Losing Your Christian Culture? Thank a Public School!

by Al Benson Jr.

Recently I read an article by Chelsea Schilling on http://www.wnd.com where the author noted comments by Chaplain E. Ray Moore, the founder of Exodus Mandate http://exodusmandate.org which is a ministry started to help Christian families to get their children out of government, or public schools.

Chaplain Moore is also running for Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina, and Moore had some very precise comments about public education for Christians. He said: “If the evangelical community would step up and obey God in educating their own children, we could collapse the state model. We’re feeding the monster by keeping our children there.”

Chaplain Moore is right on the money, but I don’t think the majority of the evangelical community, at least many of them that I’ve run across over the years, really wants to hear it. Much easier to continue to “feed the monster” with their children and their children’s souls and there’s no real responsibility involved in that–just do it and don’t even think about it–and when you start losing your kids, then look around for someone to blame.

Moore observed: “When I see a family in public schools or a pastor in public schools, I know there’s a great blindness or an area of disobedience in their lives in that particular area. I think Christians are ignorantly doing this. There is no Bible verse that gives you permission–as a Christian family–to put your children under false doctrine and in harm’s way.” And make no mistake–public schools are about doctrine, not education. That’s not to say that every teacher realizes or knows this, but it’s true whether the individual teacher realizes it or not. If you think it’s not, I would encourage you to read Sam Blumenfeld’s book Is Public Education Necessary? or R. J. Rushdoony’s book The Messianic Character of American Education. It’s about doctrine.

Moore noted a disturbing statistic. He said: “We estimate 70-80 percent of evangelical Christian children who are in public school for their entire educational career are abandoning the church and the Christian faith in their early adult years. About 20 percent return after they get married and start having their own kids. It’s a holocaust going on in our churches, and we’re trying to fight a culture war while our resources are being depleted.” Some of us are trying to fight a culture war. Many, many Christians are not even aware there’s a culture war being fought or that they and their children are the victims. Christian ignorance in this area is legion. Lots don’t have a clue and they prefer it that way. As I’ve stated in previous articles, it’s easier for some churches to just shoot the messenger than it is to listen to the message. After all. little Johnnie’s history teacher is a Christian–doesn’t that make it alright? No it doesn’t. Unfortunately, especially in the South, Christians are really gung ho about public schools–which are part of the “reconstruction” their great grandparents were forced to endure.

And Moore said, quite accurately, that public schools are “indoctrinating children with a Marxist view of American history, environmentalism, evolution and other bizarre radical agendas.” But then this isn’t new. It’s been going on in the South since 1866 and in the North since the 1830s–and no matter where you go, North or South, Christians are busy gobbling it up, feeding the monster, and they don’t want you telling them they shouldn’t. When my wife and I started to home school, we got more opposition from Christians than from anyone else, so I know whereof I speak on this subject. Thanks be to God the church we now attend has a classical Christian school and lots of folks that home school. But in the past it wasn’t always that way.

And for Christians who think all the bad stuff happens in someone else’s school, I will close with an article I got from http://www.lifesitenews.com for April 20th of this year. The headline for the article is Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’ starting at 4-years old. The article goes on to describe how this teacher in a primary grade in a public school in Ontario told a group at a homosexual activist conference how she has been using her classroom to convince children as young as four years old to accept homosexual relationships. She thought Kindergarten was “a great place to start.” What’s more, she got encouragement from the principal to go from class to class to talk about “what gay means.” This lady claims she has a “wife” at home. Folks, this is what goes on in many public schools–and just because this one happens to be in Ontario doesn’t mean you don’t have this stuff going on here.

Every time I read a story about some Christian youngster being harassed in a public school and the parent goes and complains, and nothing gets done, I wish I could shout “why do you leave your child in there? For Heaven sake, get him or her OUT!” I have friends in the Confederate and Southern Heritage movements that are teaching their kids and grandkids accurate American history after school and on weekends because they realize what the kids are getting in public school is utter drivel.

Unless Christians start waking up and realizing that they are in a culture war and that a major part of that war is being waged on them through the government school system, we will continue to lose 60 percent of our Christian kids to the world after they graduate and it won’t have made any difference whether little Johnnie’s history teacher was a Christian or not–protecting his job will have prevented him from telling little Johnnie the truth!

It’s Really One Socialist Party With Two Names

by Al Benson Jr.

We supposedly have two different major political parties in this country–Republicans and Democrats–and their views on most anything are purported to be widely divergent. That “fact” is supposed to insure that we have “democracy” in Amerika. This fable has been perpetuated for decades by the media and our “educational” establishments. Folks, I must admit that I firmly believe this fable is a farce to fool the gullible who naively think that if there are two political parties out there then they really have a choice when they vote. This charade has been cleverly played out in every election at least since the Spanish American War and probably a few before it.

The ruling One World Government Elite in this country long ago learned that as long as they continued to give the American voting public some form to go by then they could eat out the real substance of the system and no one would ever notice, or at least not enough would notice to make any tangible difference. And it has worked, in part because we have a governmental “education” system that does not and will not teach those committed to its care the ability to think critically. The current government school system teaches kids what to think rather than how to think and, I mean, after all, why would anyone even want to think anything that contradicts what Big Brother has told us is the “truth?” After all, how dare we!

In the last election the voting public expressed their utter dissatisfaction with Obama’s blatant socialist agenda by how they thought they voted. They didn’t realize that, in their repudiation of Obama’s socialism all they were really doing was voting for Republicans that would give them the same agenda while pretending it was different. It was quite evident from the Republican “leadership” in Congress after the election that very little was going to change except a few of the players’ names. It would all continue to be business as usual (corporate fascism) in Sodom on the Potomac. After all, when you finally grasp the truth that one “shadow party” really controls the reins of both major political parties, why should you expect anything different from Mitch McConnell than you got from Dirty Harry Reid? If you do you’re dreaming. It will not happen. Oh, there may well be a few cosmetic changes to fool those who don’t know how the game is played, and those will be sufficient because most voters have yet to figure out how the game is played–and, sad to say, Christian voters remain among the most gullible of all. They who should display the most discernment often seem to have the least–and are proud of that fact.

A good case in point to display how the two parties are really only one party was the vote for the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as the new Attorney General to replace “Fast and Furious” Holder. At the very best, all she will ever be is Eric Holder Lite, and she might even be worse. Like all of Obama’s choices for any post, she is fervently anti-Second Amendment and will look for ways to disarm Americans any way she thinks she can, any time she thinks she can find a way to get by with it. I trust her about as much as I trusted that sidewinder we saw slithering down that sand dune in West Texas several years ago. And I trust our present “conservative” Congress with about the same degree of confidence. I’m not saying they’d sell us out tomorrow–they might wait until the day after.

The Senate voted to confirm Comrade Lynch to replace Comrade Holder with the help (or collusion) of ten Senate Republicans. Without their crucial vote she probably would not have been able to cut the mustard and Obama would have had to hunt up yet another leftist to nominate. But “conservative” Senator McConnell and his “gang of 9” saved him the trouble. And I suspect that it was known well beforehand that they would.

An article that appeared on http://www.breitbart.com for April 23rd, written by Matthew Boyle, noted: “Senate Democrats still control the U.S, Senate, election results last November aside, an analysis of all the votes taken since Sen. Mitch McConnell took over as Majority Leader shows. In fact, with two minor exceptions, every single vote that has pass the U.S. Senate since the beginning of this Congress in January has passed with at least–usually more than–93 percent of support from Democrats.” Dirty Harry’s spokesman, Adam Jentleson, has stated that McConnell had done the right thing by pushing legislation that the Democrats can support. So if that’s the case, what really changed with the election last year? We are still being fed the same socialist legislative agenda that Comrade Obama is pushing, only now the Republicans are doing it instead of the Democrats!

That indicates to a lot of people, myself among them, that there is basically no real difference between the two political parties. They both promote the same socialist program. The only difference now is that the Republicans claim they are not doing this when the clearly are. So we have one party with two names but always one agenda a One World Government agenda–a Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission agenda.

There was a photo in the Breitbart article of both Dirty Harry and McConnell–with Dirty Harry looking jubilant and McConnell looking complacent–like the cat that had just swallowed the canary. And why not? He’s pulling down a fat congressional salary for selling out his constituents so he’s happy.

Folks, this will not change until the ignorant American voter, in sufficient numbers, begins to realize he’s being had and starts trying to do some homework to change that. There are all manner of places on the Internet where the disgruntled voter can look to see what’s going on. It’s not as if all this was totally “hidden beneath a bushel.” It just takes a little effort to begin to discern just how the public is being shafted by our One Party System posing as two parties. I have, in previous articles, mentioned all kinds of places where you can locate information as to what is going on. I’d only repeat myself by listing them all again–and is anyone really interested?

So you’ll get Hillary for president next year and we will do this same game all over again, and even if you get, by some rare fluke, one of the Republican contenders, as Hillary said about Benghazi, “What difference does it make now?”

Government Schools—the god that failed on purpose

By Al Benson Jr.

In the past I have commented on how most people view public schools, how many have commented on their gross failure to educate and I have stated that the public schools have really not failed—at what they were instituted to do—the dumbing down of our kids. At this they have been a smashing success.

What they have failed to do, and this is on purpose, is to educate the children committed to their charge. They continue to turn out graduates who don’t even know what century the War of Northern Aggression was fought in or who Hitler was, or who was president before our current Commissar took the office.

I am not saying that every public school teacher is a “bad” person or even that everyone working for a public school system is a bad person—I have a niece that is a public school teacher and she is well acquainted with many of the tragic problems in that system. There are lots of good folks that, in one way or another, work in the public school system and it’s not them that are evil—it’s the system itself and the agenda of the Educational Establishment in this country.

The main problem with the public, or government, school system is that its founders and true adherents have a messiah complex. The wish to replace the Triune God with their educational system—not to educate children, but to control and manipulate them—to make them into compliant little robots to be used by the New World Order as they deem fit. The mindset of those running the current governmental education establishment goes all the way back to the Tower of Babel—they are going to build a tower that reaches to Heaven and make a name for themselves and create a people that will do their will, not God’s.

Unfortunately “their will” is something most Christians and patriotic people wish to remain blissfully unaware of. “Don’t tell us that “right-wing stuff” we don’t want to be aware of all that. If we are we might have to assume some responsibility personally for our kids’ education, and that’s the absolute last thing we want.” Personal responsibility—ugh!!! Forget that—let the schools do it—and the public schools are only too happy to do it—at the expense of your kids’ souls!

Just recently, I came across an article on http://www.thearrowsoftruth.com titled The Rockefeller School System: Compulsory Indoctrination Camps for Social Control that was published back in November of 2012. The article stated: “The first federalized U.S. educaton boar was the 1870 founded NEA (National Education Administration) which quickly announced that countrywide school science courses must be restructured to teach ‘evolution’ as fact, not theory. Having gained a fair amount of pull in the NEA, in 1903, John D. Rockefeller created the GEB (General Education Board) in an effort toward ‘this goal of social control.’ Later, in 1923 he would also created the International Education Board providing over $20 million to promote education abroad. The Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford groups have often funded (and thus steered) American education more so even than the government.” One thing you need to realize here from this statement is that these people are the “real government” that calls the shots and the people you thought you elected to office are often little more than political puppets being directed by the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Fords, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers. That’s where the real power in this country lies—not in those you voted for—they are just the “house slaves” carrying out Massa’s orders, for which they get “house privileges” and assorted perks.

The article continues: “Reading through the papers of the Rockefeller Foundation’s General Education Board an endowment rivaled in school policy influence in the first half of the twentieth century only by Andrew Carnegie’s various philanthropies, seven curious elements force themselves on the curious reader: 1. There appears a clear intention to mold people through schooling. 2. There is a clear intention to eliminate tradition and scholarship. 3. The net effect of various projects is to create a strong class system verging on caste. 4. There is a clear intention to reduce mass critical intelligence while supporting infinite specialization. 5. There is clear intention to weaken parental influence. 6 There is clear intention to overthrow accepted custom. 7. There is a striking congruency between the cumulative purposes of GEB and the utopian precepts of the oddball religious sect, once known as Perfectionism, a secular religion aimed at making the perfection of human nature, not salvation or happiness, the purpose of existence. The agenda of philanthropy, which had so much to do with the schools we got, turns out to contain an intensely political component.” And this is a quote from the John Taylor Gatto book The Underground History of American Education.

And the article gives a short list of organizations funded by the Rockefellers. Some of them are: Atlantic Union, Council on Foreign Relations, Federation of World Governments, The Trilateral Commission World Affairs Council, United World Federalists. Notice any trends in this list? All of these groups in one way or another promote World government.

In his informative book The Rockefeller File which I believe can be found on the Internet, author Gary Allen noted comments by a former Baptist pastor, Frederick Taylor Gates, who had pastured a church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Gates left that pastorate, was appointed secretary of the American Baptist Education Society, and, in that post, he championed a Baptist university in Chicago, which became the University of Chicago—one of the most leftist universities in the country. In 1889, Gates met John D. Rockefeller and became one of his advisors. Gary Allen has observed that: “Daddy Oilbucks (Rockefeller) put his assistant, Fred Gates, in charge of his General Education Board. Gates tipped the Rockefeller philosophy on education in the Board’s Occasional Paper No. 1: In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.” Gives you the warm fuzzies doesn’t it?

Some commentators have claimed this quote was taken out of context and really doesn’t mean what it sounds like, but if “Rev.” Gates ended up as an advisor to Rockefeller then you have to know that this One World mindset about educational control is where he was coming from. Had it not been, then Rockefeller would have had no use for him. And you have to wonder, looking at the University of Chicago now, where the Baptists lost control. I recall reading a little book, years ago entitled How Red is the University of Chicago?

Allen also noted that “The Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, which often had interlocking directorates and many times acted in unison, began in the early Thirties to back John Dewey and his Marxist educationists with enormous amounts of money.” This is the same John Dewey that had so much to do with shaping public education in this country, the man that was a signer of Humanist Manifesto 1. Check that one out on the Internet too, while you still can.

The thing to remember here is that those who ran these foundations and had a One World Government mindset are the very ones that financially helped to design the curriculum that most of us were taught in government schools, and they are still doing it. Your kids today are getting fed the same One World Swill we were fed in government schools. It was, and still is, anti-Christian, as it was intended to be from the beginning. You can have all the Christian teachers you want in public schools, but if they are forced to teach this stuff, whether knowingly or not, where is their Christian testimony? The sincere teachers and the kids have been sold down the river and are forced to partake of the One World outlook that goes all the way back to the Tower of Babel. I realize the folks, even Christians, that prefer to have their kids “educated” in this setting won’t be influenced by what I have written here, but at least they will not be able to say no one ever told them. Lots of folks over the past hundred or so years have told them and the fact that they are not listening in the main is one reason this country will be judged.

And, coincidentally, in this vein, Sam Blumenfeld and Alex Newman have just written a book called Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools To Destroy America’s Children. This was published by WND Books in April of this year.

Has the Next President Already Been Chosen—and is the election just going through the motions?

By Al Benson Jr.

If you looked at the last two presidential “elections” and, upon sober reflection, decided it was all an elaborate sham, then you and I are on the same page. The Republican Establishment ran two pathetically weak candidates against the Democrat, who was also a pathetically weak candidate when separated from his teleprompter, but he and his teleprompter were supposed to win and so that’s how it worked out—all according to plan—and both parties played the game.

Now we are facing 2016 and another year of campaign fertilizer being thrown in our faces until we choke on it, and it’s all to fool the public into believing that we really have any say at all in who sits in the White (Red) House. That’s already been decided. All that remains to be decided is which candidate the Republican wing of the Establishment will let run against her to give the impression that there really was a presidential race, and the scam of “elected representation” will continue to be perpetuated until the public wakes up—if ever.

Just this evening I read an article on http://www.westernjournalism.com which had for a headline: “Here’s What Marco Rubio Just Said About Running For President Against Hillary.” The article noted one interesting thing. It told us that Rubio’s “…entry into national politics was supported by Jeb Bush…” Does that set off a few warning bells? It should. Rubio made the standard political statements about Hitlery, er, excuse me I meant Hillary, being a “leader from yesterday” as if that makes any difference. The Western Journalism article actually made it sound like there might be a real presidential race between Rubio and Hilldabeast, sorry, I meant Hillary. Someone way over on the far right called her “Hilldabeast” in an email I saw and it just sort of slipped out. I should know better, I guess. And if Western Journalism knows what’s really going on, so should they. One thing you are forced to say about these professional politicians, they are good actors. They could give anyone in Hollyweird a run for their Oscar money.

Also just read a brief article on http://www.nypost.com by Michael Goodwin for April 11, 2015. Mr. Goodman observed: “More than five years ago, a Clinton confidant matter-of-factly described to me Hillary’s Plan. She would resign as secretary of state after President Obama’s first term, write a book and then run for president again. Check, check, and, with Sunday’s official launch, check again. Her to-do list is complete. She stuck like glue to the Plan, which required years of misleading blabber from her and Bubba that she hadn’t decided about 2016.” Question is, was it her plan or somebody else’s?

This game has been awhile in the setting up, but it’s still a political game—and the loser, as always, is the befuddled American voter. What he gets from the “news” media about the election couldn’t even be classified as swill—it’s not that high-grade. But it keeps him ignorant if it’s all he has to go on and the “news’ media’s prime function is keeping the public ignorant.

There was an interesting article on http://www.infowars.com back on May 2, 2013 entitled “Bilderberg Kingmaker Kissinger ‘Jokes’ About President Hillary Clinton At Elite Gathering.” Now maybe he was “joking” but he was telling the right people what to look for. It was more than a joke, folks, if you understand those people. Kissinger said: “I want to tell Hillary that when she misses the office, when she looks at the histories of secretaries of state, there might be hope for a fulfilling life afterwards” and he added (another “joke) that he had “thought up all kinds of schemes to get around Constitutional protections that prevented him, as a foreign born citizen, from becoming president himself.” Well, Mr. Kissinger, it took awhile, but the Republican and Democratic establishments finally figured out how to do it with the current resident of the White House. Who really knows if he’s a citizen or not—and they’ll never tell—because if it ever turns out he isn’t, then they’ve set a precedent for future presidents.

And the Info Wars article also noted: “In recent data dumps by Wikileaks, dubbed the ‘Kissinger Cables,’ the Bilderberg stalwart is quoted as saying, ‘Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, ‘the illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer’.” The Info Wars article concluded: “Clinton’s campaign against Barack Obama during the 2008 Democratic primaries came to an end when she abruptly announced that she was to concede and suspend her campaign, following a secret meeting held with Obama, which in all likelihood took place at the Bilderberg Group conference in Chantilly, Virginia. Now, it seems, is Hillary’s time, however.” Now the unconstitutional takes no time at all—just get our current commissar to write out an Executive Order! The Establishment is always learning new ways to shaft the public. It’s what they live for.

Then, there was another Info Wars article for February 5, 2015 that continued in the same vein by stating: “Radio talk show host Michael Savage believes Massachusetts Republican and failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney was told by the global elite to step down as the Republican presidential candidate in order to allow Democrat Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election.” I don’t know what Michael Savage thinks of Mitt Romney, but if this is true, it just shows what many of us have known literally for decades—that both parties work in concert toward a One World agenda and there is no real difference. Savage stated: “The Bilderbergs met in Davos, and the decision was made that Hillary Clinton will be the next president, Romney was doing too well in the polls, so they threw him out. They want to make sure that another Bush—or an incompetent moron like Rubio—will be chosen to lead the Republicans, to ensure that Hillary becomes president.” Savage feels that the elections are prearranged by the Establishment Elite, and “like a rigged horse race, the outcome is predetermined.” Given what I’ve seen in the last few elections, I can’t totally disagree with him.

So, if Michael Savage is correct, you can go vote, but it won’t make any real difference because we are going to get Hitlery (darn it, there I go again) no matter what, just like we got Obama, no matter what. I don’t personally think Romney was all that great and the fact that he’s in there taking orders from the elite shows that he, too, plays the game. I may not vote for president next year, and if I do it will be one of the third party candidates that I can, in good conscience, cast a vote for, knowing full well he won’t even come close, if he even gets a mention in the “news” media.

Folks, I would not spend lots of time trying to figure out who the next president will be. That’s probably already been decided unless the Lord intervenes and messes up the One Worlder’s agenda. And I wouldn’t spend lots of time following the race, on television or even on the Internet because if we spend too much time on that distraction we may not be paying enough attention to what the Establishment is doing to us in other more important areas, like the Second and Tenth Amendments or “Constitutional Conventions” or any of the other foolishness currently going on.

Editor’s note: For a follow-up article to this one posted on January 27, 2016, please check out http://thecopperhead.blogspot.com

Today’s Church Would Say “Nyet” to Black Robed Regiment

By Al Benson Jr.

Recently I watched a You Tube video presentation by Pastor Dan Fisher of Yukon, Oklahoma on a group of pastors during our First War for Independence (the second one was fought from 1861-65 and still continues culturally) which the British dubbed “the Black Robed Regiment.” Pastor Fisher has also written a book dealing with this, Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment.

Larry Pratt, the head of Gun Owners of America (an organization I support) wrote an article about this in July of 2014 that appeared on http://www.freedomoutpost.com and he described the Black Robed Regiment as “patriot preachers of the 18th Century, who led their congregations to battle the abusive tyranny of the Redcoats.” Can you even picture such a thing today, given the condition of most of our churches? It’s difficult.

We’ve been told for years that “religion and politics don’t mix and they are the two things you never talk about.” I can remember hearing this at home as a kid. It was the prevailing theology in most of the country in the late 1940s and 50s when I grew up, and although that has changed somewhat, the results, due to historical ignorance, have been mixed.

Larry Pratt noted in his article that “The Founding Fathers explicitly believed that politics and religion had to be mixed. How fitting that the ‘shot heard round the world’ was fired in front of Jonas Clark’s church on the Lexington green. During the battle, men went back and forth from the church to get ammo, because that’s where their powder and ball were stored. A nineteenth-century historian, John Adams, said that freedom was not born a bastard. Freedom was birthed when church and state were still married. A British writer, Horace Walpole, said at the time, ‘America has run off with a Presblyterian Parson’.” Quite a few Presbyterian pastors were involved in the First War of Independence, but then so were Lutheran, Baptist, Congregational, and other pastors also. Pastors in that day seem to have had a vision that has been lost in our day.

Dan Fisher has argued, and I have to agree with him, that politics is dirty today and one of the main reasons is that Christians have removed themselves from participation for the most part. Oh, they’ll do their “patriotic” duty and go vote, but they will not take the time to study the issues and do any homework on the personalities involved because, after all, politics is “of the world.” Sorry folks, I have to disagree. It’s “of the world” because Christians have allowed it to get there by default. Pastor Fisher feels that pastors “should teach about biblical principles of liberty and government—indeed about all of life—so their congregants will have a template to use with politicians. Failure to do so today, he says, has resulted in many Christians voting wrong.”

Larry Pratt made an interesting statement. He said “Now, more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body is ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption…” And we must tolerate it, Christians included. Look what we’ve elected to office in the past decades! How many recent presidents have claimed to be “Christian” and Christians have voted for them without bothering to try to find out anything about their backgrounds or what organizations they belong to or any of it. We just take their word and then when the govern like heathens the Christians are shocked. Well, duh—. You still don’t get it! And now the current crop of political “conservatives” are all running to sign up for the 2016 presidential race and all claiming to be “Christian.” It’s all a farce. Any candidate who gets close to the White House will have to have the approval of the CFR and the Bilderbergers, no matter which party he, or she, or it, is in.

I read another article about the Black Robed Regiment, published in the January/February 2011 issue of http://www.libertymagazine.org and written by Gregory W. Hamilton that seemed to view the Black Robed Regiment with kind of mixed feelings. Mr. Hamilton noted that the Black Robed Regiment preachers were “spiritual leaders who had largely strayed from the reform principles of the First Great Awakening. A goodly number of the preachers who participated and led during that First Great Awakening were influenced by the Scottish, English, and French Enlightenments. They opposed some of their colleagues’ fundamentalist approach to Christianity and a brash and brazen involvement in political matters. Some of these Great Awakening preachers…had some considerable influence on the thinking of many of the constitutional founders, who were ‘enlightened’ thinkers as well. They, along with the founders, wanted to dismantle church establishments and see an increased separation between church and state therefore realized.” Seems like he’s telling us that many of our “constitutional founders” were, in some measure, products of the Enlightenment. Folks, I submit that this is not good news.

But then Hamilton said: “The Black Robed Preachers, on the other hand, were, for the most part, not supportive of this new wave of so-called ‘Enlightenmet’ thinking and wanted a return to Puritan values and the preservation and strengthening of religious and church establishments through state legislative means, including the continued taxation of the public for their support.” Now there’s a slight rub here. I can agree with resistance to Enlightenment thinking. That kind of mindset has done us no favors, but I don’t necessarily agree with the state financing the church. The state should be influenced by the church but it should not finance it. For it is an old truth that what government pays for it eventually controls.

Then Hamilton made an interesting statement. I don’t know if he’s accurate here or not, but he stated: “Few realize today that these so-called black-robed radicals fought ratification of the Constitution in every state and were thus one reason, among many other factors, that Jay, Hamilton, and Madison wrote the Federalist Papers—to make sure it was ratified.” I had not been aware that the Black Robed Regiment had opposed ratification of the Constitution. Their taking that position must have meant that they understood something that many, or most, other folks did not. If the constitutional thinkers had been influenced by the Enlightenment, then how much of that influence crept into the Constitution? That might be a subject worth studying at some point.

David Alan Black has written on http://www.daveblackonline.com that: “…we need pastors who are willing to join today’s ‘Black Regiment.’ The Black Regiment was a group of clergy who were fierce opponents of British tyranny and a driving force in the decision of the colonies to seek independence. King George had provoked many of these men to leave England by demanding that they submit to licensing by the crown. He called them the Black Regiment because of the black robes they wore when preaching. These men staunchly opposed the divine right of kings. Their cry was, ‘Restore the crown rights of King Jesus!’”

And a final thought for those that insist the religion be kept out of politics, if you understand the sovereignty of God then you have to understand the God is concerned with what goes on in all areas of life—religion, politics, culture, education, art, whatever it is. God, as creator of the universe and of man, is concerned with it all and He is concerned with what man does with it all. There are not certain areas that are “sacred” while the rest is “secular.” To God it is all sacred and His Word teaches us how to deal with all of it—if we are willing to pay attention.

It is to our detriment today that so many churches suffer from the 501c3 syndrome which renders them incapable of saying anything about our miserable political situation—a situation that will only get worse the longer the church remains silent.

Where Is the Church Headed Now—And should we resist the trip?

By Al Benson Jr.

Earlier this week someone sent me an article from Relevant Magazine entitled: The Presbyterian Church Votes to Recognize Same-Sex Marriage. The headline is slightly misleading because all Presbyterians have not voted to endorse or accept same-sex (sodomite) marriage. No doubt the “progressive Presbyterians” have accepted it, but us Neanderthals in many Presbyterian churches have not, and will not, in accordance with God’s Word, accept this.

Actually the article is referring to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) or PCUSA as most of us call it. This denomination has been drifting leftward by degrees for decades now and so such a move was not totally unexpected. According to the Relevant article: “While the office of the General Assembly is still awaiting official tallies, it appears that a majority of the 171 presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have approved a change to the current description of marriage in the PC (USA)’s Constitution.”

Unfortunately, the liberal Presbyterians are not the only ones in the church that are pushing this perversion. In another article on http://www.relevantmagazine.com the headline reads: Rob Bell: The Church Is ‘Moments Away’ From Accepting Gay Marriage. The article went on to say: “He (Bell) went on to say the church was risking irrelevance by holding off on an embrace of gay marriage. ‘I think the culture is already there,’ he said. ‘And the church will continue to be even more irrelevant when it quotes letters from 2,000 years ago as their best defense…’.” Look at his last statement. Do you realize what he’s saying here? He’s calling into doubt what the New Testament has to say about marriage because it doesn’t seem “relevant” to him. Where does that put him in regard to the authority of Scripture? If he can dismiss the truth of Scripture that easily because it doesn’t conform to what the world believes, I would suggest that, in the long run, maybe he is irrevelant.

In another article on http://www.standupfortruth.com Rob Bell is noted as part of the Emergent Church movement, which the article describes this way: “The Emergent Church movement is a progressive Christian movement that attempts to reduce or eliminate Christian doctrine in favor of experience and feelings. Most do not believe man can know what is absolute truth, and believe God must be experienced outside of traditional biblical doctrines.” This is just another version of “if it feels good do it.” No doctrine, no absolute truth, just experience and feeling. These people are the Transcendentalists of the 21st century. Emerson and Thoreau would have loved them! The article notes some of the leaders of this movement—among whom are Rob Bell and Rick Warren (“whom many of these leaders point to as their inspiration for the Emergent Movement.”) Does this help you to understand why Warren’s name was linked with Obama’s during the 2008 presidential farce?

It would seem that the arrogance and egotism of some of these apostates (and that’s what they are) knows no ends. In a brief article on http://www.beginningandend.com the following was noted: “In a stunning sign of the growing apostasy—the rise of the false church in Christianity that no longer treats the Bible as its final authority, Reverend Oliver White of Grace Community United Church, came on the radio show of Fox News Host Sean Hannity to proclaim that Jesus Christ was ‘wrong’ on the issue of homosexuality and gay marriage. White, speaking for Jesus Christ, said, with respect to the issue of gay marriage no longer being a sin: ‘If Jesus were alive today, I think he would be more inclined to say: you know, I didn’t know it all’…” There’s a photo of Rev. White at the top of this article holding what appears to be a big Bible—but then, with Rev. White’s attitude toward Jesus, maybe it’s really an enlarged version of The Humanist Manifesto. Here’s a man who thinks he knows more than Jesus Christ. Another 21st century Transcendentalist! Who says Unitarianism, Transcendentalism, and all the other unholy “isms” died in the 19th century? Some of them may have taken a little breather, but they are back, alive and well today and their practitioners are back, fooling another generation of “useful idiots” who have never read their church history anymore than they have their American history and so they continue to make grandiose pronouncements while not knowing upside down from inside out.

You have to wonder why more preachers don’t stand up and expose this stuff. Too many have been bemused into a “all I’m called to do is to preach the gospel and I don’t want to get involved in politics” stance. This absolves them, so they think, from having to do anything about the abysmal spiritual condition of the church in our day. If they don’t know anything about any of it then they can’t deal with it, and so they continue on with a truncated version of John 3:16 and never, and I mean never, get beyond that. Nothing against John 3:16—it’s foundational, but if you never get past the foundation then the house isn’t going to get built and you’ll live in the cellar forever. That’s one problem I have with the Scofield Bible Notes. They teach Christians to stay in the cellar because that’s all they will ever be.

Another problem for the cellar dwellers is the501c3 syndrome, which says that if any church, anywhere, makes even the remotest political statement about anything, then they will lose their tax exemption. Churches today are hide-bound by this and scared stiff to say anything that might “offend” the ruling elite and cost them their exemption. An article on http://www.hushmoney.org noted that “Churches were only added to section 501c3 of the tax code in 1954. We can thank Senator Lyndon B. Johnson for that. Johnson was no ally of the church. As part of his political agenda, Johnson had it in mind to silence the church and eliminate the significant influence the church had always had on shaping ‘public policy’…For a 501c3 church to openly speak out, or organize in opposition to, anything the government declares ‘legal’ even if it is immoral (e.g. abortion, homosexuality, etc.) that church will jeopardize its tax exempt status. The 501c3 has had a ‘chilling effect’ upon the free speech rights of the church.” The article noted that LBJ was a “shrewd and cunning politician who seemed to well-appreciate how easily many of the clergy would sell out.”

Now the IRS routinely warns churches during election years not to deal with where candidates stand on any issues and so the threat is always there.

So this seems to be where the church is headed—intimadated by the IRS, scared stiff of losing their tax exemptions, inundated with false preachers who tell us that sodomy and other related sins are okay and that we wont be “relevant” unless we dump biblical teaching and embrace all the latest pervesions. Thank the Lord there are some churches that don’t buy into this bovine fertilizer, but there are too many that do. The pastors that promote this rank apostasy are leading their congregations astray and there doesn’t seem, in many cases, to be enough spiritual discernment among the congregants to grasp this.

At the risk of offending the current seekers of “relevance” I would go back and advocate what the Scripture says in 2nd Corinthians 6:14-18 to Christians in our day. If you are in a church where this kind of thing is permitted or encouraged then separate yourself from that church and find one that believes in and trusts the Holy Scriptures. Staying in apostate congregations will do nothing more than make you “two-fold more the child of hell” than you were before. I can understand wanting to help and love sinners, but accepting their perversions as normal does not help them, in fact it may well do them eternal harm.