My Impressions Of Mexico

by Al Benson Jr.

Since Title 42 is supposed to expire later this week it brought Mexico to mind. I’ve been to Mexico twice over the years–once in 1960 and again in 1986. Needless to say, conditions in Mexico have not improved. If anything they might be even worse now than back then. In 1960 you didn’t have the drug cartels to worry about–all you had were plain old Mexican bandits, almost like the ones you see in the movies.

The other young man that I went with and I spent much time in Mexico, at least as far as Mexico City, on what was euphemistically called The Pan American Highway. In 1960 it was a two lane highway, with large parts of it unpaved, often with batches of rusting highway equipment, sitting beside some of the unpaved areas as though someone had just walked away from them thirty years ago and never returned.

When you got away from the cities, much of rural Mexico looked exactly like what you see in Western movies. There were times, driving along the “highway” when we saw groups of horsemen come out of the brush and ride along the cleared area next to the highway. There would be anywhere from ten to fifteen of these guys, all with the big Mexican sombreros, all armed with rifles and bandoliers of ammunition across their shoulders and all with machetes. We never knew who these guys were and since they were armed and we weren’t it did not seem prudent to inquire. Here and there in some of the towns we stopped in we saw men wearing handguns.

I don’t know what the politics in Mexico were at that point. I was not politically aware at that time. Political awareness did not come for me until after I was married, nine years later. My impression of Mexico in 1960 was that in many ways it was 75 years behind the times. In many small towns we went through the mode of transportation was about evenly divided between autos, trucks, and horses and wagons. We were stopped at what I presume were inspection stations between Mexican states, which gave the local police or whatever they were a chance to rummage through our possessions. I remember one stop in particular where the cop thought he had something on me because he saw a typewriter case of mine in the car trunk, which he commented on. I could literally see the disappointment on his face when he opened it up and found only aftershave lotion and deodorant.

Our reception in Mexico was a mixed bag. Some folks were interested and friendly, wanting to know all about the US. Others were sullen and one place we stopped someone said “Hey Americans, how much money you got?” He could have figured that out by looking at us. We were traveling on the cheap and had just enough to get by, nothing extra, and our clothes showed that. If I had to guess at the political climate in Mexico in 1960 I would say it was somewhat to the left, but then Mexico has had that problem at least since the early 1900s.

The second time I was in Mexico was in 1986 when my family was with me. This time we only went into extreme northern Mexico because I wanted my wife and kids to be able to say they had been in Mexico. We took a ride across the Rio Grande in an aluminum rowboat and then rented donkeys to ride up to a Mexican town from the river. The scenery was spectacular and just before we got to the town there was an old wreck of a car right where the road divided. It was an old Ford Edsel, a car they have not made since the early 1950s. Who know how long it had been there!

When we got into the town what amazed me was that it looked exactly the way the Mexican towns I remembered from 1960 had looked. No improvement! No improvement in Mexican rural life in 26 years! My son commented on the rundown appearance of the town and I told him that this is what socialism has done for Mexico. It was like taking a step back in time to 1960 again. I couldn’t get over it. Towns in our country didn’t look the same as they did in 1960, but it seems as if in Mexico, at least some of them still did. I understood why so many Mexicans wanted to come north. And it’s not that Mexicans are lazy. They are hardworking people that have basically been screwed by their own government that has no real interest in their welfare. Sound familiar?

What I’ve seen in Mexico is what the Biden Regime has planned for us and they are using the current immigrant situation to implement that. This country can’t solve Mexico’s problems by turning us into another Mexico, yet that’s what Biden and company are working at. They seem enthralled with that idea! They want Mexico’s socialism for us and they see a way to implement that here by giving illegal immigrants the right to vote if they can just make it across the Rio Grande. The idea is that most of these illegals will vote Democrat and help to turn us into a socialist country. Our leaders are planning for the future–their future–as they work to turn us into yet another socialist paradise.

“Normal Or Crazy”

by Al Benson Jr.

A House committee on federal misconduct is now under way. Suffice it to say it is long past time for this. This committee is exposing collusion between the FBI, the Democrats, and the media. Many wonder how the American people will have any chance for somewhere near honest government unless this political rot is exposed and pulled out. House Republicans are displaying how unequal the application of the law has been. Our two-tiered system of “justice” has reigned supreme!

On the Senate side, Senator Chuck Grassley’s committee has said the FBI is “infected with political sickness.” Who can argue with that? The FBI under Wray is little more than another appendage of the Democratic Party. Biden is the first president to surrender his government to the Woke mob.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the other night that, in the next election, Americans can have the choice between “Normal or crazy.” The agenda the democratic Party is pushing is far, far to the left of the mainstream. In fact, the Communist Party in this country may as well disband because the Democratic Party is pushing the agenda the Communists normally would. So the Communist Party is really unnecessary.

According to a new poll for Democrats in 2024, Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton are both at the top of the poll if the Deep State manages to get Biden out of the race. Gag me with a spoon in either case!

It has been reported that 61% of people want Hunter Biden investigated. House Republicans are dropping the hammer on him–with precious little help from socialist Democrats. There are national security reasons for investigating Hunter and his dealings in Communist China, in fact for the whole Biden family. The Democrats realize this so they will attempt to slow walk any material the Republican committee asks for in an attempt to deep six what could blow the Biden Regime out of the water! The Biden family is severely compromised in regard to both China and Ukraine.

Regarding the Chinese spy balloon, Biden says it was “not a major breach” of our security. Biden is unwilling to confront this issue because it makes China look bad and that’s the ultimate last thing he wants to do. That should give you some idea of where his real loyalties are.

Arthur Thompson, in his book Benedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World Order has observed that: “It is well known among the authorities that Chinese have been infiltrating America, even using shipping containers (although this practice has diminished during the open-door policy of Biden, as it is so much easier just to come across our borders). They also walk across our Northern border with Canada, though not in the numbers in the South…Immigration from China, for instance, is so great that many of the ballots for voting are printed in English, Spanish, and Chinese. One has to ask the question: If the people who are voting are actually citizens, why did they not learn English in order to pass the tests to become citizens?”

You notice that there is often talk about the Haitians, and people from Central America who enter this country illegally across our Southern border, but the Chinese entries are ignored in this conversation. Why do you suppose that is? Are these people involved in subversion and we are not supposed to realize they are here or what they are doing? Gee, you don’t suppose….???

Do Democrats Plan To Steal The Election?

by Al Benson Jr.

The title of this article is a rhetorical question. Sort of like asking who is buried in Grant’s tomb. Most of my readers already know the answer though some may not know how they plan to do it.

In yesterday’s article I mentioned something called the Transition Integrity Project. An article posed by William A. Jacobson on on 9/3/20 is quite revelatory.

Mr. Jacobson writes: “The Red Mirage theory, recently floated by a Democratic data firm and promoted by Axios, predicts that Trump will have a large lead on Election Night that will evaporate in the ensuing weeks as mail-in ballots are counted It provides a ground upon which Democrats will refuse to concede the election either Election Night or the following day. Rather, the claimed certainty that there is a wave of Biden mail-in votes yet to be counted is all Democrats will need to make a concerted post-Election Day effort to steal the election.”

If this is true, and at this point I have no reason to doubt Mr. Jacobson or the two writers I quoted yesterday, how do the Democrats already know all those mail-in ballots coming in so late will be for Biden. Or even a majority of them? I expect there would have to be a handful of “Trump votes” in there just to make it look legitimate. The fact that the Democrats plan to do what they are doing indicates to those of us with suspicious minds that they already know what will be contained in most of those mail-in votes. All the more reason for those that can to show up at the polls on Election Day and vote in person.

Jacobson also observed: “There was also something called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), a supposedly ‘bipartisan’ but the Republican side represented by the likes of Michael Steele and Bill Kristol, devoted Never Trumpers. So the TIP is the Democrat/Never Trump version of what might happen. TIP released a report, and almost every scenario they outline involves Democrat refusing to accept the Election Night result, indeed, the election result at all. They blame Trump for Democrats refusal to accept the election in a perverse justification for planning to refuse a Trump win.” This is a classic example of cultural Marxism at work–blame your opposition for what you are doing yourself. At this point the Democrats have been so penetrated by Marxist ideology they are probably incapable of doing anything else.

There was a time in our history, 150 years ago, when the Democrats were the conservatives and the Republicans were the socialists. Now both parties are socialist. Where does that leave the American people? The political establishment in both parties has sold us out to the Deep State. Outside of Trump and a handful of dedicated patriots we have no friends in Washington–only those who want to sell this country out.