President Mitch or President Chelsea?

by Al Benson Jr.

The High Priesthood of the church of the New World Order is busily working toward some kind of consensus as to who they want to be our next president. It will probably be someone we would not want, but that’s totally immaterial. Their anointed candidate in 2016 blew it, for which she graciously blamed James Comey of the FBI and Wickileaks. This is a prime example of the revolution “eating its own.” And it usually couldn’t happen to nicer people. The French and Bolshevik Revolutions are other prime examples of this.

The only way the New World Order will dare leave Donald Trump in office is if they can find a way to totally co-opt his administration so that he, in effect, becomes a mere figurehead like Bush, Obama, Slick Willie, or Gerald Ford, or any of the other candidates that ran in the last election, with the exception of Rand Paul. They may co-opt Trump through his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who as it now seems to be turning out, has ties to George Soros. You don’t have to take my word for this. Check out or other websites on the Internet. If they can get at Trump through his family they will, to all intents and purposes, neuter him and relegate him to the same position held by Ronald Reagan, where the conservatives got all the talk but the liberals got all the action. If you think that wasn’t where Reagan was really at, you can find photos of him on the Internet schmoozing with Henry Kissinger–two good ol’ boys if ever you saw them!

But whatever plans the High Priesthood has for the Republicans (and they always have operatives in both major parties) they definitely continue to work with the Demoncrats (ooops, slip of the finger, I meant Democrats), because the Democrats are so openly far to the Left that the High Priesthood can’t help loving them.

I just read an article on May 2nd on that said: “A New York Times report names New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu as a potential 2020 presidential contender.”  The article continued: “Landrieu is gaining national attention over the removal of four confederate-era monuments in New Orleans.  DuBos (political analyst Clancy DuBos) says there’s speculation the monument controversy is a political move by the mayor to gain recognition around the country. ‘If he decides to do something on the national level, that will be part of his brand, and it will probably play well in the Democratic Party outside the Deep South,’ DuBos said.” So, just maybe there’s a chance that Mary’s brother will look forward to advancing his political career at the expense of Confederate cultural heritage and history. He may be willing to climb his way to the pinnacle of the political stars on the rubble left by the monuments to Lee, Beauregard, and Jeff Davis. Such action would surely endear him to the hearts of faux “Southerners” of the stripe of Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, and others who, even though many of them have maintained some semblance of their regional dialects, are still thoroughgoing Yankee/Marxists! All of this would be thoroughly in keeping with the religious practices of cultural Marxism and American Talibanism.

There is even some speculation that Hitlery’s daughter, Chelsea, might be getting groomed for a shot at the presidency. Now wouldn’t that be a stick in the eye!

With candidates like Mary’s brother and Hitlery’s daughter running for the Democrats, one has to wonder who the Republicans would oppose them with–Dracula maybe?

The exalted High Priests of New World Order religion have big plans for our future and the futures of our grandchildren, and I’d be wiling to bet most of us won’t be overly enthralled with them. Hunkering down and just hoping these disciples of Beelzebub  won’t notice you ain’t gonna do it. You need to shut your smart phones and smart TV’s off (because they can hear what you’re saying with them on) and you need, first of all, to pray, search the Scriptures, and from that you begin to learn the art of exposure and resistance.

3 thoughts on “President Mitch or President Chelsea?

  1. Mitch Landrieu has zero chance of carrying Georgia or Louisiana. Only an utter political fool would think his actions could’ve help him become president.

    • I think, should his handlers decide he is going to run, he won’t be putting much confidence in the Southern states. We don’t have as many electoral votes as some of those Yankee states. He, like Hillary, will be looking to states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York. He knows what he is doing now will make him toast in the South and I don’t think he cares.

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