The Face of Federal Arrogance

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

If you want a good look at the face of classic Federal arrogance look at the face of Peter Strzok during his recent testimony before Congress. He was alternately smug, arrogant, threatening and, worse than that, part of the time he looked almost completely unhinged, like he was about to lose it.

The headline on for July 12th about this august”gentleman” was Disgraced FBI agent screams at Congress over bias questions.

You will recall that Mr. Strzok was the author of numerous emails to his paramour about how bad Trump was and how they had to “stop him” from being president. The emails were bad enough that they got him kicked off the investigation team of the chief witch-hunter, Robert Mueller. His comments were so blatant that Mueller didn’t dare leave him there. His anti-Trump bias was almost malevolent.

Yet when he testified before the congressional committees he had the gall to say that his extreme anti-Trump bias in no way affected his FBI investigation of the phony “Russian collusion” and related events.  If you ever read some of his email messages to his lover you have to realize that his bias against Trump went way beyond extreme. Yet he sat and told the congressmen who questioned him that he in no way let that bias affect his investigative work. Apparently he thinks that Congress and the rest of us are stupid–and the condescending smirk on his face portrayed that amply. He basically told the congressional committee, and by implication, the rest of us, to stuff it. You could see the federal arrogance on his face–I’m part of the Establishment and I don’t have account to you people–I do what I want and if you don’t like it that’s tough!

To the credit of the congressmen they didn’t let up on him and they asked him questions he didn’t like and questions where he tried to hide behind his “classified information” persona. I got the impression he sat there and laughed at the congressmen silently. He thought it was great fun. He’s spent his public career stiffing the public and he likes it because, in his inestimable view, we are not fit to lick his boots. He thinks the same of us all that Hitlery does–a bunch of deplorables that he claims he can smell  when he goes to markets in Virginia.

A little humility would do Mr. Strzok a world of good because he doesn’t seem to possess an awful lot of it. And let’s don’t be dumb enough to let him kid us. His extreme bias against Trump does affect what he does and how he does it and for him to claim it doesn’t is just his lame attempt to spread pure grade bovine fertilizer all over the place to fool what he thinks is a contemptible public.

These “public servants” are anything but that and if you knew what they really thought of us you would positively cringe. But if you want to get even a small idea, look at Strzok’s face on the witness stand. He alternately thinks you are stupid and hates your guts and of course, none of this involves any bias on his part, remember that!

The Fat Lady Stepped Up To The Counter And Said “WHERE’S THE EVIDENCE?”

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Many of you may remember the television commercial from several years ago where this small lady stepped up to the lunch counter and hollered “Where’s the beef?” It was some sort of fast food commercial but it caught peoples’ attention and the short lady in the commercial ended up doing more commercials for different companies along the same lines.

Someone with imagination today could probably do a similar commercial where some old lady steps up in front of a Robert Mueller or Adam Schiff facsimile and shouts “Where’s the evidence?”

It would be an interesting question to be approached in this manner, seeing that after almost two years of all kinds of allegations about Russia hacking the 2016 election for Trump and even more allegations about Trump’s dealings with Putin to make double sure Trump won the election, there seems to be somewhat of a dearth of any real evidence to support these highly questionable claims.

This is confirmed by an article by Ray McGovern on Consortium News for June 7th,  Mr. McGovern notes: “More than two years after the allegation of Russian hacking of the 2016 presidential election was first made, conclusive proof is still lacking and may never be produced. If you are wondering why so little is heard these days of accusations that Russia hacked into the U.S. election in 2016, it could be because those charges could not withstand close scrutiny…Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity–including two ‘alumni’ who were former National Security Agency technical directors–have long since concluded that Julian Assange did not acquire what he called the ’emails related to Hillary Clinton’ via a ‘hack’ by the Russians or anyone else. They found, rather, that he got them from someone with physical access  to Democratic National Committee computers who copied the material onto an external storage device–probably a thumb drive.” In other words, it was an inside job, not the Russians! Is anyone surprised? Some have wondered if this had anything to do with the Seth Rich “robbery”/murder.

One of the greatest congressional snake oil salesmen who has mercilessly promoted the Trump/Russian collusion fable has been the Democrat’s professional prevaricator, Adam Schiff. To listen to Schiff you would think there were, literally,  mountains of evidence out there conclusively proving that Trump and Putin were in bed with one another and that Putin was really running Washington! However, for some arcane reason, Mr. Schiff “can’t share the evidence” but we are all supposed to believe that he is sitting on it, mountains of it! McGovern noted in his article “…I had a chance to challenge  Schiff personally on the gaping disconnect between the Russians and WikiLeaks. Schiff still ‘can’t share the evidence’ witlh me…or with anyone else, because it does not exist.” Schiff continues to protest that he has all this evidence, but he just can’t share it with anyone–we’ll all just have to take his word that he has it and continue to believe what he and the other Democrats  have been telling us about how ensnared Trump is with the Russians–who are really running the White House, because, after all, haven’t they told us this is what’s going on? And isn’t that good enough? Maybe, if you are a blithering idiot, what the Democrats say is good enough for you, but for anyone with at least half a brain, it shouldn’t be.

Over the decades the Democrats have been famous, from St. Hillary and her significant other, on down,  for falsehood, illusion and delusion–and yet now we are supposed to believe them???  I don’t think Mr. Schiff would know the truth if it jumped out of his office wastebasket and belted him in the chops! And all that is not to say that the Republicans are pure as the driven snow by any means.

All of what has gone on via the continuing efforts of Mueller, Schiff, and company has been a major part of the prolonged effort by the Deep State to destabilize Trump’s presidency because the Deep State really doesn’t want him there–they wanted Hillary–but God intervened and now they are ticked.

It should have occurred to these rocket scientists by now that this really isn’t working out quite the way they planned and what they are really doing is exposing their own efforts to illegally remove Trump from office. The American people, thanks to the alternative media, have begun to see all this and they are tending to get fed  up with it.

There has been lots of talk of late about another “civil war” in America. Should that happen, some of these Deep State denizens may not like some of the results. In the meantime, Mr.Mueller, Mr. Schiff–Where’s the Evidence???


Clapper Thinks Orwellian Doublespeak Covers the Multitude Of His Sins


By Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America


Over the past several days I have been reading internet articles pertaining to some of the Deep States efforts to destabilize the Trump presidency. The Deep State swamp dwellers are all cultural Marxists, which means they pull some really dirty tricks and then proceed to accuse their enemies of doing exactly what they have just done.

Like regular doctrinaire Marxists, who are their spiritual second cousins, they are also adept at twisting language around so their filthy deeds appear somehow noble and chock full of virtue.

One case in point is Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who has been caught numerous times in various stages of prevarication in front of congressional committees. To just accuse him of lying would be a gross insult to all the honest liars in the world. Clapper has the ability to verbally take a sow’s ear and transform it into a silk  purse—one made out of solid gold—provided you don’t look too close!

There was an article on for May 25th  where Mr. Clapper duly noted that the FBI wasn’t really spying on Trump. All it was doing was practicing “benign information gathering” in regard to those scores of Russian agents they seem to think were infesting the Trump campaign. Clapper went so far as to criticize Trump for complaining about any FBI spies, claiming Trump should have been grateful to the FBI that they were spying on  him. If you were foolish enough to believe what the Deep State denizens said you’d think everyone but Putin’s third cousin was knee-deep in the Trump campaign.

So let’s get this straight. Stefan Halper, who was just recently outed as the FBI’s informant after he infiltrated the Trump campaign wasn’t really a “spy” against Trump. In reality, he was merely a “benign information gatherer” against the Russians and for the FBI and Trump ought to give him a gold medal for what he did. Anyone believing a word of this cockamamie pile of cow chips, as much of the media seems to have, has to have horse feathers for brains. “Benign information gatherers” my foot! These people (and it now turns out Halper may not have been the only one) were spying on the Trump campaign plain and simple. Now they are playing the Orwellian doublespeak card because they are beginning to realize, in spite of their own insufferable arrogance, they could be  in deep  trouble because Hillary didn’t steal the presidency and therefore, they risk exposure for their illegal activities.

Then there was the Washington Mullah, John Brennan, who was duly noted in an article on on May 18th. The Spectator article observed: “But make no mistake about it: that the FBI and the CIA, on little more than the say-so of a virulent Trump hater like Brennan were meeting to spy on the campaign of Hillary’s opponent makes Watergate look like a tenth-rate burglary. Nixon, at his most Machiavellian, wouldn’t have thought to form a ‘working group at Langley’ against McGovern. But Obama, via Brennan, did the equivalent for Hillary.  For all intents and purposes, Crossfire Hurricane did not begin in July 2016 but at the moment Trump emerged as Hillary’s rival.  Brennan, shortly thereafter, was bringing CIA agents, FBI agents, NSA agents, and an assortment of Obama’s political aides together in one room at CIA headquarters to bat around ideas on how to smoke out the campaign of   Hillary’s opponent. Out of these meetings came the plot to infiltrate the Trump campaign.” And you have to understand, Messrs, Clapper and Brennan and the rest of this assemblage all did this solely for the purpose of “benign information gathering.” No harm intended toward the Trump campaign at all—they just wanted to smoke out all those evil Russians Trump had in his campaign—even though no one had even brought up the subject at that point.

I  haven’t said hardly anything about  Operation Crossfire Hurricane up to this point and it would make for a long article to try to fit it in here, and I have already had a few complaints about my articles being way too long for some folks. So to deal with this subject I will give you a link to a blog spot that does have an article about it up—back on May 20th. The blog spot is and it has an article, almost ten pages long on Operation Crossfire Hurricane that explains what it was and lists all the usual suspects involved with it, FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page among them. It is worth checking out. Part of the Lame Cherry expose is an article from July 11, 2015, the title of which is Bill Clinton Tells Jeb Bush, “This Trump Thing Will Be Taken Care Of.”

Seems like they are still working on that and it hasn’t gone quite as well as they had hoped.

I Don’t think it would be out of line for Christians to actively pray that the bottom would fall out of the Deep States “benign information gathering” effort and that their efforts to get Hillary into the White House no matter what would be exposed. In order for the Deep State to succeed, the will of the American electorate must be thwarted, whatever the cost and whoever gets hurt.ill H

Is Jeff Sessions “playin’ possum”?


By Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America


That may sound like an odd question to you if you have not bothered to follow Mr. Sessions’ almost total lack  of any constructive activity in regard to what the Deep State has been doing to Donald Trump.

An article on  for 11/9/17 noted:   “Special counsel

Robert Mueller’s investigation of whether the Trump campaign assisted Russia in its effort to interfere in the 2016 election amounts to an attempt to overthrow the government,  (emphasis mine) Republicans have argued. ‘We are at risk of a coup d’etat  in this country if we allow an unaccountable person, with no oversight, to undermine the duly-elected President of the United States,’ said Florida Congressman Rep. Matt Gaetz from the chamber floor.” Correct assumption by Mr. Gaetz, except we are not “risking”  a coup d’etat. The coup is already in the works. It has been ongoing for some time now. It is just taking a little longer than the coupsters had planned on because there has been some resistance to it, and that resistance,  thank God, seems to be getting stronger and more aware of the implications for “Spygate” on the whole country.

An article on for April 3, 2018 has noted that “Momentum is building on Capitol Hill for the Trump administration to reopen an investigation into former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her connections to an anti-Trump dossier that served as the basis for an ongoing investigation into President Trump and collusion with Russia during the 2016 election, according to lawmakers who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.” All this has resulted in Mueller’s ongoing “Russian collusion” probe, which has produced nothing except a huge cost to the American taxpayer. And let’s face it, folks, the entire thing is a sham—intended to cover up the sins of Obama and Clinton and blame Trump for what they, themselves, have been doing—the classic cultural Marxist approach—condemn others for what you have been doing and thereby elevate yourself to a position of moral superiority. It usually works—this time it seems to be having more difficulty. I’d like to think the American public is finally starting to wake up. We’ll see.

I have noticed through all this that Attorney General Sessions has been precious little  help to the Trump administration.  He recused himself almost as soon as he took office, from anything to do with the Russia situation. Several congressmen have been pressuring him to appoint  a second special counsel to check into what the Clintons have been and are still doing, but Mr. Sessions ain’t having any of that. No way, Jose!  He did, under pressure, appoint another investigator to look into some of this, a man named Huber from Utah, but exactly what he will do if he comes up with anything isn’t spelled out. The Inspector General of the Justice Department is also investigating, but he can’t prosecute  anyone no matter what he comes up with. All he can do is pass  the info along.

For May 23, 2018, there was an article on about how Rep. Lee Zeldin  and other congressmen have again called for a second special counsel to investigate the Clintons, their email scandal, the Russian “probe” and other things. They have  introduced a House resolution “detailing the misconduct of the Department of Justice and FBI that calls for the appointment of a second special counsel. They are “encouraging” Speaker Ryan to introduce  the resolution onto the floor for a House vote. Most of us realize that Ryan is on the other side, so we will have to see what pressure they can bring to bear on him. But they were all interviewed today (5/24). I watched the video on and they were pretty straightforward. They told about how they had been trying to get Jeff Sessions to do something about this for months and all they have gotten from the Justice Department has been lots of stonewalling.

They have asked for documents dealing with all manner of illegal things the Clintons have done, stuff the Justice Department has,  and their  requests have been mostly ignored—for months! Zeldin said, in a  press release,” In just the past few days, we learned that  the DOJ, FBI or both appear to have planted at least one person into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to infiltrate and surveil the campaign. This action alone reminds us of just how  necessary this resolution is as well as the appointment of a second special counsel.” It was noted that the resolution will also go into some detail about the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One. You can bet that’s one little item Hillary would  just as soon not see any exposure on. Better if we don’t know about that one!

All of  this really needs to be exposed so the American public will realize just  how much previous administrations have shafted all of us “deplorables.”

But, if we ever do get a second special counsel it needs to be someone chosen by somebody other than Sessions, Rod Rosenstein or Christopher Wray because all any of  these people will do is give us yet another Deep State version of Mueller, who will then “investigate”  and come back and tell us, “Hey folks, don’t fret. The Clintons are all as pure as the driven snow. They would never dream of selling out the country for  filthy lucre or of defrauding the public.  They’ve not done anything wrong. You’ve been watching too many of these alt.right news sources. Get your heads on straight and just tune  in to CNN if you want the straight dope.”

Supposedly, an objective investigation will restore the integrity of our  justice system. That will be a major miracle, because,  right now, I find it hard to believe our justice system has any. I wouldn’t trust the FBI and the DOJ as far as I could throw the moon. And as far as I am concerned, Jeff Sessions has, in some way, been co-opted and all he is doing is playin’ possum and staying  out of  the line of fire. The Deep State can probably depend on  him to “just shut up and sit down.” If, somewhere down the road, I find out I was wrong about him I  will admit it. But as of now, he is looking more and more like  just another pawn of the Deep State.

The Crumbling Deep State Facade


By Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America


I don’t know about anyone else, but I have never  liked  former head of the CIA, under Comrade Obama, John Brennan. He reminds me of a perpetually angry third rate political thug who’d enjoy breaking your legs if the union bosses told him to do it. On top of that, he is a convert to Islam—an Irish Muslim—and that hardly enthralls me either. Mr. Brennan is  up to his eyeballs in the plot to overthrow Donald Trump’s legitimate presidency, which shows what he thinks of the American public (not much).

An article by George Neumayr via The Spectator appeared on for May 22nd. It said, in part, “As Trump won  primary after primary in 2016, a rattled John Brennan started claiming to colleagues at the CIA that Estonia’s intelligence agency had  alerted him to an  intercepted phone call suggesting Putin was pouring money into the Trump campaign. The tip was bogus, but Brennan bit on it with opportunistic relish. Out of Brennan’s alarmist chatter about the bogus tip came an extraordinary leak to the BBC: that Brennan had used it, along with later half-baked tips from British intelligence, as the justification to form a multi-agency spy operation (given the Orwellian designation of an ‘inter-agency task force) on the Trump campaign which he was running right out of CIA headquarters.”

He tried to assure all and sundry that it was “beyond my mandate as director of the CIA to follow on any of these leads that involved US persons…” That was pure bull and he knew it. Mr Neumayr observed, quite accurately in his article, “But if his role had truly been passive, the ‘inter-agency taskforce’  wouldn’t have been meeting at CIA headquarters. By keeping its discussions at Langley, Brennan could keep his finger wedged in the pie.  Both before and after the FBI’s official probe began in late July 2016, Brennan was bringing together into the same room at CIA headquarters a cast of Trump haters across the Obama administration whose activities he could direct—from Peter Strzok, the FBI liaison to Brennan, to the doltish Jim Clapper, Brennan’s errand boy…”

Well, the bogus Estonia tip (you have to wonder who sent that to Brennan) led to the FBI dispatching agents to poke around the computer server that was connected to Trump Tower. That effort turned out to be a total flop and so ”Brennan’s group had to go back to the drawing board (on the electronic  intelligence front, it had already hatched plans for national security letters and FISA warrants). These people really wanted to deep six Trump.

Enter Stefan Halper, what Neumayr called “…a swampy old CIA source and Hillary supporter.” You have to realize that all these people doing this stuff were Hillary supporters. This really had nothing  to do with national security and everything to do with shooting down any opposition to Hillary. Turns out Halper was the son-in-law of Ray Cline “whose work for the CIA was legendary.” Halper’s job was to connect with three people in the Trump campaign to see what dirt he could come up with on Trump.

And Neumayr noted that: “A veteran of the intelligence community tells…that Brennan’s CIA was full of Hillary supporters, some of whom decorated their desks with her campaign paraphernalia…The members of Brennan’s working group at Langley ‘we’re just a bunch of out of control idiots’ says a former high-ranking CIA official…” Sounds like Brennan was a pretty out-of-control head of the CIA, which under him seems to have been thoroughly politicized—at least from the Far Left!  But, then, in a “transparent”  Obama regime what else could you expect?

In yet another Zero Hedge article, this one by Tyler Durden, we are told that “Republican  consultant and former Trump campaign aide  Michael Caputo claims that a different spy working for the Obama administration approached him in an attempt to infiltrate the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election.”  Caputo continued “And the FBI is not the only Obama agency who came at the campaign. I know because they came at me. And  I’m looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal this to the public.” Caputo says this is just the beginning  and “…when we finally find out the truth about this, Director Clapper and the rest of them are gonna  be wearing some orange suits.” I wish I shared Mr. Caputo’s optimism in this area. Having watched this totally corrupt Leftist bunch get away with so much for so long, I really begin to wonder if there will be any comeuppance for them before the Final Judgment! Whether there is or not, that will be one verdict they can’t lie their way out of.

In yet a third Zero Hedge article the headline reads After Spying on Trump Campaign, Halper tried to Infiltrate the State Department.  If the Deep State couldn’t stop Trump from being elected they at least planned to infiltrate his administration to the point where they could neutralize his efforts to Drain the  Swamp.  Remember, these people are all slimy swamp dwellers. They don’t want the swamp drained. If it is then their sins will be exposed and that’s the last thing they want. They want the evidence of those sins permanently submerged in swamp water, so deep they will never be exposed. That’s why they so desperately wanted Hillary elected. She would have, in the name of self-preservation, prevented the Deep State sins from ever being exposed.

But  you know what the Scripture says—Have no fellowship  with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. That’s what we need in this current situation—exposure!  Lord, hasten the day!

You wonder, if Comrade Obama knew about all this (and I think he did) is it an impeachable offense? The head of Judicial Watch seems to think that  is a possibility. Would that be poetic justice or what?

It’s NOT On His “To Do” List

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

There was an interesting article on over the weekend. I will quote briefly from it. “Americans were outraged to learn in reports that the FBI deployed a spy to inform on the Trump campaign. The Obama administration and the FBI colluded to run active measures against their political opponents.” is anyone really surprised? You shouldn’t be. The Deep State has not, and will not, stop at anything to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump For many Deep State operatives this is what they live for.

They’ve had it all their own way for so long, and now along comes Donald Trump, and he tips their little RED wagon over, and they have to make sure he atones for that. Their final solution for Trump–totally destroy him–and do it in such a way that no one coming after him will ever dare to upset their cultural Marxist apple cart again–ever! I wonder if there is any kind of jail sentence possible for those Obamaphiles   who ran active measures against Trump in order to help Hillary. But then, with our two-tiered “just us” system there probably isn’t. You know how it is–“different strokes for different folks!” Many of our Deep State people are simply too big and important to go to  jail. That’s just for us serfs, not them. And please don’t tell me we have a government of laws and not men. That went out with Abe Lincoln. If you don’t think so, read the American Bastille.

And now we have a “Just Us” Department whose real ruler is a man named Rosenstein. His name is not on the bosses door but it might as well be because he’s the one really running the show. The man whose name is on the door might as well have  been on vacation for the last year. All he is  interested in is civil asset forfeiture. He lets Rosenstein handle everything else.

As far as Trump “colluding” with the Russians so they would swing the election for him, we have Herr Robert Mueller “investigating” that for us. His attitude toward Donald Trump is that of a chicken hawk that has spotted a rabbit he wants for lunch. He has assembled a list of truly “impartial” lawyers to help him bag–er, I mean investigate Trump’s many and varied ties to Putin and Russia. As for those ties to Russia, after a year and a half, he hasn’t been able to  locate any of them, but  hey, don’t worry–just give him another $20 million and three for four more years and he’ll be able to put something together–true or not won’t make any difference.

In the meantime, there is all manner of evidence out there tying Hillary and Company to real Russian collusion, from the Uranium One deal forward. So why isn’t  Mueller checking  some of this out? You’re kidding right?

The only thing on Mueller’s “to do” list is to make sure he finds something, anything, to make Trump look bad. As far as the real Russian collusion of Hillary and Company with Russia, forget that. No one is interested or wants to know about it so let’s just all forget about it. Hillary and Company are way too important to pay for their sins anyway. Mueller knows  that! His “to do” list will never, never, never include any of Hillary’s “indiscretions.” She’s far too important to the Deep State to ever have those brought up–and those who do bring them up will have to be censored off the internet because they are promoting “hateful” ideas about Hillary. The  thought that she should be prosecuted for her crimes is absolutely hateful to her, and so the Deep State needs to censor all internet sites that might even look like they might lean in that direction. After all, it’s for the “good of the country” don’t you know. And to paraphrase the quote from the crooked banker in the old movie Stagecoach “what’s good for Hillary is good for the country.” Right???

So, don’t ever  think that Mueller will deal with Hillary’s Russian collusion, folks. That ain’t on the agenda and never will be. And if you know what’s good for you, you better start ignoring that. Remember, in this Deep State occupied country, our “Just Us” system can best be described as “Hillaryous.”

So What Does Civil War Look Like in America In the 21st Century?

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Actually, civil war in this country has a lot of manifestations, some of which we are seeing right now.

Some say it will be a struggle between “progressives” (those on the Left and their Deep State financiers), some currently in government and the folks we refer to as patriots, of which there are many stripes, (many of which, unfortunately, refuse to get along  with one another). There are more patriots than progressives, but many patriots have yet to come to grips with the fact that, in several forms, the civil war has already begun. By the time some of the patriots decide to pick up their guns and fight, the real struggle may well be beyond them and their ability to make a difference. Unfortunately, they could have earlier made a difference had they been willing to pick up their Bibles and then their pens (which are still mightier than the sword if rightly used). Cultural conflicts are not always won with firearms, though that is a last resort.

Back before the War of Northern Aggression the North had been waging a cultural war against the South for decades. Mostly the South ignored it, paid little  attention to those Northern people (and those who backed them) as they horrendously slandered the South and its people. Many Southerners did not feel it was “gentlemanly” to reply to gross Northern slander. Good folks they were–but they were wrong. If the Lord is the source  of all truth, which He is, then you need to defend that truth wherever you have it!

Some say the civil war will commence when rational discussion can no longer be had. Sad to say, we are long past that point. All you have to do is look at Black Lives Matter, Antifa, or the NAACP to realize rational discussion is out the window. Those  people are there to destroy your culture and history and they don’t give a flip about “rational discussion.” That’s not on their agenda. Never will be!

You have to admit that, in a sense, a state of civil war exists between Trump and his supporters and those who supported St. Hillary in the last election. Hillary, Soros, Obama, and the rest of the Deep State apparatus have never gotten over Hillary’s stinging defeat in that election and the proof that  a variation of civil war exists is the  fact that they are all actively working to overthrow the results of the last election constantly.  The Deep State has never stopped trying to destroy Trump (and by extension those who support him) since he took office. They have been trying, illegally, immorally, or any way they could, to unseat him constantly–and they actually think we “deplorables” are too stupid to notice. They are not only at war with Trump–they are at war with US! Trump is trying to run the government as best he can and the Left (composed of many congress critters who are Republicans as well as Democratic socialists) is trying to wrest control from him and his administration and I think they’d actually hand it over to Hillary if they thought they  could do it, against the will of the American electorate. Maybe that’s why they want our guns so badly right about  now. When two opposing groups contend for control of the  same government that’s a definition of civil war!!!

Mueller’s witch hunt is a main campaign in the Left’s civil war against America and her people. We are already at war (a spiritual war first and foremost) and it  would be helpful if the Christians and patriots could, in larger numbers, begin to realize that the war is already upon us, both culturally and in the streets, as well as in the vaunted halls of congress.

A good place to make a beginning is to get on the internet and read None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen. Although written back in 1972, it will give you valuable insight as to where we are in our day and why.

Google Loves Hillary

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Google is supposed to be a legitimate search engine where you can look up material that has been posted in an unbiased manner. Somehow this mild description doesn’t seem to fit Google anymore. It would seem that Google has become just another engine of the Far Left to promote Hillary, no matter what. And this didn’t happen the day before yesterday.

According to an article posted on that was written by Mac Slavo for Google is anything but unbiased and objective.

In fact, Mr. Slavo noted that: “Google was the Clinton campaign’s largest corporate contributor.  Google employees, including at least six high-ranking executives, donated more than $1.3 million to Clinton’s 2016 campaign.” Such numbers hardly indicate objectivity. What they indicate is a pro-Hillary bias that those who use Google need to be aware of when they  search Google for anything having to do with Hillary and her Deep State associates.

Slavo observed that: “New research shows just how much Google’s search manipulation  affects voters when making decisions. During the 2016 election, it was obvious that Google manipulated searches to favor Hillary Clinton while showing disproportionately negative stories about Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. And now we know just how effective all that had been, and it almost left us with Hillary as president.” That was the idea boys!

Mac Slavo stated that Hillary might have even lost by a bigger margin “had Google not manipulated the search results in her favor. Even trending negative searches about the corrupt Democrat were suppressed.”

Perhaps Slavo’s most telling statement was “The research showed that the manipulation of results pages in search engines can shift the voting preferences of undecideds by anywhere between 20 and 80 percent, depending  on the demographic–meaning Google was attempting to rig the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton.”

Think about that the next time you pick a search engine to look for something and think you are getting an objective list of views from Google. Depending on the subject of the search, you are getting only what Google wants you to get and what they would rather you didn’t see ends up down the memory hole.

They operate on the same principle as the publishers of public school “history” books do. Slavo feels that much of  the collusion during the 2016 election was “…not between Trump and the Russians, but was between tech giants and their propaganda scheme and the Hillary Clinton campaign.” Knowing the low way that Hillary and associates operate, can you really disagree???

Maybe that’s one of the reasons Hillary is still griping about the results of the election. All the crooked and devious schemes she and her friends pulled off didn’t work out when they should have and she’s wondering who screwed up where that caused her to lose.

The one variable that Hillary forgot to reckon with is that there is a Sovereign God in Heaven that is concerned with the affairs of men, and  no matter how much political clout she may think she has, she is  not about to get a “get  out oft jail free” card from Him. She needs to think about that. I doubt that she will, but she should.

Two Sets Of Rules

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

It should be abundantly clear to most of us who inhabit this  sinful world that, when it comes to real justice, mostly, there is “just us” and no one else to  help. I have often watched Sean Hannity on Fox News refer to what we have in this country as a “two-tiered system of justice.” Mr. Hannity is right on target. That is exactly what we have–one set of rules for us ordinary peons and entirely another set for those who are the Elite–the Deep State, the Establishment, or whatever you choose to call them.

What we would be thrown in the  slammer for they automatically get a “get out of jail card” for. They are not held to the same standards as we are. It’s almost like “We, because of our ‘eliteness’ deserve to be treated better than you great unwashed rabble, because, after all, we are special and the rest of you are so common.” It’s like they are the “enlightened” ones while we are the “deplorables”–in the words of one of their most well-known (and devious).

Nothing could display this more than the by-now  infamous Mueller “Witch Hunt” for all those “Russian collusionists.” Well, at least for all those Russian collusionists that are associated with  Mr. Trump. Of course they may not really be collusionists, but that makes no difference whatever. If they have, in any way, associated with Mr. Trump in the last thirty years, they are automatically suspect of something, and if Herr Mueller cannot find a ham sandwich to indict, then he will settle for one of them.

You have to give him credit. In over a year he has turned up nothing, but not to worry–he will doggedly continue on until something turns up, no matter how inconclusive or worthless.

However, for those willing to see, something has turned up–Russian collusion with Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and much of the Democratic Party. The Uranium One deal with Putin is one thing that readily comes to mind and it’s pretty clear what went on with all that. Has Herr Mueller seen all that? He should, as he and other friends in the FBI were involved in it. But, again, not to worry, Mueller is making sure what he and his friends and the Clintons have all been complicit it gets no notice whatever. In fact, you could honestly say that Herr Mueller is one of the biggest slight-of-hand artists there is.

His part of this agenda is to make sure any of Trump’s friends who might have had Russian dressing on their salad thirty years ago gets an automatic subpoena as a “Russian collusionist” while at the same time, studiously ignoring all that he, Hillary, and their friends have done to help Russia get a major chunk of our uranium. To say that lots of dinero changed hands in their efforts would be to belabor the obvious.

So, while Trump or some of his friends may go to jail for, literally nothing worth mentioning, Mueller, Hillary, and Company will literally walk free.
Don’t hold your breath in this life waiting to see justice done.

I realize, in the final judgment no one gets away with anything and the Lord will set it all to rights and it will be like the rich man and Lazarus in the Bible. But we don’t know just how far off that will be. I imagine there are lots and lots of us who have watched as the Clintons and their cronies have, literally, gotten away with murder for decades and some of us would, just once in our lifetimes, like to see the grossly guilty get whats coming to them!

Update:  This is a little off subject, but important nonetheless. Last week Trump said: “We’ll be coming out of Syria, like very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out…We’re going to get back to our country…”

You have to wonder why he did what he did  in Syria last evening in the face of such a statement. It’s the exact opposite of what he promised. So what happened? Did the Deep State finally come up with a way to co-opt him, to get  control of  him so he’d be forced to do what they all have been clamoring for??? Something really rotten is going on and it does not bode well for America or normal Americans. When Trump goes back on what he said and starts doing the bidding of the Deep State you know something is has really gone wrong. Is he, in some way, being blackmailed, or what? Keep an eye on things because I have the feeling the country is about to get shafted–big time!

The Great Obamassiah–With More Delusion To Cover His Six!

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Many of you, like me over the past several years, probably grew increasingly tired of seeing Comrade Obama’s grinning mug on the “news” as he poked his all-knowing finger in our faces while condescendingly talking down to us about our ignorance and his omnipotence.

In my ignorance I actually dared to hope that now that Trump was going to be president I would not have to endure Obama’s grinning visage anymore. Silly of me. I should have known better and when I read about his (and George Soros’) plan to move into new digs within spitting distance of the White House I realized how foolish I had been. Obama, like the Clintons, wasn’t going anywhere. They had all been making plans to be on hand for the taking down of Donald Trump and the country. They mean to make us pay dearly for daring to vote for someone other than “Madame President.”

One Jewish journalist actually said at one point “We thought he (Obama) would be the messiah.” Having rejected her true Messiah she was now more than willing to accept Comrade Obama as His replacement.

Only problem is, the true Messiah (John 14:6) does not lie, whereas Obamassiah has been famous for that. Anyone remember “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” or “I’m not after your guns”? Those were two of his real biggies, but they were far from being alone. Unable to stop what has probably been a lifetime habit, he stated, during a Fox News” interview that “I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line. I guarantee it. I guarantee there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period.” These remarks were reported on for February 8th, and probably other places as well. However, in the same article, it was also stated that: “Two months before the presidential election, Lisa Page wrote to fellow FBI official Peter Strzok that she was working on a memo for then-FBI director James Comey because Obama ‘wants to know everything we are doing’.” If Obama wasn’t interfering (or guiding the investigation) why did he have to know what these people were doing? And the fact he wanted to know indicates he knew something was going on–and he did nothing to stop it.

Another interesting thing that doesn’t generally get talked about and brought out is that Carter Page, who was supposedly part of the Trump campaign and who was supposedly colluding with the Russians, actually worked for the FBI. If that is so, then why was he working with the Russians? Double agent? In this case I don’t think so. If Page is in that position, has worked for the FBI, is he there to make Trump look bad? If so, what does that tell you?

I’ve read several articles in the past week that noted Obamassiah’s continued curiosity about what the FBI was doing in the phony Russian collusion delusion. Undoubtedly he needs to keep abreast of current developments so he will know what prevarications to dribble out there regarding his involvement.

The congressional committees  of Devin Nunes and Charles Grassley  have done yeoman duty in dredging through the Swamp and providing the public with some information as to how deep-seated the corruption in the Swamp really is. I’ve seen some commentary from the Political Elite about the fact that Mr. Nunes previously ran a dairy farm, which seems to provoke some condescention  among them. All that means is that Mr. Nunes has done honest work in his life, probably something many of them can’t say.

There is more to come. Provided the Democrats and the RINO’s can’t find some way to conceal it from the public. They are less than ecstatic that even this much has been revealed. Had Madame President succeeded Obamassiah to the presidency this rottenness would have been covered up for yet more decades–and all this from a man who promised us all  the “most transparent administration” in history. Just goes to show you that when you elect a cultural Marxist with Muslim proclivities   to be president you get the exact opposite of what he promised you. That’s something we all need to remember. Maybe instead of calling him Obamassiah we should call him Obamaliar!