Will Another “Obama Lite” Replace Boehner? That’s the Game Plan

by Al Benson Jr.

From the Gun Owners of America, http://www.gunowners.org  I received an alert dealing with the resignation of Speaker of the House John Boehner. It said, in part, “Realizing he did not have the votes to remain in power, at the end of October John Boehner will resign as Speaker of the House of Representatives, and from Congress entirely,..But our fight has just begun…Sadly, the gears are already in motion to replace Boehner with another compromiser.” Does that really surprise anyone?

Back in 2014 on http://www.wnd.com Joseph Farah did an article in which he stated: “It’s not important that the House Speaker be perfect. He or she just needs to be faithful to the people who placed them all in office and in power.Otherwise our two-party system is a joke. Right now it’s worse than a joke. It’s a lie.” If the truth be known, Mr. Farah, it’s been a lie for a long, long time–and the joke is on the voters who think differently.

Farah noted that Boehner was an “Obama collaborator, an appeaser, a co-dependent. Maybe he’s being blackmailed…Maybe he’s just afraid to take on Obama.” I think Boehner is definitely an Obama collaborator, that he really shares the same vision for the country that Obama shares (socialism) but he can’t, as a Republican, come right out and say that and so he cloaks it with what he does (or doesn’t do) in Congress under the Republican label. He’s “Obama-Lite.” Socialism with a “conservative” twinge!

According to another article on http://www.gatewaypundit.com  talk show host and author Mark Levin is warning Republicans in Washington: Don’t replace outgoing House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) with Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). The talk show host noted that Republicans need to learn a lesson and not repeat the same mistake they made after Eric Cantor’s “fall from power–namely that Republicans must replace Boehner with a ‘principled conservative’.” That’s solid advice, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. The Republican Establishment in Washington has no interest in “principled conservatives”–it is only interested in party hacks who will promote the One World Government line that Obama espouses but who will do it with standard Republican  rhetoric. At the national level there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. They are both controlled by the same people (Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission) and they both have an agenda that reflects the worldview of the people that really control them. The only real difference is the verbiage they spew out.

This “conservative” Congress we all voted for in the last election has been a laugh and now that the public is beginning to realize they were taken to the cleaners, the Elites in Washington have to make a few cosmetic changes–just enough to fool the rubes back home into thinking they really want reform and good government, when that’s the last thing they care about..

The real agenda in Washington, with both parties, is to merge this country into a One World socialist system where anything even remotely approaching national sovereignty has been jettisoned–let alone state sovereignty–that subject is totally beyond the pale, hence the ethnic cleansing now going on in the South. It’s all related folks. As the man says “connect the dots.” If you want some background material for all this then go on line and read None Dare Call It Conspiracy  by Gary Allen.

I would urge people to follow the advice of the Gun Owners of America and contact your Congress critters and let them know you want someone who will defend their Second Amendment rights as Speaker of the House. If enough people will do this it might, at least temporarily, help to assure that we don’t get another version of Obama-Lite as a House speaker, which, I get the distinct impression, is the game plan at this point.

Some Conservatives Starting To Recognize the Great Republican Con Game

by Al Benson Jr.

Awhile back I wrote an article entitled The Republican Party–There Are NO Conservative Roots There. It got a bit or circulation because some conservatives and patriots are beginning to realize that the current Republican Party is selling them out–lock, stock, and barrel. So, realizing that, they are becoming a little more open to checking out where the Republican Party might really have come from.

The Republican Party, the “Party of Lincoln” has always, with the exception of a few blips in the middle of the 20th century, been a party of big government. Their main strength has been in their deviousness in this area, their being able to fool so many people into believing that they were a party of “small government.” At many local levels this is probably true, but at real leadership levels it has never been true. It is true that the Democrats were once a party of small government, but those days are long gone also.

What we have today are two parties, much like two different wings on the same socialist turkey, but both are always pushing the turkey to fly to the left. One wing wants to turn left immediately, if not sooner, while the other wing is headed in the same direction, but wants to make the trip a little slower. The difference in the desired speed of the two wings discombobulates the turkey, but it also fools the voting public into believing that one wing actually wants to fly right, when nothing could be further from the truth.

From its inception, the Republican Party was a party of the left. You could tell that, if you understood history, by the first two presidential candidates they fielded–John C. Fremont and Abraham Lincoln. Suffice it to say that neither of them would have qualified as a bastion of the right. Both of them were enamored of socialists and outright communists, and some of the Republican candidates that followed after them had also strongly imbibed the foul wine of revolutionary socialism. You can tell that by reading some of what they said. They were big on centralized government, with all the real power in Washington.

Today’s Republican Party is no different. Oh, they will prattle about wanting less government when what they really want is less government controlled by their opposition so more of it can be controlled by them. Today’s Republican leadership is NOT against illegal aliens flooding the country, they are NOT against Obamacare (though they’d rather have it called Romneycare) and they are NOT against raising taxes on the middle class–they just want you to think they are.

I read lots of stuff on the Internet. Doing historical research tends to make one have to do that to keep up with what goes around, and what ought to go around but doesn’t–thanks to our intrepid “news” (blocking) media. There are some conservative and patriotic websites that finally seem to be waking up enough to recognize that this last big Republican victory in 2014 was hardly a victory for those of us opposed to big and unlimited government, but was, rather, a cleverly devised sham intended to keep the status quo in place while giving the illusion of “having thrown the bums out.”

Before the election, John Boehner roundly condemned (for public consumption) Obama’s illegal alien initiative that would leave most of the illegals still in the country. You got the impression from Boehner’s comments that the House was really going to go at it tooth and claw with Obama over the illegal issue. Within days of the election we found Boehner and the House more than willing to cave in and fund Obama’s illegal alien agenda through next September, all the while telling us how much they were opposed to it. It could be they really think this guy, Gruber, was right and that the American voters are just too stupid to know the difference. Or it could be that they really don’t give a hoot what we think. They, like Obama, have an agenda to fulfill for their bosses behind the scenes and they will do that no matter what we think. That’s the real reason they are there, you know. Doing the will of those that voted them into office doesn’t even begin to enter into the equation–not even worth the discussion.

So, let’s be brutally honest. The American people are about to get stiffed by both parties because both parties, at the national level and many state levels, are nothing more than socialist fronts for the internationalist crowd. All the rhetoric and hogwash thrown around to convince us differently is nothing more than bovine excrement. No one is Washington represents us, no matter what they say, and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. All you have to do is look at how they vote! That, and a little homework, will show you where their real loyalties lie.

The real conservatives and patriotic folks in this country won nothing in the last election except the privilege of being lied to by Republican socialists instead of Democratic socialists. Big improvement, ain’t it?

Amnesty And Checks And Balances–We are being had by both parties

by Al Benson Jr.

In case anyone hasn’t figured it out by now, let me say it as politely as I can and still keep it printable. The American citizens are being played for suckers by both political parties. The Republicans won the mid-term elections. So what? The Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberger triad is still in full control of both parties and with their One World Government agenda why should we actually think a Republican victory will make any real difference? Do we have any bold new leadership being chosen by Republicans for either the House or Senate? Hardly. We’ve got John Boehner–again, and he is sided by Mitch McConnell in the Senate. These guys have been in the political arena so long you can’t even classify them as retreads, and for the record, let’s not kid ourselves, neither one will do a blessed thing to help regain liberty for the American people. They will both play political parlor games with Comrade Obama and it will all continue to be cutesy poo as usual.

A glaring exmmple of this is the illegal alien issue. Obama, in outrageous socialist mode, wants the illegals rewarded for being illegal and he wants it right now. No messing around with even the parlor games! He has basically threatened Congress with a “do it my way or it’s the highway” approach and the Republican “leadership” (if you can call it that) is in the process of respectfully requesting of him how far he wants them to jump on the way up! That’s life in Sodom on the Potomac, folks. Get used to it.

There was an article on the World Net Daily website today that carried comments from an interview with Michael Savage that was quite revealing. Regarding illegal alien amnesty, Savage told his audience that if Obama issues an executive order to amnesty the illegals then “If the executive order is based on a statute, Congress can change the statute, thereby nullifying the order.” Savage advised Congress that, instead of all the first day ceremony they should “…go to power, go to the mats and change the statute. Day One.”

He noted that: “…the only instance in which Congress could not nullify an order is if the president is acting according to an executive power granted to him by the Constitution. But Obama’s executive order on immigration is not such a case. It is not constitutionally based. Congress has the power to repeal a presidential order or terminate the underlying authority on which the action is predicated.” Savage cited a Congressional Research Report from December of 2011 which outlined the authority that Congress possesses to stop an executive order. So it can be done under the proper circumstances.

Savage then asked: “Do I have to teach McConnell and Boehner what they can do? No. They know it. They just don’t want to do it.” That’s the whole situation right there. They know what they can and should do to head off Obama’s tyranny–but they’re not going to be bothered–which means one of two things. Either they are, for some reason, afraid to do the right thing or they really have no problem with Obama giving amnesty to the illegals, but they don’t dare admit that in public, so they’ll pretend the real solution doesn’t exist and will instead issue a stream of political pontification on “how hard they tried” but they just couldn’t stop the Obama steamroller on this one issue. (There will be more they won’t be able to stop him on either–or at least more they won’t really try on). It’s all such a pile of bovine fertilizer I’m surprised they don’t suffocate in it, but then after you’ve been inhaling that stuff for decades I guess you get used to it.

If the Constitutional “checks and balances” I’ve been writing about are really supposed to function (and I strongly doubt that) then, as I’ve said before, how can they ever work when there is rank collusion between the different branches of government?

When one branch has the ability to stop another branch from unconstitutional activity and refuses to do it or pretends it can’t do it, how is this system ever supposed to work?

Shouldn’t we demand from our legislators that they do what they can to stop this? Will it make any difference? If there is already an agenda in place to amnesty these millions of illegals and both president and Congress are just playing out the game, about all we can do, so it would seem, is to protest and let them know we know what’s going on and that we know it is a political game–one whose goal is the destruction of our culture. But, we can also pray and ask the Lord to expose what they are doing and to put an end to their playing the American public for suckers. Will American Christians be concerned enough to do even this much? I am not optimistic. I do hope I am wrong, but based on past performances…..