Hey, amigo, when you get into the US vote for Biden

by Al Benson Jr.

Just last evening I ran across an article on https://www.dailysignal.com for 4/17, written by Fred Lucas, in which he quoted a couple Republican congressmen. Given the overall tenor of the article, I felt it was worth noting.

The article noted: “Joe Biden has sacrificed our nation’s safety in his pursuit to get as many people here as possible. Why? Because he believes they are future Democrat voters.” This was a comment by Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas that appeared on the Daily Signal. I can’t disagree with Marshall’s assessment. This is exactly what Biden’s open border policy is all about. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana echoed the same sentiment in the Daily Signal article when he said: “Democrats want permanent power and they are willing to import a new electorate to get it.” This sentiment is right on target.

The article also observed that: “The endgame of the Biden border crisis is to disenfranchise American citizens by diluting their votes.” So you would have to say in all honesty, that the Biden border crisis is a manufactured crisis. It’s not accidental or coincidental. It was done on purpose. Rep. Banks also noted: “American elections ar for Americans and Congress should pass election integrity reforms to safeguard federal elections from foreign illegal votes.”

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen! At this point in time, if anything happens, it will probably be some form of bill that will let the illegals vote–because that’s where all this had been headed for at least the last three years. The Daily Signal article noted that there have been “Vote for President Biden” flyers found in a center for migrants in Mexico, in Matamoros, I think, and lawmakers have complained about such flyers posted in a migrant services center near Brownsville, Texas. The Brownsville flyers tell illegal aliens to “Remember to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States.” If they weren’t planning on giving the illegals the vote in some way, why would such flyers e posted anywhere?

The question has been put forward–can this be considered election interference? Probably it can, but do you think that bothers the Democrats? If you do you are prone to delusion. Today’s Democrats lack any moral scruples whatever. Anything, no matter how raunchy or outright crooked, that will put their people in office is totally acceptable and is encouraged. The Democrat Party of today is even further to the left than the Communist Party of 50 years ago was. In fact, today’s Communist Party might just as well fold its tents and steal away, as today’s Democrat Party is fulfilling the Communist agenda in spades!

And when I say that, I am not, by any means, exonerating leftist Republicans, of which there have been a considerable number since the earliest days of the Republican Party. If you want some information about early day Republican leftists check out my substack page at https://albensonjr.substack.com and check out the articles on the Lincoln assassination. It’s only about 194 days now until the Democrats will make a brazen attempt to steal the 2024 election–and part of that attempt will be to give illegal aliens the vote in some way.

Louisiana’s Finally Getting It Right

by Al Benson Jr.

Now that Louisiana’s excuse for a democrat governor is gone, the state seems to be moving in the right direction. Let’s hope the Republicans in Louisiana will do a little better than they seem to be doing in the national arena where they seem to be, with a few exceptions, little more than apologists for the socialist Democrat agenda.

According to an article yesterday on https://conservativecore.com “Taking a page out of Texas’ legislation, the republican-controlled Senate in Louisiana moved a measure this week that would give local and state police the authority to detain and imprison anybody in the state who entered the country illegally. At a time when Republican states and Democrat President Joe Biden are at odds about the responsibility for enforcing the U.S.-Mexico border, Louisiana’s legislature is the latest attempt to give states more power in this area.”

And the states really need to do something to protect themselves from this illegal alien invasion because all the Biden/Obama regime is doing is aiding and abetting the invasion. It’s no secret that Biden/Obama want these illegals here so they can give them the vote at some point and use them as replacements for American citizens, whose rights they will, at some point, seek to deny. This is probably the worst kept “secret” in our history–possibly because they feel American citizens are dumbed-down enough now that they wouldn’t think of even resisting such a blatant move. God hope that Biden/Obama are wrong.

The article continues: “Legislators who support the measure, including GOP state senator Valarie Hodges, argue that Louisiana should be able to protect the country. Hodges has joined other Republican national leaders in accusing the federal government of ignoring its duty to enforce immigration laws.”

Of course leftist opponents of such laws claim they won’t do any good. Time will tell. But having them on the books won’t do any harm either. We’re right next to Texas here so working to protect our border will do no harm–except to illegals that want to get in here. Republican legislatures around the country have been putting in stricter immigration laws. For instance, Oklahoma’s House passed a bill that prohibits state revenue from benefitting illegals. Good for Oklahoma! A step in the right direction. These ultraliberal blue states that are now starting to gripe about how much the illegals are costing their states should maybe take a page from Oklahoma’s book. Once your state won’t pay for their goodies anymore, how much you want to bet lots of these illegals will move on to greener pastures?

The article also notes: “Reports show Louisiana law also seeks to establish the crime of illegal entrance or re-entrance into the state by barring those previously refused admission, deported, or expelled from the United States…Another measure would arrange for money sent to the Louisiana National Guard to appear at the Texas/Mexico border,..Republican Governor Jeff Landry has started ordering state agencies to compile and release migrant statistics,…As part of Texas’s state-led border security initiatives the measure also gives Governor Landry the power to form an interstate agreement with other states.”

With Louisiana being right next to Texas it;s important that it become part of a chain of states that refuses to coddle illegal immigrants. I don’t know if this will help to stem Biden’s illegal immigration agenda or not, but it sure won’t help it.

Illegal immigrant crime wave

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, Biden went to the border, the safest part of the border currently, for his election photo-op. However, it isn’t only the border area that feels the brunt of the illegal alien crime wave in this country, not that Biden gives a hoot. It would seem that Biden is currently in the “replacement” mode–replacing American citizens with foreign illegal aliens.

There have been several news reports displaying the outworking of Biden’s replacement agenda (really it’s Obama’s agenda, but Biden is a willing puppet). Illegal immigrants are involved in all manner of crimes, but that’s okay with China Joe as long as the victims are Americans and/or their children.

For instance, one episode happened right here in Louisiana. In Kenner, Louisiana, a 19 year old Illegal immigrant has been arrested following a series of violent crimes. The police have stated that this guy is in this country illegally.

According to the Heritage Foundation, almost two thirds of federal arrests involve non-citizens. The article stated: “The left advocates for soft-on-crime prosecutors who are backed by (George) Soros funds and for sanctuary cities, but it is a deadly combination…In 2023 alone, Border Patrol agents have encountered thousands of illegal aliens with prior criminal convictions, including assault, rape, and murder…A 2021 Department of Justice report revealed that 64% of federal arrests in 2018 involved non-citizens…In April of this year (2023) Francisco Oropeza, deported four times in the last 14 years was accused of gunning down five Honduran immigrants in Cleveland, Texas–including an innocent 8-year old girl.”

An article on the New American website for 2/29, noted: “Last week, one of Joe Biden’s ‘migrants’ murdered nursing student Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia, police allege this week another of the people Biden and the Democrats ‘care most about’ raped a 14 year old girl and stabbed a 62 year old man in Kenner, Louisiana, police allege…both are illegal aliens, and Biden released both to colonize and terrorize Americans. Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry felt that ‘this man should never have been in Louisiana. We must close our borders and keep our communities safe.'”

China Joe Biden, so it would appear, doesn’t seem to agree with that. He opened wide our borders to encourage this invasion of illegals and “refuses to deport illegals.” The New American says that “This violates black-letter immigration law, which requires the detention and deportation of illegals” What some of these countries are doing is emptying out their prisons and asylums and sending those people north as part of the immigrant horde. Cuba did the same thing decades ago, if you will remember. I think it was back when Carter was still in office. And when it comes to deporting undesirables, I think China Joe would rather deport American citizens than scumbag illegal aliens! Given China Joe’s track record, that’s my opinion.

Biden and the sanitized border–he’ll see what he wants to see

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, both Trump and Biden are supposed to visit the border today. Should be interesting. Trump will go to talk to people at the border around Eagle Pass, Texas, where there has been a major influx of illegal immigrants of late. Biden will go to Brownsville, where the illegal immigrant traffic has been considerably lighter. When Biden went to the border previously, he went to El Paso, where the city had been cleaned up and sanitized before his visit, which was really nothing more than a big photo-op so he could claim he’d been there.

This time he goes to Brownsville, which I understand has a Democrat mayor. So it will just be a repeat of his El Paso visit. The city will be cleaned up and the Democrat establishment there will tell Biden what he wants to hear–no big problem here, President, all those scaremongers telling us how bad the illegal immigrant problem is have been exaggerating so pay them no mind! That’s probably what he will hear. That’s what he wants to hear. All his handlers have to do is make sure he stays lucid there until they can trundle him back to Air Force One. And don’t let him talk to anyone he doesn’t have to!

I don’t know if his handlers decided he should make this trip because Trump was going or not. Either way, this trip is a total waste of time for Biden, even though his press secretary blithely informs us he does more work in one hour than most people do in a day. Anyone with a brain can see through that line of bovine fertilizer.

Neither Biden nor his entourage has any intention of doing anything to stem the tide of illegals swarming into the country unless they already figure ten million illegals already here is enough for them to manipulate this year’s election with. If that should be the case, then he may issue some kind of executive order to give the appearance of having done something about the situation.

I’ve been at the border three times over the years (not recently) and you never had the horrible numbers showing up that you have since Biden opened up the border to the world. There are always going to be some that get across. It’s been that way for 100 years now. Years ago, when I was much younger, you had lots of Mexicans that crossed the border so they could find work and a better life here. They came to work–and they worked hard and their descendants born here became citizens and contributed to this country.

That’s not the situation today. We have illegals swarming into the country from 150 plus countries, and while some are, no doubt, looking for work and a better life, many others are just here for the freebies. They usually get treated better than American citizens who end up paying for this insanity. And we definitely have some illegals who are here to do this country harm. Twenty thousand military age Chinese are not here for the scenery, nor are those people from Middle Eastern countries that hate our guts! That’s okay with the Biden regime because it has no real loyalty to this country anyway.

Biden is in office only to fulfil Obama’s intent of “fundamentally transforming the United States” into a third world nonentity, and that all he’s there for–that and the graft he can get by with. He’d probably select Xi Jinping as his next vice-president if he thought he could get away with it! So don’t look for any meaningful changes at the border just because Biden shows up. He’s only going through the motion of pretended concern. Less and less people believe he will do anything to help Americans–and that’s good. If you want to know what he really thinks of American citizens–ask the folks in East Palestine, Ohio!

Letting illegal aliens vote–what I’ve been saying all along!

by Al Benson Jr.

I’m sure, when I started mentioning this in articles (giving illegals the vote here) there must have been quite a few folks that, though they didn’t say anything, that thought I was off the wall. I wish I had been, but unfortunately, such was and is, not the case.

In yesterday’s article, I noted comments where Senator Dick Durban, a radical Democrat with a lousy voting record, has suggested that we arm illegal aliens and give them military training, presumably to put them in the army at some point so they can shoot American citizens that may not agree with the Biden/Obama Regime’s objectives for the country.

Last evening, I came across an article on the DIXIE DRUDGE website that had an article in the same vein. You all ought to check out the DIXIE DRUDGE website. They carry a lot of articles you won’t see too many places that you need to read.

At any rate, they had this article from The American Conservative https://www.theamericanconservative.com up, which I will quote from: “If you think our elections are safe from non-citizens voting, think again. An unprecedented move by the Arizona Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, just opened the way for non-citizens–illegal or otherwise–to register for and cast a ballot in the 2024 election. That includes the Arizona Republican Primary in March, meaning the same illegal aliens flooding across our open border could vote against the leading closed border candidate President Donald Trump…Arizona Democrats are exploiting a loophole that let’s non-citizens cast a ballot in the 2024 election.”

And how do you think all those non-citizens in Arizona are going to vote? You get three guesses and the first two don’t count. They sure won’t vote for Trump, who wants to keep them out. They’ll vote for Biden, or whoever the radical Democrats put up if he can’t make the cut. Maybe you should ask–how many countries around the world let non-citizens vote in their elections? Don’t hold your breath waiting to find them. Only in the U.S., where you have operatives in both major parties that seek to turn this country into a socialist wasteland will you find such rampant insanity!

And the uninformed electorate voted for these treasonous thugs, who now, seeing their objective of One World Government within their grasp, have thrown off their conservative sheepskins and revealed who and what they really are–ravening wolves–whose objective has long been to destroy what the United States was supposed to be!

However, their game is out, and more are waking up to what these political vultures really are–which means they will have to work even harder to steal this year’s election. But not to worry, they are more than willing to do that and they are coming up with new and novel ways to do that. Giving the illegals the vote is one of them. So keep your eyes open folks and if you see anything that smells politically, holler long and loud. If they stole it in 2020 and are now in power, you can bet the farm they mean to hang onto that power!

Praying that Texas doesn’t blink

by Al Benson Jr.

I saw a part of this article on LewRockwell this morning and checked out its source. It was good enough that I felt my readers should have access to the entire article so I am including the original link here in the hopes that many will read the whole article. The writer’s comments about secession are worth considering,

The link is:

Let’s Pray That Texas Doesn’t Blink

Biden Regime at work to destroy America

by Al Benson Jr.

Ten million plus illegal immigrants have entered this country illegally since the dubious advent of the Biden Regime and Texas is being forced to defend its border security against the machinations of Biden’s administration.

It seems that articles of impeachment have now (finally) been issued against Mayorkas, Biden’s stooge who is the head of Homeland Security. The articles note Mayorkas’ willful attempt to refuse to comply with the law. Mayorkas just doesn’t care. Like Biden, he is an ideologue of the left and feels he can refuse to obey the law. After all, we do have a two-tiered system of justice in this country now–one for the socialist Democrats and another for us ordinary mortals.

Texas Lieutenant Governor has finally got it right when he says that Biden’s agenda is to put millions of illegals in this country and turn them into voters. I’ve been saying that for months now, and those who follow my articles know that. It’s nice to see the Lt. Governor in Texas recognize what Biden is trying to do. Hopefully others will get the message. Texas has the right, contrary to Biden, to defend its citizens from what is really an invasion–despite Biden’s blatant lies about the border being “secure.” It may be secure–but for who? Not ordinary Americans that’s for sure!

An article I saw on ZeroHedge for 1/28 carried comments from the Border Patrol that said, in part, “While this plays out in the courts, the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS and TMD (Texas Military Department) remains strong…On the ground, we continue to work alongside these valuable partners in that endeavor. Bottom line, Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border.”

The Border Patrol also issued a statement saying that they “will not interfere with Texas National Guard members carrying out lawful operations.” It seems that the Border Patrol remembers what the Biden Regime did to them awhile back, when they were trying to keep a batch of illegal Haitians from crossing into Texas. The Biden Regime claimed they were whipping the Haitians (a blatant lie) but our socialist “news” media picked it up and smeared the Border Patrol with it–and the Biden Regime never bothered to retract that lie. So why should the Border Patrol do ANYTHING for Biden when he made them a national scapegoat over something that never happened?

The Texas Lieutenant Governor has got it right. Biden WANTS these illegal immigrants here so he can turn them into voters (potential Democrat voters). It seems that, so far, ten states have deployed National Guard troops to Texas to help Texas to keep the illegals out. The Governor of Oklahoma said last Friday that :we have the right to defend our country against invasion.” However, the Biden Regime doesn’t agree–especially when they are at work to orchestrate that invasion!

The US Senate supposedly wants to introduce legislation that will cap the number of illegals coming into the country at 5,000 per day. That’s still 35,000 per week if they pass such foolishness. The House should absolutely refuse to go along with this “limited invasion.” It’s still an invasion. All the Senate is trying to do is make it look like they are doing something to stem the invasion. As usual, they are a day late and a dollar short. They should have thought of all this before we were invaded by ten million illegal foreigners. They want to make a big show of locking the barn door long after the horse has escaped! They think we are too stupid to know the difference. It’s all gloried horse manure, so don’t fall for it–and contact your representatives and tell them not to fall for it either!

The border situation–purposeful mayhem

by Al Benson Jr

It has been reported on conservative news sites that over 20,000 Chinese have illegally crossed our Southern border into this country, having no problems getting in, even with China Joe Biden’s “secure” border. It is a known fact that Chinese citizens are not allowed to just go anywhere they want in the world. Therefore, these 20,000 plus Chinese are here for a reason. I doubt that reason is a “better life” for them!

Maybe the question should be asked–are they the leading edge of Xi Jinping’s invasion force? Or are they the major group that will comprise terrorist cells in this country? Either way, China Joe just loves having them here. Their presence probably gives him the warm fuzzies–considering where his true loyalties lie.

We’ve been told that 24 Republican governors have sided with Texas in her resistance to th illegals–one of them being Louisiana. Of course the socialist “news” media has put a little different spin on it. They’re telling people that Texas’ resistance to this illegal alien invasion is comparable to the South resisting integration in the 1960s. What rubbish! Some Republican governors are even willing to send national guard troops to help Texas-but they better be careful or Biden will nationalize their guard units and use them to usher in even more illegals.

Biden’s agenda is destroying the country. And make no mistake–that is on purpose. It’s being reported that Biden has cut a deal with the cartels where they bring people right to the border. So the Biden Regime, with its legion of Obama flunkies, is happily participating in this illegal invasion. After all, you can’t “fundamentally transform the United States” unless you can begin to transform the population by bringing in foreigners you plan to have vote.

Lew Rockwell’s site, https://www.lewrockwell.com for 1/26 carried an article by Brandon Smith, who wrote: “There is absolutely no doubt–elements of our own government are deliberately encouraging the acceleration of illegal immigrants across our Southern border and they are actively sabotaging any attempts to stop the madness.” Check out Lew Rockwell’s site today and read this entire article.

Good for Texas!

by Al Benson Jr.

According to an article by David Kelly on https://thenewamerican.com for January 23rd, the state of Texas plans to defend its sovereignty and oppose the Supreme Court’s ruling telling the state they have to take down razor wire that is keeping illegal immigrants out. It would seem that the invasion of Texas by illegal immigrants is okay with this “conservative” Supreme Court. I can only imagine what a liberal court would do. This is one ruling this court really blew it on.

The federal government is supposed to protect our borders from illegal invasion–something they have flatly refused to do since China Joe “appropriated” the 2020 election. He threw the border open to all the illegal aliens that wanted to come. He invited them, because he and the Obama flunkies that really run his administration plan to change the demographics here in regard to voting. A few million illegal aliens in the right places, being able to have the vote, will, so they think, give the Democrat machine perpetual victory at the polls.

It should be obvious to even the dullest mentality that China Joe cares absolutely NOTHING for American citizens and loves those illegals that he hopes will keep the Democrats in power forever.

Then, we have all those “sanctuary cities” in our bluest states–all virtue signaling about all their socialist “compassion” for the poor, downtrodden and illegal immigrants. It’s all one gigantic charade. Their “compassion” for the illegal immigrants lasts until about 15 minutes after the first busloads of them start to arrive. When it begins to dawn on the what they’ve asked for–and gotten–then the illusion of socialist compassion starts to dissolve and they discover they don’t really want all these illegals in their fair cities–but they’re stuck with them!

That being the case, what do they do? Well, they start giving them goodies–things denied to American citizens–in the hopes of keeping them placated–free education, free health care, free rent, and often free groceries–things they’d usually not do for ordinary Americans, who it seems, live only to pay for all this. Thats fine with the Biden Regime. The thought of ordinary Americans having to pay for all this makes their whole day! It’s a major part of the Biden agenda–the complete shafting of Americans!

Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri was interviewed on Fox News on January 25th. He stated, very plainly, that the Biden Regime’s goal is to strengthen Communist China and weaken America. In a saner day that would have been called treason. In our day it’s socialist “compassion.”

Biden would not have been in a position to help tear down this country without the votes of many ignorant people who didn’t have a clue what he stood for and just didn’t care. They used to call such people “useful idiots.” Many who realize what Biden is all about would probably be tempted to call them something a bit stronger.

So Texas is stringing more razor wire, doing the job the feds should be doing and won’t. It seems the feds, with the Supreme Court’s blessing, wants the illegal immigrants here. So we have a government at war with its own citizens–and people still wonder why the South seceded in 1861. What would they call what Biden is doing at the border today–Yankee compassion? How about Yankee treason? I think that pretty much fits the situation!

Look at it this way–The War of Northern Aggression destroyed states rights. This means the feds have removed a state’s right to defend itself from invasion–as in the case of Texas. It also means that, if this is so, to all intents and purposes, we have no real borders. The feds not only destroyed the South, they have destroyed the whole country. In destroying the South, they sewed the seeds of their own destruction–and the US is on its way to being a nonentity. For this we can thank Lincoln, Obama and Biden–birds of a socialist feather every one!

The Sanctuary Cities That Ain’t

by Al Benson Jr.

Just saw a report on Fox News this morning where the mayor of New York City just put out an executive order that they don’t want anymore busloads of illegal immigrants dropped off in their fair city. One busload of illegals got dropped off over in New Jersey because of that. It seems that Chicago has got the same problem.

I get a kick out of these big blue cities sending out their virtue signals saying “Hey, those mean old Texans down on the border don’t want you, but we’ll gladly take in your “poor, huddles masses” because we are truly compassionate.” Well, the big blue cities were taken up on their virtue signaling–which was designed to make them look good, but that’s ALL it was designed for. It wasn’t designed to deal with what they asked for, because, if the truth were known, they really didn’t want a ton of illegal immigrants in their environs–they just wanted to pretend they did. And now that it really happened, they’ve discovered that they don’t like it! What a surprise!

I don’t blame the Governor of Texas for pushing busloads of illegals into the frozen North. After all, they DID ask for it, even if they didn’t really mean it. Reminds me of the old saying “be careful what you ask for.” So now, some of those big blue cities up north have gotten what they asked for–only to find out it isn’t really the glamor trip they thought it would be.

So many of these leftist Democrats wanted all these illegals here. Did they honestly think Texas and Arizona were just going to absorb over 8 million of them without being able to pass some of the goodies on to some of their states? They should have known better but it seems they didn’t.

I noticed that the Fox News report stated that none of the Democrat mayors pointed the finger at China Joe Biden as the perpetrator of their illegal immigrant problem. I suppose, in their deluded condition, they figure that Trump is responsible for the illegal immigrant problem because he refused to let them in while he was president. If he had, they figure there wouldn’t be as many trying to get in now. They haven’t figured out yet that China Joe wants them here so he can give them the vote and doubly ensure his “re-election” later this year.

They also haven’t figured out that China Joe is now a socialist “theologian” and that with all these millions of illegals coming in, China Joe and his boss, Obama, are working at what can only be called “replacement theology.” Or to put it more bluntly, the job of trying to neutralize the white vote in this country by offsetting it as much as possible with a higher nonwhite vote because they feel their darker-skinned brethren will almost assuredly vote Democrat. Therefore, the Democrat socialists can remain in power, supported by Republican socialists content to play second fiddle because, after all, both parties in the Deep State are predominantly socialist.

As for what the majority of conservative, patriotic voters want, that doesn’t even begin to enter into the equation. After all, everyone knows that such “deplorable” and irredeemable voters, who are probably all domestic terrorists anyway, should have no voice in saying who governs them. They’d probably all just vote for Trump again if they got the chance and so the Democrat (and Republican) socialists are going to try to remove that chance if they can, naturally, for “our own good.”

We are now into 2024 and probably the last chance we may have for a somewhat honest election. And naturally, “for our own good” the Deep State swamp socialists want to make sure that doesn’t happen. They just know we will all be better off (and so will they) if we are denied the possibility of voting for “Dictator” Trump again. As for the illegal aliens, China Joe and “King Barack the First” want as many of them here as they can get–to replace us “deplorables.” This should be one doozey of an election year!