Has America Turned Into Amerika?

by Al Benson Jr.

The question asked in the title of this article is one that I have pondered in recent years. As a youngster, growing up in the late 1940s and into the 1950s, I grew up in what we all supposed was the typical American culture. Some of it was good and wholesome. Some if it wasn’t, but either way, it was still our culture and at no point did we or do we want to see that part of it that is still good destroyed.

A little over thirteen years ago my wife and I visited some good Christian friends in West Texas. On our way home (we still lived in Illinois at the time) we drove up through the Oklahoma Panhandle, an area that has some pleasant memories for me, and on up into Western Kansas because we wanted to take a look at Dodge City, the temporary place of residence for so many legendary frontier lawmen (if such they can be called).

It was an interesting side trip (and I won’t even begin to get into our experience in abolitionist East Kansas) and while in Dodge City, we stopped in a small fast food restaurant for lunch after our sightseeing. Mind you, this was Dodge City, Kansas, not El Paso, Laredo, or Nogales. As we sat and ate lunch I listened to those around me talking. The one language I heard almost none of was English. Ninety percent of what I heard was Spanish, or the Mexican variation of it. We had run into similar situations in the Chicago suburbs, where you could go into one of the park district parks in some towns and you could hear just about every language except English being spoken. As we sat in the restaurant in Dodge City, the question entered my mind–is this even America anymore?

I used to write article for the old Sierra Times web site before it faded out seven or eight years ago. I was sorry to see it go because it was a site that tried to hit a lot of areas that needed discussion, and they had some good writers. At any rate, I did an article for Sierra Times noting our experience in Dodge City and questioning just where American culture had disappeared to because there seemed to be so little of it left among all the third world cultures that were busy taking over here. I got all kinds of email over that article, some from folks who had shared our experience and could identify with what I said. To be charitable, some of what I got could legitimately be labeled “hate mail.” I never forgot the one that wished me “a long, miserable life.” But I had touched a nerve. I had addressed the looming disintegration of real American culture and I wasn’t supposed to do that. It wasn’t politically (culturally Marxist) correct. My comments offended some of the radicals from Somalia or Ecuador or some other places that were turning up in my country and promoting their cultures at the expense of mine. I was just supposed to ignore that and say nothing. Just “be nice.” I wasn’t.

Since that experience in Dodge, I have taken note of the cultural trends in places we have traveled to. Understand, I don’t have a big problem with folks from other countries coming here legally and bringing their cultures with them–as long as they don’t try to bury mine. When we got to where they want to replace mine with theirs and I’m supposed to accept that–then we have a problem.

Since they come here from other places, there has to be a certain amount of assimilation–on their part–to what we have here. For them to refuse any assimilation and expect Americans to bow to their cultural norms, is patently ludicrous. Hopefully, most thinking Americans will not do it–and they shouldn’t. Fuzzy-headed liberals who are afraid of offending anyone except white Christians may do it and there will be the usual pressure from the media and certain “civil rights” groups to cave into these people and let them deep-six your culture, but most folks, hopefully, will not buy into that hogwash.

If some of these recently-arrived Muslim groups want Sharia Law, that’s great–let them go live in a country that already practices that. We don’t need it here, no matter how many gurus from Washington tell us it would be beneficial for us. Our laws, at least at one point, were based on the truth of Holy Scripture, and that’s as it should be.

I noticed just today, an article on the Western Journalism web site about a group of public school kids in the Denver area that had been taken on a “field trip” to visit a synagogue, a Greek Orthodox Church, and a mosque. the girls were all required to wear “Islam-compliant clothing” into the mosque. There are lots of problems with this. Why is a public school taking these kids to visit these places anyway? Religion is supposed to be anathema in public schools–or is it only Christianity that is? Why aren’t Christians complaining about this? And if Christians today really understood the cultural implications of their actions, would they even have their kids in public schools?

On our recent trip to Minnesota I noticed, in the suburbs around Minneapolis, a goodly number of Muslim people. They are on their way to becoming a sizable minority there. I have to wonder, if and when they get to comprise 20 percent of the population in that area, will there be demonstrations in favor of Sharia Law for them in the areas they live in, thereby setting up a situation whereby you have two groups living side by side in this country but being governed by different sets of laws? That’s a prescription for disaster if ever I saw it. And don’t think it can’t happen here. There are some ultra-liberal (socialist) judges in this country that would dearly love to preside over the judicial destruction of whatever Christian culture we might still have left. It’s what they live for.

There are Marxists in Washington and many of our state capitals that have agendas that call for the gradual dismemberment of America and replacing it with some form of Third World socialism. That effort has been going on for decades while Americans, particularly Christians, have slept–confident that the Lord would “rapture” them out of this mess here before it got really sticky so they wouldn’t have to stand up and DO anything about it. What if that doesn’t happen for them? What about the possibility that the Lord’s solution to all this is to make them go through what they so badly wanted to get away from–to make them learn to have to deal with it and to begin to put up some Christian resistance to evil? Heaven forbid that they even have to think about that!

And what about those thousands of illegal immigrants that have, in the past year, been swamping out Southern border–employing the basic Cloward-Piven strategy of overwhelming the system to the point where it shuts down literally? The Border Patrol has been turned away from its duty of apprehending illegals and pressed into service as an illegal diaper-changing service. What effect does all this have on our culture?

To be continued.

10 thoughts on “Has America Turned Into Amerika?

  1. “We have very little faith in the Lord, very little trust. If we trusted the Lord as much as we trust a friend when we ask him to do something for us, neither we as individuals nor our whole country would suffer so much.”
    -Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica (1914-2013)

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