Baltimore And Hillary–Two birds with one stone

by Al Benson Jr.

Those who have studied the MO (method of operation) for the Marxists for years have noted that one of their most productive agendas is to be able to undertake the orchestration of two seemingly unrelated events and work them out so that two different purposes are worked out and accomplished at the same time. They often, if all goes right, manage to kill two birds with one stone, and, as I said in an earlier article, many on the right are not even aware there are birds out there. As I check out some of these “conservative” websites on the Internet I have become convinced that many of them don’t have a clue while others–well, enough said.

Many have watched the purposeful escalation of racial tensions in Ferguson and Baltimore and can see how these situations are being worked out to serve the purpose of the One World Government clique. Part of this has been what we call the “Black Privilege” agenda. For so long we have had our “White Privilege” shoved down our throats that many, if not most, have not even had time to consider that such a thing as black privilege also exists–and that’s also part of the program.

Recently someone sent me and email entitled What Is Black Privilege? It contained some interesting observations, a couple of which I will pass along because they are so appropriate to where we find ourselves today with the riots, disruptions, propaganda, etc. One noted: Black privilege is being able to make insensitive comments about other races and not being called out for it (as white folks are). Another noted: Black privilege is having the establishment lie to cover up problems in your community or protect you from criticism (part of the Establishment being the “news” media). There were more, but you get the idea, and sadly, most of these happen.

Just yesterday morning (5/4/15) I read an article on by Michael Snyder which stated in part: One of the things that is being ignored by many in the mainstream media is the fact that one of the key organizers of the Baltimore protests is a former national chairman of the New Black Panther Party named Malik Shabazz. These days he is president of an organization known as Black Lawyers for Justice, but he is still definitely up to his old tricks. Why didn’t the “news” media see fit to tell us that? You can bet the farm that if some white guy was out organizing protests and he had been a former member of the KKK it would have been all over the front pages of the papers from Bangor to East Porkchop! But because Comrade Shabazz is a former member of the Marxist Black Panthers, that fact just gets omitted. Of course to tell people that would give the game away and that’s the absolute last thing the “news” media is interested in.

Shabazz was interviewed by the New York Times. No surprise there. And in that interview he prattled on about how he was only trying to encourage civil disobedience and not violence, but then he wasn’t surprised when the violence happened because people here haven’t received justice. To which Mr. Snyder replied in his article: If you are marching for justice you don’t throw objects at random bystanders, loot stores or attack vehicles that are just driving through the area. But all those things happened on Saturday night. So all of this wasn’t really about “justice”–it was about exercising your “black privilege” because you know you are not going to be called on the carpet for anything you have done. You’ve got a free pass–“Don’t collect the $200, but don’t go to jail either–just raise hell!” “Burn baby, burn!” Snyder noted that even some of the pastors were inflaming the tensions, and when you take the trouble to check out the backgrounds of some of the pastors who have been part of the “civil rights” movement you can see why. If some of these so-called “shepherds of the flock” are not Red, then they are very deep pink.

So we have the usual leftist black radicals (and some white ones who wear coats and ties that we are not being told about) causing the same racial conflagration they have been pushing for decades. Part of the Marxist class struggle technique is the division of the races (classes) and they have become quite adept at exploiting that. And so, on the street level we have this concern, but at the Ruling Elite level, they have yet another concern.

Hillary Clinton is supposed to be the next president and they have to make sure that little endeavor goes forward, lest their agenda be knocked into the proverbial cocked hat. However, Hillary has gotten lots of negative publicity of late. It’s been so bad that even the prostitute press can’t cover it all up and so it sits out there–like a rotten egg on the national stomach–presently souring what is supposed to be a smashing success for Hillary next year and it isn’t at all possible to sweep all of it under the media rug. The pile under the media rug would be as big as the Matterhorn, and even with media complicity it would be obvious. So, what to do?

What’s a good way to get people’s minds off Hillary and on to other things so they’re not still meditating on Benghazi or cattle futures? Anyone remember those cattle futures?  Someone must, because there’s lots of really negative stuff out there about Hillary and what dubious “benefits” her presidency would provide (much of it all too true). Be thankful for the alternate media. Again, what to do?

How about a few riots? You know–the whole nine yards–destruction of property, looting, some black “martyr” who has been offed (if you don’t look too close) by the police and then some marches, demonstrations, lots of racialist rhetoric (and black privilege exercised) and you go from there. You just get people all worked up about this and who even remembers Hillary and what a disaster for the American people she will be as president. A long time until the election you say? Who says the riots and demonstrations are all over now? Who says all this destruction will not continue in other venues for the next eighteen months and who says that Hitlery (oops, Hillary) won’t by then have been fed by the Establishment the “wonder solution” to all this that she can use as a campaign promise? “Elect me and you won’t have to wait for your pie in the sky by and by, you can have it now. Those nasty Republicans only want you to eat cake, but I’ll feed you the real goods–a bigger slice of the national pie.”

And so the Marxist mentalities that run Sodom on the Potomac (who are not all Communist Party members) are killing two birds with one stone–promoting racial animosity that will give them the opportunity to eventually restrict our liberties even more, while at the same time running interference for Hillary so she can quietly slide into the White House in the next election with most of the negative publicity all but forgotten. Black privilege will have been massaged and white culture will have had yet another nail driven into its coffin. Hey, Comrades–is this a plan or what???

2 thoughts on “Baltimore And Hillary–Two birds with one stone

    • Given the leftist tilt of this present regime I’d be willing to bet that if loyal Americans resisted something like this they would be arrested, and the foreigners would be allowed to do whatever they wanted, lest we be guilty of “offending” them.

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