Another “Summer of Rage?”

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

As our new “Civil War” heats up, promoted by the Hard Left and its financiers, we are being told to expect another “Summer of Rage” to envelop us. This will not be the first, nor will it be the last, I’m afraid.

As of this writing (5:30 pm, central standard time) the major Leftist thrust for Independence Day has so far failed to materialize. Maybe enough exposure of Leftist plans allowed them to realize many were onto their game and so they had better change their agenda for the day. Now we have morphed into a “summer of rage” which they probably figure will give them enough time to raise particular hell around the country as those who pay them produce an ongoing script for them to follow.

Remember, we are still in the “pressure from above and pressure from below” mode I have noted in several articles.

One of the major thrusts for the next several weeks will be the Leftist campaign to shut down the Immigration & Customs Enforcement Department will would give us open borders–a Leftist dream and one for Hillary and Company as well. All the better to change your culture with my dear! That’s a big part of the game–the change from cultural Americanism to cultural Marxism. It’s been going on for a long time now. However, more are becoming aware of it and so the Left is ramping up the time frame for it. They’d like to have millions more illegal aliens in this country in time to vote in the mid-term elections. And don’t for a minute think that their being illegals will have any bearing whatever on whether they get to vote or not. That they will vote if the Left can get them across our Southern border is a foregone conclusion.

Then, again, there is Mr. Trump’s new Supreme Court nominee, the one the ever-svelte Michael Moore wants to throw his body on the line around Washington to protest. Knowing the Left, everyone in it from the Democratic Party to the RINO’s to the useful idiots in the streets will weep and howl unless Trump ends up nominating someone to the left of Fidel Castro. Hey, I’ve got the perfect compromise candidate for him–how about Rod Rosenstein, or better yet, his wife, who has had a really stellar legal career on the Clinton side of things. Either one of them should be someone Michael Moore could support and they are much further up the food chain than he is. I still wonder who’s paying for Michael Moore’s plane ticket to Washington so he can protest whoever Trump nominates– in bulk!

Speaking of Rosenstein, I watched an interesting video of Alan Dershowitz a few days ago in which he said that Rosenstein should be replaced as part of the Mueller Probe because he is not only overseeing the prosecution of the case but he is also a central witness. That conflict of interest disqualifies him. Ethics charges could be filed against Rosenstein with the bars that he is a member of, or a lawsuit could be used to challenge him. Since Mr. Dershowitz has considerable legal expertise, I will take his word for all that.

And just to finish up with, I will leave you a couple articles that you can check out for your reading enjoyment.

Another Golden Opportunity For Hogg(wash) In Texas?


By Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America


Well, here we go  again. Yet another school shooting in another gun free zone. If you get the feeling that you have heard it all before, it’s because you have—on many occasions in the past few years. I have said before that the shootings will continue until the general public has gotten the “correct” attitude on the Second Amendment (total gun confiscation) because that is  what these shootings are really all about—a bloody prelude to grabbing the guns. And if hundreds of students have to be shot in the process, the gun grabbers couldn’t care less! It’s just the collateral damage necessary to achieve their agenda.

In this most recent case in Santa Fe, Texas the shooter is a 17-year old student that they have actually captured instead of killed. That doesn’t happen often. He is supposed  to have killed 10 people and wounded more than a dozen others. He was a student at the school he shot up.

According to “CNN shared a screenshot of the shooter’s Facebook page before it was taken down. According to Cassandra Fairbanks, Dimitrios Pagourtzis was a ‘Columbiner’: he had the same button that Dylaln Klebold wore on his shoe during the columbine massacre.” I wasn’t exactly sure what a “Columbiner” was so I looked for a definition. I found one on that said: “Someone who has a profound interest in the April 20th Columbine High School massacre. They may also be obsessed with two of the victims that committed suicide, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris…”

Whatever this kid was, he admired all the wrong  people. Zerohedge continued: “The Daily Caller reported that social media pages…reveal he was obsessed with guns, knives and animal torture. They also show that he owned a trench coat with USSR and Nazi symbols on it…His Facebook page also appeared  ‘to suggest an obsession with Satanism’.”

Supposedly the shooter wore a black trench coat and carried a sawed-off shotgun. Can you hear the new cries now for “shotgun control?” No AR15 for this kid—he did it the old-fashioned way—which will probably trigger a new call for ALL guns of any kind to be banned!

I wondered as I read about this—where will David Hogg(wash) fit into this situation? I’m sure they can find a spot for him somewhere. With the shooting  in Parkland, Florida Hogg(wash) had his “15 minutes of fame” well, maybe 14 & ½ minutes of it, and now he seems to  be on the downside of that. Maybe this new shooting in South Texas will give him another chance at yet another 15 minutes of fame; one more chance to excoriate us “old dumb (expletive deleted)” because we didn’t have the good sense to do what needed to be done  and left it to his generation to ‘’’save” the world. I expect more of that  sort of drivel from Comrade Hogg in this current situation. It’s my fervent hope that he will just stay seated and keep his trap shut, but I think he is too enamored of his leftist talking points to grace us with his silence!

And this current shooter, with the communist and fascist medals on his coat—well—would you believe the useful idiots on the left are quickly blaming the NRA for him! Somehow,  it’s the NRA’s fault this guy is out there! Can they really be that stupid? Some can, but many of them, as you get to the  upper levels of their organizations, really know better and they hope we don’t!

If this new shooting ain’t a false flag, it’s the second cousin to one and before we are done with this we will again be subjected to the classic “pressure from above and pressure from below” scenario that I and others have written about so often. When it comes to contacting your “elected representatives” about opposing new and upcoming attempts at  gun control measures,  you all know what to do.

Update–5/21–David Hogg(wash’s) latest commentary on the Texas gun free zone school shooting is to encourage all graduating students across the country to paint their graduation caps orange. This will, somehow, magically increase the gun control sentiment among graduating high school seniors nationwide. And if it doesn’t, you can bet the farm the prostitute press will make it sound like it did.

There is an interesting article up on for today, 5/21, that details how George Soros funded that Women’s March that ended up supporting Hogg(wash) and his radical anti-gun buddies. Check it out. And I ask again–is anyone really surprised???

I’m Getting Tired of Foul-Mouthed Child Media Activists

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am getting sick and tired of listening to potty-mouthed child “activists” chanting about more gun control or seeing them head up marches that call for repealing the Second Amendment and listening to them lecture older folks about how we don’t know much about “using a f—— Democracy” as though they and only they were somehow born to be the fonts of all human wisdom. If you want my opinion, it is all Hoggwash!

This gifted “activist” (useful idiot would be more like it) berates his elders because they supposedly don’t know how to utilize their form of government, yet he can’t even get the proper form of government correct. I wonder if he knows the difference between a republic and a democracy? Did they ever teach him that in this government school he attended? Bet they didn’t.

There was a time in this country when younger folks respected their elders instead of pretending they were all stupid and calling them profanity-laden names. This present generation, and the one before it, seem to think humanity would not possibly have survived if they hadn’t arrived on the scene to explain to all us elder buffoons about how we should live. Some of these “activist” kids are on a gigantic ego trip and they somehow think the world will never make it unless we all listen to them spout all the talking points they were scripted and coached in by the Leftist agitators who pushed them forward because they could serve the Leftist agenda.

I’ve got news for some of you budding socialists who think you are “changing the world.” Once the Leftists and those who finance them get through using you and getting all the mileage out of you that they can, they will toss you on the ash heap of history like so many wrung-out dishrags and that will be all she wrote for you–and you will wake up some fine morning and ponder over why you ain’t “famous” anymore!

I watched a video on the internet of the indispensable Mr. Hogg berating those who disagree with his infinite wisdom. It seemed that about every seventh word out of his mouth was the “F word.” But then, that seems to be a favorite term with the Left nowadays. When they can’t come up with a cogent argument about anything they just “give you the finger” and that ends the debate! Sort of like calling you a “racist.” That’s supposed to end the debate, only it doesn’t anymore and so in their frustration, they resort to the middle finger because, if the truth were realized, they don’t have anything else!!!

In my browsing recently I came across an article by a John Zigler, the headline for which was The Media Should Not Let David Hogg Be Both a Child-Victim And an Adult Activist. That’s an interesting headline, and Mr. Zigler has a point. Mr. Hogg should not be able to be both–either he is one or the other. But the way it is now, he is playing both ends against the middle–literally! He is practicing that old Marxist game of “pressure from above and pressure from below” that I have written about before–a game to make sure that the middle class, ordinary folks, are caught in the middle between those above them and those below them–who are actually working together to squeeze them out!

So I will just say this to Mr. Hogg in closing–You are not “changing the world” as much as you like to think you are. You are being used to change it by someone else who has a totally different worldview than most of us in this country have or want and they are using you to force their vision of Amerika on the rest of us. You may not like that, buddy, but that’s how it really is. And if you really like the words your handlers are putting in your mouth to spew at the rest of us, then you are part of the problem, not the solution!

The Obama/Trump Gun Control Act of 2018

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I hate to say this, but it is beginning to look like, when push comes to shove, the Donald Trump support for the Second Amendment is starting to resemble the Platte River in Nebraska–“a mile wide and an inch deep.” Mr. Trump seems about to collapse on every Second Amendment issue now coming up and the socialists in government are just loving him for every minute of it. They are hoping to get the gun control under Trump that even eluded them while their Marxist-in-Chief, Obama sat on the throne.

A headline on Breitbart for Wednesday, February 28th said: “President Donald Trump embraced Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) gun control bill but rejected Rep. Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) push for national reciprocity during a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers Wednesday afternoon.”

The revealing part of the article was this: “The Manchin/Toomey gun control bill is the same universal background check legislation supported by Barack Obama in the wake of the heinous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is the very bill that was defeated in the Democrat-controlled Senate on April 17, 2013.”

So Trump is now endorsing a gun control bill that was embraced by Barack Obama. Maybe we should rename it The Obama/Trump Gun Control bill of 2018 because it now seems that Trump the nationalist is willing to support the same thing as Obama the Marxist.

Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture, or is it just me?

And, according to “Major gun-control groups on Thursday heaped praise on President Donald Trump for his advocacy for new gun-control laws during a televised meeting with top lawmakers…Trump advocated for adding proposals like extending FBI background checks to used gun sales between private parties, a ban on gun ownership for those under 21–especially ownership of assault weapons–to a bipartisan proposal to improve the current background check system. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said they were happy with Trump’s performance at the meeting.” They just oohed and aahed at Trump’s “full-throated support of gun violence prevention laws today,…”

Whether Mr. Trump realizes it or not, he is now supporting fully the means that will lead to registering everyone’s firearms of any sort with the federal government, which will lead to eventual confiscation of all guns. He is setting us on the path to eventual confiscation that Comrade Obama could only dream about! You have to wonder if he knows what he is doing. I hope not, but he’s going to do it anyway.

The Deep State and the Far Left have finally give us enough false flag shootings that they’ve gotten to Mr. Trump and he is willing to go along with whatever garbage they throw at him, supposedly to save lives.

Just think of how many lives can be saved when the feds have all the guns and they can just haul us off to the FEMA camps and not have to worry about resistance. The country will be one giant gun-free zone and if you think that will stop the killings I have a bridge in the desert in Arizona I’d love to sell you!

You have to wonder what happened to Trump on this issue. Something did. This is not the same man that spoke to CPAC a couple weeks ago and pledged to defend the Second Amendment–this is a man willing to toss all that away for the praise of the socialist gun-grabbers–so something has happened to him since that speech. We can speculate just what, but that seems an exercise in futility. Better we should spend our time contacting our senators and representatives and tell them to vote against any new gun control measures that come up and if they won’t then we better find someplace else to cast our votes.

Can anyone spell S E L L O U T ???

Just remember one thing–without the Second Amendment you have no way of protecting the other 9!

Update:  According to  “Rand Paul…introduced legislation on Thursday that would repeal a 1990 law banning guns from school zones…Paul’s bill would repeal the Gun-Free School Zones act of 1990 and all amendments to that law.” If this bill makes it out of committee and gets passed it will be interesting to see what Mr. Trump will do with it. My first thought is, now that he has been turned, he will find some plausible reason to veto it. From tidbits I heard on the internet today it seems that in some way, Trump has now been compromised and may have to do what the gun grabbers want of him or they will find a way to expose whatever it is they seem to have on him. I hope I am in error, but this is how it looks at this point.

Eighteen School Shootings This Year? That Number Is Rather Tenuous

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

We have been “informed” by several gun control freaks in recent days that there have already been eighteen school shootings around the country in the first two months of this year. These “artful dodgers” howl (according to script) about our crying need for gun control (actually confiscation) to prevent the carnage from growing even worse.

Thankfully, there have been some doubting souls that have questioned their figures, which turns out to be a good thing. Once you take a realistic look at their number (18) it turns out to be wildly inflated. Of course, for the Far Left, it all depends on how you define the term “school shootings” because, let’s face it,  the Leftists don’t define it the way normal people do. That’s because the Leftists are not normal people.

There was an article on on February 15th by Siraj Hashmi that pretty well nailed where the Left is coming from.. The author noted: “However, the media has been trying to convince you that the type of shootings where there are mass casualties are happening every day…Many in both the media and politics have used it as a rallying cry to make some legislative push to impose new restrictions on guns.  The problem is that it’s not accurate. There haven’t been 18 of what we refer to as school shootings in 2018.”

One place they got this inflated figure from is a “gun control advocacy” group called Everytown  for gun safety. So let’s look at some of these “school shootings” they list to see what really took place. Megan Cerullo of the New York Daily News made a list, probably from Everytown’s site, because her list and theirs are just about identical. Only Ms. Cerullo gives you a little detail, which is quite revealing.

She stated: “Jan 3, St. Johns, Michigan–the first school shooting took place just three days into the new year, at East Olive Elementary School in St. Johns, Michigan. A 31 year-old man died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the former school’s parking lot.” This guy kills himself in the school’s parking lot and they classify it as a “school shooting.” I suppose, technically, you could say that in that he died on school property. But it doesn’t appear that he threatened or tried to harm anyone except himself. In another case, a 32 year-old man shot a pellet gun at a school bus and broke a window. No injuries listed. In Cochise County, Arizona a 14 year-old student shot and killed himself in the school bathroom. No other injuries listed.

The list goes on. On January 4th there was a gunshot fired through an office window at the New Start High School in Seattle. “The round entered an office window and ended up lodged in a three-ring binder.  No one was injured.” Do they even know if the shot came  from somewhere on the school grounds? It never says one way or the other. On January 10th in Denison, Texas “A bullet was accidentally fired through a classroom wall at the Grayson College Criminal Justice Center. No one was injured.” Hardly a student massacre!

On February 5th, in Maplewood, Minnesota, “A third grader pulled the trigger on a cop’s gun (while it was still in the holster) firing a shot at the Harmony Learning Center. No one was injured.” January 25th, Mobile, Alabama, Murphy High School student Jonah Neal fired a gun on campus. No one was injured. An unknown assailant drove by Net Charter School in Gentilly, Louisiana  and shot at a group of students. No real injuries. “A Winston-Salem State University football player was shot and killed at a sorority party following an argument.” In another instance a 12 year-old female student accidentally fired a real gun thinking it was a fake. Here, four students were injured, accidentally.  And in yet another case a teenage boy was shot in the chest and nearly killed by another student who was conspiring with the boy’s ex-girlfriend.

As tragic as some of these situations are, and I am not making light of them, (no one wants to see kids get hurt) they do not qualify to be considered as “school shootings” in the same way that Columbine or Parkland are. Some of these situations would have taken place somewhere else if the school had not been convenient for them. In that sense, they are not “school shootings.” Yet they are lumped together with what are school shootings because they help to inflate the number of “school shootings” so the Far Left will have something to throw out there at the “useful idiots” that will never bother doing the homework to verify the accuracy of the numbers the promoters and financiers of their protests hand them.

The real name of this game is eventual confiscation of all firearms and the abrogation of the Second Amendment, without which we have no way to defend ourselves from tyrannical government or local thugs. Sometimes you wonder if there’s much difference! Lots easier for the criminals, in government and out, to have their way with us if we can’t defend ourselves. In the final analysis, that’s what the Deep State and its Swamp critters really want–a helpless population!

Florida School Shooting–lots of people are starting to smell a rat!

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Years ago I read a book about the United Nations and its Leftist formation by G. Edward Griffin, who many of you will have heard of. I don’t know if Mr. Griffin is still writing, he may be, but he has an excellent website on the internet and he picks up news items you won’t get too many other places. Check him out at

On February 20th he had a column written by J. W. Williams posted on his website Need To Know. The title of it was The Mysterious Drills and Political Agenda of the Florida Shooting. I am going to give you a few snippets of it here and then list the link because it is worth reading the entire article. If all you have been getting about this situation is what you get on the Communist News Network and the sites of that group’s fellow travelers then you really need a more accurate version.

The article notes: “The signs that this was a staged event include the numerous mistakes by the FBI, a drill on the day of the shooting, warnings that the police would try to scare the kids with blanks during a drill, and massive gun control propaganda. Drills on the day of an event are a hallmark for false flag attacks, like we saw on 9/11 and the Boston Marathon Bombing.” And then the article lists a sequence of events that should really make one think. The article stated: “Cops were called to Nikolas Cruz’ home 39 times over a 7-year period. The FBI ignored two tips and failed to investigate the warnings that Cruz intended to become a ‘professional school shooter’ and that he owned guns. There were many reports and complaints from teachers, students and neighbors about his unruly behavior and fighting…Drills have been linked to mass violent events that change the political landscape. For example, military drills were being carried out during the 9/11 attack and the Boston Marathon Bombing…David Hogg, 18, a student journalist and director of the school’s TV news station said he thought the event was a drill because it was so well coordinated. He repeatedly called for action. He said that their have been 18 school shootings this year, but that claim has been debunked” Several witnesses have said there were multiple shooters, but this seems to be something that is almost never investigated. It seems as if the standard agenda for these events calls for one lone shooter and nothing beyond that will be acknowledged or admitted. Another thing conveniently swept under the proverbial rug is the fact that just about all the shooters in these false flag events are on some kind of Pychiatric medication that doesn’t seem to work for them as it does for others who take the same medications.

There are several videos with this article, which did not print out for me, but the comment under one of them is interesting. It says: “In this video, it appears that Hogg, who has become a leader of the student activists, has been coached and is following a script or repeating messages he gets from an earpiece while talking about drills at the school.” This David Hogg has a father that is a retired FBI agent.

The radical Left is really making hay while the sun shines with this event. The article notes: “The media and anti-gun lobby are also using  Douglas High School students to push the gun control agenda, and to recruit young people to vote…They have planned a ‘March for Our Lives’ in Washington next month that is affiliated with Michael Bloomberg’s radical anti-gun group, ‘Everytown for Gun Safety’.” Do you begin to see where all this is going? The link to Mr. Griffin’s website for this article is

Several articles I picked up researching today continued in the same vein. One from stated that: “High school student Colton Haab was hailed a hero for shielding his classmates from a crazed gunman in Parkland, Florida, but said when he was invited to speak at CNN’s townhall Wednesday the network organizers weren’t interested in what he wanted to say. Haab, who is a Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps member, said he had expected to ask his own questions and give his own opinions on the issues of gun control and school safety, but discovered he was going to be censored by the network instead. CNN  asked me to write a speech and questions, and it ended up being all scripted” according to Haab, who supports putting armed veterans in schools. Needless to say, Haab’s suggestion of armed veterans in schools did not fit the CNN agenda of keeping all schools gun free and promoting the idea of making the rest of us all gun free. Because, shorn of all the sophistry, that’s what CNN and the political Left really want.

Without firearms you cannot protect yourselves from a potentially tyrannical  government and that’s what the Left really wants. That’s what many in the government really want. They don’t want you to be able to defend yourselves against them because they are working to rid you of your Second Amendment rights so they can assume the position of Chief Tyrants! And they are using these false flag events to do this so you will not recognize what is happening to you until it is too late!

For starters, you all need to write or call your Congress critters and tell them flat out you don’t want them voting for any new gun control measures–zip, zero, nada! Then you all need to use whatever means is available to you, letters to the editor, the internet, word of mouth, or whatever to expose this rotten game for the usurpation of our rights–because that’s what this is. Each of us needs to ask the Lord for guidance as to what He would have us do, but we all need to do something! Those who won’t use their liberty will lose their liberty. It’s as simple as that!

Florida False Flag

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Originally, I had planned an article on another subject. But as this school shooting in Florida came along and as I watched developments it became apparent that this could wind up being one of the major false flags of the decade, depending on how much it ends up affecting our Second Amendment rights, which sadly, at this point, even Mr. Trump seems willing to compromise on. I hope the ease with which he is starting to cave in on this issue is not indicative of his trend for the future.

Today (Feb 21) I found an interesting article on  which comments and asks questions about this situation (and some of the comments are worth passing along). I did not catch the author’s name but you should be able to pick up the article on their website. The author makes some penetrating observations about some of those anti-gun “students” from Florida we have all been treated to via the mainstream (fake news) media.

He notes: “There is a growing suspicion about some of the kids from the high school in Parkland, Florida, that was beset by a mass murder. Some are questioning the kids who have been all over TV advocating for the end of our Second Amendment rights. They are saying these kids are not mere high school students,  but are instead suspiciously well-trained activists.” Of course RINO Marco Rubio is putting his two cents worth in to condemn anyone who dares question the students’ integrity or sincerity.

According to a Tampa Bay Times reporter,  an aid to a Florida State Representative has said that: “…two of the kids who have been advocating for anti-gun policies are not regular students who were just caught up in the waves of history, but are ‘actors’ who were placed ahead of time to exploit a tragedy and push an agenda.” Rubio ended up attacking anyone who doubted what the students said. In other words–don’t you dare question what is going to be the “official version” of this event. Whatever questions you might have, keep them to yourself. Just sit down and shut up!

If you don’t follow this kind of thing, you may ask what is making people, who have now been exposed to these false flag events, begin to doubt these kids? According to the article: “Well, in one case at least, some are now saying that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has been appearing all over CNN, MSNBC, the Big three networks, and even foreign media, is a plant. There is a lot of proof that this kid has been an activist for some time. The folks at True Pundit, for instance, made a few accusations ‘But now we learn Hogg was hanging out at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia sometime before the school shooting. Before the shooting. Posing behind a news anchor desk.”  And True Pundit added some photos to beef up their contention. There were a couple photos in the article, one showing Hogg wearing his CNN t-shirt and another with him sitting behid  CNN news desk with some young lady, presumably some sort of news anchor.

Also, observed in an article  Hogg was noted s having been in a news story in August of 2017 in Redondo Beach, California. It seems the young Mr. Hogg does get around. The inforwars article observed other things, one of them how some students seem to be getting coached on how they should act in front of the media. One student said: “We’re not afraid of people trying to exploit us. We’ve practiced.  We know their slimy tactics. Thankfully, most networks we’ve worked with are interested in telling the right stories…” Now there is a loaded comment if ever their was one! A plug from a student for the mainstream media because they try to tell the “right stories.” Right for who? That’s a question some of us would enjoy seeing answered. Right for who? All the “news” that fits?

The more I look and listen to folks who know how to read between the lines and interpret this stuff, the more it looks to me like this whole Florida shooting event is more than a bit dicey.  If this ends up being another event designed to cut the Second Amendment off at the knees, even with the reluctant blessing of the president, it won’t surprise me in the least.

The comment from that kids who said “We’ve practiced” was revealing. Why have you practiced? Who has been coaching you? From your comment is sounds like there are a bunch of you, not just one. Almost sounds like you all were prepped ahead of time for all this. I realize, according to Mr. Rubio, I shouldn’t be in the least suspicious, but…..

Update–Another page you might want to check out regarding this is

Multiple Shooters And A Cover-up In Vegas

by Al Benson Jr.

Member Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

You ignorant, racist, hate-filled “deplorables,” what has gone down in Vegas is supposed to show you what you get for not having the good sense to vote for Hillary in the last election. This is partial payback for your denying Hillary the office she was so plainly entitled to and would have had if you all hadn’t messed it all up for her by voting for that horrible Trump!  And to get back at you, Hillary, with the willing aid of Paul Ryan and the “usual suspects” in the Republican Party, will be coming for your guns–one new regulation at a time!

Trump may be pro-Second Amendment, but with all the battles he is being forced to fight on all fronts, from the Russian “collusion delusion” on down, his Second Amendment stand will be superfluous.  Las Vegas, at one level (there are other levels) is a sneak preview of what “those people” in Washington and other places would dearly love to do to you, and will, if given enough time.

Yesterday, October 4th, on Zero Hedge, there was an article by Michael Snyder from The Economic Collapse Blog. Mr. Snyder asked 16 questions about the Vegas shooting that the prostitute press aka the Mainstream Media would rather not see dealt with. I can’t go into all of them here, but some were really good so I will touch on them. I would urge you to check out The Economic Collapse Blog.

Question 2 of the 16:  Were their additional shooters? Yes, there were, it seems, more than one and there was also shooting at another hotel about a mile away, the Bellagio Hotel. So the shooters were not all at the Mandalay Bay. From what I heard, the shooting at the Bellagio was stopped rather quickly. It seems the security folks or whoever there were on the job and they squelched the shooting in about a minute and a half.

Question 5 of 16: How in the world did Paddock get 42 guns and several thousand rounds of ammunition into his hotel room, supposedly without anyone noticing? That’s one I asked myself, given the amount of video coverage that hotels and casinos usually have, especially in a place like Vegas. Almost makes you wonder, with all those guns, if he wasn’t carrying on some sort of gun running business. And who would all those guns have been for–Islamic terrorist groups possibly? It’s known that Paddock had a ton of Antifa stuff in his room. Even the Sheriff’s Department there has had to admit that.

Question 6 of 16: “How did someone with ‘no military background’ and that wasn’t a ‘gun guy at all’ operate such advanced weapons?” An article from Natural News made this point–“…these are not systems any Joe off the street can just pick up and use to effortlessly mow down 500 people. Running these systems requires extensive training, experience and stamina.” And the answer to that is that he didn’t do it all. He had help, and not all even in the hotel he was in.

Question 7 of 16:  Why was there a woman out in the audience at the music festival telling people they were going to die in 45 minutes? Actually it has been reported on that there were both a man and a woman doing the same thing. What did they know? Obviously more than the audience!

Question 8 of 16: “Why did it take law enforcement authorities 72 minutes to get into Stephen Paddock’s hotel room?”

Question 15 of 16: “Why were nearly all the exits out of the concert venue completely blocked?”

And Question 16 of 16: Why was a country music festival chosen as the target?  Was the goal to kill as many Trump supporters and other conservatives as possible?…” That was part of it, that and to prepare the rubes in flyover country for another all out assault on their Second Amendment rights. They were supposed to feel “guilty” over being white and being gun owners and be made ready to, again, sit on “stools of everlasting repentance” just like the Establishment Radicals did to Southerners at the end of the War of Northern Aggression.

Gary North, as usual, asks a few penetrating questions about this that should be addressed. On for October 5th, he asks “Do the rounds that killed and wounded all those people match the weapons in the shooter’s motel room. Are there any rounds that do not match, indicating more than one shooter?” If some of these guns were to be passed along to someone else then he wouldn’t need to know how to use them all, would he? All he’d need to know how to use would be the few he might do some shooting with.

Several people have asked questions that I checked out today. Why didn’t alarms sound when the shooter(s) broke the hotel windows? Seeing those windows broken out should have given some indication as to where the shooter(s) were. And where have all the bullet casings from all that shooting gone? Has anyone picked them up to see what caliber the weapons are?

Another item from InfoWars. com was an article noting that Paddock had a guest in his room at least one day when he ordered breakfast. They had a picture of the receipt for breakfast for two, which listed “occupant and guest” on it. So who was the “guest?”  Lots of inquiring minds would really like to know. So why do I get the feeling that, unless these facts become so glaring that they can’t be swept under the rug, no one is going to deal with any of this?

It has been noted that heavy gambling is one way of “laundering” crooked money and getting it out into the system. Is that what Paddock was engaged in with all the gambling he was doing? Do any of these big hotels and casinos have Islamic or Leftist connections?

News broadcaster David Knight noted today on his newscast that we will now be getting “death by a thousand cuts” in regard to gun control. They will now start trying to dismantle the Second Amendment, one little regulation at a time until they have accomplished what Obama was trying to do while he was in office and couldn’t quite bring it off?  Hillary was then supposed to complete the job. How ironic now that, if this happens, it may be during a Republican administration. If Trump is going to stop this he will have to start vetoing any of this legislation that comes down the pike–and rest assured it will come!  Because if the truth were known, many so-called Republicans want it every bit as much as the socialist Democrats do. The only difference between most of these socialists is the party label. So there is a lot going on with Vegas and, as usual, the Leftists plan on getting two or three things done with one action.

Lots Of Questions About Las Vegas

by Al Benson Jr.

It seems as if there are more questions about the horrible terrorist attack in Las Vegas than there are answers. The Leftist politicians and media have again raised the howl for more gun control, as though that would have prevented this situation. It wouldn’t. Stop and do a little checking about some of the recent false flag events that have taken place in this country and see how many of the people that supposedly did the shooting (most of them dead now) obtained the weapons the supposedly used legally. The majority got them legally or someone else got them legally for them.

So the Leftist hue and cry for more gun control is nothing more than the usual Leftist attempt to gut the Second Amendment in any way they can and they are politicizing this event to promote their agenda. They should be thoroughly disgusted with themselves, but being cultural Marxists, they are not. The end justifies whatever means they use. I hope the president stands firm on the Second Amendment and does not emotionally cave in to their Leftist hysterics because, for them, it’s all an act, a sham, to promote taking down the Second Amendment. They all have bodyguards, with guns, but they don’t want ordinary, honest folks to have guns because they might actually shoot, in self defense, some of the Left’s Antifa or Black Lives Matter buddies and that would really be a tragedy, wouldn’t it? For them it is a tragedy if ordinary folks have the means to defend themselves. That’s a no no!

Lots of questions about this supposed shooter. Supposedly they found Antifa literature in his hotel room, along with an arsenal of firearms. You have to wonder how this man got all those guns up to his room on the 32nd floor. It must have been quite a chore–and no one saw him toting all this in. And we are talking about long guns here, not pistols that you might carry in a suitcase or a shoulder holster.

It is said he had cameras set up to film him shooting down at all those people and even had cameras set up in the hallway of the hotel so he could see if the cops were going to interrupt him. Did he have the expertise to set up all this equipment and make sure it worked? Or did he have help?

The shooter and his girlfriend seem to have Islamic connections and ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack. Of course you have to realize this is not Islamic terrorism. It reality it’s, well, it’s Islamic terrorism. Sort of like “when is an investigation not an investigation, but only a ‘matter’?” You know what I mean.

Here, if you follow all that is going on, you have a case of Muslim terrorists uniting with the Left in this country and elsewhere, and in this country, a main part of that agenda is the destruction of the Second Amendment. Please keep that in mind, because that is what a lot of this is all about. It’s a replay, on steroids, of many of the false flags that happened during the days of the Obama Regime where, after almost every shooting somewhere the scripted call for more and more gun control always seemed to emerge out of the chaos.

I watched an interesting video tonight (10/3) in which the action seemed to show that the shooting did not come from way up on the 32nd floor, where you could see no gun flashes coming from, but rather way down at almost ground level, where you could see gun flashes coming from and hear the weapons going off every time you saw the flashes. From the video, it looked like that might indicate more than one shooter. But, we are not supposed to talk about that, or even think about it–thought-crime, you know! Just forget I mentioned it.

Antifa has threatened civil war by November 4th this year. And considering this month is the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution they may try to celebrate that in this country with a 21st century version of Red October.

Just a little something to reflect on in your more serious moments.

“Cump” Sherman–A Yankee/Marxist Prototype of the cultural Marxist

by Al Benson Jr.

Anyone who has read any amount of the material I have written, either in my newsletter The Copperhead Chronicle or in articles on the Internet,  knows that I have employed the term Yankee/Marxist on more than one occasion. One of my readers, one time, asked me if using the term Yankee/Marxist wasn’t redundant. He had a point. However, my use of the term, redundant though it may be, is to amplify in people’s minds the truth that the Yankee, for the most part, has a Marxist worldview. He mostly has no use for the God of the Bible, whose Son and Holy Spirit he would vociferously deny, and he has no use for the concept of private property (except his own) and his agenda during the War of Northern Aggression was always “steal all you can carry off and destroy the rest. I suppose it needs to be stated here that by the term “Yankee” I am not referring to all Northerners, of which, though I have a Confederate ancestor, I am one.

The Yankee/Marxist’s was to “free the slaves” was a noble-sounding rationale and cover for his rape and pillage of the South, on several different levels, and his main effort was to make sure that his “god” in Washington (the federal government)  was forever worshiped and bowed down to. His cultural Marxist progeny today will even admit this if you pay strict attention to what they say.  One of the more well-known among them, Newt Gingrich, recently made a statement on television in which he said: “We fought a civil war to establish one sovereignty, the U.S. government.” Well, so much for “freeing the slaves” right? That was a good cover story, but Mr. Gingrich slipped up when he told the truth here–and tell the truth he did!

The Yankee/Marxist simply could not abide freedom and liberty for anyone. Everyone needed to be totally regulated and constantly supervised–for his own good naturally. He had an overriding compulsion to control people’s lives and make them do what he felt was the right thing–even if they did not feel like doing what he thought was right and proper, why then, he’d work to pass a law that made people do what he wanted. After all, he knew best. His cultural Marxist children still do the same thing today. Obama Care is a prime example and firearms registration (and eventual confiscation) is yet another.

That William Tecumseh Sherman shared this worldview can be seen from many of his comments over the years. In his book Citizen Sherman Michael Fellman has duly noted Sherman’s propensity toward military dictatorship on pages 80, 87, 131, 147, and 184.

Presently, I am in the midst of reading an interesting book by Winston Groom called Vicksburg 1863 in which Mr. Groom details all that went on in the Yankee attempt(s) to capture Vicksburg during the War. It was quite an extensive operation that lasted over a year  and went into several attempts by various methods, to take the city (all of which failed) until the final siege of the city ended it all. Sherman figured prominently in some of these efforts.

In discussing Southerners and their resistance to Northern “benevolence” Sherman said: “This is a larger class than most men supposed and they are the most dangerous set of men this war has turned loose upon the world. They are splendid riders, first-rate shots, and utterly reckless. These men must all be killed or (imprisoned) by use before we can hope for peace.” A quote from page 34. You will note that Sherman’s “final solution” to dealing with anyone that did not conform to his will was extermination. He took the same tack with the Indians in the West after the War was over (if they don’t do what we want then kill ’em all). Ol’ Cump Sherman was a real humanitarian–in the same mode as Joseph Stalin–who may have learned some lessons from Sherman.

It bothered Sherman that, when the Yankees took Memphis, most folks there were not real happy at his arrival in their fair city. If they expressed that in any tangible way, he retaliated,  gentle soul that he was. Mr. Groom noted: “First he threatened to close any church–and this included virtually all of them–whose minister or priest refused to offer a Sunday prayer to the president of the United States, whom they reviled. Next he began expelling from their homes the wives and families of rebel soldiers and sympathizers in reprisal for Confederates shooting at Union gunboats operating on the Mississippi…On September 24th he ordered the town of Randolph, Tennessee burned to the ground in retaliation for people firing on U.S. vessels and also, for the same reason, commanded the immolation of all homes, farms and outbuildings for fifteen miles down the Arkansas side of the river opposite Memphis.” And Mr. Groom noted, in this context, “These seem to be the earliest of Sherman’s pyromaniacal  urges in connection with Southern civilians and their property, but by a long shot they were not his last.” This quote from page 182. It almost seems like an understatement!

After reading some of the other things Sherman did during the War, I seriously wonder if he wasn’t a closet pyromaniac and the War gave him an opportunity to flaunt his aberrant behavior that he had not had previously–and after all, it was only Southern private property, along with war material, that he destroyed, and only Southerners that he turned out to starve and freeze when his bummers burned everything they couldn’t carry away. No problem there, right?  Naturally the authors of what passes for our “history” books don’t feel anyone really needs to know all this, so they just leave most of it out, except for a vague reference here or there, the same way they leave out all the information about all the Marxists in Lincoln’s armies, and in the Republican Party. Nothing to see here folks, just move along, and don’t look too close!

So Sherman may not have been, technically speaking, a cultural Marxist.Most of those we refer to as cultural Marxists did not enter the picture until the early 1900s with the advent of the Frankfurt School, as we have noted in other articles, but Sherman was most definitely a Yankee/Marxist and they can rationally be considered as the 19th century prototype for the cultural Marxists that were to follow them.

The aim of the cultural Marxists is to water down and ultimately destroy Christianity and to rid the world of that horrible curse known as Western Civilization, which has its base in Christianity. This is one reason the cultural Marxists never quit. Their agenda calls for the destruction of the Christian faith and its Triune God and replacing the Trinity with their own “god,” a collectivist, centralized tyranny that they call the “revolution of the proletariat.”  And lest you think this is a new struggle within the past 100 years or so, or even back as far as the French Revolution, this struggle goes all the way back to Genesis 3 in the Holy Bible.

Reprinted from The Copperhead Chronicle,  fourth quarter, 2016