Chinese Marxists in our military?

by Al Benson Jr.

Just this morning I read an article someone sent me from which stated: “Reports suggest that Chinese illegals are spending up to $35,000 to be smuggled through South America up to the border…Even more noteworthy is that those coming from China have accessed online guides for navigating the dangerous journey to the Southern border. It almost seems as if social media has become a digital coyote of sorts, providing step-by-step instructions for illegals and asylum seekers.”

The article continued: “Of course the Biden administration remains woefully inept when it comes to addressing the rise in illegal immigrants and asylum seekers from multiple countries…The surge in Chinese nationals sneaking over the border presents another dimension to the problem, especially when it comes to national security.”

While this was not a bad article, I would disagree with one point made in it. The Biden regime is not “woefully inept” at failing to deal with this situation. The Biden regime wants all these illegals here. When you look at the way they’ve dealt with this, you can reach no other rational conclusion. The illegal immigrant debacle has been on purpose because the Biden regime wants these people here for specific purposes, which they dare not reveal to the American public! That’s especially true with the 20,000 plus Chinese we now have here.

If these thousands of Chinese illegals, many of which we must assume have Communist connections, spent $35,000 each to get here, where did all that money come from? Your average Chinese doesn’t have that kind of cash, so someone has got to be footing a tremendous bill to get them here. Anyone come to mind? If it isn’t the drug cartels then it has to be the Chinese Communist Party or some subsidiary thereof. Three guesses as to why they want thousands of military-age men over here! It ain’t so they can view the beautiful Southwestern scenery and send postcards to their girlfriends back in Beijing!

But it might possibly be so they can raise particular hell in this country in the event of a war–kind of a guerilla action. Or it might be that the Biden regime plans to make citizens out of them so they can put them into our military to dispense with patriotic Americans, who, for some strange reason, detest the idea of Marxists in our military. However, it wouldn’t be the first time Marxists had been in our military. If you want to read about the first time that happened, contact Shotwell Publishing in Columbia, South Carolina and order the book Lincoln, Marx, and the GOP.

I noted one Fox News reporter talking to illegals coming from Mexico into California. He commented that he could speak Spanish, so he was used to talking to illegals from Central and South America. However, he was having a difficult time trying to talk to the many illegals from China. He didn’t know the language, and there were so many of them! If thousands of them end up in the US military, I wonder how they will communicate with their commanding officers. Or will the Biden regime just send for a group of Chinese Communist military people to command them? Given China Joe Biden’s cozy relationship with China, somehow that wouldn’t surprise me.

3 thoughts on “Chinese Marxists in our military?

  1. Pingback: Chinese Marxists in our military? – Dixie Drudge – Southern Nation News

  2. Their influence is everywhere and strong. I think they have million here that will wake up and our military will be overseas. Red Dawn.

  3. Bob, I think that’s probably part of their plan. That and the fact that we will have spent so much helping Ukraine we won’t even be able to afford ammunition to fight back. Americans should not kid themselves that Biden’s first loyalty is to this country.

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