Political Ignorance–Part of the new slavery

by Al Benson Jr.

There a lots of “useful idiots” out there on the Left that couldn’t pour water into a teapot if they were handed a set of gilt-edged instructions along with the water. Our government education system has largely aided in their brainwashing and programming so that they think good is evil, freedom is slavery, and white is evil, even though many of them are white. They claim that fascism is a “right-wing” phenomena when any sane person recognizes that there is precious little difference between a Nazi (national socialist) and a Communist (international socialist). They are both socialists!

I just read an article this morning from Frontpage Magazine, by Matthew Vadum, dealing with Antifa, which is supposed to be an “anti-fascist” group but, in reality, acts as though they were Hitler’s brown shirts. Vadum stated in his article: “Video has surfaced showing masked Antifa thugs in Berkeley, California, last weekend calling for the destruction of the United States…It is becoming increasingly clear that the Antifa, short for anti-fascists, are the de facto militant arm of today’s Democratic Party…” According to Tucker Carlson of Fox News “This is a political militia that is doing the bidding, in effect, of Nancy Pelosi and Governor Jerry Brown and the mayor of Berkeley and all these supposedly mainstream Democratic politicians, and this is a militia hurting American citizens for saying what they think.”

And Antifa does have an agenda, whether its own or one that was handed to it by those who finance its Leftist political gyrations or not, I don’t know, but I rather think it’s one that has been handed to them and then they have been left to work out the particulars.

They talk about “creating a culture of  tolerance and then they employ the techniques of cultural Marxism to work that out. They say “To create a culture of tolerance, we must first eliminate all forms of hate speech. Every idea critical of our movement or our way of thinking  must be condemned as” racist, homophobic, misogynist, etc.” So, in their “culture of tolerance” they are going to condemn the opinions or ideas of anyone that dares to disagree with their collectivist viewpoint.

And they continue: “…When all else fails, compare someone to Hitler. Every once in awhile one of our minority group friends will become disillusioned and speak out as a conservative a.k.a. fascist. Belittle them as delusional..Our color, my blackness, for example, comes first. It defines who I am. Black first, American second. Gay/Lesbian first, little person/dwarf second, American third, and so on.”

And they say: “Most liberals are not ANTIFA (yet) but soon they will be…Never call any immigrant ‘illegal,’ obviously.  They are ‘undocumented…By 2117, one hundred years from now, our goal is to have 70% of the US population be non-white…”

They have a big interest in controlling the media and they have a big interest in the social media. They have said: “Social media is the new battlefront of ideals. We’ve seen what kind of power these outlets yield by kicking major fascists off their platform before. This will and this must only continue.” In other words they work to eliminate opinions contrary to their own. So much for “free speech.” It’s “free” if they say it is–otherwise it’s “fascist.”

And they make an interesting statement for those of you who have kids. They say: “Many of us first learned about Antifa and gained our views on college campuses and universities across the country. This needs to start earlier. Take up teaching as a profession. Educate the youth about the dangers of fascism…Teach little Tommy not just how to read good, but also how to think and act good.”  All in accord with the worldview of Antifa, of course. Maybe, if his parents are not too sharp about what goes on in school, they can teach little Tommy to be a good socialist! That’s where they are really headed and one way for them to do that is to make sure that little Tommy has no cultural heritage, particularly Southern cultural heritage, to fall back on, because like all good socialists, Antifa knows that if they steal your youngsters’ history and heritage they will control his future instead of you.

This is just a little something for you to ponder as you sit in front of the TV and watch the Anfifa thugs, all masked, march across your screen in their quest to “destroy fascists” which means  you!  

2 thoughts on “Political Ignorance–Part of the new slavery

  1. In order to get right to the root of this modern day dilemma over slavery let me say this; It is documented but hidden that every single British Colony in North America which later became States withing a voluntary Union, the Slave Trade industry only existed in the Americas in the Northeast New England states of the Union. The New England state businessmen built special slave transport ships, build manufacturers to produce slave trade goods–trinkets, etc., hired Northeastern ship captains, crews and actually transported Africans from Northwest Africa and operated “slave auctions” to sell slaves in the U.S.A., but transported more millions to Caribbean Island nations, Central America and South America, which is where Northeaster slave owners shipped and sold their agriculture slaves when they learned the hard way that they could not compete against the Southeastern agriculturists in the production of non-perishable agriculture products that would stand up to overseas shipping, such as first tobacco, then cotton, indigo, rice, etc. that made the South wealthy.

    The most important point I make is that millions of African Blacks were bought from their African tribal chiefs and transported for sale in the America strictly for profit, and the Black Africans were transported by Northeastern Slave Traders under “Old Glory” the national flag of the United States of America and the flag of Great Britain before The Thirteen Colonies became States.

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