This One Made Biden Choke!

by Al Benson Jr.

Every once in awhile something comes along that makes the day look a little better. According to for 6/29/23: “The United States Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that admissions systems which factor race into decisions–especially those used at Harvard and the University of North Carolina in this case–violate the Equal Protection Clase of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

A quick snippet of this decision noted that: “In other words, the student must be treated onhis or her experiences as an individual–not on the basis of race.” I have not always agreed with everything the current court has done, but it has done some good things. Overturning Roe vs. Wade was a good thing and so was today’s decision on “Affirmative Action,”

China Joe Biden has already held a press briefing on this decision as of 1 p.m. this afternoon telling us how far out of line this court decision is in his perverted view. And his view is perverted, make no mistake about that! Here is a man to whom perversion is to be emulated and promoted. And he has done his utmost in that effort.

And our august political hack of an excuse for Attorney General, Comrade Garland, had whimpered that this decision “has erased years of precedence.” If two such leftist turkeys as China Joe and Merrick Garland choked on this decision, then the Supreme Court must’ve done something right!

The whole gist of Affirmative Action has been “very few whites need apply because you won’t get accepted anyway–you’re not the right color!” We’ve reached a point in this country where merit no longer matters. What matters is the color of your skin–and if that color is too pale, you’re out of luck, baby! Today’s court decision throws a roadblock into the highway of “all colors should apply except whites.”

This is not what the “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” crowd wants. Their entire worldview is “everybody except whites are included.” That’s their view of “diversity.” No whites allowed–that’s “equity” and “inclusion ” is to include everybody except whites. Do you begin to get the picture now? Their entire agenda could well be labeled as “The New Segregation.” If this is where the “Civil Rights” movement was ultimately headed can you really blame many on the right for opposing it? I think not1

It’s Okay For Me, But NOT For Thee–Two-Tiered “Justice”

by Al Benson Jr.

This from an article on for 6/26/23 by John Solomon: “When the Justice Department discovered a storage locker containing evidence against ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a search was executed immediately but when crooked IRS agents found a similar storage area containing evidence in the Crackhead Hunter Biden criminal tax probe, they were denied the right to search despite meeting a probable cause standard, then Biden’s lawyers were tipped off, according to new congressional testimony…”

The article continued: “A federal prosecutor ‘told us it would get us into hot water if we interviewed the president’s grandchildren crooked IRS Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley told Congress in blockbuster testimony released last week that furthers an unmistakable portrait being painted by congressional investigators of a whole-of-government effort to preserve Brain-Dead Biden’s viability as a presidential candidate while attempting to destroy Trump’s re-election efforts in 2020…”

It seems, in retrospect, as if Biden’s efforts to prevent Trump from running in 2024 may just be the second installment of Hillary’s “Russia Collusion Campaign” that started back in 2015. Now that the Durham Report has blown that Russian collusion fallacy out of the water, the socialist Democrats will have to try a different tack. So what will they do?

For one thing, they will rely on our intrepid “news” media to print “all the news that fits” their agenda and to ignore or lie about any items that don’t. This is not a new role for the “news” media. They’ve been doing this for decades now and they’re old hands at it. So the Biden Crime Family knows the news media will have their backs no matter what, unless the Shadow Government, for some reason, tells them otherwise.

You have to admit that the Biden and Clinton crime families are allowed to get by with things the feds would jail any Trump family members for. All you have to do to figure that out is read the headlines with a little discernment and that fact will slap you in the face! So what will the socialist Democrats do in 2024 if it ends up looking like Trump might prevail? They’ll simply do what they did in 2020 and steal the election and there will be enough gutless Republicrats on hand to help them do it! In fact they’ll probably do that anyway just to be on the safe side. Then we also know that Biden wants to give the illegal immigrants the vote sans citizenship.

And has anyone noted how much Barack Obama has been in the news of late, putting his two cent’s worth in? It would seem that we are about to see what many of us have said all along–that Biden’s presidential foray is really Obama’s unofficial third term and he’s out there putting the screws to China Joe to make sure he doesn’t mess up. I will again make note of the book by Stanley Kurtz Radical-in-Chief which is the story of Obama’s socialist upbringing and education. I think it is still available on Amazon and it will fill you in on much info on Obama that the news media has forgotten to mention on purpose. Also worth getting is Arthur R. Thompsons informative book Benedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World Order which can be purchased from the John Birch Society, 770 N. Westhill Blvd., Appleton, Wisconsin 54914 It notes, among other things, all the Council on Foreign Relations members who hold important positions in the Biden/Obama Regime. Make no mistake, we do have a two-tiered system of “justice” in this country. The only standard the Clintons and Bidens and such elites are held to is a kind of unofficial “grab all you can any way you can” and if they have to sell the country out to do it, that makes no difference to them as long as they get their slice of the financial and political pie!

“Woke” Companies

by Al Benson Jr.

You’d think that some of these “woke” companies that have lost billions in sales because of the perversion they now endorse would have gotten the rather subtle message of falling sales and monetary loss due to what they now try to force on an unwilling public. But sadly, that has not been the case.

Their support for and endorsement of lesbianism, drag queens, transsexualism, and related perversions will only continue and they will no doubt begin to double down on that support. Strangely enough, severe monetary loss for this will not deter them. As strange as it seems, they are willing to forego profit if it promotes the agenda they now endorse as proponents of the “theology of woke.” Check the article on this blog for February 1st. of this year for what theological wokeism is really all about.

These woke companies have bought into sexual perversion as the up and coming new morality. They see themselves as the new colonizers of the woke agenda, whose task it is to now convert an “unregenerate” (unwoke) population to their New Morality. And they will continue on this twisted path until their twisted worldview either prevails, or falls flat on its woke face!

It is part of the task of Christians to ensure that this woke agenda falls flat! We need to ask ourselves as Christians–are we willing to be up to this task? I pray that we are, because if we are not then we will deserve what we get. And what will our children raised in the faith say to us? Dad, Mom, you saw how evil this was, why didn’t you resist it? These woke companies and individuals would have God apologize to Sodom and Gomora for their destruction. After all, His willful destruction of their perversion was hardly “loving” in their eyes.

These companies and those that control them and their agendas love evil and hate good and they hate those that stand for good. Their aim is to destroy what’s good and enshrine what’s evil and I think that the church should at least give them a run for their money. As one man said years ago “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” There is no doubting that we are in a spiritual battle here. Let’s hope the church wakes up and realizes that fact!

There’s Lots The History Books Don’t Tell Us About World War 2

by Al Benson Jr.

Just like there is lots the “history” books have not told us about the War of Northern Aggression, so there is lots they have left out when it comes to World War 2. I can’t begin to cover it all here, but I will take a shot at one small slice, produced by folks who know much more than I do.

I recently came across some commentary by Ron Unz, who some of you may be familiar with. Mr. Unz noted: “I eventually concluded that the true history of World War 2 was not only quite different from what most of us had always believed, but was largely inverted. Our mainstream history books had been telling the story upside-down and backwards.” He probably has a point here, based on past performances. He mentioned a book by Oxford historian A. J. P. Taylor called Origins of the Second World War. He mentioned Hitler and the border dispute with Poland. Poland spent months rejecting his attempts to negotiate as well as mistreating its German minority.” Unz wrote of this, that it was “finally forcing Hitler into declaring war. And as I discusses in 2019, provoking that war may have been the deliberate goal of certain powerful figures.” That’d be a surprise now wouldn’t it!

Unz also noted a book by Pat Buchanan, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. Unz observed that Buchanan had “described the outrageous provisions of the Treaty of Versailles imposed on a prostrate Germany, and the determination of all subsequent German leaders to redress it. But whereas his Democratic Weimar predecessors had failed, Hitler had managed to succeed, largely through bluff, while also annexing German Austria and the German Sudatenland of Czechoslovakia, in both cases with the overwhelming support of their populations…Hitler’s final demand that 95% German Danzig be returned to Germany jusr as its inhabitants desired, was an absolutely reasonable one, and only a dreadful diplomatic blunder by the British had led the Poles to refuse the request, thereby provoking the war. The widespread later claim that Hitler sought to conquer the world was totally absurd…Admittedly, Buchanan also included a very harsh critique of Winston Churchill, cataloging a long list of his supposedly disastrous policies…and assessing him a good share of the blame for Britain’s involvement in both world wars, fateful decisions that consequently led to the collapse of the British Empire…The neocons already hated Buchanan and since they notoriously worshipped Churchill as a cartoon super-hero, any firestorm of criticism from those quarters would hardky be surprising,”

Then there was an article on by Helena Glass for June 24th of this year. It was quite revelatory also. It was titled Khazar Nazis vs. Soviet Russia: a Battle Since 600 C E. There’s no way I can quote all of it, but will just note some important spots and encourage you all to go read the entire article.

It noted: “Initially, FDR and Churchill lauded Hitler for his economic successes. When FDR began to come under scrutiny for his politics and failures in the US, war was his distraction choice.” I can remember hearing that said when I was a kid, not old enough to appreciate the sentiment. It was said that Roosevelt got us into a war to end the depression. There were no doubt, other reasons, but that was one of ’em.

The article went on to discussing military leaders. It observed: “General Bradley and General Patton had different opinions on winning–and fought vehemently. Patton’s military organ was–win the war. But Bradley kept deflecting Patton’s tactics. WHY? Because that isn’t exactly what the Shadow Government had in mind. At the end of the war, the US installed thousands of Nazis throughout the military industrial complex–in Colorado and Washington D.C. Included in this bizarre alliance was Adolf Huesinger. Huesinger was on the general staff of the High Command/Hitler of the Wehrmacht from 1938 to 1944. In 1961 Huesinger became the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee. The first chairman was General Bradley, the same Bradley who had Douglas MacArthur fired for not towing the line on behalf of the Shadow Government.”

Do you begin to get the picture here? Patton killed, quite possibly for wanting to defeat the Germans and MacArthur fired for wanting to defeat the Communists in Korea. Seems the Establishment was more interested in absorbing the Nazis than defeating them–and they have NO intention of winning a war against Communists anywhere!!! Truth to tell, our Shadow Government, Deep State, or whatever you want to call it, admires both communists and fascists, because they are all totalitarians–and that’s what they really want for this country–whether it’s communist or fascist really makes no difference as long as total control over us can be exercised!


by Al Benson Jr.

Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was the quintessential Yankee, a cavalry commander in the War of Northern Aggression, who reached the rank of brevet major general. He was known by his own men, and not affectionately, as “Kill–Cavalry” because he was reckless with the lives of those under his command when such behavior made him look good in military reports. No soldier in his command was safe if his death made Kilpatrick appear better and get a step up n the chain of command.

Wikipedia, not exactly a champion of unbiased accounts, had few positive things to say about him. It did note that he was “aggressive, fearless, ambitious, and blustery. He was a master, in his mid-twenties, of using political influence to get ahead. His men had little love for his manner and his willingness to exhaust men and horses and to order suicidal cavalry charges. (The rifled muskets introduced to warfare in the 1850s made the historic cavalry charge essentially an anachronism. Cavalry’s role shrank primarily to screening, raiding, reconnaissance, and intelligence gathering.)…He also had a bad reputation with others in the army. His camps were poorly maintained and frequented by prostitutes, often visiting Kilpatrick himself. He was jailed in 1862 on charges of corruption, accused of selling captured Confederate goods for personal gain. He was jailed again for a drunken spree in Washington, D.C. and for alledgedly accepting bribes in the procurement of horses for his command.” Almost seems like he could have been Joe Biden’s second cousin–or his son!

Kilpatrick played a rather dastardly role in the Dahlgren Affair, which many of my readers are familiar with. Kilpatrick’s troops, along with a detachment of soldiers under Ulric Dahlgren, were looking for a way to ford the James River. The idea of this raid on Richmond was to free Union prisoners there and, according to the Dahlgren Papers, to assassinate any Confederate cabinet members they came across–from Jeff Davis on down! These papers were found on or near Ulric Dahlgren when his body was discovered. Dahlgren’s command became separated from Kilpatrick’s command and was attacked by Confederate troops and home guard units. Dahlgren was killed and the papers discovered by Confederate home guards. There was quite a fuss over those Dahlgren Papers. I read two different books on the Dahlgren Papers over the years. The first one claimed they were probably a Confederate forgery, though at that point in the war the Confederates were probably not at a point where they could do that much of that kind of thing The other book said they were genuine and gave good reasons for that position. If I recall correctly the name of this book was Eight Hours Before Richmond.

The Confederate government protested these papers, asking if Union policy had now gotten to the point where it openly advocated political assassination. General Meade replied, but in a way that “kept his skirts clean.” I tend to believe this second book was more accurate than the first one I read. At any rate, while Dahlgren and his men were being killed. good ol’ Hugh Kilpatrick slipped away to pillage another day!

As the war drew to a close, Kilpatrick rode with Sherman and several 48er generals as they torched Atlanta and then worked their way up to the Carolinas where they wreaked unnecessary havoc on South Carolina. It was the perfect place for another Yankee “looter and pillager.”

Kilpatrick accompanied Sherman to the surrender negotiations for Joe Johnston’s Confederate forces that, to all intents and purposes, ended the war. That was on April 17, 1865. He was promoted to Major General in June, 1865, and resigned from the army on 12/1/1865. He was appointed Minister to Chile by Andrew Johnson. He became involved in politics–the last refuge of Yankee scoundrels–and as a Republican he ran unsuccessfully for Congress from New Jersey in 1880. It appears the citizens of the Garden State had more sense than to elect a man of his moral imponderables.

They even made a movie about Kilpatrick’s time in the Union Army in 2021, but, not having seen it, I can’t comment on its accuracy or lack thereof. But knowing how Hollyweird operates, I’m willing to bet it had more than its share of historical “inconsistencies.”

Sanitizing Wyatt Earp

by Al Benson Jr.

When we lived in Illinois we once took a ride out to see Wyatt Earp’s birthplace in Monmouth, Illinois. At that time some Earp family descendants still lived there. I don’t know if any still do or not. What made me remember that was an old Western movie I saw recently with Joel McCrea playing the part of a much sanitized Wyatt Earp as the marshal of Wichita, Kansas.

The movie ended with Marshal Earp and his new bride driving off in a buckboard with the sun setting in the West–a happy, but very fictional ending. The ending was as fictional as the image of Wyatt Earp as a dedicated, honest frontier lawman is.

Wyatt’s career as a lawman in Wichita ended after he beat up a candidate for county sheriff. An article on noted of Wyatt that “For much of his life, he worked in law enforcement, but his own allegiance to the rule of law was conditional at best.” Back in 1927, Stuart N. Lake wrote kind of a biography of Wyatt Earp called Wyatt Earp: Frontier Marshal. It was reprinted in the 1960s, I think, and I read it back then. It exaggerated his reputation as a peace officer and portrayed him as some sort of frontier superhero. In later years I read an article in Arizona Highways magazine about Wyatt that noted he was, in his later years, looking around for a biographer that would write a flattering account of his life and Stuart N. Lake filled that bill.

New researchers have done lots of work on Wyatt’s life and have debunked much of what Lake and others of that era wrote about him. Some of the info they have come up with is, how shall we term it, somewhat salacious? Another site you might check out is It has been noted that Wyatt “spent a good deal of time working in brothels along the Illinois River during the period in which Stuart Lake claimed he had been hunting buffalo in the plains. As presented by the late historian Roger Jay in the August 2003 Wild West Earp went through quite a difficult period after the death of his first wife. He eventually landed in Peoria, Illinois where he worked in brothels, spent time in jail, and lived with a 17 year old prostitute, who identified herself as Sadie Earp…”

Before going to Peoria, Earp had been arrested for horse stealing in Oklahoma Territory and jailed in Van Buren, Arkansas. Hardly Stuart Lake’s paragon of frontier virtue! Wyatt’s chief aim in life was not the law, but making money. He always wanted to be richer than he was but was never quite able to pull it off. He tried his hand at county politics but wasn’t nearly as smooth at that as the grifters he ran up against. He wanted to be sheriff of Cochise County in Arizona, not because of any real dedication to the law, but because it was a lucrative financial position what with all the fines and everything that would be collected, but the sharp politicians aced him out of that.

Wyatt Earp had a colorful and interesting career and his actions are still being debated even today. His last “wife” lived until the 1940s, right down into my lifetime, and so did Doc Holiday’s “wife.” So the “old West” really ain’t all that long ago when you look at it.

Just Cancel Out The Christian South Because Cultural Marxists Want It Gone

by Al Benson Jr

Dr. Carole Haynes had some worthwhile comments to make on on what the leftists are doing with Juneteenth and to Southern heritage in general. Lots of Southern folks don’t seem to grasp that this leftist agenda is first aimed at them and their children and their culture and heritage, and then at everybody else. Southerners, however, are the first victims, and then everybody else.

Dr. Haynes wrote, in part, “Confederate hysteria will be stoked to rally national demonization of the Christian South, while obscuring the fact that slaves were held in Northern states that imported slaves and sold them to Southerners. According to some estimates, 80 to 100 million Americans are descended from Confederate soldiers. With a population of nearly 330 million, 1 out of 4 of the U.S. population is genetically linked to the old Confederacy. Cancelling all mention of the Confederacy effectively cancels the heritage of 25% of all Americans. Destroying Confederate monuments because they evoke memories of slavery, was the Cultural Marxist’s justification to lay siege to America’s heritage with final annihilation of every vestige of our founding ideals and culture. With a second holiday for independence (Juneteenth) it appears that July 4th is next on their cancel culture calendar.”

That may well be where we are headed. It will be worth watching to see if political and theological leftists, whom Dr. Haynes labels as the “satanic fringe” will come up with their own agenda of what independence day should be.

I’ve complained over the years that most Americans that celebrate July 4th don’t have a clue to what it’s really all about or what it means. It’s just another paid holiday for them, and if it happens to fall on a Friday or a Monday it’s a three-day weekend. They can eat hot dogs and shoot off fireworks in those stares where they are not illegal, but they can’t really tell you what it all represents or means. Their schools really never taught them–and they especially never taught them that the Declaration of Independence was really a secession document that listed all the reasons the colonies were seceding from Great Britain. So it is lots easier to take peoples heritage away if they don’t understand it, isn’t it? Remove it first from the South, and when they’ve stopped complaining about their lost heritage, then go after the rest of the country!

If we begin to understand this, the question remains–what will we do about it?

Much Ado Over Nothing

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, today is June 19th, the much ballyhooed day all the country is now supposed to remember and celebrate–the fabled and wonderful “Juneteenth.” On this day, in 1865, Yankee troops entered Galveston, Texas and informed the slaves there that they were free. Only one minor problem here–the Yankee troops had no authority to make such a statement. Nor was it official.

If you look back at the history, none of the slaves, including those held in slave states that remained in the Union, and there were five such states, were officially freed until the passage of the 13th Amendment late in 1865, sometime in December of that year. Until that time all the slaves everywhere were, officially, still slaves.

So all this noise about Juneteenth is a lot of noise and hoopla signifying nothing! If they want to have a day set aside to commemorate the freeing of the slaves then it should probably be in December on the anniversary of the passage of the 13th Amendment. But for some, that would be too close to Christmas and so it would lose much of its propaganda impact, which is really what this is all about.

This is just one more day designed to show the evil of Southern slavery. Northern slavery is never mentioned or acknowledged. That five slave states–Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, remained, for one reason or another, as part of the Union is almost never mentioned. Nor is the fact that in these states there remained over 400,000 slaves while the Union was supposed, so they tell us, to be fighting to liberate Southern slaves.

I’ve often asked the question why, if the North was supposed to be fighting to free the slaves as we’ve been told over and over, why didn’t they first free those slaves in slave states in the Union? No one wants to answer that question and so it just gets ignored. Truth is, they can’t answer it, because if they did they would have to admit, somewhere along the line, that the war was really not about freeing the slaves, it was about other issues. And they can’t admit that because it would throw their entire narrative about the war into a cocked hat!

So they continue to ignore the question hoping no one will notice, and they try to fill the void of their empty narrative with “holidays” like Juneteenth in the hope that no one will see the gaping holes in their story. And they may get by with this for awhile, but eventually, the veneer will wear off and they will have to come up with yet another pseudo-holiday that will, like Juneteenth, be lots of noise signifying nothing!

Honoring Perversion In California

by Al Benson Jr.

The Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team is showing its patrons and fans where it is really at. A big part of its agenda would seem to be the honoring of sexual perversion. And it seems they have been at work at this for at least a decade now.

According to “The Dodgers tenth annual ‘Pride Night’ celebration will honor the anti-Catholic drag queen group with its ‘Community Hero Award’ Friday night during a game against the visiting San Francisco Giants. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a ‘leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns’ according to the organization’s website.”

Thousands of Catholics and other Christians protested this honoring of perversion and protested outside the main gate to Dodger Stadium on Vin Scully Avenue. They lined the sidewalks and were taking over the block. At one point earlier, due to the religious backlash, the Dodgers had rescinded their invite to this group of perverts, but someone or some group (which we will probably never find out) changed the minds of the Dodgers, convincing them that sexual perversion was the wave of the future and so they better get with the program or else. So they ended up walking back their rescision and decided in favor of honoring the drag queens after all. You have to wonder who made this decision.

A group of well over a thousand protested outside the stadium hours before the game to protest the honoring of this anti-Christ group. This group has often mocked Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church–and it appears the Dodger organization is fine with that. Even former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard criticized both the Dodgers and the California legislature for honoring this drag queen group. She asked the question “Why should the Los Angeles Dodgers and state legislature be proud to honor and celebrate this group whose literal claim to fame is their offensive anti-Catholic and anti-Christian bigotry?”

The answer to that question should be quite obvious by this time. It’s because neither the Dodger organization nor the state legislature has any use for Christians or what they believe, and are, in fact, virulently anti-Christian in their worldview! I fail to see how any thinking Christian can support or endorse what those people are doing. The baseball team should be boycotted and most of the legislators voted out of office. But, California being what it is, I doubt that will happen. It has truly become “the land of nuts and fruits.”

I can remember the first time I was in California, decades ago now, after we had been through much of the Southwest, we had crossed the border into California. About an hour and a half into the state, once we got out of the desert, the thought popped into my mind that “this isn’t the West.” Oh, it is geographically, but that’s the only way it is. It had none of the characteristics of the rest of the West I’d been through. That seems to be the case more than ever today. Maybe that’s part of the reason so many people are fleeing California to go to Texas and Florida. There are good people in California, but their values are being trampled on more and more! Unconsciously, many who are fleeing the state realize that California has either lost its soul or sold it to the devil–the latter scenario being much more likely.

Forcing A Questionable Lifestyle On Others

by Al Benson Jr.

I might ask the question, seeing the response to the students in Burlington, Massachusetts that opposed celebrating “Pride Month” in the middle school there, has the town of Burlington succumbed to the theology of Woke? It would seem to have in the main. Woke theology allows for no dissent to its dogmas. If you are not on board and supporting it then you are an enemy that must be destroyed any way the theologians of Woke can. Seems like the town of Burlington, and particularly the public schools there, have all drunk the Woke cool aid.

An internet site observed that: “The school attempted to make students wear rainbow colors to celebrate Pride, but many students revolted. Counter protesting students wore red, white, and blue or black attire…Woke faculty members characterized refusal to bend the knee to the rainbow mafia as ‘intolerance’.”

Interesting how it’s always “intolerance” when you refuse to cave into the left but it’s never intolerance when they are trying to force you into accepting something you disagree with. The left seems to have the perverted notion that they have the right to force you but you do not have the right to resist.

The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is pretty straightforward when it comes to sexual perversion–it’s opposed to it in all of its various forms. But Christians don’t attempt to force people to abandon these perversions–rather they try to persuade people to abandon them by showing them a better way. And that way is Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

A perverted lifestyle leads to death–often physical death–but always spiritual death unless it is repented of. Yet these “preachers” of Woke theology try to force us to endorse what we know is wrong and if we refuse then we are “intolerant.” When Biblical views are being denigrated by the left it is always considered to be “enlightenment” by those on the theological and political left. And when those “enlightened” views are forced on kids in public schools, they cease to be any form of enlightenment and rather become rank indoctrination.

Christians need to expose and oppose such, and one way they can do this is by taking their kids out of these schools that engage in this indoctrination and putting them in an educational setting where they are taught right from wrong rather than leaving them in an “educational” setting where what is wrong is endorsed. This is something parents, especially Christian parents, need to prayerfully consider.

For a little more on the theology of Woke go back and check out this blog for my article posted n February 1, 2023.