“Hating Whitey” in Arizona–More Marxist lies for college students

by Al Benson Jr.

It seems that the racialist attacks against white people, at all levels, by the politically correct “progressives” (Socialists) are intensifying almost to the point of mania, or maybe it’s to the point of phobia.

One thing the multicultural racialists are really working overtime at is trying to get young people who are white to feel guilty about their “whiteness.” There is obviously no fear of God in these people, or recognition of Him and His will either. Common sense ought to tell people that it is God who determines a person’s race and his place in the world. Trying to make him or her feel guilty about what God has created is not only a slap in the face at them, but at God as well.

In that context, I read an article on January 24th from http://www.bizpacreview.com by Tom Tillison. Mr. Tillison noted that: “In a sign that America’s institutions of higher learning may be lost forever to the radical left, college students in Arizona can now take a class on ‘hating whitey.’ In line with the extreme academic discipline called critical race theory, which is prevalent on campuses across America, Arizona State University is now offering a course on ‘the problem of whiteness…’ Critical race theory is a belief that relies heavily on the myth of institutional racism, the opinion that racism is inherent in America, brought on by white privilege and white supremacy.” And guess what? The course is being taught by a white man. The racialist guilt mongers must really have done a job on him. Kind of reminds me of those Southern folks that have been taught to feel guilty about being Southerners or because their ancestors dared to stand up to Yankee/Marxist tyranny, and so the only way they can atone for their ancestors’ “sins” is to grovel at the feet of “Honest Abe” and denounce anyone who would sully his memory with the truth. Same scam, perpetrated by the same Cultural Marxists.

I did an article for this blog spot back in December of 2014 called Critical Theory and Confederate Heritage in which I explained that Critical Theory was a Marxist program aimed at tearing down any aspect of Western society the Marxists had targeted for destruction. They do it though literature, through the media, and through the “educational” process as they are doing now in Arizona and other places.

Mr. Tillison observed in his article: “Leave it to a white academic elitist, beset with ‘white guilt’ no doubt, to corrupt the minds of young Americans with a theory driven by identity politics that has little basis in reality.” The question might be asked—what are the political motives of the ones teaching this class? It turns out that there seems to be one man teaching this class, although, for awhile, it seems that no one could find out who he was. According to Ed Montini, a columnist for http://www.azcentral.com on January 26th “It almost sounds as if the assistant professor who is teaching (and perhaps dreamed up) an Arizona State University class called ‘U.S Race Theory and the problems of whiteness’ is in hiding…Most of us in Arizona had no idea about this class. A total of 18 students signed up for it…” Someone at Fox News got wind of this and did a story on it, but I have not seen anyone else in the “news” media do all that much with it. But I can understand why they tried to keep it quiet. The course is based on “Critical Race Theory” which is but one branch of the Marxist Critical Theory agenda.

Lauren Clark, a campus correspondent who works at exposing liberal abuses and bias at colleges and universities for Campus Reform in Arizona noted the name of the Assistant English Professor who is teaching the class. He is Lee Bebout. Clark reported: “The course, first reported by the Pundit Press, is taught by Lee Bebout, an assistant professor of English at ASU. According to his faculty page, critical race theory is one of his research interests.” A junior economics major, James Malone, was quoted in Campus Reform and he said: “I think it shows the significant double standard of higher education institutions. They would never allow a class talking about the problem of ‘blackness.’ And if they did, there would be an uproar about it. But you can certainly harass people for their apparent whiteness.” Mr. Malone has hit the nail on the head. That’s exactly the way this game is played. And in many cases what it amounts to is nothing more than black racialism.

So what it amounts to is that this assistant English professor at Arizona State is an advocate of a Marxist theory, created by Marxist academics at the Frankfurt School, which I have also written about in the past. It is a theory that makes the public, as well as impressionable students, susceptible to Marxist dogma by attacking the family, your religious faith, your culture, and now your race. It is nothing more than Cultural Marxism applied to the race question and this professor is an advocate of it. What does that tell you about his education and the people that taught him? I’ve asked this question before—is this what people pay big bucks to these big schools for? So their kids can sign up to learn about Marxist Critical Theory? If I knew anyone in Arizona thinking about sending their kids to this school, I would exhort them long and loud to forget it. The Left has taken control of most of what passes for higher education in this country and it happened long, long ago. It is not a recent development When the communists that ran the Frankfurt School in Germany left that country where did they go to—Columbia University, and that was in the 1930s!

Somehow, we have, in America, got to get over the delusion that we can send our kids to schools dominated by Marxists and expect those schools to send us little Patrick Henry’s home. Folks, it ain’t gonna happen. All you will get back from such schools is good little “fellow travelers” who will, whether they even realize it or not, hew the Marxist line in just about everything they touch. We have got to ask the Lord for His guidance in where we educate our kids and hope and pray that He will overlook generations of willful ignorance and still be willing to help us.

4 thoughts on ““Hating Whitey” in Arizona–More Marxist lies for college students

  1. TRS posted about this a week or so ago where they link to Bebout’s ASU directory page which is secure, but their breakdown is as follows:
    ‘His particular field of interest is critical race theory, though he has also taught classes in important topics like “Trans-border Chicano Literature” and “Advanced Studies in Theory/Criticism.”’

    Their summation:
    ‘The assertion that being white is a problem is ludicrous, unless of course you are trying to marginalize white America in order to elevate other racial groups. But of course this is exactly what the goal is. I guess it never occurred to the instructor or the university that those non-white groups have the capacity to lift themselves up. Do they lack the agency to act on their own behalf? Is it now the job of our universities to pick racial favorites and push the #sobrave political agendas that America by and large rejects? The Progressives would have us believe so, though it is not true.’

    On the topic of sending your kids to college, the only ‘conservative’ seeming college I can find is Patrick Heny College, but I’m not sure most kids would really benefit from a 4 year degree. Considering modern bachelor’s degrees are about the equivalent of an HS diploma and so few recent grads can find a job, parents should probably just spend their college savings on a ‘doomstead’ with enough acreage to feed the whole family because you know that’s where we’re heading.

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