Some Conservatives Starting To Recognize the Great Republican Con Game

by Al Benson Jr.

Awhile back I wrote an article entitled The Republican Party–There Are NO Conservative Roots There. It got a bit or circulation because some conservatives and patriots are beginning to realize that the current Republican Party is selling them out–lock, stock, and barrel. So, realizing that, they are becoming a little more open to checking out where the Republican Party might really have come from.

The Republican Party, the “Party of Lincoln” has always, with the exception of a few blips in the middle of the 20th century, been a party of big government. Their main strength has been in their deviousness in this area, their being able to fool so many people into believing that they were a party of “small government.” At many local levels this is probably true, but at real leadership levels it has never been true. It is true that the Democrats were once a party of small government, but those days are long gone also.

What we have today are two parties, much like two different wings on the same socialist turkey, but both are always pushing the turkey to fly to the left. One wing wants to turn left immediately, if not sooner, while the other wing is headed in the same direction, but wants to make the trip a little slower. The difference in the desired speed of the two wings discombobulates the turkey, but it also fools the voting public into believing that one wing actually wants to fly right, when nothing could be further from the truth.

From its inception, the Republican Party was a party of the left. You could tell that, if you understood history, by the first two presidential candidates they fielded–John C. Fremont and Abraham Lincoln. Suffice it to say that neither of them would have qualified as a bastion of the right. Both of them were enamored of socialists and outright communists, and some of the Republican candidates that followed after them had also strongly imbibed the foul wine of revolutionary socialism. You can tell that by reading some of what they said. They were big on centralized government, with all the real power in Washington.

Today’s Republican Party is no different. Oh, they will prattle about wanting less government when what they really want is less government controlled by their opposition so more of it can be controlled by them. Today’s Republican leadership is NOT against illegal aliens flooding the country, they are NOT against Obamacare (though they’d rather have it called Romneycare) and they are NOT against raising taxes on the middle class–they just want you to think they are.

I read lots of stuff on the Internet. Doing historical research tends to make one have to do that to keep up with what goes around, and what ought to go around but doesn’t–thanks to our intrepid “news” (blocking) media. There are some conservative and patriotic websites that finally seem to be waking up enough to recognize that this last big Republican victory in 2014 was hardly a victory for those of us opposed to big and unlimited government, but was, rather, a cleverly devised sham intended to keep the status quo in place while giving the illusion of “having thrown the bums out.”

Before the election, John Boehner roundly condemned (for public consumption) Obama’s illegal alien initiative that would leave most of the illegals still in the country. You got the impression from Boehner’s comments that the House was really going to go at it tooth and claw with Obama over the illegal issue. Within days of the election we found Boehner and the House more than willing to cave in and fund Obama’s illegal alien agenda through next September, all the while telling us how much they were opposed to it. It could be they really think this guy, Gruber, was right and that the American voters are just too stupid to know the difference. Or it could be that they really don’t give a hoot what we think. They, like Obama, have an agenda to fulfill for their bosses behind the scenes and they will do that no matter what we think. That’s the real reason they are there, you know. Doing the will of those that voted them into office doesn’t even begin to enter into the equation–not even worth the discussion.

So, let’s be brutally honest. The American people are about to get stiffed by both parties because both parties, at the national level and many state levels, are nothing more than socialist fronts for the internationalist crowd. All the rhetoric and hogwash thrown around to convince us differently is nothing more than bovine excrement. No one is Washington represents us, no matter what they say, and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. All you have to do is look at how they vote! That, and a little homework, will show you where their real loyalties lie.

The real conservatives and patriotic folks in this country won nothing in the last election except the privilege of being lied to by Republican socialists instead of Democratic socialists. Big improvement, ain’t it?