 Christian and home schools,'”

Government money always, yes always, comes with strings attached. Newman noted that Milwaukee, Wisconsin offered vouchers for Christian and private schools, but these came with tons of regulations attached. And Alaska played the same game–a program to “help” homeschooling families that ended up being used by most homeschooling families in that state. the catch was that no religious material or curriculum could be used by the families the state was supposed to be “helping.” In most of these cases the state’s “help” was aimed at doing away with the family’s use of Christian educational material.

The state (government) seems to have its version of the commandments, the first one being “Thou shall have no other gods before the omnipotent state.” And they are more than willing to “help” families believing in the one, true God of Scripture to do away with their “outdated” beliefs by making sure they use curriculum that will in no way reinforce their children’s belief in the God of the Bible. Government money aims to prevent such outmoded beliefs regardless of what parents may want. The way to avoid this is to avoid government “help” with your kids education via the federal or state “money pit.” This could well be one f the most important battles for our God-given liberties that we face in this country. The wellbeing of future generations will depend on it.

Public School Enrollment Drops In Louisiana Parish

by Al Benson Jr.

The conservative “Ouachita Citizen” newspaper for 11/16 had an article on the front page entitled “Enrollment continues to drop at parish schools.” The article started out with: “The Ouachita Parish School Board recorded a loss of 300 students at the beginning of the school system’s current school year. The loss of students and the accompanying state funding awarded for each enrolled student–could result in a deficit of some $1.2 million in the school system’s general fund, unless costs are cut.”

Turns out that the school system had figured that they would lose about 100 students this year and they had budgeted for that loss. However, instead of the loss of 100 students they had anticipated, they ended up losing 300 students so now they are trying to scramble to find some way of making up for the $1.2 million they will be short.

The article noted that the parish has observed “a decrease in student enrollment over a decade, but the school board blamed the more recent losses on the Chinese virus pandemic. In a sense, they may be right. With schools being shut down during the pandemic, many parents who wanted to see their kids educated all of a sudden discovered that they could still get their kids educated minus the local public school indoctrination center.

Homeschooling took a big leap forward during the pandemic as more parents found that they could do the job themselves, minus the leftist indoctrination so prevalent in public schools now. Lots of folk who homeschooled during the pandemic never went back to public schools when the current pandemic crisis subsided. And while I have no doubt the government will try to force feed us another pandemic, their attempts at that may actually increase the homeschooling population even more.

Other than a cursory mention of the pandemic, the school board people offered no explanation as to why they lost 300 students in Ouachita Parish this year. It makes you wonder how many other Louisiana parishes have experienced losses in their public school populations since the advent of the Chinese virus. I can’t believe Ouachita Parish is the only one, given the trend toward homeschooling in the past couple years.

While Louisiana may not have suffered the amount of leftist indoctrination so prevalent in some other states, you can bet it has suffered some. No state anymore has remained unscathed in that regard. Ask the good folks in West Virginia about that. Almost fifty years since the book protest there they are still fighting off leftist efforts to pervert their public schools–a battle no one ever wins given the true nature of public education in America. So you can be sure there is leftist influence in public schools in Louisiana–we just haven’t been told about it yet.

However, you can bet that those Louisiana parents who homeschool their children, or have them in private Christian schools have figured out the real game in public schools and that’s a big part of the reason their kids are no longer there. Would to God, more parents, especially Christian parents, would wake up to what the real public school agenda is and has been for longer than most of us have been alive!

Is Biden Meeting With Xi To Get His Marching Orders?

by Al Benson Jr.

Today, China Joe Biden is supposed to meet with Xi Jinping in San Francisco. Given China Joe’s known political proclivities toward Communist China one can hardly imagine that China Joe is going to confront Xi on any substantive issues. What he is probably going to do is get his marching orders from Xi as to where Xi wants him to go in the next year and what he wants him to do, or have his handlers do because he’s no longer capable himself. Anyone thinking that Biden will promote any U.S. positions with Xi is probably delusional.

After all, what can you expect from the regime that gave us Covid on purpose? More evidence points to the fact that Covid was hardly accidental. Arthur R. Thompson, in his book, “Benedict Biden: Water Carrier For The New World Order” has noted that: “Evidence has come forward that indeed the COVID virus was deliberately–not accidentally–spread by the Chinese communist government. Those providing this evidence include Wei Jinsheng, a former Chinese Communist Party insider who defected to the U.S. in the 1990s. Wei said he heard the Chinese were carrying out an ‘unusual exercise’ during the 7th CISM Military World Games in Wuhan in October 2019…Wei’s claim was backed up by Miles Yu, former Chinese advisor to the U.S. State Department. Yu said the American, French, and German athletes got sick at the games with COVID-like symptoms, but were never tested. Also, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan said on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox that the Chinese government intentionally manufactured and released the COVID-19 virus. She held a high position at the WHO reference lab before she fled into hiding…These are some of the facts that are not well known among Americans. They fit into the scenario of producing fear to react people into obeying mandates and edicts unfounded in law and violating the Bill of Rights.”

It’s a fact that the lab in Wuhan is an appendage of the Chinese Communist Party. And as far as COVID 19, the Chinese virus, being intentional, I do not for a minute doubt that. We are also told that Xi and Biden will work together to combat the fentanyl problem we have here. That one has to be good for a big horse laugh! Most of the fentanyl in this country comes, via Mexico and Canada, from China. It’s yet one more weapon the Chinese have used against us. So now we are asked to believe that China will work to crack down on the fentanyl trade. Yeah, right! If you believe that, I’ve still got a bridge in the Arizona desert for sale.

So now China Joe will meet with Xi and then he will come back to Sodom on the Potomac, do his “victory lap” and bloviate to the American people about how hard he worked with Xi to promote American interests and how hard a bargain he drove with the Communist Chinese leader. And it will all be magnificent hogwash! If he wants to keep those Chinese checks coming to him and his family members he will do whatever Xi Jinping wants him to do–and that’s all he’ll do! He’s already displayed his callous disregard for American citizens with the horrendous mess at the border among other things. No, China Joe’s first loyalty is to whoever signs the checks for his family and Americans be damned–especially if they are naturalized Americans and not illegal aliens!

School Board Battles Are Exercises In Futility

by Al Benson Jr.

A former member of the California state legislature, Steve Baldwin, has provided us with some thoughts for consideration in the struggle against the leftist public school system. I realize in saying that, that not all public school employees are or were leftists, but those in important positions that influence the direction public education is going in are.

Mr. Baldwin does not think trying to take over a school board here or there will, in the long run, make much difference. He thinks it is an effort in futility and, upon some reflection, I think he is right, that he raises a valid point we should seriously consider. Baldwin’s commentary appeared on https://www.publicschoolexit.com It’s a long article and I can’t quote all of it, but will try to give you a bit of Baldwin’s thinking. His viewpoint merits serious consideration.

Mr. Baldwin makes some cogent observations. He notes the natural reasoning of parents when they see school boards promoting leftist policies in public schools their children are attending. Their natural tendency is to want to dispense with the school board perpetrating this on their kids. While we can understand their frustration, the solution usually goes much deeper than their current understanding. However, voting out the current school board and replacing it with more conservative members is, at best, a stopgap, temporary solution. If it works, which is often doubtful, it may well end at the next school board election.

Baldwin observes: “The left has dominated the vast majority of school boards for decades now and a lot has changed since then.” This goes all the way back t the Kanawha County Textbook Protest (and before) in West Virginia almost 50 years ago. The only really honest member of that school board who was not compromised in some way, was Alice Moore. All the rest of the board was dedicated to foisting leftism and pornography on the school children of Kanawha County. While leftism on school boards existed before that, that was the first time it drew national attention. While the educrats in Kanawha County tried to throttle that attention, they couldn’t quite manage it and the word got out.

Steve Baldwin chaired the Education Committee when he was in the California Legislature and so he knows whereof he speaks. He notes how public schools have been “Transformed by the left.” My only disagreement with his commentary is that all this happened much earlier than he thinks it did–like back in the 1850s! But he notes of public schools that: “They no longer exist to create productive citizens; they now exist to create ‘social justice warriors’ committed to transforming America to a socialist society. The entire education bureaucracy, from the teacher’s unions to the administrators, are committed to excluding parents from decision making as they know what’s best for ‘the children’ and they do not care what parents think. Winning a few school board seats will not change that one iota. I have been down this road and know how it ends.” And it ends the same way it did in Kanawha County, West Virginia in the 1970s–with a mostly corrupt school board playing at checking out raunchy and leftist textbooks, then claiming they were alright and putting them back into the public schools! Problem solved in spite of parental protests!

Baldwin observed that public schools have not been “locally controlled” for decades. Almost all issues regarding public schools have been “centralized” so that they are controlled at state and federal levels–mostly federal! Federal and state unelected bureaucrats decide what will happen in public schools–not parents!

Peanut Jimmy Carter gave us the federal Department of Education as a sop to the teacher’s unions that supported his re-election in 1979–something Reagan claimed he wasn’t crazy about–but he let it stand anyway. Since that time the federal Department of Education has grown to be one the most massive and bloated government agencies there is. They’ve tried to peddle what has now become the obvious big lie–that centralizing public education policy in the hands of leftist career bureaucrats would improve the education system and be really good for “the children.” Pardon me for being blunt, but anyone today, in light of all the evidence, who subscribes to this educational offal has got to have mush for brains!

Mr. Baldwin observed that he tried, while in the legislature, to get conservatives elected to school boards and they actually won majority control in three school districts. He went on to say that, thirty years later, this made no difference at all. By the time these conservatives encountered federal and state mandates and fought off recall efforts and lawsuits launched by the teacher’s unions, about all they had time left for was to combat almost daily attacks by the prostitute press–which was basically in the teacher’s union’s pocket!

He also talked about public schools not really being an American institution–and he’s right. New England Unitarians, many of whom went to universities in Germany, gave us the public school system. Read some of the books by Sam Blumenfeld and R. J. Rushdoony, both of whom wrote at length about public education in America. Public schools infected the North for a couple decades and then, after the War of Northern Aggression aka the “Civil War” the federal government forced public schools on the South as part of “reconstruction.” This was to “teach the rebels’ children ‘respect for national authority.'”

Baldwin notes, and correctly so, that “It is time parents used their influence and networks to create strong private schools and homeschool networks. Such networks already exist but they need to be strengthened and invigorated. It is shameful that there are thousands of churches in our country which have unused facilities Monday through Friday. If the Christian community was serious about raising the next generation to be productive, law-abiding, virtuous people, then every Christian church should consider creating a school using their facility and if they’re too small to pull this off, then they should approach other like-minded churches and go in together on such a project.”

Such an idea would be great–except so many churches in our day have been so benumbed by the prevailing “rapture theory” that many pastors learned in seminary that the last thing they think about is educating their children in a Christian setting. They don’t think their children will be around long enough to have any future! The Devil’s disciples, even in theological circles, have done their work so most Christians have no multigenerational worldview.

I had better stop here or else no one will read this because its just “too long.” Check out the website I mentioned at the start of this article and rather than fighting these local public school board battles to little or no avail, take your kids OUT of the public school system and find a good Christian school or a good Christian homeschool program and teach them at home. There are lots of homeschool programs out there. Check them out. You will NEVER reform the public school system, so don’t waste your energy and effort trying. Just get your kids out.