Why are the Illegal aliens REALLY here?

by Al Benson Jr.

The question I ask in the title of this short article has never really been answered. Oh, the socialists in both major parties will tell us they are here for a better life–to partake of the “American Dream.” To which I say horse puckey. Over ten million of them have illegally crossed our borders in the three years since Biden “appropriated” the office of president. Where Trump sought to keep them out, Biden has thrown open the border and invited the world to illegally enter in. Why?

It is no secret that Biden’s term in office is, in reality, Obama’s unofficial third term. If Biden can manage to “appropriate” another term then Obama will have had the benefit of two unofficial terms–and he probably feels that might give him the time to complete the “fundamental transformation of the United States” from what the Founders envisioned into the United Socialist States of Amerika. It’s Obama operatives that are really manning the guns in the Biden administration. I don’t think, half the time, Biden knows what day it is. He’s like a puppet that they can wind up and he will move until he runs down–at which time they can prime him with more uppers so he can go through the motions of doing what they want done. I’m not sure he’s had an original thought in years.

Now why do you suppose his regime has thrown the border open? And why do you suppose so many young men from hostile countries who are of military age have come in? The question arises to me, as I’m sure it has to others, are these illegal aliens from China, Russia, the Middle East and other such places here to enable Obama to “fundamentally transform the United States”?

Such an action can be done by letting them in and making sure lots of them get transported to states where they can be given the vote to alter election results. I’m sure that possibility has occurred to Biden/Obama. And, with recruitment for the military way down, does the possibility exist that many of the illegals may be put into the military–to be used as shock troops against American citizens? After all, the feds now feel that they have to defend the country from those “domestic terrorists” and all those nasty MAGA extremists. Were the illegals somehow put into the military they would probably have no qualms whatever about shooting American citizens if told to do so. I’m sure this also has occurred to Biden/Obama. And personally, I don’t think they’d have a problem with that–in fact I think it may be part of their overall plan.

Loyal American citizens with some brainpower left have to realize that Biden/Obama hate their guts. Both Biden and Obama have run regimes that put the average American citizen at the absolute bottom of the totem pole. We get the least and pay for the most because we are supporting half the world and we are supposed to be too stupid to figure that out. If you look at the Biden “presidency” you cannot find ANYTHING Biden has done that has benefitted us. It all helps our adversaries, some of whom have given the Bidens really big bucks. Biden’s scheme to combat “climate change” by forcing automotive companies to switch to all electric vehicles is one that benefits Communist China because we have to buy much of the material to do that from them. And his policy of placating Iran up to now (because it’s Obama’s favorite Muslim country) is rendering Biden almost a total nonentity where the Gaza War is concerned. Biden has to act like he is supporting Israel, but he must take care not to offend Iran or cause them any major difficulty. I don’t hold any brief for Israel–I think they’ve done, over the years, lots of stuff they shouldn’t have done. But it’s almost comical, if anything is in this dark age, to watch him trying to straddle the political fence.

And I’m not the only one to feel this way. I read an article for 2/2 on https://newswithviews.com by writer Lex Greene, that said, in part, “In 2008, a nobody from nowhere with a totally blank history and resume seized control of the Democrat Party and the oval office, with an open promise to ‘fundamentally transform America’ into something it was never intended to be, Barack Hussein Obama. It’s the only true words he ever spoke…The utter chaos and disaster we see everywhere today is a direct result of the 2008 election cycle, when a global Marxist con man seized the oval office…Obama also promised to create his own ‘civilian army,’ known today as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, street mercenaries called to action via free Obama phones.”

Green continued: “On November 3, 2020 Barack Hussein Obama was essentially elected (via massive illegal election procedures) to a third term under the guise of a Biden-Harris administration. Only a fool believes that Biden or Harris has the mental ability to run a summer lemonade stand. Obama runs the Biden administration and every awake, hinking person in the world knows it.”

He’s right on the money there. But then, the question comes up–who does Obama get his marching orders from? Obama is not the top rung on the One World Government ladder. Smart he may well be, but he still takes his orders from someone further up the food chain than he is. For those concerned enough to do some reading, I will suggest three books you can start out with. One is by Stanley Kurtz, entitled “Radical-in-Chief” which is a story of Obama’s total leftist existence. Another is Dan Smoot’s “Invisible Government” and this one is on the internet if I recall correctly. A third one is Arthur R. Thompson’s recent book “Benedict Biden: water carrier for the New World Order.” Mr. Kurtz’s and Mr. Thompson’s books can probably both be gotten at Amazon.com Check these out and it will give you a pretty good idea of who really moves the Obama/Biden Regime and why.

As if to buttress my contention, someone just sent me an article about Sen. Dick Durban from the late, great state of Illinois. It seems Durban thinks it’s a capital idea to allow the illegals in this country to have guns and military training so they can “help” defend the country–from who? He wants gun control for citizens, but wants to arm illegals with guns and military training. Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?

3 thoughts on “Why are the Illegal aliens REALLY here?

  1. Pingback: Why are the Illegal aliens REALLY here? – Dixie Drudge – Southern Nation News

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