Please Pass the Planned Poverty

by Al Benson Jr.

How many folks chanced to drive through parts of the South in the 1950s, 60s and even in the early 70s and noted how poor the country seemed to be compared with other areas of the United States? Many probably wondered why the South couldn’t seem t do better that it was doing. To say that the South, in our lifetime, was and is the poorest part of the country, with the possible exception of Indian reservations, is no exaggeration. And yet, knowing some of the reasons for that and the history behind it, my wife and I, now living in Louisiana, would not willingly go back north to live. The South is home, and we have been more content here than just about any other place we’ve lived, for several reasons.

There are reasons for the poverty in much of the South and for the poor whites and blacks that live in it, and in many cases the poverty is not their fault. It was intended for them to live that way by those that sought to conquer them during and after the War of Northern Aggression and by the descendants of those conquerors who, even today, enjoy rubbing their faces in the planned poverty that is supposed to be their due because their ancestors had the temerity to stand up and “dare defend their rights.” Such is not to be tolerated in the cultural Marxist milieu.

To explain some of this, Ron and Donnie Kennedy have a new book out called Punished With Poverty published by Shotwell Publishing in Columbia, South Carolina  which I would recommend to any and all who wonder why the South has been in the particular situation we have found her in today. About the best way I can say it (excuse my bluntness) is that those collectivist types that overran the South during and after the War planned it that way. If Southern people were too poor and beaten down to fight back again, why there would be no future resistance to what would eventually morph into what we call the New World Order.

To quote the Kennedy Brothers: “Several years ago and elderly friend of the Kennedy Twins told a story about how his grandmother  often stated that ‘those people tried to starve all of us to death after the War.’ Two things struck me about this man’s story: First, his grandmother lived in North Central Louisiana, a section of the South that was not even physically touched by the War; second, his grandmother was not talking about starvation as a result of military action in and around her home but the actions of ‘those people,’ that is, Yankees, well after the War. The war was over, what happened to the idea of ‘with malice toward none,’…” If you’ve read the history you know what happened to it. It was nice Lincolnian  political rhetoric and that’s all it was.

And the Kennedys noted also: “(A) leading Northern newspaper called for a terrible retribution against Southerners: ‘We mean to conquer them,  Subjugate them…’ Never would traitors be permitted to ‘return to peaceful and contented homes’; instead they ‘must find poverty at their firesides and see privation in the anxious eyes of mothers and the rags of children.” Now isn’t this just an ennobling Northern sentiment? Somehow this isn’t quite the picture of the noble, generous and forgiving Yankees that i was taught about in my public indoctrination center’s “history” books.  The Kennedys ask the question: “Did the nation that spawned the articles quoted above, calling for Northerners  to ‘conquer and subjugate’ the South and leave the future generations of Southerners to ‘find poverty at their firesides and see privation in the anxious eyes of mothers and the rags of children,’ institute a Reconstruction policy that fulfilled these hideous propositions? One final question that must be asked: Is the policy of impoverishment and subjugation of Southerners an ongoing political policy of modern America?” How can you answer that question any other way but “Hell, Yes.”

The Kennedys also observed that: “For Northerners who view themselves via standard establishment propaganda as grand defenders of the downtrodden and promoters of freedom, reading about how the war against the South was instituted in order to secure profits and power for the North’s ruling elite, will not be gleefully embraced.” While that is understandable, in view of what we were all taught in public indoctrination centers, if some of the Northern folks want to really grasp what the War was all about then they are going to have to start embracing what the Kennedys talk about here–gleefully or otherwise.

There is so much in this book that I can’t do more than scratch the surface here, but in the words of the late Alan Stang,  when he reviewed Donnie’s and my book, Lincoln’s Marxists, in regard to Punished With Poverty, “You need to read this book!” I will be passing more information out of Punished With Poverty along as the Lord enables.

A Slightly Revised Onslaught Of Cultural Marxist Drivel

by Al Benson Jr.

Regarding what we still mistakenly call “journalists” we are forced to admit that they long ago abdicated their positions as responsible journalists and willingly prostituted themselves for the Ruling Establishment and its leftist cronies. They have no credibility left, which they have a hard time admitting, so they seek to denigrate their adversaries while covering themselves with journalistic fig leaves. Who in his right mind still watches the “Communist News Network” or the “Communist Broadcasting System” and expects any truth? Only the “useful idiots!”

At any rate, Mark Potok claims the phones at the SPLC have been ringing off the hook with folks concerned about the “radical right” who are, if you read between the lines, all Trump supporters. Anyone who knows the history of the SPLC realizes that a big part of their agenda–a big part–is painting anyone who is politically to the right of Hillary Clinton as a “hate group.” And it doesn’t make any difference if it’s just one person or a large group. If you dare to disagree with the leftist agenda for this countrly then you are a “hate group” period! End of discussion!

Interestingly enough, according to Pastor Chuck Baldwin, writing in back in February of 2013, the Southern Poverty Law Center…”has long been used by the federal government and the national press corps to paint conservative organizations as ‘extremists,’ ‘anti-government,’ ‘hate groups,’ etc. No sooner would the SPLC issue some attack piece in their newsletter and police agencies all over the country would be issuing bulletins to their officers regurgitating what the SPLC had just spewed out. No private organization has this kind of connection to, and influence over, police agencies nationwide without collaboration with the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.”

And Pastor Baldwin pointed in that article to a report by Judicial Watch “confirming that the DOJ and the SPLC are intricately tied at the hip.”

That being the case, this gives you some idea of where Puente’s commentary in this article is headed and where the cultural Marxist agenda is going to be headed in the next year or so. So if you folks here in the South thought that because the weather got a little cooler of late that the culture war was over, baby, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! So don’t just sit and watch, get ready to resist–because they are about to ramp up their efforts to totally destroy our culture and heritage along with that of any patriotic  Americans out there that may still be left.

But all, fortunately, has not gone well for the left. I just got word today that the A & E KKK project had been cancelled. It seem that some of those who were to be participants in the project had been paid to do so, which was supposed to be a no-no. There were also allusions that there was a bit of a backlash to this project. I’d be willing to give that explanation more credibility than the one about them being paid. It may well be that enough folks out there are just plain fed up and disgusted with being labeled as “racist” rednecks and “deplorables” because they didn’t have the good sense to vote for Comrade Hillary that they are starting to fight back. If so, that’s all to the good. The drivel the cultural Marxists have been throwing at us for decades now needs to be repudiated and exposed for just what it is–an eight-letter word you don’t say in polite company!

I just got another communication today from the Dixie Heritage Newsletter that mentioned that membership in the KKK is believed to be, nationwide, only about 5,000. And the communication said: “The Democrats really need these guys. Somehow they’ve got to get those numbers up.” In other words, the cultural Marxists need the KKK out there to run interference for them in the streets while they try to scare ordinary folks to death. And one of the articles I read about all this had a big photo of a KKK member, hood, robe, and all, holding a big United States flag. No Confederate flags in sight! That one seems to have slipped by the censors. I’m sure the guy that took that one has by now been informed he’d better not make that mistake again.

Psalm 97:10 says, in part, “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil:” and let’s not kid ourselves. The people that are pushing this cultural Marxist drivel, whatever way they promote it, ARE evil! Understand, I have no use for the KKK. I think they have done a lot of harm, particularly to our Southern heritage. And it is rank injustice to play the “guilt by association” game with everyone on the right by trying to tie them in, somehow, to all the “hate groups” the SPLC claims are out there. Of course, if the SPLC can scare enough people into contributing to their supposed efforts to “combat hate” then that’s cash in their coffers, even if KKK membership is way down–and that’s part of the game, too.

In 2017 Get Ready For An Onslaught of Cultural Marxist Drivel

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, it seems with the Electoral College finally giving Donald Trump the votes lhe needed to validate his election we may have (and I say “may have”) put some of the election vitriol behind us (for now). Do I think the cultural Marxists will leave this alone? Not on your life! They seem to have lost some ground here so they will probably be forced to change their tactics–and some of the following may indicate one direction they will be going in.

There was an article in  USA Today for December 21, 2016. written by a Maria Puente that may well note the cultural Marxist direction in upcoming months. The article is about the KKK.  It seems that the A & E Network plans to do a series on the KKK as “America’s most infamous hate group.” According to Puente: “The network announced Monday the first of eight hour-long episodes of a ‘compelling’ documentary, Generation KKK, will begin airing Jan. 10 (10 p.m. ET). Why now? Becaulse hate groups are trending.” So who says they are trending?  Keep reading folks and you will note some of the “usual suspects.”

Puente then eases herself into neo-Nazi groups and the “alt-right” white nationalist organizations and how these groups were given “the oxygen of attention” by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Because of that she presumably lost to Trump “who embraced some alt-right voices and won.” Begin to see the direction here?  KKK equals alt-righlt equals Donald Trump, who won the election because of his association with “hate groups.”  She does everything but state it outright, but she comes close enough so you get the idea.

But this is not something new or recent. It turns out that A & E has been working on this series on the Klan for over eighteen month and this series will supposedly look at new Klan “recruiting efforts targeting families and ‘indoctrinating children’.” Almost sounds as if the Klan has been taking lessons from the public school system!

Puente claims that Klan membership is “on the rise” and for evidence she cites that bastion of totally unbiased and objective “research”–the Southern Poverty Law Center, to buttress her profound revelation!  For those who realize what is going on in this country, you don’t really need to read any further. You and I know exactly where thlis is all headed.

However, it seems that A & E is not alone. A “senior fellow” at the SPLC, Mark Potok, (anyone remember him? –he’s one of the “usual suspects”) claims that “There’s a plethora, a remarkable number of documentaries in production and efforts in various TV venues to portray the extreme right. I’ve been here nearly 20 years and I’ve never seen such a rash of these things.” So it would seem that everybody and his second cousin in the Mainstream Media is about to jump in and savage the alt-right, which is, after all, siphoning off a lot of readers and viewers from the MSM. And why not??? The MSM have proven over the years that they flat out lie to us, that they are nothing but journalistic prostitutes–little more than water carriers for the Leftists. So why should anyone listen to them anymore?

To be continued.

Reprinted from The Copperhead Chronicle, fourth quarter 2016

When Is A Leak A Hack? When The Feds Say It is

by Al Benson Jr.

I have been following lots of articles dealing with how the Russians supposedly hacked into the Democratic National Convention’s stuff to come up with something that would help Trump win the election because, as everyone who follows the Lamestream Media knows, he is nothing more than Putin’s stooge–so says the Ruling Establishment. To listen to the Washington Post you’d think we’d just elected Putin instead of Trump. It’s interesting that when Putin was in the KGB in the old Soviet Union none of the cultural Marxists that are so worried about him today really gave a hoot what he did.

I’ve even heard stories about how the Russians hacked WickLeaks to insert uncomplimentary comments about Hillary into the mix. Never before in all the years I have followed the political scene have I seen such a desperate attempt on the part of the Establishment to keep one candidate out of the presidency and insert another–no matter how vile and deplorable she is. The Ruling Establishment in both political parties wants Hillary–no matter how corrupt she and Slick Willie are–which should, if you stop to think about it, show you where the Ruling Establishment–the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and all the rest really are at. They are in favor of unlimited corruption as long as it will fulfill their agenda of a New World Order. That give you any inkling of what their “New World Order” will be like?

But anyway, with all this hacking and leaking supposedly going on I have noted that the two terms are used almost interchangeably by much of the prostitute press, sort of like they use the terms “republic” and “democracy” in the same manner–thinking the public is too stupid to know the difference.

So I will note some information from a site I came across a couple days ago. I was in such a hurry to get this written down I forgot to note the site’s address, but the info is accurate. It noted that the email disclosures (WikiLeaks) are the result of a leak–not a hack. A leak is defined as–when someone physically takes the data out of an organization and gives it to some other person or organization. And I have seen some sites on the Internet which have claimed that the leaks  actually came from someone in the DNC. Now isn’t that an interesting thought? Someone in there have a problem with Hillary, or did someone finally wake up and realize that their conscience was starting to bother them?

A hack is defined as–when someone in  a remote location electronically penetrates operating systems, firewalls or any other cyber protection and then extracts data.

All the signs as far as Wikileaks point to leaking, not hacking. If hacking were involved the NSA would know it, and would know both sender and recipient. NSA whistleblower William Bundy notes the way in which “media sources” are equivocating by using phrases like “our best guess” which implies that the NSA has not been able to trace the Hillary or DNC “hacks” across the fiber networks. So Bundy has concluded that it is effectively impossible that the WikiLeaks data came from a “hack.” There was some commentary about this on

December 19th is the day the electoral votes will be tallied up and cast and there has been a concerted Establishment push, through the use of “useful idiot” surrogates to harass the electors, from everything to death threats to massive petition drives and mail ins, all pleading with the electors to “dump Trump” and instead install Hillary–the supposed New World Order savior of the universe. I have prayed God that this does not work any better than the recent vote recount scam did. However, knowing the mindset of the cultural Marxists, I have no doubt that, should the electors decide to fulfill their duty and elect Trump, there will be an Establishment Plan C or D put forth to attempt to keep Trump from the presidency. We will just have to wait to see how imaginative a scheme it turns out to be. In the meantime, it would not hurt for sincere and God-fearing people to be praying for its demise, whatever it is.

America’s Humanist Seminaries–Public Schools

by Al Benson Jr.

Recently I read an article on  which had originally been published on on  November 23, 2016. It had to do with public schools–always an area of concern for me. Ever since the days of the textbook protest in Kanawha County, West Virginia in the mid-1970s, I have had a major concern about public schools and what they do to the children of America.

Mr. North’s article started off this way: “Challenge: Which institution would I defund 100%?  I would eliminate all funding for education, including all of the military academies.”

I usually read Gary North’s articles when I can find them because he always gives  you insights you probably would not come up with on your own–things most of us ought to be thinking about that hardly ever seem to occur to us. And Mr. North’s take on public education is pretty much the same as mine. When we educated our two children, lo these manly years ago now, public education was never an option, much to the chagrin of most of the folks in the church we attended at the time. I guess those folks can be forgiven for their mindset–they had never spent any time in West Virginia during a textbook protest, never heard school board members lie to them, never seen “law enforcement” officers beat up textbook protesters or any of the rest of what went on there in the Establishment’s attempt to get those kids back into public schools–no matter what. Don’t get me wrong, they were good folks, but having spent no time on the “battle front” so to speak, they were extremely public school oriented–and therein lies the Christians dilemma in our day. Most Christians send their kids to be “educated” (if such it can be called) for five days a week every week except during the summer, in public schools and they can’t seem to figure out why an hour of Sunday School on the Lord’s Day doesn’t counteract whatever evil influences the kids pick up during the week, at school and other places. Maybe part of the problem is that most of the parents were also “educated” in public schools and were “educated” so as not to notice what really goes on in these “institutions of learning.”

Gary North has labeled public schools “a substitute church.” He has observed: “I am convinced that the American public school system is a humanistic attempt to  substitute the state for the church. This has certainly been the case in American history.” He noted the Puritans’ attempt in the 1600s to create the “city on a hill” that could serve as a pattern for the rest of the world and then he said of the Yankees in New England that: “The Yankees wanted to achieve a decent society by not only controlling the impulses of sin, but also by promoting righteous causes by means of state funding. The public school system was the first great Yankee experiment in this regard.” Unfortunately it was not the last. And Mr. North has taken note of what the Yankees did in the South after the War of Northern Aggression. He said: “By hook or by crook–and in the case of the Civil War, by means of military conquest–the Yankees exported the public school system, and then, in alliance with New York City publishers, took over the production of textbooks that would be used to reshape the rest of the country along Yankee lines.” (Emphasis mine).

So, to begin with, the public schools were never really about education in the true sense of that term. They were ever and always about social engineering and promoting the Yankee worldview (especially in the South, so their former adversaries would be “educated out” of the desire to ever again think for themselves or question illegitimate authority). Like true cultural Marxists, they killed two birds with one stone. They dumbed  down their potential opposition (not only for that generation but for generations to come)  and the Yankee book publishers made a pile of dinero out of the deal as well.

And “those people,” always mindful of their agenda to create “their humanist city on all hills” wanted to make sure children spent as little time with their parents as possible and as much time with the public school “educators” as possible to reduce parental influence and direction.

Back on November 24, 2011, one of the first articles I did for this blog spot was called Kindergarten’s Socialist Origins. For awhile it got quite a bit of readership. I would encourage readers to go back and check it out.

This trend has, if anything, accelerated. Just today, 12/12/16 on the Blog, I read an article by Michael S. Rozeff entitled On Eliminating the Family and the Person. Mr. Rozeff stated that a Nobel Prize winner has now said that public preschool programs should start at birth. In other words–from the womb to the public school classroom! Seems these public school “change agents” really have wonderful plans for our children that do not include any parental involvement whatever, except in the breeding process–parents producing “children for the state.” Mr. Rozeff said: “It’s not precisely ‘Brave New World,’ but it shares the social control, conditioning and removal of parents.” Rozeff observed that such a move would engender the formation of a whole new federal education agency, quite possibly something like the “Office of Preschool Education.” Yet another federal bureaucracy–the Yankee types would love it!

Mr. Rozeff quite correctly observed that: “This is another step in the elimination of the family. The family disappears and goes the way of the dodo bird. Utilitarians and progressives rejoice. No child if left behind. Every child is ‘saved’. It takes a village becomes a reality: It takes a society. Hillary Clinton triumphs after all. The shadow of socialism is proffered as the Light.”

In his article, later on, Rozeff asked who owns the child and who has rights over the child. Silly question that. The bureaucrats have already answered that one with their educational Leviathan of public schools, rules, regulations–and propaganda–always the propaganda–it’s the real reason for the school’s existence after all. And all the time you thought it was about “quality education” because that’s what the experts told you, and you believed them. After all, they were the “experts” weren’t they? But experts at exactly what? Stealing your children, that’s what! And how many Christians are willing to go along with this because they are just not willing to take the time and make the effort to find out where public education started and where it is really coming from or where it plans to take us and our kids and grandkids.

The majority of parents pay the biggest part of their property taxes to help finance the public school Leviathan. Why people are willing to have their property taxed to finance the moral destruction of their kids is something that escapes me. I guess I missed that class on Brainwashing 101 when it was held.

BUT–what if there were a law that said that only those who use public schools should have to pay taxes for their upkeep? What if there were laws that prohibited compulsory attendance in schools?  Oh, we’d all go back into the Dark Ages, you say. I really don’t think so. Those who really wanted to educate their kids would find creative ways to do that, Christian and home schooling being among them, and for those that don’t care one way or the other, all the public school does is provide a federally-funded babysitting service–propaganda included!

Gary North has raised a good and valid point. Defund the public school system and you can begin to do away with spending billions on a federal Department of Education we never should have had to begin with and that really does nothing more than to ensure that your kids get dumber and more ignorant one generation at a time.

People have been conned into thinking the public school has been a failure because there was never enough money for a really “quality education” and therefore, we need to spend billions more on public education yearly. The teachers unions love it! Actually, the exact opposite is true. Karl Marx’s public school system (see point 10 in The Communist Manifesto) has actually been a screaming success, because indoctrination has always been the name of the game–not education. If we can just begin to get that through our heads then maybe, with the Lord’s help and guidance, we can begin to turn things around. Real Christian education is a necessity, not just one option among many.

Is The Seed Of The Serpent A Cultural Marxist?

by Al Benson Jr.

Recently I heard a sermon delivered that was quite appropriate, given the times we now live in here in America. The pastor who delivered the sermon started out by saying: “There is a war going on and it began in the Garden of Eden. God declared the war in Genesis 3:15 between His people (“the seed of the woman”) and the followers of Satan (“the seed of the serpent”). History is the record of this holy war. This is the cause of all the conflict we see in the world and in our country. The seed of the serpent hate the Lord and despise His word and thus, hate all those that love the Lord and honor His word.  And there is NO POSSIBILITY OF PEACE between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent apart from apostasy or repentance.”

There is much spiritual meat in this observation at many different levels. But one thing stood out to me as I heard this–the utter impossibility of any peace between these groups unless one of them capitulates to the other. It’s as simple as that. They cannot “co-exist” peacefully at any level. Interestingly enough, the cultural Marxist that hates the Lord and His people, seems to understand that far better than most Christians do.

It seems that, in the last 180 years or so, due to horrible theology, most Christians have been bemused into just trying to “be nice” to the whole world and trying not to “offend” anyone. In this we are dead wrong! If we are not offending someone then it’s really questionable if we are even doing anything except trying to keep out of trouble with the people we should be offending. Even a cursory reading of the New Testament shows that Jesus offended lots of people, many of them religious leaders. They finally managed to have Him crucified for His “offenses” against them–His chief offense being that He told them the truth!

Marxists of all stripes seem to understand all this better than most Christians do.Back during the Cold War the doctrinaire economic Marxists used to talk about “peaceful co-existence.” It sounded reasonable and altruistic and the Christians bought into it and they voted for politicians that seemed to buy into it. No one bothered to ask what the Communist definition of “peace” was. They all thought that it was the same as ours. But if you take the trouble to study, even a little, about how the Marxists use language, you will find that their definition  of “peace” is “absence of resistance to Marxism.” Is that your definition? It isn’t mine. So, in the Marxist mindset, you can never really have peace with a communist until you submit to his will, because he will never submit to yours!

With today’s cultural Marxists it is no different. Cultural Marxists are still Marxists and they are in the habit of taking a yard if you give them an inch. They are not about to change, but unfortunately, many Christians have started to change. We have gotten flabby and soft, often with the aid of wolves in sheep’s clothing, and the cultural Marxist will encourage this moral flabbiness, all in the name of “love, diversity, and multi-culturalism ” because he realizes that all this makes us weaker and allows him to be more controlling and demanding. If he can make the Christian feel guilty for standing up for Christian standards and righteousness then he has stolen a march on us. Because, like it or not, we must realize the cultural Marxist is at war with us and all we believe–because his ancestry takes him all the way back to the seed of the serpent. What we have got to start realizing is that, as long as we live, we are at war with him!

The pastor who preached this sermon recommended that Christians should learn to cultivate a “charitable contempt” for the society around us that preaches secular values and entertains cultural Marxists as though they were really somebody special when all they are is modern day anti-Christs. This does not mean that we go out of our way to become objectionable or nasty, or anything along those lines. Rather it means that we make an effort to stand up for the truth of God’s Word as it applies to the society we live in–and for us to do that, even charitably, we must be at war with the cultural Marxist at all times, because the minute we let our guard down he will slip the spiritual (and sometimes literal) knife between the second and third rib and then laugh while we bleed to death. Christians today need to learn this.

Too often we fight one battle with the devil’s disciples and then go home and sit down and think we’ve done our duty and it’s all over. We have to begin to grasp the truth that, in this life,  it is never all over, because it isn’t for the cultural Marxist.

If we properly understand this, then that will explain the intense cultural Marxist attack on Confederate flags and monuments in recent years. Make no mistake, the intense hatred the cultural Marxist has for the South and its history is, ultimately, because that history has a Christian foundation. And the cultural Marxist will not rest until he has utterly destroyed that foundation. And so we cannot afford to rest until we have utterly and completely resisted his efforts to do so, all the while seeking the Lord’s guidance  as to how to do that.

The Mainstream Media Is Where The Real “Fake News” Is

by Al Benson Jr.

Since awhile before this last election there has been lots of social chatter about “fake news” from Hillary on down. The mainstream media (some call it the lamestream media–which is not a bad description) has been pushing the idea that whatever you hear on the alternative media, especially the alt.right media, is mostly fake news, concocted by the Russians or the “conspiracy theorists” or whoever the mainstream prostitute press wishes to malign at the present moment.

We are dutifully informed that all the stuff we hear on the Alex Jones Show, the Drudge Report, World Net Daily and a host of other Internet sites is all “fake news” and so you can’t believe any of it. Now I’m not saying that some of these folks might not get something wrong once in awhile. Everybody does. But I have to tell you that, in the main, all of the above mentioned get it a lot more right than the mainstream media does. I have watched the mainstream media as it has dealt with events I have either been involved with or attended over the past forty plus years, and in most cases I have seen the mainstream media just flat out lie about things they don’t agree with. They don’t report the news–they put the spin on it that they want the public to ingest, and real, accurate news is the absolute last thing the mainstream media is all about.

The mainstream media is, no doubt, well rewarded for what they do and they have, over the years, been pretty good liars if you didn’t check up on what they said. They are, after all, political prostitutes–squeezing  the news into collectivist pigeon holes for profit–whatever form that may take. They have lied to so many for so long about so much that they have, with their blatant pro-Hillary stance in this recent election, managed to finally awaken a great segment of the public to the fact that you just can’t believe what they say anymore, if you ever could. But this is nothing new for them.

The mainstream media loves to play the numbers game. At events or gatherings they don’t like they wildly cut the numbers in attendance and at leftist events they love they wildly inflate the numbers until, were you gullible enough, you would believe every other person and his second cousin were all there. I have watched their numbers game played out at fully half a dozen events I have attended over the years and it always works  the same way.

I attended a march to support the troops in Viet Nam way back in 1970. There were easily 100,000 people there. The people that put the march on counted them off in rows as they marched so they knew just how many marched. The “news” media said 6,000 marched and almost made it sound like a non-event, barely worth noticing.

In early 2000 I attended a big Confederate Flag Rally in Columbia, South Carolina. My wife and I drove down to it from Northern Illinois. Some of you all reading this may remember that or even have been there also. They had a little over 12,000 in attendance and the “news” media cut that in half, but a few weeks later the NAACP or some other “civil rights” outfit held a march there and the media padded their figures like crazy after cutting ours in half.

When we lived in Indiana, back in the 1980s, I recall a meeting I went to in Valparaiso, Indiana. It was a protest against vehicle emissions testing for cars, which was only being carried out in some counties and not others. The program was horrendously unpopular in all the counties where cars had to be tested, but the governor pushed the testing program in spite of that because the feds had threatened to cut off his highway money if he didn’t go along with it. So, like the good little socialist vassal he was, the governor caved in. He was, supposedly, a “conservative” Republican. Yeah, right!

So anyway, they had this protest meeting in Valparaiso over it and it was very well attended. Standing room only. And lots of people stood up and put their two cent’s worth in. No one there spoke in favor of the program until right at the end, one man stood up and defended it and he upbraided  our local senator because he would not support it, but rather took a stand against it and agreed with public sentiment. The senator was an honest man. I knew him.

The next evening when I bought a copy of the Local Fish Wrapper ( I still read it in those days) and read the article pertaining to the meeting, I had to ask myself, “was this the meeting I attended last evening?” The “reporter” was obviously much in favor of the emissions testing program and he couched his article in such a way as to make those who protested it seem like a batch of antediluvian hicks and he only quoted (and that quite extensively) the one man who had stood up and supported the program. From reading this article I literally would not have recognized this as the same meeting I attended. Thus saith the mainstream media!

I have cited three examples here. To do more would only be repetition of these three, though I could mention another dozen instances where this same situation prevailed. Let’s face it, folks, the “news” media doesn’t tell it like it is for the most part. They tell it the way they wish it was, and those who dare to disagree with them get crucified in print. There are some exceptions and there are a handful of honest reporters, but they are few and far between.

So when the mainstream media points its long sanctimonious finger at the alternative media and accuses it of promoting “fake news” it should stand in front of the mirror and take a good look at itself–because that’s where the majority of the “fake news” is really coming from.