And You Thought “Reconstruction” Was Over

By Al Benson Jr.

You thought “reconstruction” was all over better than a hundred years ago. You public school “history” book told you it ended in 1877 when the last of the Yankee troops packed it in and went home. Guess what? Your “history” book lied. “Reconstruction” never really ended. The first phase of it ended in 1877 and the feds gave you all a few years to think that your states in the South really belonged to you again.

However, that was not the case. It was never to be the case again. “Reconstruction was to be ongoing. They just didn’t bother to tell you that. The Russian revolutionary Bakunin, in the 1860s, was a radical supporter of “reconstruction” in this country and he had some comments about it we would do well to consider. Walter Kennedy and I, in our book Lincoln’s Marxists, noted a few of his comments on page 159. Bakunin stated that in order for “popular self-government” to become a reality “another revolution…far more profound” had to take place. Bakunin’s comments are thought-provoking. They show that he considered the War of Northern Aggression to be a revolution. But then, in referring to “another revolution” was he speaking of the “reconstruction” introduced with the adoption of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, the “civil rights” movement, and the emergence of worldwide communism. This would seem to be the case, and if so, then we in this country, in the 1860s, really experienced two revolutions, and the second one is ongoing today.

Look at the “civil rights voting act” of 1965, which only applied to the Southern states. That was “reconstruction” folks—ongoing in the 1960s, along with busing kids all over the place to public schools, which schools were and are also a major part of “reconstruction.” So you see, it never really stopped.

The Supreme Court, those champions of the “constitutionality” of Obamacare, recently issued a ruling, (a good one for a change) that said that the formula which had been used to determine which states and locations were to be subjected to “extra federal scrutiny” was now outdated, obsolete. According to  “The ruling freed Texas and certain other jurisdictions from having to submit their voting laws to the Justice Department before they could take effect. The covered jurisdictions were mostly in the South, where there was a history of denying minorities the right to vote. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion that the South had changed dramatically, however.” Not according to “Fast and Furious” Holder, though. It hasn’t changed enough to suit him. It isn’t being totally controlled by minorities yet and you almost get the idea that this ticks Holder off. The fact that there was just as much of a problem in some areas of the North is not worth addressing so we’ll just ignore that and concentrate on that “evil” South.

Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah even commented on this. He observed: “The Civil War’s been over for a long time. We’ve come a long way on civil rights. The states are doing a terrific job in most respects. The ones that used to be under the Voting Rights Act provisions—some of the worst states are blue states (liberal states) where they treat minorities like dirt and don’t take care of them, don’t do what’s right by them—and frankly, a lot of this liberal stuff comes out of those states.”

So Holder is planning to ask a federal court to “reinstate the Justice Department’s authority over voting laws in Texas…” And I imagine if he manages through some sort of political maneuvering to accomplish that, do you think he will not do the same in the rest of the Southern states? Don’t be naïve. The Supreme Court took away a little of Holder’s power and authority and he wants it back! He’s like a big kid who pouts and fusses when he doesn’t get his way. At the risk of sounding disrespectful, I hope the Supreme Court tells him to go fish. At that point he may try to have the Chief Justice arrested–after all, Lincoln tried that once.

Senator Hatch said “The court has already ruled—and he’s trying to reinstitute the Voting Rights Act in Texas. If I were a Texan I would be so doggone livid that I don’t think I’d ever get over it. That’s not the thing to do and it just shows how this administration ignores the law. They act like they’re despots. The president is continually doing things he has no authority to do—and yet they just do it and they get away with it because many in the liberal media just will not hold them to account…”

Of course they are despots. Senator Hatch should realize that by this time and they are not going to change. They do whatever they want because they can and the political prostitutes we call the “news” media give them a pass. And anyone who points out their evil designs is a “low level terrorist” or a “conspiracy theorist.” We have gotten to the point in this country where telling the truth constitutes a conspiracy if that truth exposes government wrongdoing.

And you’re going to tell me that “reconstruction” is over? The feds are playing the same games now they played in the 1860s and getting by with them now just like they did then. So how has “reconstruction” ended?

Well, it has “ended” because the “history” books don’t call it “reconstruction” anymore. Now it’s referred to as “cultural diversity” or “cultural empowerment” or some other such lofty euphemism. Folks in the South who are knowledgeable call it “cultural Marxism” or “cultural genocide” because that’s what “reconstruction” really is—and Mr. Holder and his bosses want to make sure it continues until the dominant culture is either destroyed or neutralized.

9 thoughts on “And You Thought “Reconstruction” Was Over

  1. The US DC Court has no authority to tell any state how their voting laws ( or any laws) should be. NO ONE in DC has any authority outside of their own DC borders = so how are states even listening to them ? States are their own nations, with their own laws that DC has no juridiction or say over at all. So why are not the States charging the court & all of DC with TREASON !? If States do not stand up for themselves against the warden dictators in DC, they will never have ANY say in their own states at all – which is what DC is
    after so they can finish their plan of even eliminating all state borders so there are no stn

  2. It is foolish, no, FUTILE, to make pronouncements based upon a set of laws that long ago ceased to be in force in the nation. The constant reference to the Constitution regarding ANY of the acts of the present tyranny in Washington achieves nothing but to waste the time of those who base their actions – and REactions – to the “national” government upon the Constitution. It is a straw man, a fantasy, a fiction without meaning or influence.

    To begin with, the document has been corrupted beyond reclamation by those “amendments” placed therein after the conclusion of the “civil war” (sic). The proper means by which such amendments were to be added to that document had been destroyed by that war and therefore, all such additions where either suspect or downright illegal. Worse, the history of the nation after 1789 was such that the document was never much adhered to anyway. The constantly growing power of the central government was entirely contrary to both the letter and the spirit of the original document and so by the mid-19th century, pretty much all that was in place was an “idea” of what the Constitution stood for – limited government power and the consent of the governed – without there being any actuality of such a concept. Ergo, to say that the federal government CANNOT do this or that based upon the Constitution is ludicrous. Whether it is legally able to do something is not the same as it being ACTUALLY able to do that thing and I believe that it is only going to get worse.

    • If you read my 17 part series about the Constitution on my Anti-Establishment History blog spot a couple years ago now you realize that I am no big fan of the Constitution. In fact I pointed folks to Gary North’s book “Conspiracy in Philadelphia” in those articles.

  3. Pingback: And You Thought “Reconstruction” Was Over | revisedhistory | DICK.GAINES.AMERICAN! @ Gunny G's... Since 1997

  4. “and the second one is ongoing today.”
    In an interview I listened to on Youtube,Father Malachi Martin said that when he grew up, which would have been in Ireland in the 40s, one decade was a “tintype of the one before” but that today we have a “culture of constant change”. One consequence of this constant change is to divorce people from tradition, it prevent them from feeling a part of a long line stretching back to antiquity, and then from perceiving that this line extends forward into the future from them. Deracinated, to be rootless, and therefore fruitless.

    • That rootlessness is part of what the popular culture and its promoters are trying for force on us today. The elites don’t want you to remember who your forebears were because that gives you a sense of place in society and for many, that sense of place is worth defending. That’s one reason they hate Southern heritage so much. It is rooted in place, tradition, and, yes, in Christian faith also, so it has to be trashed at every opportunity.

  5. “Governor, if I had foreseen the use those people designed to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox Courthouse; no sir, not by me. Had I foreseen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in my right hand.” ~ General Robert E. Lee, September 1870, in a letter to Governor Fletcher S. Stockdale

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