Biden and the sanitized border–he’ll see what he wants to see

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, both Trump and Biden are supposed to visit the border today. Should be interesting. Trump will go to talk to people at the border around Eagle Pass, Texas, where there has been a major influx of illegal immigrants of late. Biden will go to Brownsville, where the illegal immigrant traffic has been considerably lighter. When Biden went to the border previously, he went to El Paso, where the city had been cleaned up and sanitized before his visit, which was really nothing more than a big photo-op so he could claim he’d been there.

This time he goes to Brownsville, which I understand has a Democrat mayor. So it will just be a repeat of his El Paso visit. The city will be cleaned up and the Democrat establishment there will tell Biden what he wants to hear–no big problem here, President, all those scaremongers telling us how bad the illegal immigrant problem is have been exaggerating so pay them no mind! That’s probably what he will hear. That’s what he wants to hear. All his handlers have to do is make sure he stays lucid there until they can trundle him back to Air Force One. And don’t let him talk to anyone he doesn’t have to!

I don’t know if his handlers decided he should make this trip because Trump was going or not. Either way, this trip is a total waste of time for Biden, even though his press secretary blithely informs us he does more work in one hour than most people do in a day. Anyone with a brain can see through that line of bovine fertilizer.

Neither Biden nor his entourage has any intention of doing anything to stem the tide of illegals swarming into the country unless they already figure ten million illegals already here is enough for them to manipulate this year’s election with. If that should be the case, then he may issue some kind of executive order to give the appearance of having done something about the situation.

I’ve been at the border three times over the years (not recently) and you never had the horrible numbers showing up that you have since Biden opened up the border to the world. There are always going to be some that get across. It’s been that way for 100 years now. Years ago, when I was much younger, you had lots of Mexicans that crossed the border so they could find work and a better life here. They came to work–and they worked hard and their descendants born here became citizens and contributed to this country.

That’s not the situation today. We have illegals swarming into the country from 150 plus countries, and while some are, no doubt, looking for work and a better life, many others are just here for the freebies. They usually get treated better than American citizens who end up paying for this insanity. And we definitely have some illegals who are here to do this country harm. Twenty thousand military age Chinese are not here for the scenery, nor are those people from Middle Eastern countries that hate our guts! That’s okay with the Biden regime because it has no real loyalty to this country anyway.

Biden is in office only to fulfil Obama’s intent of “fundamentally transforming the United States” into a third world nonentity, and that all he’s there for–that and the graft he can get by with. He’d probably select Xi Jinping as his next vice-president if he thought he could get away with it! So don’t look for any meaningful changes at the border just because Biden shows up. He’s only going through the motion of pretended concern. Less and less people believe he will do anything to help Americans–and that’s good. If you want to know what he really thinks of American citizens–ask the folks in East Palestine, Ohio!

1 thought on “Biden and the sanitized border–he’ll see what he wants to see

  1. Pingback: Biden and the sanitized border–he’ll see what he wants to see – Dixie Drudge – Southern Nation News

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