Who Decides What Is Taught In The Classroom?

by Al Benson Jr.

I think the title of this article is a question that needs to be answered. Who decides what goes down in a public school classroom? Is it the individual teacher, the school board, or just who?

I just read an article on https://thebluestateconservative.com for 11/15/21 that was quite revelatory. It said, in part, “During a meeting of the Left Forum, two public school teachers were caught on video discussing how to slip communist dogma into classrooms. Wearing a ‘Tax the Rich’ shirt, Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles high school teacher and teachers union activist who contributes to ‘The Socialist Review,’ and Megan Behrent a New York City public school teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, participated in a panel discussion about injecting Marxism into classroom instruction. Across America, actvist teachers, nearly all of whom vote Democrat, are pushing Communist doctrine on captive young minds, often with the tacit approval of Democrat school administrators, Democrat-controlled schoolboards, and the Democratic Party.”

These are shocking statements, but they raise questions. Who is behind this leftist campaign in schools to indoctrinate rather than educate students? Is it the teachers unions? Individual teachers? The school boards? And it seems we now have lots of socialist teachers in public school classrooms. Is this reflective of the makeup of the teachers unions? And if we now have lots of socialist teachers is this reflective of what the schools that train teachers are turning out?

I don’t have the answers to a lot of these questions but maybe some of my readers have some of them they’d be willing to share with us. I know one thing–the early public school system in this country was the product of Unitarians who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, and socialists who had visions of government-controlled education.at the expense of Christian education, which they wanted done away with. They couldn’t do it all at once as that would have given the game away–so they did it gradually, over the decades. Most people never had a clue what was going on, but what the anti-Christs did to public education has brought us to where we are now.

So how do you deal with socialist teachers unions and socialist school boards and socialist designers of curriculum? Reformation of this system is impossible because what can you “reform” an anti-Christian school system back to when its beginnings were dubious starting out? I have asked that question for years. No one has ever given me an answer. They just ignore the question or try to change the subject like good political operatives will do when confronted with something they don’t want to address.

Redress of grievances over what public schools have done to generations of kids are an exercise in futility because they feel they have done no wrong. If you don’t want your kids indoctrinated in socialism then it is you who are wrong and not the socialists. They have no plans to recant, only to advance their agenda–which is to propagandize your kids whether you like it or not! The only thing you can do with such a system is to separate from it. Get your kids out of it and keep them out. There are plenty of other educational options available. I have noted some of them over the years. Do some homework on your own and see what you come up with.

4 thoughts on “Who Decides What Is Taught In The Classroom?

  1. I am a retired public school teacher with over 30 years of experience (including 3 as a principal) who formerly was an aggressive member (picket captain during West Virginia’s first teacher strike) of the NEA/AFT for over 20 years. I left the Union for my last ten, or so, years. I strongly believe the teacher unions are contributing to the ruination of the United States of America. But, even if there were no teacher unions, “public” (i.e. “government) schools CANNOT be fixed and it is a waste of valuable time and money to try. In the meantime, children are being forever ruined. We must RESCUE OUR CHILDREN.

    We can win a lot politically and lose it all! If we do not win the hearts and minds of the next generation—it is all a waste!! We must rescue our children!!!

    Whatever victories gained trying to fix public schools will need to be monitored beyond the capacity of hundreds of volunteers. The teacher unions and their allies such as the ACLU own government schools. They will quickly take back any lost ground and they will not hesitate to do it in an under-handed manner while your group operates honestly and ethically.

    Once Christian children are rescued (that should be where we spend time and money) we can begin to try to help those children who are left behind.

  2. Sam Blumenfeld believed the NEA was a big part of the problem. The teachers unions need to be exposed for what they do, but whether they are or not we still need to get Christian kids out of public schools and into good Christian schools or into good home school programs and there are several out there.

  3. Pingback: Who Decides What Is Taught In The Classroom? - Schoolhouse Report

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