Something Smells Rotten in Syria (and in Washington, too)

by Al Benson Jr.

By now almost everyone still breathing has to have heard about this gas attack in Syria. Everyone is screaming that Assad did it, but as is the case with the fake story of Trump and his Russian connections, I have not seen any real evidence yet. Emotional outbursts there have been in abundance, but let’s see some evidence. There was none with the “Trump and the Russians” scenario, so let’s see some with this gas attack that proves that Assad did it. They say that Assad has that sarin gas used in the attack. He probably does, but ISIS has it too, or at least some possibly watered-down form of it.

The reports I’ve heard say that Assad has been winning his war against ISIS. Not that the news media would ever report that. But, if that is the case, why would he then turn around and pull a bonehead stunt like this one that will set everything back for him and get the Americans mad at him? It makes no earthly sense!

And something else bothers me about all this. All of a sudden all the people in Washington that hated Trump’s guts; McCain, Pelosi, Schumer, and a whole batch of other slithery Leftist creatures who couldn’t say enough bad things about him re now, all of a sudden, staunchly in his corner and they just love what he is doing in Syria Does that tell you anything??? It tells me that they have finally found some way to co-opt him, whether through his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, which I have seen reports of, or in some other way. All of a sudden Trump is dealing with the very folks that, a month ago, were working to slit his political throat. And his core concept of making America great again  seems to be going by the wayside in favor of the neo-con’s “nation building” program in the Middle East–the exact same game Comrade Obama played so very well, as did Bush 2 before him.

Interestingly enough, on for April 8th, Mr. North noted: “Donald Trump campaigned on the promise he would ‘bomb the hell out of ISIS.’ Instead he bombed installations of the Syrian government. This was on April 6, 2017–one hundred years to the day after the House voted for war with Germany.” This gas attack has “false flag” written all over it!

Back when Slick Willie was in office and having his problems over “that woman” Monica Lewinsky, and there was talk of his impeachment, Clinton “suddenly” decided to bomb Iraq–with “the unanimous support of his national security advisers.” Given the body count of those who had disagreed with the Clintons over something or other, would they have dared to say anything else? According to an article on  for August 26, 2016: “The strikes–known as Operation Desert Fox–were ordered the day after the House of Representatives issued  report accusing the president of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ and ended the day the articles of impeachment were passed. Previous strikes in 1996, Operation Desert Strike, were ordered during a campaign finance scandal.” So it often seems that problems in the Middle East suddenly erupt when some scandal in Washington is about to erupt–and they are very convenient for focusing media and public attention on the Middle East, and away from the potential scandal problem. Understand, I am not accusing President Trump of anything, except possibly a lack of historical knowledge and probably taking bad advice from some family members, and those who have a vested interest in dragging us (and him) away from his “America first” agenda and back  into the New World Order agenda.

Consider this; there seems to be a growing possibility that this Susan Rice affair could turn out badly for Hillary and the other socialist Democrats and there has been mounting concern over that in the past couple weeks. How much have you seen in the prostitute press about that since this Syrian situation hit?

Mr. Trump has been a shrewd businessman (and I don’t mean that in a negative sense), but I don’t think he has yet grasped the totally devious nature of the political mind and how underhanded it can really be. That, and bad advice, for whatever reason, from his in-laws,  seems to be leading him down the New World Order’s garden path at this point. Let us pray the Lord will give him wisdom to see where all this is going, and that he might repent of it and return to his original vision–the one the voters put him into office to enact.

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