Students Revolt In Peoples Republic Of Taxachusetts

by Al Benson Jr.

Every once in awhile you come across an article that shows you that public school indoctrination doesn’t always take, that some students, in spite of K-12 leftist programming, just don’t buy into all of it. Even in the Peoples Republic of Taxachusetts (formerly Massachusetts) the leftist establishment has been unable to totally brainwash all public school students (not that they haven’t tried). This is bad news for the educrats who will now have to double down on their perversion propaganda.

It seems, according to an article on that middle school students in Burlington, Massachusetts have finally had enough of the perversion propaganda the public school educrats have been shoving down their throats. On June 2nd, students at Marshall Simonds Middle School displayed their frustration with the school’s “Spirit Day” observation. This event was sponsored by the school’s Spectrum Club, “A student group for alleged LGBTQ students and allies. The group decorated the school with ‘Happy Pride Month’ signs and posters that said ‘why it’s not okay to say that’s so gay’, rainbow streamers, banners and stickers were handed out while students and faculty were encouraged to wear rainbow clothing.” And if you think this kind of “pride month celebration” only happens in places like Massachusetts, then you are dreaming!

However, in this particular middle school not all the students were on board with this perversion propaganda. Opposing students were reported tearing down “pride” banners and signs and to have chanted “U.S.A. are my pronouns” while they proudly wore red, white, and blue clothing, with their faces painted!

Naturally the school’s educrats condemned this revolt against perversion orthodoxy and were “extremely disheartened” that, for once, students stood up and refused to participate in this brainwashing exercise. This situation only displays what goes on in public schools across this country daily. Only problem is, in most cases the students don’t refuse to take part in the perversion thrown at them. It’s often easier for them to just go along even if they don’t like it. It takes real courage to stand up to the teacher and peer pressure they know they will suffer through if they stand up and say “Sorry, but I ain’t doing that.”

The fact that the educrats in this school condemned the students who refused to glorify “Pride Month” shows that the public school establishment is pledged to promoting perversion to and in your children. The educrats pontificated about “protecting free speech.” What about the free speech of the kids that protested this garbage? Well, no, they have no interest whatever in protecting “that” free speech if it goes against their leftist agenda! You see, some free speech is more equal than other free speech!

Some of you folks around the country unfortunate enough to have your kids in public schools ought to check those schools out and see what they are doing for “Pride Month.” You may not like what you find. This is the sort of educational tripe the folks in Kanawha County, West Virginia fought against having in their public schools almost 50 years ago now. If you want to find out about that read Karl Priest’s book Protester Voices. It may still be available at Amazon.

Another one you should check out is one by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman called Crimes of the Educators. It was published in 2015 and is available at Amazon. Between these two books you should get an idea of what has gone on in public (really government) schools for longer than many of you have been alive–and it is getting worse, not better. You will not reform these schools and it is an exercise in futility to even try. You need to get your kids out of them and keep them out. There are so many educational alternatives out there now that we did not have 40 years ago–homeschool programs, classical Christian schools, homeschooling co-ops and others, so that those wanting to get their kids out of public schools can come up with something that will work for them. All kinds of info on the internet for you to check out that we didn’t have years ago, but now it’s there. Make use of it for your kids’ sake!

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