Email and/or internet censorship–perish the thought

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Back when Comrade Obama was still in office there was talk of internet censorship, but when he reluctantly departed (though he didn’t go very far–certainly not far enough) we all thought that might not occur.

Seems we may have been wrong.

I and others have taken note lately  that several messages we have sent out on our various email sites do not seem  to be getting through to many of those we send them to.

A couple months ago I did an article for this blog spot and in the subject line on my email server I had the word “secession.” One email server just would not send it, no matter how hard or often I tried. No matter what I did that link with “secession” on the subject line wasn’t going no place. Perceiving that I may have pricked the tender feelings of some poor soul in the forwarding process I changed the word secession to “separation” and resent the message. It went through  immediately.

I have since attempted to be a bit more temperate in what I put on the subject lines of emails going out of here. On one article I was going to put “Big Brother” on the subject line, but then reflected a bit and thought, no way will Big Brother make it past the censor, so I changed the subject line title and the article title to “The elder sibling is watching over you.” That went through. Im sure “Big Brother” would never have made it.

The mode of email censorship doesn’t seem to be universal. Yesterday I sent out an article someone had forwarded to me about a big Confederate flag being  put up somewhere in Alabama. I felt, in the face of all the ethnic cleansing we had experienced in the last couple of years, it was a positive article and an encouragement  to folks so I passed it on to many.

Today I got some response. One man in Texas said they must have shut the site down as he couldn’t get into it at all. A man in West Virginia said he could open the article but not get the picture of the flag, and a lady in Georgia said the same thing. It would appear that most other folks go it–at least so far.

Reminds me of a friend in North Carolina with a big email list who used to include a small pic of a Confederate flag at the bottom of the emails he sent out. One find day the emails started bouncing back as undeliverable. Now my friend is a person who has been known to connect the  dots as  it were, and so he tried sending the same messages out minus the Confederate flag at the  bottom. Guess what? All his messages started going through again! Seems the Confederate flag was a major impediment to email being forwarded. Wonder why that was. You don’t suppose there’s some grumpy old censor somewhere down the line that hates Confederate flags do you? Why perish the thought! Our emails are supposed to be private, are they not, and unless you put really horrible language or something like that in them I always thought they were to be left alone. Guess I  was wrong. It seems that the personal like and dislikes of the email censors are now what really counts. Political correctness seems to rule and if you have something some cultural Marxist doesn’t personally like in your email, guess what? It ain’t going anywhere or you will  end up getting that ever-useful comment “There was a problem loading the message.” Translation–Forget it! Unless you go to a different email server and even there the censors have their code words they watch out for.

Then we get these adds on email  sites about how concerned they are for our “privacy.” What they are really concerned about is that we don’t say anything that would be politically incorrect (not culturally Marxist).

Well, I’ve got this posted. Now lets see how well I do sending it out. I’m sure the mention of Confederate flags here will offend the sensibilities of some tender soul somewhere that will want to make sure this article gets no further than him–lest someone down the line be contaminated with a little truth!

It’s NOT On His “To Do” List

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

There was an interesting article on over the weekend. I will quote briefly from it. “Americans were outraged to learn in reports that the FBI deployed a spy to inform on the Trump campaign. The Obama administration and the FBI colluded to run active measures against their political opponents.” is anyone really surprised? You shouldn’t be. The Deep State has not, and will not, stop at anything to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump For many Deep State operatives this is what they live for.

They’ve had it all their own way for so long, and now along comes Donald Trump, and he tips their little RED wagon over, and they have to make sure he atones for that. Their final solution for Trump–totally destroy him–and do it in such a way that no one coming after him will ever dare to upset their cultural Marxist apple cart again–ever! I wonder if there is any kind of jail sentence possible for those Obamaphiles   who ran active measures against Trump in order to help Hillary. But then, with our two-tiered “just us” system there probably isn’t. You know how it is–“different strokes for different folks!” Many of our Deep State people are simply too big and important to go to  jail. That’s just for us serfs, not them. And please don’t tell me we have a government of laws and not men. That went out with Abe Lincoln. If you don’t think so, read the American Bastille.

And now we have a “Just Us” Department whose real ruler is a man named Rosenstein. His name is not on the bosses door but it might as well be because he’s the one really running the show. The man whose name is on the door might as well have  been on vacation for the last year. All he is  interested in is civil asset forfeiture. He lets Rosenstein handle everything else.

As far as Trump “colluding” with the Russians so they would swing the election for him, we have Herr Robert Mueller “investigating” that for us. His attitude toward Donald Trump is that of a chicken hawk that has spotted a rabbit he wants for lunch. He has assembled a list of truly “impartial” lawyers to help him bag–er, I mean investigate Trump’s many and varied ties to Putin and Russia. As for those ties to Russia, after a year and a half, he hasn’t been able to  locate any of them, but  hey, don’t worry–just give him another $20 million and three for four more years and he’ll be able to put something together–true or not won’t make any difference.

In the meantime, there is all manner of evidence out there tying Hillary and Company to real Russian collusion, from the Uranium One deal forward. So why isn’t  Mueller checking  some of this out? You’re kidding right?

The only thing on Mueller’s “to do” list is to make sure he finds something, anything, to make Trump look bad. As far as the real Russian collusion of Hillary and Company with Russia, forget that. No one is interested or wants to know about it so let’s just all forget about it. Hillary and Company are way too important to pay for their sins anyway. Mueller knows  that! His “to do” list will never, never, never include any of Hillary’s “indiscretions.” She’s far too important to the Deep State to ever have those brought up–and those who do bring them up will have to be censored off the internet because they are promoting “hateful” ideas about Hillary. The  thought that she should be prosecuted for her crimes is absolutely hateful to her, and so the Deep State needs to censor all internet sites that might even look like they might lean in that direction. After all, it’s for the “good of the country” don’t you know. And to paraphrase the quote from the crooked banker in the old movie Stagecoach “what’s good for Hillary is good for the country.” Right???

So, don’t ever  think that Mueller will deal with Hillary’s Russian collusion, folks. That ain’t on the agenda and never will be. And if you know what’s good for you, you better start ignoring that. Remember, in this Deep State occupied country, our “Just Us” system can best be described as “Hillaryous.”

The Great Obamassiah–With More Delusion To Cover His Six!

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Many of you, like me over the past several years, probably grew increasingly tired of seeing Comrade Obama’s grinning mug on the “news” as he poked his all-knowing finger in our faces while condescendingly talking down to us about our ignorance and his omnipotence.

In my ignorance I actually dared to hope that now that Trump was going to be president I would not have to endure Obama’s grinning visage anymore. Silly of me. I should have known better and when I read about his (and George Soros’) plan to move into new digs within spitting distance of the White House I realized how foolish I had been. Obama, like the Clintons, wasn’t going anywhere. They had all been making plans to be on hand for the taking down of Donald Trump and the country. They mean to make us pay dearly for daring to vote for someone other than “Madame President.”

One Jewish journalist actually said at one point “We thought he (Obama) would be the messiah.” Having rejected her true Messiah she was now more than willing to accept Comrade Obama as His replacement.

Only problem is, the true Messiah (John 14:6) does not lie, whereas Obamassiah has been famous for that. Anyone remember “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” or “I’m not after your guns”? Those were two of his real biggies, but they were far from being alone. Unable to stop what has probably been a lifetime habit, he stated, during a Fox News” interview that “I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line. I guarantee it. I guarantee there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period.” These remarks were reported on for February 8th, and probably other places as well. However, in the same article, it was also stated that: “Two months before the presidential election, Lisa Page wrote to fellow FBI official Peter Strzok that she was working on a memo for then-FBI director James Comey because Obama ‘wants to know everything we are doing’.” If Obama wasn’t interfering (or guiding the investigation) why did he have to know what these people were doing? And the fact he wanted to know indicates he knew something was going on–and he did nothing to stop it.

Another interesting thing that doesn’t generally get talked about and brought out is that Carter Page, who was supposedly part of the Trump campaign and who was supposedly colluding with the Russians, actually worked for the FBI. If that is so, then why was he working with the Russians? Double agent? In this case I don’t think so. If Page is in that position, has worked for the FBI, is he there to make Trump look bad? If so, what does that tell you?

I’ve read several articles in the past week that noted Obamassiah’s continued curiosity about what the FBI was doing in the phony Russian collusion delusion. Undoubtedly he needs to keep abreast of current developments so he will know what prevarications to dribble out there regarding his involvement.

The congressional committees  of Devin Nunes and Charles Grassley  have done yeoman duty in dredging through the Swamp and providing the public with some information as to how deep-seated the corruption in the Swamp really is. I’ve seen some commentary from the Political Elite about the fact that Mr. Nunes previously ran a dairy farm, which seems to provoke some condescention  among them. All that means is that Mr. Nunes has done honest work in his life, probably something many of them can’t say.

There is more to come. Provided the Democrats and the RINO’s can’t find some way to conceal it from the public. They are less than ecstatic that even this much has been revealed. Had Madame President succeeded Obamassiah to the presidency this rottenness would have been covered up for yet more decades–and all this from a man who promised us all  the “most transparent administration” in history. Just goes to show you that when you elect a cultural Marxist with Muslim proclivities   to be president you get the exact opposite of what he promised you. That’s something we all need to remember. Maybe instead of calling him Obamassiah we should call him Obamaliar!

Obama Thinks He Should Still Be President (Hillary thinks it’s her turn now)

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

King Barack I thinks he should still be president. The two term limit for the office of president should apply to all other candidates except him, even over Hillary, who would also like to be president for life–Queen Hillary I!  And so these two would-be dictators really hate each other’s guts, even when they work together to obstruct  the legitimate presidency of Donald Trump.

It’s a fact that many on the Left really loathe each other, but they will work together to destroy their legitimate opposition in spite of how they feel about each other. Those on the Right have mostly not learned this lesson and often spend more time attacking those on their own side than they do the Leftists.

However, we must remember on thing. Many, if not most, of those way over on the Leftist fringes are far from being their own independent persons. They long ago sold their souls to those that finance Washington’s “Great Swamp” and so they have been “bought with a price” and unless they repent and turn around that price will be evident in the Final Judgment, if not before.

King Barack I is a prime example. After reluctantly leaving the presidency he has begun actively working to see if his Swamp Masters will let him have it back, provided they can find a way to remove Trump, quasi-legitimately or otherwise–otherwise being the chief operative term here.

Back on February 16, 2017, John Daniel Davidson wrote, in an article on that: “…there is Obama.  Less than a month out of office, the broad contours of Obama’s post-presidency career are already taking shape. Obama, and his loyalists, it seems, will remain in the center of the political fray,  officially and unofficially, in an organized effort to undermine the Trump administration. The bizarre scandal now unfolding over the resignation of national security adviser Michael Flynn is a case in point. Flynn’s resignation was prompted by a series of co-ordinated and anonymous leaks from current and former Obama administration officials in our domestic intelligence agencies.” Note that some of these Obamaniks  are still currently in our domestic intelligence agencies. They need to be removed, but, for some inexplicable reason, they remain.

An article on by Seth Barron for August 15, 2017 observed that the Obama family plans to remain in Washington and have bought an $8 million mansion there, establishing, in effect, a shadow presidency…Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the ‘nerve center’ of the anti-Trump opposition…Obama is the spearhead of a movement seeking to obstruct the administration of his successor.” Don’t you wonder where the money came from to pay for that mansion–whose name was on the bottom line of the check?

Jack Posobiec on stated on August 18 that
“Barack Obama plans to continue acting as a shadow president, as many have referred to him in the Beltway, first by conducting trips abroad publicly meeting with foreign heads or state…” Interesting that now with being a supposedly ordinary citizen he can get by with this.

And Emily Zanotti, on November 28, 2017 on continued in the same vein when she observed: “Just as he did after President Donald Trump’s trip to Europe, former president Barack Obama will make a tour of Asia, weeks after Trump returned from his first official state visit to Japan and China” and Zanotti also referred to him as the “shadow president…Although the former president promised to stay out of the limelight, he’s been deeply involved in policy issues designed to counter Donald Trump’w White House initiatives.”

In other words, Obama is actively working to counteract what the American people voted for. He doesn’t care what we want. In his narcissistic stupor, he has never cared about what we wanted. He has an agenda handed to him by those who finance him in the Deep State, just as he did back in 2008 and he must labor to implement that agenda. And if that agenda screws the American people–well tough baby, that’s just how it is. After all, if you want to be National Dictator then you should be able to do whatever you (our your bosses) want–just like Queen Hillary would have done if she had gotten in, right? And as far as our current Department of Justice is concerned, they have zero interest in turning all this around.  Jeff Sessions seems fixated in prosecuting a batch of low-level drug dealers and he can’t, or won’t see anything beyond that.

As much as I have stuck up for Trump, he has made some really lousy cabinet appointments. You have to wonder who he is getting his advice from. He may be getting most of it from the people that have a vested interest in taking him out. at least that seems to be the advice he’s following.

The Deep State can’t leave Trump in there–they have to get rid of him, any way they have to. And passing him bum advice may be one way to blunt his impact on their agenda until they can figure out how to remove him. Supposedly, according to some sources, he will be gone sometime in December and they can begin again to re-establish their stranglehold on the American people.

Is Trump Being “Watergated?”

by Al Benson Jr.

I have a good friend in Illinois who is an astute observer of the political scene. We used to work together and so could bounce stuff off each other that we felt was important on a regular basis

However, since our move to Louisiana that type of interaction has become rather difficult and so we are forced to do that kind of thing via email. But we do try to keep up and send each other material we feel is pertinent.

We have both followed the Deep State’s continuing attempts to deep six Donald Trump, which has become ever more apparent in the past couple weeks or so, most especially after Michael’s Flynn’s departure from the Trump Team.

I got the following commentary from my friend on February 16th and felt it was worth passing along to my readers (some of whom seem to have gone back to sleep since Trump was elected). My friend observed that: “What’s happening now to the Trump Administration is very reminiscent of what happened to Richard Nixon with Watergate. With Nixon, the establishment removed the inner circle around Nixon one by one until Nixon stood all alone. While this was going on, there was a gradual movement building in the House of Representatives to impeach Nixon. As Nixon stood all alone, this movement in the House started to take off and Nixon resigned as a result…I believe that the same strategy is now underway with regard to Trump. It will be interesting to see how all this progresses. The present forces behind this move are very powerful and very skillful.” And also very evil!

He also sent me a copy of an article from written by Eli Lake. The article seems to be an attempt to link Trump to the Russians, a theme the Leftists never seem to tire of playing with. It would seem, from this article, that everyone of Trump’s close associates except his second cousin is being investigated by the FBI for possible “Russian connections.” How long this will go on is anybody’s guess, but probably until they find some way to get Trump out of office (legal or otherwise)–and rest assured, that is being worked on by the Deep State. They do not want Trump in the White House! He is an agenda-interrupter for the Deep State and they have to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Rest assured, Bloomberg is no friend of Trump’s and the closing paragraph in the article noted this: “In the end, it was Trump’s decision to cut Flynn loose. In doing this he caved in to his political and bureaucratic opposition.  Nunes (Rep. Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) told me Monday night that this will not end well. ‘First it’s Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then it will be Reince Priebus.’…Put another way, Flynn is only the appetizer. Trump is the entree.”  I don’t think Priebus will be any loss at all–he is an Establishment Republican and I have heard comments about him being a main source of some the the damaging leaks. The other three–now that’s something else altogether.  Do you see the pattern here?  Same as what they did to Nixon. They “Watergated” him right out of office. This is what they are trying now to do to Trump and I hope and pray that he and those closest to him will begin to see what is going on.

Do The Leftists Control Public Education In This Country? You’d Better Believe It!

by Al Benson Jr.

Just a couple days ago I read an excellent article by David Risselada, published by Western Free Press  on 1/24/17. Among other things, Mr. Risselada said: “Finally, after eight years of governance by a left wing radical intent on turning our nation upside down, a new President is at the helm. That’s a perfect description of what Comrade Obama did during his tenure in office. Mr. Risselada went on to comment briefly on some of Trump’s cabinet picks, both good and questionable, and then he came to Betsy DeVos, who is Mr. Trump’s choice to head the Department of Education–the department both us and our kids would be better off without.

In commenting on Mrs. DeVos he noted her endorsement of school choice (an interesting proposition that has two sides) and her opposition to Common Core. That opposition, at least, is a step in the right direction. But then he stated: “Truthfully, if something isn’t done about education it won’t matter who Trump nominates because the next generation will simply be brought up being taught that they are all racist, warmongering, sexist islamaphobes that don’t care about the planet.” And he further noted that: “…until someone acknowledges that our school systems have become a breeding ground for behavior based psychology and behavior modification techniques, which indoctrinate children into the tenets of progressivism, nothing will change.” Unfortunately, he is right on the money here, and most folks, even on school boards, just don’t have a clue.

He stated that if Betsy DeVos “…is serious about reforming our education system the first thing she would do is to eliminate the United States participation in UNESCO, which stands for The United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization.  The United States has been a member since 1946. Since this time the United Nations has dictated educational policy in the United States with the main goal being the elimination of patriotism, individualism, and any concept of what is right and wrong. This explains how the radical left has maintained such control over education, getting away with teaching  racially divisive concepts like ‘white privilege’ while at the same time raising generations of American students who have no understanding of the constitutional republic in which they freely live.”  So, it will be interesting to see what Mrs. DeVos does with UNESCO, if anything. And, if nothing, then you can rest assured that nothing will change in the area of public education save the educational rhetoric.

As if to buttress Mr. Risselada’s  emphasis on getting rid of UNESCO, there was a brief article in The New American for February 6, 2017, the headline for which was UN Demands More Globalist Propaganda in School Textbooks. This article noted that: “The goal of the Global Education Monitoring Report  released in December by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is fairly transparent: accelerate the indoctrination of impressionable children worldwide with textbook propaganda promoting ‘global citizenship,’ the discredited man-made global warming theory, homosexuality, transgenderism, and outright totalitarianism. And according to the report itself, school textbooks are the best way to do that.”

And to finish off this educational farce (because that’s what it really is) there was an article on for January 27th stating that Ohio State University will soon be offering a class on How to detect Microaggressions  and be ‘Self-Aware of White Privilege’.”  The Zero Hedge article observed that “Amazingly, American parents can get all this for the bargain basement price of just $44,784 per year. Just an amazing value.” I recently did an article for this blog spot about families in the South that willingly pay for their kids’ cultural destruction in these big colleges. Here is a prime example!

Frankly, I don’t pretend to know what Mrs. DeVos, if her nomination flies, will do about the leftist tilt of the Department of Education or UNESCO.  I know what she ought to do, but whether that will be too rich for her or not, I just don’t know. She ought to quit using any and all material from the United Nations in every public school in America. I also understand there is a bill currently in Congress to get the U.S., out of the U.N. This bill needs to be passed (though I doubt that it will) and we need to get this country out of the United Nations.

As far as “reforming” the public schools, I really have very serious doubts. I think that the best honest folks can do is to possibly slow down their leftist agenda somewhat, but this is a system you will never truly reform, because I think true reform for it is impossible. Remember, we are talking about a Humanist school system that was formed to get rid of Christian influences in education in this country.  So if that was the aim of its founders at its inception, what, pray tell, do you “reform” it back to? I have asked that question several times over the years and have yet to get anything even approaching an answer. So I have come to the conclusion that you don’t reform it–you separate from it, secede from it, whatever you want to call it. You get your kids out of it. There are educational options for those willing to look.

Getting Tired of the “Fake News”Scenario Yet?

by Al Benson Jr.

We have heard so much of late about all the “fake news” that the alt-right organizations are supposed to be spreading hither and yon out there that it has almost become ludicrous.  If we believe the Ruling Establishment’s paranoid ranting we will accept as gospel truth everything that the Washington Post or the New York Times puts out there and we will automatically distrust everything that The Drudge Report, InfoWars, WorldNet Daily and a whole host of others publish. We might even be tempted to doubt what I am writing here! This is a classic Marxist tactic called “Condemn others and elevate yourself.” In other words you are doing the same thing you accuse others of doing but you did it first–and then complained about them doing it so you could seize the moral high ground and appear clean when actually you are dirtier than those you accuse.

Thanks to the fact that many people are finally starting to wake up and see what goes on it’s getting harder for the mainstream media to push this agenda, but push it they still do, because not enough people have laughed in their faces yet to convince them it isn’t working anymore. That day will come, and it won’t be a happy one for the prostitute press

The truth of the matter is that those who have been putting fake news out there for decades now (the mainstream media) are now accusing their competition of doing the same thing in an effort to shut them down because people have started paying attention to what the alt-right has to say. I’m not saying that the alt-right is perfect or that they even always get it all right, but you get scads more truth from them than you ever will from the mainstream media who have been bought and paid for literally for generations.

And there are serious questions out there as to what constitutes “fake news.” In fact, you could say that “fake news” is a concocted  reason for federal censorship and you wouldn’t be far off the mark, if at all. I recently read an article from by Samuel Smith, the title of which was Fake News: Is Religious Liberty at Stake?  The title of the article is a good question–and most who read this will already know the answer.

Mr. Smith writes, in part, “As the world’s largest web companies are being pressured to crack down on websites that produce ‘fake news,’ there are growing concerns that efforts to censor what is deemed to be fake news could have a negative impact on religious news websites that report from a conservative or biblical perspective.” That is a valid concern. Smith notes: “The term fake news has been circulated by the media and Hillary Clinton following her defeat to President-elect Donald Trump in the Nov.8 presidential election, with many accusing so-called pro-Trump fake news sites of having a decisive impact on the outcome of the election.” That gives you some idea of where the current use of the term originated–and that fact alone should tell you something. I mean, after all, it’s not as if Hillary Clinton never lied to the public! She has been promoting prolific windys   for years to further her career and, somehow, the “news” media just never seems to notice.

Ron Paul, who ran for president in 2012 and had the Republican Establishment basically steal votes from him in various states so they could promote that weak sister, Mitt Romney, who was supposed to lose to Obama, has also commented on this. In an article on  for December 11, 2016, Mr. Paul observed: “The latest and potentially most dangerous threat to the First Amendment is the war on ‘fake news.’ Those leading the war are using a few ‘viral’ internet hoaxes to justify increasing government regulation–and even outright censorship–of Internet news sites.  Some popular websites such as Facebook, are not waiting for the government to force them to crack down on fake news.”  That’s because the agenda of some of these sites is identical to that of the government.

And Ron Paul further notes that: “The war on ‘fake news’ has taken a chilling turn with efforts to label news and opinion sites of alternative news sources as peddlers of Russian propaganda…There have also been calls for congressional investigations into Russian influence on the elections. Can anyone doubt that the goal of this is to discredit and silence those who question the mainstream media’s pro-welfare/warfare state propaganda?” Well no, Ron, no reasonable person can doubt that, but then we are talking about the federal government here–at this point under the control of a Marxist Regime that will do anything and say anything to make sure the New World Order crowd maintains control and stifles true liberty. That’s what the Obama Regime is all about. And if they can find some convoluted, quasi-legal stratagem to deny Trump the presidency they will do it in a New York heartbeat! That’s where we are at this point i time.

A brief article on  recently stated that: “…indeed, the globalists are thinking of ways to keep Trump from getting in office 11 days from now. Jeh Johnson of DHS federalized all the elections in a letter sent out recently. They would only do that, knowing Trump will reverse it, to have the apparatus in place to prevent him from taking over. This is 21st century warfare, but the good news is that the public is not buying it.”

Paul Craig Roberts, writing about this same subject in a short article on on January 10, 2017  said: “The disturbing question is: Why do it now after Trump’s election? Could there be a plot to rescind Trump’s election on the basis of the ongoing lies that Trump was elected not by the voters but by Russian interference? Federalization can be used to remove the states from the picture and prevent the states from challenging an establishment coup against the voters.” Read that last statement over again.

So the entire “Russian hacking” story is being reported not only to discredit Trump, but so the feds can insert themselves into the election process in a way hitherto almost undreamed of by ordinary folks.

Think about this–every time you have a “terrorist attack” it gives the government more excuses to restrict our liberties. That’s what “terrorism” is all about today. It’s the old “pressure from above and pressure from below” game. I have written about that before some may recall.

We should all pray sincerely–and continually–that the Lord will be pleased to toss a few monkey wrenches into the machinations of the New World Order program–of which “fake news” is a large part at this time.

The Establishment Declares Guerilla Warfare Against Trump Administration

by Al Benson Jr.

The conclusion I reached regarding my heading for this brief article has more than been borne out in recent days. Usually when a sitting president hands over the reins of power to his successor the custom has been for him to quietly withdraw and go do something else, write his memoirs or dedicate his memorial library, or whatever “something else” might be.

But that is not to be the case with our current Marxist president. He has already informed us that he “isn’t going anywhere” but will stay in Washington to keep his finger on the pulse of current events. Which means he is going to be second guessing everything that Trump does, and he realizes that a compliant and prostituted “news” media will daily report his running commentary about how poorly Trump is doing things to the public. So Trump will be fighting on two fronts at all times.

I don’t doubt that Obama would have loved to have left Washington and gone somewhere where he could play golf 14 hours a day, eight days a week. But it would seem that his bosses in our Ruling Establishment plan to keep him chained to Sodom on the Potomac so he can do their bidding there.

And we also hear about some Democrats that are planning on starting up a “war room” to combat Trump at every possible opportunity and to start training a new cadre of young socialists to be prepared for when the Establishment manages to get rid of Trump. Honestly, folks, have you ever seen a post-election scenario like this one? I’ve been following the political scene for over 45 years now and this is a first for me. It is being admitted flat out that the losers are not going to accept their loss but are instead going to continue their blatant Leftist assault from the sidelines.Sort of makes you curious as to where some of George Soros’ money will be spent in the next four years.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Mr. Trump has many of these Establishment types in his own party and you can be sure they will work with the “Demoncrats” because when it comes to the Ruling Establishment, the Deep State, or whatever you care to call the CFR/Trilateral hacks that will be doing this dirty stuff, party labels make no difference. “Republicrats” or “Demoncrats”, they all belong to the same New World Order crowd.

One thing the American people need to realize is that when the New World Order people declare guerilla war on Trump and his administration they are also declaring it on us!

They realize the public at large knows they’ve been shafted by them and that’s why so many voted for Trump–because he promised them an administration that would cease sticking it to them. Only problem is “those people” don’t want to cease sticking it to us. They enjoy it! The cultural Marxist mentality is one the enjoys pulling the wings off flies and the legs off frogs. It gives them a power trip and they like how that feels–so they want to keep doing it to us, and besides, lots of their friends make money off of it one way or another.

They want us to know that they are the “god” in Washington and it really ticks them off when we fight back. So they’ve got to double down and stick it to us to show us who’s boss. When Hitlery called us all “deplorable” she was being honest for one of the few times in her life. That’s how they think of us. Am I advocating that we fear those people? NO! If anything we should oppose and expose them because “gods” they are not, except in their own minds!

So keep your eyes and ears open in the days to come because the New World Order boys (and girls) in Washington are really going to try to neutralize any and every good thing Trump tries to do and they are going to try to neutralize anything whatever that might give the ordinary man a shot at a little more liberty than he now has.Those people don’t like liberty–especially for us–they want us in bondage–and they will do whatever they have to in order to make sure we stay there. That’s the cultural Marxist mindset and we had better understand that. Whether you always agree with Alex Jones or not, he says one thing at the end of his broadcasts that we should think about–“You are the resistance.” He’s right.

For another article in this same vein check out “Give Me Land, Lotsa Land” on

A Slightly Revised Onslaught Of Cultural Marxist Drivel

by Al Benson Jr.

Regarding what we still mistakenly call “journalists” we are forced to admit that they long ago abdicated their positions as responsible journalists and willingly prostituted themselves for the Ruling Establishment and its leftist cronies. They have no credibility left, which they have a hard time admitting, so they seek to denigrate their adversaries while covering themselves with journalistic fig leaves. Who in his right mind still watches the “Communist News Network” or the “Communist Broadcasting System” and expects any truth? Only the “useful idiots!”

At any rate, Mark Potok claims the phones at the SPLC have been ringing off the hook with folks concerned about the “radical right” who are, if you read between the lines, all Trump supporters. Anyone who knows the history of the SPLC realizes that a big part of their agenda–a big part–is painting anyone who is politically to the right of Hillary Clinton as a “hate group.” And it doesn’t make any difference if it’s just one person or a large group. If you dare to disagree with the leftist agenda for this countrly then you are a “hate group” period! End of discussion!

Interestingly enough, according to Pastor Chuck Baldwin, writing in back in February of 2013, the Southern Poverty Law Center…”has long been used by the federal government and the national press corps to paint conservative organizations as ‘extremists,’ ‘anti-government,’ ‘hate groups,’ etc. No sooner would the SPLC issue some attack piece in their newsletter and police agencies all over the country would be issuing bulletins to their officers regurgitating what the SPLC had just spewed out. No private organization has this kind of connection to, and influence over, police agencies nationwide without collaboration with the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.”

And Pastor Baldwin pointed in that article to a report by Judicial Watch “confirming that the DOJ and the SPLC are intricately tied at the hip.”

That being the case, this gives you some idea of where Puente’s commentary in this article is headed and where the cultural Marxist agenda is going to be headed in the next year or so. So if you folks here in the South thought that because the weather got a little cooler of late that the culture war was over, baby, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! So don’t just sit and watch, get ready to resist–because they are about to ramp up their efforts to totally destroy our culture and heritage along with that of any patriotic  Americans out there that may still be left.

But all, fortunately, has not gone well for the left. I just got word today that the A & E KKK project had been cancelled. It seem that some of those who were to be participants in the project had been paid to do so, which was supposed to be a no-no. There were also allusions that there was a bit of a backlash to this project. I’d be willing to give that explanation more credibility than the one about them being paid. It may well be that enough folks out there are just plain fed up and disgusted with being labeled as “racist” rednecks and “deplorables” because they didn’t have the good sense to vote for Comrade Hillary that they are starting to fight back. If so, that’s all to the good. The drivel the cultural Marxists have been throwing at us for decades now needs to be repudiated and exposed for just what it is–an eight-letter word you don’t say in polite company!

I just got another communication today from the Dixie Heritage Newsletter that mentioned that membership in the KKK is believed to be, nationwide, only about 5,000. And the communication said: “The Democrats really need these guys. Somehow they’ve got to get those numbers up.” In other words, the cultural Marxists need the KKK out there to run interference for them in the streets while they try to scare ordinary folks to death. And one of the articles I read about all this had a big photo of a KKK member, hood, robe, and all, holding a big United States flag. No Confederate flags in sight! That one seems to have slipped by the censors. I’m sure the guy that took that one has by now been informed he’d better not make that mistake again.

Psalm 97:10 says, in part, “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil:” and let’s not kid ourselves. The people that are pushing this cultural Marxist drivel, whatever way they promote it, ARE evil! Understand, I have no use for the KKK. I think they have done a lot of harm, particularly to our Southern heritage. And it is rank injustice to play the “guilt by association” game with everyone on the right by trying to tie them in, somehow, to all the “hate groups” the SPLC claims are out there. Of course, if the SPLC can scare enough people into contributing to their supposed efforts to “combat hate” then that’s cash in their coffers, even if KKK membership is way down–and that’s part of the game, too.

Thanks Be To God–I Was Wrong

by Al Benson Jr.

Back on April 14, 2015, I posted an article on this blog spot entitled Has the Next President Already Been Chosen–and is the election just going through the motions?

In the last year and a half that article has gotten more views than just about anything else I have posted since then. It has gotten over 1300 views on November 8th and 9th. Now that might not seem like a lot to folks whose blogs get all kinds of hits in a week’s time, but for my little blog that’s a pretty fair country figure for two days.

I would encourage folks to go and look at this article because, even though the election is now over and Donald Trump has won resoundingly, there is still background information in the article that is helpful. What  it dealt with, basically, was that the One World Government Establishment (call it the New World Order if you want) in this country and other places, had already, at that point, decided Hillary Clinton was going to be the next president of the United States and the public be damned. They already had plans to “engineer” this election, or, as Mr. Trump so truthfully stated “the system is rigged.” In the article above noted I had said: “Folks, I would not spend lots of time trying to figure out who the next president will be. That’s probably already been decided unless the Lord intervenes and messes up the One Worlder’s agenda.” Thanks be to God, He did!

Their plan was basically the same as in the last two elections–a pathetically weak Republican candidate (and there were several) was going to go up against Hillary and he was going to be soundly trounced. I mean, hey, if it worked in the last two elections then why not this time? Donald Trump threw a bit of a monkey wrench into the gears when he refused to be eliminated and hung in there. As he went along in the various primaries he eliminated all those Republicans who were willing to go up against Hillary one on one and be eliminated. Had, by some fluke, one of them managed to stay in and happened to win the election then he would give us the same agenda Hillary had been programmed to push on us only it would have been wrapped in conservative rhetoric so us “deplorables” wouldn’t know the difference. That was the game plan, and the public was supposed to fall for it hook, line, and sinker–thinking they had actually participated in a “real election.” This was how the New World Order folks had it figured. They had a cinch hand–they couldn’t lose either way–so they thought.

However, as much as those people hate to have to admit it, God does govern in the affairs of men and He has the final say as to what He will permit them to do and what He won’t. Lots of people had been praying for Trump to win and you should never underestimate the power of prayer. Just because you can’t “see” something happening doesn’t mean it isn’t happening–all it means is that it happens and you don’t see it–at least not right away.

There have been people out here in flyover country where I live that have been praying that the Lord would throw a monkey wrench into the gears of the New World Order agenda and, at least in this one instance, it seems as if their prayers have been answered.

So I think we have to thank the Lord for Trump’s victory. Sure, Trump is not perfect. He’s got a lot of warts. Who doesn’t? If the Lord were only ever going to use perfect people to get things done then He’d never be able to use any of us, would He?

For all the national sins this country is guilty of we actually deserve Hitlery (beg pardon, I meant Hillary), but in His mercy, the Lord gave us Trump instead. We need to reflect on that–and thank Him for it. It wouldn’t have happened without Him. Just maybe He is giving us one more chance to come to grips with out national sins and to turn around (repent) and walk in the opposite direction. Mr. Trump, by God’s grace, may be our last lease on life, in spite of the agenda of the New World Order boys, girls, transsexuals, and others.

Something else I think we should all be doing is praying for Mr. Trump’s safety (and for his wisdom) because the New World Order folks don’t like it when their agendas get thwarted and they don’t just look to get mad over it–they look to get even. Prayer for Mr. Trump’s safety both before and after his inauguration would not be out of line because those folks don’t always play nice.

So let us be thankful  for Mr. Trump’s victory and pray that Mr. Trump will do what he has said he will do,  but let’s don’t forget to thank and praise the Lord for it, because without Him we would not get another chance. So, in this instance, I was wrong, thanks be to God!