China Joe trying to walk the political tightrope

by Al Benson Jr.

Pragmatic politicians who do not have the moral courage and convictions to come down on one side or the other usually end up trying to be all things to all men and really end up pleasing neither side on any given question. That’s China Joe Biden to a tee. His moral scruples consist of “what does it take me to get re-elected?” Nothing else matters to him except trashing white people whom he secretly hates.

If it were not so tragic it would almost be comical to watch him trying to appeal to both sides in this Israel-Hamas situation. He wants the Jewish vote, but he has to be careful that he doesn’t get his boss, Obama, who is really a closet Muslim Marxist, mad at him, so he has also to pander to the Muslims and Marxists. Besides, he wants those Muslim votes in key swing states like Minnesota and Michigan. Of course his political machine will try to steal those votes if he can’t win them honestly, but it would be easier if he can.

Just so you all will know where I’m coming from, I don’t think either side in this situation is worthy of support. People are being asked to choose between anti-Christ Jews, who are not really Semitic in origin and Muslim Marxists–and that’s one lousy choice! Some folks would say “a pox on both their houses” and I probably wouldn’t argue with that.

But it’s comical to watch China Joe try to balance himself on this political tightrope. He probably needs votes from both camps, which will be well-nigh impossible. But he dares not really choose one or the other, so he is forced to engage in the political charade of seeming to support both. If I had to guess where he will come down, I’d say he will probably come down on the Marxist Muslim side because that’s where his boss, Obama, is at, and he dare not antagonize Obama, who is the real power behind the throne in his administration.

Of course, we all realize China Joe doesn’t make any of these decisions on his own. He is told what to say and do, when to say and do it and those doing the telling only hope he doesn’t mess up big time when he speaks. It’s hard to believe that we have finally reached the point in this country where the president is nothing more than a sock puppet who mouths whatever he is told to say because he doesn’t have the ability anymore to think on his own.

And this is what the Democrats (and some Republicans) want to saddle us with another four years of?

1 thought on “China Joe trying to walk the political tightrope

  1. Pingback: China Joe trying to walk the political tightrope – Dixie Drudge – Southern Nation News

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